New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history. in branches/2014/dev_r4650_UKMO14.11_SETTE_OBSASM/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA2_LIM_OBS/IDL_scripts – NEMO

source: branches/2014/dev_r4650_UKMO14.11_SETTE_OBSASM/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA2_LIM_OBS/IDL_scripts/ @ 4751

Last change on this file since 4751 was 4751, checked in by djlea, 10 years ago

Changes to include an OBS test in SETTE. At the moment this uses an example profile observation.

File size: 26.4 KB
1pro std_plot_all_last_year_5D, doplot = doplot, _extra = ex
3  compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs
7                                ; scripts for nemo v3_2 and v3_3
9;; script for max MLD, output 5 days
11  PRINT, ''
12  PRINT, '  ############################################'
13  PRINT, ''
14  PRINT, '                    LAUNCH of std_plots_last_year_5D'
15  PRINT, ''
16  PRINT, '  ############################################'
17  PRINT, ''
19  std_iodir_data    = isadirectory(getenv('DIR_DATA'),     title = 'path of data in NetCdf format')
20  std_iodir_climato = isadirectory(getenv('DIR_CLIMATO'),  title = 'path of climatological data')
21  std_iodir_mask    = isadirectory(getenv('DIR_MASK'),     title = 'path of mask files (ex: subbasins)')
22; meshmask
23  std_file_mesh = isafile(getenv('FILE_MESH_MASK'),        title = 'mesh_mask', iodir = std_iodir_mask)
24  std_file_msksub = isafile(getenv('FILE_MASK_SUBDOMAIN'), title = 'sub-bassin masks', iodir = std_iodir_mask)
26; climatologies
27  std_file_Levitus_T =  isafile(getenv('FILE_TEMP_3D'),    title = 'Levitus_T', iodir = std_iodir_climato)
28  std_file_Levitus_S =  isafile(getenv('FILE_SAL_3D'),     title = 'Levitus_S', iodir = std_iodir_climato)
29  std_file_reynolds  =  isafile(getenv('FILE_SST'),        title = 'Reynolds', iodir = std_iodir_climato)
30  std_file_oaflux    =  isafile(getenv('FILE_FLUX'),       title = 'oaflux', iodir = std_iodir_climato)
31  std_file_mld       =  isafile(getenv('FILE_MLD'),        title = 'Mixed layer depth', iodir = std_iodir_climato)
32  std_file_ice       =  isafile(getenv('FILE_ICE'),        title = 'ICE', iodir = std_iodir_climato)
33  std_file_snow_arc  =  isafile(getenv('FILE_SNOW_ARC'),   title = 'SNOW_ARC', iodir = std_iodir_climato)
34  std_file_snow_ant  =  isafile(getenv('FILE_SNOW_ANT'),   title = 'SNOW_ANT', iodir = std_iodir_climato)
36  IF strlowcase(getenv('FILE_GEOHEAT')) EQ 'no' THEN std_file_geoheat = 'no' $
37  ELSE std_file_geoheat =  isafile(getenv('FILE_GEOHEAT'), title = 'Geothermal heating', iodir = std_iodir_climato)
39  allrec =  1 - keyword_set(long(getenv('READ_ONLY_FIRST_RECORD')))
40; Output run experience1
41  std_file1_T     = isafile(getenv('FILE1_T'), title = 'exp1 grid T input file', iodir = std_iodir_data)
42  std_file1_U     = isafile(getenv('FILE1_U'), title = 'exp1 grid U input file', iodir = std_iodir_data)
43  std_file1_V     = isafile(getenv('FILE1_V'), title = 'exp1 grid V input file', iodir = std_iodir_data)
44  std_file1_I     = isafile(getenv('FILE1_I'), title = 'exp1 ice    input file', iodir = std_iodir_data)
46; Output run experience2
47  std_file2_T     = isafile(getenv('FILE2_T'), title = 'exp2 grid T input file', iodir = std_iodir_data)
48  std_file2_U     = isafile(getenv('FILE2_U'), title = 'exp2 grid U input file', iodir = std_iodir_data)
49  std_file2_V     = isafile(getenv('FILE2_V'), title = 'exp2 grid V input file', iodir = std_iodir_data)
50  std_file2_I     = isafile(getenv('FILE2_I'), title = 'exp2 ice    input file', iodir = std_iodir_data)
52  PRINT, ''
53  PRINT, '  std_iodir_data : ' + std_iodir_data
54  PRINT, '  std_file1T : ' + std_file1_T
55  PRINT, '  std_file1U : ' + std_file1_U
56  PRINT, '  std_file1V : ' + std_file1_V
57;  PRINT, ' std_file1W : ' + std_file1_W
58  PRINT, '  std_file2I : ' + std_file1_I
59  PRINT, '  std_file2T : ' + std_file2_T
60  PRINT, '  std_file2U : ' + std_file2_U
61  PRINT, '  std_file2V : ' + std_file2_V
62;  PRINT, ' std_file2W : ' + std_file2_W
63  PRINT, '  std_file2I : ' + std_file2_I
64  PRINT, ''
67;##########################  Load Grids   ################################
69; load the grid
70  load_orca, std_file_mesh 
71; reading variables
72  masknp = read_ncdf('tmaskutil', file = std_file_mesh, /nostruct, /cont_nofill)
74;############################  Read Data  ################################
77  allrec =  1; - keyword_set(long(getenv('READ_ONLY_FIRST_RECORD')))
79;;; 3D ;;;
80; temperature
81  T1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_T'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_T )
82  IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN
83    T2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_T'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_T )
