!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NEMO system team, System and Interface for oceanic RElocable Nesting !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! PROGRAM: create_restart ! ! DESCRIPTION: !> @file !> @brief !> This program creates restart file. !> !> @details !> @section sec1 method !> Variables could be extracted from fine grid file, interpolated from coarse !> grid file or restart file. Variables could also be manually written.
!> Then they are split over new layout. !> @note !> method could be different for each variable. !> !> @section sec2 how to !> to create restart file:
!> @code{.sh} !> ./SIREN/bin/create_restart create_restart.nam !> @endcode !> !> @note !> you could find a template of the namelist in templates directory. !> !> create_restart.nam contains 9 namelists:
!> - logger namelist (namlog) !> - config namelist (namcfg) !> - coarse grid namelist (namcrs) !> - fine grid namelist (namfin) !> - vertical grid namelist (namzgr) !> - partial step namelist (namzps) !> - variable namelist (namvar) !> - nesting namelist (namnst) !> - output namelist (namout) !> !> * _logger namelist (namlog)_:
!> - cn_logfile : log filename !> - cn_verbosity : verbosity ('trace','debug','info', !> 'warning','error','fatal','none') !> - in_maxerror : maximum number of error allowed !> !> * _config namelist (namcfg)_:
!> - cn_varcfg : variable configuration file !> (see ./SIREN/cfg/variable.cfg) !> - cn_dimcfg : dimension configuration file. define dimensions allowed !> (see ./SIREN/cfg/dimension.cfg). !> - cn_dumcfg : useless (dummy) configuration file, for useless !> dimension or variable (see ./SIREN/cfg/dummy.cfg). !> !> * _coarse grid namelist (namcrs):
!> - cn_coord0 : coordinate file !> - in_perio0 : NEMO periodicity index (see Model Boundary Condition in !> [NEMO documentation](http://www.nemo-ocean.eu/About-NEMO/Reference-manuals)) !> !> * _fine grid namelist (namfin)_:
!> - cn_coord1 : coordinate file !> - cn_bathy1 : bathymetry file !> - in_perio1 : NEMO periodicity index !> !> * _vertical grid namelist (namzgr)_:
!> - dn_ppsur : coefficient to compute vertical grid !> - dn_ppa0 : coefficient to compute vertical grid !> - dn_ppa1 : coefficient to compute vertical grid !> - dn_ppa2 : double tanh function parameter !> - dn_ppkth : coefficient to compute vertical grid !> - dn_ppkth2 : double tanh function parameter !> - dn_ppacr : coefficient to compute vertical grid !> - dn_ppacr2 : double tanh function parameter !> - dn_ppdzmin : minimum vertical spacing !> - dn_pphmax : maximum depth !> - in_nlevel : number of vertical level !> !> @note If ppa1 and ppa0 and ppsur are undefined !> NEMO will compute them from ppdzmin , pphmax, ppkth, ppacr !> !> * _partial step namelist (namzps)_:
!> - dn_e3zps_min : minimum thickness of partial step level (meters) !> - dn_e3zps_rat : minimum thickness ratio of partial step level !> !> * _variable namelist (namvar)_:
!> - cn_varfile : list of variable, and associated file
!> *cn_varfile* is the path and filename of the file where find !> variable.
!> @note !> *cn_varfile* could be a matrix of value, if you want to filled !> manually variable value.
!> the variable array of value is split into equal subdomain.
!> Each subdomain is filled with the corresponding value !> of the matrix.
!> separators used to defined matrix are: !> - ',' for line !> - '/' for row !> - '\' for level
!> Example:
!> 3,2,3/1,4,5 => @f$ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} !> 3 & 2 & 3 \\ !> 1 & 4 & 5 \end{array} \right) @f$ !> !> Examples: !> - 'votemper:gridT.nc', 'vozocrtx:gridU.nc' !> - 'votemper:10\25', 'vozocrtx:gridU.nc' !> !> to get all variable from one file: !> - 'all:restart.dimg' !> !> - cn_varinfo : list of variable and extra information about request(s) !> to be used.
!> each elements of *cn_varinfo* is a string character !> (separated by ',').
!> it is composed of the variable name follow by ':', !> then request(s) to be used on this variable.
!> request could be: !> - int = interpolation method !> - ext = extrapolation method !> - flt = filter method !> - min = minimum value !> - max = maximum value !> - unt = new units !> - unf = unit scale factor (linked to new units) !> !> requests must be separated by ';'.
!> order of requests does not matter.
!> !> informations about available method could be find in @ref interp, !> @ref extrap and @ref filter.
