MODULE obs_profiles_def !!===================================================================== !! *** MODULE obs_profiles_def *** !! Observation diagnostics: Storage handling for T,S profiles !! arrays and additional flags etc. !! This module only defines the data type and !! operations on the data type. There is no !! actual data in the module. !!===================================================================== !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! obs_prof : F90 type containing the profile information !! obs_prof_var : F90 type containing the variable definition !! obs_prof_valid : F90 type containing the valid obs. definition !! obs_prof_alloc : Allocates profile arrays !! obs_prof_dealloc : Deallocates profile arrays !! obs_prof_compress : Extract sub-information from a obs_prof type !! to a new obs_prof type !! obs_prof_decompress : Reinsert sub-information from a obs_prof type !! into the original obs_prof type !! obs_prof_staend : Set npvsta and npvend of a variable within an !! obs_prof_var type !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE par_kind, ONLY : & ! Precision variables & wp USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE obs_mpp, ONLY : & ! MPP tools obs_mpp_sum_integers USE obs_fbm ! Obs feedback format USE lib_mpp, ONLY : & & ctl_warn, ctl_stop IMPLICIT NONE !! * Routine/type accessibility PRIVATE PUBLIC & & obs_prof, & & obs_prof_var, & & obs_prof_valid, & & obs_prof_alloc, & & obs_prof_alloc_var, & & obs_prof_dealloc, & & obs_prof_compress, & & obs_prof_decompress,& & obs_prof_staend !! * Type definition for valid observations TYPE obs_prof_valid LOGICAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: luse END TYPE obs_prof_valid !! * Type definition for each variable TYPE obs_prof_var ! Arrays with size equal to the number of observations INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: & & mvk, & !: k-th grid coord. for interpolating to profile data & nvpidx,& !: Profile number & nvlidx,& !: Level number in profile & nvqc, & !: Variable QC flags & idqc !: Depth QC flag REAL(KIND=wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: & & vdep, & !: Depth coordinate of profile data & vobs, & !: Profile data & vmod !: Model counterpart of the profile data vector REAL(KIND=wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: & & vext !: Extra variables INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: & & nvind !: Source indices of temp. data in compressed data ! Arrays with size equal to idefnqcf times the number of observations INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: & & idqcf, & !: Depth QC flags & nvqcf !: Variable QC flags END TYPE obs_prof_var !! * Type definition for profile observation type TYPE obs_prof ! Bookkeeping INTEGER :: nvar !: Number of variables INTEGER :: next !: Number of extra fields INTEGER :: nprof !: Total number of profiles within window. INTEGER :: nstp !: Number of time steps INTEGER :: npi !: Number of 3D grid points INTEGER :: npj INTEGER :: npk INTEGER :: nprofup !: Observation counter used in obs_oper ! Bookkeeping arrays with sizes equal to number of variables CHARACTER(len=6), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: & & cvars !: Variable names INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: & & nvprot, & !: Local total number of profile T data & nvprotmpp !: Global total number of profile T data ! Arrays with size equal to the number of profiles INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: & & npidx,& !: Profile number & npfil,& !: Profile number in file & nyea, & !: Year of profile & nmon, & !: Month of profile & nday, & !: Day of profile & nhou, & !: Hour of profile & nmin, & !: Minute of profile & mstp, & !: Time step nearest to profile & nqc, & !: Profile QC & ntyp, & !: Type of profile product (WMO table 1770) & ipqc, & !: Position QC & itqc !: Time QC REAL(KIND=wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: & & rlam, & !: Longitude coordinate of profile data & rphi !: Latitude coordinate of profile data CHARACTER(LEN=8), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: & & cwmo !: Profile WMO indentifier ! Arrays with size equal to the number of profiles times ! number of variables INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: & & npvsta, & !: Start of each variable profile in full arrays & npvend, & !: End of each variable profile in full arrays & mi, & !: i-th grid coord. for interpolating to profile T data & mj, & !: j-th grid coord. for interpolating to profile T data & ivqc !: QC flags for all levels for a variable ! Arrays with size equal to idefnqcf ! the number of profiles times number of variables INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: & & nqcf, & !: Observation QC flags & ipqcf, & !: Position QC flags & itqcf !: Time QC flags ! Arrays with size equal to idefnqcf ! the number of profiles times number of variables INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: & & ivqcf ! Arrays of variables TYPE(obs_prof_var), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: var ! Arrays with size equal to the number of time steps in the window INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: & & npstp, & !: Total number of profiles & npstpmpp !: Total number of profiles ! Arrays with size equal to the number of time steps in the window times ! number of variables INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: & & nvstp, & !: Local total num. of profile data each time step & nvstpmpp !: Global total num. of profile data each time step ! Arrays with size equal to the number of grid points times number of ! variables REAL(KIND=wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: & & vdmean !: Daily averaged model field ! Arrays used to store source indices when ! compressing obs_prof derived types ! Array with size nprof INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: & & npind !: Source indices of profile data in compressed data END TYPE obs_prof !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE obs_prof_alloc( prof, kvar, kext, kprof, & & ko3dt, kstp, kpi, kpj, kpk ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_prof_alloc *** !! !! ** Purpose : - Allocate data for profile arrays !! !! ** Method : - Fortran-90 dynamic arrays !! !! History : !! ! 07-01 (K. Mogensen) Original code !! ! 07-03 (K. Mogensen) Generalized profiles !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(INOUT) :: prof ! Profile data to be allocated INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kprof ! Number of profiles INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kvar ! Number of variables INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kext ! Number of extra fields within each variable INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(kvar) :: & & ko3dt ! Number of observations per variables INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kstp ! Number of time steps INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kpi ! Number of 3D grid points INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kpj INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kpk !!