MODULE sections_tools !!===================================================================== !! *** MODULE sections_tools *** !! !! History: 2011: cbricaud Mercator-Ocean !! !!===================================================================== !! * Modules used USE declarations IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! * Routine accessibility PUBLIC pointToCoordF PUBLIC distance PUBLIC distance2 PUBLIC distance3 PUBLIC intersec PUBLIC slope_coeff PUBLIC qcksrt PUBLIC write_debug PUBLIC file_open CONTAINS TYPE(COORD_SECTION) FUNCTION pointToCoordF(p) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION pointToCoordF *** !! ** Purpose !! !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments TYPE(POINT_SECTION), INTENT(IN) :: p !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- pointToCoordF = COORD_SECTION(glamf(p%I,p%J),gphif(p%I,p%J)) RETURN END FUNCTION pointToCoordF REAL(wp) FUNCTION distance(coordA,coordB,ld_date_line) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION distance *** !! ** Purpose:compute distance between coordA and coordB !! We add 360] to coordB%long if the line (coordA,coordB) !! crosses the date-line. !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments TYPE(COORD_SECTION), INTENT(IN) :: coordA,coordB LOGICAL,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: ld_date_line !! * Local declarations INTEGER ::idateline !----------------------------------------------- idateline=0 IF( PRESENT( ld_date_line))THEN IF( ld_date_line )idateline=1 ENDIF distance = (sqrt((coordA%lon-coordB%lon-360*idateline )**2 + (coordA%lat-coordB%lat )**2)) RETURN END FUNCTION distance REAL(wp) FUNCTION distance2(coordA,coordB,ld_date_line) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION distance *** !! ** Purpose:compute distance between coordA and coordB !! We add 360 to coordB%long if the line (coordA,coordB) !! crosses the date-line. !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments TYPE(COORD_SECTION), INTENT(IN) :: coordA,coordB LOGICAL,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: ld_date_line !! * Local declarations REAL(wp) :: rad, zrayon REAL(wp) :: rpi = 3.141592653589793 REAL(wp) :: lam1,lam2,phi1,phi2 !----------------------------------------------- zrayon=6367000.0 rad=rpi/180. lam1=coordA%lon*rad lam2=coordB%lon*rad phi1=coordA%lat*rad phi2=coordB%lat*rad ! distance2=0.001*2.*zrayon *ASIN(SQRT(SIN((phi2-phi1)/2.0)**2.0+COS(phi1)*COS(phi2)*SIN((lam2-lam1)/2.0)**2.0) ) ! RETURN END FUNCTION distance2 REAL(wp) FUNCTION distance3(coordA,coordB,coordC,ll_debug) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION cosinus *** !! théorème d'Al-Kashi !! !! B A first point of the section !! / \ B intermediar point on the section !! / | \ C last point of the section !! / | \ !! / | \ angle=ACB !! / | \ !! / | \ distance3=Bd !! / | \ !! C -------d------- A !! !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments TYPE(COORD_SECTION), INTENT(IN) :: coordA,coordB,coordC LOGICAL :: ll_debug !! * Local declarations REAL(wp) :: ztmp REAL(wp) :: za,zb,zc,angle !----------------------------------------------- za = SQRT( (coordB%lon-coordC%lon)**2 + (coordB%lat-coordC%lat)**2 ) zb = SQRT( (coordA%lon-coordC%lon)**2 + (coordA%lat-coordC%lat)**2 ) zc = SQRT( (coordA%lon-coordB%lon)**2 + (coordA%lat-coordB%lat)**2 ) ! IF( za /= 0. .AND. zb /= 0. )THEN ztmp=( za**2 + zb**2 - zc**2 ) / ( 2.0*za*zb ) ztmp=MIN(ztmp,1.00_wp) !angle=ABS(acos( ( za**2 + zb**2 - zc**2 ) / ( 2.0*za*zb ) ) ) IF( ztmp==1.00_wp )THEN angle=0.0 ELSE angle=ABS(acos(ztmp)) ENDIF ELSE PRINT*,'za zb =',za,zb ; STOP ENDIF ! distance3=za*ABS(sin(angle)) ! RETURN END FUNCTION distance3 REAL(wp) FUNCTION slope_coeff(coordA,coordB,ld_dateline) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** Function slope_coeff *** !! !! ** Purpose: Compute slope coefficient of the line (coordA,coordB) !! !! ** Method: !! Usual method : !! slope_coeff = (latB-latA)/(lonB-lonA) !! Special case: the segment [A,B] crosses the date-line (lddate=T) !! slope_coeff = (latB-latA)/(360+lonB-lonA) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments TYPE(COORD_SECTION), INTENT(IN) :: coordA, coordB LOGICAL,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL :: ld_dateline !! * Local declarations REAL(wp) :: zcoeff INTEGER :: idateline !!