MODULE compute_sections !!===================================================================== !! *** MODULE diadct *** !! Ocean diagnostics: Compute the transport through a section !! !! History: 2011: Clement Bricaud, Mercator-Ocean !! !!=============================================================== !! * Modules used USE declarations USE sections_tools IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! * Routine accessibility PUBLIC compsec !! * Module variables CONTAINS SUBROUTINE compsec(jsec,sec,lkdebug) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE compsec *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute the series of mesh points that represent the section !! defined by its extremities. !! !! ** Method : !! I. Find which cells of the mesh the section is crossing !! II. Classification of the intersections mesh/section !! -first classification west to east !! -second classification south to north !! III. Find extremities of section in the mesh !! IV. Find the series of mesh points that form the section !! ** Input: sec : the section to compute !! !! ** Output: !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: jsec ! number of the section TYPE(SECTION), INTENT(INOUT) :: sec ! information about the section LOGICAL ,INTENT(IN) :: lkdebug ! debug or not debug this section !! * Local variables INTEGER :: & ji,jj , & ! dummy loop argument jseg , & ! loop on segments that form the section nb_inmesh , & ! number of intersections between the section and the mesh nmesh ! number of cells in processor domain INTEGER :: itest , jtest ! dummy integer REAL(wp) :: & zdistEst , zdistNorth , zdistWest , zdistSouth , &! temporary scalars zdistEst2 , zdistNorth2, zdistWest2, zdistSouth2, &! temporary scalars zdistEst3 , zdistNorth3, zdistWest3, zdistSouth3, &! temporary scalars zdistFirst , zdistLast , zdistref , &! temporary scalars zdistante , zdistante2 , zdistnew , zdistnew2 , &! temporary scalars zdeltai , zdeltaj ! temporary scalars LOGICAL :: & ll_overlap_sec_left = .FALSE. , ll_overlap_sec_right = .FALSE. ,&! temporary logical ll_date_domain_left = .FALSE. , ll_date_domain_right = .FALSE. ,&! temporary logical ll_overlap_sec = .FALSE. , ll_date_domain = .FALSE. ,&! temporary logical ll_test = .FALSE. ! temporary logical LOGICAL :: lest, lwest, lnorth, lsouth LOGICAL :: l_oldmethod CHARACTER(len=120) :: cltmp TYPE(COORD_SECTION) :: & coord_a , coord_b , coord_d , coord_t , &!temporary point (long/lat) coordFirst, coordLast, coordTemp ! " TYPE(COORD_SECTION), DIMENSION(nb_point_max) :: coordSec !intersections mesh/section TYPE(POINT_SECTION) :: & endingPoint, prevPoint , nextPoint, &!temporary point (I/J) SouthPoint , NorthPoint, EstPoint , WestPoint ! " !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( jsec==1 )THEN PRINT*,' ' PRINT*,'COMPUTE SECTIONS' PRINT*,'----------------' ENDIF !debug CALL write_debug(jsec,'compute section:') CALL write_debug(jsec,'================') !==================! !0. Initializations! !