MODULE dynnept !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE dynnept *** !! Ocean dynamics: Neptune effect as proposed by Greg Holloway, !! recoded version of simplest case (u*, v* only) !!====================================================================== !! History : 1.0 ! 2007-06 (Michael Dunphy) Modular form: - new namelist parameters !! - horizontal diffusion for Neptune !! - vertical diffusion for gm in momentum eqns !! - option to use Neptune in Coriolis eqn !! 2011-08 (Jeff Blundell, NOCS) Simplified form for temporally invariant u*, v* !! Horizontal and vertical diffusivity formulations removed !! Dynamic allocation of storage added !! Option of ramping Neptune vel. down !! to zero added in shallow depths added !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! dynnept_alloc : !! dyn_nept_init : !! dyn_nept_div_cur_init: !! dyn_nept_cor : !! dyn_nept_vel : !! dyn_nept_smooth_vel : !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE obc_oce ! ocean lateral open boundary condition USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE lib_mpp ! distributed memory computing USE prtctl ! Print control USE phycst USE lbclnk USE wrk_nemo ! Memory Allocation IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! * Routine accessibility PUBLIC dyn_nept_init ! routine called by nemogcm.F90 PUBLIC dyn_nept_cor ! routine called by step.F90 !! dynnept_alloc() is called only by dyn_nept_init, within this module !! dyn_nept_div_cur_init is called only by dyn_nept_init, within this module !! dyn_nept_vel is called only by dyn_nept_cor, within this module !! * Shared module variables REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zunep, zvnep ! Neptune u and v REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: zhdivnep ! hor. div for Neptune vel. REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: zmrotnep ! curl for Neptune vel. !! * Namelist namdyn_nept variables LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_neptsimp = .FALSE. ! yes/no simplified neptune LOGICAL :: ln_smooth_neptvel = .FALSE. ! yes/no smooth zunep, zvnep REAL(wp) :: rn_tslse = 1.2e4 ! value of lengthscale L at the equator REAL(wp) :: rn_tslsp = 3.0e3 ! value of lengthscale L at the pole !! Specify whether to ramp down the Neptune velocity in shallow !! water, and the depth range controlling such ramping down LOGICAL :: ln_neptramp = .FALSE. ! ramp down Neptune velocity in shallow water REAL(wp) :: rn_htrmin = 100.0 ! min. depth of transition range REAL(wp) :: rn_htrmax = 200.0 ! max. depth of transition range !! * Module variables !! * Substitutions # include "vectopt_loop_substitute.h90" # include "domzgr_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! OPA 9.0 , implemented by Bedford Institute of Oceanography !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS INTEGER FUNCTION dynnept_alloc() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dynnept_alloc *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE( zunep(jpi,jpj) , zvnep(jpi,jpj) , & & zhdivnep(jpi,jpj,jpk) , zmrotnep(jpi,jpj,jpk) , STAT=dynnept_alloc ) ! IF( dynnept_alloc /= 0 ) CALL ctl_warn('dynnept_alloc: array allocate failed.') END FUNCTION dynnept_alloc SUBROUTINE dyn_nept_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dyn_nept_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : Read namelist parameters, initialise arrays !! and compute the arrays zunep and zvnep !! !! ** Method : zunep = !! zvnep = !! !! ** History : 1.0 ! 