/******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* CONV (converter) for Agrif (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) */ /* */ /* Copyright or or Copr. Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) */ /* Cyril Mazauric (Cyril_Mazauric@yahoo.fr) */ /* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and */ /* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, */ /* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C */ /* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL */ /* "http://www.cecill.info". */ /* */ /* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, */ /* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only */ /* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the */ /* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited */ /* liability. */ /* */ /* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated */ /* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the */ /* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, */ /* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also */ /* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced */ /* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore */ /* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their */ /* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or */ /* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the */ /* same conditions as regards security. */ /* */ /* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had */ /* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms. */ /******************************************************************************/ /* version 1.6 */ /******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "decl.h" char lvargridname[LONGNOM]; char lvargridname2[LONGNOM]; /******************************************************************************/ /* variablenameroottabvars */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the string */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* -----------> Agrif_Mygrid % tabvars (i) % var */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ char *variablenameroottabvars (variable * var) { char *ligne; ligne = (char *) malloc (LONGLIGNE * sizeof (char)); sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Mygrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var ", var->v_indicetabvars); return ligne; } /******************************************************************************/ /* variablenametabvars */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the string */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* if iorindice = 0 ----------> Agrif_Gr % tabvars (i) % var */ /* */ /* if iorindice = 1 ----------> Agrif_Gr % tabvars (12) % var */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ char *variablenametabvars (variable * var, int iorindice) { char *ligne; ligne = (char *) malloc (LONGLIGNE * sizeof (char)); if ( iorindice == 0 ) sprintf (ligne, " Agrif_Gr %% tabvars(%d)%% var", var->v_indicetabvars); else sprintf (ligne, " Agrif_Gr %% tabvars(i)%% var"); return ligne; } /******************************************************************************/ /* variablecurgridtabvars */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the string */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* -----------> Agrif_Curgrid % tabvars (i) % var */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ char *variablecurgridtabvars (variable * var,int ParentOrCurgrid) { char *ligne; ligne = (char *) malloc (LONGLIGNE * sizeof (char)); if ( ParentOrCurgrid == 0 ) sprintf (ligne, " Agrif_tabvars(%d) %% var", var->v_indicetabvars); else if ( ParentOrCurgrid == 1 ) sprintf (ligne, " Agrif_tabvars(%d) %% parent_var %% var", var->v_indicetabvars); else if ( ParentOrCurgrid == 2 ) sprintf (ligne, " Agrif_Mygrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var", var->v_indicetabvars); else if ( ParentOrCurgrid == 3 ) sprintf (ligne, " Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var", var->v_indicetabvars); else sprintf (ligne, " AGRIF_Mygrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var", var->v_indicetabvars); return ligne; } /******************************************************************************/ /* vargridnametabvars */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the string */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* if iorindice == 0 -----------> Agrif_Gr % tabvars (i) % var % array1 */ /* */ /* if iorindice == 1 -----------> Agrif_Gr % tabvars (12) % var % array1 */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ char *vargridnametabvars (variable * var,int iorindice) { char *tmp; char tmp1[LONGNOM]; tmp = variablenametabvars (var,iorindice); strcpy(tmp1,tmp); if ( todebugfree == 1 ) free(tmp); sprintf (lvargridname, "%s", tmp1); if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "REAL")) { if ( !strcasecmp(var->v_nameinttypename,"8") ) sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% darray%d", var->v_nbdim); else if ( !strcasecmp(var->v_nameinttypename,"4") ) sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% sarray%d", var->v_nbdim); else sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% array%d", var->v_nbdim); } else if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "INTEGER")) { sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% iarray%d", var->v_nbdim); } else if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "LOGICAL")) { sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% larray%d", var->v_nbdim); } else if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "CHARACTER")) { sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% carray%d", var->v_nbdim); } strcat (lvargridname, lvargridname2); return lvargridname; } /******************************************************************************/ /* vargridcurgridtabvars */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the string */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* if ParentOrCurgrid == 0 --> Agrif_Curgrid % tabvars (i) % var % array1 */ /* */ /* if ParentOrCurgrid == 1 --> Agrif_tabvars (i) % parent_var %var % array1 */ /* */ /* if ParentOrCurgrid == 2 --> Agrif_Gr % tabvars (i) % var % array1 */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ char *vargridcurgridtabvars (variable * var,int ParentOrCurgrid) { char *tmp; char tmp1[LONGNOM]; tmp = variablecurgridtabvars (var,ParentOrCurgrid); strcpy(tmp1,tmp); if ( todebugfree == 1 ) free(tmp); sprintf (lvargridname, "%s", tmp1); if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "REAL")) { if ( !strcasecmp(var->v_nameinttypename,"8") ) sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% darray%d", var->v_nbdim); else if ( !strcasecmp(var->v_nameinttypename,"4") ) sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% sarray%d", var->v_nbdim); else sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% array%d", var->v_nbdim); } else if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "INTEGER")) { sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% iarray%d", var->v_nbdim); } else if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "LOGICAL")) { sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% larray%d", var->v_nbdim); } else if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "CHARACTER")) { sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% carray%d", var->v_nbdim); } strcat (lvargridname, lvargridname2); return lvargridname; } /******************************************************************************/ /* vargridcurgridtabvarswithoutAgrif_Gr */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the string */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ char *vargridcurgridtabvarswithoutAgrif_Gr (variable * var) { sprintf (lvargridname, "(%d) %% var", var->v_indicetabvars); if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "REAL")) { if ( !strcasecmp(var->v_nameinttypename,"8") ) sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% darray%d", var->v_nbdim); else if ( !strcasecmp(var->v_nameinttypename,"4") ) sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% sarray%d", var->v_nbdim); else sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% array%d", var->v_nbdim); } else if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "INTEGER")) { sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% iarray%d", var->v_nbdim); } else if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "LOGICAL")) { sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% larray%d", var->v_nbdim); } else if (!strcasecmp (var->v_typevar, "CHARACTER")) { sprintf (lvargridname2, "%% carray%d", var->v_nbdim); } strcat (lvargridname, lvargridname2); return lvargridname; } /******************************************************************************/ /* vargridparam */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the string which contains */ /* dimension list */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* DIMENSION(jpi,0:jpj) ----------->"1:jpi,0:jpj" */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ char *vargridparam (variable * v, int whichone) { typedim dim; listdim *newdim; char newname[LONGNOM]; newdim = v->v_dimension; if (!newdim) return ""; strcpy (tmpvargridname, "("); while (newdim) { dim = newdim->dim; strcpy(newname,""); strcpy(newname, ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName(dim.first,List_Global_Var, whichone)); if ( !strcasecmp(newname,dim.first)) { strcpy(newname,""); strcpy(newname,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName(dim.first, List_Common_Var,whichone)); } if ( !strcasecmp(newname,dim.first)) { strcpy(newname,""); /* la liste des use de cette subroutine */ strcpy(newname,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName(dim.first, List_ModuleUsed_Var,whichone)); } strcat (tmpvargridname, newname); strcat (tmpvargridname, " : "); strcpy(newname,""); strcpy(newname,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (dim.last,List_Global_Var,whichone)); if ( !strcasecmp(newname,dim.last)) { strcpy(newname,""); strcpy(newname,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (dim.last, List_Common_Var,whichone)); } if ( !strcasecmp(newname,dim.last)) { strcpy(newname,""); /* la liste des use de cette subroutine */ strcpy(newname,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (dim.last, List_ModuleUsed_Var,whichone)); } strcat (tmpvargridname, newname); newdim = newdim->suiv; if (newdim) strcat (tmpvargridname, ","); } strcat (tmpvargridname, ")"); strcat (tmpvargridname, "\0"); return tmpvargridname; } /******************************************************************************/ /* write_probdimagrif_file */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the file probdim_agrif.h */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* probdim_agrif.h */ /* */ /* Agrif_probdim = */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void write_probdimagrif_file() { FILE *probdim; char ligne[LONGLIGNE*100]; probdim = associate("probdim_agrif.h"); sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Probdim = %d", dimprob); tofich (probdim, ligne,1); fclose (probdim); } /******************************************************************************/ /* write_keysagrif_file */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the file keys_agrif.h */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* keys_agrif.h */ /* */ /* AGRIF_USE_FIXED_GRIDS = 0 */ /* AGRIF_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS = 0 */ /* AGRIF_USE_(ONLY)_FIXED_GRIDS = 1 */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void write_keysagrif_file() { FILE *keys; keys = associate ("keys_agrif.h"); fprintf(keys," AGRIF_USE_FIXED_GRIDS = 0\n"); fprintf(keys," AGRIF_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS = 0\n"); if (fixedgrids == 1) fprintf(keys," AGRIF_USE_FIXED_GRIDS = 1\n"); if (onlyfixedgrids == 1) fprintf(keys," AGRIF_USE_ONLY_FIXED_GRIDS = 1\n"); fclose(keys); } /******************************************************************************/ /* write_modtypeagrif_file */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the file typedata */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* modtype_agrif.h */ /* */ /* Agrif_NbVariables = */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void write_modtypeagrif_file() { char ligne[LONGLIGNE*100]; FILE *typedata; typedata = associate ("modtype_agrif.h"); /* AGRIF_NbVariables : number of variables */ sprintf (ligne, "AGRIF_NbVariables = %d",indicemaxtabvars); tofich(typedata,ligne,1); fclose (typedata); } /******************************************************************************/ /* write_createvarnameagrif_file */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the file createvarname */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Agrif_Gr % tabvars (i) % var % namevar = "variable" */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void write_createvarnameagrif_file(variable *v,FILE *createvarname, int *InitEmpty) { char ligne[LONGLIGNE*100]; char *tmp; char temp1[LONGLIGNE]; tmp = variablenametabvars(v,0); strcpy (temp1, tmp); if ( todebugfree == 1 ) free(tmp); *InitEmpty = 0 ; sprintf(ligne, "%s %% namevar = \"%s\"",temp1,v->v_nomvar); tofich(createvarname,ligne,1); } /******************************************************************************/ /* write_Setnumberofcells_file */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the file setnumberofcells */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Agrif_Gr % n(i) = nbmailles */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void write_Setnumberofcells_file() { char ligne[LONGLIGNE*100]; FILE *setnumberofcells; if ( IndicenbmaillesX != 0 ) { setnumberofcells=associate("SetNumberofcells.h"); if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 ) { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(1) = Agrif_Gr %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesX); } else { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(1) = Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesX); } tofich (setnumberofcells, ligne,1); if (dimprob > 1) { if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 ) { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(2) = Agrif_Gr %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesY); } else { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(2) = Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesY); } tofich (setnumberofcells, ligne,1); } if (dimprob > 2) { if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 ) { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(3) = Agrif_Gr %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesZ); } else { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Gr %% nb(3) = Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0", IndicenbmaillesZ); } tofich (setnumberofcells, ligne,1); } fclose (setnumberofcells); } } /******************************************************************************/ /* write_Getnumberofcells_file */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the file getnumberofcells */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* nbmailles = Agrif_Gr % n(i) */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void write_Getnumberofcells_file() { char ligne[LONGLIGNE*100]; FILE *getnumberofcells; if ( IndicenbmaillesX != 0 ) { getnumberofcells=associate("GetNumberofcells.h"); sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0 = Agrif_Gr %% nb(1)", IndicenbmaillesX); tofich (getnumberofcells, ligne,1); if (dimprob > 1) { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0 = Agrif_Gr %% nb(2)", IndicenbmaillesY); tofich (getnumberofcells, ligne,1); } if (dimprob > 2) { sprintf (ligne, "Agrif_Curgrid %% tabvars(%d) %% var %% iarray0 = Agrif_Gr %% nb(3)", IndicenbmaillesZ); tofich (getnumberofcells, ligne,1); } fclose (getnumberofcells); } } /******************************************************************************/ /* write_initialisationsagrif_file */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is used to create the file initproc */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* ! variable */ /* Agrif_Gr % tabvars(i) % var % nbdim = 1 */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void write_initialisationsagrif_file(variable *v,FILE *initproc, int *VarnameEmpty) { char ligne[LONGLIGNE*100]; char temp1[LONGLIGNE]; char *tmp; tmp = variablenameroottabvars (v); strcpy (temp1, tmp); if ( todebugfree == 1 ) free(tmp); if ( v->v_nbdim != 0 ) { *VarnameEmpty = 0 ; sprintf (ligne, "%s %% nbdim = %d", temp1, v->v_nbdim); tofich (initproc, ligne,1); } } void Write_Alloc_Agrif_Files() { listnom *parcours; FILE *alloccalls; FILE *AllocUSE; AllocUSE= associate("include_use_Alloc_agrif.h"); alloccalls = associate("allocations_calls_agrif.h"); parcours = List_Subroutine_For_Alloc; while ( parcours ) { fprintf(AllocUSE," USE %s\n", parcours -> o_nom ); fprintf (alloccalls," Call Alloc_agrif_%s(Agrif_Gr)\n", parcours -> o_nom ); parcours = parcours -> suiv; } fclose (AllocUSE); fclose (alloccalls); } int IndiceInlist(int indic, listindice *listin) { listindice *parcoursindic; int out; out = 0 ; parcoursindic = listin; while ( parcoursindic && out == 0 ) { if ( parcoursindic->i_indice == indic ) out = 1; else parcoursindic = parcoursindic -> suiv; } return out; } void write_allocation_Common_0() { listnom *parcours_nom; listnom *neededparameter; listvar *parcours; listvar *parcoursprec; listvar *parcours1; FILE *allocationagrif; FILE *paramtoamr; char ligne[LONGNOM]; variable *v; int IndiceMax; int IndiceMin; int compteur; int out; int indiceprec; int ValeurMax; char initialvalue[LONGNOM]; listindice *list_indic; listindice *parcoursindic; int i; parcours_nom = List_NameOfCommon; ValeurMax = 2; while ( parcours_nom ) { /* */ if ( parcours_nom->o_val == 1 ) { /* Open the file to create the Alloc_agrif subroutine */ sprintf(ligne,"alloc_agrif_%s.h",parcours_nom->o_nom); allocationagrif = associate (ligne); /* */ fprintf(allocationagrif,"#include \"Param_toamr_%s.h\" \n", parcours_nom->o_nom); /* */ sprintf(ligne,"Param_toamr_%s.h",parcours_nom->o_nom); paramtoamr = associate (ligne); neededparameter = (listnom * )NULL; /* */ list_indic = (listindice *)NULL; /* */ shouldincludempif = 1 ; parcours = List_Common_Var; while ( parcours ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_commonname,parcours_nom->o_nom) && IndiceInlist(parcours->var->v_indicetabvars,list_indic) == 0 ) { /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ v = parcours->var; IndiceMax = 0; IndiceMin = indicemaxtabvars; /* body of the file */ if ( !strcasecmp(v->v_commoninfile,mainfile) ) { if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 && v->v_nbdim!=0) { strcpy (ligne, "If (.not. associated("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")) then"); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } if ( v->v_allocatable != 1 && ( v->v_dimsempty != 1) ) { /* ALLOCATION */ if ( v->v_dimension != 0 ) { if ( v->v_indicetabvars < IndiceMin || v->v_indicetabvars > IndiceMax ) { parcours1 = parcours; compteur = -1; out = 0; indiceprec = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars -1 ; while ( parcours1 && out == 0 && !strcasecmp( parcours->var->v_readedlistdimension, parcours1->var->v_readedlistdimension) && !strcasecmp( parcours->var->v_typevar, parcours1->var->v_typevar) && ( parcours1->var->v_indicetabvars == indiceprec+1 ) ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours1->var->v_modulename, parcours_nom->o_nom) || !strcasecmp(parcours1->var->v_commonname, parcours_nom->o_nom) ) { compteur = compteur +1 ; indiceprec = parcours1->var->v_indicetabvars; parcoursprec = parcours1; parcours1 = parcours1->suiv; } else out = 1; } if ( compteur > ValeurMax ) { fprintf(allocationagrif," DO i = %d , %d\n", parcours->var->v_indicetabvars, parcours->var->v_indicetabvars+compteur); IndiceMin = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars; IndiceMax = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars+compteur; strcpy (ligne, "allocate "); strcat (ligne, "("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,1)); strcat (ligne, vargridparam(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")"); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); fprintf(allocationagrif," end do\n"); i=parcours->var->v_indicetabvars; do { parcoursindic = (listindice *)malloc(sizeof(listindice)); parcoursindic -> i_indice = i; parcoursindic -> suiv = list_indic; list_indic = parcoursindic; i = i + 1; } while ( i <= parcours->var->v_indicetabvars+compteur ); parcours = parcoursprec; /* */ } else { strcpy (ligne, "allocate "); strcat (ligne, "("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); strcat (ligne, vargridparam(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")"); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); /* */ parcoursindic = (listindice *)malloc(sizeof(listindice)); parcoursindic -> i_indice = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars; parcoursindic -> suiv = list_indic; list_indic = parcoursindic; } neededparameter = writedeclarationintoamr(List_Parameter_Var, paramtoamr,v,parcours_nom->o_nom,neededparameter, v->v_commonname); /* */ } } /* end of the allocation part */ /* INITIALISATION */ if ( strcasecmp(v->v_initialvalue,"") ) { strcpy (ligne, ""); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); /* We should modify the initialvalue in the case of variable has */ /* been defined with others variables */ strcpy(initialvalue, ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_Global_Var,0)); if ( !strcasecmp(initialvalue,v->v_initialvalue) ) { strcpy(initialvalue,""); strcpy(initialvalue,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_Common_Var,0)); } if ( !strcasecmp(initialvalue,v->v_initialvalue) ) { strcpy(initialvalue,""); strcpy(initialvalue,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_ModuleUsed_Var,0)); } strcat (ligne," = "); strcat (ligne,initialvalue); /* */ tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } } if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 && v->v_nbdim!=0) { strcpy (ligne, " End if"); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } } /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } /* Close the file Alloc_agrif */ fclose(allocationagrif); fclose(paramtoamr); } /* */ parcours_nom = parcours_nom -> suiv; } } void write_allocation_Global_0() { listnom *parcours_nom; listvar *parcours; listvar *parcoursprec; listvar *parcours1; FILE *allocationagrif; char ligne[LONGNOM]; variable *v; int IndiceMax; int IndiceMin; int compteur; int out; int indiceprec; int ValeurMax; char initialvalue[LONGNOM]; parcours_nom = List_NameOfModule; ValeurMax = 2; while ( parcours_nom ) { /* */ if ( parcours_nom->o_val == 1 ) { IndiceMax = 0; IndiceMin = indicemaxtabvars; /* Open the file to create the Alloc_agrif subroutine */ sprintf(ligne,"alloc_agrif_%s.h",parcours_nom->o_nom); allocationagrif = associate (ligne); /* */ if ( ModuleIsDefineInInputFile(parcours_nom->o_nom) == 1 ) { /* add the call to initworkspace */ tofich(allocationagrif,"if ( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) then ",1); fprintf(allocationagrif,"#include \"GetNumberofcells.h\" \n"); tofich(allocationagrif,"else ",1); fprintf(allocationagrif,"#include \"SetNumberofcells.h\" \n"); tofich(allocationagrif,"endif ",1); tofich(allocationagrif,"Call Agrif_InitWorkspace ",1); } parcours = List_Global_Var; while ( parcours ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_modulename,parcours_nom->o_nom) && parcours->var->v_VariableIsParameter == 0 && parcours->var->v_notgrid == 0 && !strcasecmp(parcours->var->v_modulename,parcours_nom->o_nom) ) { /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ v = parcours->var; IndiceMax = 0; IndiceMin = indicemaxtabvars; /* body of the file */ if ( !strcasecmp(v->v_commoninfile,mainfile) ) { if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 && v->v_nbdim!=0) { strcpy (ligne, "If (.not. associated("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")) then"); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } if ( v->v_allocatable != 1 && ( v->v_dimsempty != 1) ) { /* ALLOCATION */ if ( v->v_dimension != 0 ) { if ( v->v_indicetabvars < IndiceMin || v->v_indicetabvars > IndiceMax ) { parcours1 = parcours; compteur = -1; out = 0; indiceprec = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars -1 ; while ( parcours1 && out == 0 && !strcasecmp( parcours->var->v_readedlistdimension, parcours1->var->v_readedlistdimension) && !strcasecmp( parcours->var->v_typevar, parcours1->var->v_typevar) && ( parcours1->var->v_indicetabvars == indiceprec+1 ) ) { if ( !strcasecmp(parcours1->var->v_modulename, parcours_nom->o_nom) || !strcasecmp(parcours1->var->v_commonname, parcours_nom->o_nom) ) { compteur = compteur +1 ; indiceprec = parcours1->var->v_indicetabvars; parcoursprec = parcours1; parcours1 = parcours1->suiv; } else out = 1; } if ( compteur > ValeurMax ) { fprintf(allocationagrif," DO i = %d , %d\n", parcours->var->v_indicetabvars, parcours->var->v_indicetabvars+compteur); IndiceMin = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars; IndiceMax = parcours->var->v_indicetabvars+compteur; strcpy (ligne, "allocate "); strcat (ligne, "("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,1)); strcat (ligne, vargridparam(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")"); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); fprintf(allocationagrif," end do\n"); parcours = parcoursprec; } else { strcpy (ligne, "allocate "); strcat (ligne, "("); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); strcat (ligne, vargridparam(v,0)); strcat (ligne, ")"); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } } } /* end of the allocation part */ /* INITIALISATION */ if ( strcasecmp(v->v_initialvalue,"") ) { strcpy (ligne, ""); strcat (ligne, vargridnametabvars(v,0)); /* We should modify the initialvalue in the case of variable has */ /* been defined with others variables */ strcpy(initialvalue, ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_Global_Var,0)); if ( !strcasecmp(initialvalue,v->v_initialvalue) ) { strcpy(initialvalue,""); strcpy(initialvalue,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_Common_Var,0)); } if ( !strcasecmp(initialvalue,v->v_initialvalue) ) { strcpy(initialvalue,""); strcpy(initialvalue,ChangeTheInitalvaluebyTabvarsName (v->v_initialvalue,List_ModuleUsed_Var,0)); } strcat (ligne," = "); strcat (ligne,initialvalue); /* */ tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } } if (onlyfixedgrids != 1 && v->v_nbdim!=0) { strcpy (ligne, " End if"); tofich (allocationagrif, ligne,1); } } /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ } parcours = parcours -> suiv; } /* */ if ( ModuleIsDefineInInputFile(parcours_nom->o_nom) == 1 ) { /* add the call to initworkspace */ tofich(allocationagrif,"if ( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) then ",1); fprintf(allocationagrif,"#include \"GetNumberofcells.h\" \n"); tofich(allocationagrif,"else ",1); fprintf(allocationagrif,"#include \"SetNumberofcells.h\" \n"); tofich(allocationagrif,"endif ",1); tofich(allocationagrif,"Call Agrif_InitWorkspace ",1); } /* Close the file Alloc_agrif */ fclose(allocationagrif); } /* end parcours_nom == 1 */ /* */ parcours_nom = parcours_nom -> suiv; } } /******************************************************************************/ /* creefichieramr */ /******************************************************************************/ /* This subroutine is the main one to create AGRIF_INC files */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void creefichieramr (char *NameTampon) { listvar *newvar; variable *v; int erreur; char filefich[LONGNOM]; char ligne[LONGNOM]; char ligne1[LONGNOM]; int IndiceMax; int IndiceMin; int InitEmpty; int VarnameEmpty; int donotwrite; FILE *initproc; FILE *initglobal; FILE *createvarname; FILE *createvarnameglobal; FILE *modulealloc; FILE *dependfileoutput; if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Enter in creefichieramr\n"); strcpy (filefich, "cd "); strcat (filefich, nomdir); erreur = system (filefich); if (erreur) { strcpy (filefich, "mkdir "); strcat (filefich, nomdir); system (filefich); printf ("%s: Directory created\n", nomdir); } /******************************************************************************/ /******************** Creation of AGRIF_INC files *****************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( todebug == 1 ) { strcpy(ligne,"initialisations_agrif_"); strcat(ligne,NameTampon); strcat(ligne,".h"); initproc = associate (ligne); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ strcpy(ligne,"createvarname_agrif_"); strcat(ligne,NameTampon); strcat(ligne,".h"); createvarname = associate (ligne); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ InitEmpty = 1 ; VarnameEmpty = 1 ; newvar = List_Global_Var; while ( newvar && todebug == 1 ) { donotwrite = 0; v = newvar->var; if ( ( v->v_common == 1 || v->v_module == 1 ) && donotwrite == 0 ) { write_createvarnameagrif_file(v,createvarname,&VarnameEmpty); write_initialisationsagrif_file(v,initproc,&InitEmpty); } newvar = newvar->suiv; } /* */ fclose (createvarname); fclose (initproc); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( Did_filetoparse_readed(curmodulename) == 0 ) { if ( InitEmpty != 1 ) { initglobal = associateaplus("initialisations_agrif.h"); strcpy(ligne,"#include \"initialisations_agrif_"); strcat(ligne,NameTampon); strcat(ligne,".h\"\n"); fprintf(initglobal,ligne); fclose(initglobal); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( VarnameEmpty != 1 ) { createvarnameglobal= associateaplus("createvarname_agrif.h"); strcpy(ligne,"#include \"createvarname_agrif_"); strcat(ligne,NameTampon); strcat(ligne,".h\"\n"); fprintf(createvarnameglobal,ligne); fclose(createvarnameglobal); } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IndiceMax = 0; IndiceMin = 0; write_allocation_Common_0(); write_allocation_Global_0(); Write_Alloc_Agrif_Files(); write_probdimagrif_file(); write_keysagrif_file(); write_modtypeagrif_file(); write_Setnumberofcells_file(); write_Getnumberofcells_file(); if ( todebug == 1 ) printf("Out of creefichieramr\n"); }