MODULE sbcice_lim_2 !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE sbcice_lim_2 *** !! Surface module : update surface ocean boundary condition over ice covered area using LIM sea-ice model !! Sea-Ice model : LIM-2 Sea ice model time-stepping !!====================================================================== !! History : 1.0 ! 06-2006 (G. Madec) from icestp_2.F90 !! 3.0 ! 08-2008 (S. Masson, E. .... ) coupled interface !! 3.3 ! 05-2009 (G.Garric) addition of the lim2_evp case !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_lim2 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_lim2' : LIM-2 sea-ice model !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! sbc_ice_lim_2 : sea-ice model time-stepping and update ocean sbc over ice-covered area !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE ice_2 USE par_ice_2 USE iceini_2 USE dom_ice_2 USE sbc_oce ! Surface boundary condition: ocean fields USE sbc_ice ! Surface boundary condition: ice fields USE sbcblk_core ! Surface boundary condition: CORE bulk USE sbcblk_clio ! Surface boundary condition: CLIO bulk USE sbccpl ! Surface boundary condition: coupled interface USE albedo USE phycst ! Define parameters for the routines USE eosbn2 ! equation of state USE limdyn_2 USE limtrp_2 USE limdmp_2 USE limthd_2 USE limsbc_2 ! sea surface boundary condition USE limdia_2 USE limwri_2 USE limrst_2 USE c1d ! 1D vertical configuration USE lbclnk ! lateral boundary condition - MPP link USE lib_mpp ! MPP library USE wrk_nemo ! work arrays USE iom ! I/O manager library USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE prtctl ! Print control # if defined key_agrif USE agrif_ice USE agrif_lim2_update # endif #if defined key_bdy USE bdyice_lim ! unstructured open boundary data (bdy_ice_lim routine) #endif IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC sbc_ice_lim_2 ! routine called by sbcmod.F90 !! * Substitutions # include "vectopt_loop_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE sbc_ice_lim_2( kt, ksbc ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE sbc_ice_lim_2 *** !! !! ** Purpose : update the ocean surface boundary condition via the !! Louvain la Neuve Sea Ice Model time stepping !! !! ** Method : ice model time stepping !! - call the ice dynamics routine !! - call the ice advection/diffusion routine !! - call the ice thermodynamics routine !! - call the routine that computes mass and !! heat fluxes at the ice/ocean interface !! - save the outputs !! - save the outputs for restart when necessary !! !! ** Action : - time evolution of the LIM sea-ice model !! - update all sbc variables below sea-ice: !! utau, vtau, taum, wndm, qns , qsr, emp , sfx !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time step INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ksbc ! type of sbc ( =3 CLIO bulk ; =4 CORE bulk ; =5 coupled ) !! INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: zalb_os ! ice albedo under overcast sky REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: zalb_cs ! ice albedo under clear sky REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: zalb_ice ! mean ice albedo REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: zsist ! ice surface temperature (K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,: ), POINTER :: zutau_ice, zvtau_ice !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'sbc_ice_lim_2 : update ocean surface boudary condition' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~ via Louvain la Neuve Ice Model (LIM) time stepping' ! CALL ice_init_2 ! # if defined key_agrif IF( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) CALL Agrif_InitValues_cont_lim2 ! AGRIF: set the meshes # endif ENDIF ! !