!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! this program is a short driver that tests the remappings using ! a simple analytic field. the results are written in netCDF ! format. ! ! CVS: $Id: scrip_test.f,v 1.6 2000/04/19 21:45:09 pwjones Exp $ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 the Regents of the University of ! California. ! ! This software and ancillary information (herein called software) ! called SCRIP is made available under the terms described here. ! The software has been approved for release with associated ! LA-CC Number 98-45. ! ! Unless otherwise indicated, this software has been authored ! by an employee or employees of the University of California, ! operator of the Los Alamos National Laboratory under Contract ! No. W-7405-ENG-36 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. ! Government has rights to use, reproduce, and distribute this ! software. The public may copy and use this software without ! charge, provided that this Notice and any statement of authorship ! are reproduced on all copies. Neither the Government nor the ! University makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes ! any liability or responsibility for the use of this software. ! ! If software is modified to produce derivative works, such modified ! software should be clearly marked, so as not to confuse it with ! the version available from Los Alamos National Laboratory. ! !*********************************************************************** program remap_test !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use kinds_mod ! defines common data types use constants ! defines common constants use iounits ! I/O unit manager use netcdf_mod ! netcdf I/O stuff use grids ! module containing grid info use remap_vars ! module containing remapping info use remap_mod ! module containing remapping routines use remap_read ! routines for reading remap files implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! input namelist variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind) :: & field_choice ! choice of field to be interpolated character (char_len) :: & interp_file, ! filename containing remap data (map1) & output_file ! filename for test results namelist /remap_inputs/ field_choice, interp_file, output_file !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & map_name ! name for mapping from grid1 to grid2 integer (kind=int_kind) :: ! netCDF ids for files and arrays & ncstat, nc_outfile_id, & nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id, nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id, & nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id, nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id, & nc_srcgrdrank_id, nc_dstgrdrank_id, & nc_srcgrdimask_id, nc_dstgrdimask_id, & nc_srcgrdarea_id, nc_dstgrdarea_id, & nc_srcgrdfrac_id, nc_dstgrdfrac_id, & nc_srcarray_id, nc_srcgradlat_id, nc_srcgradlon_id, & nc_dstarray1_id, nc_dstarray1a_id, nc_dstarray2_id, & nc_dsterror1_id, nc_dsterror1a_id, nc_dsterror2_id integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: & nc_grid1size_id, nc_grid2size_id !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & dim_name ! netCDF dimension name integer (kind=int_kind) :: i,j,n,imin,imax,idiff, & ip1,im1,jp1,jm1,nx,ny, ! for computing bicub gradients & in,is,ie,iw,ine,inw,ise,isw, & iunit ! unit number for namelist file integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: & grid1_imask, grid2_imask, grid2_count real (kind=dbl_kind) :: & delew, delns, ! variables for computing bicub gradients & length ! length scale for cosine hill test field real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: & grid1_array, & grid1_tmp, & grad1_lat, & grad1_lon, & grad1_latlon, & grad1_lat_zero, & grad1_lon_zero, & grid2_array, & grid2_err, & grid2_tmp !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read namelist for file and mapping info ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call get_unit(iunit) open(iunit, file='scrip_test_in', status='old', form='formatted') read(iunit, nml=remap_inputs) call release_unit(iunit) write(*,nml=remap_inputs) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read remapping data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call read_remap(map_name, interp_file) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! allocate arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate (grid1_array (grid1_size), & grid1_tmp (grid1_size), & grad1_lat (grid1_size), & grad1_lon (grid1_size), & grad1_lat_zero (grid1_size), & grad1_lon_zero (grid1_size), & grid1_imask (grid1_size), & grid2_array (grid2_size), & grid2_err (grid2_size), & grid2_tmp (grid2_size), & grid2_imask (grid2_size), & grid2_count (grid2_size)) where (grid1_mask) grid1_imask = 1 elsewhere grid1_imask = 0 endwhere where (grid2_mask) grid2_imask = 1 elsewhere grid2_imask = 0 endwhere !