84  ENDIF ELSE T2 = {arr:-1}
85  TLev = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_TEMP_3D'), filename = std_file_Levitus_T )
86  TRey = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_SST'), filename = std_file_reynolds )
88; salinity
89  S1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_S'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_T )
90  IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN
91    S2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_S'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_T )
92  ENDIF ELSE S2 = {arr:-1}
93  SLev = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_SAL_3D'), filename = std_file_Levitus_S )
95;;; 2D ;;;
96; Net Downward heat flux
97  Q1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_QNET'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_T )
98  IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN
99    Q2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_QNET'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_T )
100  ENDIF ELSE Q2 = {arr:-1}
101; Geothermal heating
102  IF std_file_geoheat EQ 'no' THEN geo = {arr:float(getenv('VAR_GEOHEAT'))} $
103  ELSE geo = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_GEOHEAT'), filename =  std_file_geoheat )
104  geo = geo.arr*1.e-3          ; convert into W/m2
106  QNET = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_FLUX'), filename = std_file_oaflux )
108; erp (evaporation damping)
109  ERP1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_ERP'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_T )
110  ERP1 = {arr:ERP1.arr * 86400., unit:'mm/day', grid:'T'}
111  IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN
112     ERP2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_ERP'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_T )
113     ERP2 = {arr:ERP2.arr * 86400., unit:'mm/day', grid:'T'}
114  ENDIF ELSE ERP2 = {arr:-1}
116; emp (evaporation minus precipitation)
117  EMP1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_EMP'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_T )
118  EMP1 = {arr:EMP1.arr * 86400., unit:'mm/day', grid:'T'}
119  IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN
120    EMP2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_EMP'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_T )
121    EMP2 = {arr:EMP2.arr * 86400., unit:'mm/day', grid:'T'}
122  ENDIF ELSE EMP2 = {arr:-1}
124  ;mixed layer depth
125  ;; nyear=jpt/73
126  MLD_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_MLD'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_T )
127  caldat, time, mm
128  march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt)
129  MLD_march_1 = max(MLD_1.arr[*,*,march], dim=3)
130  MLD_march_1 = {arr: MLD_march_1, unit: MLD_1.unit}
131  sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
132  MLD_sept_1 = max(MLD_1.arr[*,*,sept], dim=3)
133  MLD_sept_1 = {arr: MLD_sept_1, unit: MLD_1.unit}
134  MLD_1 = {arr: max(MLD_1.arr[*,*,*], dim=3), unit: MLD_1.unit}
135  IF std_file2_T NE std_file1_T THEN BEGIN
136    MLD_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_MLD'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_T ) ; 10 m
137    caldat, time, mm
138    march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt)
139    MLD_march_2 = max(MLD_2.arr[*,*,march], dim=3)
140    MLD_march_2 = {arr: MLD_march_2, unit: MLD_2.unit}
141    sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
142    MLD_sept_2 = max(MLD_2.arr[*,*,sept], dim=3)
143    MLD_sept_2 = {arr:MLD_sept_2, unit: MLD_2.unit}
144    MLD_2 = {arr: max(MLD_2.arr[*,*,*], dim=3), unit: MLD_2.unit}
146    MLD_2 = {arr:-1}
147    MLD_march_2 = {arr:-1}
148    MLD_sept_2 = {arr:-1}
151  ;climatology
152  MLD = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR_MLD'), filename = std_file_mld )
153; if monthly climatology
154;  MLD = {arr: max(MLD.arr[*,*,*], dim=3), unit: MLD.unit}
156; velocities
157  U1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_U'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_U )
158  IF strlowcase(getenv('VAR1_U')) EQ 'uocetr_eff' THEN BEGIN
159    U1.arr = U1.arr / e3u_3d(/e2) * umask()
160    U1.unit = 'm/s'
161  ENDIF
162  IF std_file2_U NE std_file1_U THEN BEGIN
163    U2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_U'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_U )
164    IF strlowcase(getenv('VAR2_U')) EQ 'uocetr_eff' THEN BEGIN
165      U2.arr = U2.arr / e3u_3d(/e2) * umask()
166      U2.unit = 'm/s'
167    ENDIF
168  ENDIF ELSE U2 = {arr:-1}
170  V1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_V'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file1_V )
171  IF strlowcase(getenv('VAR1_V')) EQ 'vocetr_eff' THEN BEGIN