!> Example: 'votemper: int=linear; flt=hann; ext=dist_weight', !> 'vosaline: int=cubic' !> @note !> If you do not specify a method which is required, !> default one is apply. !> !> * _nesting namelist (namnst)_:
!> - in_rhoi : refinement factor in i-direction !> - in_rhoj : refinement factor in j-direction !> @note !> coarse grid indices will be computed from fine grid !> coordinate file. !> !> * _output namelist (namout)_:
!> - cn_fileout : output file !> - ln_extrap : extrapolate land point or not !> - in_niproc : number of processor in i-direction !> - in_njproc : number of processor in j-direction !> - in_nproc : total number of processor to be used !> - cn_type : output format ('dimg', 'cdf') !> !> @author J.Paul ! REVISION HISTORY: !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date September, 2014 !> - add header for user !> - offset computed considering grid point !> - add attributes in output variable !> @date June, 2015 !> - extrapolate all land points, and add ln_extrap in namelist. !> - allow to change unit. !> @date September, 2015 !> - manage useless (dummy) variable, attributes, and dimension !> @date October, 2016 !> - dimension to be used select from configuration file !> !> @todo !> - rewrite using meshmask instead of bathymetry and coordinates files !> !> @note Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM create_restart USE global ! global variable USE kind ! F90 kind parameter USE logger ! log file manager USE fct ! basic useful function USE date ! date manager USE att ! attribute manager USE dim ! dimension manager USE var ! variable manager USE file ! file manager USE multi ! multi file manager USE iom ! I/O manager USE grid ! grid manager USE vgrid ! vertical grid manager USE extrap ! extrapolation manager USE interp ! interpolation manager USE filter ! filter manager USE mpp ! MPP manager USE dom ! domain manager USE iom_mpp ! MPP I/O manager USE iom_dom ! DOM I/O manager IMPLICIT NONE ! local variable CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_namelist CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_date CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_name CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_data CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cl_fileout INTEGER(i4) :: il_narg INTEGER(i4) :: il_status INTEGER(i4) :: il_fileid INTEGER(i4) :: il_attid INTEGER(i4) :: il_nvar INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax1 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_imax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmin0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_jmax0 INTEGER(i4) :: il_index INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: il_rho INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_xghost INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_offset INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(2,2) :: il_ind LOGICAL :: ll_exist LOGICAL :: ll_sameGrid TYPE(TDOM) :: tl_dom1 TYPE(TDOM) :: tl_dom0 TYPE(TATT) :: tl_att TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_depth TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_time TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lon TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_lat TYPE(TVAR) , DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: tl_var TYPE(TVAR) , DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: tl_level TYPE(TDIM) , DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: tl_dim TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord0 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_coord1 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_bathy1 TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_mpp TYPE(TMPP) :: tl_mppout TYPE(TMULTI) :: tl_multi ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: jj INTEGER(i4) :: jvar ! namelist variable ! namlog CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cn_logfile = 'create_restart.log' CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cn_verbosity = 'warning' INTEGER(i4) :: in_maxerror = 5 ! namcfg CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cn_varcfg = './cfg/variable.cfg' CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cn_dimcfg = './cfg/dimension.cfg' CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cn_dumcfg = './cfg/dummy.cfg' ! namcrs CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cn_coord0 = '' INTEGER(i4) :: in_perio0 = -1 ! namfin CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cn_coord1 = '' CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cn_bathy1 = '' INTEGER(i4) :: in_perio1 = -1 !namzgr REAL(dp) :: dn_ppsur = -3958.951371276829_dp REAL(dp) :: dn_ppa0 = 103.953009600000_dp REAL(dp) :: dn_ppa1 = 2.415951269000_dp REAL(dp) :: dn_ppa2 = 100.760928500000_dp REAL(dp) :: dn_ppkth = 15.351013700000_dp REAL(dp) :: dn_ppkth2 = 48.029893720000_dp REAL(dp) :: dn_ppacr = 7.000000000000_dp REAL(dp) :: dn_ppacr2 = 13.000000000000_dp REAL(dp) :: dn_ppdzmin = 6._dp REAL(dp) :: dn_pphmax = 5750._dp INTEGER(i4) :: in_nlevel = 75 !namzps REAL(dp) :: dn_e3zps_min = 25._dp REAL(dp) :: dn_e3zps_rat = 0.2_dp ! namvar CHARACTER(LEN=lc), DIMENSION(ip_maxvar) :: cn_varfile = '' CHARACTER(LEN=lc), DIMENSION(ip_maxvar) :: cn_varinfo = '' ! namnst INTEGER(i4) :: in_rhoi = 0 INTEGER(i4) :: in_rhoj = 0 ! namout CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cn_fileout = 'restart.nc' LOGICAL :: ln_extrap = .FALSE. INTEGER(i4) :: in_nproc = 0 INTEGER(i4) :: in_niproc = 0 INTEGER(i4) :: in_njproc = 0 CHARACTER(LEN=lc) :: cn_type = '' !------------------------------------------------------------------- NAMELIST /namlog/ & !< logger namelist & cn_logfile, & !< log file & cn_verbosity, & !< log verbosity & in_maxerror !< logger maximum error NAMELIST /namcfg/ & !< configuration namelist & cn_varcfg, & !< variable configuration file & cn_dimcfg, & !< dimension configuration file & cn_dumcfg !< dummy configuration file NAMELIST /namcrs/ & !< coarse grid namelist & cn_coord0, & !< coordinate file & in_perio0 !< periodicity index NAMELIST /namfin/ & !< fine grid namelist & cn_coord1, & !< coordinate file & cn_bathy1, & !< bathymetry file & in_perio1 !< periodicity index NAMELIST /namzgr/ & & dn_ppsur, & & dn_ppa0, & & dn_ppa1, & & dn_ppa2, & & dn_ppkth, & & dn_ppkth2, & & dn_ppacr, & & dn_ppacr2, & & dn_ppdzmin, & & dn_pphmax, & & in_nlevel !< number of vertical level NAMELIST /namzps/ & & dn_e3zps_min, & & dn_e3zps_rat NAMELIST /namvar/ & !< variable namelist & cn_varfile, & !< list of variable file & cn_varinfo !< list of variable and interpolation method to be used. NAMELIST /namnst/ & !< nesting namelist & in_rhoi, & !< refinement factor in i-direction & in_rhoj !< refinement factor in j-direction NAMELIST /namout/ & !< output namlist & cn_fileout, & !< fine grid bathymetry file & ln_extrap, & !< extrapolate or not & in_niproc, & !< i-direction number of processor & in_njproc, & !< j-direction numebr of processor & in_nproc, & !< number of processor to be used & cn_type !< output type format (dimg, cdf) !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! namelist ! get namelist il_narg=COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT() !f03 intrinsec IF( il_narg/=1 )THEN PRINT *,"ERROR in create_restart: need a namelist" STOP ELSE CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(1,cl_namelist) !f03 intrinsec ENDIF ! read namelist INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(cl_namelist), EXIST=ll_exist) IF( ll_exist )THEN il_fileid=fct_getunit() OPEN( il_fileid, FILE=TRIM(cl_namelist), & & FORM='FORMATTED', & & ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL', & & STATUS='OLD', & & ACTION='READ', & & IOSTAT=il_status) CALL fct_err(il_status) IF( il_status /= 0 )THEN PRINT *,"ERROR in create_restart: error opening "//TRIM(cl_namelist) STOP ENDIF READ( il_fileid, NML = namlog ) ! define log file CALL logger_open(TRIM(cn_logfile),TRIM(cn_verbosity),in_maxerror) CALL logger_header() READ( il_fileid, NML = namcfg ) ! get variable extra information CALL var_def_extra(TRIM(cn_varcfg)) ! get dimension allowed CALL dim_def_extra(TRIM(cn_dimcfg)) ! get dummy variable CALL var_get_dummy(TRIM(cn_dumcfg)) ! get dummy dimension CALL dim_get_dummy(TRIM(cn_dumcfg)) ! get dummy attribute CALL att_get_dummy(TRIM(cn_dumcfg)) READ( il_fileid, NML = namcrs ) READ( il_fileid, NML = namfin ) READ( il_fileid, NML = namzgr ) READ( il_fileid, NML = namvar ) ! add user change in extra information CALL var_chg_extra(cn_varinfo) ! match variable with file tl_multi=multi_init(cn_varfile) READ( il_fileid, NML = namnst ) READ( il_fileid, NML = namout ) CLOSE( il_fileid, IOSTAT=il_status ) CALL fct_err(il_status) IF( il_status /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_error("CREATE RESTART: closing "//TRIM(cl_namelist)) ENDIF ELSE PRINT *,"ERROR in create_restart: can't find "//TRIM(cl_namelist) STOP ENDIF ! CALL multi_print(tl_multi) IF( tl_multi%i_nvar <= 0 )THEN CALL logger_fatal("CREATE RESTART: no variable to be used."