MODULE bdytides !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE bdytides *** !! Ocean dynamics: Tidal forcing at open boundaries !!====================================================================== !! History : 2.0 ! 2007-01 (D.Storkey) Original code !! 2.3 ! 2008-01 (J.Holt) Add date correction. Origins POLCOMS v6.3 2007 !! 3.0 ! 2008-04 (NEMO team) add in the reference version !! 3.3 ! 2010-09 (D.Storkey and E.O'Dea) bug fixes !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_bdy !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_bdy' Open Boundary Condition !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! PUBLIC !! tide_init : read of namelist and initialisation of tidal harmonics data !! tide_update : calculation of tidal forcing at each timestep !! PRIVATE !! uvset :\ !! vday : | Routines to correct tidal harmonics forcing for !! shpen : | start time of integration !! ufset : | !! vset :/ !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE iom USE in_out_manager ! I/O units USE phycst ! physical constants USE lbclnk ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link) USE bdy_par ! Unstructured boundary parameters USE bdy_oce ! ocean open boundary conditions USE daymod ! calendar USE fldread, ONLY: fld_map IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC tide_init ! routine called in nemo_init PUBLIC tide_update ! routine called in bdydyn TYPE, PUBLIC :: TIDES_DATA !: Storage for external tidal harmonics data INTEGER :: ncpt !: Actual number of tidal components REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: speed !: Phase speed of tidal constituent (deg/hr) REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: ssh !: Tidal constituents : SSH REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: u !: Tidal constituents : U REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: v !: Tidal constituents : V END TYPE TIDES_DATA INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jptides_max = 15 !: Max number of tidal contituents TYPE(TIDES_DATA), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(jp_bdy), TARGET :: tides !: External tidal harmonics data !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE tide_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE tide_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : - Read in namelist for tides and initialise external !! tidal harmonics data !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! namelist variables !!------------------- LOGICAL :: ln_tide_date !: =T correct tide phases and amplitude for model start date CHARACTER(len=80) :: filtide !: Filename root for tidal input files CHARACTER(len= 4), DIMENSION(jptides_max) :: tide_cpt !: Names of tidal components used. REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jptides_max) :: tide_speed !: Phase speed of tidal constituent (deg/hr) !! INTEGER, DIMENSION(jptides_max) :: nindx !: index of pre-set tidal components INTEGER :: ib_bdy, itide, ib !: dummy loop indices INTEGER :: inum, igrd INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: ilen0 !: length of boundary data (from OBC arrays) CHARACTER(len=80) :: clfile !: full file name for tidal input file REAL(wp) :: z_arg, z_atde, z_btde, z1t, z2t REAL(wp),DIMENSION(jptides_max) :: z_vplu, z_ftc REAL(wp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: dta_read !: work space to read in tidal harmonics data !! TYPE(TIDES_DATA), POINTER :: td !: local short cut !! NAMELIST/nambdy_tide/ln_tide_date, filtide, tide_cpt, tide_speed !