MODULE obs_prep !!===================================================================== !! *** MODULE obs_prep *** !! Observation diagnostics: Prepare observation arrays: screening, !! sorting, coordinate search !!===================================================================== !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! obs_pre_pro : First level check and screening of T/S profiles !! obs_pre_sla : First level check and screening of SLA observations !! obs_pre_sst : First level check and screening of SLA observations !! obs_pre_seaice : First level check and screening of sea ice observations !! obs_pre_vel : First level check and screening of velocity obs. !! obs_scr : Basic screening of the observations !! obs_coo_tim : Compute number of time steps to the observation time !! obs_sor : Sort the observation arrays !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE par_kind, ONLY : & ! Precision variables & wp USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE obs_profiles_def ! Definitions for storage arrays for profiles USE obs_surf_def ! Definitions for storage arrays for surface data USE obs_mpp, ONLY : & ! MPP support routines for observation diagnostics & obs_mpp_sum_integer, & & obs_mpp_sum_integers USE obs_inter_sup ! Interpolation support USE obs_oper ! Observation operators USE lib_mpp, ONLY : & & ctl_warn, ctl_stop IMPLICIT NONE !! * Routine accessibility PRIVATE PUBLIC & & obs_pre_pro, & ! First level check and screening of profiles & obs_pre_sla, & ! First level check and screening of SLA data & obs_pre_sst, & ! First level check and screening of SLA data & obs_pre_seaice, & ! First level check and screening of sea ice data & obs_pre_vel, & ! First level check and screening of velocity profiles & calc_month_len ! Calculate the number of days in the months of a year !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Substitutions # include "domzgr_substitute.h90" CONTAINS SUBROUTINE obs_pre_pro( profdata, prodatqc, ld_t3d, ld_s3d, ld_nea, & & kdailyavtypes ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_pre_pro *** !! !! ** Purpose : First level check and screening of T and S profiles !! !! ** Method : First level check and screening of T and S profiles !! !! ** Action : !! !! References : !! !! History : !! ! 2007-01 (K. Mogensen) Merge of obs_pre_t3d and obs_pre_s3d !! ! 2007-03 (K. Mogensen) General handling of profiles !! ! 2007-06 (K. Mogensen et al) Reject obs. near land. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE domstp ! Domain: set the time-step USE par_oce ! Ocean parameters USE dom_oce, ONLY : & ! Geographical information & glamt, & & gphit, & & gdept_1d,& & tmask !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(INOUT) :: profdata ! Full set of profile data TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(INOUT) :: prodatqc ! Subset of profile data not failing screening LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_t3d ! Switch for temperature LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_s3d ! Switch for salinity LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_nea ! Switch for rejecting observation near land INTEGER, DIMENSION(imaxavtypes), OPTIONAL :: & & kdailyavtypes! Types for daily averages !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: iyea0 ! Initial date INTEGER :: imon0 ! - (year, month, day, hour, minute) INTEGER :: iday0 INTEGER :: ihou0 INTEGER :: imin0 INTEGER :: icycle ! Current assimilation cycle ! Counters for observations that INTEGER :: iotdobs ! - outside time domain INTEGER :: iosdtobs ! - outside space domain (temperature) INTEGER :: iosdsobs ! - outside space domain (salinity) INTEGER :: ilantobs ! - within a model land cell (temperature) INTEGER :: ilansobs ! - within a model land cell (salinity) INTEGER :: inlatobs ! - close to land (temperature) INTEGER :: inlasobs ! - close to land (salinity) INTEGER :: igrdobs ! - fail the grid search ! Global counters for observations that INTEGER :: iotdobsmpp ! - outside time domain INTEGER :: iosdtobsmpp ! - outside space domain (temperature) INTEGER :: iosdsobsmpp ! - outside space domain (salinity) INTEGER :: ilantobsmpp ! - within a model land cell (temperature) INTEGER :: ilansobsmpp ! - within a model land cell (salinity) INTEGER :: inlatobsmpp ! - close to land (temperature) INTEGER :: inlasobsmpp ! - close to land (salinity) INTEGER :: igrdobsmpp ! - fail the grid search TYPE(obs_prof_valid) :: llvalid ! Profile selection TYPE(obs_prof_valid), DIMENSION(profdata%nvar) :: & & llvvalid ! T,S selection INTEGER :: jvar ! Variable loop variable INTEGER :: jobs ! Obs. loop variable INTEGER :: jstp ! Time loop variable INTEGER :: inrc ! Time index variable IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'obs_pre_pro : Preparing the profile observations...' ! Initial date initialization (year, month, day, hour, minute) iyea0 = ndate0 / 10000 imon0 = ( ndate0 - iyea0 * 10000 ) / 100 iday0 = ndate0 - iyea0 * 10000 - imon0 * 100 ihou0 = 0 imin0 = 0 icycle = no ! Assimilation cycle ! Diagnotics counters for various failures. iotdobs = 0 igrdobs = 0 iosdtobs = 0 iosdsobs = 0 ilantobs = 0 ilansobs = 0 inlatobs = 0 inlasobs = 0 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find time coordinate for profiles ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( PRESENT(kdailyavtypes) ) THEN CALL obs_coo_tim_prof( icycle, & & iyea0, imon0, iday0, ihou0, imin0, & & profdata%nprof, profdata%nyea, profdata%nmon, & & profdata%nday, profdata%nhou, profdata%nmin, & & profdata%ntyp, profdata%nqc, profdata%mstp, & & iotdobs, kdailyavtypes = kdailyavtypes ) ELSE CALL obs_coo_tim_prof( icycle, & & iyea0, imon0, iday0, ihou0, imin0, & & profdata%nprof, profdata%nyea, profdata%nmon, & & profdata%nday, profdata%nhou, profdata%nmin, & & profdata%ntyp, profdata%nqc, profdata%mstp, & & iotdobs ) ENDIF CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iotdobs, iotdobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for profiles failing the grid search ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_grd( profdata%nprof, profdata%mi, profdata%mj, & & profdata%nqc, igrdobs ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( igrdobs, igrdobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Reject all observations for profiles with nqc > 10 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_pro_rej( profdata ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for land points. This includes points below the model ! bathymetry so this is done for every point in the profile ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Temperature CALL obs_coo_spc_3d( profdata%nprof, profdata%nvprot(1), & & profdata%npvsta(:,1), profdata%npvend(:,1), & & jpi, jpj, & & jpk, & & profdata%mi, profdata%mj, & & profdata%var(1)%mvk, & & profdata%rlam, profdata%rphi, & & profdata%var(1)%vdep, & & glamt, gphit, & & gdept_1d, tmask, & & profdata%nqc, profdata%var(1)%nvqc, & & iosdtobs, ilantobs, & & inlatobs, ld_nea ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iosdtobs, iosdtobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( ilantobs, ilantobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( inlatobs, inlatobsmpp ) ! Salinity CALL obs_coo_spc_3d( profdata%nprof, profdata%nvprot(2), & & profdata%npvsta(:,2), profdata%npvend(:,2), & & jpi, jpj, & & jpk, & & profdata%mi, profdata%mj, & & profdata%var(2)%mvk, & & profdata%rlam, profdata%rphi, & & profdata%var(2)%vdep, & & glamt, gphit, & & gdept_1d, tmask, & & profdata%nqc, profdata%var(2)%nvqc, & & iosdsobs, ilansobs, & & inlasobs, ld_nea ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iosdsobs, iosdsobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( ilansobs, ilansobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( inlasobs, inlasobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Copy useful data from the profdata data structure to ! the prodatqc data structure ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate the selection arrays ALLOCATE( llvalid%luse(profdata%nprof) ) DO jvar = 1,profdata%nvar ALLOCATE( llvvalid(jvar)%luse(profdata%nvprot(jvar)) ) END DO ! We want all data which has qc flags <= 10 llvalid%luse(:) = ( profdata%nqc(:) <= 10 ) DO jvar = 1,profdata%nvar llvvalid(jvar)%luse(:) = ( profdata%var(jvar)%nvqc(:) <= 10 ) END DO ! The actual copying CALL obs_prof_compress( profdata, prodatqc, .TRUE., numout, & & lvalid=llvalid, lvvalid=llvvalid ) ! Dellocate the selection arrays DEALLOCATE( llvalid%luse ) DO jvar = 1,profdata%nvar DEALLOCATE( llvvalid(jvar)%luse ) END DO ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Print information about what observations are left after qc ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update the total observation counter array IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'obs_pre_pro :' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Profiles outside time domain = ', & & iotdobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining profiles that failed grid search = ', & & igrdobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining T data outside space domain = ', & & iosdtobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining T data at land points = ', & & ilantobsmpp IF (ld_nea) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining T data near land points (removed) = ',& & inlatobsmpp ELSE WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining T data near land points (kept) = ',& & inlatobsmpp ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) ' T data accepted = ', & & prodatqc%nvprotmpp(1) WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining S data outside space domain = ', & & iosdsobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining S data at land points = ', & & ilansobsmpp IF (ld_nea) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining S data near land points (removed) = ',& & inlasobsmpp ELSE WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining S data near land points (kept) = ',& & inlasobsmpp ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) ' S data accepted = ', & & prodatqc%nvprotmpp(2) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Number of observations per time step :' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,997) WRITE(numout,998) ENDIF DO jobs = 1, prodatqc%nprof inrc = prodatqc%mstp(jobs) + 2 - nit000 prodatqc%npstp(inrc) = prodatqc%npstp(inrc) + 1 DO jvar = 1, prodatqc%nvar IF ( prodatqc%npvend(jobs,jvar) > 0 ) THEN prodatqc%nvstp(inrc,jvar) = prodatqc%nvstp(inrc,jvar) + & & ( prodatqc%npvend(jobs,jvar) - & & prodatqc%npvsta(jobs,jvar) + 1 ) ENDIF END DO END DO CALL obs_mpp_sum_integers( prodatqc%npstp, prodatqc%npstpmpp, & & nitend - nit000 + 2 ) DO jvar = 1, prodatqc%nvar CALL obs_mpp_sum_integers( prodatqc%nvstp(:,jvar), & & prodatqc%nvstpmpp(:,jvar), & & nitend - nit000 + 2 ) END DO IF ( lwp ) THEN DO jstp = nit000 - 1, nitend inrc = jstp - nit000 + 2 WRITE(numout,999) jstp, prodatqc%npstpmpp(inrc), & & prodatqc%nvstpmpp(inrc,1), & & prodatqc%nvstpmpp(inrc,2) END DO ENDIF 997 FORMAT(10X,'Time step',5X,'Profiles',5X,'Temperature',5X,'Salinity') 998 FORMAT(10X,'---------',5X,'--------',5X,'-----------',5X,'--------') 999 FORMAT(10X,I9,5X,I8,5X,I11,5X,I8) END SUBROUTINE obs_pre_pro SUBROUTINE obs_pre_sla( sladata, sladatqc, ld_sla, ld_nea ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_pre_sla *** !! !! ** Purpose : First level check and screening of SLA observations !! !! ** Method : First level check and screening of SLA observations !! !! ** Action : !! !! References : !! !! History : !! ! 2007-03 (A. Weaver, K. Mogensen) Original !! ! 2007-06 (K. Mogensen et al) Reject obs. near land. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE domstp ! Domain: set the time-step USE par_oce ! Ocean parameters USE dom_oce, ONLY : & ! Geographical information & glamt, & & gphit, & & tmask !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_surf), INTENT(INOUT) :: sladata ! Full set of SLA data TYPE(obs_surf), INTENT(INOUT) :: sladatqc ! Subset of SLA data not failing screening LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_sla ! Switch for SLA data LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_nea ! Switch for rejecting observation near land !