//& & " check namelist.") ENDIF ! open files IF( cn_coord0 /= '' )THEN tl_coord0=mpp_init( file_init(TRIM(cn_coord0)), id_perio=in_perio0) CALL grid_get_info(tl_coord0) ELSE CALL logger_fatal("CREATE RESTART: no coarse grid coordinate found. "//& & "check namelist") ENDIF IF( TRIM(cn_coord1) /= '' )THEN tl_coord1=mpp_init( file_init(TRIM(cn_coord1)), id_perio=in_perio1) CALL grid_get_info(tl_coord1) ELSE CALL logger_fatal("CREATE RESTART: no fine grid coordinate found. "//& & "check namelist") ENDIF IF( TRIM(cn_bathy1) /= '' )THEN tl_bathy1=mpp_init( file_init(TRIM(cn_bathy1)), id_perio=in_perio1) CALL grid_get_info(tl_bathy1) ELSE CALL logger_fatal("CREATE RESTART: no fine grid bathymetry found. "//& & "check namelist") ENDIF ! check ! check output file do not already exist IF( in_nproc > 0 )THEN cl_fileout=file_rename(cn_fileout,1) ELSE cl_fileout=file_rename(cn_fileout) ENDIF INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(cl_fileout), EXIST=ll_exist) IF( ll_exist )THEN CALL logger_fatal("CREATE RESTART: output file "//TRIM(cl_fileout)//& & " already exist.") ENDIF ! check refinement factor il_rho(:)=1 IF( in_rhoi < 1 .OR. in_rhoj < 1 )THEN CALL logger_error("CREATE RESTART: invalid refinement factor."//& & " check namelist "//TRIM(cl_namelist)) ELSE il_rho(jp_I)=in_rhoi il_rho(jp_J)=in_rhoj ENDIF ! check domain indices ! compute coarse grid indices around fine grid il_ind(:,:)=grid_get_coarse_index(tl_coord0, tl_coord1, & & id_rho=il_rho(:)) il_imin0=il_ind(1,1) ; il_imax0=il_ind(1,2) il_jmin0=il_ind(2,1) ; il_jmax0=il_ind(2,2) ! check domain validity CALL grid_check_dom(tl_coord0, il_imin0, il_imax0, il_jmin0, il_jmax0) !3-2-4 check coincidence between coarse and fine grid CALL grid_check_coincidence( tl_coord0, tl_coord1, & & il_imin0, il_imax0, & & il_jmin0, il_jmax0, & & il_rho(:) ) ! fine grid ghost cell il_xghost(:,:)=grid_get_ghost(tl_bathy1) ! work on variables IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(tl_multi%t_mpp) )THEN CALL logger_error("CREATE RESTART: no file to work on. "//& & "check cn_varfile in namelist.") ELSE ALLOCATE( tl_var( tl_multi%i_nvar ) ) jvar=0 ! for each file DO ji=1,tl_multi%i_nmpp WRITE(cl_data,'(a,i2.2)') 'data-',jvar+1 IF( .NOT. ASSOCIATED(tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%t_proc(1)%t_var) )THEN CALL logger_error("CREATE RESTART: no variable to work on for "//& & "mpp "//TRIM(tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%c_name)//& & ". check cn_varfile in namelist.") ELSEIF( TRIM(tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%c_name) == TRIM(cl_data) )THEN !- use input matrix to fill variable WRITE(*,'(a)') "work on data" ! for each variable initialise from matrix DO jj=1,tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%t_proc(1)%i_nvar jvar=jvar+1 WRITE(*,'(2x,a,a)') "work on variable "//& & TRIM(tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%t_proc(1)%t_var(jj)%c_name) ! fill value with matrix data tl_var(jvar) = create_restart_matrix( & & tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%t_proc(1)%t_var(jj), tl_coord1, & & in_nlevel, il_xghost(:,:) ) ! add ghost cell CALL grid_add_ghost(tl_var(jvar), il_xghost(:,:)) ENDDO !- end of use input matrix to fill variable ELSE !