#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- Mode: Python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4 -*- # ####################################################################################### # This script analyzes the output of STATION_ASF test-case with IDEALIZED forcing # in order to test the validity of computed fluxes and bulk transfer coefficient. # Beside an explicit standard output message, a result file is spawned: # * SBCBLK.success => the test passed ! # * SBCBLK.fail => the test failed ! # # Brodeau, 2020 # ######################################################################################## import sys from os import path as path import math import numpy as nmp from netCDF4 import Dataset l_t_shift = False ; # because time interp. is set to FALSE into "&namsbc_blk" of NEMO... # # ==> so time array is shifted by 30 minutes but fluxes are the same (persitence of input fields ???) l_alg = [ 'ECMWF' , 'NCAR' , 'COARE3p0', 'COARE3p6', 'ANDREAS' ] nb_alg = len(l_alg) # Variables to check: l_var_rf = [ 'Qsen' , 'Qlat' , 'Qlw' , 'Tau', 'Cd' , 'Ce' ] ; # In forcing file "IDEALIZED/input_output_VALIDATION_IDEALIZED.nc" l_var_ot = [ 'qsb_oce' , 'qla_oce' , 'qlw_oce', 'taum', 'Cd_oce', 'Ce_oce' ] ; # names in the NEMO/STATION_ASF output file (check file_def_oce.xml) nb_var = len(l_var_rf) dir_figs='.' size_fig=(13,8) fig_ext='png' rDPI=100. class fclrs: OKGR = '\033[92m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' # Getting arguments: narg = len(sys.argv) if not narg in [3,4]: print('Usage: '+sys.argv[0]+' ( for more/debug)'); sys.exit(0) cf_rf = sys.argv[1] cdir_out = sys.argv[2] l_more = False if narg==4: l_more = ( sys.argv[3] in ['m','M'] ) import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Populating and checking existence of files to be read # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> def chck4f(cf): cmesg = 'ERROR: File '+cf+' does not exist !!!' if not path.exists(cf): print(cmesg) ; sys.exit(0) print('\n') # Input forcing/valid file: chck4f(cf_rf) id_rf = Dataset(cf_rf) vt = id_rf.variables['time'][:] cunit_t = id_rf.variables['time'].units id_rf.close() Nt_rf = len(vt) vtime_rf = nmp.zeros(Nt_rf); vtime_rf[:] = vt[:] del vt print(' *** in forcing/valid file, "time" is in "'+cunit_t+'", Nt = '+str(Nt_rf)+'\n') # STATION_ASF output files (1 file per algorithm): cf_nemo = [] for ja in range(nb_alg): cfi = cdir_out+'/STATION_ASF-'+l_alg[ja]+'_IDEALIZED_1h_20200101_20200105_gridT.nc' chck4f(cfi) cf_nemo.append(cfi) print('\n *** NEMO/STATION_ASF output files we are goin to check:') for ja in range(nb_alg): print(cf_nemo[ja]) print('\n') #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Getting time array from the first file: id_nm = Dataset(cf_nemo[0]) vt = id_nm.variables['time_counter'][:] cunit_t = id_nm.variables['time_counter'].units ; print(' "time_counter" is in "'+cunit_t+'"') id_nm.close() Nt = len(vt) vtime_nm = nmp.zeros(Nt); vtime_nm[:] = vt[:] del vt if Nt != Nt_rf-1: print('ERROR: the two files do not agree in terms of record lengrth: '+Nt_rf-1+' vs '+Nt) print('\n *** Excellent! We are going to look at surface fluxes under '+str(Nt)+' different scenarios of air-sea stability/wind-speed conditions...\n') # 30 minute shift, just like NEMO vtime = nmp.zeros(Nt) if l_t_shift: vtime[:] = 0.5*(vtime_rf[:-1] + vtime_rf[1:]) else: vtime[:] = vtime_rf[:-1] # Debug: #for jt in range(3): # print(' Ref. , Nemo "', vtime_rf[jt], vtime_nm[jt], vtime[jt]) #sys.exit(0) ## IREPORT = nmp.zeros((nb_alg,nb_var), dtype=int) # Loop on the fields to control... ################################### jv=0 for cv in l_var_rf: cv_rf_m = cv+'_mean' cv_rf_t = cv+'_tol' cv_nemo = l_var_ot[jv] print('\n\n ==== Checking variable '+cv_nemo+' against '+cv_rf_m+' !') F_rf_m = nmp.zeros( Nt ) F_rf_t = nmp.zeros( Nt ) F_nemo = nmp.zeros((Nt,nb_alg)) wnd_rf = nmp.zeros( Nt ) ; #DEBUG tzt_rf = nmp.zeros( Nt ) ; #DEBUG qzt_rf = nmp.zeros( Nt ) ; #DEBUG sst_rf = nmp.zeros( Nt ) ; #DEBUG id_rf = Dataset(cf_rf) trf_m = id_rf.variables[cv_rf_m][:] ; # Nt+1 trf_t = id_rf.variables[cv_rf_t][:] ; # Nt+1 trf_wnd = id_rf.variables['wndspd'][:,1,1] ; # DEBUG trf_tzt = id_rf.variables['t_air'][:,1,1] ; # DEBUG trf_qzt = id_rf.variables['rh_air'][:,1,1] ; # DEBUG trf_sst = id_rf.variables['sst'][:,1,1] ; # DEBUG id_rf.close() if l_t_shift: # 30 minute shift, just like NEMO F_rf_m[:] = 0.5 * (trf_m[:-1] + trf_m[1:]) F_rf_t[:] = 0.5 * (trf_t[:-1] + trf_t[1:]) else: F_rf_m[:] = trf_m[:-1] F_rf_t[:] = trf_t[:-1] wnd_rf[:] = trf_wnd[:-1] tzt_rf[:] = trf_tzt[:-1] qzt_rf[:] = trf_qzt[:-1] sst_rf[:] = trf_sst[:-1] for ja in range(nb_alg): calgo = l_alg[ja] print(' *** '+calgo+' => '+cf_nemo[ja]) id_nemo = Dataset(cf_nemo[ja]) F_nemo[:,ja] = id_nemo.variables[cv_nemo][:,1,1] ; # it's 3x3 spatial domain, taking middle point ! id_nemo.close() if l_more: #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # How does all this look on on a figure? cfig = l_var_rf[jv]+'_'+calgo+'.'+fig_ext print(' *** will plot '+cfig) fig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=size_fig, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax1 = plt.axes([0.08, 0.25, 0.9, 0.7]) # plt.plot(vtime, F_nemo[:,ja], label='NEMO['+calgo+']', zorder=1) plt.plot(vtime, F_rf_m[:], color='k', label='MEAN REF!', zorder=10) # +- rtol enveloppe: plt.fill_between(vtime, F_rf_m[:]-F_rf_t[:], F_rf_m[:]+F_rf_t[:], alpha=0.2) # ax1.grid(color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.3) plt.legend(loc='best', ncol=1, shadow=True, fancybox=True) plt.savefig(cfig, dpi=int(rDPI), transparent=False) plt.close(1) print('') #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Does the field look okay with respect to reference +- tolerance ? l_overshoot_a = nmp.any( F_nemo[:,ja] > F_rf_m[:]+F_rf_t[:] ) l_overshoot_b = nmp.any( F_nemo[:,ja] < F_rf_m[:]-F_rf_t[:] ) if l_overshoot_a: print(fclrs.FAIL+'\n ***** BAD overshoot + for '+calgo+' for variable '+cv+' !!!\n'+fclrs.ENDC ) if l_overshoot_b: print(fclrs.FAIL+'\n ***** BAD overshoot - for '+calgo+' for variable '+cv+' !!!'+fclrs.ENDC ) if l_overshoot_a or l_overshoot_b: print(fclrs.FAIL+'\n ***** TEST NOT PASSED FOR '+calgo+' for variable '+cv+' !!!\n'+fclrs.ENDC ) else: # We're all good ! IREPORT[ja,jv] = 1 if l_more: print(fclrs.OKGR+'\n ***** TEST PASSED FOR '+calgo+' for variable '+cv+' :D !!!\n'+fclrs.ENDC ) jv=jv+1 l_ok = nmp.sum(IREPORT[:,:]) == nb_var*nb_alg if l_ok: ctxt = 'PASSED' ccol = fclrs.OKGR cf_report = 'SBCBLK.success' else: ctxt = 'FAILED' ccol = fclrs.FAIL cf_report = 'SBCBLK.fail' print(ccol+'\n\n ############ FINAL REPORT ############\n'+fclrs.ENDC) f = open(cf_report, 'w') f.write("### Sanity-check report for SBCBLK generated via 'STATION_ASF/EXP00/sbcblk_sanity_check.sh'\n\n") for ja in range(nb_alg): calgo = l_alg[ja] if nmp.sum(IREPORT[ja,:]) == nb_var: # Success for this algo cbla = ' ***** Algorithm "'+calgo+'" PASSED sanity check !!!\n\n' print(fclrs.OKGR+cbla+fclrs.ENDC ) ; f.write(cbla) else: # Algo FAILS! cbla = ' ***** Algorithm "'+calgo+'" FAILED sanity check !!!\n' print(fclrs.FAIL+cbla+fclrs.ENDC ) ; f.write(cbla) (idx_fail,) = nmp.where(IREPORT[ja,:]==0) for jv in idx_fail: cbla = ' ==> on variable '+l_var_rf[jv]+' !\n\n' print(fclrs.FAIL+cbla+fclrs.ENDC ) ; f.write(cbla) # Conclusion: clist='' for cc in l_var_ot: clist=clist+cc+', ' cbla = ' Test performed on the following NEMO prognostic variables:\n ==> '+clist[:-2]+'\n' print(ccol+cbla+fclrs.ENDC ) ; f.write(cbla+'\n') cbla = ' ####################################\n' +\ ' ### TEST '+ctxt+' FOR SBCBLK ! ###\n'+\ ' ####################################\n\n' print(ccol+cbla+fclrs.ENDC ) ; f.write(cbla) f.close()