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: iyea0 ! Initial date INTEGER :: imon0 ! - (year, month, day, hour, minute) INTEGER :: iday0 INTEGER :: ihou0 INTEGER :: imin0 INTEGER :: icycle ! Current assimilation cycle ! Counters for observations that INTEGER :: iotdobs ! - outside time domain INTEGER :: iosdsobs ! - outside space domain INTEGER :: ilansobs ! - within a model land cell INTEGER :: inlasobs ! - close to land INTEGER :: igrdobs ! - fail the grid search ! Global counters for observations that INTEGER :: iotdobsmpp ! - outside time domain INTEGER :: iosdsobsmpp ! - outside space domain INTEGER :: ilansobsmpp ! - within a model land cell INTEGER :: inlasobsmpp ! - close to land INTEGER :: igrdobsmpp ! - fail the grid search LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & llvalid ! SLA data selection INTEGER :: jobs ! Obs. loop variable INTEGER :: jstp ! Time loop variable INTEGER :: inrc ! Time index variable IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'obs_pre_sla : Preparing the SLA observations...' ! Initial date initialization (year, month, day, hour, minute) iyea0 = ndate0 / 10000 imon0 = ( ndate0 - iyea0 * 10000 ) / 100 iday0 = ndate0 - iyea0 * 10000 - imon0 * 100 ihou0 = 0 imin0 = 0 icycle = no ! Assimilation cycle ! Diagnotics counters for various failures. iotdobs = 0 igrdobs = 0 iosdsobs = 0 ilansobs = 0 inlasobs = 0 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find time coordinate for SLA data ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_tim( icycle, & & iyea0, imon0, iday0, ihou0, imin0, & & sladata%nsurf, sladata%nyea, sladata%nmon, & & sladata%nday, sladata%nhou, sladata%nmin, & & sladata%nqc, sladata%mstp, iotdobs ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iotdobs, iotdobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for SLA data failing the grid search ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_grd( sladata%nsurf, sladata%mi, sladata%mj, & & sladata%nqc, igrdobs ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( igrdobs, igrdobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for land points. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_spc_2d( sladata%nsurf, & & jpi, jpj, & & sladata%mi, sladata%mj, & & sladata%rlam, sladata%rphi, & & glamt, gphit, & & tmask(:,:,1), sladata%nqc, & & iosdsobs, ilansobs, & & inlasobs, ld_nea ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iosdsobs, iosdsobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( ilansobs, ilansobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( inlasobs, inlasobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Copy useful data from the sladata data structure to ! the sladatqc data structure ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate the selection arrays ALLOCATE( llvalid(sladata%nsurf) ) ! We want all data which has qc flags <= 10 llvalid(:) = ( sladata%nqc(:) <= 10 ) ! The actual copying CALL obs_surf_compress( sladata, sladatqc, .TRUE., numout, & & lvalid=llvalid ) ! Dellocate the selection arrays DEALLOCATE( llvalid ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Print information about what observations are left after qc ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update the total observation counter array IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'obs_pre_sla :' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' SLA data outside time domain = ', & & iotdobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining SLA data that failed grid search = ', & & igrdobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining SLA data outside space domain = ', & & iosdsobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining SLA data at land points = ', & & ilansobsmpp IF (ld_nea) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining SLA data near land points (removed) = ', & & inlasobsmpp ELSE WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining SLA data near land points (kept) = ', & & inlasobsmpp ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) ' SLA data accepted = ', & & sladatqc%nsurfmpp WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Number of observations per time step :' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,1997) WRITE(numout,1998) ENDIF DO jobs = 1, sladatqc%nsurf inrc = sladatqc%mstp(jobs) + 2 - nit000 sladatqc%nsstp(inrc) = sladatqc%nsstp(inrc) + 1 END DO CALL obs_mpp_sum_integers( sladatqc%nsstp, sladatqc%nsstpmpp, & & nitend - nit000 + 2 ) IF ( lwp ) THEN DO jstp = nit000 - 1, nitend inrc = jstp - nit000 + 2 WRITE(numout,1999) jstp, sladatqc%nsstpmpp(inrc) END DO ENDIF 1997 FORMAT(10X,'Time step',5X,'Sea level anomaly') 1998 FORMAT(10X,'---------',5X,'-----------------') 1999 FORMAT(10X,I9,5X,I17) END SUBROUTINE obs_pre_sla SUBROUTINE obs_pre_sst( sstdata, sstdatqc, ld_sst, ld_nea ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_pre_sst *** !! !! ** Purpose : First level check and screening of SST observations !! !! ** Method : First level check and screening of SST observations !! !! ** Action : !! !! References : !! !! History : !! ! 2007-03 (S. Ricci) SST data preparation !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE domstp ! Domain: set the time-step USE par_oce ! Ocean parameters USE dom_oce, ONLY : & ! Geographical information & glamt, & & gphit, & & tmask !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_surf), INTENT(INOUT) :: sstdata ! Full set of SST data TYPE(obs_surf), INTENT(INOUT) :: sstdatqc ! Subset of SST data not failing screening LOGICAL :: ld_sst ! Switch for SST data LOGICAL :: ld_nea ! Switch for rejecting observation near land !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: iyea0 ! Initial date INTEGER :: imon0 ! - (year, month, day, hour, minute) INTEGER :: iday0 INTEGER :: ihou0 INTEGER :: imin0 INTEGER :: icycle ! Current assimilation cycle ! Counters for observations that INTEGER :: iotdobs ! - outside time domain INTEGER :: iosdsobs ! - outside space domain INTEGER :: ilansobs ! - within a model land cell INTEGER :: inlasobs ! - close to land INTEGER :: igrdobs ! - fail the grid search ! Global counters for observations that INTEGER :: iotdobsmpp ! - outside time domain INTEGER :: iosdsobsmpp ! - outside space domain INTEGER :: ilansobsmpp ! - within a model land cell INTEGER :: inlasobsmpp ! - close to land INTEGER :: igrdobsmpp ! - fail the grid search LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & llvalid ! SST data selection INTEGER :: jobs ! Obs. loop variable INTEGER :: jstp ! Time loop variable INTEGER :: inrc ! Time index variable IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'obs_pre_sst : Preparing the SST observations...' ! Initial date initialization (year, month, day, hour, minute) iyea0 = ndate0 / 10000 imon0 = ( ndate0 - iyea0 * 10000 ) / 100 iday0 = ndate0 - iyea0 * 10000 - imon0 * 100 ihou0 = 0 imin0 = 0 icycle = no ! Assimilation cycle ! Diagnotics counters for various failures. iotdobs = 0 igrdobs = 0 iosdsobs = 0 ilansobs = 0 inlasobs = 0 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find time coordinate for SST data ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_tim( icycle, & & iyea0, imon0, iday0, ihou0, imin0, & & sstdata%nsurf, sstdata%nyea, sstdata%nmon, & & sstdata%nday, sstdata%nhou, sstdata%nmin, & & sstdata%nqc, sstdata%mstp, iotdobs ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iotdobs, iotdobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for SST data failing the grid search ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_grd( sstdata%nsurf, sstdata%mi, sstdata%mj, & & sstdata%nqc, igrdobs ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( igrdobs, igrdobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for land points. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_spc_2d( sstdata%nsurf, & & jpi, jpj, & & sstdata%mi, sstdata%mj, & & sstdata%rlam, sstdata%rphi, & & glamt, gphit, & & tmask(:,:,1), sstdata%nqc, & & iosdsobs, ilansobs, & & inlasobs, ld_nea ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iosdsobs, iosdsobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( ilansobs, ilansobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( inlasobs, inlasobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Copy useful data from the sstdata data structure to ! the sstdatqc data structure ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate the selection arrays ALLOCATE( llvalid(sstdata%nsurf) ) ! We want all data which has qc flags <= 0 llvalid(:) = ( sstdata%nqc(:) <= 10 ) ! The actual copying CALL obs_surf_compress( sstdata, sstdatqc, .TRUE., numout, & & lvalid=llvalid ) ! Dellocate the selection arrays DEALLOCATE( llvalid ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Print information about what observations are left after qc ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update the total observation counter array IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'obs_pre_sst :' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' SST data outside time domain = ', & & iotdobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining SST data that failed grid search = ', & & igrdobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining SST data outside space domain = ', & & iosdsobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining SST data at land points = ', & & ilansobsmpp IF (ld_nea) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining SST data near land points (removed) = ', & & inlasobsmpp ELSE WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining SST data near land points (kept) = ', & & inlasobsmpp ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) ' SST data accepted = ', & & sstdatqc%nsurfmpp WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Number of observations per time step :' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,1997) WRITE(numout,1998) ENDIF DO jobs = 1, sstdatqc%nsurf inrc = sstdatqc%mstp(jobs) + 2 - nit000 sstdatqc%nsstp(inrc) = sstdatqc%nsstp(inrc) + 1 END DO CALL obs_mpp_sum_integers( sstdatqc%nsstp, sstdatqc%nsstpmpp, & & nitend - nit000 + 2 ) IF ( lwp ) THEN DO jstp = nit000 - 1, nitend inrc = jstp - nit000 + 2 WRITE(numout,1999) jstp, sstdatqc%nsstpmpp(inrc) END DO ENDIF 1997 FORMAT(10X,'Time step',5X,'Sea surface temperature') 1998 FORMAT(10X,'---------',5X,'-----------------') 1999 FORMAT(10X,I9,5X,I17) END SUBROUTINE obs_pre_sst SUBROUTINE obs_pre_seaice( seaicedata, seaicedatqc, ld_seaice, ld_nea ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_pre_seaice *** !! !! ** Purpose : First level check and screening of Sea Ice observations !! !! ** Method : First level check and screening of Sea Ice observations !! !! ** Action : !! !! References : !! !! History : !! ! 2007-11 (D. Lea) based on obs_pre_sst !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE domstp ! Domain: set the time-step USE par_oce ! Ocean parameters USE dom_oce, ONLY : & ! Geographical information & glamt, & & gphit, & & tmask !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_surf), INTENT(INOUT) :: seaicedata ! Full set of Sea Ice data TYPE(obs_surf), INTENT(INOUT) :: seaicedatqc ! Subset of sea ice data not failing screening LOGICAL :: ld_seaice ! Switch for sea ice data LOGICAL :: ld_nea ! Switch for rejecting observation near land !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: iyea0 ! Initial date INTEGER :: imon0 ! - (year, month, day, hour, minute) INTEGER :: iday0 INTEGER :: ihou0 INTEGER :: imin0 INTEGER :: icycle ! Current assimilation cycle ! Counters for observations that INTEGER :: iotdobs ! - outside time domain INTEGER :: iosdsobs ! - outside space domain INTEGER :: ilansobs ! - within a model land cell INTEGER :: inlasobs ! - close to land INTEGER :: igrdobs ! - fail the grid search ! Global counters for observations that INTEGER :: iotdobsmpp ! - outside time domain INTEGER :: iosdsobsmpp ! - outside space domain INTEGER :: ilansobsmpp ! - within a model land cell INTEGER :: inlasobsmpp ! - close to land INTEGER :: igrdobsmpp ! - fail the grid search LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & llvalid ! data selection INTEGER :: jobs ! Obs. loop variable INTEGER :: jstp ! Time loop variable INTEGER :: inrc ! Time index variable IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'obs_pre_seaice : Preparing the sea ice observations...' ! Initial date initialization (year, month, day, hour, minute) iyea0 = ndate0 / 10000 imon0 = ( ndate0 - iyea0 * 10000 ) / 100 iday0 = ndate0 - iyea0 * 10000 - imon0 * 100 ihou0 = 0 imin0 = 0 icycle = no ! Assimilation cycle ! Diagnotics counters for various failures. iotdobs = 0 igrdobs = 0 iosdsobs = 0 ilansobs = 0 inlasobs = 0 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find time coordinate for sea ice data ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_tim( icycle, & & iyea0, imon0, iday0, ihou0, imin0, & & seaicedata%nsurf, seaicedata%nyea, seaicedata%nmon, & & seaicedata%nday, seaicedata%nhou, seaicedata%nmin, & & seaicedata%nqc, seaicedata%mstp, iotdobs ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iotdobs, iotdobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for sea ice data failing the grid search ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_grd( seaicedata%nsurf, seaicedata%mi, seaicedata%mj, & & seaicedata%nqc, igrdobs ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( igrdobs, igrdobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for land points. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_spc_2d( seaicedata%nsurf, & & jpi, jpj, & & seaicedata%mi, seaicedata%mj, & & seaicedata%rlam, seaicedata%rphi, & & glamt, gphit, & & tmask(:,:,1), seaicedata%nqc, & & iosdsobs, ilansobs, & & inlasobs, ld_nea ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iosdsobs, iosdsobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( ilansobs, ilansobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( inlasobs, inlasobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Copy useful data from the seaicedata data structure to ! the seaicedatqc data structure ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate the selection arrays ALLOCATE( llvalid(seaicedata%nsurf) ) ! We want all data which has qc flags <= 0 llvalid(:) = ( seaicedata%nqc(:) <= 10 ) ! The actual copying CALL obs_surf_compress( seaicedata, seaicedatqc, .TRUE., numout, & & lvalid=llvalid ) ! Dellocate the selection arrays DEALLOCATE( llvalid ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Print information about what observations are left after qc ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update the total observation counter array IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'obs_pre_seaice :' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Sea ice data outside time domain = ', & & iotdobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining sea ice data that failed grid search = ', & & igrdobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining sea ice data outside space domain = ', & & iosdsobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining sea ice data at land points = ', & & ilansobsmpp IF (ld_nea) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining sea ice data near land points (removed) = ', & & inlasobsmpp ELSE WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining sea ice data near land points (kept) = ', & & inlasobsmpp ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) ' Sea ice data accepted = ', & & seaicedatqc%nsurfmpp WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Number of observations per time step :' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,1997) WRITE(numout,1998) ENDIF DO jobs = 1, seaicedatqc%nsurf inrc = seaicedatqc%mstp(jobs) + 2 - nit000 seaicedatqc%nsstp(inrc) = seaicedatqc%nsstp(inrc) + 1 END DO CALL obs_mpp_sum_integers( seaicedatqc%nsstp, seaicedatqc%nsstpmpp, & & nitend - nit000 + 2 ) IF ( lwp ) THEN DO jstp = nit000 - 1, nitend inrc = jstp - nit000 + 2 WRITE(numout,1999) jstp, seaicedatqc%nsstpmpp(inrc) END DO ENDIF 1997 FORMAT(10X,'Time step',5X,'Sea ice data ') 1998 FORMAT(10X,'---------',5X,'-----------------') 1999 FORMAT(10X,I9,5X,I17) END SUBROUTINE obs_pre_seaice SUBROUTINE obs_pre_vel( profdata, prodatqc, ld_vel3d, ld_nea, ld_dailyav ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_pre_taovel *** !! !! ** Purpose : First level check and screening of U and V profiles !! !! ** Method : First level check and screening of U and V profiles !! !! History : !! ! 2007-06 (K. Mogensen) original : T and S profile data !! ! 2008-09 (M. Valdivieso) : TAO velocity data !! ! 2009-01 (K. Mogensen) : New feedback strictuer !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE domstp ! Domain: set the time-step USE par_oce ! Ocean parameters USE dom_oce, ONLY : & ! Geographical information & glamt, glamu, glamv, & & gphit, gphiu, gphiv, & & gdept_1d, & & tmask, umask, vmask !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(INOUT) :: profdata ! Full set of profile data TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(INOUT) :: prodatqc ! Subset of profile data not failing screening LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_vel3d ! Switch for zonal and meridional velocity components LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_nea ! Switch for rejecting observation near land LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_dailyav ! Switch for daily average data !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: iyea0 ! Initial date INTEGER :: imon0 ! - (year, month, day, hour, minute) INTEGER :: iday0 INTEGER :: ihou0 INTEGER :: imin0 INTEGER :: icycle ! Current assimilation cycle ! Counters for observations that INTEGER :: iotdobs ! - outside time domain INTEGER :: iosduobs ! - outside space domain (zonal velocity component) INTEGER :: iosdvobs ! - outside space domain (meridional velocity component) INTEGER :: ilanuobs ! - within a model land cell (zonal velocity component) INTEGER :: ilanvobs ! - within a model land cell (meridional velocity component) INTEGER :: inlauobs ! - close to land (zonal velocity component) INTEGER :: inlavobs ! - close to land (meridional velocity component) INTEGER :: igrdobs ! - fail the grid search INTEGER :: iuvchku ! - reject u if v rejected and vice versa INTEGER :: iuvchkv ! ! Global counters for observations that INTEGER :: iotdobsmpp ! - outside time domain INTEGER :: iosduobsmpp ! - outside space domain (zonal velocity component) INTEGER :: iosdvobsmpp ! - outside space domain (meridional velocity component) INTEGER :: ilanuobsmpp ! - within a model land cell (zonal velocity component) INTEGER :: ilanvobsmpp ! - within a model land cell (meridional velocity component) INTEGER :: inlauobsmpp ! - close to land (zonal velocity component) INTEGER :: inlavobsmpp ! - close to land (meridional velocity component) INTEGER :: igrdobsmpp ! - fail the grid search INTEGER :: iuvchkumpp ! - reject u if v rejected and vice versa INTEGER :: iuvchkvmpp ! TYPE(obs_prof_valid) :: llvalid ! Profile selection TYPE(obs_prof_valid), DIMENSION(profdata%nvar) :: & & llvvalid ! U,V selection INTEGER :: jvar ! Variable loop variable INTEGER :: jobs ! Obs. loop variable INTEGER :: jstp ! Time loop variable INTEGER :: inrc ! Time index variable IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'obs_pre_vel: Preparing the velocity profile data' ! Initial date initialization (year, month, day, hour, minute) iyea0 = ndate0 / 10000 imon0 = ( ndate0 - iyea0 * 10000 ) / 100 iday0 = ndate0 - iyea0 * 10000 - imon0 * 100 ihou0 = 0 imin0 = 0 icycle = no ! Assimilation cycle ! Diagnotics counters for various failures. iotdobs = 0 igrdobs = 0 iosduobs = 0 iosdvobs = 0 ilanuobs = 0 ilanvobs = 0 inlauobs = 0 inlavobs = 0 iuvchku = 0 iuvchkv = 0 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find time coordinate for profiles ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_tim_prof( icycle, & & iyea0, imon0, iday0, ihou0, imin0, & & profdata%nprof, profdata%nyea, profdata%nmon, & & profdata%nday, profdata%nhou, profdata%nmin, & & profdata%ntyp, profdata%nqc, profdata%mstp, & & iotdobs, ld_dailyav = ld_dailyav ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iotdobs, iotdobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for profiles failing the grid search ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_grd( profdata%nprof, profdata%mi(:,1), profdata%mj(:,1), & & profdata%nqc, igrdobs ) CALL obs_coo_grd( profdata%nprof, profdata%mi(:,2), profdata%mj(:,2), & & profdata%nqc, igrdobs ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( igrdobs, igrdobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Reject all observations for profiles with nqc > 10 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_pro_rej( profdata ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for land points. This includes points below the model ! bathymetry so this is done for every point in the profile ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Zonal Velocity Component CALL obs_coo_spc_3d( profdata%nprof, profdata%nvprot(1), & & profdata%npvsta(:,1), profdata%npvend(:,1), & & jpi, jpj, & & jpk, & & profdata%mi, profdata%mj, & & profdata%var(1)%mvk, & & profdata%rlam, profdata%rphi, & & profdata%var(1)%vdep, & & glamu, gphiu, & & gdept_1d, umask, & & profdata%nqc, profdata%var(1)%nvqc, & & iosduobs, ilanuobs, & & inlauobs, ld_nea ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iosduobs, iosduobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( ilanuobs, ilanuobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( inlauobs, inlauobsmpp ) ! Meridional Velocity Component CALL obs_coo_spc_3d( profdata%nprof, profdata%nvprot(2), & & profdata%npvsta(:,2), profdata%npvend(:,2), & & jpi, jpj, & & jpk, & & profdata%mi, profdata%mj, & & profdata%var(2)%mvk, & & profdata%rlam, profdata%rphi, & & profdata%var(2)%vdep, & & glamv, gphiv, & & gdept_1d, vmask, & & profdata%nqc, profdata%var(2)%nvqc, & & iosdvobs, ilanvobs, & & inlavobs, ld_nea ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iosdvobs, iosdvobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( ilanvobs, ilanvobsmpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( inlavobs, inlavobsmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Reject u if v is rejected and vice versa ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_uv_rej( profdata, iuvchku, iuvchkv ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iuvchku, iuvchkumpp ) CALL obs_mpp_sum_integer( iuvchkv, iuvchkvmpp ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Copy useful data from the profdata data structure to ! the prodatqc data structure ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate the selection arrays ALLOCATE( llvalid%luse(profdata%nprof) ) DO jvar = 1,profdata%nvar ALLOCATE( llvvalid(jvar)%luse(profdata%nvprot(jvar)) ) END DO ! We want all data which has qc flags = 0 llvalid%luse(:) = ( profdata%nqc(:) <= 10 ) DO jvar = 1,profdata%nvar llvvalid(jvar)%luse(:) = ( profdata%var(jvar)%nvqc(:) <= 10 ) END DO ! The actual copying CALL obs_prof_compress( profdata, prodatqc, .TRUE., numout, & & lvalid=llvalid, lvvalid=llvvalid ) ! Dellocate the selection arrays DEALLOCATE( llvalid%luse ) DO jvar = 1,profdata%nvar DEALLOCATE( llvvalid(jvar)%luse ) END DO ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Print information about what observations are left after qc ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update the total observation counter array IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'obs_pre_vel :' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Profiles outside time domain = ', & & iotdobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining profiles that failed grid search = ', & & igrdobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining U data outside space domain = ', & & iosduobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining U data at land points = ', & & ilanuobsmpp IF (ld_nea) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining U data near land points (removed) = ',& & inlauobsmpp ELSE WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining U data near land points (kept) = ',& & inlauobsmpp ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) ' U observation rejected since V rejected = ', & & iuvchku WRITE(numout,*) ' U data accepted = ', & & prodatqc%nvprotmpp(1) WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining V data outside space domain = ', & & iosdvobsmpp WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining V data at land points = ', & & ilanvobsmpp IF (ld_nea) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining V data near land points (removed) = ',& & inlavobsmpp ELSE WRITE(numout,*) ' Remaining V data near land points (kept) = ',& & inlavobsmpp ENDIF WRITE(numout,*) ' V observation rejected since U rejected = ', & & iuvchkv WRITE(numout,*) ' V data accepted = ', & & prodatqc%nvprotmpp(2) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Number of observations per time step :' WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,997) WRITE(numout,998) ENDIF DO jobs = 1, prodatqc%nprof inrc = prodatqc%mstp(jobs) + 2 - nit000 prodatqc%npstp(inrc) = prodatqc%npstp(inrc) + 1 DO jvar = 1, prodatqc%nvar IF ( prodatqc%npvend(jobs,jvar) > 0 ) THEN prodatqc%nvstp(inrc,jvar) = prodatqc%nvstp(inrc,jvar) + & & ( prodatqc%npvend(jobs,jvar) - & & prodatqc%npvsta(jobs,jvar) + 1 ) ENDIF END DO END DO CALL obs_mpp_sum_integers( prodatqc%npstp, prodatqc%npstpmpp, & & nitend - nit000 + 2 ) DO jvar = 1, prodatqc%nvar CALL obs_mpp_sum_integers( prodatqc%nvstp(:,jvar), & & prodatqc%nvstpmpp(:,jvar), & & nitend - nit000 + 2 ) END DO IF ( lwp ) THEN DO jstp = nit000 - 1, nitend inrc = jstp - nit000 + 2 WRITE(numout,999) jstp, prodatqc%npstpmpp(inrc), & & prodatqc%nvstpmpp(inrc,1), & & prodatqc%nvstpmpp(inrc,2) END DO ENDIF 997 FORMAT(10X,'Time step',5X,'Profiles',5X,'Zonal Comp.',5X,'Meridional Comp.') 998 FORMAT(10X,'---------',5X,'--------',5X,'-----------',5X,'----------------') 999 FORMAT(10X,I9,5X,I8,5X,I11,5X,I8) END SUBROUTINE obs_pre_vel SUBROUTINE obs_coo_tim( kcycle, & & kyea0, kmon0, kday0, khou0, kmin0, & & kobsno, & & kobsyea, kobsmon, kobsday, kobshou, kobsmin, & & kobsqc, kobsstp, kotdobs ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_coo_tim *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute the number of time steps to the observation time. !! !! ** Method : For time coordinates ( yea_obs, mon_obs, day_obs, !! hou_obs, min_obs ), this routine locates the time step !! that is closest to this time. !! !! ** Action : !! !! References : !! !! History : !! ! 