- use mpp file to fill variable WRITE(*,'(a)') "work on file "//TRIM(tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%c_name) ! tl_mpp=mpp_init( file_init(TRIM(tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%t_proc(1)%c_name)) ) CALL grid_get_info(tl_mpp) ! check vertical dimension IF( tl_mpp%t_dim(jp_K)%l_use .AND. & & tl_mpp%t_dim(jp_K)%i_len /= in_nlevel )THEN CALL logger_error("CREATE RESTART: dimension in file "//& & TRIM(tl_mpp%c_name)//" not agree with namelist in_nlevel ") ENDIF ! open mpp file CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_mpp) ! get or check depth value CALL create_restart_check_depth( tl_mpp, tl_depth ) ! get or check time value CALL create_restart_check_time( tl_mpp, tl_time ) ! close mpp file CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_mpp) IF( ANY(tl_mpp%t_dim(1:2)%i_len /= tl_coord0%t_dim(1:2)%i_len) .OR.& & ALL(il_rho(:)==1) )THEN !!! extract value from fine grid IF( ANY( tl_mpp%t_dim(1:2)%i_len < & & tl_coord1%t_dim(1:2)%i_len) )THEN CALL logger_fatal("CREATE RESTART: dimensions in file "//& & TRIM(tl_mpp%c_name)//" smaller than those in fine"//& & " grid coordinates.") ENDIF ! use coord0 instead of mpp for restart file case ! (without lon,lat) ll_sameGrid=.FALSE. IF( ALL(tl_mpp%t_dim(1:2)%i_len /= tl_coord0%t_dim(1:2)%i_len) & & )THEN ll_sameGrid=.TRUE. ENDIF ! compute domain on fine grid IF( ll_sameGrid )THEN il_ind(:,:)=grid_get_coarse_index(tl_mpp, tl_coord1 ) ELSE il_ind(:,:)=grid_get_coarse_index(tl_coord0, tl_coord1 ) ENDIF il_imin1=il_ind(1,1) ; il_imax1=il_ind(1,2) il_jmin1=il_ind(2,1) ; il_jmax1=il_ind(2,2) !- check grid coincidence IF( ll_sameGrid )THEN il_rho(:)=1 CALL grid_check_coincidence( tl_mpp, tl_coord1, & & il_imin1, il_imax1, & & il_jmin1, il_jmax1, & & il_rho(:) ) ELSE CALL grid_check_coincidence( tl_coord0, tl_coord1, & & il_imin1, il_imax1, & & il_jmin1, il_jmax1, & & il_rho(:) ) ENDIF ! compute domain tl_dom1=dom_init(tl_mpp, & & il_imin1, il_imax1, & & il_jmin1, il_jmax1) ! open mpp files CALL iom_dom_open(tl_mpp, tl_dom1) ! for each variable of this file DO jj=1,tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%t_proc(1)%i_nvar WRITE(*,'(2x,a,a)') "work on (extract) variable "//& & TRIM(tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%t_proc(1)%t_var(jj)%c_name) jvar=jvar+1 cl_name=tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%t_proc(1)%t_var(jj)%c_name ! read variable over domain tl_var(jvar)=iom_dom_read_var(tl_mpp, TRIM(cl_name), tl_dom1) ! add attribute to variable tl_att=att_init('src_file',TRIM(fct_basename(tl_mpp%c_name))) CALL var_move_att(tl_var(jvar), tl_att) tl_att=att_init('src_i_indices',(/il_imin0, il_imax0/)) CALL var_move_att(tl_var(jvar), tl_att) tl_att=att_init('src_j_indices',(/il_jmin0, il_jmax0/)) CALL var_move_att(tl_var(jvar), tl_att) ! clean structure CALL att_clean(tl_att) ! add ghost cell CALL grid_add_ghost(tl_var(jvar), tl_dom1%i_ghost(:,:)) ENDDO ! close mpp file CALL iom_dom_close(tl_mpp) ! clean structure CALL mpp_clean(tl_mpp) CALL dom_clean(tl_dom1) ELSE !!! get value from coarse grid ! compute domain on coarse grid tl_dom0=dom_init(tl_mpp, & & il_imin0, il_imax0, & & il_jmin0, il_jmax0 ) ! add extra band (if possible) to compute interpolation CALL dom_add_extra(tl_dom0) ! open mpp files CALL iom_dom_open(tl_mpp, tl_dom0) ! for each variable of this file DO jj=1,tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%t_proc(1)%i_nvar WRITE(*,'(2x,a,a)') "work on (interp) variable "//& & TRIM(tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%t_proc(1)%t_var(jj)%c_name) jvar=jvar+1 cl_name=tl_multi%t_mpp(ji)%t_proc(1)%t_var(jj)%c_name ! read variable over domain tl_var(jvar)=iom_dom_read_var(tl_mpp, TRIM(cl_name), tl_dom0) il_offset(:,:)=grid_get_fine_offset(tl_coord0, & & il_imin0, il_jmin0, & & il_imax0, il_jmax0, & & tl_coord1, & & id_rho=il_rho(:), & & cd_point=TRIM(tl_var(jvar)%c_point)) ! interpolate variable CALL create_restart_interp(tl_var(jvar), & & il_rho(:), & & id_offset=il_offset(:,:)) ! remove extraband added to domain CALL dom_del_extra( tl_var(jvar), tl_dom0, il_rho(:) ) ! add attribute to variable tl_att=att_init('src_file',TRIM(fct_basename(tl_mpp%c_name))) CALL var_move_att(tl_var(jvar), tl_att) tl_att=att_init('src_i-indices',(/il_imin0, il_imax0/)) CALL var_move_att(tl_var(jvar), tl_att) tl_att=att_init('src_j-indices',(/il_jmin0, il_jmax0/)) CALL var_move_att(tl_var(jvar), tl_att) IF( ANY(il_rho(:)/=1) )THEN tl_att=att_init("refinment_factor", & & (/il_rho(jp_I),il_rho(jp_J)/)) CALL var_move_att(tl_var(jvar), tl_att) ENDIF ! clean structure CALL