MODULE bdydta !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE bdydta *** !! Open boundary data : read the data for the unstructured open boundaries. !!====================================================================== !! History : 1.0 ! 2005-01 (J. Chanut, A. Sellar) Original code !! - ! 2007-01 (D. Storkey) Update to use IOM module !! - ! 2007-07 (D. Storkey) add bdy_dta_fla !! 3.0 ! 2008-04 (NEMO team) add in the reference version !! 3.3 ! 2010-09 (E.O'Dea) modifications for Shelf configurations !! 3.3 ! 2010-09 (D.Storkey) add ice boundary conditions !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_bdy !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_bdy' Unstructured Open Boundary Conditions !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! bdy_dta_frs : read u, v, t, s data along open boundaries !! bdy_dta_fla : read depth-mean velocities and elevation along open boundaries !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE phycst ! physical constants USE bdy_oce ! ocean open boundary conditions USE bdytides ! tidal forcing at boundaries USE iom USE ioipsl USE in_out_manager ! I/O logical units #if defined key_lim2 USE ice_2 #endif IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC bdy_dta_frs ! routines called by step.F90 PUBLIC bdy_dta_fla PUBLIC bdy_dta_alloc ! routine called by bdy_init.F90 INTEGER :: numbdyt, numbdyu, numbdyv ! logical units for T-, U-, & V-points data file, resp. INTEGER :: ntimes_bdy ! exact number of time dumps in data files INTEGER :: nbdy_b, nbdy_a ! record of bdy data file for before and after time step INTEGER :: numbdyt_bt, numbdyu_bt, numbdyv_bt ! logical unit for T-, U- & V-points data file, resp. INTEGER :: ntimes_bdy_bt ! exact number of time dumps in data files INTEGER :: nbdy_b_bt, nbdy_a_bt ! record of bdy data file for before and after time step INTEGER, DIMENSION (jpbtime) :: istep, istep_bt ! time array in seconds in each data file REAL(wp) :: zoffset ! time offset between time origin in file & start time of model run REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: tbdydta, sbdydta ! time interpolated values of T and S bdy data REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: ubdydta, vbdydta ! time interpolated values of U and V bdy data REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpbdim,2) :: ubtbdydta, vbtbdydta ! Arrays used for time interpolation of bdy data REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpbdim,2) :: sshbdydta ! bdy data of ssh #if defined key_lim2 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpbdim,2) :: frld_bdydta ! } REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpbdim,2) :: hicif_bdydta ! } Arrays used for time interp. of ice bdy data REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpbdim,2) :: hsnif_bdydta ! } #endif !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS FUNCTION bdy_dta_alloc() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE lib_mpp, ONLY: ctl_warn, mpp_sum ! INTEGER :: bdy_dta_alloc !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ALLOCATE(tbdydta(jpbdim,jpk,2), sbdydta(jpbdim,jpk,2), & ubdydta(jpbdim,jpk,2), vbdydta(jpbdim,jpk,2), Stat=bdy_dta_alloc) IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_sum ( bdy_dta_alloc ) IF(bdy_dta_alloc /= 0) CALL ctl_warn('bdy_dta_alloc: failed to allocate arrays') END FUNCTION bdy_dta_alloc SUBROUTINE bdy_dta_frs( kt ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE bdy_dta_frs *** !! !! ** Purpose : Read unstructured boundary data for FRS condition. !! !! ** Method : At the first timestep, read in boundary data for two !! times from the file and time-interpolate. At other !! timesteps, check to see if we need another time from !! the file. If so read it in. Time interpolate. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index (for timesplitting option, otherwise zero) !! CHARACTER(LEN=80), DIMENSION(3) :: clfile ! names of input files CHARACTER(LEN=70 ) :: clunits ! units attribute of time coordinate LOGICAL :: lect ! flag for reading INTEGER :: it, ib, ik, igrd ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: igrd_start, igrd_end ! start and end of loops on igrd INTEGER :: idvar ! netcdf var ID INTEGER :: iman, i15, imois ! Time variables for monthly clim forcing INTEGER :: ntimes_bdyt, ntimes_bdyu, ntimes_bdyv INTEGER :: itimer, totime INTEGER :: ii, ij ! array addresses INTEGER :: ipi, ipj, ipk, inum ! local integers (NetCDF read) INTEGER :: iyear0, imonth0, iday0 INTEGER :: ihours0, iminutes0, isec0 INTEGER :: iyear, imonth, iday, isecs INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpbtime) :: istept, istepu, istepv ! time arrays from data files REAL(wp) :: dayfrac, zxy, zoffsett REAL(wp) :: zoffsetu, zoffsetv REAL(wp) :: dayjul0, zdayjulini REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpbtime) :: zstepr ! REAL time array from data files REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpbdta,1,jpk) :: zdta ! temporary array for data fields !