MODULE trcsms_fabm !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE trcsms_fabm *** !! TOP : Main module of the FABM tracers !!====================================================================== !! History : 1.0 ! 2015-04 (PML) Original code !! History : 1.1 ! 2020-06 (PML) Update to FABM 1.0, improved performance !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_fabm !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_fabm' FABM tracers !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! trc_sms_fabm : FABM model main routine !! trc_sms_fabm_alloc : allocate arrays specific to FABM sms !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE par_trc ! TOP parameters USE oce_trc ! Ocean variables USE trc ! TOP variables USE trcbc USE trd_oce USE trdtrc USE traqsr,only: ln_qsr_spec #if defined key_trdtrc && defined key_iomput USE trdtrc_oce #endif USE oce, only: tsn ! Needed? USE sbc_oce, only: lk_oasis,fr_i USE dom_oce USE zdf_oce USE iom USE xios USE cpl_oasis3 USE st2D_fabm USE inputs_fabm USE vertical_movement_fabm USE zdfmxl USE asmbgc, ONLY: mld_choice_bgc USE lbclnk USE fabm_types, ONLY: standard_variables USE par_fabm, ONLY: jp_fabm_swr !USE fldread ! time interpolation IMPLICIT NONE # include "domzgr_substitute.h90" # include "vectopt_loop_substitute.h90" PRIVATE PUBLIC trc_sms_fabm ! called by trcsms.F90 module PUBLIC trc_sms_fabm_alloc ! called by trcini_fabm.F90 module PUBLIC trc_sms_fabm_check_mass ! called by trcwri_fabm.F90 PUBLIC nemo_fabm_start ! Work arrays REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: flux ! Cross-interface flux of pelagic variables (# m-2 s-1) REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: current_total ! Totals of conserved quantities ! Arrays for environmental variables that are computed by the coupler REAL(wp), PUBLIC, TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: prn,rho REAL(wp), PUBLIC, TARGET, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: taubot REAL(wp), PUBLIC, TARGET :: daynumber_in_year ! State repair counters INTEGER, SAVE :: repair_interior_count = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: repair_surface_count = 0 INTEGER, SAVE :: repair_bottom_count = 0 ! Coupler parameters INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nn_adv ! Vertical advection scheme for sinking/floating/movement ! (1: 1st order upwind, 3: 3rd order TVD) ! Flag indicating whether model%start has been called (will be done on-demand) LOGICAL, SAVE :: started = .false. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/TOP 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE trc_sms_fabm( kt ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** trc_sms_fabm *** !! !! ** Purpose : main routine of FABM model !! !! ** Method : - !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step index INTEGER :: jn, jk REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: ztrfabm, pdat REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: vint !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_start('trc_sms_fabm') ! IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,'(a,i0,a,i4.4,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i5,a)') & ' trc_sms_fabm: FABM model, iteration ',kt,' ', & nyear,'-',nmonth,'-',nday,' ',nsec_day," secs" IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' IF (.NOT. started) CALL nemo_fabm_start CALL update_inputs( kt ) CALL compute_fabm( kt ) CALL compute_vertical_movement( kt, nn_adv ) CALL st2d_fabm_nxt( kt ) CALL asmdiags_fabm( kt ) IF( l_trdtrc ) CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, jpk, ztrfabm ) CALL trc_bc_read ( kt ) ! tracers: surface and