#define UPD_HIGH /* MIX HIGH UPDATE */ #if defined key_agrif !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/NST 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2017) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE agrif_user END SUBROUTINE agrif_user SUBROUTINE agrif_before_regridding END SUBROUTINE agrif_before_regridding SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitWorkspace !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InitWorkspace *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_oce USE dom_oce USE nemogcm !! IMPLICIT NONE !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) THEN jpni = Agrif_Parent(jpni) jpnj = Agrif_Parent(jpnj) jpnij = Agrif_Parent(jpnij) jpiglo = nbcellsx + 2 + 2*nbghostcells jpjglo = nbcellsy + 2 + 2*nbghostcells jpi = ( jpiglo-2*nn_hls + (jpni-1+0) ) / jpni + 2*nn_hls jpj = ( jpjglo-2*nn_hls + (jpnj-1+0) ) / jpnj + 2*nn_hls ! JC: change to allow for different vertical levels ! jpk is already set ! keep it jpk possibly different from jpkglo which ! hold parent grid vertical levels number (set earlier) ! jpk = jpkglo jpim1 = jpi-1 jpjm1 = jpj-1 jpkm1 = MAX( 1, jpk-1 ) jpij = jpi*jpj nperio = 0 jperio = 0 ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitWorkspace SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InitValues *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Declaration of variables to be interpolated !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE Agrif_Util USE oce USE dom_oce USE nemogcm USE tradmp USE bdy_oce , ONLY: ln_bdy !! IMPLICIT NONE !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !!gm I think this is now useless ... nn_cfg & cn_cfg are set to -999999 and "UNKNOWN" !!gm when reading the AGRIF domain configuration file IF( cn_cfg == 'orca' ) THEN IF ( nn_cfg == 2 .OR. nn_cfg == 025 .OR. nn_cfg == 05 .OR. nn_cfg == 4 ) THEN nn_cfg = -1 ! set special value for nn_cfg on fine grids cn_cfg = "default" ENDIF ENDIF ! !* Specific fine grid Initializations ln_tradmp = .FALSE. ! no tracer damping on fine grids ! ln_bdy = .FALSE. ! no open boundary on fine grids CALL nemo_init !* Initializations of each fine grid ! !* Agrif initialization CALL agrif_nemo_init CALL Agrif_InitValues_cont_dom CALL Agrif_InitValues_cont # if defined key_top CALL Agrif_InitValues_cont_top # endif # if defined key_lim3 CALL Agrif_InitValues_cont_lim3 # endif ! IF ( Agrif_Level().EQ.Agrif_MaxLevel() ) CALL agrif_Update_ini() Agrif_UseSpecialValueInUpdate = .FALSE. END SUBROUTINE Agrif_initvalues SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont_dom !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Declaration of variables to be interpolated !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE Agrif_Util USE oce USE dom_oce USE nemogcm USE in_out_manager USE agrif_opa_update USE agrif_opa_interp USE agrif_opa_sponge ! IMPLICIT NONE !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declaration of the type of variable which have to be interpolated ! CALL agrif_declare_var_dom ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont_dom SUBROUTINE agrif_declare_var_dom !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE agrif_declare_var *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Declaration of variables to be interpolated !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE agrif_util USE par_oce USE oce ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER :: ind1, ind2, ind3 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Declaration of the type of variable which have to be interpolated !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ind1 = nbghostcells ind2 = 1 + nbghostcells ind3 = 2 + nbghostcells CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj/),e1u_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1/),(/ind3,ind2/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj/),e2v_id) ! 2. Type of interpolation !------------------------- CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp( e1u_id, interp1=Agrif_linear, interp2=AGRIF_ppm ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp( e2v_id, interp1=AGRIF_ppm , interp2=Agrif_linear ) ! 3. Location of interpolation !----------------------------- CALL Agrif_Set_bc(e1u_id,(/0,ind1-1/)) CALL Agrif_Set_bc(e2v_id,(/0,ind1-1/)) ! 4. Update type !--------------- # if defined UPD_HIGH CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e1u_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Average, update2=Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e2v_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting, update2=Agrif_Update_Average) #else CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e1u_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Copy, update2=Agrif_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e2v_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Average, update2=Agrif_Update_Copy) #endif END SUBROUTINE agrif_declare_var_dom SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Declaration of variables to be interpolated !