MODULE diadimg !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE diadimg *** !! Ocean diagnostics : write ocean output files in dimg direct access format (mpp) !!===================================================================== # if defined key_dimgout !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! * Accessibility PUBLIC dia_wri_dimg ! called by trd_mld (eg) !! * Substitutions # include "domzgr_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! OPA 9.0 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2005) !! $Id$ !! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE dia_wri_dimg(cd_name, cd_text, ptab, klev, cd_type , ksubi ) !!------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dia_wri_dimg *** !! !! ** Purpose : write ptab in the dimg file cd_name, with comment cd_text. !! ptab has klev x 2D fields !! !! ** Action : !! Define header variables from the config parameters !! Open the dimg file on unit inum = 14 ( IEEE I4R4 file ) !! Write header on record 1 !! Write ptab on the following klev records !! !! History : !! 03-12 (J.M. Molines ) : Original. Replace ctl_opn, writn2d !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments CHARACTER(len=*),INTENT(in) :: & & cd_name, & ! dimg file name & cd_text ! comment to write on record #1 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: klev ! number of level in ptab to write REAL(wp),INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: ptab ! 3D array to write CHARACTER(LEN=1),INTENT(in) :: cd_type ! either 'T', 'W' or '2' , depending on the vertical ! ! grid for ptab. 2 stands for 2D file INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(klev) :: ksubi !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: jk, jn ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: irecl4, & ! record length in bytes & inum, & ! logical unit & irec ! current record to be written REAL(sp) :: zdx,zdy,zspval,zwest,ztimm REAL(sp) :: zsouth REAL(sp),DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: z42d ! 2d temporary workspace (sp) REAL(sp),DIMENSION(jpk) :: z4dep ! vertical level (sp) CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: clname ! name of file in case of dimgnnn CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: clver='@!01' ! dimg string identifier !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Initialisations irecl4 = MAX(jpi*jpj*sp , 84+18*sp + (jpk+8)*jpnij*sp ) zspval=0.0_sp ! special values on land ! the 'numerical' grid is described. The geographical one is in a grid file zdx=1._sp zdy=1._sp zsouth=njmpp * 1._sp zwest=nimpp * 1._sp ! time in days since the historical begining of the run (nit000 = 0 ) ztimm=adatrj SELECT CASE ( cd_type ) CASE ( 'T') z4dep(:)=gdept_0(:) CASE ( 'W' ) z4dep(:)=gdepw_0(:) CASE ( '2' ) z4dep(1:klev) =(/(jk, jk=1,klev)/) CASE ( 'I' ) z4dep(1:klev) = ksubi(1:klev) CASE DEFAULT IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' E R R O R : bad cd_type in dia_wri_dimg ' STOP 'dia_wri_dimg' END SELECT IF ( ln_dimgnnn ) THEN WRITE(clname,'(a,a,i3.3)') TRIM(cd_name),'.',narea CALL ctl_opn( inum, clname, 'REPLACE', 'UNFORMATTED', 'DIRECT', irecl4, numout, lwp ) WRITE(inum,REC=1 ) clver, cd_text, irecl4, & & jpi,jpj, klev, 1 , 1 , & & zwest, zsouth, zdx, zdy, zspval, & & z4dep(1:klev), & & ztimm, & & narea, jpnij,jpiglo,jpjglo,jpizoom, jpjzoom, & ! extension to dimg for mpp output & nlcit,nlcjt, nldit, nldjt, nleit, nlejt, nimppt, njmppt ! !! * Write klev levels IF ( cd_type == 'I' ) THEN DO jk = 1, klev irec =1 + jk z42d(:,:) = ptab(:,:,ksubi(jk)) WRITE(inum,REC=irec) z42d(:,:) END DO ELSE DO jk = 1, klev irec =1 + jk z42d(:,:) = ptab(:,:,jk) WRITE(inum,REC=irec) z42d(:,:) END DO ENDIF ELSE !! Standard dimgproc (1 file per variable, all procs. write to this file ) !! * Open file CALL ctl_opn( inum, cd_name, 'REPLACE', 'UNFORMATTED', 'DIRECT', irecl4, numout, lwp ) !! * Write header on record #1 IF(lwp) WRITE(inum,REC=1 ) clver, cd_text, irecl4, & & jpi,jpj, klev*jpnij, 1 , 1 , & & zwest, zsouth, zdx, zdy, zspval, & & (z4dep(1:klev),jn=1,jpnij), & & ztimm, & & narea, jpnij,jpiglo,jpjglo,jpizoom, jpjzoom, & ! extension to dimg for mpp output & nlcit,nlcjt, nldit, nldjt, nleit, nlejt, nimppt, njmppt ! !! * Write klev levels IF ( cd_type == 'I' ) THEN DO jk = 1, klev irec =1 + klev * (narea -1) + jk z42d(:,:) = ptab(:,:,ksubi(jk)) WRITE(inum,REC=irec) z42d(:,:) END DO ELSE DO jk = 1, klev irec =1 + klev * (narea -1) + jk z42d(:,:) = ptab(:,:,jk) WRITE(inum,REC=irec) z42d(:,:) END DO ENDIF ENDIF !! * Close the file CLOSE(inum) END SUBROUTINE dia_wri_dimg # else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Default option : Empty module !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE dia_wri_dimg( cd_name, cd_exper, ptab, klev, cd_type ) REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: ptab INTEGER :: klev CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: cd_name, cd_exper,cd_type WRITE(*,*) ' This print must never occur ', cd_name, cd_exper,ptab, klev, cd_type WRITE(*,*) ' this routine is here just for compilation ' END SUBROUTINE dia_wri_dimg # endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE diadimg