#!/bin/bash #! #PBS -N NEMO #PBS -l select=NODES:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=4 #PBS -l place=scatter:excl #PBS -l walltime=00:59:00 #PBS -q nemo #PBS -W group_list=nemo #PBS -j oe # OCEANCORES=NPROCS XIOCORES=NXIOPROCS export SETTE_DIR=DEF_SETTE_DIR # # load sette functions (only post_test_tidyup needed) # . ${SETTE_DIR}/all_functions.sh ############################################################### # # set up mpp computing environment # # # Local settings. These settings are for a particular machine (the ALTIX ICE system at NOCS) # at a particular stage of that machine's evolution. This template file is provided for # illustration purposes only and will not work on any other machine. There should, however, # be sufficient similarity with other MPP platforms and batch systems for this example to provide # a useful guide for experienced users # module load mpt/2.03 export MPT_HOME=/opt/sgi/mpt/mpt-2.03 export NC4_HOME=/fibre/omfman/NETCDF_PAR export HD5_HOME=/fibre/omfman/NETCDF_PAR export XIO_HOME=/fibre/omfman/XIOS export SVN_HOME=/nerc/packages/subversion/v1.7.2 export FTN_LIB=/sw/Intel/fce/11.1.072/lib/intel64 export ICC_LIB=/sw/Intel/cce/11.1.072/lib/intel64 # echo Running on host `hostname` echo Time is `date` echo PBS job ID is $PBS_JOBID echo This jobs runs on the following machines: echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE | uniq` # # Create a machine file for MPI cat $PBS_NODEFILE | uniq > host.file.$PBS_JOBID # echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${MPT_HOME}/lib:${ICC_LIB}:${FTN_LIB}:${NC4_HOME}/lib:${HD5_HOME}/lib:${SVN_HOME}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${MPT_HOME}/lib:${ICC_LIB}:${FTN_LIB}:${NC4_HOME}/lib:${HD5_HOME}/lib:${SVN_HOME}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} # echo export PATH=${MPT_HOME}/bin:${SVN_HOME}/bin:$PATH export PATH=${MPT_HOME}/bin:${SVN_HOME}/bin:$PATH # export PSM_SHAREDPORTS=1 echo export MPI_PPN=4 echo export MPI_PPN_CLIST="2-3-6-7-0-1-4-5" echo export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 # # Don't remove neither change the following line # BODY # # Test specific settings. Do not hand edit these lines; the fcm_job.sh script will set these # (via sed operating on this template job file). Note that the number of compute nodes required # (half-populated on the NOCS ALTIX system) is also set by the fcm_job.sh on the PBS select # header line above. # # These variables are needed by post_test_tidyup function in all_functions.sh # export INPUT_DIR=DEF_INPUT_DIR export CONFIG_DIR=DEF_CONFIG_DIR export TOOLS_DIR=DEF_TOOLS_DIR export NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR=DEF_NEMO_VALIDATION export NEW_CONF=DEF_NEW_CONF export CMP_NAM=DEF_CMP_NAM export TEST_NAME=DEF_TEST_NAME export EXE_DIR=DEF_EXE_DIR # # end of set up ############################################################### # # change to the working directory # # cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR cd $EXE_DIR echo Directory is `pwd` if [ ! -f ./xios_server.exe ] && [ -f ${XIO_HOME}/bin/xios_server.exe ] then cp ${XIO_HOME}/bin/xios_server.exe . fi if [ ! -f ./xios_server.exe ] then echo "./xios_server.exe not found" echo "run aborted" exit fi # # # Run the parallel MPI executable # echo "Running time ${MPT_HOME}/bin/mpiexec_mpt -np " $XIOCORES " ./xios_server.exe : -np " $OCEANCORES " ./opa" # time ${MPT_HOME}/bin/mpiexec_mpt -np $XIOCORES ./xios_server.exe : -np $OCEANCORES ./opa # post_test_tidyup # END_BODY # Don't remove neither change the previous line exit