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'tide_init : initialization of tidal harmonic forcing at open boundaries' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~' REWIND(numnam) DO ib_bdy = 1, nb_bdy IF( nn_dyn2d_dta(ib_bdy) .ge. 2 ) THEN td => tides(ib_bdy) ! Namelist nambdy_tide : tidal harmonic forcing at open boundaries ln_tide_date = .false. filtide(:) = '' tide_speed(:) = 0.0 tide_cpt(:) = '' ! Don't REWIND here - may need to read more than one of these namelists. READ ( numnam, nambdy_tide ) ! ! Count number of components specified td%ncpt = 0 DO itide = 1, jptides_max IF( tide_cpt(itide) /= '' ) THEN td%ncpt = td%ncpt + 1 ENDIF END DO ! Fill in phase speeds from namelist ALLOCATE( td%speed(td%ncpt) ) td%speed = tide_speed(1:td%ncpt) ! Find constituents in standard list DO itide = 1, td%ncpt nindx(itide) = 0 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'Q1' ) nindx(itide) = 1 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'O1' ) nindx(itide) = 2 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'P1' ) nindx(itide) = 3 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'S1' ) nindx(itide) = 4 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'K1' ) nindx(itide) = 5 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == '2N2' ) nindx(itide) = 6 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'MU2' ) nindx(itide) = 7 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'N2' ) nindx(itide) = 8 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'NU2' ) nindx(itide) = 9 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'M2' ) nindx(itide) = 10 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'L2' ) nindx(itide) = 11 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'T2' ) nindx(itide) = 12 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'S2' ) nindx(itide) = 13 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'K2' ) nindx(itide) = 14 IF( TRIM( tide_cpt(itide) ) == 'M4' ) nindx(itide) = 15 IF( nindx(itide) == 0 .AND. lwp ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) 'constitunent', itide,':', tide_cpt(itide), 'not in standard list' CALL ctl_warn( ctmp1 ) ENDIF END DO ! ! Parameter control and print IF( td%ncpt < 1 ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( ' Did not find any tidal components in namelist nambdy_tide' ) ELSE IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist nambdy_tide : tidal harmonic forcing at open boundaries' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' tidal components specified ', td%ncpt IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ', tide_cpt(1:td%ncpt) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' associated phase speeds (deg/hr) : ' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ', tide_speed(1:td%ncpt) ENDIF ! Allocate space for tidal harmonics data - ! get size from OBC data arrays ! --------------------------------------- ilen0(1) = SIZE( dta_bdy(ib_bdy)%ssh ) ALLOCATE( td%ssh( ilen0(1), td%ncpt, 2 ) ) ilen0(2) = SIZE( dta_bdy(ib_bdy)%u2d ) ALLOCATE( td%u( ilen0(2), td%ncpt, 