172    V1.arr = V1.arr / e3v_3d(/e1) * vmask()
173    V1.unit = 'm/s'
174  ENDIF
175  IF std_file2_V NE std_file1_V THEN BEGIN
176    V2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_V'), allrecords = allrec, direc = 't', filename = std_file2_V )
177    IF strlowcase(getenv('VAR2_V')) EQ 'vocetr_eff' THEN BEGIN
178      V2.arr = V2.arr / e3v_3d(/e1) * vmask()
179      V2.unit = 'm/s'
180    ENDIF
181  ENDIF ELSE V2 = {arr:-1}
183; ice
184  Ithi_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Ithick'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I )
185  caldat, time, mm
186  april = where(mm EQ 4, cnt)
187  Ithi_april_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_1.arr[*, *, temporary(april)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_1.unit}
188  jan = where(mm EQ 1, cnt)
189  sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
190  Ithi_jan_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_1.arr[*, *, temporary(jan)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_1.unit}
191  Ithi_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_1.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_1.unit}
192  undefine, Ithi_1
194  IF std_file2_I NE std_file1_I THEN BEGIN
195     Ithi_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Ithick'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I )
196     caldat, time, mm
197     april = where(mm EQ 4, cnt)
198     Ithi_april_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_2.arr[*, *, temporary(april)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_2.unit}
199     jan = where(mm EQ 1, cnt)
200     sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
201     Ithi_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_2.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_2.unit}
202     Ithi_jan_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ithi_2.arr[*, *, temporary(jan)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ithi_2.unit}
203     undefine, Ithi_2
205     Ithi_april_2 = {arr:-1}
206     Ithi_sept_2 = {arr:-1}
207     Ithi_jan_2 = {arr:-1}
210  Iage_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Iage'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I )
211  caldat, time, mm
212  febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt)
213  Iage_febr_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_1.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_1.unit}
214  march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt)
215  Iage_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_1.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_1.unit}
216  sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
217  Iage_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_1.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_1.unit}
218  undefine, Iage_1
220  IF std_file2_I NE std_file1_I THEN BEGIN
221     Iage_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Iage'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I )
222     caldat, time, mm
223     febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt)
224     Iage_febr_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_2.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_2.unit}
225     march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt)
226     Iage_march_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_2.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_2.unit}
227     sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
228     Iage_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Iage_2.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Iage_2.unit}
229     undefine, Iage_2
231     Iage_febr_2 = {arr:-1}
232     Iage_march_2 = {arr:-1}
233     Iage_sept_2 = {arr:-1}
236  Ifra_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Ifrac'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I )
237  caldat, time, mm
238  febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt)
239  Ifra_febr_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_1.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_1.unit}
240  march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt)
241  Ifra_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_1.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_1.unit}
242  sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
243  Ifra_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_1.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_1.unit}
244  undefine, Ifra_1
246  IF std_file2_I NE std_file1_I THEN BEGIN
247    Ifra_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Ifrac'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I )
248    caldat, time, mm
249    febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt)