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! setup a NetCDF file for output ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** !*** create netCDF dataset !*** ncstat = nf_create (output_file, NF_CLOBBER, nc_outfile_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_outfile_id, NF_GLOBAL, 'title', & len_trim(map_name), map_name) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid size dimensions !*** allocate( nc_grid1size_id(grid1_rank), & nc_grid2size_id(grid2_rank)) do n=1,grid1_rank write(dim_name,1000) 'grid1_dim',n ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_outfile_id, dim_name, & grid1_dims(n), nc_grid1size_id(n)) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) end do do n=1,grid2_rank write(dim_name,1000) 'grid2_dim',n ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_outfile_id, dim_name, & grid2_dims(n), nc_grid2size_id(n)) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) end do 1000 format(a9,i1) !*** !*** define grid center latitude array !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'src_grid_center_lat', & NF_DOUBLE, grid1_rank, nc_grid1size_id, & nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_outfile_id, nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id, & 'units', 7, 'radians') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'dst_grid_center_lat', & NF_DOUBLE, grid2_rank, nc_grid2size_id, & nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_outfile_id, nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id, & 'units', 7, 'radians') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid center longitude array !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'src_grid_center_lon', & NF_DOUBLE, grid1_rank, nc_grid1size_id, & nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_outfile_id, nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id, & 'units', 7, 'radians') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'dst_grid_center_lon', & NF_DOUBLE, grid2_rank, nc_grid2size_id, & nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_outfile_id, nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id, & 'units', 7, 'radians') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid mask !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'src_grid_imask', NF_INT, & grid1_rank, nc_grid1size_id, nc_srcgrdimask_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_outfile_id, nc_srcgrdimask_id, & 'units', 8, 'unitless') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'dst_grid_imask', NF_INT, & grid2_rank, nc_grid2size_id, nc_dstgrdimask_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_outfile_id, nc_dstgrdimask_id, & 'units', 8, 'unitless') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid area arrays !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'src_grid_area', & NF_DOUBLE, grid1_rank, nc_grid1size_id, & nc_srcgrdarea_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'dst_grid_area', & NF_DOUBLE, grid2_rank, nc_grid2size_id, & nc_dstgrdarea_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid fraction arrays !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'src_grid_frac', & NF_DOUBLE, grid1_rank, nc_grid1size_id, & nc_srcgrdfrac_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'dst_grid_frac', & NF_DOUBLE, grid2_rank, nc_grid2size_id, & nc_dstgrdfrac_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define source array !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'src_array', & NF_DOUBLE, grid1_rank, nc_grid1size_id, & nc_srcarray_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define gradient arrays !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'src_grad_lat', & NF_DOUBLE, grid1_rank, nc_grid1size_id, & nc_srcgradlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'src_grad_lon', & NF_DOUBLE, grid1_rank, nc_grid1size_id, & nc_srcgradlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define destination arrays !