07-05 (Zeliang Wang) Original code for zunep, zvnep !! 1.1 ! 07-06 (Michael Dunphy) namelist and initialisation !! 2.0 ! 2011-07 (Jeff Blundell, NOCS) !! ! Simplified form for temporally invariant u*, v* !! ! Horizontal and vertical diffusivity formulations removed !! ! Includes optional tapering-off in shallow depths !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE iom !! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp) :: unemin,unemax,vnemin,vnemax ! extrema of (u*, v*) fields REAL(wp) :: zhdivmin,zhdivmax ! extrema of horizontal divergence of (u*, v*) fields REAL(wp) :: zmrotmin,zmrotmax ! extrema of the curl of the (u*, v*) fields REAL(wp) :: ustar,vstar ! (u*, v*) before tapering in shallow water REAL(wp) :: hramp ! depth over which Neptune vel. is ramped down ! REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,: ) :: ht, htn, tscale, tsp, hur_n, hvr_n, hu_n, hv_n REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: znmask !! NAMELIST/namdyn_nept/ ln_neptsimp, ln_smooth_neptvel, rn_tslse, rn_tslsp, & ln_neptramp, rn_htrmin, rn_htrmax !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Dynamically allocate local work arrays CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj , ht, htn, tscale, tsp, hur_n, hvr_n, hu_n, hv_n ) CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, jpk, znmask ) ! ! Define the (simplified) Neptune parameters ! ========================================== !! WRITE(numout,*) ' start dynnept namelist' !! CALL FLUSH(numout) REWIND( numnam ) ! Read Namelist namdyn_nept: Simplified Neptune READ ( numnam, namdyn_nept ) !! WRITE(numout,*) ' dynnept namelist done' !! CALL FLUSH(numout) IF(lwp) THEN ! Control print WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'dyn_nept_init : Simplified Neptune module enabled' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) ' --> Reading namelist namdyn_nept parameters:' WRITE(numout,*) ' ln_neptsimp = ', ln_neptsimp WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' ln_smooth_neptvel = ', ln_smooth_neptvel WRITE(numout,*) ' rn_tslse = ', rn_tslse WRITE(numout,*) ' rn_tslsp = ', rn_tslsp WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' ln_neptramp = ', ln_neptramp WRITE(numout,*) ' rn_htrmin = ', rn_htrmin WRITE(numout,*) ' rn_htrmax = ', rn_htrmax WRITE(numout,*) CALL FLUSH(numout) ENDIF IF( ln_smooth_neptvel ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' --> neptune velocities will be smoothed' ELSE IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' --> neptune velocities will not be smoothed' ENDIF IF( ln_neptsimp ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' --> ln_neptsimp enabled, solving for U-UN' ELSE IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' --> ln_neptsimp disabled' RETURN ENDIF IF( ln_neptramp ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' --> ln_neptramp enabled, ramp down Neptune' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' --> velocity components in shallow water' ELSE IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' --> ln_neptramp disabled' ENDIF !! Perform dynamic allocation of shared module variables IF( dynnept_alloc() /= 0 ) CALL ctl_warn('dynnept_alloc: array allocate failed.') IF( .not. ln_rstart ) THEN ! If restarting, these arrays are read from the restart file zhdivnep(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp zmrotnep(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp END IF ! Computation of nmask: same as fmask, but fmask cannot be used ! because it is modified after it is computed in dom_msk ! (this can be optimised to save memory, such as merge into next loop) DO jk = 1, jpk DO jj = 1, jpjm1 DO ji = 1, fs_jpim1 ! vector loop znmask(ji,jj,jk) = tmask(ji,jj ,jk) * tmask(ji+1,jj ,jk) & & * tmask(ji,jj+1,jk) * tmask(ji+1,jj+1,jk) END DO END DO END DO CALL lbc_lnk( znmask, 'F', 1.0_wp ) ! now compute zunep, zvnep (renamed from earlier versions) zunep(:,:) = 0.0_wp zvnep(:,:) = 0.0_wp htn(:,:) = 0.0_wp ! ocean depth at F-point DO jk = 1, jpk htn(:,:) = htn(:,:) + fse3f(:,:,jk) * znmask(:,:,jk) END DO IF( ln_smooth_neptvel ) THEN CALL dyn_nept_smooth_vel( htn, ht, .TRUE. ) !! overwrites ht with a smoothed version of htn ELSE ht(:,:) = htn(:,:) !! use unsmoothed version of htn ENDIF CALL lbc_lnk( ht, 'F', 1.0_wp ) !! Compute tsp, a stream function for the Neptune velocity, !! with the usual geophysical sign convention !! Then zunep = -latitudinal derivative "-(1/H)*d(tsp)/dy" !! zvnep = longitudinal derivative " (1/H)*d(tsp)/dx" tsp(:,:) = 0.0_wp tscale(:,:) = 0.0_wp tscale(:,:) = rn_tslsp + (rn_tslse - rn_tslsp) * & ( 0.5_wp + 0.5_wp * COS( 2.0_wp * rad * gphif(:,:) ) ) tsp (:,:) = -2.0_wp * omega * SIN( rad * gphif(:,:) ) * tscale(:,:) * tscale(:,:) * ht(:,:) IF( ln_smooth_neptvel ) THEN CALL dyn_nept_smooth_vel( hu, hu_n, .TRUE. ) !! overwrites hu_n with a smoothed version of hu ELSE hu_n(:,:) = hu(:,:) !! use unsmoothed version of hu ENDIF CALL lbc_lnk( hu_n, 'U', 1.0_wp ) hu_n(:,:) = hu_n(:,:) * umask(:,:,1) WHERE( hu_n(:,:) == 0.0_wp ) hur_n(:,:) = 0.0_wp ELSEWHERE hur_n(:,:) = 1.0_wp / hu_n(:,:) END WHERE IF( ln_smooth_neptvel ) THEN CALL dyn_nept_smooth_vel( hv, hv_n, .TRUE. ) !! overwrites hv_n with a smoothed version of hv ELSE hv_n(:,:) = hv(:,:) !! use unsmoothed version of hv ENDIF CALL lbc_lnk( hv_n, 'V', 1.0_wp ) hv_n(:,:) = hv_n(:,:) * vmask(:,:,1) WHERE( hv_n == 0.0_wp ) hvr_n(:,:) = 0.0_wp ELSEWHERE hvr_n(:,:) = 1.0_wp / hv_n(:,:) END WHERE unemin = 1.0e35 unemax = -1.0e35 vnemin = 1.0e35 vnemax = -1.0e35 hramp = rn_htrmax - rn_htrmin DO jj = 2, jpj-1 DO ji = 2, jpi-1 if ( umask(ji,jj,1) /= 0.0_wp ) then ustar =-1.0_wp/e2u(ji,jj) * hur_n(ji,jj) * ( tsp(ji,jj)-tsp(ji,jj-1) ) * umask(ji,jj,1) if ( ln_neptramp ) then !! Apply ramp down to velocity component if ( hu_n(ji,jj) <= rn_htrmin ) then zunep(ji,jj) = 0.0_wp else if ( hu_n(ji,jj) >= rn_htrmax ) then zunep(ji,jj) = ustar else if ( hramp > 0.0_wp ) then zunep(ji,jj) = ( hu_n(ji,jj) - rn_htrmin) * ustar/hramp endif else zunep(ji,jj) = ustar endif else zunep(ji,jj) = 0.0_wp endif if ( vmask(ji,jj,1) /= 0.0_wp ) then vstar = 1.0_wp/e1v(ji,jj) * hvr_n(ji,jj) * ( tsp(ji,jj)-tsp(ji-1,jj) ) * vmask(ji,jj,1) if ( ln_neptramp ) then !! Apply ramp down to velocity component if ( hv_n(ji,jj) <= rn_htrmin ) then zvnep(ji,jj) = 0.0_wp else if ( hv_n(ji,jj) >= rn_htrmax ) then zvnep(ji,jj) = vstar else if ( hramp > 0.0_wp ) then zvnep(ji,jj) = ( hv_n(ji,jj) - rn_htrmin) * vstar/hramp endif else zvnep(ji,jj) = vstar endif else zvnep(ji,jj) = 0.0_wp endif unemin = min( unemin, zunep(ji,jj) ) unemax = max( unemax, zunep(ji,jj) ) vnemin = min( vnemin, zvnep(ji,jj) ) vnemax = max( vnemax, zvnep(ji,jj) ) END DO END DO CALL lbc_lnk( zunep, 'U', -1.0_wp ) CALL lbc_lnk( zvnep, 'V', -1.0_wp ) WRITE(numout,*) ' zunep: min, max = ', unemin,unemax WRITE(numout,*) ' zvnep: min, max = ', vnemin,vnemax WRITE(numout,*) !! Compute, once and for all, the horizontal divergence (zhdivnep) !! and the curl (zmrotnep) of the Neptune velocity field (zunep, zvnep) CALL dyn_nept_div_cur_init !! Check the ranges of the computed divergence & vorticity zhdivmin = 1.0e35 zhdivmax = -1.0e35 zmrotmin = 1.0e35 zmrotmax = -1.0e35 hramp = rn_htrmax - rn_htrmin DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ! Horizontal slab DO jj = 2, jpj-1 DO ji = 2, jpi-1 zhdivmin = min( zhdivmin, zhdivnep(ji,jj,jk) ) zhdivmax = max( zhdivmax, zhdivnep(ji,jj,jk) ) zmrotmin = min( zmrotmin, zmrotnep(ji,jj,jk) ) zmrotmax = max( zmrotmax, zmrotnep(ji,jj,jk) ) END DO END DO END DO WRITE(numout,*) ' zhdivnep: min, max = ', zhdivmin,zhdivmax WRITE(numout,*) ' zmrotnep: min, max = ', zmrotmin,zmrotmax WRITE(numout,*) !! Deallocate temporary workspace arrays, which are all local to !! this routine, except where passed as arguments to other routines CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj , ht, htn, tscale, tsp, hur_n, hvr_n, hu_n, hv_n ) CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, jpk, znmask ) ! END SUBROUTINE dyn_nept_init SUBROUTINE dyn_nept_div_cur_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dyn_nept_div_cur_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : compute the horizontal divergence and the relative !! vorticity of the time-invariant u* and v* Neptune !! effect velocities (called zunep, zvnep) !! !! ** Method : - Divergence: !! - compute the divergence given by : !! zhdivnep = 1/(e1t*e2t*e3t) ( di[e2u*e3u zunep] + dj[e1v*e3v zvnep] ) !! - compute the curl in tensorial formalism: !! zmrotnep = 1/(e1f*e2f) ( di[e2v zvnep] - dj[e1u zunep] ) !! Note: Coastal boundary condition: lateral friction set through !! the value of fmask along the coast (see dommsk.F90) and shlat !! (namelist parameter) !! !! ** Action : - compute zhdivnep, the hor. divergence of (u*, v*) !! - compute zmrotnep, the rel. vorticity of (u*, v*) !! !! History : OPA ! 1987-06 (P. Andrich, D. L Hostis) Original code !! 4.0 ! 1991-11 (G. Madec) !! 6.0 ! 1993-03 (M. Guyon) symetrical conditions !! 7.0 ! 1996-01 (G. Madec) s-coordinates !! 8.0 ! 1997-06 (G. Madec) lateral boundary cond., lbc !! 8.1 ! 1997-08 (J.M. Molines) Open boundaries !! 8.2 ! 2000-03 (G. Madec) no slip accurate !! NEMO 1.0 ! 2002-09 (G. Madec, E. Durand) Free form, F90 !! - ! 2005-01 (J. Chanut) Unstructured open boundaries !! - ! 2003-08 (G. Madec) merged of cur and div, free form, F90 !! - ! 2005-01 (J. Chanut, A. Sellar) unstructured open boundaries !! 3.3 ! 2010-09 (D.Storkey and E.O'Dea) bug fixes for BDY module !! ! 2011-06 (Jeff Blundell, NOCS) Adapt code from divcur.F90 !! ! to compute Neptune effect fields only !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'dyn_nept_div_cur_init :' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'horizontal velocity divergence and' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'relative vorticity of Neptune flow' #if defined key_noslip_accurate !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_noslip_accurate' 2nd order centered scheme !! 4th order at the coast !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'WARNING: key_noslip_accurate option' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'not implemented in simplified Neptune' CALL ctl_warn( ' noslip_accurate option not implemented' ) #endif !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Default option 2nd order centered schemes !