#!/bin/sh #+ # # .. program:: std_main.sh # # ================ # std_main.sh # ================ # # ------------------------------------- # launch idl scripts to produce graphics diagnostics in Postscript, PDF or HTML document # ------------------------------------- # # SYNOPSIS # ======== # # ``std_main.sh -ts`` or ``std_main.sh -plot`` # # DESCRIPTION # =========== # # .. option:: -ts to produce time series # .. option:: -plot to produce maps and sections # .. option:: -html to produce html document # .. option:: -pdf to produce pdf document # .. option:: -noidl to skip the call to IDL and the production of Postscript # .. option:: -vm to use IDL virtual machine (free) instead of IDL # .. option:: -help to get help! # # variables have to be defined in std_plot_vardef.sh (or std_ts_vardef.sh) # before calling std_main.sh -plot (or std_main.sh -ts) # # EXAMPLES # ======== # $ ./std_main.sh -ts html # $ ./std_main.sh -ts pdf -noidl # # $ ./std_main.sh -plot -pdf -vm # # AUTHOR - date # =========== # Françoise Pinsard - 01/2010 - LOCEAN # Simona Flavoni - 01/2010 - LOCEAN # Sebastien Masson - 04/2011 - LOCEAN # #----------------------------------------------------------- # Usage... #----------------------------------------------------------- # #- system=$(uname) case "${system}" in AIX|IRIX64) echo " www : no specific posix checking" ;; *) set -o posix ;; esac # usage="Usage: std_main.sh [OPTION] Options -ts to produce time series -plot to produce maps and sections -html to produce html document -pdf to produce pdf document -noidl to skip the call to IDL and the production of Postscript -vm to use IDL virtual machine (free) instead of IDL -help to get this help " # vm=0 noidl=0 format=ps while [ ! -z "${1}" ] do case ${1} in -plot|--plot) PLOTTYPE=plot ;; -ts|--ts) PLOTTYPE=ts ;; -f|-format|--format) format=${2} shift ;; -html|--html) format=html ;; -pdf|--pdf) format=pdf ;; -h|-help|--help) echo "${usage}" exit 0 ;; -ni|--ni|-noidl|--noidl) noidl=1 ;; -vm|--vm|-virtual_machine|--virtual_machine) vm=1 ;; *) # other choice echo "${usage}" exit 1 ;; esac shift # next flag done # PLOTTYPE=${PLOTTYPE:-NG} if [[ ( "$PLOTTYPE" != "plot" ) && ( "$PLOTTYPE" != "ts" ) ]] then echo 'the type of plot must be defined with the option -plot or -ts' exit 1 fi export PLOTTYPE # set -u # # tstexe () { type ${1} status_type=${?} if [ ${status_type} -ne 0 ] then echo "eee : ${2}" exit 1 fi } # #----------------------------------------------------------- # define output directory for POSTCRIPT files #----------------------------------------------------------- # . ./std_${PLOTTYPE}_vardef.sh [ ! -d ${PS_DIR} ] && mkdir -p ${PS_DIR} # #----------------------------------------------------------- # run IDL #----------------------------------------------------------- # if [ $noidl -eq 0 ] then tstexe ${idl_command} "idl not found" # if [ $vm -eq 1 ] then ${idl_command} -vm=std_main.sav else ${idl_command} -IDL_STARTUP 'initenv' << EOF std_${PLOTTYPE}_all, /postscript EOF fi status_idl=${?} if [ ${status_idl} -ne 0 ] then echo "eee : error in the execution of IDL" exit 1 fi fi # #----------------------------------------------------------- # produce the final document #----------------------------------------------------------- # # build the list of ps that has been created by IDL pslist=$( grep "img width" ${PS_DIR}/std_${PLOTTYPE}_html_body.txt | sed -e "s/.*src=\(.*\)png.*/\1/" ) # case ${format} in #__________________________________________________________ # PDF pdf) # check if ps2pdf available ps2pdf_command=$( which ps2pdf ) tstexe ${ps2pdf_command} "ps2pdf not found" # check if texexec available texexec_command=$( which texexec ) tstexe ${texexec_command} "texexec not found" # filepdf=all_${PLOTTYPE}.pdf [ ! -d ${PDF_DIR} ] && mkdir -p ${PDF_DIR} pdflist='' for file in ${pslist} ; do ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 ${PS_DIR}/${file}ps ${PDF_DIR}/${file}pdf echo "ps2pdf ${file}ps done" pdflist=${pdflist}' '${PDF_DIR}/${file}pdf done #pdfjam needed to use pdfjoin pdfjoin ${pdflist} --outfile $PDF_DIR/${filepdf} texexec --pdfarrange --result=$PDF_DIR/$filepdf $pdflist rm -f $PDF_DIR/$( basename $filepdf .pdf ).aux $PDF_DIR/$( basename $filepdf .pdf ).log if [ ! -e ${PDF_DIR}/$filepdf ] then echo "\n ATTENTION !!!!! \n" echo "${PDF_DIR}/$filepdf do not exist \n" else echo "${PDF_DIR}/$filepdf done" fi #commented because convert gives images of bad quality # convert ${PS_DIR}/*.ps /tmp/all_${PLOTTYPE}.pdf # convert -resize 800x600 ${PS_DIR}/${exp1}_${exp2}/ps/*.ps /tmp/all_${PLOTTYPE}.pdf ;; #__________________________________________________________ # HTML html) filehtml=all_${PLOTTYPE}.html [ ! -d ${HTML_DIR} ] && mkdir -p ${HTML_DIR} # check if convert available convert_command=$( which convert ) tstexe ${convert_command} "convert not found" # convert each ps to png for file in ${pslist} ; do ${convert_command} -antialias ${PS_DIR}/${file}ps ${HTML_DIR}/${file}png done # creation of the HTML file cat << EOF > ${HTML_DIR}/$filehtml EOF cat ${PS_DIR}/std_${PLOTTYPE}_html_body.txt >> ${HTML_DIR}/$filehtml cat << EOF >> ${HTML_DIR}/$filehtml
EOF echo ${HTML_DIR}/$filehtml done ;; ps) ;; # nothing to do... *) echo " format ${format} not implemented" exit 1 ;; esac # #===================== # prepare to put images on dods # +++ to finish it #LOGIN=xxxx #Tag_Name=ORCA2_LIM2 #rsh ${LOGIN}@gaya.idris.fr exec /bin/ksh < /dev/null 2>&1 # /usr/local/bin/dods_cp ${exp1} DODS/pub/${LOGIN}/${Tag_Name}/CORE2/INTERAN/${PLOTTYPE}_pdf/${exp1} > /dev/null 2>&1 #EOF #===================== # end exit 0