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'dst_array1', & NF_DOUBLE, grid2_rank, nc_grid2size_id, & nc_dstarray1_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'dst_array1a', & NF_DOUBLE, grid2_rank, nc_grid2size_id, & nc_dstarray1a_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'dst_array2', & NF_DOUBLE, grid2_rank, nc_grid2size_id, & nc_dstarray2_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define error arrays !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'dst_error1', & NF_DOUBLE, grid2_rank, nc_grid2size_id, & nc_dsterror1_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'dst_error1a', & NF_DOUBLE, grid2_rank, nc_grid2size_id, & nc_dsterror1a_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_outfile_id, 'dst_error2', & NF_DOUBLE, grid2_rank, nc_grid2size_id, & nc_dsterror2_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** end definition stage !*** ncstat = nf_enddef(nc_outfile_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write some grid info ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** !*** write grid center latitude array !*** ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id, & grid1_center_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id, & grid2_center_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** write grid center longitude array !*** ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id, & grid1_center_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id, & grid2_center_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** write grid mask !*** ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_outfile_id, nc_srcgrdimask_id, & grid1_imask) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_outfile_id, nc_dstgrdimask_id, & grid2_imask) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid area arrays !*** ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_srcgrdarea_id, & grid1_area) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_dstgrdarea_id, & grid2_area) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid fraction arrays !*** ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_srcgrdfrac_id, & grid1_frac) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_dstgrdfrac_id, & grid2_frac) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set up fields for test cases based on user choice ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (field_choice) case(1) !*** cosine hill at lon=pi and lat=0 length = 0.1*pi2 grid1_array = cos(grid1_center_lat)*cos(grid1_center_lon) grid2_array = cos(grid2_center_lat)*cos(grid2_center_lon) grid1_tmp = acos(-grid1_array)/length grid2_tmp = acos(-grid2_array)/length where (grid1_tmp <= one) grad1_lat = (pi/length)*sin(pi*grid1_tmp)* & sin(grid1_center_lat)*cos(grid1_center_lon)/ & sqrt(one-grid1_array**2) grad1_lon = (pi/length)*sin(pi*grid1_tmp)* & sin(grid1_center_lon)/ & sqrt(one-grid1_array**2) grid1_array = two + cos(pi*grid1_tmp) elsewhere grid1_array = one grad1_lat = zero grad1_lon = zero endwhere where (grid2_tmp <= one) grid2_array = two + cos(pi*grid2_tmp) elsewhere grid2_array = one endwhere where (.not. grid1_mask) grid1_array = zero grad1_lat = zero grad1_lon = zero end where where (grid2_frac < .001) grid2_array = zero case(2) !*** pseudo-spherical harmonic l=2,m=2 where (grid1_mask) grid1_array = two + cos(grid1_center_lat)**2* & cos(two*grid1_center_lon) grad1_lat = -sin(two*grid1_center_lat)* & cos(two*grid1_center_lon) grad1_lon = -two*cos(grid1_center_lat)* & sin(two*grid1_center_lon) elsewhere grid1_array = zero grad1_lat = zero grad1_lon = zero end where where (grid2_frac > .001) grid2_array = two + cos(grid2_center_lat)**2* & cos(two*grid2_center_lon) elsewhere grid2_array = zero end where case(3) !*** pseudo-spherical harmonic l=32, m=16 where (grid1_mask) grid1_array = two + sin(two*grid1_center_lat)**16* & cos(16.*grid1_center_lon) grad1_lat = 32.*sin(two*grid1_center_lat)**15* & cos(two*grid1_center_lat)* & cos(16.*grid1_center_lon) grad1_lon = -32.*sin(two*grid1_center_lat)**15* & sin(grid1_center_lat)* & sin(16.*grid1_center_lon) elsewhere grid1_array = zero grad1_lat = zero grad1_lon = zero end where where (grid2_frac > .001) grid2_array = two + sin(two*grid2_center_lat)**16* & cos(16.