1997-07 (A. Weaver) Original !! ! 2006-08 (A. Weaver) NEMOVAR migration !! ! 2006-10 (A. Weaver) Cleanup !! ! 2007-01 (K. Mogensen) Rewritten with loop !! ! 2010-05 (D. Lea) Fix in leap year calculation for NEMO vn3.2 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE dom_oce, ONLY : & ! Geographical information & rdt USE phycst, ONLY : & ! Physical constants & rday, & & rmmss, & & rhhmm !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kcycle ! Current cycle INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kyea0 ! Initial date coordinates INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kmon0 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kday0 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: khou0 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kmin0 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kobsno ! Number of observations INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: kotdobs ! Number of observations failing time check INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(IN ) :: & & kobsyea, & ! Observation time coordinates & kobsmon, & & kobsday, & & kobshou, & & kobsmin INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & kobsqc ! Quality control flag INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(OUT) :: & & kobsstp ! Number of time steps up to the ! observation time !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: jyea INTEGER :: jmon INTEGER :: jday INTEGER :: jobs INTEGER :: iyeastr INTEGER :: iyeaend INTEGER :: imonstr INTEGER :: imonend INTEGER :: idaystr INTEGER :: idayend INTEGER :: iskip INTEGER :: idaystp REAL(KIND=wp) :: zminstp REAL(KIND=wp) :: zhoustp REAL(KIND=wp) :: zobsstp INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: imonth_len !: length in days of the months of the current year !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialization !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Intialize the number of time steps per day idaystp = NINT( rday / rdt ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Locate the model time coordinates for interpolation !--------------------------------------------------------------------- DO jobs = 1, kobsno ! Initialize the time step counter kobsstp(jobs) = nit000 - 1 ! Flag if observation date is less than the initial date IF ( ( kobsyea(jobs) < kyea0 ) & & .OR. ( ( kobsyea(jobs) == kyea0 ) & & .AND. ( kobsmon(jobs) < kmon0 ) ) & & .OR. ( ( kobsyea(jobs) == kyea0 ) & & .AND. ( kobsmon(jobs) == kmon0 ) & & .AND. ( kobsday(jobs) < kday0 ) ) & & .OR. ( ( kobsyea(jobs) == kyea0 ) & & .AND. ( kobsmon(jobs) == kmon0 ) & & .AND. ( kobsday(jobs) == kday0 ) & & .AND. ( kobshou(jobs) < khou0 ) ) & & .OR. ( ( kobsyea(jobs) == kyea0 ) & & .AND. ( kobsmon(jobs) == kmon0 ) & & .AND. ( kobsday(jobs) == kday0 ) & & .AND. ( kobshou(jobs) == khou0 ) & & .AND. ( kobsmin(jobs) <= kmin0 ) ) ) THEN kobsstp(jobs) = -1 kobsqc(jobs) = kobsqc(jobs) + 11 kotdobs = kotdobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF ! Compute the number of time steps to the observation day iyeastr = kyea0 iyeaend = kobsyea(jobs) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Year loop !--------------------------------------------------------------------- DO jyea = iyeastr, iyeaend CALL calc_month_len( jyea, imonth_len ) imonstr = 1 IF ( jyea == kyea0 ) imonstr = kmon0 imonend = 12 IF ( jyea == kobsyea(jobs) ) imonend = kobsmon(jobs) ! Month loop DO jmon = imonstr, imonend idaystr = 1 IF ( ( jmon == kmon0 ) & & .AND. ( jyea == kyea0 ) ) idaystr = kday0 idayend = imonth_len(jmon) IF ( ( jmon == kobsmon(jobs) ) & & .AND. ( jyea == kobsyea(jobs) ) ) idayend = kobsday(jobs) - 1 ! Day loop DO jday = idaystr, idayend kobsstp(jobs) = kobsstp(jobs) + idaystp END DO END DO END DO ! Add in the number of time steps to the observation minute zminstp = rmmss / rdt zhoustp = rhhmm * zminstp zobsstp = REAL( kobsmin(jobs) - kmin0, KIND=wp ) * zminstp & & + REAL( kobshou(jobs) - khou0, KIND=wp ) * zhoustp kobsstp(jobs) = kobsstp(jobs) + NINT( zobsstp ) ! Flag if observation step outside the time window IF ( ( kobsstp(jobs) < ( nit000 - 1 ) ) & & .OR.( kobsstp(jobs) > nitend ) ) THEN kobsqc(jobs) = kobsqc(jobs) + 12 kotdobs = kotdobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF END DO END SUBROUTINE obs_coo_tim SUBROUTINE calc_month_len( iyear, imonth_len ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE calc_month_len *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute the number of days in a months given a year. !! !! ** Method : !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 10-05 (D. Lea) New routine based on day_init !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: imonth_len !: length in days of the months of the current year INTEGER :: iyear !: year ! length of the month of the current year (from nleapy, read in namelist) IF ( nleapy < 2 ) THEN imonth_len(:) = (/ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 /) IF ( nleapy == 1 ) THEN ! we are using calendar with leap years IF ( MOD(iyear, 4) == 0 .AND. ( MOD(iyear, 400) == 0 .OR. MOD(iyear, 100) /= 0 ) ) THEN imonth_len(2) = 29 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE imonth_len(:) = nleapy ! all months with nleapy days per year ENDIF END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE obs_coo_tim_prof( kcycle, & & kyea0, kmon0, kday0, khou0, kmin0, & & kobsno, & & kobsyea, kobsmon, kobsday, kobshou, kobsmin, & & ktyp, kobsqc, kobsstp, kotdobs, kdailyavtypes, & & ld_dailyav ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_coo_tim *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute the number of time steps to the observation time. !! !! ** Method : For time coordinates ( yea_obs, mon_obs, day_obs, !! hou_obs, min_obs ), this routine locates the time step !! that is closest to this time. !! !! ** Action : !! !! References : !! !! History : !! ! 