! ! $Id$ ! C Agrif (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) C C Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) C Christophe Vouland (Christophe.Vouland@imag.fr) C C This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify C it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by C the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or C (at your option) any later version. C C This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, C but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of C MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the C GNU General Public License for more details. C C You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License C along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software C Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. C C C CCC Module Agrif_Util C Module Agrif_Util C C CCC Description: CCC This module contains the two procedures called in the main program : CCC Agrif_Init_Grids allowing the initialization of the root coarse grid, and CCC Agrif_Step allowing the creation of the grid hierarchy and the management CCC of the time integration. C C Modules used: C Use Agrif_Clustering Use Agrif_bcfunction C IMPLICIT NONE C Contains C Definition of procedures contained in this module. C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Step C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Step(procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to create the grid hierarchy and to manage the time integration CCC procedure. It is called in the main program. C CC Method: CC Call on subroutines Agrif_Regrid and Agrif_Integrate. C C Declarations: C Optional :: procname External :: procname C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI Logical :: mpi_was_called Integer :: code, ierr #include "mpif.h" C C Call Agrif_comm_def(mpi_comm_agrif) CALL mpi_initialized ( mpi_was_called, code ) IF( code /= MPI_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE(*, *) ': Error in routine mpi_initialized' CALL mpi_abort( mpi_comm_world, code, ierr ) ENDIF IF( .NOT. mpi_was_called ) THEN CALL mpi_comm_dup( mpi_comm_world, mpi_comm_agrif, code) IF( code /= MPI_SUCCESS ) THEN WRITE(*, *) ' Agrif_Step: Error in routine mpi_comm_dup' CALL mpi_abort( mpi_comm_world, code, ierr ) ENDIF ENDIF If (Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep == 0) Then Call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_AGRIF,Agrif_Nbprocs,code) Call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_AGRIF,Agrif_ProcRank,code) Call MPI_COMM_GROUP(MPI_COMM_AGRIF,Agrif_Group,code) endif #endif C C Creation and initialization of the grid hierarchy C C C Set the clustering variables C Call Agrif_clustering_def() C if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS .EQ. 1 ) then C If (Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep == 0) then C Call Agrif_Regrid C Call Agrif_Instance & (Agrif_Mygrid) endif C else C If (mod(Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep, Agrif_Regridding) == 0) then C Call Agrif_Regrid C Call Agrif_Instance & (Agrif_Mygrid) C endif C endif C C Time integration of the grid hierarchy C If (present(procname)) Then Call Agrif_Integrate (Agrif_Mygrid,procname) Else Call Agrif_Integrate (Agrif_Mygrid) endif C If (associated(Agrif_Mygrid%child_grids)) & Call Agrif_Instance (Agrif_Mygrid) C Return C End Subroutine Agrif_Step C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Step_Child C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Step_Child(procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to create the grid hierarchy and to manage the time integration CCC procedure. It is called in the main program. C CC Method: CC Call on subroutines Agrif_Regrid and Agrif_Integrate. C C Declarations: C Optional :: procname External :: procname C C Time integration of the grid hierarchy C If (present(procname)) Then Call Agrif_Integrate_Child (Agrif_Mygrid,procname) Else Call Agrif_Integrate_Child (Agrif_Mygrid) endif C If (associated(Agrif_Mygrid%child_grids)) & Call Agrif_Instance (Agrif_Mygrid) C Return C End Subroutine Agrif_Step_Child C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Regrid C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Regrid C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to create the grid hierarchy from fixed grids and CC adaptive mesh refinement. C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C Local variables Type(Agrif_Rectangle), Pointer :: coarsegrid_fixed Type(Agrif_Rectangle), Pointer :: coarsegrid_moving INTEGER :: j INTEGER :: nunit INTEGER :: iii Logical :: BEXIST C if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS .EQ. 0 ) & Call Agrif_detect_all(Agrif_Mygrid) ! Detection of areas to be refined C Allocate(coarsegrid_fixed) Allocate(coarsegrid_moving) C if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS .EQ. 0 ) & Call Agrif_Cluster_All(Agrif_Mygrid,coarsegrid_moving) ! Clustering C if ( Agrif_USE_FIXED_GRIDS .EQ. 1 .OR. & Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS .EQ. 1 ) then C If (Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep == 0) Then nunit = Agrif_Get_Unit() open(nunit,file='AGRIF_FixedGrids.in',form='formatted', & status="old",ERR=99) ! Opening of the Agrif_FixedGrids.in file j = 1 C Creation of the grid hierarchy from the Agrif_FixedGrids.in file do iii = 1 , Agrif_Probdim coarsegrid_fixed % imin(iii) = 1 coarsegrid_fixed % imax(iii) = Agrif_Mygrid % nb(iii) + 1 enddo C Call Agrif_Read_Fix_Grd (coarsegrid_fixed,j,nunit) close(nunit) ! Closing of the Agrif_FixedGrids.in file C Nullify(Agrif_oldmygrid) Nullify(Agrif_Mygrid % child_grids) C C Creation of the grid hierarchy from coarsegrid_fixed Call Agrif_Create_Grids (Agrif_Mygrid,coarsegrid_fixed) Else Agrif_oldmygrid => Agrif_Mygrid % child_grids endif else Agrif_oldmygrid => Agrif_Mygrid % child_grids Nullify(Agrif_Mygrid % child_grids) endif C if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS .EQ. 0 ) then C Call Agrif_Free_before_All(Agrif_oldmygrid) C C Creation of the grid hierarchy from coarsegrid_moving Call Agrif_Create_Grids & (Agrif_Mygrid,coarsegrid_moving) C endif C C Initialization of the grid hierarchy by copy or interpolation C Call Agrif_Init_Hierarchy(Agrif_Mygrid) C if ( Agrif_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS .EQ. 0 ) & Call Agrif_Free_after_All(Agrif_oldmygrid) C Deallocate(coarsegrid_fixed) Deallocate(coarsegrid_moving) C Return C C Opening error C 99 INQUIRE(FILE='AGRIF_FixedGrids.in',EXIST=BEXIST) If (.not. BEXIST) Then print*,'ERROR : File AGRIF_FixedGrids.in not found.' STOP Else print*,'Error opening file AGRIF_FixedGrids.in' STOP endif C End Subroutine Agrif_Regrid C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_detect_All C ************************************************************************** C Recursive Subroutine Agrif_detect_all(g) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to detect areas to be refined. C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C C Pointer argument TYPE(Agrif_Grid) ,pointer :: g ! Pointer on the current grid C C Local variables Type(Agrif_pgrid),pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive ! procedure INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: size INTEGER :: iii Real :: g_eps C parcours => g % child_grids C C To be positioned on the finer grids of the grid hierarchy C do while (associated(parcours)) Call Agrif_detect_all (parcours % gr) parcours => parcours % next enddo C g_eps = huge(1.) do iii = 1 , Agrif_Probdim g_eps=min(g_eps,g%Agrif_d(iii)) enddo C g_eps = g_eps/100. C if ( Agrif_Probdim .EQ. 1 ) g%tabpoint1D=0 if ( Agrif_Probdim .EQ. 2 ) g%tabpoint2D=0 if ( Agrif_Probdim .EQ. 3 ) g%tabpoint3D=0 C do iii = 1 , Agrif_Probdim if (g%Agrif_d(iii)/Agrif_coeffref(iii).LT. & (Agrif_mind(iii)-g_eps)) Return enddo C Call Agrif_instance(g) C C Detection (Agrif_detect is a user s routine) C do iii = 1 , Agrif_Probdim size(iii) = g%nb(iii) + 1 enddo C SELECT CASE (Agrif_Probdim) CASE (1) Call Agrif_detect(g%tabpoint1D,size) CASE (2) Call Agrif_detect(g%tabpoint2D,size) CASE (3) Call Agrif_detect(g%tabpoint3D,size) END SELECT C C Addition of the areas detected on the child grids C parcours => g % child_grids C Do while (associated(parcours)) Call Agrif_Add_detected_areas (g,parcours % gr) parcours => parcours % next enddo C Return C End Subroutine Agrif_detect_all C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Add_detected_areas C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Add_detected_areas(parentgrid,childgrid) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to add on the parent grid the areas detected CC on its child grids. C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C Type(Agrif_Grid),pointer :: parentgrid,childgrid C Integer :: i,j,k C do i = 1,childgrid%nb(1)+1 if ( Agrif_Probdim .EQ. 1 ) then If (childgrid%tabpoint1D(i).EQ.1) Then parentgrid%tabpoint1D(childgrid%ix(1)+ & (i-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(1)) = 1 endif else do j=1,childgrid%nb(2)+1 if (Agrif_Probdim.EQ.2) then If (childgrid%tabpoint2D(i,j).EQ.1) Then parentgrid%tabpoint2D( & childgrid%ix(1)+(i-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(1), & childgrid%ix(2)+(j-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(2)) = 1 endif else do k=1,childgrid%nb(3)+1 If (childgrid%tabpoint3D(i,j,k).EQ.1) Then parentgrid%tabpoint3D( & childgrid%ix(1)+(i-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(1), & childgrid%ix(2)+(j-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(2), & childgrid%ix(3)+(k-1)/Agrif_Coeffref(3)) = 1 endif enddo endif enddo endif enddo C Return C End Subroutine Agrif_Add_detected_areas C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Free_before_All C ************************************************************************** C Recursive Subroutine Agrif_Free_before_All(g) C CCC Description: C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C Pointer argument Type(Agrif_pgrid),pointer :: g ! Pointer on the current