att_clean(tl_att) ! add ghost cell CALL grid_add_ghost(tl_var(jvar), il_xghost(:,:)) ENDDO ! close mpp file CALL iom_dom_close(tl_mpp) ! clean structure CALL mpp_clean(tl_mpp) CALL dom_clean(tl_dom0) ENDIF ! clean structure CALL mpp_clean(tl_mpp) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF il_nvar=tl_multi%i_nvar ! clean CALL multi_clean(tl_multi) CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord0) IF( .NOT. ln_extrap )THEN ! compute level ALLOCATE(tl_level(ip_npoint)) tl_level(:)=vgrid_get_level(tl_bathy1, cl_namelist ) ENDIF ! clean CALL mpp_clean(tl_bathy1) ! use additional request DO jvar=1,il_nvar ! change unit and apply factor CALL var_chg_unit(tl_var(jvar)) ! forced min and max value CALL var_limit_value(tl_var(jvar)) ! filter CALL filter_fill_value(tl_var(jvar)) IF( .NOT. ln_extrap )THEN ! use mask CALL create_restart_mask(tl_var(jvar), tl_level(:)) ENDIF ENDDO ! create file IF( in_niproc == 0 .AND. & & in_njproc == 0 .AND. & & in_nproc == 0 )THEN in_niproc = 1 in_njproc = 1 in_nproc = 1 ENDIF ! add dimension tl_dim(:)=var_max_dim(tl_var(:)) DO ji=1,il_nvar IF( ALL(tl_var(ji)%t_dim(:)%i_len == tl_dim(:)%i_len) )THEN tl_mppout=mpp_init( TRIM(cn_fileout), tl_var(ji), & & in_niproc, in_njproc, in_nproc, & & cd_type=cn_type) EXIT ENDIF ENDDO DO ji=1,ip_maxdim IF( tl_dim(ji)%l_use )THEN CALL mpp_move_dim(tl_mppout, tl_dim(ji)) SELECT CASE(TRIM(tl_dim(ji)%c_sname)) CASE('z','t') DO jj=1,tl_mppout%i_nproc CALL file_add_dim(tl_mppout%t_proc(jj), tl_dim(ji)) ENDDO END SELECT ENDIF ENDDO ! add variables IF( ALL( tl_dim(1:2)%l_use ) )THEN ! open mpp files CALL iom_mpp_open(tl_coord1) ! add longitude tl_lon=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1,'longitude') CALL mpp_add_var(tl_mppout, tl_lon) CALL var_clean(tl_lon) ! add latitude tl_lat=iom_mpp_read_var(tl_coord1,'latitude') CALL mpp_add_var(tl_mppout, tl_lat) CALL var_clean(tl_lat) ! close mpp files CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_coord1) ENDIF IF( tl_dim(3)%l_use )THEN IF( ASSOCIATED(tl_depth%d_value) )THEN ! add depth CALL mpp_add_var(tl_mppout, tl_depth) ELSE CALL logger_warn("CREATE RESTART: no value for depth variable.") ENDIF ENDIF IF( ASSOCIATED(tl_depth%d_value) ) CALL var_clean(tl_depth) IF( tl_dim(4)%l_use )THEN IF( ASSOCIATED(tl_time%d_value) )THEN ! add time CALL mpp_add_var(tl_mppout, tl_time) ELSE CALL logger_warn("CREATE RESTART: no value for time variable.") ENDIF ENDIF IF( ASSOCIATED(tl_time%d_value) ) CALL var_clean(tl_time) ! add other variable DO jvar=il_nvar,1,-1 ! check if variable already add il_index=var_get_index(tl_mppout%t_proc(1)%t_var(:), tl_var(jvar)%c_name) IF( il_index == 0 )THEN CALL mpp_add_var(tl_mppout, tl_var(jvar)) CALL var_clean(tl_var(jvar)) ENDIF ENDDO ! add some attribute tl_att=att_init("Created_by","SIREN create_restart") CALL mpp_add_att(tl_mppout, tl_att) cl_date=date_print(date_now()) tl_att=att_init("Creation_date",TRIM(cl_date)) CALL mpp_add_att(tl_mppout, tl_att) ! add attribute periodicity il_attid=0 IF( ASSOCIATED(tl_mppout%t_proc(1)%t_att) )THEN il_attid=att_get_id(tl_mppout%t_proc(1)%t_att(:),'periodicity') ENDIF IF( tl_coord1%i_perio >= 0 .AND. il_attid == 0 )THEN tl_att=att_init('periodicity',tl_coord1%i_perio) CALL mpp_add_att(tl_mppout,tl_att) ENDIF il_attid=0 IF( ASSOCIATED(tl_mppout%t_proc(1)%t_att) )THEN il_attid=att_get_id(tl_mppout%t_proc(1)%t_att(:),'ew_overlap') ENDIF IF( tl_coord1%i_ew >= 0 .AND. il_attid == 0 )THEN tl_att=att_init('ew_overlap',tl_coord1%i_ew) CALL mpp_add_att(tl_mppout,tl_att) ENDIF ! print CALL mpp_print(tl_mppout) ! create file CALL iom_mpp_create(tl_mppout) ! write file CALL iom_mpp_write_file(tl_mppout) ! close file CALL iom_mpp_close(tl_mppout) ! clean CALL att_clean(tl_att) CALL var_clean(tl_var(:)) DEALLOCATE(tl_var) IF( .NOT. ln_extrap )THEN CALL var_clean(tl_level(:)) DEALLOCATE(tl_level) ENDIF CALL mpp_clean(tl_mppout) CALL mpp_clean(tl_coord1) CALL var_clean_extra() ! close log file CALL logger_footer() CALL logger_close() CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This function create variable, filled with matrix value !> !> @details !> A variable is create with the same name that the input variable, !> and with dimension of the coordinate file.
