MODULE crs !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE crs_dom *** !! Declare the coarse grid domain and other public variables !! then allocate them if needed. !!====================================================================== !! History 2012-06 Editing (J. Simeon, G. Madec, C. Ethe, C. Calone) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_oce USE dom_oce USE in_out_manager IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC PUBLIC crs_dom_alloc ! Called from crsini.F90 PUBLIC crs_dom_alloc2 ! Called from crsini.F90 PUBLIC dom_grid_glo PUBLIC dom_grid_crs ! Domain variables INTEGER :: jpiglo_crs , & !: 1st dimension of global coarse grid domain jpjglo_crs !: 2nd dimension of global coarse grid domain INTEGER :: jpi_crs , & !: 1st dimension of local coarse grid domain jpj_crs !: 2nd dimension of local coarse grid domain INTEGER :: jpi_full , & !: 1st dimension of local parent grid domain jpj_full !: 2nd dimension of local parent grid domain INTEGER :: nistr , njstr INTEGER :: niend , njend INTEGER :: jpi_crsm1, jpj_crsm1 !: loop indices INTEGER :: jpiglo_crsm1, jpjglo_crsm1 !: loop indices INTEGER :: nperio_full, nperio_crs !: jperio of parent and coarse grids INTEGER :: npolj_full, npolj_crs !: north fold mark INTEGER :: jpiglo_full, jpjglo_full !: jpiglo / jpjglo INTEGER :: npiglo, npjglo !: jpjglo INTEGER :: nlci_full, nlcj_full !: i-, j-dimension of local or sub domain on parent grid INTEGER :: nldi_full, nldj_full !: starting indices of internal sub-domain on parent grid INTEGER :: nlei_full, nlej_full !: ending indices of internal sub-domain on parent grid INTEGER :: nlci_crs, nlcj_crs !: i-, j-dimension of local or sub domain on coarse grid INTEGER :: nldi_crs, nldj_crs !: starting indices of internal sub-domain on coarse grid INTEGER :: nlei_crs, nlej_crs !: ending indices of internal sub-domain on coarse grid INTEGER :: narea_full, narea_crs !: node INTEGER :: jpnij_full, jpnij_crs !: =jpni*jpnj, the pe decomposition INTEGER :: jpim1_full, jpjm1_full !: INTEGER :: nimpp_full, njmpp_full !: global position of point (1,1) of subdomain on parent grid INTEGER :: nimpp_crs, njmpp_crs !: set to 1,1 for now . Valid only for monoproc INTEGER :: nreci_full, nrecj_full INTEGER :: nreci_crs, nrecj_crs !cc INTEGER :: noea_full, nowe_full !: index of the local neighboring processors in INTEGER :: noso_full, nono_full !: east, west, south and north directions INTEGER :: npne_full, npnw_full !: index of north east and north west processor INTEGER :: npse_full, npsw_full !: index of south east and south west processor INTEGER :: nbne_full, nbnw_full !: logical of north east & north west processor INTEGER :: nbse_full, nbsw_full !: logical of south east & south west processor INTEGER :: nidom_full !: ??? INTEGER :: nproc_full !:number for local processor INTEGER :: nbondi_full, nbondj_full !: mark of i- and j-direction local boundaries INTEGER :: noea_crs, nowe_crs !: index of the local neighboring processors in INTEGER :: noso_crs, nono_crs !: east, west, south and north directions INTEGER :: npne_crs, npnw_crs !: index of north east and north west processor INTEGER :: npse_crs, npsw_crs !: index of south east and south west processor INTEGER :: nbne_crs, nbnw_crs !: logical of north east & north west processor INTEGER :: nbse_crs, nbsw_crs !: logical of south east & south west processor INTEGER :: nidom_crs !: ??? INTEGER :: nproc_crs !:number for local processor INTEGER :: nbondi_crs, nbondj_crs !: mark of i- and j-direction local boundaries INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: mis_crs, mie_crs, mis2_crs, mie2_crs ! starting and ending i-indices of parent subset INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: mjs_crs, mje_crs, mjs2_crs, mje2_crs ! starting and ending j-indices of parent subset INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: mjg_crs, mig_crs INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: mi0_crs, mi1_crs, mj0_crs, mj1_crs INTEGER :: mxbinctr, mybinctr ! central point in grid box INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nlcit_crs, nlcit_full !: dimensions of every subdomain INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nldit_crs, nldit_full !: first, last indoor index for each i-domain INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nleit_crs, nleit_full !: first, last indoor index for each j-domain INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nimppt_crs, nimppt_full !: first, last indoor index for each j-domain INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nlcjt_crs, nlcjt_full !: dimensions of every subdomain INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nldjt_crs, nldjt_full !: first, last indoor index for each i-domain INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nlejt_crs, nlejt_full !: first, last indoor index for each j-domain INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: njmppt_crs, njmppt_full !: first, last indoor index for each j-domain ! Masks REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmask_crs, umask_crs, vmask_crs, fmask_crs REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: tmask_i_crs, rnfmsk_crs, tpol_crs, fpol_crs ! REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmask_i_crs, tpol, fpol ! Scale factors REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e1t_crs, e2t_crs, e1e2t_crs ! horizontal scale factors grid type T REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e1u_crs, e2u_crs ! horizontal scale factors grid type U REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e1v_crs, e2v_crs ! horizontal scale factors grid type V REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e1f_crs, e2f_crs ! horizontal scale factors grid type F REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e3t_crs, e3u_crs, e3v_crs, e3f_crs, e3w_crs REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e3t_max_crs, e3u_max_crs, e3v_max_crs, e3f_max_crs, e3w_max_crs ! Surface REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e1e2w_crs, e2e3u_crs, e1e3v_crs REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e1e2w_msk, e2e3u_msk, e1e3v_msk ! vertical scale factors ! Coordinates REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gphit_crs, glamt_crs, gphif_crs, glamf_crs REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gphiu_crs, glamu_crs, gphiv_crs, glamv_crs REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ff_crs INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: mbathy_crs, mbkt_crs, mbku_crs, mbkv_crs REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gdept_crs, gdepu_crs, gdepv_crs, gdepw_crs ! Weights REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: facsurfv, facsurfu, facvol_t, facvol_w REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ocean_volume_crs_t, ocean_volume_crs_w, bt_crs, r1_bt_crs REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: crs_surfu_wgt, crs_surfv_wgt, crs_surfw_wgt, crs_volt_wgt ! CRS Namelist INTEGER :: nn_factx = 3 !: reduction factor of x-dimension of the parent grid INTEGER :: nn_facty = 3 !: reduction factor of y-dimension of the parent grid INTEGER :: nn_binref = 0 !: 0 = binning starts north fold (equator could be asymmetric) !: 1 = binning centers at equator (north fold my have artifacts) !: for even reduction factors, equator placed in bin biased south INTEGER :: nn_msh_crs = 1 !: Organization of mesh mask output !: 0 = no mesh mask output !: 1 = unified mesh mask output !: 2 = 2 separate mesh mask output !: 3 = 3 separate mesh mask output INTEGER :: nn_crs_kz = 0 !: type of Kz coarsening ( =0->VOL ; =1->MAX ; =2->MIN) LOGICAL :: ln_crs_wn = .FALSE. !: coarsening wn or computation using horizontal divergence ! INTEGER :: nrestx, nresty !: for determining odd or even reduction factor ! Grid reduction factors REAL(wp) :: rfactx_r !: inverse of x-dim reduction factor REAL(wp) :: rfacty_r !: inverse of y-dim reduction factor REAL(wp) :: rfactxy ! Physical and dynamical ocean fields for output or passing to TOP, time-mean fields REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tsn_crs REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: un_crs, vn_crs, wn_crs REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: hdivn_crs REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: sshn_crs ! ! Surface fluxes to pass to TOP REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: qsr_crs, fr_i_crs, wndm_crs REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: emp_crs, emp_b_crs, sfx_crs REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: utau_crs, vtau_crs REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: rnf_crs ! Vertical diffusion REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: avt_crs !: temperature vertical diffusivity coeff. [m2/s] at w-point REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: avs_crs !: salinity vertical diffusivity coeff. [m2/s] at w-point ! Mixing and Mixed Layer Depth INTEGER, PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: nmln_crs, hmld_crs, hmlp_crs, hmlpt_crs !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS INTEGER FUNCTION crs_dom_alloc() !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION crs_dom_alloc *** !! ** Purpose : Allocate public crs arrays !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Local variables INTEGER, DIMENSION(17) :: ierr ierr(:) = 0 ! Set up bins for coarse grid, horizontal only. ALLOCATE( mis2_crs(jpiglo_crs), mie2_crs(jpiglo_crs), & & mjs2_crs(jpjglo_crs), mje2_crs(jpjglo_crs), & & mi0_crs (jpiglo_crs), mi1_crs (jpiglo_crs), & & mj0_crs (jpjglo_crs), mj1_crs (jpjglo_crs), & & mig_crs (jpi_crs) , mjg_crs (jpj_crs) , STAT=ierr(1) ) ! Set up Mask and Mesh ALLOCATE( tmask_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , fmask_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , & & umask_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , vmask_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , STAT=ierr(2)) ALLOCATE( tmask_i_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , rnfmsk_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs), & & tpol_crs(jpiglo_crs,jpjglo_crs), fpol_crs(jpiglo_crs,jpjglo_crs), STAT=ierr(3) ) ALLOCATE( gphit_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , glamt_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , & & gphiu_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , glamu_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , & & gphiv_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , glamv_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , & & gphif_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , glamf_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , & & ff_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , STAT=ierr(4)) ALLOCATE( e1t_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , e2t_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , & & e1u_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , e2u_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , & & e1v_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , e2v_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , & & e1f_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , e2f_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , & & e1e2t_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs), STAT=ierr(5)) ALLOCATE( e3t_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , e3w_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , & & e3u_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , e3v_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , & & e3f_