==================! nmesh = jpi*jpj ! number of cells in processor domain nb_inmesh = 0 ! initialize number of intersections between section and the mesh zdistEst =0. ; zdistNorth=0. ; zdistWest=0. ; zdistSouth=0. ! temporary scalars zdistFirst=0. ; zdistLast =0. ! temporary scalars zdistante =0. ; zdistante2=0. ; zdistnew=0. ; zdistnew2=0. ! temporary scalars zdeltai=0. ; zdeltaj=0. coord_a = COORD_SECTION( 0., 0. ) ; coord_b = COORD_SECTION( 0., 0. ) coord_d = COORD_SECTION( 0., 0. ) ; coord_t = COORD_SECTION( 0., 0. ) coordFirst = COORD_SECTION( 0., 0. ) ; coordLast = COORD_SECTION( 0., 0. ) coordTemp = COORD_SECTION( 0., 0. ) ; coordSec = COORD_SECTION( 0., 0. ) endingPoint = POINT_SECTION( -1, -1 ) prevPoint = POINT_SECTION( -1, -1 ) ; nextPoint = POINT_SECTION( -1, -1 ) SouthPoint = POINT_SECTION( -1, -1 ) ; NorthPoint = POINT_SECTION( -1, -1 ) EstPoint = POINT_SECTION( -1, -1 ) ; WestPoint = POINT_SECTION( -1, -1 ) !===========================================================! !I. Find which cells of the mesh the section is crossing ! !===========================================================! !loop on the mesh DO jj=2,jpj DO ji=2,jpi !----------------------------------------------------------- !For each cell of the mesh, we find the intersection between !the section and the cell as described below: !The cell is defined by 4 points A B C D !and the section by S1 and S2 ! !Section\ ________ ! \ B| | ! \ | | ! \|one cell| ! .....\ | ! |\ | ! | \ | ! A|__\_____|D ! ........\ !----------------\------------------------------------------- !definition of points A,B,D (we don't need C) coord_a = COORD_SECTION( glamf(ji-1,jj-1) ,gphif(ji-1,jj-1) ) coord_b = COORD_SECTION( glamf(ji-1,jj) ,gphif(ji-1,jj) ) coord_d = COORD_SECTION( glamf(ji,jj-1) ,gphif(ji,jj-1) ) !size of the cell zdeltai= glamf(ji-1,jj) - glamf(ji-1,jj-1) !zdeltai=[AB] zdeltaj= gphif(ji,jj-1) - gphif(ji-1,jj-1) !zdeltaj=[AD] !intersection section/[AB]=? coordTemp = intersec(sec,coord_a,coord_b) !compute intersection IF( coordTemp%lon .NE. -9999 )THEN IF( nb_inmesh+1 .GT. nb_point_max )THEN PRINT*,"WARNING diadct: nb_point_max needs to be greater than ", nb_inmesh ELSE nb_inmesh=nb_inmesh+1 coordSec(nb_inmesh) = coordTemp !store the intersection's coordinates !We need to know if the section crosses the overlapping band. !Fist we look if there is an intersection mesh/section !just on the left of the overlapping band: IF( coordTemp%lon .GT. glamf(1,1)-5 .AND. coordTemp%lon .LT. glamf(1,1) ) & & ll_overlap_sec_left = .TRUE. !And we look if there is an intersection mesh/section !just on the right of the overlapping band: IF( coordTemp%lon .GT. glamf(jpi,1) .AND. coordTemp%lon .LT. glamf(1,1)+5 ) & & ll_overlap_sec_right = .TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF !intersection section/[AD]=? coordTemp=intersec(sec,coord_a,coord_d) !compute intersection coordTemp%lon = coordTemp%lon !* zmask(ji,jj)-9999.*(1-zmask(ji,jj)) coordTemp%lat = coordTemp%lat !* zmask(ji,jj)-9999.*(1-zmask(ji,jj)) IF( coordTemp%lon .NE. -9999 )THEN IF( nb_inmesh+1 .GT. nb_point_max )THEN PRINT*, "WARNING diadct: nb_point_max needs to be greater than ", nb_inmesh ELSE nb_inmesh=nb_inmesh+1 coordSec(nb_inmesh)=coordTemp !We need to know if the section crosses the overlapping band: !same test as above IF( coordTemp%lon .GE. glamf(1,1)-3 .AND. coordTemp%lon .LE. glamf(1,1) ) & & ll_overlap_sec_left = .TRUE. IF( coordTemp%lon .GE. glamf(jpi,1) .AND. coordTemp%lon .LE. glamf(jpi,1)+3) & & ll_overlap_sec_right = .TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF !We need to know if the domain crosses the date line: !Fist, we search a mesh point that is just one the left of date line: IF( glamf(ji-1,jj-1) .GT. 175 .AND. glamf(ji-1,jj-1) .LT. 180 ) & & ll_date_domain_left = .TRUE. !And we search a mesh point that is just one the right of date line: IF( glamf(ji-1,jj-1) .GT. -180 .AND. glamf(ji-1,jj-1) .LT. -175 ) & & ll_date_domain_right = .TRUE. ENDDO ENDDO !End of the loop on the mesh !Crossing section/overlapping band (we need to know it for later): !