#!/bin/bash # N.B. run this script on EXTERNAL directory!!! set -u if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 vendor_branch nemo_vendor_old new username" echo "first argument: vendor name (for example: IOIPSL)" echo "second argument: old tag name of the vendor in NEMO vendors deposit (for example: v2_1_9 or 53)" echo "third argument: definition of the tag or the revision number of the vendor to be updated (for example: v2_2_1 or 114)" echo "fourth argument: user login name" echo echo "run this script on EXTERNAL/svn_tools directory" echo echo echo "examples" echo echo "./update_vendor.sh IOIPSL v2_1_9 v2_2_1 smasson" echo "./update_vendor.sh XMLF90 r_53 114 smasson" echo "./update_vendor.sh XMLIO_SERVER r_53 114 smasson" echo "./update_vendor.sh AGRIF r_00 1988 smasson" exit 1 fi vendor_branch=$1 nemo_vendor_old=$2 new=$3 username=$4 #- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # path definitions... could need to be changed... #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- #- My projet url svn_nemo_vendor=svn+ssh://$username@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ipsl/forge/projets/nemo/svn/vendors/$vendor_branch #- EXTERNAL directory in which we want to merge vendors svn_external=svn+ssh://$username@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ipsl/forge/projets/nemo/svn/branches/DEV_r1879_FCM/NEMOGCM/EXTERNAL #- Vendor project original url case $vendor_branch in IOIPSL) vendor_url=http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/svn/$vendor_branch/tags ;; AGRIF) vendor_url=http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/svn/trunk/$vendor_branch ;; XMLF90) vendor_url=http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver/svn/$vendor_branch ;; XMLIO_SERVER) vendor_url=http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver/svn/XMLIO_SERVER/trunk ;; fcm) echo "url of fcm undefined..." ; exit 2 ;; *) echo "wrong definition of the vendor name..." ; exit 3 ;; esac #- get a tag or a revision?? if [ "$vendor_branch" = "IOIPSL" ] then rev_or_tag="tag" else rev_or_tag="rev" fi #- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # end of path definitions... #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- echo echo "########################################################" echo "# #" echo "# run this script in EXTERNAL/svn_tools directory!!! #" echo "# #" echo "########################################################" echo #- checkout new vendor version without the .svn directories (-> use export instead of checkout) and put it in a working_directory echo echo "Downloading $vendor_branch tag $new into working_directory..." echo [[ ( -d working_directory ) || ( -f working_directory ) ]] && rm -rf working_directory # cleaning if [ "$rev_or_tag" = "tag" ] then svn export $vendor_url/$new working_directory # specify the tag path else svn export -r $new $vendor_url working_directory # specify the revision number fi #- update the vendor deposit: #- 1) create a clean version of the current version (take care od added and removed file) and commit it #- 2) tag it with a new name $nemo_vendor_new if [ "$rev_or_tag" = "tag" ] then nemo_vendor_new=$new else nemo_vendor_new=r_$new fi echo echo "updating $vendor_branch/current and tagging this new version as $vendor_branch/$nemo_vendor_new" echo ./svn_load_dirs.pl -t $nemo_vendor_new $svn_nemo_vendor current working_directory #- #- merge old and new version of $vendor_branch in $svn_external/$vendor_branch #- echo echo "##############################################" echo echo "merge old and new version of $vendor_branch in $svn_external/$vendor_branch" echo "if everything is ok you should execute the folling command:" echo echo "svn merge $svn_nemo_vendor/$nemo_vendor_old $svn_nemo_vendor/current ../$vendor_branch" echo echo echo "##############################################" echo echo "Commiting the merge of $vendor_branch changes toward $svn_external/$vendor_branch" echo "if everything is ok you should execute the folling command:" echo echo "svn ci --message \"merging $vendor_branch/$nemo_vendor_new into the EXTERNAL deposit\" ../$vendor_branch" echo echo ## NOTE : after a merge we have conflicts ## to resole them it is necessary to do, for example : svn resolved IOIPSL/directory with conflits ## NOTE : if you have a good merge then you have to committ: ## cd $tmp_dir/IOIPSL ## svn status ../IOIPSL ## svn ci --username $username --message "merge IOIPSL version $nemo_vendor_new" exit 0