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Apply the div and curl operators to the depth-dependent velocity ! field produced by multiplying (zunep, zvnep) by (umask, vmask), exactly ! equivalent to the equivalent calculation in the unsimplified code ! ! =============== DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ! Horizontal slab ! ! =============== ! ! -------- ! Horizontal divergence ! div ! ! -------- DO jj = 2, jpjm1 DO ji = fs_2, fs_jpim1 ! vector opt. zhdivnep(ji,jj,jk) = & & ( e2u(ji ,jj )*fse3u(ji ,jj ,jk) * zunep(ji ,jj ) * umask(ji ,jj ,jk) & & - e2u(ji-1,jj )*fse3u(ji-1,jj ,jk) * zunep(ji-1,jj ) * umask(ji-1,jj ,jk) & & + e1v(ji ,jj )*fse3v(ji ,jj ,jk) * zvnep(ji ,jj ) * vmask(ji ,jj ,jk) & & - e1v(ji ,jj-1)*fse3v(ji ,jj-1,jk) * zvnep(ji ,jj-1) * vmask(ji ,jj-1,jk) ) & & / ( e1t(ji,jj) * e2t(ji,jj) * fse3t(ji,jj,jk) ) END DO END DO #if defined key_obc IF( Agrif_Root() ) THEN ! open boundaries (div must be zero behind the open boundary) ! mpp remark: The zeroing of zhdivnep can probably be extended to 1->jpi/jpj for the correct row/column IF( lp_obc_east ) zhdivnep(nie0p1:nie1p1,nje0 :nje1 ,jk) = 0.0_wp ! east IF( lp_obc_west ) zhdivnep(niw0 :niw1 ,njw0 :njw1 ,jk) = 0.0_wp ! west IF( lp_obc_north ) zhdivnep(nin0 :nin1 ,njn0p1:njn1p1,jk) = 0.0_wp ! north IF( lp_obc_south ) zhdivnep(nis0 :nis1 ,njs0 :njs1 ,jk) = 0.0_wp ! south ENDIF #endif IF( .NOT. AGRIF_Root() ) THEN IF ((nbondi == 1).OR.(nbondi == 2)) zhdivnep(nlci-1 , : ,jk) = 0.0_wp ! east IF ((nbondi == -1).OR.(nbondi == 2)) zhdivnep(2 , : ,jk) = 0.0_wp ! west IF ((nbondj == 1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) zhdivnep(: ,nlcj-1 ,jk) = 0.0_wp ! north IF ((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) zhdivnep(: ,2 ,jk) = 0.0_wp ! south ENDIF ! ! -------- ! relative vorticity ! rot ! ! -------- DO jj = 1, jpjm1 DO ji = 1, fs_jpim1 ! vector opt. zmrotnep(ji,jj,jk) = & & ( e2v(ji+1,jj ) * zvnep(ji+1,jj ) * vmask(ji+1,jj ,jk) & & - e2v(ji ,jj ) * zvnep(ji ,jj ) * vmask(ji ,jj ,jk) & & - e1u(ji ,jj+1) * zunep(ji ,jj+1) * umask(ji ,jj+1,jk) & & + e1u(ji ,jj ) * zunep(ji ,jj ) * umask(ji ,jj ,jk) ) & & * fmask(ji,jj,jk) / ( e1f(ji,jj) * e2f(ji,jj) ) END DO END DO ! ! =============== END DO ! End of slab ! ! =============== ! 4. Lateral boundary conditions on zhdivnep and zmrotnep ! ----------------------------------=======-----======= CALL lbc_lnk( zhdivnep, 'T', 1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( zmrotnep , 'F', 1. ) ! lateral boundary cond. (no sign change) ! END SUBROUTINE dyn_nept_div_cur_init SUBROUTINE dyn_nept_cor( kt ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dyn_nept_cor *** !! !! ** Purpose : Add or subtract the Neptune velocity from the now velocities !! !! ** Method : First call : kt not equal to lastkt -> subtract zunep, zvnep !! Second call: kt equal to lastkt -> add zunep, zvnep !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index !! INTEGER, SAVE :: lastkt ! store previous kt DATA lastkt/-1/ ! initialise previous kt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( ln_neptsimp ) THEN ! IF( lastkt /= kt ) THEN ! 1st call for this kt: subtract the Neptune velocities zunep, zvnep from un, vn CALL dyn_nept_vel( -1 ) ! -1 = subtract ! ELSE ! 2nd call for this kt: add the Neptune velocities zunep, zvnep to un, vn CALL dyn_nept_vel( 1 ) ! 1 = add ! ENDIF ! lastkt = kt ! Store kt ! ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE dyn_nept_cor SUBROUTINE dyn_nept_vel( ksign ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dyn_nept_vel *** !! !! ** Purpose : Add or subtract the Neptune velocity from the now !! velocities based on ksign !