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ln_dyn_frs .OR. ln_tra_frs & & .OR. ln_ice_frs ) THEN ! If these are both false then this routine does nothing ! -------------------- ! ! Initialization ! ! -------------------- ! lect = .false. ! If true, read a time record ! Some time variables for monthly climatological forcing: ! ******************************************************* !!gm here use directely daymod calendar variables iman = INT( raamo ) ! Number of months in a year i15 = INT( 2*REAL( nday, wp ) / ( REAL( nmonth_len(nmonth), wp ) + 0.5 ) ) ! i15=0 if the current day is in the first half of the month, else i15=1 imois = nmonth + i15 - 1 ! imois is the first month record IF( imois == 0 ) imois = iman ! Time variable for non-climatological forcing: ! ********************************************* itimer = (kt-nit000+1)*rdt ! current time in seconds for interpolation ! !-------------------! IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN ! First call only ! ! !-------------------! istep(:) = 0 nbdy_b = 0 nbdy_a = 0 ! Get time information from bdy data file ! *************************************** IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'bdy_dta_frs : Initialize unstructured boundary data' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~' IF ( nn_dtactl == 0 ) THEN ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Bdy data are taken from initial conditions' ! ELSEIF (nn_dtactl == 1) THEN ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Bdy data are read in netcdf files' ! dayfrac = adatrj - REAL( itimer, wp ) / 86400. ! day fraction at time step kt-1 dayfrac = dayfrac - INT ( dayfrac ) ! totime = ( nitend - nit000 + 1 ) * rdt ! Total time of the run to verify that all the ! ! necessary time dumps in file are included ! clfile(1) = cn_dta_frs_T clfile(2) = cn_dta_frs_U clfile(3) = cn_dta_frs_V ! ! how many files are we to read in? igrd_start = 1 igrd_end = 3 IF(.NOT. ln_tra_frs .AND. .NOT. ln_ice_frs) THEN ! No T-grid file. igrd_start = 2 ELSEIF ( .NOT. ln_dyn_frs ) THEN ! No U-grid or V-grid file. igrd_end = 1 ENDIF DO igrd = igrd_start, igrd_end ! loop over T, U & V grid ! ! !---------------------------! CALL iom_open( clfile(igrd), inum ) CALL iom_gettime( inum, zstepr, kntime=ntimes_bdy, cdunits=clunits ) SELECT CASE( igrd ) CASE (1) ; numbdyt = inum CASE (2) ; numbdyu = inum CASE (3) ; numbdyv = inum END SELECT ! Calculate time offset READ(clunits,7000) iyear0, imonth0, iday0, ihours0, iminutes0, isec0 ! Convert time origin in file to julian days isec0 = isec0 + ihours0*60.*60. + iminutes0*60. CALL ymds2ju(iyear0, imonth0, iday0, REAL(isec0, wp), dayjul0) ! Compute model initialization time iyear = ndastp / 10000 imonth = ( ndastp - iyear * 10000 ) / 100 iday = ndastp - iyear * 10000 - imonth * 100 isecs = dayfrac * 86400 CALL ymds2ju(iyear, imonth, iday, REAL(isecs, wp) , zdayjulini) ! offset from initialization date: zoffset = (dayjul0-zdayjulini)*86400 ! 7000 FORMAT('seconds since ', I4.4,'-',I2.2,'-',I2.2,' ',I2.2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2) !! TO BE DONE... Check consistency between calendar from file !! (available optionally from iom_gettime) and calendar in model !! when calendar in model available outside of IOIPSL. IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'number of times: ',ntimes_bdy IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'offset: ',zoffset IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'totime: ',totime IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'zstepr: ',zstepr(1:ntimes_bdy) ! Check that there are not too many times in the file. IF( ntimes_bdy > jpbtime ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) 'Check file: ', clfile(igrd), 'jpbtime= ', jpbtime, ' ntimes_bdy= ', ntimes_bdy CALL ctl_stop( 'Number of time dumps in files exceed jpbtime parameter', ctmp1 ) ENDIF ! Check that time array increases: it = 1 DO WHILE( zstepr(it+1) > zstepr(it) .AND. it /= ntimes_bdy - 1 ) it = it + 1 END DO ! IF( it /= ntimes_bdy-1 .AND. ntimes_bdy > 1 ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) 'Check file: ', clfile(igrd) CALL ctl_stop( 'Time array in unstructured boundary data files', & & 'does not continuously increase.' , ctmp1 ) ENDIF ! ! Check that times in file span model run time: IF( zstepr(1) + zoffset > 0 ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) 'Check file: ', clfile(igrd) CALL ctl_stop( 'First time dump in bdy file is after model initial time', ctmp1 ) END IF IF( zstepr(ntimes_bdy) + zoffset < totime ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) 'Check file: ', clfile(igrd) CALL ctl_stop( 'Last time dump in bdy file is before model final time', ctmp1 ) END IF ! SELECT CASE( igrd ) CASE (1) ntimes_bdyt = ntimes_bdy zoffsett = zoffset istept(:) = INT( zstepr(:) + zoffset ) numbdyt = inum CASE (2) ntimes_bdyu = ntimes_bdy zoffsetu = zoffset istepu(:) = INT( zstepr(:) + zoffset ) numbdyu = inum CASE (3) ntimes_bdyv = ntimes_bdy zoffsetv = zoffset istepv(:) = INT( zstepr(:) + zoffset ) numbdyv = inum END SELECT ! END DO ! end loop over T, U & V grid IF (igrd_start == 1 .and. igrd_end == 3) THEN ! Only test differences if we are reading in 3 files ! Verify time consistency between files IF( ntimes_bdyu /= ntimes_bdyt .OR. ntimes_bdyv /= ntimes_bdyt ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'Bdy data files must have the same number of time dumps', & & 'Multiple time frequencies not implemented yet' ) ENDIF ntimes_bdy = ntimes_bdyt ! IF( zoffsetu /= zoffsett .OR. zoffsetv /= zoffsett ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'Bdy data files must have the same time origin', & & 'Multiple time frequencies not implemented yet' ) ENDIF zoffset = zoffsett ENDIF IF( igrd_start == 1 ) THEN ; istep(:) = istept(:) ELSE ; istep(:) = istepu(:) ENDIF ! Check number of time dumps: IF( ntimes_bdy == 1 .AND. .NOT. ln_clim ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'There is only one time dump in data files', & & 'Choose ln_clim=.true. in namelist for constant bdy forcing.' ) ENDIF IF( ln_clim ) THEN IF( ntimes_bdy /= 1 .AND. ntimes_bdy /= 12 ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'For climatological boundary forcing (ln_clim=.true.),', & & 'bdy data files must contain 1 or 12 time dumps.' ) ELSEIF( ntimes_bdy == 1 ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'We assume constant boundary forcing from bdy data files' ELSEIF( ntimes_bdy == 12 ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'We assume monthly (and cyclic) boundary forcing from bdy data files' ENDIF ENDIF ! Find index of first record to read (before first model time). it = 1 DO WHILE( istep(it+1) <= 0 .AND. it <= ntimes_bdy - 1 ) it = it + 1 END DO nbdy_b = it ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Time offset is ',zoffset IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'First record to read is ',nbdy_b ENDIF ! endif (nn_dtactl == 1) ! 1.2 Read first record in file if necessary (ie if nn_dtactl == 1) ! ***************************************************************** IF( nn_dtactl == 0 ) THEN ! boundary data arrays are filled with initial conditions ! IF (ln_tra_frs) THEN igrd = 1 ! T-points data DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) ii = nbi(ib,igrd) ij = nbj(ib,igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 tbdy(ib,ik) = tsn(ii,ij,ik,jp_tem) sbdy(ib,ik) = tsn(ii,ij,ik,jp_sal) END DO END DO ENDIF IF(ln_dyn_frs) THEN igrd = 2 ! U-points data DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) ii = nbi(ib,igrd) ij = nbj(ib,igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 ubdy(ib,ik) = un(ii, ij, ik) END DO END DO ! igrd = 3 ! V-points data DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) ii = nbi(ib,igrd) ij = nbj(ib,igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 vbdy(ib,ik) = vn(ii, ij, ik) END DO END DO ENDIF ! #if defined key_lim2 IF( ln_ice_frs ) THEN igrd = 1 ! T-points data DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) frld_bdy (ib) = frld(nbi(ib,igrd), nbj(ib,igrd)) hicif_bdy(ib) = hicif(nbi(ib,igrd), nbj(ib,igrd)) hsnif_bdy(ib) = hsnif(nbi(ib,igrd), nbj(ib,igrd)) END DO ENDIF #endif ELSEIF( nn_dtactl == 1 ) THEN ! Set first record in the climatological case: ! IF( ln_clim .AND. ntimes_bdy == 1 ) THEN nbdy_a = 1 ELSEIF( ln_clim .AND. ntimes_bdy == iman ) THEN nbdy_b = 0 nbdy_a = imois ELSE nbdy_a = nbdy_b ENDIF ! Read first record: ipj = 1 ipk = jpk igrd = 1 ipi = nblendta(igrd) IF(ln_tra_frs) THEN ! igrd = 1 ! Temperature IF( nblendta(igrd) <= 0 ) THEN idvar = iom_varid( numbdyt, 'votemper' ) nblendta(igrd) = iom_file(numbdyt)%dimsz(1,idvar) ENDIF IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Dim size for votemper is ', nblendta(igrd) ipi = nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt, jpdom_unknown, 'votemper', zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj,1:ipk), nbdy_a ) ! DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 tbdydta(ib,ik,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1,ik) END DO END DO ! igrd = 1 ! salinity IF( nblendta(igrd) .le. 0 ) THEN idvar = iom_varid( numbdyt, 'vosaline' ) nblendta(igrd) = iom_file(numbdyt)%dimsz(1,idvar) ENDIF IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Dim size for vosaline is ', nblendta(igrd) ipi = nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt, jpdom_unknown, 'vosaline', zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj,1:ipk), nbdy_a ) ! DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 sbdydta(ib,ik,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1,ik) END DO END DO ENDIF ! ln_tra_frs IF( ln_dyn_frs ) THEN ! igrd = 2 ! u-velocity IF ( nblendta(igrd) .le. 0 ) THEN idvar = iom_varid( numbdyu,'vozocrtx' ) nblendta(igrd) = iom_file(numbdyu)%dimsz(1,idvar) ENDIF IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Dim size for vozocrtx is ', nblendta(igrd) ipi = nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyu, jpdom_unknown,'vozocrtx',zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj,1:ipk),nbdy_a ) DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 ubdydta(ib,ik,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1,ik) END DO END DO ! igrd = 3 ! v-velocity IF ( nblendta(igrd) .le. 0 ) THEN idvar = iom_varid( numbdyv,'vomecrty' ) nblendta(igrd) = iom_file(numbdyv)%dimsz(1,idvar) ENDIF IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Dim size for vomecrty is ', nblendta(igrd) ipi = nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyv, jpdom_unknown,'vomecrty',zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj,1:ipk),nbdy_a ) DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 vbdydta(ib,ik,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1,ik) END DO END DO ENDIF ! ln_dyn_frs #if defined key_lim2 IF( ln_ice_frs ) THEN ! igrd=1 ! leads fraction IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Dim size for ildsconc is ',nblendta(igrd) ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt, jpdom_unknown,'ildsconc',zdta(1:ipi,:,1),nbdy_a ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) frld_bdydta(ib,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1,1) END DO ! igrd=1 ! ice thickness IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Dim size for iicethic is ',nblendta(igrd) ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt, jpdom_unknown,'iicethic',zdta(1:ipi,:,1),nbdy_a ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) hicif_bdydta(ib,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1,1) END DO ! igrd=1 ! snow thickness IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Dim size for isnowthi is ',nblendta(igrd) ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt, jpdom_unknown,'isnowthi',zdta(1:ipi,:,1),nbdy_a ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) hsnif_bdydta(ib,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1,1) END DO ENDIF ! just if ln_ice_frs is set #endif IF( .NOT.ln_clim .AND. istep(1) > 0 ) THEN ! First data time is after start of run nbdy_b = nbdy_a ! Put first value in both time levels IF( ln_tra_frs ) THEN tbdydta(:,:,1) = tbdydta(:,:,2) sbdydta(:,:,1) = sbdydta(:,:,2) ENDIF IF( ln_dyn_frs ) THEN ubdydta(:,:,1) = ubdydta(:,:,2) vbdydta(:,:,1) = vbdydta(:,:,2) ENDIF #if defined key_lim2 IF( ln_ice_frs ) THEN frld_bdydta (:,1) = frld_bdydta(:,2) hicif_bdydta(:,1) = hicif_bdydta(:,2) hsnif_bdydta(:,1) = hsnif_bdydta(:,2) ENDIF #endif END IF ! END IF ! nn_dtactl == 0/1 ! In the case of constant boundary forcing fill bdy arrays once for all IF( ln_clim .AND. ntimes_bdy == 1 ) THEN IF( ln_tra_frs ) THEN tbdy (:,:) = tbdydta (:,:,2) sbdy (:,:) = sbdydta (:,:,2) ENDIF IF( ln_dyn_frs) THEN ubdy (:,:) = ubdydta (:,:,2) vbdy (:,:) = vbdydta (:,:,2) ENDIF #if defined key_lim2 IF( ln_ice_frs ) THEN frld_bdy (:) = frld_bdydta (:,2) hicif_bdy(:) = hicif_bdydta(:,2) hsnif_bdy(:) = hsnif_bdydta(:,2) ENDIF #endif IF( ln_tra_frs .OR. ln_ice_frs) CALL iom_close( numbdyt ) IF( ln_dyn_frs ) CALL iom_close( numbdyu ) IF( ln_dyn_frs ) CALL iom_close( numbdyv ) END IF ! ENDIF ! End if nit000 ! !---------------------! IF( nn_dtactl == 1 .AND. ntimes_bdy > 1 ) THEN ! at each time step ! ! !---------------------! ! Read one more record if necessary !********************************** IF( ln_clim .AND. imois /= nbdy_b ) THEN ! remember that nbdy_b=0 for kt=nit000 nbdy_b = imois nbdy_a = imois + 1 nbdy_b = MOD( nbdy_b, iman ) ; IF( nbdy_b == 0 ) nbdy_b = iman nbdy_a = MOD( nbdy_a, iman ) ; IF( nbdy_a == 0 ) nbdy_a = iman lect=.true. ELSEIF( .NOT.ln_clim .AND. itimer >= istep(nbdy_a) ) THEN IF( nbdy_a < ntimes_bdy ) THEN nbdy_b = nbdy_a nbdy_a = nbdy_a + 1 lect =.true. ELSE ! We have reached the end of the file ! put the last data time into both time levels nbdy_b = nbdy_a IF(ln_tra_frs) THEN tbdydta(:,:,1) = tbdydta(:,:,2) sbdydta(:,:,1) = sbdydta(:,:,2) ENDIF IF(ln_dyn_frs) THEN ubdydta(:,:,1) = ubdydta(:,:,2) vbdydta(:,:,1) = vbdydta(:,:,2) ENDIF #if defined key_lim2 IF(ln_ice_frs) THEN frld_bdydta (:,1) = frld_bdydta (:,2) hicif_bdydta(:,1) = hicif_bdydta(:,2) hsnif_bdydta(:,1) = hsnif_bdydta(:,2) ENDIF #endif END IF ! nbdy_a < ntimes_bdy ! END IF IF( lect ) THEN ! Swap arrays IF( ln_tra_frs ) THEN tbdydta(:,:,1) = tbdydta(:,:,2) sbdydta(:,:,1) = sbdydta(:,:,2) ENDIF IF( ln_dyn_frs ) THEN ubdydta(:,:,1) = ubdydta(:,:,2) vbdydta(:,:,1) = vbdydta(:,:,2) ENDIF #if defined key_lim2 IF( ln_ice_frs ) THEN frld_bdydta (:,1) = frld_bdydta (:,2) hicif_bdydta(:,1) = hicif_bdydta(:,2) hsnif_bdydta(:,1) = hsnif_bdydta(:,2) ENDIF #endif ! read another set ipj = 1 ipk = jpk IF( ln_tra_frs ) THEN ! igrd = 1 ! temperature ipi = nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt, jpdom_unknown, 