--------------------------------------------------------- !initialization zcoeff = 1.e20 idateline=0 IF( PRESENT( ld_dateline))THEN IF( ld_dateline )idateline=1 ENDIF !compute slope coefficient IF ( coordB%lon-coordA%lon .NE. 0.) & zcoeff=(coordB%lat-coordA%lat)/(360*idateline+coordB%lon-coordA%lon) !output slope_coeff = zcoeff RETURN END FUNCTION slope_coeff TYPE(COORD_SECTION) FUNCTION intersec(sec,coord_a,coord_b) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** Function intersec *** !! !! ** Purpose:Return the coordinates of the intersection point, !! between segment [a,b] and the section. !! If no intersection the point = -9999. !! !! ** Method:(coord_a,coord_b) => y=za2*x+zb2 (2) !! sec => y=za1*x+zb1 (1) !! Intersection = (X,Y) solves (1) and (2) !! Vefify that (X,Y) is in [coord_a,coord_b] AND in the section !! !! ** Action: 1. compute za1, za1 !! 2. compute zb1, zb2 !! 3. compute X and Y !! 4.Verify that (zX,zY) is in [coord_a,coord_b] !! and in [sec%coordSec(1),sec%coordSec(2)] !! !! History: Author: 10/05 Matthieu Laborie !! Additions: !! 05-2007: (C Bricaud) add special cases !! (crossing date line) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments TYPE(SECTION), INTENT(IN) :: sec TYPE(COORD_SECTION) , INTENT(IN):: coord_a, coord_b !! * Local declarations TYPE(COORD_SECTION) :: coordInter REAL(wp) :: za1,za2, &! slope coefficient zb1,zb2, &! zX,zY ! coordinates of intersection LOGICAL :: ll_date_line=.FALSE. !segment [a,b] crosses the date-line ? !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !=================! !0. INITALIZATION ! !=================! coordInter=COORD_SECTION(-9999.,-9999.) ll_date_line=.FALSE. !we need to know if [coord_a,coord_b] crosses the date-line if(coord_a%lon-coord_b%lon .GT. 180)ll_date_line=.TRUE. !=======================! !1. compute za1 and za2 ! !=======================! za1=sec%slopeSection za2=slope_coeff(coord_a,coord_b,ll_date_line) !=======================! !2. compute zb1 and zb2 ! !=======================! ! Compute coefficient b for a straight line y=a*x+b ! Usual method: knowing value of a, we compute b with coordinates of 1 point: ! b=latA-a.lonA ou bien b=latB-a.lonB ! Particular case: the straight line crosses the date line; so it is in 2 parts: ! one on the left of the date-line and one the right ! then,b can could have 2 values: ! As the date-line can be crossed by the section and the segment of the mesh [a,b], ! we have to check if the segment [a,b] crosses the date-line (we know it already for the ! section(sec%ll_date_line): ll_date_line ! Then, there are 4 cases for computing b1 and b2 ( sec%ll_date_line=T/F AND ll_date_line=T/F ) !=========================================================================================! ! CASE A : !CASE C: ! sec%ll_date_line=T AND ll_date_line =T !sec%ll_date_line=F AND ll_date_line =T ! ! | -180 !+180 | ! this case doesn't exist ! | ! | !========================================! a___|_______!_______|__b !CASE B: ! | ! | !sec%ll_date_line=T AND ll_date_line=F ! | ! | ! \ | ! section date-line section ! a__\__b | ! b1: usual method ! \ | ! b2: depend of longitude of ! \ | ! sec%coordSec(1) et de sec%coordSec(2) ! \ | !=================================================! ! \| !CASE D: ! +180 \ -180 !sec%ll_date_line=F AND ll_date_line =F ! |\ ! | ! | ! | \ ! | +180 ! -180 | ! | \ ! a___|___b ! a___|___b ! |a__\__b ! | ! | ! | \ ! | ! | ! date-line section ! section date-line section !b2: usual method !b1: usual method !b1: depend of longitude of a and b. !b2: usual method !