
This is the User Guide for the Flexible Configuration Management system which is known as FCM. It is designed to tell you everything you need to know if you want to develop code which has been configured within FCM. In addition it also provides the extra information you will need if you are system manager of a project within FCM.

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This guide consists of the following sections:

System Overview
A brief description of the main features of FCM.
Getting Started
How to start using FCM. It includes a tutorial for you to work through and familiarise yourself with some FCM activities.
Code Management System
How to use the code management system to manage code changes.
Code Management Working Practices
Recommended ways of working with the code management system.
The Extract System
How to extract code from the repository ready for building.
The Build System
How to compile code using the build system.
System Administration
How to configure and maintain a new system within FCM.
FCM Command Reference
Detailed information about each of the fcm commands.
Further Information
Where to find further information about FCM and about configuration management in general.
Quick reference
A quick reference to many useful FCM code management system commands.
Declarations in FCM central/user configuration file
Detailed definitions of what declarations are allowed in a central/user configuration file.
Declarations in FCM extract configuration file
Detailed definitions of what declarations are allowed in an extract configuration file.
Declarations in FCM build configuration file
Detailed definitions of what declarations are allowed in a build file.