MODULE trcini_medusa !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE trcini_medusa *** !! TOP : initialisation of the MEDUSA tracers !!====================================================================== !! History : 2.0 ! 2007-12 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) Original code !! - ! 2008-08 (K. Popova) adaptation for MEDUSA !! - ! 2008-11 (A. Yool) continuing adaptation for MEDUSA !! - ! 2010-03 (A. Yool) updated for branch inclusion !! - ! 2011-04 (A. Yool) updated for ROAM project !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_medusa !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_medusa' MEDUSA tracers !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! trc_ini_medusa : MEDUSA model initialisation !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_trc ! TOP parameters USE oce_trc USE trc USE in_out_manager !! AXY (04/11/13): add this in for initialisation stuff USE iom USE par_medusa !! AXY (13/01/12): add this in for sediment variables USE sms_medusa !! AXY (04/11/13): add this in for initialisation stuff USE trcsed_medusa USE sbc_oce, ONLY: lk_oasis USE oce, ONLY: CO2Flux_out_cpl, DMS_out_cpl !! Coupling variable IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC trc_ini_medusa ! called by trcini.F90 module !! AXY (25/02/10) LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: & bocalccd = .TRUE. !! JPALM (14/09/15) LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: & ln_ccd = .TRUE. INTEGER :: & numccd !! AXY (25/02/10) INTEGER :: & numriv !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/TOP 2.0 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2007) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE trc_ini_medusa !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** trc_ini_medusa *** !! !! ** Purpose : initialization for MEDUSA model !! !! ** Method : - Read the namcfc namelist and check the parameter values !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! vertical array index INTEGER :: jk, ierr !! AXY (19/07/12): added jk2 to set up friver_dep array INTEGER :: jk2 !! AXY (19/07/12): added tfthk to set up friver_dep array REAL(wp) :: fthk, tfthk !! AXY (04/11/13): add in temporary variables for checks REAL(wp) :: fq0, fq1, fq2 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' trc_ini_medusa: initialisation of MEDUSA model' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' # if defined key_debug_medusa CALL flush(numout) # endif ! Allocate MEDUSA arrays ierr = sms_medusa_alloc() # if defined key_debug_medusa IF (lwp) write (numout,*) '------------------------------' IF (lwp) write (numout,*) 'Jpalm - debug' IF (lwp) write (numout,*) 'in trc_ini_medusa, just after array allocate' IF (lwp) write (numout,*) ' ' CALL flush(numout) # endif !! !! AXY (19/07/12): setup array to control distribution of river nutrients friver_dep(:,:) = 0. DO jk = 1,jpk tfthk = 0. DO jk2 = 1,jriver_dep fthk = e3t_1d(jk2) if (jk2 .le. jk) then tfthk = tfthk + fthk friver_dep(jk2,jk) = fthk endif ENDDO DO jk2 = 1,jriver_dep friver_dep(jk2,jk) = friver_dep(jk2,jk) / tfthk ENDDO ENDDO !! !! Have a look at the result of this for a single depth (jriver_dep + 1) IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) '=== River nutrient fraction by depth (for a water column of jpk depth)' DO jk = 1,jpk WRITE(numout,*) & & ' cell = ', jk, ', friver_dep value = ', friver_dep(jk,jpk) ENDDO IF(lwp) CALL flush(numout) ENDIF #if defined key_roam !! ROAM 3D and 2D carbonate system fields (calculated on first time !! step, then monthly) f3_pH(:,:,:) = 0. f3_h2co3(:,:,:) = 0. f3_hco3(:,:,:) = 0. f3_co3(:,:,:) = 0. f3_omcal(:,:,:) = 0. f3_omarg(:,:,:) = 0. !! f2_ccd_cal(:,:) = 0. f2_ccd_arg(:,:) = 0. IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' trc_ini_medusa: carbonate fields initialised to zero' #endif IF(lwp) CALL flush(numout) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! State variable initial conditions (all mmol / m3) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! biological and detrital components are initialised to nominal !! values above 100 m depth and zero below; the latter condition !! is applied since non-linear loss processes allow significant !! concentrations of these components to persist at depth !! trn(:,:,:,jpchn) = 0. trn(:,:,:,jpchd) = 0. trn(:,:,:,jpphn) = 0. trn(:,:,:,jpphd) = 0. trn(:,:,:,jppds) = 0. trn(:,:,:,jpzmi) = 0. trn(:,:,:,jpzme) = 0. trn(:,:,:,jpdet) = 0. !! DO jk = 1,13 !! non-diatom chlorophyll (nominal) trn(:,:,jk,jpchn) = 0.01 !! !! diatom chlorophyll (nominal) trn(:,:,jk,jpchd) = 0.01 !! !! non-diatom (nominal) trn(:,:,jk,jpphn) = 0.01 !! !! diatom (nominal) trn(:,:,jk,jpphd) = 0.01 !! !! diatom silicon (nominal) trn(:,:,jk,jppds) = 0.01 !! !! microzooplankton (nominal) trn(:,:,jk,jpzmi) = 0.01 !! !! mesozooplankton (nominal) trn(:,:,jk,jpzme) = 0.01 !! !! detrital nitrogen (nominal) trn(:,:,jk,jpdet) = 0.01 ENDDO !! !! dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nominal average value; typically initialised from climatology) trn(:,:,:,jpdin) = 30. !! !! dissolved silicic acid (nominal average value; typically initialised from climatology) trn(:,:,:,jpsil) = 90. !! !! dissolved "total" iron (nominal; typically initialised from model-derived climatology) trn(:,:,:,jpfer) = 1.0e-4 !! = 0.1 umol Fe / m3 !! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' trc_ini_medusa: MEDUSA-1 fields initialised to defaults' # if defined key_roam !! !! detrital carbon (nominal) trn(:,:,:,jpdtc) = 0. DO jk = 1,13 trn(:,:,jk,jpdtc) = 0.06625 ENDDO !! !! dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) (nominal average value; typically initialised from climatology) trn(:,:,:,jpdic) = 2330. !! !! total alkalinity (nominal average value; typically initialised from climatology) trn(:,:,:,jpalk) = 2450. !! !! dissolved oxygen (nominal average value; typically initialised from climatology) trn(:,:,:,jpoxy) = 175. !! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' trc_ini_medusa: MEDUSA-2 fields initialised to defaults' # endif IF(lwp) CALL flush(numout) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Sediment pools initial conditions (all mmol / m2) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! these pools store biogenic material that has sunk to the seabed, !! and act as a temporary reservoir zb_sed_n(:,:) = 0.0 !! organic N zn_sed_n(:,:) = 0.0 za_sed_n(:,:) = 0.0 zb_sed_fe(:,:) = 0.0 !! organic Fe zn_sed_fe(:,:) = 0.0 za_sed_fe(:,:) = 0.0 zb_sed_si(:,:) = 0.0 !! inorganic Si zn_sed_si(:,:) = 0.0 za_sed_si(:,:) = 0.0 zb_sed_c(:,:) = 0.0 !! organic C zn_sed_c(:,:) = 0.0 za_sed_c(:,:) = 0.0 zb_sed_ca(:,:) = 0.0 !! inorganic C zn_sed_ca(:,:) = 0.0 za_sed_ca(:,:) = 0.0 !! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' trc_ini_medusa: benthic fields initialised to zero' IF(lwp) CALL flush(numout) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Averaged properties for DMS calculations (various units) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! these store temporally averaged properties for DMS calculations (AXY, 07/07/15) zb_dms_chn(:,:) = 0.0 !! CHN zn_dms_chn(:,:) = 0.0 za_dms_chn(:,:) = 0.0 zb_dms_chd(:,:) = 0.0 !! CHD zn_dms_chd(:,:) = 0.0 za_dms_chd(:,:) = 0.0 zb_dms_mld(:,:) = 0.0 !! MLD zn_dms_mld(:,:) = 0.0 za_dms_mld(:,:) = 0.0 zb_dms_qsr(:,:) = 0.0 !! QSR zn_dms_qsr(:,:) = 0.0 za_dms_qsr(:,:) = 0.0 zb_dms_din(:,:) = 0.0 !! DIN zn_dms_din(:,:) = 0.0 za_dms_din(:,:) = 0.0 !! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' trc_ini_medusa: average fields for DMS initialised to zero' IF(lwp) CALL flush(numout) !! !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !!JPALM (14-06-2016): init dms and co2 flux for coupling with atm (UKESM) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! zb_co2_flx(:,:) = 0.0 !! CHN zn_co2_flx(:,:) = 0.0 za_co2_flx(:,:) = 0.0 zb_dms_srf(:,:) = 0.0 !! CHD zn_dms_srf(:,:) = 0.0 za_dms_srf(:,:) = 0.0 !! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' trc_ini_medusa: DMS and CO2 flux (UKESM) initialised to zero' IF(lwp) CALL flush(numout) IF (lk_oasis) THEN CO2Flux_out_cpl(:,:) = zn_co2_flx(:,:) !! Coupling variable DMS_out_cpl(:,:) = zn_dms_srf(:,:) !! Coupling variable END IF !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! AXY (04/11/13): initialise fields previously done by trc_sed_medusa !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' trc_ini_medusa: initialising dust deposition fields' CALL trc_sed_medusa_sbc( nit000 ) !! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' trc_ini_medusa: initialising ocean CCD array' CALL trc_ini_medusa_ccd( nit000 ) fq0 = MINVAL(ocal_ccd(:,:)) fq1 = MAXVAL(ocal_ccd(:,:)) if (lwp) write (numout,'(a,f10.3,a,f10.3)') & & 'CCD: min ', fq0, ' max ', fq1 !! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' trc_ini_medusa: initialising riverine nutrient arrays' riv_n(:,:) = 0.0 riv_si(:,:) = 0.0 riv_c(:,:) = 0.0 riv_alk(:,:) = 0.0 !! CALL trc_ini_medusa_river( nit000 ) fq0 = MINVAL(riv_n(:,:)) fq1 = MAXVAL(riv_n(:,:)) if (lwp) write (numout,'(a,f10.3,a,f10.3)') & & 'RIV_N: min ', fq0, ' max ', fq1 fq0 = MINVAL(riv_si(:,:)) fq1 = MAXVAL(riv_si(:,:)) if (lwp) write (numout,'(a,f10.3,a,f10.3)') & & 'RIV_SI: min ', fq0, ' max ', fq1 fq0 = MINVAL(riv_c(:,:)) fq1 = MAXVAL(riv_c(:,:)) if (lwp) write (numout,'(a,f10.3,a,f10.3)') & & 'RIV_C: min ', fq0, ' max ', fq1 fq0 = MINVAL(riv_alk(:,:)) fq1 = MAXVAL(riv_alk(:,:)) if (lwp) write (numout,'(a,f10.3,a,f10.3)') & & 'RIV_ALK: min ', fq0, ' max ', fq1 IF(lwp) CALL flush(numout) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' trc_ini_medusa: MEDUSA initialised' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' IF(lwp) CALL flush(numout) END SUBROUTINE trc_ini_medusa !! ====================================================================== !! ====================================================================== !! ====================================================================== !! AXY (25/02/10) SUBROUTINE trc_ini_medusa_ccd(kt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trc_ini_medusa_ccd *** !! !! ** Purpose : Read CCD field !! !! ** Method : Read the file !! !! ** input : external netcdf files !