2 ) ) ilen0(3) = SIZE( dta_bdy(ib_bdy)%v2d ) ALLOCATE( td%v( ilen0(3), td%ncpt, 2 ) ) ALLOCATE( dta_read( MAXVAL(ilen0), 1, 1 ) ) ! Open files and read in tidal forcing data ! ----------------------------------------- DO itide = 1, td%ncpt ! ! SSH fields clfile = TRIM(filtide)//TRIM(tide_cpt(itide))//'' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading data from file ', clfile CALL iom_open( clfile, inum ) CALL fld_map( inum, 'z1' , dta_read(1:ilen0(1),1:1,1:1) , 1, idx_bdy(ib_bdy)%nbmap(:,1) ) td%ssh(:,itide,1) = dta_read(1:ilen0(1),1,1) CALL fld_map( inum, 'z2' , dta_read(1:ilen0(1),1:1,1:1) , 1, idx_bdy(ib_bdy)%nbmap(:,1) ) td%ssh(:,itide,2) = dta_read(1:ilen0(1),1,1) CALL iom_close( inum ) ! ! U fields clfile = TRIM(filtide)//TRIM(tide_cpt(itide))//'' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading data from file ', clfile CALL iom_open( clfile, inum ) CALL fld_map( inum, 'u1' , dta_read(1:ilen0(2),1:1,1:1) , 1, idx_bdy(ib_bdy)%nbmap(:,2) ) td%u(:,itide,1) = dta_read(1:ilen0(2),1,1) CALL fld_map( inum, 'u2' , dta_read(1:ilen0(2),1:1,1:1) , 1, idx_bdy(ib_bdy)%nbmap(:,2) ) td%u(:,itide,2) = dta_read(1:ilen0(2),1,1) CALL iom_close( inum ) ! ! V fields clfile = TRIM(filtide)//TRIM(tide_cpt(itide))//'' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading data from file ', clfile CALL iom_open( clfile, inum ) CALL fld_map( inum, 'v1' , dta_read(1:ilen0(3),1:1,1:1) , 1, idx_bdy(ib_bdy)%nbmap(:,3) ) td%v(:,itide,1) = dta_read(1:ilen0(3),1,1) CALL fld_map( inum, 'v2' , dta_read(1:ilen0(3),1:1,1:1) , 1, idx_bdy(ib_bdy)%nbmap(:,3) ) td%v(:,itide,2) = dta_read(1:ilen0(3),1,1) CALL iom_close( inum ) ! END DO ! end loop on tidal components IF( ln_tide_date ) THEN ! correct for date factors !! used nmonth, nyear and nday from daymod.... ! Calculate date corrects for 15 standard consituents ! This is the initialisation step, so nday, nmonth, nyear are the ! initial date/time of the integration. print *, nday,nmonth,nyear nyear = int(ndate0 / 10000 ) ! initial year nmonth = int((ndate0 - nyear * 10000 ) / 100 ) ! initial month nday = int(ndate0 - nyear * 10000 - nmonth * 100) CALL uvset( 0, nday, nmonth, nyear, z_ftc, z_vplu ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Correcting tide for date:', nday, nmonth, nyear DO itide = 1, td%ncpt ! loop on tidal components ! IF( nindx(itide) /= 0 ) THEN !!gm use rpi and rad global variable z_arg = 3.14159265d0 * z_vplu(nindx(itide)) / 180.0d0 z_atde=z_ftc(nindx(itide))*cos(z_arg) z_btde=z_ftc(nindx(itide))*sin(z_arg) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,'(2i5,8f10.6)') itide, nindx(itide), td%speed(itide), & & z_ftc(nindx(itide)), z_vplu(nindx(itide)) ELSE z_atde = 1.0_wp z_btde = 0.0_wp ENDIF ! ! elevation igrd = 1 DO ib = 1, ilen0(igrd) z1t = z_atde * td%ssh(ib,itide,1) + z_btde * td%ssh(ib,itide,2) z2t = z_atde * td%ssh(ib,itide,2) - z_btde * td%ssh(ib,itide,1) td%ssh(ib,itide,1) = z1t td%ssh(ib,itide,2) = z2t END DO ! ! u igrd = 2 DO ib = 1, ilen0(igrd) z1t = z_atde * td%u(ib,itide,1) + z_btde * td%u(ib,itide,2) z2t = z_atde * td%u(ib,itide,2) - z_btde * td%u(ib,itide,1) td%u(ib,itide,1) = z1t td%u(ib,itide,2) = z2t END DO ! ! v igrd = 3 DO ib = 1, ilen0(igrd) z1t = z_atde * td%v(ib,itide,1) + z_btde * td%v(ib,itide,2) z2t = z_atde * td%v(ib,itide,2) - z_btde * td%v(ib,itide,1) td%v(ib,itide,1) = z1t td%v(ib,itide,2) = z2t END DO ! END DO ! end loop on tidal components ! ENDIF ! date correction ! ENDIF ! nn_dyn2d_dta(ib_bdy) .ge. 2 ! END DO ! loop on ib_bdy END SUBROUTINE tide_init SUBROUTINE tide_update ( kt, idx, dta, td, jit, time_offset ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE tide_update *** !! !! ** Purpose : - Add tidal forcing to ssh, u2d and v2d OBC data arrays. !