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE agrif_opa_update USE agrif_opa_interp USE agrif_opa_sponge USE Agrif_Util USE oce USE dom_oce USE zdf_oce USE nemogcm ! USE lib_mpp USE in_out_manager ! IMPLICIT NONE ! LOGICAL :: check_namelist CHARACTER(len=15) :: cl_check1, cl_check2, cl_check3, cl_check4 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Declaration of the type of variable which have to be interpolated !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL agrif_declare_var ! 2. First interpolations of potentially non zero fields !------------------------------------------------------- Agrif_SpecialValue = 0._wp Agrif_UseSpecialValue = .TRUE. CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(tsn_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interptsn) CALL Agrif_Sponge tabspongedone_tsn = .FALSE. CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(tsn_sponge_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interptsn_sponge) ! reset tsa to zero tsa(:,:,:,:) = 0. Agrif_UseSpecialValue = ln_spc_dyn CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(un_interp_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interpun) CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(vn_interp_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interpvn) tabspongedone_u = .FALSE. tabspongedone_v = .FALSE. CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(un_sponge_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interpun_sponge) tabspongedone_u = .FALSE. tabspongedone_v = .FALSE. CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(vn_sponge_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interpvn_sponge) Agrif_UseSpecialValue = .TRUE. CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(sshn_id,calledweight=1., procname=interpsshn ) hbdy_w(:) = 0.e0 ; hbdy_e(:) = 0.e0 ; hbdy_n(:) = 0.e0 ; hbdy_s(:) = 0.e0 ssha(:,:) = 0.e0 IF ( ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN Agrif_UseSpecialValue = ln_spc_dyn CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(unb_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interpunb) CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(vnb_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interpvnb) CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(ub2b_interp_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interpub2b) CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(vb2b_interp_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interpvb2b) ubdy_w(:) = 0.e0 ; vbdy_w(:) = 0.e0 ubdy_e(:) = 0.e0 ; vbdy_e(:) = 0.e0 ubdy_n(:) = 0.e0 ; vbdy_n(:) = 0.e0 ubdy_s(:) = 0.e0 ; vbdy_s(:) = 0.e0 ENDIF Agrif_UseSpecialValue = .FALSE. ! reset velocities to zero ua(:,:,:) = 0. va(:,:,:) = 0. ! 3. Some controls !----------------- check_namelist = .TRUE. IF( check_namelist ) THEN ! Check time steps IF( NINT(Agrif_Rhot()) * NINT(rdt) .NE. Agrif_Parent(rdt) ) THEN WRITE(cl_check1,*) NINT(Agrif_Parent(rdt)) WRITE(cl_check2,*) NINT(rdt) WRITE(cl_check3,*) NINT(Agrif_Parent(rdt)/Agrif_Rhot()) CALL ctl_stop( 'Incompatible time step between ocean grids', & & 'parent grid value : '//cl_check1 , & & 'child grid value : '//cl_check2 , & & 'value on child grid should be changed to : '//cl_check3 ) ENDIF ! Check run length IF( Agrif_IRhot() * (Agrif_Parent(nitend)- & Agrif_Parent(nit000)+1) .NE. (nitend-nit000+1) ) THEN WRITE(cl_check1,*) (Agrif_Parent(nit000)-1)*Agrif_IRhot() + 1 WRITE(cl_check2,*) Agrif_Parent(nitend) *Agrif_IRhot() CALL ctl_warn( 'Incompatible run length between grids' , & & 'nit000 on fine grid will be changed to : '//cl_check1, & & 'nitend on fine grid will be changed to : '//cl_check2 ) nit000 = (Agrif_Parent(nit000)-1)*Agrif_IRhot() + 1 nitend = Agrif_Parent(nitend) *Agrif_IRhot() ENDIF ! Check free surface scheme IF ( ( Agrif_Parent(ln_dynspg_ts ).AND.ln_dynspg_exp ).OR.& & ( Agrif_Parent(ln_dynspg_exp).AND.ln_dynspg_ts ) ) THEN WRITE(cl_check1,*) Agrif_Parent( ln_dynspg_ts ) WRITE(cl_check2,*) ln_dynspg_ts WRITE(cl_check3,*) Agrif_Parent( ln_dynspg_exp ) WRITE(cl_check4,*) ln_dynspg_exp CALL ctl_stop( 'Incompatible free surface scheme between grids' , & & 'parent grid ln_dynspg_ts :'//cl_check1 , & & 'child grid ln_dynspg_ts :'//cl_check2 , & & 'parent grid ln_dynspg_exp :'//cl_check3 , & & 'child grid ln_dynspg_exp :'//cl_check4 , & & 'those logicals should be identical' ) STOP ENDIF ! Check if identical linear free surface option IF ( ( Agrif_Parent(ln_linssh ).AND.(.NOT.ln_linssh )).OR.