%\usepackage{pstricks} \title{ %\psset{unit=1.1in,linewidth=4pt} %parameters of the units for pstricks % \rput(0,2){ \includegraphics[width=1.1\textwidth]{logo_ALL.pdf} } \\ % \vspace{0.1cm} \vspace{-6.0cm} \includegraphics[width=1.1\textwidth]{logo_ALL}\\ \vspace{5.1cm} \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{NEMO_logo_Black} \\ \vspace{1.4cm} \rule{345pt}{1.5pt} \\ \vspace{0.45cm} {\Huge NEMO ocean engine} \rule{345pt}{1.5pt} \\ } %{ -- Draft --} } %\date{\today} \date{ Decembre 2017 \\ {\small -- version 4.0 alpha --} \\ ~ \\ \textit{\small Note du P\^ole de mod\'{e}lisation de l'Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace No 27 }\\ \vspace{0.45cm} { ISSN No 1288-1619.} } \author{ \Large Gurvan Madec, and the NEMO team \\ \texttt{\small gurvan.madec@locean-ipsl.umpc.fr} \\ \texttt{\small nemo\_st@locean-ipsl.umpc.fr} \\ %{\small Laboratoire d'Oc\'{e}anographie et du Climat: Exp\'{e}rimentation et Approches Num\'{e}riques } } \dominitoc \makeindex %type this first : makeindex -s NEMO.ist NEMO_book.idx