lateral Boundary Conditions CALL trc_rnf_fabm ( kt ) ! River forcings ! Send 3D diagnostics to output (these apply to time "n") DO jn = 1, size(model%interior_diagnostic_variables) IF (model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jn)%save) THEN ! Save 3D field pdat => model%get_interior_diagnostic_data(jn) CALL iom_put(model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name, pdat) ! Save depth integral if selected for output in XIOS IF (iom_use(TRIM(model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name)//'_VINT')) THEN vint = 0._wp DO jk = 1, jpkm1 vint = vint + pdat(:,:,jk) * fse3t(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) END DO CALL iom_put(TRIM(model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name)//'_VINT', vint) END IF END IF END DO ! Send 2D diagnostics to output (these apply to time "n") DO jn = 1, size(model%horizontal_diagnostic_variables) IF (model%horizontal_diagnostic_variables(jn)%save) & CALL iom_put( model%horizontal_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name, model%get_horizontal_diagnostic_data(jn)) END DO IF( l_trdtrc ) THEN ! Save the trends in the mixed layer DO jn = jp_fabm0, jp_fabm1 ztrfabm(:,:,:) = tra(:,:,:,jn) CALL trd_trc( ztrfabm, jn, jptra_sms, kt ) ! save trends END DO CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, jpk, ztrfabm ) END IF ! IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('trc_sms_fabm') END SUBROUTINE trc_sms_fabm SUBROUTINE asmdiags_fabm( kt ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kt INTEGER :: ji,jj,jk,jkmax REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zmld REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: pgrow_3d, ploss_3d IF (kt == nittrc000) THEN MLD_MAX(:,:) = 0.0 ENDIF PGROW_AVG(:,:) = 0.0 PLOSS_AVG(:,:) = 0.0 PHYT_AVG(:,:) = 0.0 pgrow_3d(:,:,:) = model%get_interior_diagnostic_data(jp_fabm_pgrow) ploss_3d(:,:,:) = model%get_interior_diagnostic_data(jp_fabm_ploss) SELECT CASE( mld_choice_bgc ) CASE ( 1 ) ! Turbocline/mixing depth [W points] zmld(:,:) = hmld(:,:) CASE ( 2 ) ! Density criterion (0.01 kg/m^3 change from 10m) [W points] zmld(:,:) = hmlp(:,:) CASE ( 3 ) ! Kara MLD [Interpolated] #if defined key_karaml IF ( ln_kara ) THEN zmld(:,:) = hmld_kara(:,:) ELSE CALL ctl_stop( ' Kara mixed layer requested for BGC assimilation,', & & ' but ln_kara=.false.' ) ENDIF #else CALL ctl_stop( ' Kara mixed layer requested for BGC assimilation,', & & ' but is not defined' ) #endif CASE ( 4 ) ! Temperature criterion (0.2 K change from surface) [T points] zmld(:,:) = hmld_tref(:,:) CASE ( 5 ) ! Density criterion (0.01 kg/m^3 change from 10m) [T points] zmld(:,:) = hmlpt(:,:) END SELECT DO jj = 2, jpjm1 DO ji = 2, jpim1 ! jkmax = jpk-1 DO jk = jpk-1, 1, -1 IF ( ( zmld(ji,jj) > gdepw_n(ji,jj,jk) ) .AND. & & ( zmld(ji,jj) <= gdepw_n(ji,jj,jk+1) ) ) THEN zmld(ji,jj) = gdepw_n(ji,jj,jk+1) jkmax = jk ENDIF END DO ! DO jk = 1, jkmax PHYT_AVG(ji,jj) = PHYT_AVG(ji,jj) + & & trn(ji,jj,jk,jp_fabm_m1+jp_fabm_p1n) + & & trn(ji,jj,jk,jp_fabm_m1+jp_fabm_p2n) + & & trn(ji,jj,jk,jp_fabm_m1+jp_fabm_p3n) + & & trn(ji,jj,jk,jp_fabm_m1+jp_fabm_p4n) IF ( pgrow_3d(ji,jj,jk) .GT. 0.0 ) THEN PGROW_AVG(ji,jj) = PGROW_AVG(ji,jj) + & & pgrow_3d(ji,jj,jk) ENDIF IF ( ploss_3d(ji,jj,jk) .GT. 0.0 ) THEN PLOSS_AVG(ji,jj) = PLOSS_AVG(ji,jj) + & & ploss_3d(ji,jj,jk) ENDIF END DO PHYT_AVG(ji,jj) = PHYT_AVG(ji,jj) / REAL(jkmax) PGROW_AVG(ji,jj) = PGROW_AVG(ji,jj) / REAL(jkmax) PLOSS_AVG(ji,jj) = PLOSS_AVG(ji,jj) / REAL(jkmax) IF ( zmld(ji,jj) .GT. MLD_MAX(ji,jj) ) THEN MLD_MAX(ji,jj) = zmld(ji,jj) ENDIF ! END DO END DO