& & ( (.NOT.Agrif_Parent(ln_linssh)).AND.ln_linssh ) ) THEN WRITE(cl_check1,*) Agrif_Parent(ln_linssh ) WRITE(cl_check2,*) ln_linssh CALL ctl_stop( 'Incompatible linearized fs option between grids', & & 'parent grid ln_linssh :'//cl_check1 , & & 'child grid ln_linssh :'//cl_check2 , & & 'those logicals should be identical' ) STOP ENDIF ! check if masks and bathymetries match IF(ln_chk_bathy) THEN ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'AGRIF: Check Bathymetry and masks near bdys. Level: ', Agrif_Level() ! kindic_agr = 0 ! check if umask agree with parent along western and eastern boundaries: CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(umsk_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interpumsk) ! check if vmask agree with parent along northern and southern boundaries: CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(vmsk_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interpvmsk) ! check if tmask and vertical scale factors agree with parent over first two coarse grid points: CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(e3t_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interpe3t) ! IF (lk_mpp) CALL mpp_sum( kindic_agr ) IF( kindic_agr /= 0 ) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Child Bathymetry is not correct near boundaries.') ELSE IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Child Bathymetry is ok near boundaries.' END IF ENDIF ! ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE Agrif_Update_ini( ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE agrif_Update_ini *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Recursive update done at initialization !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE dom_oce USE agrif_opa_update #if defined key_top USE agrif_top_update #endif ! IMPLICIT NONE !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (Agrif_Root()) RETURN ! CALL Agrif_Update_ssh() IF (.NOT.ln_linssh) CALL Agrif_Update_vvl() CALL Agrif_Update_tra() #if defined key_top CALL Agrif_Update_Trc() #endif CALL Agrif_Update_dyn() ! JC remove update because this precludes from perfect restartability !! CALL Agrif_Update_tke(0) CALL Agrif_ChildGrid_To_ParentGrid() CALL Agrif_Update_ini() CALL Agrif_ParentGrid_To_ChildGrid() END SUBROUTINE agrif_update_ini SUBROUTINE agrif_declare_var !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE agrif_declarE_var *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Declaration of variables to be interpolated !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE agrif_util USE agrif_oce USE par_oce ! ocean parameters USE zdf_oce ! vertical physics USE oce ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER :: ind1, ind2, ind3 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Declaration of the type of variable which have to be interpolated !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ind1 = nbghostcells ind2 = 1 + nbghostcells ind3 = 2 + nbghostcells # if defined key_vertical CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,jpts+1/),tsn_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,jpts+1/),tsn_sponge_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2,0,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,2/),un_interp_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1,0,0/),(/ind3,ind2,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,2/),vn_interp_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2,0,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,2/),un_update_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1,0,0/),(/ind3,ind2,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,2/),vn_update_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2,0,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,2/),un_sponge_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1,0,0/),(/ind3,ind2,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,2/),vn_sponge_id) # else CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,jpts/),tsn_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,jpts/),tsn_sponge_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2,0,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,1/),un_interp_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1,0,0/),(/ind3,ind2,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,1/),vn_interp_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2,0,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,1/),un_update_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1,0,0/),(/ind3,ind2,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,1/),vn_update_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2,0,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,1/),un_sponge_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1,0,0/),(/ind3,ind2,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,1/),vn_sponge_id) # endif CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk/),e3t_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2,0/),(/ind2,ind3,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk/),umsk_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1,0/),(/ind3,ind2,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk/),vmsk_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,3/),scales_t_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj/),unb_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1/),(/ind3,ind2/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj/),vnb_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj/),ub2b_interp_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1/),(/ind3,ind2/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj/),vb2b_interp_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2/),(/ind2,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj/),ub2b_update_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1/),(/ind3,ind2/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj/),vb2b_update_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2/),(/ind3,ind3/),(/'x','y'/),(/1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj/),sshn_id) IF( ln_zdftke.OR.ln_zdfgls ) THEN ! CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk/), en_id) ! CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk/),avt_id) # if defined key_vertical CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/jpi,jpj,jpk,2/),avm_id) # else CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,1/),avm_id) # endif ENDIF ! 2. Type of interpolation !------------------------- CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(tsn_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(un_interp_id,interp1=Agrif_linear,interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(vn_interp_id,interp1=AGRIF_ppm,interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(tsn_sponge_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(sshn_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(unb_id,interp1=Agrif_linear,interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(vnb_id,interp1=AGRIF_ppm,interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(ub2b_interp_id,interp1=Agrif_linear,interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(vb2b_interp_id,interp1=AGRIF_ppm,interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(un_sponge_id,interp1=Agrif_linear,interp2=AGRIF_ppm) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(vn_sponge_id,interp1=AGRIF_ppm,interp2=Agrif_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(e3t_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(umsk_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(vmsk_id,interp=AGRIF_constant) IF( ln_zdftke.OR.ln_zdfgls ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp( avm_id, interp=AGRIF_linear ) ! 3. Location of interpolation !----------------------------- CALL Agrif_Set_bc( tsn_id, (/0,ind1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( un_interp_id, (/0,ind1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( vn_interp_id, (/0,ind1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( tsn_sponge_id, (/-nn_sponge_len*Agrif_irhox()-1,0/) ) ! if west and rhox=3 and sponge=2 and ghost=1: columns 2 to 9 CALL Agrif_Set_bc( un_sponge_id, (/-nn_sponge_len*Agrif_irhox()-1,0/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( vn_sponge_id, (/-nn_sponge_len*Agrif_irhox()-1,0/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( sshn_id, (/0,ind1-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( unb_id, (/0,ind1-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( vnb_id, (/0,ind1-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( ub2b_interp_id, (/0,ind1-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( vb2b_interp_id, (/0,ind1-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( e3t_id, (/-2*Agrif_irhox()-1,ind1-1/) ) ! if west and rhox=3 and ghost=1: column 2 to 9 CALL Agrif_Set_bc( umsk_id, (/0,ind1-1/) ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( vmsk_id, (/0,ind1-1/) ) IF( ln_zdftke.OR.ln_zdfgls ) CALL Agrif_Set_bc( avm_id, (/0,ind1/) ) ! 4. Update type !--------------- CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(scales_t_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) # if defined UPD_HIGH CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(tsn_id, update = Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(un_update_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Average, update2 = Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(vn_update_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting, update2 = Agrif_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(ub2b_update_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Average, update2 = Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(vb2b_update_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting, update2 = Agrif_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(sshn_id, update = Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e3t_id, update = Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) IF( ln_zdftke.OR.ln_zdfgls ) THEN ! CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype( en_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Full_Weighting) ! CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(avt_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Full_Weighting) ! CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(avm_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Full_Weighting) ENDIF #else CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(tsn_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(un_update_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Copy, update2 = Agrif_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(vn_update_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Average, update2 = Agrif_Update_Copy) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(ub2b_update_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Copy, update2 = Agrif_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(vb2b_update_id,update1 = Agrif_Update_Average, update2 = Agrif_Update_Copy) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(sshn_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(e3t_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) IF( ln_zdftke.OR.ln_zdfgls ) THEN ! CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype( en_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) ! CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(avt_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) ! CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(avm_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) ENDIF #endif ! END SUBROUTINE agrif_declare_var #if defined key_lim3 SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont_lim3 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont_lim3 *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Initialisation of variables to be interpolated for LIM3 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE Agrif_Util USE sbc_oce, ONLY : nn_fsbc ! clem: necessary otherwise Agrif_Parent(nn_fsbc) = nn_fsbc USE ice USE agrif_ice USE in_out_manager USE agrif_lim3_update USE agrif_lim3_interp USE lib_mpp ! IMPLICIT NONE !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Declaration of the type of variable which have to be interpolated (parent=>child) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL agrif_declare_var_lim3 ! Controls ! clem: For some reason, nn_fsbc(child)/=1 does not work properly (signal is largely degraded by the agrif zoom) ! the run must satisfy CFL=Uice/(dx/dt) < 0.6/nn_fsbc(child) ! therefore, if nn_fsbc(child)>1 one must reduce the time-step in proportion to nn_fsbc(child), which is not acceptable ! If a solution is found, the following stop could be removed IF( nn_fsbc > 1 ) CALL ctl_stop('nn_fsbc(child) must be set to 1 otherwise agrif and lim3 do not work properly') ! stop if rhot * nn_fsbc(parent) /= N * nn_fsbc(child) with N being integer IF( MOD( Agrif_irhot() * Agrif_Parent(nn_fsbc), nn_fsbc ) /= 0 ) THEN CALL ctl_stop('rhot * nn_fsbc(parent) /= N * nn_fsbc(child), therefore nn_fsbc(child) should be set to 1 or nn_fsbc(parent)') ENDIF ! First Interpolations (using "after" ice subtime step => lim_nbstep=1) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! lim_nbstep = 1 lim_nbstep = ( Agrif_irhot() * Agrif_Parent(nn_fsbc) / nn_fsbc ) ! clem: to have calledweight=1 in interp (otherwise the western border of the zoom is wrong) CALL agrif_interp_lim3('U') ! interpolation of ice velocities CALL agrif_interp_lim3('V') ! interpolation of ice velocities CALL agrif_interp_lim3('T') ! interpolation of ice tracers lim_nbstep = 0 ! Update in case 2 ways !---------------------- CALL agrif_update_lim3(0) ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont_lim3 SUBROUTINE agrif_declare_var_lim3 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE agrif_declare_var_lim3 *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Declaration of variables to be interpolated for LIM3 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE Agrif_Util USE ice USE par_oce, ONLY : nbghostcells ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER :: ind1, ind2, ind3 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 1. Declaration of the type of variable which have to be interpolated (parent=>child) ! agrif_declare_variable(position,1st point index,--,--,dimensions,name) ! ex.: position=> 1,1 = not-centered (in i and j) ! 2,2 = centered ( - ) ! index => 1,1 = one ghost line ! 2,2 = two ghost lines !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ind1 = nbghostcells ind2 = 1 + nbghostcells ind3 = 2 + nbghostcells CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0/),(/'x','y','N'/),(/1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpl*(5+nlay_s+nlay_i)/),tra_ice_id ) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/1,2/) ,(/ind2,ind3/) ,(/'x','y'/) ,(/1,1/) ,(/nlci,nlcj/) ,u_ice_id ) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,1/) ,(/ind3,ind2/) ,(/'x','y'/) ,(/1,1/) ,(/nlci,nlcj/) ,v_ice_id ) ! 