----------------------! IF( MOD( kt-1, nn_fsbc ) == 0 ) THEN ! Ice time-step only ! ! !----------------------! # if defined key_agrif IF( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) lim_nbstep = MOD(lim_nbstep,Agrif_rhot()& &*Agrif_PArent(nn_fsbc)/REAL(nn_fsbc)) + 1 # endif CALL wrk_alloc( jpi,jpj , zutau_ice, zvtau_ice) CALL wrk_alloc( jpi,jpj,1, zalb_os, zalb_cs, zalb_ice, zsist ) ! Bulk Formulea ! !----------------! ! ... mean surface ocean current at ice dynamics point SELECT CASE( cp_ice_msh ) CASE( 'I' ) !== B-grid ice dynamics : I-point (i.e. F-point with sea-ice indexation) !$OMP PARALLEL DO schedule(static) private(jj, ji) DO jj = 2, jpj DO ji = 2, jpi ! NO vector opt. possible u_oce(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( ssu_m(ji-1,jj ) * umask(ji-1,jj ,1) & & + ssu_m(ji-1,jj-1) * umask(ji-1,jj-1,1) ) * tmu(ji,jj) v_oce(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( ssv_m(ji ,jj-1) * vmask(ji ,jj-1,1) & & + ssv_m(ji-1,jj-1) * vmask(ji-1,jj-1,1) ) * tmu(ji,jj) END DO END DO CALL lbc_lnk( u_oce, 'I', -1. ) ! I-point (i.e. F-point with ice indices) CALL lbc_lnk( v_oce, 'I', -1. ) ! I-point (i.e. F-point with ice indices) ! CASE( 'C' ) !== C-grid ice dynamics : U & V-points (same as ocean) !$OMP PARALLEL DO schedule(static) private(jj, ji) DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi u_oce(ji,jj) = ssu_m(ji,jj) * umask(ji,jj,1) ! mean surface ocean current at ice velocity point v_oce(ji,jj) = ssv_m(ji,jj) * vmask(ji,jj,1) END DO END DO ! END SELECT ! ... masked sea surface freezing temperature [Kelvin] (set to rt0 over land) CALL eos_fzp( sss_m(:,:), tfu(:,:) ) !$OMP PARALLEL DO schedule(static) private(jj, ji) DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi tfu(ji,jj) = tfu(ji,jj) + rt0 zsist (ji,jj,1) = sist (ji,jj) + rt0 * ( 1. - tmask(ji,jj,1) ) END DO END DO ! Ice albedo CALL albedo_ice( zsist, reshape( hicif, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), & reshape( hsnif, (/jpi,jpj,1/) ), & zalb_cs, zalb_os ) SELECT CASE( ksbc ) CASE( jp_core , jp_purecpl ) ! CORE and COUPLED bulk formulations ! albedo depends on cloud fraction because of non-linear spectral effects !$OMP PARALLEL DO schedule(static) private(jj, ji) DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi zalb_ice(ji,jj,1) = ( 1. - cldf_ice ) * zalb_cs(ji,jj,1) + cldf_ice * zalb_os(ji,jj,1) END DO END DO ! In CLIO the cloud fraction is read in the climatology and the all-sky albedo ! (zalb_ice) is computed within the bulk routine END SELECT ! ... Sea-ice surface boundary conditions output from bulk formulae : ! - utau_ice ! surface ice stress i-component (I-point) [N/m2] ! - vtau_ice ! surface ice stress j-component (I-point) [N/m2] ! - qns_ice ! non solar heat flux over ice (T-point) [W/m2] ! - qsr_ice ! solar heat flux over ice (T-point) [W/m2] ! - qla_ice ! latent heat flux over ice (T-point) [W/m2] ! - dqns_ice ! non solar heat sensistivity (T-point) [W/m2] ! - dqla_ice ! latent heat sensistivity (T-point) [W/m2] ! - tprecip ! total precipitation (T-point) [Kg/m2/s] ! - sprecip ! solid precipitation (T-point) [Kg/m2/s] ! - fr1_i0 ! 1sr fraction of qsr penetration in ice [%] ! - fr2_i0 ! 2nd fraction of qsr penetration in ice [%] ! SELECT CASE( ksbc ) CASE( jp_clio ) ! CLIO bulk formulation ! CALL blk_ice_clio( zsist, zalb_cs , zalb_os , zalb_ice , & ! & utau_ice , vtau_ice , qns_ice , qsr_ice, & ! & qla_ice , dqns_ice , dqla_ice , & ! & tprecip , sprecip , & ! & fr1_i0 , fr2_i0 , cp_ice_msh , jpl ) CALL blk_ice_clio_tau CALL blk_ice_clio_flx( zsist, zalb_cs, zalb_os, zalb_ice ) CASE( jp_core ) ! CORE bulk formulation CALL blk_ice_core_tau CALL blk_ice_core_flx( zsist, zalb_ice ) CASE( jp_purecpl ) ! Coupled formulation : atmosphere-ice stress only (fluxes provided after ice dynamics) CALL sbc_cpl_ice_tau( utau_ice , vtau_ice ) END SELECT IF( ln_mixcpl) THEN CALL sbc_cpl_ice_tau( zutau_ice , zvtau_ice ) !