*grid2_center_lon) elsewhere grid2_array = zero end where case default stop 'Bad choice for field to interpolate' end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if bicubic, we need 3 gradients in logical space ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (map_type == map_type_bicubic) then allocate (grad1_latlon (grid1_size)) nx = grid1_dims(1) ny = grid1_dims(2) do n=1,grid1_size grad1_lat(n) = zero grad1_lon(n) = zero grad1_latlon(n) = zero if (grid1_mask(n)) then delew = half delns = half j = (n-1)/nx + 1 i = n - (j-1)*nx ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 if (ip1 > nx) ip1 = ip1 - nx if (im1 < 1 ) im1 = nx if (jp1 > ny) then jp1 = j delns = one endif if (jm1 < 1 ) then jm1 = j delns = one endif in = (jp1-1)*nx + i is = (jm1-1)*nx + i ie = (j -1)*nx + ip1 iw = (j -1)*nx + im1 ine = (jp1-1)*nx + ip1 inw = (jp1-1)*nx + im1 ise = (jm1-1)*nx + ip1 isw = (jm1-1)*nx + im1 !*** compute i-gradient if (.not. grid1_mask(ie)) then ie = n delew = one endif if (.not. grid1_mask(iw)) then iw = n delew = one endif grad1_lat(n) = delew*(grid1_array(ie) - grid1_array(iw)) !*** compute j-gradient if (.not. grid1_mask(in)) then in = n delns = one endif if (.not. grid1_mask(is)) then is = n delns = one endif grad1_lon(n) = delns*(grid1_array(in) - grid1_array(is)) !*** compute ij-gradient delew = half if (jp1 == j .or. jm1 == j) then delns = one else delns = half endif if (.not. grid1_mask(ine)) then if (in /= n) then ine = in delew = one else if (ie /= n) then ine = ie inw = iw if (inw == n) delew = one delns = one else ine = n inw = iw delew = one delns = one endif endif if (.not. grid1_mask(inw)) then if (in /= n) then inw = in delew = one else if (iw /= n) then inw = iw ine = ie if (ie == n) delew = one delns = one else inw = n ine = ie delew = one delns = one endif endif grad1_lat_zero(n) = delew*(grid1_array(ine) - & grid1_array(inw)) if (.not. grid1_mask(ise)) then if (is /= n) then ise = is delew = one else if (ie /= n) then ise = ie isw = iw if (isw == n) delew = one delns = one else ise = n isw = iw delew = one delns = one endif endif if (.not. grid1_mask(isw)) then if (is /= n) then isw = is delew = one else if (iw /= n) then isw = iw ise = ie if (ie == n) delew = one delns = one else isw = n ise = ie delew = one delns = one endif endif grad1_lon_zero(n) = delew*(grid1_array(ise) - & grid1_array(isw)) grad1_latlon(n) = delns*(grad1_lat_zero(n) - & grad1_lon_zero(n)) endif enddo endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! test a first-order map from grid1 to grid2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- grad1_lat_zero = zero grad1_lon_zero = zero if (map_type /= map_type_bicubic) then call remap(grid2_tmp, wts_map1, grid2_add_map1, grid1_add_map1, & grid1_array) else call remap(grid2_tmp, wts_map1, grid2_add_map1, grid1_add_map1, & grid1_array, src_grad1=grad1_lat, & src_grad2=grad1_lon, & src_grad3=grad1_latlon) endif if (map_type == map_type_conserv) then select case (norm_opt) case (norm_opt_none) grid2_err = grid2_frac*grid2_area where (grid2_err /= zero) grid2_tmp = grid2_tmp/grid2_err else where grid2_tmp = zero end where case (norm_opt_frcarea) case (norm_opt_dstarea) where (grid2_frac /= zero) grid2_tmp = grid2_tmp/grid2_frac else where grid2_tmp = zero end where end select end if where (grid2_frac > .999) grid2_err = (grid2_tmp - grid2_array)/grid2_array elsewhere grid2_err = zero end where print *,'First order mapping from grid1 to grid2:' print *,'----------------------------------------' print *,'Grid1 min,max: ',minval(grid1_array),maxval(grid1_array) print *,'Grid2 min,max: ',minval(grid2_tmp ),maxval(grid2_tmp ) print *,' Err2 min,max: ',minval(grid2_err),maxval(grid2_err) print *,' Err2 mean: ',sum(abs(grid2_err))/ & count(grid2_frac > .999) !*** !*** Conservation Test !*** print *,'Conservation:' print *,'Grid1 Integral = ',sum(grid1_array*grid1_area*grid1_frac) print *,'Grid2 Integral = ',sum(grid2_tmp *grid2_area*grid2_frac) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write results to NetCDF file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_srcarray_id, & grid1_array) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_dstarray1_id, & grid2_tmp ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_dsterror1_id, & grid2_err) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for conservative mappings: ! test a second-order map from grid1 to grid2 with only lat grads ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (map_type == map_type_conserv) then call remap(grid2_tmp, wts_map1, grid2_add_map1, grid1_add_map1, & grid1_array, src_grad1=grad1_lat, & src_grad2=grad1_lon_zero) select