PHYT_AVG(:,:) = PHYT_AVG(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) PGROW_AVG(:,:) = PGROW_AVG(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) PLOSS_AVG(:,:) = PLOSS_AVG(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) MLD_MAX(:,:) = MLD_MAX(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) END SUBROUTINE asmdiags_fabm SUBROUTINE compute_fabm( kt ) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step index INTEGER :: ji,jj,jk,jn LOGICAL :: valid, repaired REAL(wp) :: zalfg,zztmpx,zztmpy ! Validate current model state (setting argument to .TRUE. enables repair=clipping) CALL check_state(.TRUE., valid, repaired) IF (.NOT. valid) THEN WRITE(numout,*) "Invalid value in FABM encountered in area ",narea,"!!!" #if defined key_iomput CALL xios_finalize ! end mpp communications with xios IF( lk_oasis ) CALL cpl_finalize ! end coupling and mpp communications with OASIS #else IF( lk_oasis ) THEN CALL cpl_finalize ! end coupling and mpp communications with OASIS ELSE IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mppstop ! end mpp communications ENDIF #endif END IF IF (repaired) THEN WRITE(numout,*) "Total interior repairs up to now on process",narea,":",repair_interior_count WRITE(numout,*) "Total surface repairs up to now on process",narea,":",repair_surface_count WRITE(numout,*) "Total bottom repairs up to now on process",narea,":",repair_bottom_count ENDIF daynumber_in_year = fjulday - fjulstartyear + 1 ! Compute the now hydrostatic pressure ! copied from istate.F90 ! ------------------------------------ IF (ALLOCATED(rho)) rho = rau0 * ( 1._wp + rhd ) IF (ALLOCATED(prn)) THEN zalfg = 0.5e-4_wp * grav ! FABM wants dbar, convert from Pa (and multiply with 0.5 to average 2 cell thicknesses below) prn(:,:,1) = 10.1325_wp + zalfg * fse3t(:,:,1) * rho(:,:,1) DO jk = 2, jpkm1 ! Vertical integration from the surface prn(:,:,jk) = prn(:,:,jk-1) + zalfg * ( & fse3t(:,:,jk-1) * rho(:,:,jk-1) & + fse3t(:,:,jk) * rho(:,:,jk) ) END DO END IF ! Compute the bottom stress ! copied from diawri.F90 ! ------------------------------------ IF (ALLOCATED(taubot)) THEN taubot(:,:) = 0._wp DO jj = 2, jpjm1 DO ji = fs_2, fs_jpim1 ! vector opt. zztmpx = ( bfrua(ji ,jj) * un(ji ,jj,mbku(ji ,jj)) & & + bfrua(ji-1,jj) * un(ji-1,jj,mbku(ji-1,jj)) ) zztmpy = ( bfrva(ji, jj) * vn(ji,jj ,mbkv(ji,jj )) & & + bfrva(ji,jj-1) * vn(ji,jj-1,mbkv(ji,jj-1)) ) taubot(ji,jj) = 0.5_wp * rau0 * SQRT( zztmpx * zztmpx + zztmpy * zztmpy ) * tmask(ji,jj,1) ! END DO END DO END IF CALL model%prepare_inputs(real(kt, wp),nyear,nmonth,nday,REAL(nsec_day,wp)) ! Retrieve 3D shortwave and store in etot3 IF (ln_qsr_spec) THEN etot3(:,:,:) = model%get_interior_diagnostic_data(jp_fabm_swr) ENDIF ! Zero rate array of interface-attached state variables fabm_st2Da = 0._wp ! Compute interfacial source terms and fluxes DO jj=2,jpjm1 ! Process bottom (get_bottom_sources increments rather than sets, so zero flux array first) flux = 0._wp CALL model%get_bottom_sources(fs_2,fs_jpim1,jj,flux,fabm_st2Da(fs_2:fs_jpim1,jj,jp_fabm_surface+1:)) DO jn=1,jp_fabm ! Divide bottom fluxes by height of bottom layer and add to source terms. DO ji=fs_2,fs_jpim1 tra(ji,jj,mbkt(ji,jj),jp_fabm_m1+jn) = tra(ji,jj,mbkt(ji,jj),jp_fabm_m1+jn) + flux(ji,jn)/fse3t(ji,jj,mbkt(ji,jj)) END DO END DO ! Process surface (get_surface_sources increments rather than sets, so zero flux array first) flux = 0._wp CALL model%get_surface_sources(fs_2,fs_jpim1,jj,flux,fabm_st2Da(fs_2:fs_jpim1,jj,1:jp_fabm_surface)) ! Divide surface fluxes by height of surface layer and add to source terms. DO jn=1,jp_fabm DO ji=fs_2,fs_jpim1 tra(ji,jj,1,jp_fabm_m1+jn) = tra(ji,jj,1,jp_fabm_m1+jn) + flux(ji,jn)/fse3t(ji,jj,1) END DO END DO END DO ! Compute interior source terms (NB get_interior_sources increments rather than sets) DO jk=1,jpkm1 DO jj=2,jpjm1 CALL model%get_interior_sources(fs_2,fs_jpim1,jj,jk,tra(fs_2:fs_jpim1,jj,jk,jp_fabm0:jp_fabm1)) END DO END DO CALL model%finalize_outputs() END SUBROUTINE compute_fabm SUBROUTINE check_state(repair, valid, repaired) LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: repair LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: valid, repaired INTEGER :: jj, jk LOGICAL :: valid_int, valid_sf, valid_bt valid = .TRUE. ! Whether the model state is valid after this subroutine returns repaired = .FALSE. ! Whether the model state has been repaired by this subroutine DO jk=1,jpkm1 DO jj=2,jpjm1 CALL model%check_interior_state(fs_2, fs_jpim1, jj, jk, repair, valid_int) IF (repair .AND. .NOT. valid_int) THEN repair_interior_count = repair_interior_count + 1 repaired = .TRUE. END IF IF (.NOT. (valid_int .OR. repair)) valid = .FALSE. END DO END DO DO jj=2,jpjm1 CALL model%check_surface_state(fs_2, fs_jpim1, jj, repair, valid_sf) IF (repair .AND. .NOT. valid_sf) THEN repair_surface_count = repair_surface_count + 1 repaired = .TRUE. END IF IF (.NOT. (valid_sf .AND. valid_bt) .AND. .NOT. repair) valid = .FALSE. CALL model%check_bottom_state(fs_2, fs_jpim1, jj, repair, valid_bt) IF (repair .AND. .NOT. valid_bt) THEN repair_bottom_count = repair_bottom_count + 1 repaired = .TRUE. END IF IF (.NOT. (valid_sf .AND. valid_bt) .AND. .NOT. repair) valid = .FALSE. END DO END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE trc_sms_fabm_check_mass() REAL(wp) :: total(SIZE(model%conserved_quantities)) INTEGER :: ji,jk,jj,jn total = 0._wp IF (.NOT. started) CALL nemo_fabm_start DO jk=1,jpkm1 DO jj=2,jpjm1 CALL model%get_interior_conserved_quantities(fs_2,fs_jpim1,jj,jk,current_total) DO jn=1,SIZE(model%conserved_quantities) DO ji=fs_2,fs_jpim1 total(jn) = total(jn) + cvol(ji,jj,jk) * current_total(ji,jn) * tmask_i(ji,jj) END DO END DO END DO END DO DO jj=2,jpjm1 CALL model%get_horizontal_conserved_quantities(fs_2,fs_jpim1,jj,current_total) DO jn=1,SIZE(model%conserved_quantities) DO ji=fs_2,fs_jpim1 total(jn) = total(jn) + e1e2t(ji,jj) * current_total(ji,jn) * tmask_i(ji,jj) END DO END DO END DO IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_sum(total,SIZE(model%conserved_quantities)) DO jn=1,SIZE(model%conserved_quantities) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'FABM '//TRIM(model%conserved_quantities(jn)%name),total(jn),TRIM(model%conserved_quantities(jn)%units)//'*m3' END DO END SUBROUTINE trc_sms_fabm_check_mass SUBROUTINE st2d_fabm_nxt( kt ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** st2d_fabm_nxt *** !! !! ** Purpose : routine to integrate 2d states in time !! !! ** Method : based on integration of 3D passive tracer fields !! implemented in TOP_SRC/TRP/trcnxt.F90, plus !! tra_nxt_fix in OPA_SRC/TRA/tranxt.F90. Similar to !! time integration of sea surface height in !! OPA_SRC/DYN/sshwzv.F90. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step index REAL(wp) :: z2dt INTEGER :: jn !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( neuler == 0 .AND. kt == nittrc000 ) THEN z2dt = rdt ! set time step size (Euler) ELSE z2dt = 2._wp * rdt ! set time step size (Leapfrog) ENDIF ! Forward Euler time step to compute "now" DO jn=1,jp_fabm_surface+jp_fabm_bottom fabm_st2Da(:,:,jn) = (fabm_st2db(:,:,jn) + z2dt * fabm_st2da(:,:,jn)) * tmask(:,:,1) ENDDO IF( neuler == 0 .AND. kt == nittrc000 ) THEN ! Euler time-stepping at first time-step ! ! (only swap) fabm_st2Dn(:,:,:) = fabm_st2Da(:,:,:) ! ELSE ! Update now state + Asselin filter time stepping fabm_st2Db(:,:,:) = (1._wp - 2._wp*atfp) * fabm_st2Dn(:,:,:) + & atfp * ( fabm_st2Db(:,:,:) + fabm_st2Da(:,:,:) ) fabm_st2Dn(:,:,:) = fabm_st2Da(:,:,:) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE st2d_fabm_nxt INTEGER FUNCTION trc_sms_fabm_alloc() INTEGER :: jn !