==========================================================================================! IF( sec%ll_date_line )THEN IF( ll_date_line )THEN !CASE A: this case doesn't exist !------- zb1=1.e20 zb2=1.e20 ELSE !CASE B: !------- !compute zb2: !zb2 = coord_b%lat - za2 * coord_b%lon = coord_a%lat - za2 * coord_a%lon zb2=coord_b%lat - za2 * coord_b%lon !compute zb1: IF( coord_a%lon .GT. 0 .AND. coord_b%lon .GT. 0 )THEN zb1 = sec%coordSec(1)%lat - za1 * sec%coordSec(1)%lon ELSE zb1 = sec%coordSec(2)%lat - za1 * sec%coordSec(2)%lon ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF( ll_date_line )THEN !CASE C: !------- !Compute zb1: !zb1 = sec%coordSec(1)%lat - za1 * sec%coordSec(1)%lon ! = sec%coordSec(2)%lat - za1 * sec%coordSec(2)%lon zb1 = sec%coordSec(1)%lat - za1 * sec%coordSec(1)%lon !Compute zb2: IF( sec%coordSec(1)%lon .GT. 0 .AND. sec%coordSec(2)%lon .GT. 0 )THEN zb2 = coord_a%lat - za2 * coord_a%lon ELSE zb2 = coord_b%lat - za2 * coord_b%lon ENDIF ELSE !CASE D: !------- !compute zb1: !zb1 = sec%coordSec(1)%lat - za1 * sec%coordSec(1)%lon ! = sec%coordSec(2)%lat - za1 * sec%coordSec(2)%lon zb1 = sec%coordSec(1)%lat - za1 * sec%coordSec(1)%lon !compute zb2: !zb2 = coord_b%lat - za2 * coord_b%lon = coord_a%lat - za2 * coord_a%lon zb2 = coord_b%lat - za2 * coord_b%lon ENDIF ENDIF IF( (za1 - za2) .NE. 0) THEN !================================! !3. Compute intersection (zX,zY) ! !================================! IF( za1 == 1.e20 ) THEN ! Case X=cste zX = sec%coordSec(1)%lon zY = za2 * zX + zb2 ELSE IF ( za2 == 1.e20) THEN ! Case X=cste zX = coord_b%lon zY = za1 * zX + zb1 ELSE ! Case zY=A*zX+B zX = (zb2 - zb1) / (za1 - za2) zY = (za1 * zX ) + zb1 ENDIF !==============================================! !4.Verify that (zX,zY) is in [coord_a,coord_b] ! ! and in [sec%coordSec(1),sec%coordSec(2)] ! !==============================================! !Be carreful! The test is not the same for all configurations IF( sec%ll_date_line )THEN IF( ll_date_line )THEN !CASE A: this case doesn't exist !------- coordInter=COORD_SECTION(-9999.,-9999.) ELSE !CASE B: !------- IF( zX .GE. MIN(coord_a%lon,coord_b%lon ) .AND. & zX .LE. MAX(coord_a%lon,coord_b%lon ) .AND. & zY .GE. MIN(coord_a%lat,coord_b%lat ) .AND. & zY .LE. MAX(coord_a%lat,coord_b%lat ) .AND. & ((zX .LE. MIN(sec%coordSec(1)%lon,sec%coordSec(2)%lon ) .AND. & zX .GE. -180) .OR. & (zX .GE. MAX(sec%coordSec(1)%lon,sec%coordSec(2)%lon ) .AND. & zX .LE. 180)) .AND. & zY .GE. MIN(sec%coordSec(1)%lat,sec%coordSec(2)%lat ) .AND. & zY .LE. MAX(sec%coordSec(1)%lat,sec%coordSec(2)%lat ) ) THEN coordInter = COORD_SECTION(zX, zY) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF( ll_date_line )THEN !CASE C: !------- IF( ((zX .LE. MIN(coord_a%lon,coord_b%lon ) .AND. & zX .GE. -180 ) .OR. & (zX .GE. MAX(coord_a%lon,coord_b%lon ) .AND. & zX .LE. 180 )) .AND. & zY .GE. MIN(coord_a%lat,coord_b%lat ) .AND. & zY .LE. MAX(coord_a%lat,coord_b%lat ) .AND. & zX .GE. MIN(sec%coordSec(1)%lon,sec%coordSec(2)%lon ) .AND. & zX .LE. MAX(sec%coordSec(1)%lon,sec%coordSec(2)%lon ) .AND. & zY .GE. MIN(sec%coordSec(1)%lat,sec%coordSec(2)%lat ) .AND. & zY .LE. MAX(sec%coordSec(1)%lat,sec%coordSec(2)%lat ) ) THEN coordInter = COORD_SECTION(zX, zY) ENDIF ELSE !CASE D: !------- IF( zX .GE. MIN(coord_a%lon,coord_b%lon ) .AND. & zX .LE. MAX(coord_a%lon,coord_b%lon ) .AND. & zY .GE. MIN(coord_a%lat,coord_b%lat ) .AND. & zY .LE. MAX(coord_a%lat,coord_b%lat ) .AND. & zX .GE. MIN(sec%coordSec(1)%lon,sec%coordSec(2)%lon ) .AND. & zX .LE. MAX(sec%coordSec(1)%lon,sec%coordSec(2)%lon ) .AND. & zY .GE. MIN(sec%coordSec(1)%lat,sec%coordSec(2)%lat ) .AND. & zY .LE. MAX(sec%coordSec(1)%lat,sec%coordSec(2)%lat ) ) THEN coordInter = COORD_SECTION(zX, zY) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF !output intersec = coordInter RETURN END FUNCTION intersec SUBROUTINE qcksrt(arr1,arr2,n) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE qcksrt *** !! !! ** Purpose !! !! ** Method !! !! ** Input !! !! ** Action !! !! History !