250    Ifra_febr_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_2.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_2.unit}
251    march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt)
252    Ifra_march_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_2.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_2.unit}
253    sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
254    Ifra_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Ifra_2.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Ifra_2.unit}
255    undefine, Ifra_2
257    Ifra_febr_2 = {arr:-1}
258    Ifra_march_2 = {arr:-1}
259    Ifra_sept_2 = {arr:-1}
262   Isnow_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Isnow'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I )
263   caldat, time, mm
264   febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt)
265   Isnow_febr_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_1.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_1.unit}
266   march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt)
267   Isnow_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_1.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_1.unit}
268   sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
269   Isnow_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_1.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_1.unit}
270   ;undefine, Isnow_1
271 ;
272   IF std_file2_I NE std_file1_I THEN BEGIN
273     Isnow_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Isnow'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I )
274     caldat, time, mm
275     febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt)
276     Isnow_febr_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_2.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_2.unit}
277     march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt)
278     Isnow_march_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_2.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_2.unit}
279     sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
280     Isnow_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isnow_2.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isnow_2.unit}
281   ;  undefine, Isnow_2
283     Isnow_febr_2 = {arr:-1}
284     Isnow_march_2 = {arr:-1}
285     Isnow_sept_2 = {arr:-1}
288   Isal_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Isal'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I )
289   Ifra_1 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR1_Ifrac'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file1_I )
290   msk = Ifra_1.arr gt 0.15 ; remove 0.15% for observations
291   caldat, time, mm
292   march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt)
293   febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt)
294   ;SF  Isal_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_1.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_1.unit}
295   Isal_1.arr = Isal_1.arr * msk
296   Isal_march_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_1.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_1.unit}
297   Isal_febr_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_1.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_1.unit}
298   sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
299   Isal_sept_1 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_1.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_1.unit}
300   ;undefine, Isal_1
301 ;
302   Isal_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Isal'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I )
303   Ifra_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Ifrac'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I )
304   msk = Ifra_2.arr gt 0.15 ; remove 0.15% for observations
305   IF std_file2_I NE std_file1_I THEN BEGIN
306     Isal_2 = read_ncdf(getenv('VAR2_Isal'), allrecords = allrec, filename = std_file2_I )
307     Isal_2.arr = Isal_2.arr * msk
308     caldat, time, mm
309     march = where(mm EQ 3, cnt)
310     febr = where(mm EQ 2, cnt)
311     Isal_march_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_2.arr[*, *, temporary(march)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_2.unit}
312     Isal_febr_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_2.arr[*, *, temporary(febr)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_2.unit}
313     sept = where(mm EQ 9, cnt)
314     Isal_sept_2 = {arr:1./float(cnt) * total(reform(Isal_2.arr[*, *, temporary(sept)],nxt,nyt,cnt), 3), unit:Isal_2.unit}
315   ;  undefine, Isal_2
317     Isal_febr_2 = {arr:-1}
318     Isal_march_2 = {arr:-1}
319     Isal_sept_2 = {arr:-1}
322  jpt = 1
324; shorter file names for legends...