!> Then the variable array of value is split into equal subdomain. !> Each subdomain is filled with the associated value of the matrix. !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date June, 2015 !> - do not use level anymore !> !> @param[in] td_var variable structure !> @param[in] td_coord coordinate file structure !> @param[in] id_nlevel number of vertical level !> @param[in] id_xghost ghost cell array !> @return variable structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION create_restart_matrix(td_var, td_coord, id_nlevel, id_xghost) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(IN) :: td_var TYPE(TMPP) , INTENT(IN) :: td_coord INTEGER(i4) , INTENT(IN) :: id_nlevel INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: id_xghost ! function TYPE(TVAR) :: create_restart_matrix ! local variable INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(3) :: il_dim INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(3) :: il_size INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(3) :: il_rest INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: il_ishape INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: il_jshape INTEGER(i4) , DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: il_kshape REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dl_value TYPE(TDIM) , DIMENSION(ip_maxdim) :: tl_dim ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: ji INTEGER(i4) :: jj INTEGER(i4) :: jk !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! write value on grid ! get matrix dimension il_dim(:)=td_var%t_dim(1:3)%i_len ! output dimension tl_dim(jp_I:jp_J)=dim_copy(td_coord%t_dim(jp_I:jp_J)) IF( id_nlevel >= 1 )THEN tl_dim(jp_K)=dim_init('Z',id_nlevel) ENDIF ! remove ghost cell tl_dim(jp_I)%i_len=tl_dim(jp_I)%i_len - SUM(id_xghost(jp_I,:))*ip_ghost tl_dim(jp_J)%i_len=tl_dim(jp_J)%i_len - SUM(id_xghost(jp_J,:))*ip_ghost ! split output domain in N subdomain depending of matrix dimension il_size(:) = tl_dim(1:3)%i_len / il_dim(:) il_rest(:) = MOD(tl_dim(1:3)%i_len, il_dim(:)) ALLOCATE( il_ishape(il_dim(1)+1) ) il_ishape(:)=0 DO ji=2,il_dim(1)+1 il_ishape(ji)=il_ishape(ji-1)+il_size(1) ENDDO ! add rest to last cell il_ishape(il_dim(1)+1)=il_ishape(il_dim(1)+1)+il_rest(1) ALLOCATE( il_jshape(il_dim(2)+1) ) il_jshape(:)=0 DO jj=2,il_dim(2)+1 il_jshape(jj)=il_jshape(jj-1)+il_size(2) ENDDO ! add rest to last cell il_jshape(il_dim(2)+1)=il_jshape(il_dim(2)+1)+il_rest(2) ALLOCATE( il_kshape(il_dim(3)+1) ) il_kshape(:)=0 DO jk=2,il_dim(3)+1 il_kshape(jk)=il_kshape(jk-1)+il_size(3) ENDDO ! add rest to last cell il_kshape(il_dim(3)+1)=il_kshape(il_dim(3)+1)+il_rest(3) ! write ouput array of value ALLOCATE(dl_value( tl_dim(1)%i_len, & & tl_dim(2)%i_len, & & tl_dim(3)%i_len, & & tl_dim(4)%i_len) ) dl_value(:,:,:,:)=0 DO jk=2,il_dim(3)+1 DO jj=2,il_dim(2)+1 DO ji=2,il_dim(1)+1 dl_value( 1+il_ishape(ji-1):il_ishape(ji), & & 1+il_jshape(jj-1):il_jshape(jj), & & 1+il_kshape(jk-1):il_kshape(jk), & & 1 ) = td_var%d_value(ji-1,jj-1,jk-1,1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! keep attribute and type create_restart_matrix=var_copy(td_var) DEALLOCATE( create_restart_matrix%d_value ) ! save new dimension create_restart_matrix%t_dim(:)=dim_copy(tl_dim(:)) ! add variable value CALL var_add_value( create_restart_matrix, dl_value(:,:,:,:), & & id_type=td_var%i_type) DEALLOCATE(dl_value) ! clean DEALLOCATE(il_ishape) DEALLOCATE(il_jshape) DEALLOCATE(il_kshape) END FUNCTION create_restart_matrix !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine use mask to filled land point with _FillValue !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> !> @param[inout] td_var variable structure !> @param[in] td_mask mask variable structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE create_restart_mask( td_var, td_mask ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: td_var TYPE(TVAR), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN ) :: td_mask ! local variable INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: il_mask ! loop indices INTEGER(i4) :: jl INTEGER(i4) :: jk !---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ALL(td_var%t_dim(1:2)%l_use) )THEN IF( ANY(td_var%t_dim(1:2)%i_len /= td_mask(1)%t_dim(1:2)%i_len) )THEN CALL logger_error("CREATE RESTART MASK: dimension differ between"//& & " variable "//TRIM(td_var%c_name)//" ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len))//& & ") and level ("//& & TRIM(fct_str(td_mask(1)%t_dim(1)%i_len))//","//& & TRIM(fct_str(td_mask(1)%t_dim(2)%i_len))//")") ELSE ALLOCATE( il_mask(td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len, & & td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len) ) SELECT CASE(TRIM(td_var%c_point)) CASE('T') il_mask(:,:)=INT(td_mask(jp_T)%d_value(:,:,1,1)) CASE('U') il_mask(:,:)=INT(td_mask(jp_U)%d_value(:,:,1,1)) CASE('V') il_mask(:,:)=INT(td_mask(jp_V)%d_value(:,:,1,1)) CASE('F') il_mask(:,:)=INT(td_mask(jp_F)%d_value(:,:,1,1)) END SELECT DO jl=1,td_var%t_dim(4)%i_len DO jk=1,td_var%t_dim(3)%i_len WHERE( il_mask(:,:) < jk ) td_var%d_value(:,:,jk,jl)=td_var%d_fill END WHERE ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( il_mask ) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE create_restart_mask !