MODULE limcat_1D !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE limcat_1D *** !! Used for LIM3 to convert cell averages of ice thickness, snow thickness !! and ice cover into a prescribed distribution over the cell. !! (Example of application: BDY forcings when input are cell averaged) !!====================================================================== !! History : - ! Original code from M. Vancoppenolle (?) !! ! 2011-12 (C. Rousset) rewritten for clarity !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_lim3 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_lim3' : LIM3 sea-ice model !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! lim_cat_1D : main subroutine !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Modules used USE phycst USE oce ! dynamics and tracers variables USE dom_oce USE sbc_oce ! Surface boundary condition: ocean fields USE par_ice ! ice parameters USE ice ! ice variables USE eosbn2 ! equation of state USE in_out_manager USE dom_ice USE ice USE lbclnk USE timing ! Timing IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! Accessibility PUBLIC lim_cat_1D CONTAINS SUBROUTINE lim_cat_1D(zhti,zhts,zai,zht_i,zht_s,za_i) !! Local variables INTEGER :: ji, jk, jl ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: ijpij, i_fill, jl0, ztest_1, ztest_2, ztest_3, ztest_4, ztests REAL(wp) :: zarg, zV, zconv REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: zhti, zhts, zai ! input ice/snow variables REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout) :: zht_i, zht_s, za_i ! output ice/snow variables REAL(wp) :: epsi06 = 1.0e-6 IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_start('limcat_1D') !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialisation of variables !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ijpij = SIZE(zhti,1) zht_i(1:ijpij,1:jpl) = 0._wp zht_s(1:ijpij,1:jpl) = 0._wp za_i (1:ijpij,1:jpl) = 0._wp !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Distribute ice concentration and thickness into the categories !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Method: we first try to fill the jpl ice categories bounded by thicknesses ! hmax(0:jpl) with a gaussian distribution, and check whether the distribution ! fulfills volume and area conservation, positivity and ice categories bounds. ! In other words, if ice input is too thin, the last category (jpl) ! cannot be filled, so we try to fill jpl-1 categories... ! And so forth iteratively until the number of categories filled ! fulfills ice volume concervation between input and output (ztests=4) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---------------------------------------- ! distribution over the jpl ice categories ! ---------------------------------------- DO ji = 1, ijpij ! snow thickness in each category zht_s(ji,1:jpl) = zhts(ji) ! initialisation of tests ztest_1 = 0 ztest_2 = 0 ztest_3 = 0 ztest_4 = 0 ztests = 0 i_fill = jpl + 1 !==================================== DO WHILE ( ( ztests /= 4 ) .AND. ( i_fill >= 2 ) ) ! iterative loop on i_fill categories ! iteration !==================================== i_fill = i_fill - 1 ! initialisation of ice variables for each try zht_i(ji,1:jpl) = 0._wp za_i (ji,1:jpl) = 0._wp ! *** case very thin ice: fill only category 1 IF ( i_fill == 1 ) THEN zht_i(ji,1) = zhti(ji) za_i (ji,1) = zai (ji) ! *** case ice is thicker: fill categories >1 ELSE ! Fill ice thicknesses except the last one (i_fill) by (hmax-hmin)/2 DO jl = 1, i_fill - 1 zht_i(ji,jl) = ( hi_max(jl) + hi_max(jl-1) ) * 0.5_wp END DO ! find which category (jl0) the input ice thickness falls into jl0 = i_fill DO jl = 1, i_fill IF ( ( zhti(ji) >= hi_max(jl-1) ) .AND. ( zhti(ji) < hi_max(jl) ) ) THEN jl0 = jl CYCLE ENDIF END DO ! Concentrations in the (i_fill-1) categories za_i(ji,jl0) = zai(ji) / SQRT(REAL(jpl)) DO jl = 1, i_fill - 1 IF ( jl == jl0 ) CYCLE zarg = ( zht_i(ji,jl) - zhti(ji) ) / ( zhti(ji) * 0.5_wp ) za_i(ji,jl) = za_i (ji,jl0) * EXP(-zarg**2) END DO ! Concentration in the last (i_fill) category za_i(ji,i_fill) = zai(ji) - SUM( za_i(ji,1:i_fill-1) ) ! Ice thickness in the last (i_fill) category zV = SUM( za_i(ji,1:i_fill-1) * zht_i(ji,1:i_fill-1) ) zht_i(ji,i_fill) = ( zhti(ji)*zai(ji) - zV ) / za_i(ji,i_fill) ENDIF ! case ice is thick or thin !--------------------- ! Compatibility tests !--------------------- ! Test 1: area conservation zconv = ABS( zai(ji) - SUM( za_i(ji,1:jpl) ) ) IF ( zconv < epsi06 ) ztest_1 = 1 ! Test 2: volume conservation zconv = ABS( zhti(ji)*zai(ji) - SUM( za_i(ji,1:jpl)*zht_i(ji,1:jpl) ) ) IF ( zconv < epsi06 ) ztest_2 = 1 ! Test 3: thickness of the last category is in-bounds ? IF ( zht_i(ji,i_fill) >= hi_max(i_fill-1) ) ztest_3 = 1 ! Test 4: positivity of ice concentrations ztest_4 = 1 DO jl = 1, i_fill IF ( za_i(ji,jl) < 0._wp ) ztest_4 = 0 END DO ztests = ztest_1 + ztest_2 + ztest_3 + ztest_4 !============================ END DO ! end iteration on categories !============================ ! Check if tests have passed (i.e. volume conservation...) !IF ( ztests /= 4 ) THEN ! WRITE(numout,*) ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' ! WRITE(numout,*) ' !! ALERT categories distribution !!' ! WRITE(numout,*) ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' ! WRITE(numout,*) ' *** ztests is not equal to 4 ' ! WRITE(numout,*) ' *** ztest (1:4) = ', ztest_1, ztest_2, ztest_3, ztest_4 ! WRITE(numout,*) 'i_fill=',i_fill ! WRITE(numout,*) 'zai(ji)=',zai(ji) ! WRITE(numout,*) 'za_i(ji,jpl)=',za_i(ji,:) !ENDIF END DO ! i loop IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('limcat_1D') END SUBROUTINE lim_cat_1D #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Default option : Empty module NO LIM sea-ice model !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE lim_cat_1D ! Empty routine END SUBROUTINE lim_cat_1D #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE limcat_1D