* Local variables INTEGER :: jvar INTEGER :: ji ! Set bookkeeping variables prof%nvar = kvar prof%next = kext prof%nprof = kprof prof%nstp = kstp prof%npi = kpi prof%npj = kpj prof%npk = kpk ! Allocate arrays of size number of variables ALLOCATE( & & prof%cvars(kvar), & & prof%nvprot(kvar), & & prof%nvprotmpp(kvar) & ) DO jvar = 1, kvar prof%cvars (jvar) = "NotSet" prof%nvprot (jvar) = ko3dt(jvar) prof%nvprotmpp(jvar) = 0 END DO ! Allocate arrays of size number of profiles ! times number of variables ALLOCATE( & & prof%npvsta(kprof,kvar), & & prof%npvend(kprof,kvar), & & prof%mi(kprof,kvar), & & prof%mj(kprof,kvar), & & prof%ivqc(kprof,kvar) & ) ! Allocate arrays of size iqcfdef times number of profiles ! times number of variables ALLOCATE( & & prof%ivqcf(idefnqcf,kprof,kvar) & & ) ! Allocate arrays of size number of profiles ALLOCATE( & & prof%npidx(kprof), & & prof%npfil(kprof), & & prof%nyea(kprof), & & prof%nmon(kprof), & & prof%nday(kprof), & & prof%nhou(kprof), & & prof%nmin(kprof), & & prof%mstp(kprof), & & prof%nqc(kprof), & & prof%ipqc(kprof), & & prof%itqc(kprof), & & prof%ntyp(kprof), & & prof%rlam(kprof), & & prof%rphi(kprof), & & prof%cwmo(kprof), & & prof%npind(kprof) & & ) ! Allocate arrays of size idefnqcf times number of profiles ALLOCATE( & & prof%nqcf(idefnqcf,kprof), & & prof%ipqcf(idefnqcf,kprof), & & prof%itqcf(idefnqcf,kprof) & & ) ! Allocate obs_prof_var type ALLOCATE( & & prof%var(kvar) & & ) ! For each variables allocate arrays of size number of observations DO jvar = 1, kvar IF ( ko3dt(jvar) >= 0 ) THEN CALL obs_prof_alloc_var( prof, jvar, kext, ko3dt(jvar) ) ENDIF END DO ! Allocate arrays of size number of time step size ALLOCATE( & & prof%npstp(kstp), & & prof%npstpmpp(kstp) & & ) ! Allocate arrays of size number of time step size times ! number of variables ALLOCATE( & & prof%nvstp(kstp,kvar), & & prof%nvstpmpp(kstp,kvar) & & ) ! Allocate arrays of size number of grid points size times ! number of variables ALLOCATE( & & prof%vdmean(kpi,kpj,kpk,kvar) & & ) ! Set defaults for compression indices DO ji = 1, kprof prof%npind(ji) = ji END DO DO jvar = 1, kvar DO ji = 1, ko3dt(jvar) prof%var(jvar)%nvind(ji) = ji END DO END DO ! Set defaults for number of observations per time step prof%npstp(:) = 0 prof%npstpmpp(:) = 0 prof%nvstp(:,:) = 0 prof%nvstpmpp(:,:) = 0 ! Set the observation counter used in obs_oper prof%nprofup = 0 END SUBROUTINE obs_prof_alloc SUBROUTINE obs_prof_dealloc( prof ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_prof_dealloc *** !! !! ** Purpose : - Deallocate data for profile arrays !! !! ** Method : - Fortran-90 dynamic arrays !! !! History : !! ! 07-01 (K. Mogensen) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & prof ! Profile data to be deallocated !!* Local variables INTEGER :: & & jvar ! Deallocate arrays of size number of profiles ! times number of variables DEALLOCATE( & & prof%npvsta, & & prof%npvend & ) ! Dellocate arrays of size number of profiles size DEALLOCATE( & & prof%mi, & & prof%mj, & & prof%ivqc, & & prof%ivqcf, & & prof%npidx, & & prof%npfil, & & prof%nyea, & & prof%nmon, & & prof%nday, & & prof%nhou, & & prof%nmin, & & prof%mstp, & & prof%nqc, & & prof%ipqc, & & prof%itqc, & & prof%nqcf, & & prof%ipqcf, & & prof%itqcf, & & prof%ntyp, & & prof%rlam, & & prof%rphi, & & prof%cwmo, & & prof%npind & & ) ! For each variables allocate arrays of size number of observations DO jvar = 1, prof%nvar IF ( prof%nvprot(jvar) >= 0 ) THEN CALL obs_prof_dealloc_var( prof, jvar ) ENDIF END DO ! Dellocate obs_prof_var type DEALLOCATE( & & prof%var & & ) ! Deallocate arrays of size number of time step size DEALLOCATE( & & prof%npstp, & & prof%npstpmpp & & ) ! Deallocate arrays of size number of time step size times ! number of variables DEALLOCATE( & & prof%nvstp, & & prof%nvstpmpp & & ) ! Deallocate arrays of size number of grid points size times ! number of variables DEALLOCATE( & & prof%vdmean & & ) ! Dellocate arrays of size number of variables DEALLOCATE( & & prof%cvars, & & prof%nvprot, & & prof%nvprotmpp & ) END SUBROUTINE obs_prof_dealloc SUBROUTINE obs_prof_alloc_var( prof, kvar, kext, kobs ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_prof_alloc_var *** !! !! ** Purpose : - Allocate data for variable data in profile arrays !! !! ** Method : - Fortran-90 dynamic arrays !! !! History : !! ! 07-03 (K. Mogensen) Original code !