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , e1e2w_msk(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , & & e2e3u_msk(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , e1e3v_msk(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , & & e1e2w_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , e2e3u_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , & & e1e3v_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , e3t_max_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), & & e3w_max_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), e3u_max_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), & & e3v_max_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), STAT=ierr(6)) ALLOCATE( facsurfv(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), facsurfu(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , & & facvol_t(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), facvol_w(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , & & ocean_volume_crs_t(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), ocean_volume_crs_w(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), & & bt_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , r1_bt_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , STAT=ierr(7)) ALLOCATE( crs_surfu_wgt(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), crs_surfv_wgt(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , & & crs_surfw_wgt(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), crs_volt_wgt(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , STAT=ierr(8)) ALLOCATE( mbathy_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs), mbkt_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , & & mbku_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , mbkv_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , STAT=ierr(9)) ALLOCATE( gdept_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), gdepu_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , & & gdepv_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), gdepw_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , STAT=ierr(10) ) ALLOCATE( un_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , vn_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , & & wn_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk) , hdivn_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), STAT=ierr(11)) ALLOCATE( sshn_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs), emp_crs (jpi_crs,jpj_crs), emp_b_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs), & & qsr_crs(jpi_crs ,jpj_crs), wndm_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs), utau_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , & & vtau_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs), rnf_crs(jpi_crs ,jpj_crs), & & fr_i_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs), sfx_crs(jpi_crs ,jpj_crs), STAT=ierr(12) ) ALLOCATE( tsn_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk,jpts), avt_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), & & avs_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs,jpk), STAT=ierr(13) ) ALLOCATE( nmln_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , hmld_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , & & hmlp_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , hmlpt_crs(jpi_crs,jpj_crs) , STAT=ierr(14) ) ALLOCATE( nimppt_crs (jpnij) , nlcit_crs (jpnij) , nldit_crs (jpnij) , nleit_crs (jpnij), & & nimppt_full(jpnij) , nlcit_full(jpnij) , nldit_full(jpnij) , nleit_full(jpnij), & njmppt_crs (jpnij) , nlcjt_crs (jpnij) , nldjt_crs (jpnij) , nlejt_crs (jpnij), & & njmppt_full(jpnij) , nlcjt_full(jpnij) , nldjt_full(jpnij) , nlejt_full(jpnij) , STAT=ierr(15) ) crs_dom_alloc = MAXVAL(ierr) ! END FUNCTION crs_dom_alloc INTEGER FUNCTION crs_dom_alloc2() !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION crs_dom_alloc *** !! ** Purpose : Allocate public crs arrays !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Local variables INTEGER, DIMENSION(1) :: ierr ierr(:) = 0 ALLOCATE( mjs_crs(nlej_crs) , mje_crs(nlej_crs), mis_crs(nlei_crs) , mie_crs(nlei_crs), STAT=ierr(1) ) crs_dom_alloc2 = MAXVAL(ierr) END FUNCTION crs_dom_alloc2 SUBROUTINE dom_grid_glo !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** MODULE dom_grid_glo *** !! !! ** Purpose : +Return back to parent grid domain !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Return to parent grid domain jpi = jpi_full jpj = jpj_full jpim1 = jpim1_full jpjm1 = jpjm1_full nperio = nperio_full npolj = npolj_full jpiglo = jpiglo_full jpjglo = jpjglo_full nlci = nlci_full nlcj = nlcj_full nldi = nldi_full nldj = nldj_full nlei = nlei_full nlej = nlej_full nimpp = nimpp_full njmpp = njmpp_full nlcit(:) = nlcit_full(:) nldit(:) = nldit_full(:) nleit(:) = nleit_full(:) nimppt(:) = nimppt_full(:) nlcjt(:) = nlcjt_full(:) nldjt(:) = nldjt_full(:) nlejt(:) = nlejt_full(:) njmppt(:) = njmppt_full(:) END SUBROUTINE dom_grid_glo SUBROUTINE dom_grid_crs !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** MODULE dom_grid_crs *** !! !! ** Purpose : Save the parent grid information & Switch to coarse grid domain !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Switch to coarse grid domain jpi = jpi_crs jpj = jpj_crs jpim1 = jpi_crsm1 jpjm1 = jpj_crsm1 nperio = nperio_crs npolj = npolj_crs jpiglo = jpiglo_crs jpjglo = jpjglo_crs nlci = nlci_crs nlcj = nlcj_crs nldi = nldi_crs nlei = nlei_crs nlej = nlej_crs nldj = nldj_crs nimpp = nimpp_crs njmpp = njmpp_crs nlcit(:) = nlcit_crs(:) nldit(:) = nldit_crs(:) nleit(:) = nleit_crs(:) nimppt(:) = nimppt_crs(:) nlcjt(:) = nlcjt_crs(:) nldjt(:) = nldjt_crs(:) nlejt(:) = nlejt_crs(:) njmppt(:) = njmppt_crs(:) ! END SUBROUTINE dom_grid_crs !!====================================================================== END MODULE crs