326  std_file1_T = file_basename(std_file1_T,'.nc')
327  std_file1_T = (strsplit(std_file1_T,'_grid_T',/extract,/regex))[0]
328  std_file2_T = file_basename(std_file2_T,'.nc')
329  std_file2_T = (strsplit(std_file2_T,'_grid_T',/extract,/regex))[0]
330  std_file1_U = file_basename(std_file1_U,'.nc')
331  std_file1_U = (strsplit(std_file1_U,'_grid_U',/extract,/regex))[0]
332  std_file2_U = file_basename(std_file2_U,'.nc')
333  std_file2_U = (strsplit(std_file2_U,'_grid_U',/extract,/regex))[0]
334  std_file1_V = file_basename(std_file1_V,'.nc')
335  std_file1_V = (strsplit(std_file1_V,'_grid_V',/extract,/regex))[0]
336  std_file2_V = file_basename(std_file2_V,'.nc')
337  std_file2_V = (strsplit(std_file2_V,'_grid_V',/extract,/regex))[0]
338  std_file1_I = file_basename(std_file1_I,'.nc')
339  std_file1_I = (strsplit(std_file1_I,'_icemod',/extract,/regex))[0]
340  std_file2_I = file_basename(std_file2_I,'.nc')
341  std_file2_I = (strsplit(std_file2_I,'_icemod',/extract,/regex))[0]
344;######################  STANDARD PLOTS   ################################
347  IF keyword_set(doplot) EQ 0 THEN doplot = 0
349; fixed color tabled
350  lct, 64
351  cnt = 0
352  htmltxt = ''
354  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Erp salinity damping term'
355  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_erp, ERP1, ERP2, _extra = ex
357  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Evaporation - Precipitation - Runoff term'
358  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_emp, EMP1, EMP2, _extra = ex
360  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Net heat flux'
361  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_qnet, Q1, Q2, QNET, _extra = ex
363  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Meridionnal Heat Transport'
364  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_mht, Q1.arr+geo, Q2.arr+geo, masknp, std_file_msksub, _extra = ex
366  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Global Barotropic stream Function'
367  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_bsf, U1, U2, _extra = ex
369  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'mean Temperature diff with New Reynolds'
370  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_sst, T1, T2, TRey, _extra = ex
372  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'mean Salinity diff with Levitus'
373  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_sss, S1, S2, SLev, _extra = ex
375  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic mean Salinity diff with Levitus'
376  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_ArcSal, S1, SLev, _extra = ex       
378  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic mean Salinity diff with Levitus and exp2'
379  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_ArcSal, S1, S2, SLev, _extra = ex
381  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic mean Salinity diff with Levitus at z=100 meters'
382  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_ArcSal, S1, SLev, /z100, _extra = ex       
384  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic mean Salinity diff with Levitus and exp2 at z=100 meters'
385  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_ArcSal, S1, S2, SLev, /z100, _extra = ex
387  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'mean Temperature diff with Levitus at z=100 meters'
388  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_T100m, T1, T2, Tlev, _extra = ex
390  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'mean Salinity diff with Levitus at z=100 meters'
391  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_S100m, S1, S2, SLev, _extra = ex
393  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Mixed layer depth'
394  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_mld, MLD1, MLD, _extra = ex
396  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Mixed layer depth differences'
397  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_mld, MLD_1, MLD_2, MLD, _extra = ex
399  ;SF: add 2 cases for max of Mixed Layer depth on march & septembre
400  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Mixed layer depth on March'
401  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_max_mld, MLD_march_1, MLD_march_2, /MARCH, _extra = ex
403  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Mixed layer depth on September'
404  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_max_mld, MLD_sept_1, MLD_sept_2, /SEPT, _extra = ex
406;; SF: commented because not ok for max MLD, output 5 days
407;; cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Zonal mean Mixed layer depth'
408;; IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_ZonMld, MLD_1, MLD_2, MLD, _extra = ex
410  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Zonal mean Temperature diff with Levitus: Global'
411  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, _extra = ex
413  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Zonal mean Temperature diff with Levitus: Atlantic'
414  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, SUBBASIN = 'Atl', _extra = ex
416  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Zonal mean Temperature diff with Levitus: Indian'
417  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, SUBBASIN = 'Ind', _extra = ex
419  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Zonal mean Temperature diff with Levitus: Pacific'
420  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_T, T1, T2, TLev, SUBBASIN = 'Pac', _extra = ex
422  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Zonal mean Salinity diff with Levitus: Global'
423  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, _extra = ex
425  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Zonal mean Salinity diff with Levitus: Atlantic'
426  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, SUBBASIN = 'Atl', _extra = ex
428  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Zonal mean Salinity diff with Levitus: Indian'
429  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, SUBBASIN = 'Ind', _extra = ex
431  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Zonal mean Salinity diff with Levitus: Pacific'
432  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_zonal_S, S1, S2, SLev, SUBBASIN = 'Pac', _extra = ex