----------------------------------------------------------------- !If there is one intersection mesh/section just on the left of !the overlapping band (ll_overlap_sec_left = .TRUE.) !AND there is one just the right of the overlapping band !(ll_overlap_sec_right = .TRUE.), !so the section crosses the overlapping band. ll_overlap_sec = ll_overlap_sec_left .AND. ll_overlap_sec_right !Crossing of the domain and the date line (we need to know it for later): !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !If there is one point of the domain that is just on the left of the date line !(ll_date_domain_left = .TRUE.) AND one point that is just on the right of the !date line (ll_date_domain_right = .TRUE. ) !So the domain crosses the date line: ll_date_domain = ll_date_domain_left .AND. ll_date_domain_right !=====================================================! ! II. Classification of the intersections mesh/section! !=====================================================! ! -first classification west to east ! -second classification south to north !CAUTION: routine qcksrt doesn't work in the same way if the section !and the domain crosse the date line (sec%ll_date_line=T and ll_date_domain=T) IF( sec%ll_date_line .AND. ll_date_domain )THEN !we add 360° to negative longitudes to have a good classification DO jseg=1,nb_inmesh IF( coordSec(jseg)%lon .LT. 0 ) coordSec(jseg)%lon=coordSec(jseg)%lon+360. ENDDO IF( sec%coordSec(1)%lon .NE. sec%coordSec(2)%lon ) THEN CALL qcksrt(coordSec(:)%lon,coordSec(:)%lat,nb_inmesh) ELSE CALL qcksrt(coordSec(:)%lat,coordSec(:)%lon,nb_inmesh) ENDIF DO jseg=1,nb_inmesh IF( coordSec(jseg)%lon .GT. 180 ) coordSec(jseg)%lon=coordSec(jseg)%lon-360. ENDDO ELSE IF( sec%coordSec(1)%lon .NE. sec%coordSec(2)%lon )THEN CALL qcksrt(coordSec(:)%lon,coordSec(:)%lat,nb_inmesh) ELSE CALL qcksrt(coordSec(:)%lat,coordSec(:)%lon,nb_inmesh) ENDIF ENDIF !debug WRITE(cltmp,'(A20,i3.3)')'number intersections = ',nb_inmesh ; CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) CALL write_debug(jsec,'List of intersections between grid and section: ') DO jseg=1,nb_inmesh WRITE(cltmp,'(i4.4,1X,2(f8.3,1X) )')jseg,coordSec(jseg) ; CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) ENDDO !=====================================================! ! III. Find extremities of section in the mesh ! !=====================================================! !we can find section's extremities in the mesh only if !there is intersection between section and mesh (nb_inmesh .ne. 0) IF( nb_inmesh .ne. 0 )THEN coordFirst = coordSec(1) coordLast = coordSec(nb_inmesh) sec%nb_point = nb_inmesh sec%listPoint(1) = POINT_SECTION(-1,-1) zdistante = 1000. zdistante2 = 1000. !First, we find the point of the mesh that is the closest !to the first intersection section/mesh (=coordFirst=coordSec(1)): !this point will be called sec%listPoint(1). !Then, we find the point of the mesh that is the closest !to the last intersection section/mesh (coordLast=coordSec(nb_inmesh)) !this point will be called endingPoint. DO jj=1,jpj DO ji=1,jpi