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE trc_sms_fabm_alloc *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ALLOCATE here the arrays specific to FABM ALLOCATE( lk_rad_fabm(jp_fabm)) IF (model%variable_needs_values(fabm_standard_variables%pressure)) ALLOCATE(prn(jpi, jpj, jpk)) IF (ALLOCATED(prn) .or. model%variable_needs_values(fabm_standard_variables%density)) ALLOCATE(rho(jpi, jpj, jpk)) IF (model%variable_needs_values(fabm_standard_variables%bottom_stress)) ALLOCATE(taubot(jpi, jpj)) ! ALLOCATE( tab(...) , STAT=trc_sms_fabm_alloc ) ! Allocate arrays to hold state for surface-attached and bottom-attached state variables ALLOCATE(fabm_st2Dn(jpi, jpj, jp_fabm_surface+jp_fabm_bottom)) ALLOCATE(fabm_st2Da(jpi, jpj, jp_fabm_surface+jp_fabm_bottom)) ALLOCATE(fabm_st2Db(jpi, jpj, jp_fabm_surface+jp_fabm_bottom)) ! Work array to hold surface and bottom fluxes ALLOCATE(flux(fs_2:fs_jpim1,jp_fabm)) ! Allocate work arrays for vertical movement ALLOCATE(w_ct(fs_2:fs_jpim1,1:jpkm1,jp_fabm)) ALLOCATE(current_total(fs_2:fs_jpim1,SIZE(model%conserved_quantities))) #if defined key_trdtrc && defined key_iomput IF( lk_trdtrc ) ALLOCATE(tr_vmv(jpi,jpj,jpk,jp_fabm)) IF( lk_trdtrc ) ALLOCATE(tr_inp(jpi,jpj,jpk)) #endif trc_sms_fabm_alloc = 0 ! set to zero if no array to be allocated ! IF( trc_sms_fabm_alloc /= 0 ) CALL ctl_warn('trc_sms_fabm_alloc : failed to allocate arrays') ! ! Provide FABM with domain extents CALL model%set_domain(jpi, jpj, jpk, rdt) CALL model%set_domain_start(fs_2, 2, 1) CALL model%set_domain_stop(fs_jpim1, jpjm1, jpkm1) ! Provide FABM with the vertical indices of the bottom, and the land-sea mask. CALL model%set_bottom_index(mbkt) ! NB mbkt extents should match dimension lengths provided to set_domain CALL model%set_mask(tmask,tmask(:,:,1)) ! NB tmask extents should match dimension lengths provided to set_domain ! Initialize state and send pointers to state data to FABM ! We mask land points in states with zeros, as per with NEMO "convention" ! NB we cannot call model%initialize_*_state at this point, because model%start has not been called yet. DO jn=1,jp_fabm trn(:,:,:,jp_fabm_m1+jn) = model%interior_state_variables(jn)%initial_value * tmask CALL model%link_interior_state_data(jn,trn(:,:,:,jp_fabm_m1+jn)) END DO DO jn=1,jp_fabm_surface fabm_st2Dn(:,:,jn) = model%surface_state_variables(jn)%initial_value * tmask(:,:,1) CALL model%link_surface_state_data(jn,fabm_st2Dn(:,:,jn)) END DO DO jn=1,jp_fabm_bottom fabm_st2Dn(:,:,jp_fabm_surface+jn) = model%bottom_state_variables(jn)%initial_value * tmask(:,:,1) CALL model%link_bottom_state_data(jn,fabm_st2Dn(:,:,jp_fabm_surface+jn)) END DO ! Send pointers to environmental data to FABM CALL model%link_interior_data(fabm_standard_variables%depth, fsdept(:,:,:)) CALL model%link_interior_data(fabm_standard_variables%temperature, tsn(:,:,:,jp_tem)) CALL model%link_interior_data(fabm_standard_variables%practical_salinity, tsn(:,:,:,jp_sal)) IF (ALLOCATED(rho)) CALL model%link_interior_data(fabm_standard_variables%density, rho(:,:,:)) IF (ALLOCATED(prn)) CALL model%link_interior_data(fabm_standard_variables%pressure, prn) IF (ALLOCATED(taubot)) CALL model%link_horizontal_data(fabm_standard_variables%bottom_stress, taubot(:,:)) CALL model%link_interior_data(fabm_standard_variables%cell_thickness, fse3t(:,:,:)) CALL model%link_horizontal_data(fabm_standard_variables%latitude, gphit) CALL model%link_horizontal_data(fabm_standard_variables%longitude, glamt) CALL