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! Main timestep counter !!gm doctor jit ==> kit TYPE(OBC_INDEX), INTENT( in ) :: idx ! OBC indices TYPE(OBC_DATA), INTENT(inout) :: dta ! OBC external data TYPE(TIDES_DATA),INTENT( in ) :: td ! tidal harmonics data INTEGER,INTENT(in),OPTIONAL :: jit ! Barotropic timestep counter (for timesplitting option) INTEGER,INTENT( in ), OPTIONAL :: time_offset ! time offset in units of timesteps. NB. if jit ! is present then units = subcycle timesteps. ! time_offset = 0 => get data at "now" time level ! time_offset = -1 => get data at "before" time level ! time_offset = +1 => get data at "after" time level ! etc. !! INTEGER :: itide, igrd, ib ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: time_add ! time offset in units of timesteps REAL(wp) :: z_arg, z_sarg REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jptides_max) :: z_sist, z_cost !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- time_add = 0 IF( PRESENT(time_offset) ) THEN time_add = time_offset ENDIF ! Note tide phase speeds are in deg/hour, so we need to convert the ! elapsed time in seconds to hours by dividing by 3600.0 IF( PRESENT(jit) ) THEN z_arg = ( (kt-1) * rdt + (jit+time_add) * rdt / REAL(nn_baro,wp) ) * rad / 3600.0 ELSE z_arg = (kt+time_add) * rdt * rad / 3600.0 ENDIF DO itide = 1, td%ncpt z_sarg = z_arg * td%speed(itide) z_cost(itide) = COS( z_sarg ) z_sist(itide) = SIN( z_sarg ) END DO DO itide = 1, td%ncpt igrd=1 ! SSH on tracer grid. DO ib = 1, idx%nblenrim(igrd) dta%ssh(ib) = dta%ssh(ib) + td%ssh(ib,itide,1)*z_cost(itide) + td%ssh(ib,itide,2)*z_sist(itide) ! if(lwp) write(numout,*) 'z', ib, itide, dta%ssh(ib), td%ssh(ib,itide,1),td%ssh(ib,itide,2) END DO igrd=2 ! U grid DO ib=1, idx%nblenrim(igrd) dta%u2d(ib) = dta%u2d(ib) + td%u(ib,itide,1)*z_cost(itide) + td%u(ib,itide,2)*z_sist(itide) ! if(lwp) write(numout,*) 'u',ib,itide,utide(ib), td%u(ib,itide,1),td%u(ib,itide,2) END DO igrd=3 ! V grid DO ib=1, idx%nblenrim(igrd) dta%v2d(ib) = dta%v2d(ib) + td%v(ib,itide,1)*z_cost(itide) + td%v(ib,itide,2)*z_sist(itide) ! if(lwp) write(numout,*) 'v',ib,itide,vtide(ib), td%v(ib,itide,1),td%v(ib,itide,2) END DO END DO ! END SUBROUTINE tide_update !!gm doctor naming of dummy argument variables!!! and all local variables SUBROUTINE uvset( ihs, iday, imnth, iyr, f, z_vplu ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE uvset *** !! !! ** Purpose : - adjust tidal forcing for date factors !