coord_t=COORD_SECTION(glamf(ji,jj),gphif(ji,jj)) zdistFirst = distance2(coord_t,coordFirst) zdistLast = distance2(coord_t,coordLast) IF( zdistFirst .LT. zdistante )THEN sec%listPoint(1) = POINT_SECTION(ji,jj) zdistante=zdistFirst ENDIF IF( zdistLast .LT. zdistante2 )THEN endingPoint = POINT_SECTION(ji,jj) zdistante2=zdistLast ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO IF( sec%listPoint(1)%I == endingPoint%I .AND. sec%listPoint(1)%J == endingPoint%J )THEN sec%listPoint(1) = POINT_SECTION(-1,-1) endingPoint = POINT_SECTION(-1,-1) coordFirst = coordSec(1) coordLast = coordSec(2) sec%nb_point = 0 ENDIF ELSE !If there is no intersection section/mesh sec%listPoint(1) = POINT_SECTION(-1,-1) endingPoint = POINT_SECTION(-1,-1) coordFirst = coordSec(1) coordLast = coordSec(2) sec%nb_point = 0 ENDIF !debug CALL write_debug(jsec,"extremities of section in the grid : ") ji=sec%listPoint(1)%I ; jj=sec%listPoint(1)%J IF( sec%nb_point .ne. 0 )THEN ji=sec%listPoint(1)%I ; jj=sec%listPoint(1)%J WRITE(cltmp,'(A15,X,i4.4,X,i4.4,X,f8.3,X,f8.3)')'First point: ',sec%listPoint(1),glamf(ji,jj),gphif(ji,jj) CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) ji=endingPoint%I ; jj=endingPoint%J WRITE(cltmp,'(A15,X,i4.4,X,i4.4,X,f8.3,X,f8.3)')'Last point: ',endingPoint,glamf(ji,jj),gphif(ji,jj) CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) ! coord_a=pointToCoordF(sec%listPoint(1)) ; coord_b=pointToCoordF(endingPoint) ll_test = .FALSE. IF ( ll_date_domain .AND. ABS( coord_a%lon - coord_b%lon ).GT. 180) ll_test= .TRUE. zdistante=distance2(coord_a,coord_b ,ll_test ) WRITE(cltmp,'(A20,f10.3)' )'distance between IJ-extremities : ',zdistante CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) ! CALL write_debug(jsec,"Initial extremities : ") WRITE(cltmp,'( 2(f9.3),A3,2(f9.3) )')coordFirst,'---',coordLast CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) ll_test = .FALSE. IF( ll_date_domain .AND. ABS(coordFirst%lon - coordLast%lon).GT. 180)ll_test= .TRUE. zdistante=distance2(coordFirst,coordLast,ll_test) WRITE(cltmp,'(A30,f10.3)')' distance between initial extremities : ',zdistante CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) CALL write_debug(jsec," ") ELSE WRITE(cltmp,'(A50)' )"no intersection between section and mesh" ENDIF !==========================================================! ! IV. Find the series of mesh points that form the section ! !==========================================================! CALL write_debug(jsec,"Find the serie of mesh's points that form the section") IF( sec%nb_point .ne. 0 )THEN !The series of mesh points that form the section will 'link' !sec%listPoint(1) to endingPoint: it will be stored in !sec%listPoint(jseg) ! !We take place on the first point (sec%listPoint(1)) ! a. We find the 4 adjacent points (North, South, East, West) ! b. Compute distance between current point and endingPoint ! c. Compute distance between the 4 adjacent points and endingPoint ! d. Select the points which are closer to end-point than current point ! e.1 If at least one point is selected, select the point which is closest to original section among selected points ! e.2 If no point is selected, select the point which is the closest to end-point ! f. save next point and direction of velocity. ! g. Save nextPoint and go to nextPoint ! !We get out of this loop if: ! - we are on endingPoint ! - the number of points (jseg) that link