model%link_scalar(fabm_standard_variables%number_of_days_since_start_of_the_year, daynumber_in_year) CALL model%link_horizontal_data(fabm_standard_variables%wind_speed, wndm(:,:)) CALL model%link_horizontal_data(fabm_standard_variables%surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux, qsr(:,:)) CALL model%link_horizontal_data(fabm_standard_variables%bottom_depth_below_geoid, bathy(:,:)) CALL model%link_horizontal_data(fabm_standard_variables%ice_area_fraction, fr_i(:,:)) ! Obtain user-specified input variables (read from NetCDF file) CALL link_inputs CALL update_inputs(nit000, .FALSE.) ! Set mask for negativity corrections to the relevant states lk_rad_fabm(:) = .FALSE. DO jn=1,jp_fabm IF (model%interior_state_variables(jn)%minimum >= 0._wp) THEN lk_rad_fabm(jn) = .TRUE. IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'FABM clipping for '//TRIM(model%interior_state_variables(jn)%name)//' activated.' END IF END DO ! Copy initial condition for interface-attached state variables to "previous" state field ! NB NEMO does this itself for pelagic state variables (trb) in TOP_SRC/trcini.F90. fabm_st2Db = fabm_st2Dn END FUNCTION trc_sms_fabm_alloc SUBROUTINE nemo_fabm_start() INTEGER :: jn ! Make FABM aware of diagnostics that are not needed [not included in output] ! This works only after iom has completely initialised, because it depends on iom_use DO jn=1,size(model%interior_diagnostic_variables) model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jn)%save = iom_use(model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name) & .or. iom_use(TRIM(model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name)//'_VINT') & .or. iom_use(TRIM(model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name)//'25h') & .or. iom_use('top_'//TRIM(model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name)) & .or. iom_use('mid_'//TRIM(model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name)) & .or. iom_use('bot_'//TRIM(model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name)) END DO model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jp_fabm_o3ta)%save = .TRUE. model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jp_fabm_o3ph)%save = .TRUE. model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jp_fabm_o3pc)%save = .TRUE. model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jp_fabm_pgrow)%save = .TRUE. model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jp_fabm_ploss)%save = .TRUE. IF( ln_qsr_spec ) THEN model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jp_fabm_swr)%save = .TRUE. ENDIF IF ( jp_fabm_kd490 /= -1 ) THEN model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jp_fabm_kd490)%save = .TRUE. ENDIF IF ( jp_fabm_xeps /= -1 ) THEN model%interior_diagnostic_variables(jp_fabm_xeps)%save = .TRUE. ENDIF DO jn=1,size(model%horizontal_diagnostic_variables) model%horizontal_diagnostic_variables(jn)%save = iom_use(model%horizontal_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name) & .or. iom_use(TRIM(model%horizontal_diagnostic_variables(jn)%name)//'25h') END DO ! Check whether FABM has all required data ! [after this, the save attribute of diagnostic variables can no longer change!] CALL model%start() started = .TRUE. END SUBROUTINE #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Dummy module No FABM model !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE trc_sms_fabm( kt ) ! Empty routine INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt WRITE(*,*) 'trc_sms_fabm: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt END SUBROUTINE trc_sms_fabm #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE trcsms_fabm