'votemper', zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj,1:ipk), nbdy_a ) DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 tbdydta(ib,ik,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1,ik) END DO END DO ! igrd = 1 ! salinity ipi = nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt, jpdom_unknown, 'vosaline', zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj,1:ipk), nbdy_a ) DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 sbdydta(ib,ik,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1,ik) END DO END DO ENDIF ! ln_tra_frs IF(ln_dyn_frs) THEN ! igrd = 2 ! u-velocity ipi = nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyu, jpdom_unknown,'vozocrtx',zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj,1:ipk),nbdy_a ) DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 ubdydta(ib,ik,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1,ik) END DO END DO ! igrd = 3 ! v-velocity ipi = nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyv, jpdom_unknown,'vomecrty',zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj,1:ipk),nbdy_a ) DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 vbdydta(ib,ik,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1,ik) END DO END DO ENDIF ! ln_dyn_frs ! #if defined key_lim2 IF(ln_ice_frs) THEN ! igrd = 1 ! ice concentration ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt, jpdom_unknown,'ildsconc',zdta(1:ipi,:,1),nbdy_a ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) frld_bdydta(ib,2) = zdta( nbmap(ib,igrd), 1, 1 ) END DO ! igrd=1 ! ice thickness ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt, jpdom_unknown,'iicethic',zdta(1:ipi,:,1),nbdy_a ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) hicif_bdydta(ib,2) = zdta( nbmap(ib,igrd), 1, 1 ) END DO ! igrd=1 ! snow thickness ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt, jpdom_unknown,'isnowthi',zdta(1:ipi,:,1),nbdy_a ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) hsnif_bdydta(ib,2) = zdta( nbmap(ib,igrd), 1, 1 ) END DO ENDIF ! ln_ice_frs #endif ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'bdy_dta_frs : first record file used nbdy_b ',nbdy_b IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~ last record file used nbdy_a ',nbdy_a IF (.NOT.ln_clim) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'first record time (s): ', istep(nbdy_b) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'model time (s) : ', itimer IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'second record time (s): ', istep(nbdy_a) ENDIF ! ENDIF ! end lect=.true. ! Interpolate linearly ! ******************** ! IF( ln_clim ) THEN ; zxy = REAL( nday ) / REAL( nmonth_len(nbdy_b) ) + 0.5 - i15 ELSEIF( istep(nbdy_b) == istep(nbdy_a) ) THEN zxy = 0.0_wp ELSE ; zxy = REAL( istep(nbdy_b) - itimer ) / REAL( istep(nbdy_b) - istep(nbdy_a) ) END IF IF(ln_tra_frs) THEN igrd = 1 ! temperature & salinity DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 tbdy(ib,ik) = zxy * tbdydta(ib,ik,2) + (1.-zxy) * tbdydta(ib,ik,1) sbdy(ib,ik) = zxy * sbdydta(ib,ik,2) + (1.-zxy) * sbdydta(ib,ik,1) END DO END DO ENDIF IF(ln_dyn_frs) THEN igrd = 2 ! u-velocity DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 ubdy(ib,ik) = zxy * ubdydta(ib,ik,2) + (1.-zxy) * ubdydta(ib,ik,1) END DO END DO ! igrd = 3 ! v-velocity DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) DO ik = 1, jpkm1 vbdy(ib,ik) = zxy * vbdydta(ib,ik,2) + (1.-zxy) * vbdydta(ib,ik,1) END DO END DO ENDIF #if defined key_lim2 IF(ln_ice_frs) THEN igrd=1 DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) frld_bdy(ib) = zxy * frld_bdydta(ib,2) + (1.-zxy) * frld_bdydta(ib,1) hicif_bdy(ib) = zxy * hicif_bdydta(ib,2) + (1.-zxy) * hicif_bdydta(ib,1) hsnif_bdy(ib) = zxy * hsnif_bdydta(ib,2) + (1.-zxy) * hsnif_bdydta(ib,1) END DO ENDIF ! just if ln_ice_frs is true #endif END IF !end if ((nn_dtactl==1).AND.(ntimes_bdy>1)) ! !---------------------! ! ! last call ! ! !---------------------! IF( kt == nitend ) THEN IF(ln_tra_frs .or. ln_ice_frs) CALL iom_close( numbdyt ) ! Closing of the 3 files IF(ln_dyn_frs) CALL iom_close( numbdyu ) IF(ln_dyn_frs) CALL iom_close( numbdyv ) ENDIF ! ENDIF ! ln_dyn_frs .OR. ln_tra_frs ! END SUBROUTINE bdy_dta_frs SUBROUTINE bdy_dta_fla( kt, jit, icycl ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE bdy_dta_fla *** !! !! ** Purpose : Read unstructured boundary data for Flather condition !! !! ** Method : At the first timestep, read in boundary data for two !! times from the file and time-interpolate. At other !! timesteps, check to see if we need another time from !! the file. If so read it in. Time interpolate. !