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(INOUT) :: prof ! Profile data to be allocated INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kvar ! Variable number INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kext ! Number of extra fields within each variable INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kobs ! Number of observations ALLOCATE( & & prof%var(kvar)%mvk(kobs), & & prof%var(kvar)%nvpidx(kobs), & & prof%var(kvar)%nvlidx(kobs), & & prof%var(kvar)%nvqc(kobs), & & prof%var(kvar)%idqc(kobs), & & prof%var(kvar)%vdep(kobs), & & prof%var(kvar)%vobs(kobs), & & prof%var(kvar)%vmod(kobs), & & prof%var(kvar)%nvind(kobs) & & ) ALLOCATE( & & prof%var(kvar)%idqcf(idefnqcf,kobs), & & prof%var(kvar)%nvqcf(idefnqcf,kobs) & & ) IF (kext>0) THEN ALLOCATE( & & prof%var(kvar)%vext(kobs,kext) & & ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE obs_prof_alloc_var SUBROUTINE obs_prof_dealloc_var( prof, kvar ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_prof_alloc_var *** !! !! ** Purpose : - Allocate data for variable data in profile arrays !! !! ** Method : - Fortran-90 dynamic arrays !! !! History : !! ! 07-03 (K. Mogensen) Original code !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(INOUT) :: prof ! Profile data to be allocated INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kvar ! Variable number DEALLOCATE( & & prof%var(kvar)%mvk, & & prof%var(kvar)%nvpidx, & & prof%var(kvar)%nvlidx, & & prof%var(kvar)%nvqc, & & prof%var(kvar)%idqc, & & prof%var(kvar)%vdep, & & prof%var(kvar)%vobs, & & prof%var(kvar)%vmod, & & prof%var(kvar)%nvind, & & prof%var(kvar)%idqcf, & & prof%var(kvar)%nvqcf & & ) IF (prof%next>0) THEN DEALLOCATE( & & prof%var(kvar)%vext & & ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE obs_prof_dealloc_var SUBROUTINE obs_prof_compress( prof, newprof, lallocate, & & kumout, lvalid, lvvalid ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_prof_compress *** !! !! ** Purpose : - Extract sub-information from a obs_prof type !! into a new obs_prof type !! !! ** Method : - The data is copied from prof to new prof. !! In the case of lvalid and lvvalid both being !! present only the selected data will be copied. !! If lallocate is true the data in the newprof is !! allocated either with the same number of elements !! as prof or with only the subset of elements defined !! by the optional selection in lvalid and lvvalid !! !! History : !! ! 07-01 (K. Mogensen) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(IN) :: prof ! Original profile TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(INOUT) :: newprof ! New profile with the copy of the data LOGICAL :: lallocate ! Allocate newprof data INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: kumout ! Fortran unit for messages TYPE(obs_prof_valid), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: & & lvalid ! Valid profiles TYPE(obs_prof_valid), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(prof%nvar) :: & & lvvalid ! Valid data within the profiles !!* Local variables INTEGER :: inprof INTEGER, DIMENSION(prof%nvar) :: & & invpro INTEGER :: jvar INTEGER :: jext INTEGER :: ji INTEGER :: jj LOGICAL :: lfirst TYPE(obs_prof_valid) :: & & llvalid TYPE(obs_prof_valid), DIMENSION(prof%nvar) :: & & llvvalid LOGICAL :: lallpresent LOGICAL :: lnonepresent ! Check that either all or none of the masks are persent. lallpresent = .FALSE. lnonepresent = .FALSE. IF ( PRESENT(lvalid) .AND. PRESENT(lvvalid) ) THEN lallpresent = .TRUE. ELSEIF ( ( .NOT. PRESENT(lvalid) ) .AND. & & ( .NOT. PRESENT(lvvalid) ) ) THEN lnonepresent = .TRUE. ELSE CALL ctl_stop('Error in obs_prof_compress:', & & 'Either all selection variables should be set', & & 'or no selection variable should be set' ) ENDIF ! Count how many elements there should be in the new data structure IF ( lallpresent ) THEN inprof = 0 invpro(:) = 0 DO ji = 1, prof%nprof IF ( lvalid%luse(ji) ) THEN inprof=inprof+1 DO jvar = 1, prof%nvar DO jj = prof%npvsta(ji,jvar), prof%npvend(ji,jvar) IF ( lvvalid(jvar)%luse(jj) ) & & invpro(jvar) = invpro(jvar) +1 END DO END DO ENDIF END DO ELSE inprof = prof%nprof invpro(:) = prof%nvprot(:) ENDIF ! Optionally allocate data in the new data structure IF ( lallocate ) THEN CALL obs_prof_alloc( newprof, prof%nvar, & & prof%next, & & inprof, invpro, & & prof%nstp, prof%npi, & & prof%npj, prof%npk ) ENDIF ! Allocate temporary mask array to unify the code for both cases ALLOCATE( llvalid%luse(prof%nprof) ) DO jvar = 1, prof%nvar ALLOCATE( llvvalid(jvar)%luse(prof%nvprot(jvar)) ) END DO IF ( lallpresent ) THEN llvalid%luse(:) = lvalid%luse(:) DO jvar = 1, prof%nvar llvvalid(jvar)%luse(:) = lvvalid(jvar)%luse(:) END DO ELSE llvalid%luse(:) = .TRUE. DO jvar = 1, prof%nvar llvvalid(jvar)%luse(:) = .TRUE. END DO ENDIF ! Setup bookkeeping variables inprof = 0 invpro(:) = 0 newprof%npvsta(:,:) = 0 newprof%npvend(:,:) = -1 ! Loop over source profiles DO ji = 1, prof%nprof IF ( llvalid%luse(ji) ) THEN ! Copy the header information inprof = inprof + 1 newprof%mi(inprof,:) = prof%mi(ji,:) newprof%mj(inprof,:) = prof%mj(ji,:) newprof%npidx(inprof) = prof%npidx(ji) newprof%npfil(inprof) = prof%npfil(ji) newprof%nyea(inprof) = prof%nyea(ji) newprof%nmon(inprof) = prof%nmon(ji) newprof%nday(inprof) = prof%nday(ji) newprof%nhou(inprof) = prof%nhou(ji) newprof%nmin(inprof) = prof%nmin(ji) newprof%mstp(inprof) = prof%mstp(ji) newprof%nqc(inprof) = prof%nqc(ji) newprof%ipqc(inprof) = prof%ipqc(ji) newprof%itqc(inprof) = prof%itqc(ji) newprof%ivqc(inprof,:)= prof%ivqc(ji,:) newprof%ntyp(inprof) = prof%ntyp(ji) newprof%rlam(inprof) = prof%rlam(ji) newprof%rphi(inprof) = prof%rphi(ji) newprof%cwmo(inprof) = prof%cwmo(ji) ! QC info newprof%nqcf(:,inprof) = prof%nqcf(:,ji) newprof%ipqcf(:,inprof) = prof%ipqcf(:,ji) newprof%itqcf(:,inprof) = prof%itqcf(:,ji) newprof%ivqcf(:,inprof,:) = prof%ivqcf(:,ji,:) ! npind is the index of the original profile newprof%npind(inprof) = ji ! Copy the variable information DO jvar = 1, prof%nvar lfirst = .TRUE. DO jj = prof%npvsta(ji,jvar), prof%npvend(ji,jvar) IF ( llvvalid(jvar)%luse(jj) ) THEN invpro(jvar) = invpro(jvar) + 1 ! Book keeping information IF ( lfirst ) THEN lfirst = .FALSE. newprof%npvsta(inprof,jvar) = invpro(jvar) ENDIF newprof%npvend(inprof,jvar) = invpro(jvar) ! Variable data newprof%var(jvar)%mvk(invpro(jvar)) = & & prof%var(jvar)%mvk(jj) newprof%var(jvar)%nvpidx(invpro(jvar)) = & & prof%var(jvar)%nvpidx(jj) newprof%var(jvar)%nvlidx(invpro(jvar)) = & & prof%var(jvar)%nvlidx(jj) newprof%var(jvar)%nvqc(invpro(jvar)) = & & prof%var(jvar)%nvqc(jj) newprof%var(jvar)%idqc(invpro(jvar)) = & & prof%var(jvar)%idqc(jj) newprof%var(jvar)%idqcf(:,invpro(jvar))= & & prof%var(jvar)%idqcf(:,jj) newprof%var(jvar)%nvqcf(:,invpro(jvar))= & & prof%var(jvar)%nvqcf(:,jj) newprof%var(jvar)%vdep(invpro(jvar)) = & & prof%var(jvar)%vdep(jj) newprof%var(jvar)%vobs(invpro(jvar)) = & & prof%var(jvar)%vobs(jj) newprof%var(jvar)%vmod(invpro(jvar)) = & & prof%var(jvar)%vmod(jj) DO jext = 1, prof%next newprof%var(jvar)%vext(invpro(jvar),jext) = & & prof%var(jvar)%vext(jj,jext) END DO ! nvind is the index of the original variable data newprof%var(jvar)%nvind(invpro(jvar)) = jj ENDIF END DO END DO ENDIF END DO ! Update MPP counters DO jvar = 1, prof%nvar newprof%nvprot(jvar) = invpro(jvar) END DO CALL obs_mpp_sum_integers ( newprof%nvprot, newprof%nvprotmpp,& & prof%nvar ) ! Set book keeping variables which do not depend on number of obs. newprof%nvar = prof%nvar newprof%next = prof%next newprof%nstp = prof%nstp newprof%npi = prof%npi newprof%npj = prof%npj newprof%npk = prof%npk newprof%cvars(:) = prof%cvars(:) ! Deallocate temporary data DO jvar = 1, prof%nvar DEALLOCATE( llvvalid(jvar)%luse ) END DO DEALLOCATE( llvalid%luse ) END SUBROUTINE obs_prof_compress SUBROUTINE obs_prof_decompress( prof, oldprof, ldeallocate, kumout ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_prof_decompress *** !! !! ** Purpose : - Copy back information to original profile type !! !! ** Method : - Reinsert updated information from a previous !! copied/compressed profile type into the original !! profile data and optionally deallocate the prof !! data input !! !! History : !! ! 