434  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Meridional stream Function: Global (no Med)'
435  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_msf, V1, V2, SUBBASIN = 'GloNoMed', _extra = ex
437  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Meridional stream Function: Atlantic'
438  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_msf, V1, V2, SUBBASIN = 'Atl', _extra = ex
439 ;
440  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Meridional stream Function: Indian'
441  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_msf, V1, V2, SUBBASIN = 'Ind', _extra = ex
442 ;
443  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Meridional stream Function: Indo-Pacific'
444  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_msf, V1, V2, SUBBASIN = 'IndoPac', _extra = ex
446  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Equatorial Temperature'
447  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_EqT, T1, T2, Tlev, _extra = ex
449  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Equatorial Salinity'
450  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_EqS, S1, S2, SLev, _extra = ex
452  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Equatorial zonal velocity'
453  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_EqU, U1, U2, _extra = ex
455  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Mediterranean salt tongue at depth=700'
456  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_Med_Sspread, S1, S2, SLev, 700, _extra = ex
458  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Mediterranean salt tongue at depth=1000'
459  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_Med_Sspread, S1, S2, SLev, 1000, _extra = ex
461  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Mediterranean water at lat=40°N'
462  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_Med_Sdepth, S1, S2, SLev, 40, _extra = ex
464  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Mediterranean water at lat=38°N'
465  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_Med_Sdepth, S1, S2, SLev, 38, _extra = ex
467  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic Ice Thickness: JAN'
468  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceThick, Ithi_jan_1, Ithi_jan_2, /ARC, /JAN, _extra = ex
470  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic Ice Thickness: APRIL'
471  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceThick, Ithi_april_1, Ithi_april_2, /ARC, /APRIL, _extra = ex
473  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Thickness: APRIL'
474  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceThick, Ithi_april_1, Ithi_april_2, /ANT, /APRIL, _extra = ex
476  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Thickness: SEPT'
477  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceThick, Ithi_sept_1, Ithi_sept_2, /ANT, /SEPT, _extra = ex
479  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic Ice Age: MARCH'
480  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceAge, Iage_march_1, Iage_march_2, /ARC, /MARCH, _extra = ex
482  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic Ice Age: SEPT'
483  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceAge, Iage_sept_1, Iage_sept_2, /ARC, /SEPT, _extra = ex
485  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Age: MARCH'
486  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceAge, Iage_febr_1, Iage_febr_2, /ANT, /FEBR, _extra = ex
488  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Age: SEPT'
489  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceAge, Iage_sept_1, Iage_sept_2, /ANT, /SEPT, _extra = ex
491  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic Ice Fraction: MARCH'
492  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceFrac, Ifra_march_1, Ifra_march_2, /ARC, /MARCH, _extra = ex
494  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic Ice Fraction: SEPT'
495  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceFrac, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, /ARC, /SEPT, _extra = ex
497  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Fraction: MARCH'
498  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceFrac, Ifra_febr_1, Ifra_febr_2, /ANT, /FEBR, _extra = ex
500  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Fraction: SEPT'
501  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceFrac, Ifra_sept_1, Ifra_sept_2, /ANT, /SEPT, _extra = ex
503  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic SNOW Thickness: MARCH'
504  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_SnowThick, Isnow_march_1, Isnow_march_2, /ARC, /MARCH, _extra = ex
506  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic SNOW Thickness: SEPT'
507  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_SnowThick, Isnow_sept_1, Isnow_sept_2, /ARC, /SEPT, _extra = ex
509  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Antarctic SNOW Thickness: MARCH'
510  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_SnowThick, Isnow_febr_1, Isnow_febr_2, /ANT, /FEBR, _extra = ex
512  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Antarctic SNOW Thickness: SEPT'
513  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_SnowThick, Isnow_sept_1, Isnow_sept_2, /ANT, /SEPT, _extra = ex
515  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic Ice Salinity: MARCH'
516  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceSal, Isal_march_1, Isal_march_2, /ARC, /MARCH, _extra = ex
518  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Arctic Ice Salinity: SEPT'
519  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceSal, Isal_sept_1, Isal_sept_2, /ARC, /SEPT, _extra = ex
521  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Salinity: FEBRUARY'
522  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceSal, Isal_febr_1, Isal_febr_2, /ANT, /FEBR, _extra = ex
524  cnt = cnt+1   &   blabla = 'Antarctic Ice Salinity: SEPT'
525  IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_plot_IceSal, Isal_sept_1, Isal_sept_2, /ANT, /SEPT, _extra = ex
528  IF n_elements(htmltxt) GT 1 THEN putfile, psdir+'std_plot_html_body.txt', htmltxt[1:*]
530  return
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