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine interpolate variable !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version !> @date June, 2015 !> - do not use level anymore (for extrapolation) !> !> @param[inout] td_var variable structure !> @param[in] id_rho array of refinment factor !> @param[in] id_offset array of offset between fine and coarse grid !> @param[in] id_iext i-direction size of extra bands (default=im_minext) !> @param[in] id_jext j-direction size of extra bands (default=im_minext) !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE create_restart_interp( td_var, & & id_rho, & & id_offset, & & id_iext, id_jext) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TVAR) , INTENT(INOUT) :: td_var INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:) , INTENT(IN ) :: id_rho INTEGER(i4), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN ) :: id_offset INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: id_iext INTEGER(i4), INTENT(IN ), OPTIONAL :: id_jext ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_iext INTEGER(i4) :: il_jext ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- il_iext=3 IF( PRESENT(id_iext) ) il_iext=id_iext il_jext=3 IF( PRESENT(id_jext) ) il_jext=id_jext IF( il_iext < 2 .AND. td_var%c_interp(1) == 'cubic' )THEN CALL logger_warn("CREATE RESTART INTERP: at least extrapolation "//& & "on two points are required with cubic interpolation ") il_iext=2 ENDIF IF( il_jext < 2 .AND. td_var%c_interp(1) == 'cubic' )THEN CALL logger_warn("CREATE RESTART INTERP: at least extrapolation "//& & "on two points are required with cubic interpolation ") il_jext=2 ENDIF ! work on variable ! add extraband CALL extrap_add_extrabands(td_var, il_iext, il_jext) ! extrapolate variable CALL extrap_fill_value( td_var ) ! interpolate variable CALL interp_fill_value( td_var, id_rho(:), & & id_offset=id_offset(:,:) ) ! remove extraband CALL extrap_del_extrabands(td_var, il_iext*id_rho(jp_I), il_jext*id_rho(jp_J)) END SUBROUTINE create_restart_interp !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine get depth variable value in an open mpp structure !> and check if agree with already input depth variable. !> !> @details !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2014 - Initial Version !> !> @param[in] td_mpp mpp structure !> @param[inout] td_depth depth variable structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE create_restart_check_depth( td_mpp, td_depth ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP), INTENT(IN ) :: td_mpp TYPE(TVAR), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_depth ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_varid TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_depth ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! get or check depth value IF( td_mpp%t_proc(1)%i_depthid /= 0 )THEN il_varid=td_mpp%t_proc(1)%i_depthid IF( ASSOCIATED(td_depth%d_value) )THEN tl_depth=iom_mpp_read_var(td_mpp, il_varid) IF( ANY( td_depth%d_value(:,:,:,:) /= & & tl_depth%d_value(:,:,:,:) ) )THEN CALL logger_warn("CREATE RESTART: depth value from "//& & TRIM(td_mpp%c_name)//" not conform "//& & " to those from former file(s).") ENDIF CALL var_clean(tl_depth) ELSE td_depth=iom_mpp_read_var(td_mpp,il_varid) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE create_restart_check_depth !------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> This subroutine get date and time in an open mpp structure !> and check if agree with date and time already read. !> !> @details !> !> @author J.Paul !> @date November, 2014 - Initial Version !> !> @param[in] td_mpp mpp structure !> @param[inout] td_time time variable structure !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE create_restart_check_time( td_mpp, td_time ) IMPLICIT NONE ! Argument TYPE(TMPP), INTENT(IN ) :: td_mpp TYPE(TVAR), INTENT(INOUT) :: td_time ! local variable INTEGER(i4) :: il_varid TYPE(TVAR) :: tl_time TYPE(TDATE) :: tl_date1 TYPE(TDATE) :: tl_date2 ! loop indices !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! get or check depth value IF( td_mpp%t_proc(1)%i_timeid /= 0 )THEN il_varid=td_mpp%t_proc(1)%i_timeid IF( ASSOCIATED(td_time%d_value) )THEN tl_time=iom_mpp_read_var(td_mpp, il_varid) tl_date1=var_to_date(td_time) tl_date2=var_to_date(tl_time) IF( tl_date1 - tl_date2 /= 0 )THEN CALL logger_warn("CREATE BOUNDARY: date from "//& & TRIM(td_mpp%c_name)//" not conform "//& & " to those from former file(s).") ENDIF CALL var_clean(tl_time) ELSE td_time=iom_mpp_read_var(td_mpp,il_varid) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE create_restart_check_time END PROGRAM create_restart