2. Set interpolations (normal & tangent to the grid cell for velocities) !----------------------------------- CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(tra_ice_id, interp = AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(u_ice_id , interp1 = Agrif_linear,interp2 = AGRIF_ppm ) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(v_ice_id , interp1 = AGRIF_ppm ,interp2 = Agrif_linear) ! 3. Set location of interpolations !---------------------------------- CALL Agrif_Set_bc(tra_ice_id,(/0,ind1/)) CALL Agrif_Set_bc(u_ice_id ,(/0,ind1/)) CALL Agrif_Set_bc(v_ice_id ,(/0,ind1/)) ! 4. Set update type in case 2 ways (child=>parent) (normal & tangent to the grid cell for velocities) !-------------------------------------------------- CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(tra_ice_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(u_ice_id ,update1 = Agrif_Update_Copy , update2 = Agrif_Update_Average) CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(v_ice_id ,update1 = Agrif_Update_Average, update2 = Agrif_Update_Copy ) END SUBROUTINE agrif_declare_var_lim3 #endif # if defined key_top SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont_top !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont_top *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Declaration of variables to be interpolated !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE Agrif_Util USE oce USE dom_oce USE nemogcm USE par_trc USE lib_mpp USE trc USE in_out_manager USE agrif_opa_sponge USE agrif_top_update USE agrif_top_interp USE agrif_top_sponge !! IMPLICIT NONE ! CHARACTER(len=10) :: cl_check1, cl_check2, cl_check3 LOGICAL :: check_namelist !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Declaration of the type of variable which have to be interpolated !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL agrif_declare_var_top ! 2. First interpolations of potentially non zero fields !------------------------------------------------------- Agrif_SpecialValue=0. Agrif_UseSpecialValue = .TRUE. CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(trn_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interptrn) Agrif_UseSpecialValue = .FALSE. CALL Agrif_Sponge tabspongedone_trn = .FALSE. CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(trn_sponge_id,calledweight=1.,procname=interptrn_sponge) ! reset tsa to zero tra(:,:,:,:) = 0. ! 3. Some controls !----------------- check_namelist = .TRUE. IF( check_namelist ) THEN ! Check time steps IF( NINT(Agrif_Rhot()) * NINT(rdt) .NE. Agrif_Parent(rdt) ) THEN WRITE(cl_check1,*) Agrif_Parent(rdt) WRITE(cl_check2,*) rdt WRITE(cl_check3,*) rdt*Agrif_Rhot() CALL ctl_stop( 'incompatible time step between grids', & & 'parent grid value : '//cl_check1 , & & 'child grid value : '//cl_check2 , & & 'value on child grid should be changed to & & :'//cl_check3 ) ENDIF ! Check run length IF( Agrif_IRhot() * (Agrif_Parent(nitend)- & Agrif_Parent(nit000)+1) .NE. (nitend-nit000+1) ) THEN WRITE(cl_check1,*) (Agrif_Parent(nit000)-1)*Agrif_IRhot() + 1 WRITE(cl_check2,*) Agrif_Parent(nitend) *Agrif_IRhot() CALL ctl_warn( 'incompatible run length between grids' , & & ' nit000 on fine grid will be change to : '//cl_check1, & & ' nitend on fine grid will be change to : '//cl_check2 ) nit000 = (Agrif_Parent(nit000)-1)*Agrif_IRhot() + 1 nitend = Agrif_Parent(nitend) *Agrif_IRhot() ENDIF ENDIF ! Check passive tracer cell IF( nn_dttrc .NE. 1 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'nn_dttrc should be equal to 1' ENDIF ENDIF ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_InitValues_cont_top SUBROUTINE agrif_declare_var_top !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE agrif_declare_var_top *** !! !! ** Purpose :: Declaration of TOP variables to be interpolated !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE agrif_util USE agrif_oce USE dom_oce USE trc !! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER :: ind1, ind2, ind3 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Declaration of the type of variable which have to be interpolated !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ind1 = nbghostcells ind2 = 1 + nbghostcells ind3 = 2 + nbghostcells # if defined key_vertical CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,jptra+1/),trn_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0,0/),(/ind3,ind3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,jptra+1/),trn_sponge_id) # else CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0,0/),(/3,3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,jptra/),trn_id) CALL agrif_declare_variable((/2,2,0,0/),(/3,3,0,0/),(/'x','y','N','N'/),(/1,1,1,1/),(/nlci,nlcj,jpk,jptra/),trn_sponge_id) # endif ! 2. Type of interpolation !------------------------- CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(trn_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) CALL Agrif_Set_bcinterp(trn_sponge_id,interp=AGRIF_linear) ! 