MODULE off_netcdf USE obs_utils, ONLY: chkerr USE obs_const, ONLY: obfillflt USE par_oce USE obs_types, ONLY: cwmonam1770 USE obs_sla, ONLY: nslasets ! Define double precision obfillflt REAL(kind=dp), PARAMETER :: obfilldbl=99999. CONTAINS SUBROUTINE yyyymmdd_to_ref_date(indate, intime, outstring) IMPLICIT NONE !---------------------------------------- ! Routine to create reference date string !---------------------------------------- ! Routine arguments CHARACTER(len=8), INTENT(IN) :: indate ! yyyymmdd CHARACTER(len=6), INTENT(IN) :: intime ! hhmmss CHARACTER(len=23), INTENT(OUT) :: outstring ! yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss utc ! Local variables CHARACTER(len=4) :: year ! yyyy CHARACTER(len=2) :: month ! mm CHARACTER(len=2) :: day ! dd CHARACTER(len=2) :: hour ! hh CHARACTER(len=2) :: minute ! mm CHARACTER(len=2) :: second ! ss year = indate(1:4) month = indate(5:6) day = indate(7:8) hour = intime(1:2) minute = intime(3:4) second = intime(5:6) outstring = year//"-"//month//"-"//day//" "//hour//":"//minute//":"//second//" utc" END SUBROUTINE yyyymmdd_to_ref_date SUBROUTINE date_format(date_str) IMPLICIT NONE !--------------------------------------- ! Routine to create creation date string !--------------------------------------- ! Routine arguments CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(OUT) :: date_str ! Local variables CHARACTER(8) :: date CHARACTER(10) :: time CHARACTER(10) :: date_part CHARACTER(8) :: time_part CALL date_and_time(DATE=date) CALL date_and_time(TIME=time) date_part = date(1:4)//'/'//date(5:6)//'/'//date(7:8) time_part = time(1:2)//':'//time(3:4)//':'//time(5:6) date_str = date_part//' '//time_part END SUBROUTINE date_format SUBROUTINE inst_converter(wmo_inst_list, nprofs, obs_names) IMPLICIT NONE !--------------------------------------- ! Routine to convert WMO_INST_TYPE to ! 'ARGO', 'TESAC', 'XBT', 'BUOYS' !--------------------------------------- !! Routine arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nprofs CHARACTER(len=*),DIMENSION(nprofs), INTENT(IN) :: wmo_inst_list CHARACTER(len=128),DIMENSION(nprofs),INTENT(OUT):: obs_names !! Local variables INTEGER :: inam !: loop over name !! Initialise obs_names obs_names(:) = '' !! Convert number to text DO inam = 1,nprofs IF (trim(adjustl(wmo_inst_list(inam))) .EQ. '820') THEN obs_names(inam) = 'BUOYS' ELSEIF (trim(adjustl(wmo_inst_list(inam))) .EQ. '401') THEN obs_names(inam) = 'XBT' ELSEIF (trim(adjustl(wmo_inst_list(inam))) .EQ. '741') THEN obs_names(inam) = 'TESAC' ELSEIF (trim(adjustl(wmo_inst_list(inam))) .EQ. '831') THEN obs_names(inam) = 'ARGO' ELSEIF (trim(adjustl(wmo_inst_list(inam))) .EQ. '22') THEN ! Special case for AATSR obs_names(inam) = '22' ELSEIF (trim(adjustl(wmo_inst_list(inam))) .EQ. '') THEN obs_names(inam) = 'UNKNOWN' ELSE obs_names(inam) = adjustl(wmo_inst_list(inam)) ! For all other cases ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE inst_converter END MODULE off_netcdf