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: ihs ! Start time hours INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: iday ! start time days INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: imnth ! start time month INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: iyr ! start time year !! !!gm nc is jptides_max ???? INTEGER , PARAMETER :: nc =15 ! maximum number of constituents CHARACTER(len=8), DIMENSION(nc) :: cname INTEGER :: year, vd, ivdy, ndc, i, k REAL(wp) :: ss, h, p, en, p1, rtd REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nc) :: f ! nodal correction REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nc) :: z_vplu ! phase correction REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nc) :: u, v, zig !! DATA cname/ 'q1' , 'o1' , 'p1' , 's1' , 'k1' , & & '2n2' , 'mu2' , 'n2' , 'nu2' , 'm2' , & & 'l2' , 't2' , 's2' , 'k2' , 'm4' / DATA zig/ .2338507481, .2433518789, .2610826055, .2617993878, .2625161701, & & .4868657873, .4881373225, .4963669182, .4976384533, .5058680490, & & .5153691799, .5228820265, .5235987756, .5250323419, 1.011736098 / !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ihs - start time gmt on ... ! iday/imnth/iyr - date e.g. 12/10/87 ! CALL vday(iday,imnth,iyr,ivdy) vd = ivdy ! !rp note change of year number for d. blackman shpen !rp if( year=iyr-1900 !rp if( year=iyr year = iyr ! !.....year = year of required data !.....vd = day of required data..set up for 0000gmt day year ndc = nc !.....ndc = number of constituents allowed !!gm use rpi ? rtd = 360.0 / 6.2831852 DO i = 1, ndc zig(i) = zig(i)*rtd ! sigo(i)= zig(i) END DO !!gm try to avoid RETURN in F90 IF( year == 0 ) RETURN CALL shpen( year, vd, ss, h , p , en, p1 ) CALL ufset( p , en, u , f ) CALL vset ( ss , h , p , en, p1, v ) ! DO k = 1, nc z_vplu(k) = v(k) + u(k) z_vplu(k) = z_vplu(k) + dble(ihs) * zig(k) DO WHILE( z_vplu(k) < 0 ) z_vplu(k) = z_vplu(k) + 360.0 END DO DO WHILE( z_vplu(k) > 360. ) z_vplu(k) = z_vplu(k) - 360.0 END DO END DO ! END SUBROUTINE uvset SUBROUTINE vday( iday, imnth, iy, ivdy ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE vday *** !! !! ** Purpose : - adjust tidal forcing for date factors !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in ) :: iday, imnth, iy ! ???? INTEGER, INTENT( out) :: ivdy ! ??? !! INTEGER :: iyr !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !!gm nday_year in day mode is the variable compiuted here, no? !!gm nday_year , & !: curent day counted from jan 1st of the current year !calculate day number in year from day/month/year if(imnth.eq.1) ivdy=iday if(imnth.eq.2) ivdy=iday+31 if(imnth.eq.3) ivdy=iday+59 if(imnth.eq.4) ivdy=iday+90 if(imnth.eq.5) ivdy=iday+120 if(imnth.eq.6) ivdy=iday+151 if(imnth.eq.7) ivdy=iday+181 if(imnth.eq.8) ivdy=iday+212 if(imnth.eq.9) ivdy=iday+243 if(imnth.eq.10) ivdy=iday+273 if(imnth.eq.11) ivdy=iday+304 if(imnth.eq.12) ivdy=iday+334 iyr=iy if(mod(iyr,4) ivdy=ivdy+1 if(mod(iyr,100) ivdy=ivdy-1 if(mod(iyr,400) ivdy=ivdy+1 ! END SUBROUTINE vday !!doctor norme for dummy arguments SUBROUTINE shpen( year, vd, s, h, p, en, p1 ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE shpen *** !! !! ** Purpose : - calculate astronomical arguments for tides !! this version from d. blackman 30 nove 1990 !