sec%listPoint(1) to endingPoint is ! twice greater than number of section/mesh intersection (nb_inmesh): ! it could be possible if thr algorithm can't link endingPoint (bug). !initialize distnew value (with distance between section's extremities) zdistnew = distance2(coordFirst,coordLast,sec%ll_date_line) prevPoint = POINT_SECTION(0,0) jseg = 1 DO WHILE ( ( sec%listPoint(jseg)%I .NE. endingPoint%I & .OR. sec%listPoint(jseg)%J .NE. endingPoint%J ) & .AND. jseg .LT. 500 .AND. sec%listPoint(jseg)%I .GT. 0 ) ! a. find the 4 adjacent points (North, South, East, West) !--------------------------------------------------------- SouthPoint = POINT_SECTION(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J-1) NorthPoint = POINT_SECTION(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J+1) WestPoint = POINT_SECTION(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I-1,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J) EstPoint = POINT_SECTION(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I+1,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J) !debug CALL write_debug(jsec,"---------------") WRITE(cltmp,100)'Current points: ',sec%listPoint(jseg), & glamf(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J), & gphif(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J) CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) CALL write_debug(jsec,"E/W/N/S points") WRITE(cltmp,102)EstPoint,WestPoint,NorthPoint,SouthPoint CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) itest=MIN(MAX(EstPoint%I,0),jpi+1) ; jtest=MIN(MAX(EstPoint%J,0),jpj+1) IF( itest .NE. 0 .AND. itest .NE. jpi+1 .AND. jtest .NE. 0 .AND. jtest .NE. jpj+1 )THEN WRITE(cltmp,101)'Est',glamf(itest,jtest),gphif(itest,jtest) CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) ELSE CALL write_debug(jsec,"Est point out of domain") ENDIF ! itest=MIN(MAX(WestPoint%I,0),jpi+1) ; jtest=MIN(MAX(WestPoint%J,0),jpj+1) IF( itest .NE. 0 .AND. itest .NE. jpi+1 .AND. jtest .NE. 0 .AND. jtest .NE. jpj+1 )THEN WRITE(cltmp,101)'West',glamf(itest,jtest),gphif(itest,jtest) CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) ELSE CALL write_debug(jsec,"West point out of domain") ENDIF ! itest=MIN(MAX(NorthPoint%I,0),jpi+1) ; jtest=MIN(MAX(NorthPoint%J,0),jpj+1) IF( itest .NE. 0 .AND. itest .NE. jpi+1 .AND. jtest .NE. 0 .AND. jtest .NE. jpj+1 )THEN WRITE(cltmp,101)'North',glamf(itest,jtest),gphif(itest,jtest) CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) ELSE CALL write_debug(jsec,"North point out of domain") ENDIF ! itest=MIN(MAX(SouthPoint%I,0),jpi+1) ; jtest=MIN(MAX(SouthPoint%J,0),jpj+1) IF( itest .NE. 0 .AND. itest .NE. jpi+1 .AND. jtest .NE. 0 .AND. jtest .NE. jpj+1 )THEN WRITE(cltmp,101)'South',glamf(itest,jtest),gphif(itest,jtest) CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) ELSE CALL write_debug(jsec,"South point out of domain") ENDIF ! ! 100 FORMAT ( A15,2(i4.4," "),2(f8.3," ") ) 101 FORMAT ( A6,2(f7.3," ")) 102 FORMAT ( "E ",i4.4,' ',i4.4,"//W ",i4.4,' ',i4.4,"//N ",i4.4,' ',i4.4,"//S ",i4.4,' ',i4.4 ) !Either we are at an end-point !-------------------- IF( SouthPoint%I==endingPoint%I .AND. SouthPoint%J==endingPoint%J )THEN jseg = jseg+1 ; sec%listPoint(jseg) = SouthPoint ELSE IF( NorthPoint%I==endingPoint%I .AND. NorthPoint%J==endingPoint%J )THEN jseg = jseg+1 ; sec%listPoint(jseg) = NorthPoint ELSE IF( WestPoint%I==endingPoint%I .AND. WestPoint%J==endingPoint%J )THEN jseg = jseg+1 ; sec%listPoint(jseg) = WestPoint ELSE IF( EstPoint%I==endingPoint%I .AND. EstPoint%J==endingPoint%J )THEN jseg = jseg+1 ; sec%listPoint(jseg) = EstPoint ELSE !Else we are NOT on end-point !