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!gm DOCTOR names : argument integer : start with "k" INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: jit ! barotropic time step index INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: icycl ! number of cycles need for final file close ! ! (for timesplitting option, otherwise zero) !! LOGICAL :: lect ! flag for reading INTEGER :: it, ib, igrd ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: idvar ! netcdf var ID INTEGER :: iman, i15, imois ! Time variables for monthly clim forcing INTEGER :: ntimes_bdyt, ntimes_bdyu, ntimes_bdyv INTEGER :: itimer, totime INTEGER :: ipi, ipj, ipk, inum ! temporary integers (NetCDF read) INTEGER :: iyear0, imonth0, iday0 INTEGER :: ihours0, iminutes0, isec0 INTEGER :: iyear, imonth, iday, isecs INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpbtime) :: istept, istepu, istepv ! time arrays from data files REAL(wp) :: dayfrac, zxy, zoffsett REAL(wp) :: zoffsetu, zoffsetv REAL(wp) :: dayjul0, zdayjulini REAL(wp) :: zinterval_s, zinterval_e ! First and last interval in time axis REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpbtime) :: zstepr ! REAL time array from data files REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpbdta,1) :: zdta ! temporary array for data fields CHARACTER(LEN=80), DIMENSION(6) :: clfile CHARACTER(LEN=70 ) :: clunits ! units attribute of time coordinate !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!gm add here the same style as in bdy_dta_frs !!gm clearly bdy_dta_fla and bdy_dta_frs can be combined... !!gm too many things duplicated in the read of data... simplification can be done ! -------------------- ! ! Initialization ! ! -------------------- ! lect = .false. ! If true, read a time record ! Some time variables for monthly climatological forcing: ! ******************************************************* !!gm here use directely daymod variables iman = INT( raamo ) ! Number of months in a year i15 = INT( 2*REAL( nday, wp ) / ( REAL( nmonth_len(nmonth), wp ) + 0.5 ) ) ! i15=0 if the current day is in the first half of the month, else i15=1 imois = nmonth + i15 - 1 ! imois is the first month record IF( imois == 0 ) imois = iman ! Time variable for non-climatological forcing: ! ********************************************* itimer = ((kt-1)-nit000+1)*rdt ! current time in seconds for interpolation itimer = itimer + jit*rdt/REAL(nn_baro,wp) ! in non-climatological case IF ( ln_tides ) THEN ! -------------------------------------! ! Update BDY fields with tidal forcing ! ! -------------------------------------! CALL tide_update( kt, jit ) ENDIF IF ( ln_dyn_fla ) THEN ! -------------------------------------! ! Update BDY fields with model data ! ! -------------------------------------! ! !-------------------! IF( kt == nit000 .and. jit ==2 ) THEN ! First call only ! ! !-------------------! istep_bt(:) = 0 nbdy_b_bt = 0 nbdy_a_bt = 0 ! Get time information from bdy data file ! *************************************** IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'bdy_dta_fla :Initialize unstructured boundary data for barotropic variables.' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~' IF( nn_dtactl == 0 ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Bdy data are taken from initial conditions' ELSEIF (nn_dtactl == 1) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Bdy data are read in netcdf files' dayfrac = adatrj - REAL(itimer,wp)/86400. ! day fraction at time step kt-1 dayfrac = dayfrac - INT (dayfrac) ! totime = (nitend-nit000+1)*rdt ! Total time of the run to verify that all the ! necessary time dumps in file are included clfile(4) = cn_dta_fla_T clfile(5) = cn_dta_fla_U clfile(6) = cn_dta_fla_V DO igrd = 4,6 CALL iom_open( clfile(igrd), inum ) CALL iom_gettime( inum, zstepr, kntime=ntimes_bdy_bt, cdunits=clunits ) SELECT CASE( igrd ) CASE (4) numbdyt_bt = inum CASE (5) numbdyu_bt = inum CASE (6) numbdyv_bt = inum END SELECT ! Calculate time offset READ(clunits,7000) iyear0, imonth0, iday0, ihours0, iminutes0, isec0 ! Convert time origin in file to julian days isec0 = isec0 + ihours0*60.*60. + iminutes0*60. CALL ymds2ju(iyear0, imonth0, iday0, REAL(isec0, wp), dayjul0) ! Compute model initialization time iyear = ndastp / 10000 imonth = ( ndastp - iyear * 10000 ) / 100 iday = ndastp - iyear * 10000 - imonth * 100 isecs = dayfrac * 86400 CALL ymds2ju(iyear, imonth, iday, REAL(isecs, wp) , zdayjulini) ! zoffset from initialization date: zoffset = (dayjul0-zdayjulini)*86400 ! 