$OMP PARALLEL DO schedule(static) private(jj, ji) DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi utau_ice(ji,jj) = utau_ice(ji,jj) * xcplmask(ji,jj,0) + zutau_ice(ji,jj) * ( 1. - xcplmask(ji,jj,0) ) vtau_ice(ji,jj) = vtau_ice(ji,jj) * xcplmask(ji,jj,0) + zvtau_ice(ji,jj) * ( 1. - xcplmask(ji,jj,0) ) END DO END DO ENDIF CALL iom_put( 'utau_ice', utau_ice ) ! Wind stress over ice along i-axis at I-point CALL iom_put( 'vtau_ice', vtau_ice ) ! Wind stress over ice along j-axis at I-point IF(ln_ctl) THEN ! print mean trends (used for debugging) CALL prt_ctl_info( 'Ice Forcings ' ) CALL prt_ctl( tab2d_1=tprecip ,clinfo1=' sbc_ice_lim: precip : ', tab2d_2=sprecip , clinfo2=' Snow : ' ) CALL prt_ctl( tab2d_1=utau_ice,clinfo1=' sbc_ice_lim: utau_ice: ', tab2d_2=vtau_ice, clinfo2=' vtau_ice: ' ) CALL prt_ctl( tab2d_1=sst_m ,clinfo1=' sbc_ice_lim: sst : ', tab2d_2=sss_m , clinfo2=' sss : ' ) CALL prt_ctl( tab2d_1=u_oce ,clinfo1=' sbc_ice_lim: u_io : ', tab2d_2=v_oce , clinfo2=' v_io : ' ) CALL prt_ctl( tab2d_1=hsnif ,clinfo1=' sbc_ice_lim: hsnif 1: ', tab2d_2=hicif , clinfo2=' hicif : ' ) CALL prt_ctl( tab2d_1=frld ,clinfo1=' sbc_ice_lim: frld 1: ', tab2d_2=sist , clinfo2=' sist : ' ) ENDIF ! ---------------- ! ! Ice model step ! ! ---------------- ! numit = numit + nn_fsbc ! Ice model time step CALL lim_rst_opn_2 ( kt ) ! Open Ice restart file IF( .NOT. lk_c1d ) THEN ! Ice dynamics & transport (except in 1D case) CALL lim_dyn_2 ( kt ) ! Ice dynamics ( rheology/dynamics ) CALL lim_trp_2 ( kt ) ! Ice transport ( Advection/diffusion ) IF( ln_limdmp ) CALL lim_dmp_2 ( kt ) ! Ice damping #if defined key_bdy CALL bdy_ice_lim( kt ) ! bdy ice thermo #endif END IF ! ! Ice surface fluxes in coupled mode IF( ln_cpl ) THEN ! pure coupled and mixed forced-coupled configurations a_i(:,:,1)=fr_i CALL sbc_cpl_ice_flx( frld, & ! optional arguments, used only in 'mixed oce-ice' case & palbi=zalb_ice, psst=sst_m, pist=zsist ) sprecip(:,:) = - emp_ice(:,:) ! Ugly patch, WARNING, in coupled mode, sublimation included in snow (parsub = 0.) ENDIF CALL lim_thd_2 ( kt ) ! Ice thermodynamics CALL lim_sbc_flx_2 ( kt ) ! update surface ocean mass, heat & salt fluxes IF( .NOT. lk_mpp )THEN IF( MOD( kt+nn_fsbc-1, ninfo ) == 0 .OR. ntmoy == 1 ) & & CALL lim_dia_2 ( kt ) ! Ice Diagnostics ENDIF # if ! defined key_iomput CALL lim_wri_2 ( kt ) ! Ice outputs # endif IF( lrst_ice ) CALL lim_rst_write_2( kt ) ! Ice restart file ! # if defined key_agrif && defined key_lim2 IF( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) CALL agrif_update_lim2( kt ) # endif ! CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi,jpj , zutau_ice, zvtau_ice) CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi,jpj,1, zalb_os, zalb_cs, zalb_ice, zsist ) ! ENDIF ! End sea-ice time step only ! ! !--------------------------! ! ! at all ocean time step ! ! !--------------------------! ! ! ! Update surface ocean stresses (only in ice-dynamic case) ! ! otherwise the atm.-ocean stresses are used everywhere IF( ln_limdyn ) CALL lim_sbc_tau_2( kt, ub(:,:,1), vb(:,:,1) ) ! using before instantaneous surf. currents ! END SUBROUTINE sbc_ice_lim_2 #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Default option Dummy module NO LIM 2.0 sea-ice model !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE sbc_ice_lim_2 ( kt, ksbc ) ! Dummy routine INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt, ksbc WRITE(*,*) 'sbc_ice_lim_2: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt, ksbc END SUBROUTINE sbc_ice_lim_2 #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE sbcice_lim_2