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time step !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Open the file !! ------------- !! !!!! JPALM -- 14-09-2015 -- !!!! -- to test on ORCA2 with Christian, no file available, so initiate to 0 IF (ln_ccd) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** Routine trc_ini_medusa_ccd' CALL iom_open ( '', numccd ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_ccd: opened' !! Read the data !! ------------- !! CALL iom_get ( numccd, jpdom_data, 'OCAL_CCD', ocal_ccd ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_ccd: data read' !! Close the file !! -------------- !! CALL iom_close ( numccd ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_ccd: closed' IF(lwp) CALL flush(numout) ELSE IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** Routine trc_ini_medusa_ccd' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_ccd: do not read' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** ln_ccd = FALSE and ocal_ccd = 0.0 ---' ocal_ccd(:,:) = 0.0 ENDIF END SUBROUTINE trc_ini_medusa_ccd !! ====================================================================== !! ====================================================================== !! ====================================================================== !! AXY (26/01/12) SUBROUTINE trc_ini_medusa_river(kt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trc_ini_medusa_river *** !! !! ** Purpose : Read riverine nutrient fields !! !! ** Method : Read the file !! !! ** input : external netcdf files !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time step !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' ' WRITE(numout,*) ' **** Routine trc_ini_medusa_river' WRITE(numout,*) ' ' ENDIF !! Open and read the files !! ----------------------- !! if ( then if (jriver_n.eq.1) CALL iom_open ( '', numriv ) if (jriver_n.eq.2) CALL iom_open ( '', numriv ) CALL iom_get ( numriv, jpdom_data, 'RIV_N', riv_n ) IF(lwp) THEN if (jriver_n.eq.1) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: N CONC data read' if (jriver_n.eq.2) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: N FLUX data read' ENDIF CALL iom_close ( numriv ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: river N file closed' else IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: N data NOT read' ENDIF endif !! if ( then if (jriver_si.eq.1) CALL iom_open ( '', numriv ) if (jriver_si.eq.2) CALL iom_open ( '', numriv ) CALL iom_get ( numriv, jpdom_data, 'RIV_SI', riv_si ) IF(lwp) THEN if (jriver_si.eq.1) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: Si CONC data read' if (jriver_si.eq.2) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: Si FLUX data read' ENDIF CALL iom_close ( numriv ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: river Si file closed' else IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: Si data NOT read' ENDIF endif !! if ( then if (jriver_c.eq.1) CALL iom_open ( '', numriv ) if (jriver_c.eq.2) CALL iom_open ( '', numriv ) CALL iom_get ( numriv, jpdom_data, 'RIV_C', riv_c ) IF(lwp) THEN if (jriver_c.eq.1) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: C CONC data read' if (jriver_c.eq.2) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: C FLUX data read' ENDIF CALL iom_close ( numriv ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: river C file closed' else IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: C data NOT read' ENDIF endif !! if ( then if (jriver_alk.eq.1) CALL iom_open ( '', numriv ) if (jriver_alk.eq.2) CALL iom_open ( '', numriv ) CALL iom_get ( numriv, jpdom_data, 'RIV_ALK', riv_alk ) IF(lwp) THEN if (jriver_alk.eq.1) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: alkalinity CONC data read' if (jriver_alk.eq.2) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: alkalinity FLUX data read' ENDIF CALL iom_close ( numriv ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: river alkalinity file closed' else IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' **** trc_ini_medusa_river: alkalinity data NOT read' ENDIF endif IF(lwp) CALL flush(numout) END SUBROUTINE trc_ini_medusa_river #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Dummy module No MEDUSA model !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE trc_ini_medusa ! Empty routine END SUBROUTINE trc_ini_medusa #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE trcini_medusa