PROGRAM make_dmp_file !================================================================================ ! *** PROGRAM make_dmp_file **** !================================================================================ ! ! Purpose: Create a file containing a spacially varying ! restoration coefficient to be used by TRADMP ! ! Method: 1) Read in tmask from mesh_mask file to use as a template ! 2) Calculate restoration coefficients (user should modify to their ! own specifications e.g. to mask certain regions only). ! Avoid 3D arrays! ! 3) Write the array to output file ! ! History: Original code: Tim Graham (Jul 2014) - some code moved from ! old tradmp.F90 module to this tool (as part of NEMO ! simplification process). !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Declare variables USE netcdf USE utils USE coastdist USE med_red_seas USE zoom USE custom IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummpy loop variables REAL(wp) :: zsdmp, zbdmp ! Surface and bottom damping coeff CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: meshfile = '' ! mesh file CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: outfile = '' ! output file REAL(wp) :: zlat, zlat2, zlat0 ! Read namelist OPEN( UNIT=numnam, FILE='namelist', FORM='FORMATTED', STATUS='OLD' ) READ( numnam, nam_dmp_create ) CLOSE( numnam ) IF ( ln_full_field .AND. lzoom ) THEN WRITE(numerr,*) 'Only one of ln_full_field and lzoom can be .true.' STOP ENDIF CALL grid_info(meshfile) WRITE(numout, *) 'jpi = ',jpi WRITE(numout, *) 'jpj = ',jpj WRITE(numout, *) 'jpk = ',jpk ALLOCATE( resto(jpi, jpj) ) !Create output file CALL make_outfile( outfile ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncin, gphit_id, gphit, (/ 1,1 /), (/ jpi, jpj /) ) ) !Calculate surface and bottom damping coefficients zsdmp = 1._wp / ( pn_surf * rday ) zbdmp = 1._wp / ( pn_bot * rday ) !Loop through levels and read in tmask for each level as starting point for !coefficient array DO jk = 1, jpk-1 resto(:,:) = 0._wp IF (.NOT. (jk == 1 .AND. ln_zero_top_layer) ) THEN !Read in tmask depth for this level CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncin, tmask_id, tmask, (/ 1,1,jk /), (/ jpi, jpj,1 /) ) ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncin, gdept_id, gdept, (/ 1,1,jk /), (/ jpi, jpj,1 /) ) ) IF ( ln_full_field ) THEN !Set basic value of resto DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi resto(ji,jj) = tmask(ji, jj) * (zbdmp + (zsdmp-zbdmp) * EXP(-gdept(ji,jj)/pn_dep)) END DO END DO IF ((nn_hdmp > 0)) THEN zlat0 = 10. !width of latitude strip where resto decreases zlat2 = nn_hdmp + zlat0 DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi zlat = ABS(gphit(ji,jj)) IF ( nn_hdmp <= zlat .AND. zlat <= zlat2 ) THEN resto(ji,jj) = resto(ji,jj) * 0.5_wp * ( 1._wp - COS( rpi*(zlat-nn_hdmp)/zlat0 ) ) ELSE IF ( zlat < nn_hdmp ) THEN resto(ji,jj) = 0._wp ENDIF END DO END DO ENDIF IF (ln_coast) THEN ! Reduce damping in vicinity of coastlines CALL coast_dist_weight(resto) ENDIF ENDIF ! Damping in Med/Red Seas (or local modifications if full field is set) IF (ln_med_red_seas .AND. (cp_cfg == 'orca') .AND. (.NOT. lzoom)) THEN CALL med_red_dmp(resto, jk, ln_old_31_lev_code) ENDIF IF ( lzoom ) THEN CALL dtacof_zoom(resto, tmask) ENDIF !Any user modifications can be added in the custom module IF ( ln_custom ) THEN CALL custom_resto( resto ) ENDIF ENDIF ! Write out resto for this level CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( ncout, resto_id, resto, (/ 1,1,jk /), (/ jpi, jpj,1 /) ) ) END DO ! Close the output file CALL check_nf90( nf90_close(ncout) ) END PROGRAM make_dmp_file