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: ksign ! 1 or -1 to add or subtract neptune velocities !! INTEGER :: jk ! dummy loop index !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Adjust the current velocity un, vn by adding or subtracting the ! Neptune velocities zunep, zvnep, as determined by argument ksign DO jk=1, jpk un(:,:,jk) = un(:,:,jk) + ksign * zunep(:,:) * umask(:,:,jk) vn(:,:,jk) = vn(:,:,jk) + ksign * zvnep(:,:) * vmask(:,:,jk) END DO ! END SUBROUTINE dyn_nept_vel SUBROUTINE dyn_nept_smooth_vel( htold, htnew, ld_option ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dyn_nept_smooth_vel *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute smoothed topography field. !! !! ** Action : - Updates the array htnew (output) with a smoothed !! version of the (input) array htold. Form of smoothing !! algorithm is controlled by the (logical) argument ld_option. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in ) :: htold ! temporary 2D workspace LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: ld_option ! temporary 2D workspace REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(inout) :: htnew ! temporary 2D workspace ! INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices INTEGER , POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: nb, iwork REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: work ! temporary 2D workspace !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, nb, iwork ) CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, work ) ! iwork(:,:) = 0 !! iwork is a mask of gridpoints: iwork = 1 => ocean, iwork = 0 => land WHERE( htold(:,:) > 0 ) iwork(:,:) = 1 htnew(:,:) = htold(:,:) ELSEWHERE iwork(:,:) = 0 htnew(:,:) = 0.0_wp END WHERE !! htnew contains valid ocean depths from htold, or zero !! set work to a smoothed/averaged version of htnew; choice controlled by ld_option !! nb is set to the sum of the weights of the valid values used in work IF( ld_option ) THEN !! Apply scale-selective smoothing in determining work from htnew DO jj=2,jpj-1 DO ji=2,jpi-1 work(ji,jj) = 4.0*htnew( ji , jj ) + & & 2.0*htnew(ji+1, jj ) + 2.0*htnew(ji-1, jj ) + & & 2.0*htnew( ji ,jj+1) + 2.0*htnew( ji ,jj-1) + & & htnew(ji+1,jj+1) + htnew(ji+1,jj-1) + & & htnew(ji-1,jj+1) + htnew(ji-1,jj-1) nb(ji,jj) = 4 * iwork( ji , jj ) + & & 2 * iwork(ji+1, jj ) + 2 * iwork(ji-1, jj ) + & & 2 * iwork( ji ,jj+1) + 2 * iwork( ji ,jj-1) + & & iwork(ji+1,jj+1) + iwork(ji+1,jj-1) + & & iwork(ji-1,jj+1) + iwork(ji-1,jj-1) END DO END DO ELSE !! Apply simple 9-point averaging in determining work from htnew DO jj=2,jpj-1 DO ji=2,jpi-1 work(ji,jj) = htnew( ji , jj ) + & & htnew(ji+1, jj ) + htnew(ji-1, jj ) + & & htnew( ji ,jj+1) + htnew( ji ,jj-1) + & & htnew(ji+1,jj+1) + htnew(ji+1,jj-1) + & & htnew(ji-1,jj+1) + htnew(ji-1,jj-1) nb(ji,jj) = iwork( ji , jj ) + & & iwork(ji+1, jj ) + iwork(ji-1, jj ) + & & iwork( ji ,jj+1) + iwork( ji ,jj-1) + & & iwork(ji+1,jj+1) + iwork(ji+1,jj-1) + & & iwork(ji-1,jj+1) + iwork(ji-1,jj-1) END DO END DO ENDIF !! write averaged value of work into htnew, !! if average is valid and point is unmasked WHERE( (htold(:,:) /= 0.0_wp ) .AND. ( nb(:,:) /= 0 ) ) htnew(:,:) = work(:,:)/real(nb(:,:)) ELSEWHERE htnew(:,:) = 0.0_wp END WHERE !! Deallocate temporary workspace arrays, all local to this routine CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, nb, iwork ) CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, work ) ! END SUBROUTINE dyn_nept_smooth_vel END MODULE dynnept