MODULE limthd_lac_2 #if defined key_lim2 !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE limthd_lac_2 *** !! lateral thermodynamic growth of the ice !!====================================================================== !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! lim_lat_acr_2 : lateral accretion of ice !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_oce ! ocean parameters USE phycst USE thd_ice_2 USE ice_2 USE limistate_2 USE lib_mpp ! MPP library USE wrk_nemo_2 ! work arrays IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC lim_thd_lac_2 ! called by lim_thd_2 REAL(wp) :: & ! constant values epsi20 = 1.e-20 , & epsi13 = 1.e-13 , & zzero = 0.e0 , & zone = 1.e0 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/LIM2 3.3 , UCL - NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE lim_thd_lac_2( kideb, kiut ) !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE lim_thd_lac_2 *** !! !! ** Purpose : Computation of the evolution of the ice thickness and !! concentration as a function of the heat balance in the leads. !! It is only used for lateral accretion !! !! ** Method : Ice is formed in the open water when ocean lose heat !! (heat budget of open water Bl is negative) . !! Computation of the increase of 1-A (ice concentration) fol- !! lowing the law : !! (dA/dt)acc = F[ (1-A)/(1-a) ] * [ Bl / (Li*h0) ] !! where - h0 is the thickness of ice created in the lead !! - a is a minimum fraction for leads !! - F is a monotonic non-increasing function defined as: !! F(X)=( 1 - X**exld )**(1.0/exld) !! - exld is the exponent closure rate (=2 default val.) !! !! ** Action : - Adjustment of snow and ice thicknesses and heat !! content in brine pockets !! - Updating ice internal temperature !! - Computation of variation of ice volume and mass !! - Computation of frldb after lateral accretion and !! update h_snow_1d, h_ice_1d and tbif_1d(:,:) !! !! ** References : !! M. Maqueda, 1995, PhD Thesis, Univesidad Complutense Madrid !! Fichefet T. and M. Maqueda 1997, J. Geo. Res., 102(C6), !! 12609 -12646 !! History : !! 1.0 ! 01-04 (LIM) original code !! 2.0 ! 02-08 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) F90, mpp !!------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(IN):: & kideb , & ! start point on which the the computation is applied kiut ! end point on which the the computation is applied ! * Local variables INTEGER :: & ji , & ! dummy loop indices iicefr , & ! 1 = existing ice ; 0 = no ice iiceform , & ! 1 = ice formed ; 0 = no ice formed ihemis ! dummy indice REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: & zqbgow , & ! heat budget of the open water (negative) zfrl_old , & ! previous sea/ice fraction zhice_old , & ! previous ice thickness zhice0 , & ! thickness of newly formed ice in leads zfrlmin , & ! minimum fraction for leads zdhicbot ! part of thickness of newly formed ice in leads which ! has been already used in transport for example REAL(wp) :: & zhemis , & ! hemisphere (0 = North, 1 = South) zhicenew , & ! new ice thickness zholds2 , & ! ratio of previous ice thickness and 2 zhnews2 , & ! ratio of new ice thickness and 2 zfrlnew , & ! new sea/ice fraction zfrld , & ! ratio of sea/ice fraction and minimum fraction for leads zfrrate , & ! leads-closure rate zdfrl ! sea-ice fraction increment REAL(wp) :: & zdh1 , zdh2 , zdh3 , zdh4, zdh5 , & ! tempory scalars ztint , zta1 , zta2 , zta3 , zta4 , & zah, zalpha , zbeta !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL wrk_alloc( jpij, zqbgow, zfrl_old, zhice_old, zhice0, zfrlmin, zdhicbot ) !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Computation of the heat budget of the open water (negative) !-------------------------------------------------------------- DO ji = kideb , kiut zqbgow(ji) = qldif_1d(ji) - qcmif_1d(ji) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Taking the appropriate values for the corresponding hemisphere !----------------------------------------------------------------- DO ji = kideb , kiut zhemis = MAX( zzero , SIGN( zone , frld_1d(ji) - 2.0 ) ) ihemis = INT( 1 + zhemis ) zhice0 (ji) = hiccrit( ihemis ) zfrlmin (ji) = acrit ( ihemis ) frld_1d (ji) = frld_1d(ji) - 2.0 * zhemis zfrl_old(ji) = frld_1d(ji) END DO !