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!gm add INTENT in, out or inout.... DOCTOR name.... !!gm please do not use variable name with a single letter: impossible to search in a code INTEGER :: year,vd REAL(wp) :: s,h,p,en,p1 !! INTEGER :: yr,ilc,icent,it,iday,ild,ipos,nn,iyd REAL(wp) :: cycle,t,td,delt(84),delta,deltat !! DATA delt /-5.04, -3.90, -2.87, -0.58, 0.71, 1.80, & & 3.08, 4.63, 5.86, 7.21, 8.58, 10.50, 12.10, & & 12.49, 14.41, 15.59, 15.81, 17.52, 19.01, 18.39, & & 19.55, 20.36, 21.01, 21.81, 21.76, 22.35, 22.68, & & 22.94, 22.93, 22.69, 22.94, 23.20, 23.31, 23.63, & & 23.47, 23.68, 23.62, 23.53, 23.59, 23.99, 23.80, & & 24.20, 24.99, 24.97, 25.72, 26.21, 26.37, 26.89, & & 27.68, 28.13, 28.94, 29.42, 29.66, 30.29, 30.96, & & 31.09, 31.59, 31.52, 31.92, 32.45, 32.91, 33.39, & & 33.80, 34.23, 34.73, 35.40, 36.14, 36.99, 37.87, & & 38.75, 39.70, 40.70, 41.68, 42.82, 43.96, 45.00, & & 45.98, 47.00, 48.03, 49.10, 50.10, 50.97, 51.81, & & 52.57 / !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- cycle = 360.0 ilc = 0 icent = year / 100 yr = year - icent * 100 t = icent - 20 ! ! for the following equations ! time origin is fixed at 00 hr of jan 1st,2000. ! see notes by cartwright ! !!gm old coding style, use CASE instead and avoid GOTO (obsolescence in fortran 90) !!gm obsol( 1): Arithmetic IF statement is used ===> remove this in Fortran 90 it = icent - 20 if (it) 1,2,2 1 iday = it/4 -it go to 3 2 iday = (it+3)/4 - it ! ! t is in julian century ! correction in gegorian calander where only century year divisible ! by 4 is leap year. ! 3 continue ! td = 0.0 ! !!gm obsol( 1): Arithmetic IF statement is used ===> remove this in Fortran 90 if (yr) 4,5,4 ! 4 iyd = 365*yr ild = (yr-1)/4 if((icent - (icent/4)*4) .eq. 0) ilc = 1 td = iyd + ild + ilc ! 5 td = td + iday + vd -1.0 - 0.5 t = t + (td/36525.0) ! ipos=year-1899 if (ipos .lt. 0) go to 7 if (ipos .gt. 83) go to 6 ! delta = (delt(ipos+1)+delt(ipos))/2.0 go to 7 ! 6 delta= (65.0-50.5)/20.0*(year-1980)+50.5 ! 7 deltat = delta * 1.0e-6 ! !!gm precision of the computation : example for s it should be replace by: !!gm s = 218.3165 + (481267.8813 - 0.0016*t)*t + 152.0*deltat ==> more precise modify the last digits results s = 218.3165 + 481267.8813*t - 0.0016*t*t + 152.0*deltat h = 280.4661 + 36000.7698 *t + 0.0003*t*t + 11.0*deltat p = 83.3535 + 4069.0139 *t - 0.0103*t*t + deltat en = 234.9555 + 1934.1363 *t - 0.0021*t*t + deltat p1 = 282.9384 + 1.7195 *t + 0.0005*t*t ! nn = s / cycle s = s - nn * cycle IF( s < 0.e0 ) s = s + cycle ! nn = h / cycle h = h - cycle * nn IF( h < 0.e0 ) h = h + cycle ! nn = p / cycle p = p - cycle * nn IF( p < 0.e0) p = p + cycle ! nn = en / cycle en = en - cycle * nn IF( en < 0.e0 ) en = en + cycle en = cycle - en ! nn = p1 / cycle p1 = p1 - nn * cycle ! END SUBROUTINE shpen SUBROUTINE ufset( p, cn, b, a ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE ufset *** !! !! ** Purpose : - calculate nodal parameters for the tides !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!gm doctor naming of dummy argument variables!!! and all local variables !!gm nc is jptides_max ???? integer nc parameter (nc=15) REAL(wp) p,cn !! !!gm rad is already a public variable defined in phycst.F90 .... ==> doctor norme local real start with "z" REAL(wp) :: w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, nw, pw, rad REAL(wp) :: a(nc), b(nc) INTEGER :: ndc, k !