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: n REAL(wp),DIMENSION(n),INTENT(INOUT):: arr1,arr2 !! * Local declarations REAL(wp) :: fx,a,b INTEGER,PARAMETER :: m=7,nstack=500 REAL(wp),PARAMETER :: fm=7875.,fa=211.,fc=1663.,fmi=1./fm INTEGER :: l,ir,j,i,iq,jstack INTEGER,DIMENSION(nstack) :: istack(nstack) !--------------------------------------------------- jstack=0 l=1 ir=n fx=0. 10 if(ir-l .lt.m)then do j=l+1,ir a=arr1(j) b=arr2(j) do i=j-1,1,-1 if (arr1(i).le.a) goto 12 arr1(i+1)=arr1(i) arr2(i+1)=arr2(i) enddo i=0 12 arr1(i+1)=a arr2(i+1)=b enddo if(jstack.eq.0)return ir=istack(jstack) l=istack(jstack-1) jstack=jstack-2 else i=l j=ir fx=MOD(fx*fa+fc,fm) iq=l+(ir-l+1)*(fx*fmi) a=arr1(iq) arr1(iq)=arr1(l) b=arr2(iq) arr2(iq)=arr2(l) 20 continue 21 if ( then if( j=j-1 goto 21 endif endif if (j.le.i)then arr1(i)=a arr2(i)=b goto 30 endif arr1(i)=arr1(j) arr2(i)=arr2(j) i=i+1 22 if (i.le.n) then if ( then i=i+1 goto 22 endif endif if (j.le.i)then arr1(j)=a arr2(j)=b i=j goto 30 endif arr1(j)=arr1(i) arr2(j)=arr2(i) j=j-1 goto 20 30 jstack=jstack+2 if( 'nstack trop petit' if ( then istack(jstack)=ir istack(jstack-1)=i+1 ir=i-1 else istack(jstack)=i-1 istack(jstack-1)=l l=i+1 endif endif goto 10 END SUBROUTINE qcksrt SUBROUTINE write_debug(ksec,cd_write) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE qcksrt *** !! !! ** Purpose !! !! ** Method !! !! ** Input !! !! ** Action !! !! History !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments INTEGER :: ksec !number of section CHARACTER(len=*) :: cd_write !message to write !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: iunit LOGICAL :: llok CHARACTER(len=80) :: clfilename !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ksec == nsecdebug .OR. nsecdebug == -1 )THEN !open / verify is debug output file is open clfilename=TRIM(secs(ksec)%name)//"_debug" iunit = num_sec_debug(ksec) IF( iunit .EQ. 0 )THEN PRINT*,"Open debug file: "//TRIM(clfilename) iunit = 100 + ksec num_sec_debug(ksec) = iunit CALL file_open(iunit,clfilename,llok,cdform="FORMATTED",cdstatus="REPLACE",cdaction="WRITE") IF( .NOT. llok )THEN PRINT*,"Can not open TRIM(clfilename)." ; STOP ENDIF !ELSE ! PRINT*,TRIM(clfilename)//" already opened" ENDIF !write WRITE(iunit,*)TRIM(cd_write) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE write_debug SUBROUTINE file_open(knum,cdfile,ldok,cdform,cdstatus,cdaction) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE file_open *** !! !! ** Purpose !! !! ** Method !! !! ** Input !! !! ** Action !! !! Hisotry !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: knum ! file unit number CHARACTER(len=*),INTENT(IN) :: cdfile ! file name to open LOGICAL ,INTENT(OUT) :: ldok ! =.TRUE. if file exists and is corectly opened CHARACTER(len=*),INTENT(IN) :: cdform, &! FORM arguments for OPEN function cdstatus, &! STATUS arguments for OPEN function cdaction ! ACTION arguments for OPEN function !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: iost LOGICAL :: llbon=.FALSE. !check existence of file !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ldok = .FALSE. ! initialization; file not found and not opened !check presence of file IF( cdstatus .EQ. "OLD" ) THEN INQUIRE( FILE=cdfile, EXIST=llbon ) ! check presence of namelist IF( llbon )THEN ; PRINT*,TRIM(cdfile)//' EXISTS' ELSE ; PRINT*,TRIM(cdfile)//' NOT EXISTS' ; STOP ENDIF ENDIF !open file OPEN(UNIT=knum,FILE=TRIM(cdfile),FORM=cdform,status=cdstatus,action=cdaction,iostat=iost) IF ( iost == 0 )THEN ldok=.TRUE. ELSE PRINT*,TRIM(cdfile)//' bad opening. STOP.'; STOP ENDIF END SUBROUTINE file_open END MODULE sections_tools