07-01 (K. Mogensen) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_prof),INTENT(INOUT) :: prof ! Updated profile data TYPE(obs_prof),INTENT(INOUT) :: oldprof ! Original profile data LOGICAL :: ldeallocate ! Deallocate the updated data of insertion INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: kumout ! Output unit !!* Local variables INTEGER :: jvar INTEGER :: jext INTEGER :: ji INTEGER :: jj INTEGER :: jk INTEGER :: jl DO ji = 1, prof%nprof ! Copy header information jk = prof%npind(ji) oldprof%mi(jk,:) = prof%mi(ji,:) oldprof%mj(jk,:) = prof%mj(ji,:) oldprof%npidx(jk) = prof%npidx(ji) oldprof%npfil(jk) = prof%npfil(ji) oldprof%nyea(jk) = prof%nyea(ji) oldprof%nmon(jk) = prof%nmon(ji) oldprof%nday(jk) = prof%nday(ji) oldprof%nhou(jk) = prof%nhou(ji) oldprof%nmin(jk) = prof%nmin(ji) oldprof%mstp(jk) = prof%mstp(ji) oldprof%nqc(jk) = prof%nqc(ji) oldprof%ipqc(jk) = prof%ipqc(ji) oldprof%itqc(jk) = prof%itqc(ji) oldprof%ivqc(jk,:)= prof%ivqc(ji,:) oldprof%ntyp(jk) = prof%ntyp(ji) oldprof%rlam(jk) = prof%rlam(ji) oldprof%rphi(jk) = prof%rphi(ji) oldprof%cwmo(jk) = prof%cwmo(ji) ! QC info oldprof%nqcf(:,jk) = prof%nqcf(:,ji) oldprof%ipqcf(:,jk) = prof%ipqcf(:,ji) oldprof%itqcf(:,jk) = prof%itqcf(:,ji) oldprof%ivqcf(:,jk,:) = prof%ivqcf(:,ji,:) ! Copy the variable information DO jvar = 1, prof%nvar DO jj = prof%npvsta(ji,jvar), prof%npvend(ji,jvar) jl = prof%var(jvar)%nvind(jj) oldprof%var(jvar)%mvk(jl) = prof%var(jvar)%mvk(jj) oldprof%var(jvar)%nvpidx(jl) = prof%var(jvar)%nvpidx(jj) oldprof%var(jvar)%nvlidx(jl) = prof%var(jvar)%nvlidx(jj) oldprof%var(jvar)%nvqc(jl) = prof%var(jvar)%nvqc(jj) oldprof%var(jvar)%idqc(jl) = prof%var(jvar)%idqc(jj) oldprof%var(jvar)%vdep(jl) = prof%var(jvar)%vdep(jj) oldprof%var(jvar)%vobs(jl) = prof%var(jvar)%vobs(jj) oldprof%var(jvar)%vmod(jl) = prof%var(jvar)%vmod(jj) oldprof%var(jvar)%idqcf(:,jl) = prof%var(jvar)%idqcf(:,jj) oldprof%var(jvar)%nvqcf(:,jl) = prof%var(jvar)%nvqcf(:,jj) DO jext = 1, prof%next oldprof%var(jvar)%vext(jl,jext) = & & prof%var(jvar)%vext(jj,jext) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! Optionally deallocate the updated profile data IF ( ldeallocate ) CALL obs_prof_dealloc( prof ) END SUBROUTINE obs_prof_decompress SUBROUTINE obs_prof_staend( prof, kvarno ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_prof_decompress *** !! !! ** Purpose : - Set npvsta and npvend of a variable within !! an obs_prof_var type !! !! ** Method : - Find the start and stop of a profile by searching !! through the data !! !! History : !! ! 07-04 (K. Mogensen) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_prof),INTENT(INOUT) :: prof ! Profile data INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: kvarno ! Variable number !!* Local variables INTEGER :: ji INTEGER :: iprofno !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute start and end bookkeeping arrays !----------------------------------------------------------------------- prof%npvsta(:,kvarno) = prof%nvprot(kvarno) + 1 prof%npvend(:,kvarno) = -1 DO ji = 1, prof%nvprot(kvarno) iprofno = prof%var(kvarno)%nvpidx(ji) prof%npvsta(iprofno,kvarno) = & & MIN( ji, prof%npvsta(iprofno,kvarno) ) prof%npvend(iprofno,kvarno) = & & MAX( ji, prof%npvend(iprofno,kvarno) ) END DO DO ji = 1, prof%nprof IF ( prof%npvsta(ji,kvarno) == ( prof%nvprot(kvarno) + 1 ) ) & & prof%npvsta(ji,kvarno) = 0 END DO END SUBROUTINE obs_prof_staend END MODULE obs_profiles_def