------------------------ ! b. distance between current point and endingPoint !-------------------------------------------------- zdistante = zdistnew ! c. compute distance between the 4 adjacent points and endingPoint !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! BE CAREFUL! When the domain crosses the date line (ll_date_domain): ! ! When we will compute distances between W/E/S/N points and endingPoint, ! we have to check if theses 4 lines crosses the date line ! (test: ABS(coordTemp%lon - coordLast%lon).GT. 180) ! ! If one of these lines crosses the date line, we have to add 360° ! to the longitudes of the extremities to compute the distance through ! the date line and not around the Earth. ! c.1 compute distWest: distance between west point and endingPoint !---------------------- zdistWest2 = 99999999.9 ; zdistWest3 = 99999999.9 IF( sec%listPoint(jseg)%I .NE. 1 )THEN !When we are on the west side of the mesh (i=1),we can't go to the west. coordTemp = pointToCoordF(WestPoint) ll_test = .FALSE. IF( ll_date_domain .AND. ABS(coordTemp%lon - coordLast%lon).GT. 180 )ll_test = .TRUE. zdistWest2 = distance2(pointToCoordF(WestPoint) ,coordLast ,ll_test) ENDIF ! c.2 compute distEst: distance between east point and endingPoint !--------------------- zdistEst2 = 99999999.9 ; zdistEst3 = 99999999.9 IF( sec%listPoint(jseg)%I .EQ. jpi )THEN !We test if the current point is on the east side of the mesh ! The method is done such that we go toward east to link ! sec%listPoint(1) to endingPoint. ! So, if the section crosses the overlapping band (ll_overlap_sec=T), ! we won't have to stop if the current point is on the EAST side of the mesh: ! we have to follow the construction of the section on the ! WEST side of the mesh IF( ll_overlap_sec )THEN !section crosses the overlapping band !So EastPoint is on the west side of the mesh EstPoint = POINT_SECTION(3,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J) zdistEst2= distance2(pointToCoordF(EstPoint) ,coordLast ,.FALSE.) ENDIF ELSE coordTemp = pointToCoordF(EstPoint) ll_test = .FALSE. IF( ll_date_domain .AND. ABS(coordTemp%lon - coordLast%lon).GT. 180 )ll_test= .TRUE. zdistEst2 = distance2(pointToCoordF(EstPoint) ,coordLast ,ll_test ) ENDIF ! c.3 compute distSouth: distance between south point and endingPoint !----------------------- zdistSouth2 = 99999999.9 ; zdistSouth3 = 99999999.9 IF( sec%listPoint(jseg)%J .NE. 1 )THEN !When we are on the south side of the mesh (j=1),we can't go to the south. coordTemp=pointToCoordF(SouthPoint) ll_test = .FALSE. IF( ll_date_domain .AND. ABS(coordTemp%lon - coordLast%lon).GT. 180 )ll_test= .TRUE. zdistSouth2 = distance2(pointToCoordF(SouthPoint),coordlast ,ll_test ) ENDIF ! c.4 compute distNorth: distance between north and endingPoint !----------------------- zdistNorth2 = 99999999.9 ; zdistNorth3 = 99999999.9 IF( sec%listPoint(jseg)%J .NE. jpj )THEN !When we are on the north side of the mesh (j=jpj),we can't go to the south. coordTemp=pointToCoordF(NorthPoint) ll_test = .FALSE. IF( ll_date_domain .AND. ABS(coordTemp%lon - coordLast%lon).GT. 180 )ll_test= .TRUE. zdistNorth2 = distance2(pointToCoordF(NorthPoint),coordlast ,ll_test ) ENDIF ! d. select the points which are closer to end-point than current point !