PROGRAM make_partition USE iso_c_binding ! For command-line interface USE partition_mod, ONLY: jpiglo, jpjglo, write_partition, nemo_partition, & allocate_arrays, partition_mca_rk, cyclic_bc USE mask_mod, ONLY: imask, generate_mask IMPLICIT none INTEGER :: narg, iarg, arglen INTEGER :: ji, ierr INTEGER :: num_pes CHARACTER(len=100) :: argval INTEGER :: cores_per_node ! No. of cores per compute node on the machine ! that NEMO will run on. LOGICAL :: regular ! True for regular decomp, false otherwise !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialise domain size jpiglo = 0 ; jpjglo = 0 num_pes = 0 cores_per_node = 16 regular = .FALSE. ! By default we do recursive partitioning cyclic_bc = .FALSE. ! Cyclic boundary conditions off by default ! Parse the command-line arguments narg = COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT() IF(narg == 0)THEN CALL print_usage() STOP END IF iarg = 1 parse_args: DO WHILE(iarg <= narg) CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(iarg,argval,arglen,ierr) IF(TRIM(argval) == '-d')THEN iarg = iarg + 1 CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(iarg,argval,arglen,ierr) ! Parse this argument. We expect it to be of the form x. ji = INDEX(argval,"x") IF(ji < 2 .OR. ji > (arglen-1))THEN WRITE(*,"('ERROR: unrecognised argument format: ',(A))") TRIM(argval) END IF READ(argval(1:ji-1),*,IOSTAT=ierr) jpiglo IF(ierr /= 0)THEN WRITE(*,"('ERROR: failed to parse jpiglo argument')") STOP END IF READ(argval(ji+1:),*,IOSTAT=ierr) jpjglo IF(ierr /= 0)THEN WRITE(*,"('ERROR: failed to parse jpjglo argument')") STOP END IF ELSE IF(TRIM(argval) == '-np')THEN iarg = iarg + 1 CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(iarg,argval,arglen,ierr) ! Parse this argument. We expect it to be of the form . READ(argval,*,IOSTAT=ierr) num_pes IF(ierr /= 0)THEN WRITE(*,"('ERROR: failed to parse num_pes argument')") STOP END IF ELSE IF(TRIM(argval) == '-c')THEN iarg = iarg + 1 CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(iarg,argval,arglen,ierr) ! Parse this argument. We expect it to be of the form . READ(argval,*,IOSTAT=ierr) cores_per_node ELSE IF(TRIM(argval) == '-r')THEN ! Switch-on regular partitioning regular = .TRUE. ELSE IF(TRIM(argval) == '-cyclic')THEN ! Switch-on cyclic boundary conditions cyclic_bc = .TRUE. ELSE IF(TRIM(argval) == '-h')THEN CALL print_usage() ELSE WRITE(*,"('ERROR: unrecognised argument: ',(A))") TRIM(argval) STOP END IF iarg = iarg + 1 END DO parse_args ! Check that essential parameters have been supplied by user IF( num_pes == 0 )THEN WRITE (*,*) 'ERROR: you must specify num. PEs to decompose over!' CALL print_usage() STOP END IF ! Check whether domain dimensions have been specified IF( jpiglo < 1 .OR. jpjglo < 1 )THEN IF( regular )THEN ! Actually, I could read the bathy file if available to get the domain ! dimensions for this case. WRITE (*,*) 'ERROR: you must specify domain extent when doing regular partition!' CALL print_usage() STOP ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'Domain dimensions will be read from bathymetry file' END IF END IF WRITE (*,FMT="(/'No. of MPI Processes = ',I4)") num_pes IF(.NOT. regular)THEN WRITE (*,FMT="('No. of cores per compute node = ',I4)") cores_per_node END IF ! Generate the land/sea mask from the bathymetry which is read ! from file CALL generate_mask(regular, ierr) IF(ierr /= 0)THEN STOP 'Failed to generate land/sea mask' END IF CALL allocate_arrays(num_pes, ierr) IF(regular)THEN ! Imitate standard NEMO regular partitioning CALL nemo_partition(num_pes) ELSE ! Multi-core aware version of recursive k-section partitioning. ! Currently only accounts for whether a grid point is wet or dry. ! It has no knowledge of the number of wet levels at a point. CALL partition_mca_rk ( imask, num_pes, cores_per_node, ierr ) ! Check the error code from partitioning. IF ( ierr /= 0 ) THEN STOP 'nemo_recursive_partition: Partitioning failed' ENDIF END IF CALL write_partition(imask) WRITE(*,FMT="(/'Partitioning done and written to Also'/ & & 'written in postscript to'/)") CONTAINS SUBROUTINE print_usage() IMPLICIT None WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) 'Usage: make_partition.exe -d x -np -c [-r] [-cyclic] [-h]' WRITE(*,*) 'Where: domain is jpiglo x jpjglo in extent' WRITE(*,*) ' nproc is no. of sub-domains/MPI procs required' WRITE(*,*) ' cores_per_node is no. of cores per compute node on machine' WRITE(*,*) ' on which NEMO is to be executed' WRITE(*,*) ' -r : generate regular (old style) partition' WRITE(*,*) ' -cyclic : enable cyclic E/W boundary conditions' WRITE(*,*) ' -h : print this message' WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) 'Vertical coordinate options are read from the NEMO namelist file and' WRITE(*,*) 'used to determine whether to smooth the bathy.' WRITE(*,*) END SUBROUTINE print_usage END PROGRAM make_partition