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Lateral Accretion (modification of the fraction of open water) ! The ice formed in the leads has always a thickness zhice0, but ! only a fraction zfrrate of the ice formed contributes to the ! increase of the ice fraction. The remaining part (1-zfrrate) ! is rather assumed to lead to an increase in the thickness of the ! pre-existing ice (transport for example). ! Morales Maqueda, 1995 - Fichefet and Morales Maqueda, 1997 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !CDIR NOVERRCHK DO ji = kideb , kiut iicefr = 1 - MAX( 0, INT( SIGN( 1.5 * zone , zfrl_old(ji) - 1.0 + epsi13 ) ) ) !---computation of the leads-closure rate zfrld = MIN( zone , ( 1.0 - frld_1d(ji) ) / ( 1.0 - zfrlmin(ji) ) ) zfrrate = ( 1.0 - zfrld**exld )**( 1.0 / exld ) !--computation of the sea-ice fraction increment and the new fraction zdfrl = ( zfrrate / zhice0(ji) ) * ( zqbgow(ji) / xlic ) zfrlnew = zfrl_old(ji) + zdfrl !--update the sea-ice fraction frld_1d (ji) = MAX( zfrlnew , zfrlmin(ji) ) !--computation of the remaining part of ice thickness which has been already used zdhicbot(ji) = ( frld_1d(ji) - zfrlnew ) * zhice0(ji) / ( 1.0 - zfrlmin(ji) ) & - ( ( 1.0 - zfrrate ) / ( 1.0 - frld_1d(ji) ) ) * ( zqbgow(ji) / xlic ) END DO !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Ajustement of snow and ice thicknesses and updating the total heat stored in brine pockets ! The thickness of newly formed ice is averaged with that of the pre-existing ! (1-Anew) * hinew = (1-Aold) * hiold + ((1-Anew)-(1-Aold)) * h0 ! Snow is distributed over the new ice-covered area ! (1-Anew) * hsnew = (1-Aold) * hsold !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ji = kideb , kiut iicefr = 1 - MAX( 0, INT( SIGN( 1.5 * zone , zfrl_old(ji) - 1.0 + epsi13 ) ) ) zhice_old(ji) = h_ice_1d(ji) zhicenew = iicefr * zhice_old(ji) + ( 1 - iicefr ) * zhice0(ji) zalpha = ( 1. - zfrl_old(ji) ) / ( 1.- frld_1d(ji) ) h_snow_1d(ji) = zalpha * h_snow_1d(ji) h_ice_1d (ji) = zalpha * zhicenew + ( 1.0 - zalpha ) * zhice0(ji) qstbif_1d(ji) = zalpha * qstbif_1d(ji) END DO !------------------------------------------------------- ! Ajustement of ice internal temperatures !------------------------------------------------------- DO ji = kideb , kiut iicefr = 1 - MAX( 0, INT( SIGN( 1.5 * zone , zfrl_old(ji) - 1.0 + epsi13 ) ) ) iiceform = 1 - MAX( 0 ,INT( SIGN( 1.5 * zone , zhice0(ji) - h_ice_1d(ji) ) ) ) zholds2 = zhice_old(ji)/ 2. zhnews2 = h_ice_1d(ji) / 2. zdh1 = MAX( zzero , zhice_old(ji) - zhnews2 ) zdh2 = MAX( zzero , -zhice_old(ji) + zhnews2 ) zdh3 = MAX( zzero , h_ice_1d(ji) - zholds2 ) zdh4 = MAX( zzero , -h_ice_1d(ji) + zholds2 ) zdh5 = MAX( zzero , zhice0(ji) - zholds2 ) ztint = iiceform * ( ( zholds2 - zdh3 ) * tbif_1d(ji,3) + zdh4 * tbif_1d(ji,2) ) & & / MAX( epsi20 , h_ice_1d(ji) - zhice0(ji) ) & & + ( 1 - iiceform ) * tfu_1d(ji) zta1 = iicefr * ( 1. - zfrl_old(ji) ) * tbif_1d(ji,2) zta2 = iicefr * ( 1. - zfrl_old(ji) ) * tbif_1d(ji,3) zta3 = iicefr * ( 1. - zfrl_old(ji) ) * ztint zta4 = ( zfrl_old(ji) - frld_1d (ji) ) * tfu_1d(ji) zah = ( 1. - frld_1d(ji) ) * zhnews2 tbif_1d(ji,2) = ( MIN( zhnews2 , zholds2 ) * zta1 & & + ( 1 - iiceform ) * ( zholds2 - zdh1 ) * zta2 & & + ( iiceform * ( zhnews2 - zhice0(ji) + zdh5 ) + ( 1 - iiceform ) * zdh2 ) * zta3 & & + MIN ( zhnews2 , zhice0(ji) ) * zta4 & & ) / zah tbif_1d(ji,3) = ( iiceform * ( zhnews2 - zdh3 ) * zta1 & & + ( iiceform * zdh3 + ( 1 - iiceform ) * zdh1 ) * zta2 & & + ( iiceform * ( zhnews2 - zdh5 ) + ( 1 - iiceform ) * ( zhnews2 - zdh1 ) ) * zta3 & & + ( iiceform * zdh5 + ( 1 - iiceform ) * zhnews2 ) * zta4 & & ) / zah !---removing the remaining part of ice formed which has been already used zbeta = h_ice_1d(ji) / ( h_ice_1d(ji) + zdhicbot(ji) ) h_ice_1d(ji) = h_ice_1d(ji) + zdhicbot(ji) tbif_1d (ji,2)= zbeta * tbif_1d(ji,2) + ( 1.0 - zbeta ) * tbif_1d(ji,3) tbif_1d (ji,3)= ( 2. * zbeta - 1.0 ) * tbif_1d(ji,3) + ( 2. * zdhicbot(ji) / h_ice_1d(ji) ) * tfu_1d(ji) END DO !------------------------------------------------------------- ! Computation of variation of ice volume and ice mass ! Vold = (1-Aold) * hiold ; Vnew = (1-Anew) * hinew ! dV = Vnew - Vold !------------------------------------------------------------- DO ji = kideb , kiut dvlbq_1d (ji) = ( 1. - frld_1d(ji) ) * h_ice_1d(ji) - ( 1. - zfrl_old(ji) ) * zhice_old(ji) rdmicif_1d(ji) = rdmicif_1d(ji) + rhoic * dvlbq_1d(ji) END DO CALL wrk_dealloc( jpij, zqbgow, zfrl_old, zhice_old, zhice0, zfrlmin, zdhicbot ) ! END SUBROUTINE lim_thd_lac_2 #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** MODULE limthd_lac_2 *** !! no sea ice model !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE lim_thd_lac_2 ! Empty routine END SUBROUTINE lim_thd_lac_2 #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE limthd_lac_2