---------------------------------------------------------------------- zdistref=distance2(pointToCoordF(sec%listPoint(jseg)),coordlast ,ll_test ) WRITE(cltmp,'( A56,f10.3 )' )'distance between actual point and last point: zdistref = ',zdistref CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) lest = .FALSE. ; IF( zdistEst2 .LE. zdistref ) lest = .TRUE. lwest = .FALSE. ; IF( zdistwest2 .LE. zdistref ) lwest = .TRUE. lnorth = .FALSE. ; IF( zdistnorth2 .LE. zdistref ) lnorth= .TRUE. lsouth = .FALSE. ; IF( zdistsouth2 .LE. zdistref ) lsouth= .TRUE. !debug IF( .NOT. lest )CALL write_debug(jsec,'Est point eliminated') IF( .NOT. lwest )CALL write_debug(jsec,'West point eliminated') IF( .NOT. lnorth )CALL write_debug(jsec,'North point eliminated') IF( .NOT. lsouth )CALL write_debug(jsec,'South point eliminated') l_oldmethod = .FALSE. IF( ( COUNT((/lest/))+COUNT((/lwest/))+COUNT((/lnorth/))+COUNT((/lsouth/)) ) .NE. 0 )THEN ! e.1 If at least one point is selected, select the point ! which is the closest to original section among selected points !------------------------------------------------------------------- zdistWest3 = 9999999.9 IF( lwest )zdistWest3 = & distance3(pointToCoordF(sec%listPoint(1)),pointToCoordF(WestPoint) ,pointToCoordF(endingPoint) ,lkdebug ) zdistEst3 = 9999999.9 IF( lest )zdistEst3 = & distance3(pointToCoordF(sec%listPoint(1)),pointToCoordF(EstPoint) ,pointToCoordF(endingPoint) ,lkdebug ) zdistSouth3 = 9999999.9 IF( lsouth )zdistSouth3 = & distance3(pointToCoordF(sec%listPoint(1)),pointToCoordF(SouthPoint),pointToCoordF(endingPoint) ,lkdebug ) zdistNorth3 = 9999999.9 IF( lnorth )zdistNorth3 = & distance3(pointToCoordF(sec%listPoint(1)),pointToCoordF(NorthPoint),pointToCoordF(endingPoint) ,lkdebug ) zdistEst3 = zdistEst3 + (1-COUNT((/lest/)) )*9999999.9 zdistWest3 = zdistWest3 + (1-COUNT((/lwest/)) )*9999999.9 zdistNorth3 = zdistNorth3 + (1-COUNT((/lnorth/)))*9999999.9 zdistSouth3 = zdistSouth3 + (1-COUNT((/lsouth/)))*9999999.9 zdistnew = MIN(zdistEst3,zdistWest3,zdistnorth3,zdistSouth3) ELSE ! e.2 If no point is selected, select the point which is the closest to end-point !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- l_oldmethod = .TRUE. !debug WRITE(cltmp,'(A30,i3.3)' )'SEARCH NEW POINT WITH OLD METHOD: ',jsec CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) !be careful! we can't go backward. zdistNorth = zdistNorth2 ; zdistSouth = zdistSouth2 zdistEst = zdistEst2 ; zdistWest = zdistWest2 IF( prevPoint%I .EQ. NorthPoint%I .AND. prevPoint%J .EQ. NorthPoint%J) THEN zdistnew = MIN(zdistEst,zdistWest,zdistSouth) ELSE IF(prevPoint%I .EQ. SouthPoint%I .AND. prevPoint%J .EQ. SouthPoint%J) THEN zdistnew = MIN(zdistEst,zdistWest,zdistNorth) ELSE IF(prevPoint%I .EQ. WestPoint%I .AND. prevPoint%J .EQ. WestPoint%J ) THEN zdistnew = MIN(zdistEst,zdistNorth,zdistSouth) ELSE IF(prevPoint%I .EQ. EstPoint%I .AND. prevPoint%J .EQ. EstPoint%J ) THEN zdistnew = MIN(zdistWest,zdistNorth,zdistSouth) ELSE zdistnew = MIN(zdistEst,zdistWest,zdistNorth,zdistSouth) ENDIF ENDIF !debug WRITE(cltmp,'(A11, f8.3)')'zdistref = ',zdistref CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) WRITE(cltmp, 103 )'distance2 :',zdistEst2,zdistWest2,zdistNorth2,zdistSouth2 CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) WRITE(cltmp, 103 )'distance3 :',zdistEst3,zdistWest3,zdistNorth3,zdistSouth3 CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) WRITE(cltmp,'(A11, f8.3)')"zdistnew = ",zdistnew CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) 103 FORMAT (A12,"E",f12.3," W",f12.3," N",f12.3," S",f12.3) !f. save next point and direction of velocity. !