MODULE usrdef_zgr !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE usrdef_zgr *** !! !! === GYRE configuration === !! !! User defined : vertical coordinate system of a user configuration !!====================================================================== !! History : 4.0 ! 2016-06 (G. Madec) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! usr_def_zgr : user defined vertical coordinate system !! zgr_z : reference 1D z-coordinate !! zgr_top_bot: ocean top and bottom level indices !! zgr_zco : 3D verticl coordinate in pure z-coordinate case !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce ! ocean variables USE dom_oce ! ocean domain USE depth_e3 ! depth <=> e3 ! USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE lbclnk ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link) USE lib_mpp ! distributed memory computing library USE wrk_nemo ! Memory allocation USE timing ! Timing IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC usr_def_zgr ! called by domzgr.F90 !! * Substitutions # include "vectopt_loop_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OPA 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2016) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE usr_def_zgr( ld_zco , ld_zps , ld_sco , ld_isfcav, & ! type of vertical coordinate & pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d , & ! 1D reference vertical coordinate & pdept , pdepw , & ! 3D t & w-points depth & pe3t , pe3u , pe3v , pe3f , & ! vertical scale factors & pe3w , pe3uw , pe3vw , & ! - - - & k_top , k_bot ) ! top & bottom ocean level !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE usr_def_zgr *** !! !! ** Purpose : User defined the vertical coordinates !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL , INTENT(out) :: ld_zco, ld_zps, ld_sco ! vertical coordinate flags LOGICAL , INTENT(out) :: ld_isfcav ! under iceshelf cavity flag REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(out) :: pdept_1d, pdepw_1d ! 1D grid-point depth [m] REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(out) :: pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d ! 1D grid-point depth [m] REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(out) :: pdept, pdepw ! grid-point depth [m] REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(out) :: pe3t , pe3u , pe3v , pe3f ! vertical scale factors [m] REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(out) :: pe3w , pe3uw, pe3vw ! i-scale factors INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:) , INTENT(out) :: k_top, k_bot ! first & last ocean level ! INTEGER :: inum ! local logical unit REAL(WP) :: z_zco, z_zps, z_sco, z_cav REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: z2d ! 2D workspace !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'usr_def_zgr : GYRE configuration (z-coordinate closed flat box ocean without cavities)' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' ! ! ! type of vertical coordinate ! --------------------------- ld_zco = .TRUE. ! GYRE case: z-coordinate without ocean cavities ld_zps = .FALSE. ld_sco = .FALSE. ld_isfcav = .FALSE. ! ! ! Build the vertical coordinate system ! ------------------------------------ CALL zgr_z( pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d ) ! Reference z-coordinate system ! CALL zgr_msk_top_bot( k_top , k_bot ) ! masked top and bottom ocean t-level indices ! ! ! z-coordinate (3D arrays) from the 1D z-coord. CALL zgr_zco( pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d, pe3w_1d, & ! in : 1D reference vertical coordinate & pdept , pdepw , & ! out : 3D t & w-points depth & pe3t , pe3u , pe3v , pe3f , & ! vertical scale factors & pe3w , pe3uw , pe3vw ) ! - - - ! END SUBROUTINE usr_def_zgr SUBROUTINE zgr_z( pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d ) ! 1D reference vertical coordinate !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE zgr_z *** !! !! ** Purpose : set the 1D depth of model levels and the resulting !! vertical scale factors. !! !! ** Method : 1D z-coordinate system (use in all type of coordinate) !! The depth of model levels is set from dep(k), an analytical function: !! w-level: depw_1d = dep(k) !! t-level: dept_1d = dep(k+0.5) !! The scale factors are the discrete derivative of the depth: !! e3w_1d(jk) = dk[ dept_1d ] !! e3t_1d(jk) = dk[ depw_1d ] !! with at top and bottom : !! e3w_1d( 1 ) = 2 * ( dept_1d( 1 ) - depw_1d( 1 ) ) !! e3t_1d(jpk) = 2 * ( dept_1d(jpk) - depw_1d(jpk) ) !! The depth are then re-computed from the sum of e3. This ensures !! that depths are identical when reading file. Indeed, !! Only e3. are saved in this file, depth are compute by a call to !! the e3_to_depth subroutine. !! !! Here the Madec & Imbard (1996) function is used. !! !! ** Action : - pdept_1d, pdepw_1d : depth of T- and W-point (m) !! - pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d : scale factors at T- and W-levels (m) !! !! Reference : Marti, Madec & Delecluse, 1992, JGR, 97, No8, 12,763-12,766. !! Madec and Imbard, 1996, Clim. Dyn. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(out) :: pdept_1d, pdepw_1d ! 1D grid-point depth [m] REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(out) :: pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d ! 1D vertical scale factors [m] ! INTEGER :: jk ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp) :: zt, zw ! local scalars REAL(wp) :: zsur, za0, za1, zkth, zacr ! Values for the Madec & Imbard (1996) function !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_start('zgr_z') ! ! Set parameters of z(k) function ! ------------------------------- zsur = -2033.194295283385_wp za0 = 155.8325369664153_wp za1 = 146.3615918601890_wp zkth = 17.28520372419791_wp zacr = 5.0_wp ! IF(lwp) THEN ! Parameter print WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' zgr_z : Reference vertical z-coordinates ' WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) ' GYRE case : MI96 function with the following coefficients :' WRITE(numout,*) ' zsur = ', zsur WRITE(numout,*) ' za0 = ', za0 WRITE(numout,*) ' za1 = ', za1 WRITE(numout,*) ' zkth = ', zkth WRITE(numout,*) ' zacr = ', zacr ENDIF ! ! 1D Reference z-coordinate (using Madec & Imbard 1996 function) ! ------------------------- ! DO jk = 1, jpk ! depth at T and W-points zw = REAL( jk , wp ) zt = REAL( jk , wp ) + 0.5_wp pdepw_1d(jk) = ( zsur + za0 * zw + za1 * zacr * LOG( COSH( (zw-zkth) / zacr ) ) ) pdept_1d(jk) = ( zsur + za0 * zt + za1 * zacr * LOG( COSH( (zt-zkth) / zacr ) ) ) END DO ! ! ! e3t and e3w from depth CALL depth_to_e3( pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d, pe3w_1d ) ! ! ! recompute depths from SUM(e3) <== needed CALL e3_to_depth( pe3t_1d, pe3w_1d, pdept_1d, pdepw_1d ) ! IF(lwp) THEN ! control print WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Reference 1D z-coordinate depth and scale factors:' WRITE(numout, "(9x,' level gdept_1d gdepw_1d e3t_1d e3w_1d ')" ) WRITE(numout, "(10x, i4, 4f9.2)" ) ( jk, pdept_1d(jk), pdepw_1d(jk), pe3t_1d(jk), pe3w_1d(jk), jk = 1, jpk ) ENDIF ! IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('zgr_z') ! END SUBROUTINE zgr_z SUBROUTINE zgr_msk_top_bot( k_top , k_bot ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE zgr_msk_top_bot *** !! !! ** Purpose : set the masked top and bottom ocean t-levels !! !! ** Method : GYRE case = closed flat box ocean without ocean cavities !! k_top = 1 except along north, south, east and west boundaries !! k_bot = jpk-1 except along north, south, east and west boundaries !! !! ** Action : - k_top : first wet ocean level index !! - k_bot : last wet ocean level index !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER , DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: k_top , k_bot ! first & last wet ocean level ! REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: z2d ! 2D local workspace !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' zgr_top_bot : defines the top and bottom wet ocean levels.' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' GYRE case : closed flat box ocean without ocean cavities' ! z2d(:,:) = REAL( jpkm1 , wp ) ! flat bottom ! CALL lbc_lnk( z2d, 'T', 1. ) ! set surrounding land to zero (here jperio=0 ==>> closed) ! k_bot(:,:) = INT( z2d(:,:) ) ! =jpkm1 over the ocean point, =0 elsewhere ! k_top(:,:) = MIN( 1 , k_bot(:,:) ) ! = 1 over the ocean point, =0 elsewhere ! END SUBROUTINE zgr_msk_top_bot SUBROUTINE zgr_zco( pdept_1d, pdepw_1d, pe3t_1d, pe3w_1d, & ! in : 1D reference vertical coordinate & pdept , pdepw , & ! out: 3D t & w-points depth & pe3t , pe3u , pe3v , pe3f , & ! vertical scale factors & pe3w , pe3uw , pe3vw ) ! - - - !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE zgr_zco *** !! !! ** Purpose : define the reference z-coordinate system !! !! ** Method : set 3D coord. arrays to reference 1D array !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(in ) :: pdept_1d, pdepw_1d ! 1D grid-point depth [m] REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(in ) :: pe3t_1d , pe3w_1d ! 1D vertical scale factors [m] REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT( out) :: pdept, pdepw ! grid-point depth [m] REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT( out) :: pe3t , pe3u , pe3v , pe3f ! vertical scale factors [m] REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT( out) :: pe3w , pe3uw, pe3vw ! - - - ! INTEGER :: jk !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_start('zgr_zco') ! DO jk = 1, jpk pdept(:,:,jk) = pdept_1d(jk) pdepw(:,:,jk) = pdepw_1d(jk) pe3t (:,:,jk) = pe3t_1d (jk) pe3u (:,:,jk) = pe3t_1d (jk) pe3v (:,:,jk) = pe3t_1d (jk) pe3f (:,:,jk) = pe3t_1d (jk) pe3w (:,:,jk) = pe3w_1d (jk) pe3uw(:,:,jk) = pe3w_1d (jk) pe3vw(:,:,jk) = pe3w_1d (jk) END DO ! IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('zgr_zco') ! END SUBROUTINE zgr_zco !!====================================================================== END MODULE usrdef_zgr