7000 FORMAT('seconds since ', I4.4,'-',I2.2,'-',I2.2,' ',I2.2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2) !! TO BE DONE... Check consistency between calendar from file !! (available optionally from iom_gettime) and calendar in model !! when calendar in model available outside of IOIPSL. ! Check that there are not too many times in the file. IF (ntimes_bdy_bt > jpbtime) CALL ctl_stop( & 'Number of time dumps in bdy file exceed jpbtime parameter', & 'Check file:' // TRIM(clfile(igrd)) ) ! Check that time array increases (or interp will fail): DO it = 2, ntimes_bdy_bt IF ( zstepr(it-1) >= zstepr(it) ) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Time array in unstructured boundary data file', & 'does not continuously increase.', & 'Check file:' // TRIM(clfile(igrd)) ) EXIT END IF END DO IF ( .NOT. ln_clim ) THEN ! Check that times in file span model run time: ! Note: the fields may be time means, so we allow nit000 to be before ! first time in the file, provided that it falls inside the meaning ! period of the first field. Until we can get the meaning period ! from the file, use the interval between fields as a proxy. ! If nit000 is before the first time, use the value at first time ! instead of extrapolating. This is done by putting time 1 into ! both time levels. ! The same applies to the last time level: see setting of lect below. IF ( ntimes_bdy_bt == 1 ) CALL ctl_stop( & 'There is only one time dump in data files', & 'Set ln_clim=.true. in namelist for constant bdy forcing.' ) zinterval_s = zstepr(2) - zstepr(1) zinterval_e = zstepr(ntimes_bdy_bt) - zstepr(ntimes_bdy_bt-1) IF( zstepr(1) + zoffset > 0 ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) 'Check file: ', clfile(igrd) CALL ctl_stop( 'First time dump in bdy file is after model initial time', ctmp1 ) END IF IF( zstepr(ntimes_bdy_bt) + zoffset < totime ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) 'Check file: ', clfile(igrd) CALL ctl_stop( 'Last time dump in bdy file is before model final time', ctmp1 ) END IF END IF ! .NOT. ln_clim IF ( igrd .EQ. 4) THEN ntimes_bdyt = ntimes_bdy_bt zoffsett = zoffset istept(:) = INT( zstepr(:) + zoffset ) ELSE IF (igrd .EQ. 5) THEN ntimes_bdyu = ntimes_bdy_bt zoffsetu = zoffset istepu(:) = INT( zstepr(:) + zoffset ) ELSE IF (igrd .EQ. 6) THEN ntimes_bdyv = ntimes_bdy_bt zoffsetv = zoffset istepv(:) = INT( zstepr(:) + zoffset ) ENDIF ENDDO ! Verify time consistency between files IF ( ntimes_bdyu /= ntimes_bdyt .OR. ntimes_bdyv /= ntimes_bdyt ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( & 'Time axis lengths differ between bdy data files', & 'Multiple time frequencies not implemented yet' ) ELSE ntimes_bdy_bt = ntimes_bdyt ENDIF IF (zoffsetu.NE.zoffsett .OR. zoffsetv.NE.zoffsett) THEN CALL ctl_stop( & 'Bdy data files must have the same time origin', & 'Multiple time frequencies not implemented yet' ) ENDIF zoffset = zoffsett !! Check that times are the same in the three files... HERE. istep_bt(:) = istept(:) ! Check number of time dumps: IF (ln_clim) THEN SELECT CASE ( ntimes_bdy_bt ) CASE( 1 ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'We assume constant boundary forcing from bdy data files' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) CASE( 12 ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'We assume monthly (and cyclic) boundary forcing from bdy data files' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop( & 'For climatological boundary forcing (ln_clim=.true.),',& 'bdy data files must contain 1 or 12 time dumps.' ) END SELECT ENDIF ! Find index of first record to read (before first model time). it=1 DO WHILE ( ((istep_bt(it+1)) <= 0 ).AND.(it.LE.(ntimes_bdy_bt-1))) it=it+1 END DO nbdy_b_bt = it IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Time offset is ',zoffset IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'First record to read is ',nbdy_b_bt ENDIF ! endif (nn_dtactl == 1) ! 1.2 Read first record in file if necessary (ie if nn_dtactl == 1) ! ***************************************************************** IF ( nn_dtactl == 0) THEN ! boundary data arrays are filled with initial conditions igrd = 5 ! U-points data DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) ubtbdy(ib) = un(nbi(ib,igrd), nbj(ib,igrd), 1) END DO igrd = 6 ! V-points data DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) vbtbdy(ib) = vn(nbi(ib,igrd), nbj(ib,igrd), 1) END DO igrd = 4 ! T-points data DO ib = 1, nblen(igrd) sshbdy(ib) = sshn(nbi(ib,igrd), nbj(ib,igrd)) END DO ELSEIF (nn_dtactl == 1) THEN ! Set first record in the climatological case: IF ((ln_clim).AND.(ntimes_bdy_bt==1)) THEN nbdy_a_bt = 1 ELSEIF ((ln_clim).AND.(ntimes_bdy_bt==iman)) THEN nbdy_b_bt = 0 nbdy_a_bt = imois ELSE nbdy_a_bt = nbdy_b_bt END IF ! Open Netcdf files: CALL iom_open ( cn_dta_fla_T, numbdyt_bt ) CALL iom_open ( cn_dta_fla_U, numbdyu_bt ) CALL iom_open ( cn_dta_fla_V, numbdyv_bt ) ! Read first record: ipj=1 igrd=4 ipi=nblendta(igrd) ! ssh igrd=4 IF ( nblendta(igrd) .le. 0 ) THEN idvar = iom_varid( numbdyt_bt,'sossheig' ) nblendta(igrd) = iom_file(numbdyt_bt)%dimsz(1,idvar) ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) 'Dim size for sossheig is ',nblendta(igrd) ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt_bt, jpdom_unknown,'sossheig',zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj),nbdy_a_bt ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) sshbdydta(ib,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1) END DO ! u-velocity igrd=5 IF ( nblendta(igrd) .le. 0 ) THEN idvar = iom_varid( numbdyu_bt,'vobtcrtx' ) nblendta(igrd) = iom_file(numbdyu_bt)%dimsz(1,idvar) ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) 'Dim size for vobtcrtx is ',nblendta(igrd) ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyu_bt, jpdom_unknown,'vobtcrtx',zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj),nbdy_a_bt ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) ubtbdydta(ib,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1) END DO ! v-velocity igrd=6 IF ( nblendta(igrd) .le. 0 ) THEN idvar = iom_varid( numbdyv_bt,'vobtcrty' ) nblendta(igrd) = iom_file(numbdyv_bt)%dimsz(1,idvar) ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) 'Dim size for vobtcrty is ',nblendta(igrd) ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyv_bt, jpdom_unknown,'vobtcrty',zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj),nbdy_a_bt ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) vbtbdydta(ib,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1) END DO END IF ! In the case of constant boundary forcing fill bdy arrays once for all IF ((ln_clim).AND.(ntimes_bdy_bt==1)) THEN ubtbdy (:) = ubtbdydta (:,2) vbtbdy (:) = vbtbdydta (:,2) sshbdy (:) = sshbdydta (:,2) CALL iom_close( numbdyt_bt ) CALL iom_close( numbdyu_bt ) CALL iom_close( numbdyv_bt ) END IF ENDIF ! End if nit000 ! -------------------- ! ! 2. At each time step ! ! -------------------- ! IF ((nn_dtactl==1).AND.(ntimes_bdy_bt>1)) THEN ! 2.1 Read one more record if necessary !************************************** IF ( (ln_clim).AND.(imois/=nbdy_b_bt) ) THEN ! remember that nbdy_b_bt=0 for kt=nit000 nbdy_b_bt = imois nbdy_a_bt = imois+1 nbdy_b_bt = MOD( nbdy_b_bt, iman ) IF( nbdy_b_bt == 0 ) nbdy_b_bt = iman nbdy_a_bt = MOD( nbdy_a_bt, iman ) IF( nbdy_a_bt == 0 ) nbdy_a_bt = iman lect=.true. ELSEIF ((.NOT.ln_clim).AND.(itimer >= istep_bt(nbdy_a_bt))) THEN nbdy_b_bt=nbdy_a_bt nbdy_a_bt=nbdy_a_bt+1 lect=.true. END IF IF (lect) THEN ! Swap arrays sshbdydta(:,1) = sshbdydta(:,2) ubtbdydta(:,1) = ubtbdydta(:,2) vbtbdydta(:,1) = vbtbdydta(:,2) ! read another set ipj=1 ipk=jpk igrd=4 ipi=nblendta(igrd) ! ssh igrd=4 ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyt_bt, jpdom_unknown,'sossheig',zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj),nbdy_a_bt ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) sshbdydta(ib,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1) END DO ! u-velocity igrd=5 ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyu_bt, jpdom_unknown,'vobtcrtx',zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj),nbdy_a_bt ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) ubtbdydta(ib,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1) END DO ! v-velocity igrd=6 ipi=nblendta(igrd) CALL iom_get ( numbdyv_bt, jpdom_unknown,'vobtcrty',zdta(1:ipi,1:ipj),nbdy_a_bt ) DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) vbtbdydta(ib,2) = zdta(nbmap(ib,igrd),1) END DO IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'bdy_dta_fla : first record file used nbdy_b_bt ',nbdy_b_bt IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~ last record file used nbdy_a_bt ',nbdy_a_bt IF (.NOT.ln_clim) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'first record time (s): ', istep_bt(nbdy_b_bt) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'model time (s) : ', itimer IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'second record time (s): ', istep_bt(nbdy_a_bt) ENDIF END IF ! end lect=.true. ! 2.2 Interpolate linearly: ! *************************** IF (ln_clim) THEN zxy = REAL( nday, wp ) / REAL( nmonth_len(nbdy_b_bt), wp ) + 0.5 - i15 ELSE zxy = REAL(istep_bt(nbdy_b_bt)-itimer, wp) / REAL(istep_bt(nbdy_b_bt)-istep_bt(nbdy_a_bt), wp) END IF igrd=4 DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) sshbdy(ib) = zxy * sshbdydta(ib,2) + & (1.-zxy) * sshbdydta(ib,1) END DO igrd=5 DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) ubtbdy(ib) = zxy * ubtbdydta(ib,2) + & (1.-zxy) * ubtbdydta(ib,1) END DO igrd=6 DO ib=1, nblen(igrd) vbtbdy(ib) = zxy * vbtbdydta(ib,2) + & (1.-zxy) * vbtbdydta(ib,1) END DO END IF !end if ((nn_dtactl==1).AND.(ntimes_bdy_bt>1)) ! ------------------- ! ! Last call kt=nitend ! ! ------------------- ! ! Closing of the 3 files IF( kt == nitend .and. jit == icycl ) THEN CALL iom_close( numbdyt_bt ) CALL iom_close( numbdyu_bt ) CALL iom_close( numbdyv_bt ) ENDIF ENDIF ! ln_dyn_frs END SUBROUTINE bdy_dta_fla #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Dummy module NO Unstruct Open Boundary Conditions !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE bdy_dta_frs( kt ) ! Empty routine WRITE(*,*) 'bdy_dta_frs: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt END SUBROUTINE bdy_dta_frs SUBROUTINE bdy_dta_fla( kt, kit, icycle ) ! Empty routine WRITE(*,*) 'bdy_dta_frs: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt, kit END SUBROUTINE bdy_dta_fla #endif !!============================================================================== END MODULE bdydta