MODULE ran_num !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE ran_num *** !! NEMOVAR: Random number routines !!====================================================================== !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! gaustb : returns a gaussian randum number with mean and std. !! gaustb_2d : returns a gaussian randum number with mean and std for a !! given horizontal grid point !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE par_kind ! Kind variables USE dom_oce ! Domain variables USE in_out_manager ! I/O stuff USE mt19937ar, ONLY : & & init_mtrand, & & mtrand_real1 IMPLICIT NONE !! * Routine accessibility PRIVATE PUBLIC & & gaustb, & & gaustb_2d CONTAINS FUNCTION gaustb( pamp, pmean ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE gaustb *** !! !! ** Purpose : Returns a gaussian randum number with mean and std. !! !! ** Method : Generate Gaussian random variables. !! The standard deviation and mean of the variables are !! specified by the variables pamp and pmean. !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 07-07 (K. Mogensen) Original code based on gaustb.F !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Function return REAL(wp) :: & & gaustb !! * Arguments REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: & & pamp, & ! Amplitude & pmean ! Mean value !! * Local declarations gaustb = pamp * gausva( ) + pmean END FUNCTION gaustb FUNCTION gausva( ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE gausva *** !! !! ** Purpose : Returns a normally distributed deviate with 0 mean !! and unit variance using the unifva(kdum) as the !! source of uniform deviates. !! !! ** Method : !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 07-07 (K. Mogensen) Original code based on gaustb.F !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Function return REAL(wp) :: & & gausva !! * Local declarations REAL(wp), SAVE :: & & gset INTEGER, SAVE :: & & niset = 0 REAL(wp) :: & & zfac, & & zrsq, & & zv1, & & zv2 ! Begin main IF ( niset == 0 ) THEN zv1 = 2.0_wp * psrandom( ) - 1.0_wp zv2 = 2.0_wp * psrandom( ) - 1.0_wp zrsq = zv1**2 + zv2**2 DO WHILE ( ( zrsq >= 1.0_wp ) .OR. ( zrsq == 0.0_wp ) ) zv1 = 2.0_wp * psrandom( ) - 1.0_wp zv2 = 2.0_wp * psrandom( ) - 1.0_wp zrsq = zv1**2 + zv2**2 END DO zfac = SQRT( -2.0_wp * LOG( zrsq ) / zrsq ) gset = zv1 * zfac gausva = zv2 * zfac niset = 1 ELSE gausva = gset niset = 0 ENDIF END FUNCTION gausva FUNCTION gaustb_2d( ki, kj, pamp, pmean ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE gaustb_2d *** !! !! ** Purpose : Returns a Gaussian randum number with mean and std !! for a given horizontal grid point. !! !! ** Method : Generate Gaussian random variables. !! The standard deviation and mean of the variables are !! specified by the variables pamp and pmean. !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 07-07 (K. Mogensen) Original code based on gaustb.F !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Function return REAL(wp) :: & & gaustb_2d !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: & & ki, & ! Indices in seed array & kj REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: & & pamp, & ! Amplitude & pmean ! Mean value !! * Local declarations gaustb_2d = pamp * gausva_2d( ki, kj ) + pmean END FUNCTION gaustb_2d FUNCTION gausva_2d( ki, kj ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE gausva_2d *** !! !! ** Purpose : Returns a normally distributed deviate with 0 mean !! and unit variance. !! !! ** Method : !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 07-07 (K. Mogensen) Original code based on gaustb.F !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Function return REAL(wp) :: & & gausva_2d !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: & & ki, & ! Indices in seed array & kj !! * Local declarations REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: & & gset INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: & & niset LOGICAL, SAVE :: & & llinit = .FALSE. REAL(wp) :: & & zfac, & & zrsq, & & zv1, & & zv2 ! Initialization IF ( .NOT. llinit ) THEN niset(:,:) = 0 llinit = .TRUE. ENDIF ! Begin main IF ( niset(ki,kj) == 0 ) THEN zv1 = 2.0_wp * psrandom( ) - 1.0_wp zv2 = 2.0_wp * psrandom( ) - 1.0_wp zrsq = zv1**2 + zv2**2 DO WHILE ( ( zrsq >= 1.0_wp ) .OR. ( zrsq == 0.0_wp ) ) zv1 = 2.0_wp * psrandom( ) - 1.0_wp zv2 = 2.0_wp * psrandom( ) - 1.0_wp zrsq = zv1**2 + zv2**2 END DO zfac = SQRT( -2.0_wp * LOG( zrsq ) / zrsq ) gset(ki,kj) = zv1 * zfac gausva_2d = zv2 * zfac niset(ki,kj) = 1 ELSE gausva_2d = gset(ki,kj) niset(ki,kj) = 0 ENDIF END FUNCTION gausva_2d FUNCTION psrandom() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE psrandom *** !! !! ** Purpose : Pseudo-Random number generator. !! !! ** Method : Returns a pseudo-random number from a uniform distribution !! between 0 and 1 !! Call with kdum a negative integer to initialize. !! Thereafter, do not alter kdum between successive deviates !! in sequence. !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 10-02 (F. Vigilant) Original code !! ! 2011-08 (D. Lea) initialize with kdum1 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Function return REAL(wp) :: & & psrandom !! * Arguments INTEGER :: & & kdum ! Seed LOGICAL, SAVE :: & & llinit = .TRUE. ! Initialize on first call ! Initialization IF ( llinit ) THEN kdum = 456953 + nproc * 596035 CALL init_mtrand(kdum) llinit = .FALSE. ! On subsequent calls do not reinitialize ENDIF psrandom = mtrand_real1() END FUNCTION psrandom END MODULE ran_num