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ndc = nc ! a=f , b =u ! t is zero as compared to tifa. !! use rad defined in phycst (i.e. add a USE phycst at the begining of the module rad = 6.2831852d0/360.0 pw = p * rad nw = cn * rad w1 = cos( nw ) w2 = cos( 2*nw ) w3 = cos( 3*nw ) w4 = sin( nw ) w5 = sin( 2*nw ) w6 = sin( 3*nw ) w7 = 1. - 0.2505 * COS( 2*pw ) - 0.1102 * COS(2*pw-nw ) & & - 0.156 * COS( 2*pw-2*nw ) - 0.037 * COS( nw ) w8 = - 0.2505 * SIN( 2*pw ) - 0.1102 * SIN(2*pw-nw ) & & - 0.0156 * SIN( 2*pw-2*nw ) - 0.037 * SIN( nw ) ! a(1) = 1.0089 + 0.1871 * w1 - 0.0147 * w2 + 0.0014 * w3 b(1) = 0.1885 * w4 - 0.0234 * w5 + 0.0033 * w6 ! q1 a(2) = a(1) b(2) = b(1) ! o1 a(3) = 1.0 b(3) = 0.0 ! p1 a(4) = 1.0 b(4) = 0.0 ! s1 a(5) = 1.0060+0.1150*w1- 0.0088*w2 +0.0006*w3 b(5) = -0.1546*w4 + 0.0119*w5 -0.0012*w6 ! k1 a(6) =1.0004 -0.0373*w1+ 0.0002*w2 b(6) = -0.0374*w4 ! 2n2 a(7) = a(6) b(7) = b(6) ! mu2 a(8) = a(6) b(8) = b(6) ! n2 a(9) = a(6) b(9) = b(6) ! nu2 a(10) = a(6) b(10) = b(6) ! m2 a(11) = SQRT( w7 * w7 + w8 * w8 ) b(11) = ATAN( w8 / w7 ) !!gmuse rpi instead of 3.141992 ??? true pi is rpi=3.141592653589793_wp ..... ???? IF( w7 < 0.e0 ) b(11) = b(11) + 3.141992 ! l2 a(12) = 1.0 b(12) = 0.0 ! t2 a(13)= a(12) b(13)= b(12) ! s2 a(14) = 1.0241+0.2863*w1+0.0083*w2 -0.0015*w3 b(14) = -0.3096*w4 + 0.0119*w5 - 0.0007*w6 ! k2 a(15) = a(6)*a(6) b(15) = 2*b(6) ! m4 !!gm old coding, remove GOTO and label of lines !!gm obsol( 1): Arithmetic IF statement is used ===> remove this in Fortran 90 DO 40 k = 1,ndc b(k) = b(k)/rad 32 if (b(k)) 34,35,35 34 b(k) = b(k) + 360.0 go to 32 35 if (b(k)-360.0) 40,37,37 37 b(k) = b(k)-360.0 go to 35 40 continue ! END SUBROUTINE ufset SUBROUTINE vset( s,h,p,en,p1,v) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE vset *** !! !! ** Purpose : - calculate tidal phases for 0000gmt on start day of run !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!gm doctor naming of dummy argument variables!!! and all local variables !!gm nc is jptides_max ???? !!gm en argument is not used: suppress it ? integer nc parameter (nc=15) real(wp) s,h,p,en,p1 real(wp) v(nc) !! integer ndc, k !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ndc = nc ! v s are computed here. v(1) =-3*s +h +p +270 ! Q1 v(2) =-2*s +h +270.0 ! O1 v(3) =-h +270 ! P1 v(4) =180 ! S1 v(5) =h +90.0 ! K1 v(6) =-4*s +2*h +2*p ! 2N2 v(7) =-4*(s-h) ! MU2 v(8) =-3*s +2*h +p ! N2 v(9) =-3*s +4*h -p ! MU2 v(10) =-2*s +2*h ! M2 v(11) =-s +2*h -p +180 ! L2 v(12) =-h +p1 ! T2 v(13) =0 ! S2 v(14) =h+h ! K2 v(15) =2*v(10) ! M4 ! !!gm old coding, remove GOTO and label of lines !!gm obsol( 1): Arithmetic IF statement is used ===> remove this in Fortran 90 do 72 k = 1, ndc 69 if( v(k) ) 70,71,71 70 v(k) = v(k)+360.0 go to 69 71 if( v(k) - 360.0 ) 72,73,73 73 v(k) = v(k)-360.0 go to 71 72 continue ! END SUBROUTINE vset #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Dummy module NO Unstruct Open Boundary Conditions for tides !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!gm are you sure we need to define filtide and tide_cpt ? CHARACTER(len=80), PUBLIC :: filtide !: Filename root for tidal input files CHARACTER(len=4 ), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(1) :: tide_cpt !: Names of tidal components used. CONTAINS SUBROUTINE tide_init ! Empty routine END SUBROUTINE tide_init SUBROUTINE tide_data ! Empty routine END SUBROUTINE tide_data SUBROUTINE tide_update( kt, kit ) ! Empty routine WRITE(*,*) 'tide_update: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt, kit END SUBROUTINE tide_update #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE bdytides