MODULE trcwri_fabm !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE trcwri_fabm *** !! fabm : Output of FABM tracers !!====================================================================== !! History : 1.0 ! 2009-05 (C. Ethe) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_top && key_fabm && defined key_iomput !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_fabm' FABM model !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! trc_wri_fabm : outputs of concentration fields !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE trc ! passive tracers common variables USE iom ! I/O manager USE trdtrc_oce USE trcsms_fabm, only: trc_sms_fabm_check_mass USE par_fabm USE st2d_fabm USE fabm, only: fabm_get_bulk_diagnostic_data, fabm_get_horizontal_diagnostic_data IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE #if defined key_tracer_budget REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), SAVE :: tr_temp REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:), SAVE :: fabm_st2d_temp #endif INTERFACE trc_wri_fabm MODULE PROCEDURE wri_fabm,wri_fabm_fl END INTERFACE trc_wri_fabm PUBLIC trc_wri_fabm # include "top_substitute.h90" CONTAINS SUBROUTINE wri_fabm_fl(kt,fl) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trc_wri_trc *** !! !! ** Purpose : output passive tracers fields !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: fl INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt #if defined key_tracer_budget INTEGER :: jn CHARACTER (len=20) :: cltra REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: trpool !temporary storage pool 3D REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: st2dpool !temporary storage pool 2D !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write the tracer concentrations in the file ! --------------------------------------- ! depth integrated ! for strict budgetting write this out at end of timestep as an average between 'now' and 'after' at kt DO jn = 1, jp_fabm1 IF(ln_trdtrc (jn))THEN trpool(:,:,:) = 0.5 * ( trn(:,:,:,jp_fabm0+jn-1)*fse3t_a(:,:,:) + & tr_temp(:,:,:,jn)*fse3t(:,:,:) ) cltra = TRIM( model%state_variables(jn)%name )//"_e3t" ! depth integrated output IF( kt == nittrc000 ) write(6,*)'output pool ',cltra CALL iom_put( cltra, trpool) ENDIF END DO #else CONTINUE #endif END SUBROUTINE wri_fabm_fl SUBROUTINE wri_fabm(kt) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trc_wri_trc *** !! !! ** Purpose : output passive tracers fields !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt INTEGER :: jn #if defined key_tracer_budget IF( kt == nittrc000 ) THEN ALLOCATE(tr_temp(jpi,jpj,jpk,jp_fabm),fabm_st2d_temp(jpi,jpj,jp_fabm_surface+jp_fabm_bottom)) ENDIF tr_temp(:,:,:,:)=trn(:,:,:,jp_fabm0:jp_fabm1) ! slwa save for tracer budget (unfiltered trn) fabm_st2d_temp(:,:,:)=fabm_st2dn(:,:,:) #endif DO jn = 1, jp_fabm CALL iom_put( model%state_variables(jn)%name, trn(:,:,:,jp_fabm0+jn-1) ) END DO DO jn = 1, jp_fabm_surface CALL iom_put( model%surface_state_variables(jn)%name, fabm_st2dn(:,:,jn) ) END DO DO jn = 1, jp_fabm_bottom CALL iom_put( model%bottom_state_variables(jn)%name, fabm_st2dn(:,:,jp_fabm_surface+jn) ) END DO ! write 3D diagnostics in the file ! --------------------------------------- DO jn = 1, size(model%diagnostic_variables) IF (model%diagnostic_variables(jn)%save) & CALL iom_put( model%diagnostic_variables(jn)%name, fabm_get_bulk_diagnostic_data(model,jn)) END DO CALL iom_put( 'visib', visib(:,:,:) ) ! write 2D diagnostics in the file ! --------------------------------------- DO jn = 1, size(model%horizontal_diagnostic_variables) IF (model%horizontal_diagnostic_variables(jn)%save) & CALL iom_put( model%horizontal_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name, fabm_get_horizontal_diagnostic_data(model,jn)) END DO ! CALL trc_sms_fabm_check_mass END SUBROUTINE wri_fabm #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Dummy module : No passive tracer !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC trc_wri_fabm CONTAINS SUBROUTINE trc_wri_fabm ! Empty routine END SUBROUTINE trc_wri_fabm #endif !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/TOP 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id: trcwri_fabm.F90 3160 2011-11-20 14:27:18Z cetlod $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!====================================================================== END MODULE trcwri_fabm