case (norm_opt) case (norm_opt_none) grid2_err = grid2_frac*grid2_area where (grid2_err /= zero) grid2_tmp = grid2_tmp/grid2_err else where grid2_tmp = zero end where case (norm_opt_frcarea) case (norm_opt_dstarea) where (grid2_frac /= zero) grid2_tmp = grid2_tmp/grid2_frac else where grid2_tmp = zero end where end select where (grid2_frac > .999) grid2_err = (grid2_tmp - grid2_array)/grid2_array elsewhere grid2_err = zero end where print *,'Second order mapping from grid1 to grid2 (lat only):' print *,'----------------------------------------' print *,'Grid1 min,max: ',minval(grid1_array), & maxval(grid1_array) print *,'Grid2 min,max: ',minval(grid2_tmp ), & maxval(grid2_tmp ) print *,' Err2 min,max: ',minval(grid2_err),maxval(grid2_err) print *,' Err2 mean: ',sum(abs(grid2_err))/ & count(grid2_frac > .999) !*** !*** Conservation Test !*** print *,'Conservation:' print *,'Grid1 Integral = ', & sum(grid1_array*grid1_area*grid1_frac) print *,'Grid2 Integral = ', & sum(grid2_tmp *grid2_area*grid2_frac) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write results to NetCDF file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_srcgradlat_id, & grad1_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_dstarray1a_id, & grid2_tmp ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_dsterror1a_id, & grid2_err) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for conservative mappings: ! test a second-order map from grid1 to grid2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call remap(grid2_tmp,wts_map1,grid2_add_map1,grid1_add_map1, & grid1_array, src_grad1=grad1_lat, & src_grad2=grad1_lon) select case (norm_opt) case (norm_opt_none) grid2_err = grid2_frac*grid2_area where (grid2_err /= zero) grid2_tmp = grid2_tmp/grid2_err else where grid2_tmp = zero end where case (norm_opt_frcarea) case (norm_opt_dstarea) where (grid2_frac /= zero) grid2_tmp = grid2_tmp/grid2_frac else where grid2_tmp = zero end where end select where (grid2_frac > .999) grid2_err = (grid2_tmp - grid2_array)/grid2_array elsewhere grid2_err = zero end where print *,'Second order mapping from grid1 to grid2:' print *,'-----------------------------------------' print *,'Grid1 min,max: ',minval(grid1_array), & maxval(grid1_array) print *,'Grid2 min,max: ',minval(grid2_tmp ), & maxval(grid2_tmp ) print *,' Err2 min,max: ',minval(grid2_err),maxval(grid2_err) print *,' Err2 mean: ',sum(abs(grid2_err))/ & count(grid2_frac > .999) !*** !*** Conservation Test !*** print *,'Conservation:' print *,'Grid1 Integral = ', & sum(grid1_array*grid1_area*grid1_frac) print *,'Grid2 Integral = ', & sum(grid2_tmp *grid2_area*grid2_frac) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write results to NetCDF file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_srcgradlon_id, & grad1_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_dstarray2_id, & grid2_tmp ) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_outfile_id, nc_dsterror2_id, & grid2_err) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! close netCDF file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ncstat = nf_close(nc_outfile_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate some statistics ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- grid2_count = zero grid2_tmp = zero grid2_err = zero print *,'number of sparse matrix entries ',num_links_map1 do n=1,num_links_map1 grid2_count(grid2_add_map1(n)) = & grid2_count(grid2_add_map1(n)) + 1 if (wts_map1(1,n) > one .or. wts_map1(1,n) < zero) then grid2_tmp(grid2_add_map1(n)) = & grid2_tmp(grid2_add_map1(n)) + 1 grid2_err(grid2_add_map1(n)) = max(abs(wts_map1(1,n)), & grid2_err(grid2_add_map1(n)) ) endif end do do n=1,grid2_size if (grid2_tmp(n) > zero) print *,n,grid2_err(n) end do imin = minval(grid2_count, mask=(grid2_count > 0)) imax = maxval(grid2_count) idiff = (imax - imin)/10 + 1 print *,'total number of dest cells ',grid2_size print *,'number of cells participating in remap ', & count(grid2_count > zero) print *,'min no of entries/row = ',imin print *,'max no of entries/row = ',imax imax = imin + idiff do n=1,10 print *,'num of rows with entries between ',imin,' - ',imax-1, & count(grid2_count >= imin .and. grid2_count < imax) imin = imin + idiff imax = imax + idiff end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end program remap_test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!