grid C C Local pointer Type(Agrif_pgrid),pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive ! procedure C C parcours => g C Do while (associated(parcours)) If (.not. parcours%gr%fixed) Then Call Agrif_Free_data_before(parcours%gr) parcours % gr % oldgrid = .TRUE. endif C Call Agrif_Free_before_all (parcours % gr % child_grids) C parcours => parcours % next enddo C Return C C End Subroutine Agrif_Free_before_All C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Free_after_All C ************************************************************************** C Recursive Subroutine Agrif_Free_after_All(g) C CCC Description: C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C C Pointer argument Type(Agrif_pgrid),pointer :: g ! Pointer on the current grid C C Local pointers TYPE(Agrif_pgrid),pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive proced Type(Agrif_pgrid),pointer :: preparcours Type(Agrif_pgrid),pointer :: preparcoursini C C Allocate(preparcours) C preparcoursini => preparcours C Nullify(preparcours % gr) C preparcours % next => g C parcours => g C Do while (associated(parcours)) C if ( (.NOT. parcours% gr% fixed) .AND. & (parcours% gr% oldgrid ) ) then Call Agrif_Free_data_after(parcours%gr) endif C Call Agrif_Free_after_all (parcours % gr % child_grids) C If (parcours % gr % oldgrid) Then Deallocate(parcours % gr) preparcours % next => parcours % next Deallocate(parcours) parcours => preparcours % next Else preparcours => preparcours % next parcours => parcours % next endif enddo C Deallocate(preparcoursini) C Return C End Subroutine Agrif_Free_after_All C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Integrate C ************************************************************************** C Recursive Subroutine Agrif_Integrate(g, procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to manage the time integration of the grid hierarchy. C CC Method: CC Recursive subroutine and call on subroutines Agrif_Instance & Agrif_Step C C Declarations: C C C Pointer argument Type(Agrif_Grid),pointer :: g ! Pointer on the current grid C C main procedure name Optional :: procname External :: procname C C Local pointer Type(Agrif_pgrid),pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive ! procedure C C Local scalars INTEGER :: nbt ! Number of time steps ! of the current grid INTEGER :: k INTEGER :: iii C C Instanciation of the variables of the current grid If (g%fixedrank .NE.0) Then Call Agrif_Instance & (g) End If C C One step on the current grid C If (present(procname)) Then Call procname () Else write(*,*) 'The name of the step subroutine has not ' write(*,*) 'been given in the subroutine Agrif_Integrate' stop endif C C Number of time steps on the current grid C g%ngridstep = g % ngridstep + 1 C parcours => g % child_grids C C Recursive procedure for the time integration of the grid hierarchy Do while (associated(parcours)) C C Instanciation of the variables of the current grid Call Agrif_Instance & (parcours % gr) C C Number of time steps nbt = 1 do iii = 1 , Agrif_Probdim nbt = max(nbt, parcours % gr % timeref(iii)) enddo C Do k = 1,nbt C If (present(procname)) Then Call Agrif_Integrate (parcours % gr, procname) Else Call Agrif_Integrate (parcours % gr) endif C enddo C parcours => parcours % next C enddo C C End Subroutine Agrif_Integrate C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child C ************************************************************************** C Recursive Subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child(g,procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to manage the time integration of the grid hierarchy. C CC Method: CC Recursive subroutine and call on subroutines Agrif_Instance & Agrif_Step. C C Declarations: C C C Pointer argument Type(Agrif_Grid),pointer :: g ! Pointer on the current grid C C main procedure name Optional :: procname External :: procname C C Local pointer Type(Agrif_pgrid),pointer :: parcours ! Pointer for the recursive ! procedure C C One step on the current grid C If (present(procname)) Then Call procname () Else write(*,*) 'The name of the step subroutine has not ' write(*,*) 'been given in the subroutine Agrif_Integrate' stop endif C C Number of time steps on the current grid C C parcours => g % child_grids C C Recursive procedure for the time integration of the grid hierarchy Do while (associated(parcours)) C C Instanciation of the variables of the current grid Call Agrif_Instance & (parcours % gr) C If (present(procname)) Then Call Agrif_Integrate_Child (parcours % gr, procname) Else Call Agrif_Integrate_Child (parcours % gr) endif C parcours => parcours % next C enddo C C End Subroutine Agrif_Integrate_Child C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Init_Grids C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Init_Grids C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to initialize the root coarse grid pointed by Agrif_Mygrid. CCC It is called in the main program. C C Declarations: C C INTEGER :: iii C C definition of the probdim and modtypes variables C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI #include "mpif.h" Agrif_MPIPREC = MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION #endif Call Agrif_probdim_modtype_def() C Agrif_UseSpecialValue = .FALSE. Agrif_UseSpecialValueFineGrid = .FALSE. Agrif_SpecialValue = 0. Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid = 0. C C Allocation of Agrif_Mygrid allocate(Agrif_Mygrid) C C Space and time refinement factors are set to 1 on the root grid C do iii = 1 , Agrif_Probdim Agrif_Mygrid % spaceref(iii) = 1 Agrif_Mygrid % timeref(iii) = 1 enddo C C Initialization of the number of time steps Agrif_Mygrid % ngridstep = 0 Agrif_Mygrid % grid_id = 0 C C No parent grid for the root coarse grid Nullify(Agrif_Mygrid % parent) C C Initialization of the minimum positions, global abscissa and space steps do iii= 1 , Agrif_Probdim Agrif_Mygrid % ix(iii) = 1 Agrif_Mygrid % Agrif_x(iii) = 0. Agrif_Mygrid % Agrif_d(iii) = 1. C Borders of the root coarse grid Agrif_Mygrid % NearRootBorder(iii) = .true. Agrif_Mygrid % DistantRootBorder(iii) = .true. enddo C C The root coarse grid is a fixed grid Agrif_Mygrid % fixed = .TRUE. C C Number of the grid pointed by Agrif_Mygrid (root coarse grid) Agrif_Mygrid % rank = 1 C C Number of the root grid as a fixed grid Agrif_Mygrid % fixedrank = 0 C C Initialization of some fields of the root grid variables Call Agrif_Create_Var (Agrif_Mygrid) C C Initialization of the other fields of the root grid variables (number of C cells, positions, number and type of its dimensions, ...) Call Agrif_Set_numberofcells(Agrif_Mygrid) C Call Agrif_Instance (Agrif_Mygrid) C C Allocation of the array containing the values of the grid variables Call Agrif_Allocation (Agrif_Mygrid) C Call Agrif_initialisations(Agrif_Mygrid) C nullify(Agrif_Mygrid % child_grids) C C Total number of fixed grids Agrif_nbfixedgrids = 0 C Call Agrif_Instance (Agrif_Mygrid) C End Subroutine Agrif_Init_Grids C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Deallocation C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Deallocation C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to initialize the root coarse grid pointed by Agrif_Mygrid. CCC It is called in the main program. C C Declarations: C C INTEGER :: nb C C definition of the probdim and modtypes variables C do nb = 1, Agrif_NbVariables if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array1) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array1) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array2) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array2) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array3) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array3) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array4) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array4) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array5) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array5) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array6) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % array6) C if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray1) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray1) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray2) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray2) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray3) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray3) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray4) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray4) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray5) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray5) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray6) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % iarray6) C if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray1) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray1) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray2) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray2) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray3) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray3) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray4) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray4) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray5) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray5) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray6) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % larray6) C if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % carray1) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % carray1) if ( associated(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % carray2) ) & Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var % carray2) enddo C do nb = 1, Agrif_NbVariables Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars(nb) % var) enddo C Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars) C Deallocate(Agrif_Mygrid) C End Subroutine Agrif_Deallocation C End module Agrif_Util