3. Location of interpolation !----------------------------- CALL Agrif_Set_bc(trn_id,(/0,ind1/)) CALL Agrif_Set_bc(trn_sponge_id,(/-nn_sponge_len*Agrif_irhox()-1,0/)) ! 4. Update type !--------------- # if defined UPD_HIGH CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(trn_id, update = Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) #else CALL Agrif_Set_Updatetype(trn_id, update = AGRIF_Update_Average) #endif ! END SUBROUTINE agrif_declare_var_top # endif SUBROUTINE Agrif_detect( kg, ksizex ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_detect *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: ksizex INTEGER, DIMENSION(ksizex(1),ksizex(2)) :: kg !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! RETURN ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_detect SUBROUTINE agrif_nemo_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE agrif_init *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE agrif_oce USE agrif_ice USE in_out_manager USE lib_mpp !! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read INTEGER :: iminspon NAMELIST/namagrif/ rn_sponge_tra, rn_sponge_dyn, ln_spc_dyn, ln_chk_bathy !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! REWIND( numnam_ref ) ! Namelist namagrif in reference namelist : AGRIF zoom READ ( numnam_ref, namagrif, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901) 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namagrif in reference namelist', lwp ) REWIND( numnam_cfg ) ! Namelist namagrif in configuration namelist : AGRIF zoom READ ( numnam_cfg, namagrif, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) 902 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namagrif in configuration namelist', lwp ) IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, namagrif ) ! IF(lwp) THEN ! control print WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'agrif_nemo_init : AGRIF parameters' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist namagrif : set AGRIF parameters' WRITE(numout,*) ' sponge coefficient for tracers rn_sponge_tra = ', rn_sponge_tra, ' s' WRITE(numout,*) ' sponge coefficient for dynamics rn_sponge_tra = ', rn_sponge_dyn, ' s' WRITE(numout,*) ' use special values for dynamics ln_spc_dyn = ', ln_spc_dyn WRITE(numout,*) ' check bathymetry ln_chk_bathy = ', ln_chk_bathy WRITE(numout,*) ENDIF ! ! convert DOCTOR namelist name into OLD names visc_tra = rn_sponge_tra visc_dyn = rn_sponge_dyn ! ! Check sponge length: iminspon = MIN(FLOOR(REAL(jpiglo-4)/REAL(2*Agrif_irhox())), FLOOR(REAL(jpjglo-4)/REAL(2*Agrif_irhox())) ) IF (lk_mpp) iminspon = MIN(iminspon,FLOOR(REAL(jpi-2)/REAL(Agrif_irhox())), FLOOR(REAL(jpj-2)/REAL(Agrif_irhox())) ) IF (nn_sponge_len > iminspon) CALL ctl_stop('agrif sponge length is too large') ! IF( agrif_oce_alloc() > 0 ) CALL ctl_warn('agrif agrif_oce_alloc: allocation of arrays failed') ! END SUBROUTINE agrif_nemo_init # if defined key_mpp_mpi SUBROUTINE Agrif_InvLoc( indloc, nprocloc, i, indglob ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_InvLoc *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE dom_oce !! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER :: indglob, indloc, nprocloc, i !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SELECT CASE( i ) CASE(1) ; indglob = indloc + nimppt(nprocloc+1) - 1 CASE(2) ; indglob = indloc + njmppt(nprocloc+1) - 1 CASE DEFAULT indglob = indloc END SELECT ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_InvLoc SUBROUTINE Agrif_get_proc_info( imin, imax, jmin, jmax ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_get_proc_info *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_oce !! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: imin, imax INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: jmin, jmax !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! imin = nimppt(Agrif_Procrank+1) ! ????? jmin = njmppt(Agrif_Procrank+1) ! ????? imax = imin + jpi - 1 jmax = jmin + jpj - 1 ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_get_proc_info SUBROUTINE Agrif_estimate_parallel_cost(imin, imax,jmin, jmax, nbprocs, grid_cost) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Agrif_estimate_parallel_cost *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_oce !! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: imin, imax INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: jmin, jmax INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nbprocs REAL(wp), INTENT(out) :: grid_cost !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! grid_cost = REAL(imax-imin+1,wp)*REAL(jmax-jmin+1,wp) / REAL(nbprocs,wp) ! END SUBROUTINE Agrif_estimate_parallel_cost # endif #else SUBROUTINE Subcalledbyagrif !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE Subcalledbyagrif *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITE(*,*) 'Impossible to be here' END SUBROUTINE Subcalledbyagrif #endif