--------------------------------------------- !nextPoint will be the one which is the closest to endingPoint. !sec%direction will be direction between current point and nextPoint: !It will be used to compute velocity through the segment [CurrentPoint,nextPoint}: ! !A:Current Point NorthPoint(I,J+1) Nextpoint=NorthPoint(I,J+1) => sec%direction=3 ! | Nextpoint=SouthPoint(I,J-1) => sec%direction=2 ! | Nextpoint=WestPoint(I-1,J) => sec%direction=0 ! |==>V(I,J+1) Nextpoint=EastPoint(I+1,J) => sec%direction=1 ! U(I,J) | U(I+1,J) ! ^ | ^ ! West_____|______A_______|_____EstPoint ! Point |(I,J) (I+1,J) ! (I-1,J) | ! |==>V(I,J) ! | ! SoutPoint(I,J-1) IF( l_oldmethod )THEN IF( zdistnew == zdistWest ) THEN sec%direction(jseg)=0 ; nextPoint = WestPoint ELSE IF( zdistnew == zdistEst ) THEN sec%direction(jseg)=1 ; nextPoint = EstPoint ELSE IF( zdistnew == zdistSouth )THEN sec%direction(jseg)=2 ; nextPoint = SouthPoint ELSE IF( zdistnew == zdistNorth )THEN sec%direction(jseg)=3 ; nextPoint= NorthPoint ENDIF ELSE IF( zdistnew == zdistWest3 ) THEN sec%direction(jseg)=0 ; nextPoint = WestPoint ELSE IF( zdistnew == zdistEst3 ) THEN sec%direction(jseg)=1 ; nextPoint = EstPoint ELSE IF( zdistnew == zdistSouth3 )THEN sec%direction(jseg)=2 ; nextPoint = SouthPoint ELSE IF( zdistnew == zdistNorth3 )THEN sec%direction(jseg)=3 ; nextPoint= NorthPoint ENDIF ENDIF WRITE(cltmp,'(A11, 2(i4.4,1X) )')'nextPoint = ', nextPoint CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) !f. Save nextPoint and go to nextPoint !------------------------------------- prevPoint = sec%listPoint(jseg) jseg = jseg+1 !increment of number of segments that form the section sec%listPoint(jseg) = nextPoint !Save next point ENDIF ! southP/northP/WestP/EstP == endingpoint ? ENDDO !End of loop on jseg sec%nb_point = jseg !Save the number of segments that form the section ELSE ! isec%nb_point == 0 DO jseg=1,nb_point_max sec%listPoint(:)=POINT_SECTION(0,0) ENDDO sec%direction(:)=0. sec%nb_point = 0 ENDIF !debug IF( sec%nb_point .ne. 0 )THEN CALL write_debug(jsec,"-------------------------------------") CALL write_debug(jsec,"list of points in the grid : ") DO jseg=1,sec%nb_point ji=sec%listPoint(jseg)%I ; jj=sec%listPoint(jseg)%J WRITE(cltmp, '(i4.4,X,i4.4,X,i4.4,X,f8.3,X,f8.3)' )jseg,ji,jj,glamf(ji,jj),gphif(ji,jj) CALL write_debug(jsec,cltmp) ENDDO !test if we are an end-point IF( sec%listPoint(sec%nb_point)%I .NE. endingPoint%J .AND. sec%listPoint(sec%nb_point)%J .NE. endingPoint%J )THEN PRINT*,TRIM(sec%name)," NOT ARRIVED TO endingPoint FOR jsec = ",jsec ENDIF ENDIF !now compute new slopeSection with ij-coordinates of first and last point sec%slopeSection = 0 ! default value IF( sec%nb_point .ne. 0 )THEN IF ( sec%listPoint(sec%nb_point)%I .NE. sec%listPoint(1)%I ) THEN sec%slopeSection = ( sec%listPoint(sec%nb_point)%J - sec%listPoint(1)%J ) / & ( sec%listPoint(sec%nb_point)%I - sec%listPoint(1)%I ) ELSE sec%slopeSection = 10000._wp ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE compsec END MODULE compute_sections