1997-07 (A. Weaver) Original !! ! 2006-08 (A. Weaver) NEMOVAR migration !! ! 2006-10 (A. Weaver) Cleanup !! ! 2007-01 (K. Mogensen) Rewritten with loop !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kcycle ! Current cycle INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kyea0 ! Initial date coordinates INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kmon0 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kday0 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: khou0 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kmin0 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kobsno ! Number of observations INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: kotdobs ! Number of observations failing time check INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(IN ) :: & & kobsyea, & ! Observation time coordinates & kobsmon, & & kobsday, & & kobshou, & & kobsmin, & & ktyp ! Observation type. INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & kobsqc ! Quality control flag INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(OUT) :: & & kobsstp ! Number of time steps up to the ! observation time INTEGER, DIMENSION(imaxavtypes), OPTIONAL :: & & kdailyavtypes ! Types for daily averages LOGICAL, OPTIONAL :: ld_dailyav ! All types are daily averages !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: jobs !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Call standard obs_coo_tim !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL obs_coo_tim( kcycle, & & kyea0, kmon0, kday0, khou0, kmin0, & & kobsno, & & kobsyea, kobsmon, kobsday, kobshou, kobsmin, & & kobsqc, kobsstp, kotdobs ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Always reject daily averaged data (e.g. MRB data (820)) at initial time !------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF ( PRESENT(kdailyavtypes) ) THEN DO jobs = 1, kobsno IF ( kobsqc(jobs) <= 10 ) THEN IF ( ( kobsstp(jobs) == (nit000 - 1) ).AND.& & ( ANY (kdailyavtypes(:) == ktyp(jobs)) ) ) THEN kobsqc(jobs) = kobsqc(jobs) + 14 kotdobs = kotdobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF ENDIF END DO ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! If ld_dailyav is set then all data assumed to be daily averaged !------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF ( PRESENT( ld_dailyav) ) THEN IF (ld_dailyav) THEN DO jobs = 1, kobsno IF ( kobsqc(jobs) <= 10 ) THEN IF ( kobsstp(jobs) == (nit000 - 1) ) THEN kobsqc(jobs) = kobsqc(jobs) + 14 kotdobs = kotdobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF ENDIF END DO ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE obs_coo_tim_prof SUBROUTINE obs_coo_grd( kobsno, kobsi, kobsj, kobsqc, kgrdobs ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_coo_grd *** !! !! ** Purpose : Verify that the grid search has not failed !! !! ** Method : The previously computed i,j indeces are checked !! !! ** Action : !! !! References : !! !! History : !! ! 2007-01 (K. Mogensen) Original !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kobsno ! Number of observations INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(IN ) :: & & kobsi, & ! i,j indeces previously computed & kobsj INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: kgrdobs ! Number of observations failing the check INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & kobsqc ! Quality control flag !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: jobs ! Loop variable ! Flag if the grid search failed DO jobs = 1, kobsno IF ( ( kobsi(jobs) <= 0 ) .AND. ( kobsj(jobs) <= 0 ) ) THEN kobsqc(jobs) = kobsqc(jobs) + 18 kgrdobs = kgrdobs + 1 ENDIF END DO END SUBROUTINE obs_coo_grd SUBROUTINE obs_coo_spc_2d( kobsno, kpi, kpj, & & kobsi, kobsj, pobslam, pobsphi, & & plam, pphi, pmask, & & kobsqc, kosdobs, klanobs, & & knlaobs,ld_nea ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_coo_spc_2d *** !! !! ** Purpose : Check for points outside the domain and land points !! !! ** Method : Remove the observations that are outside the model space !! and time domain or located within model land cells. !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 2007-03 (A. Weaver, K. Mogensen) Original !! ! 2007-06 (K. Mogensen et al) Reject obs. near land. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kobsno ! Total number of observations INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kpi ! Number of grid points in (i,j) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kpj INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(IN) :: & & kobsi, & ! Observation (i,j) coordinates & kobsj REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(IN) :: & & pobslam, & ! Observation (lon,lat) coordinates & pobsphi REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kpi,kpj), INTENT(IN) :: & & plam, pphi ! Model (lon,lat) coordinates REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kpi,kpj), INTENT(IN) :: & & pmask ! Land mask array INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & kobsqc ! Observation quality control INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: kosdobs ! Observations outside space domain INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: klanobs ! Observations within a model land cell INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: knlaobs ! Observations near land LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_nea ! Flag observations near land !! * Local declarations REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(2,2,kobsno) :: & & zgmsk ! Grid mask REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(2,2,kobsno) :: & & zglam, & ! Model longitude at grid points & zgphi ! Model latitude at grid points INTEGER, DIMENSION(2,2,kobsno) :: & & igrdi, & ! Grid i,j & igrdj LOGICAL :: lgridobs ! Is observation on a model grid point. INTEGER :: iig, ijg ! i,j of observation on model grid point. INTEGER :: jobs, ji, jj ! Get grid point indices DO jobs = 1, kobsno ! For invalid points use 2,2 IF ( kobsqc(jobs) >= 10 ) THEN igrdi(1,1,jobs) = 1 igrdj(1,1,jobs) = 1 igrdi(1,2,jobs) = 1 igrdj(1,2,jobs) = 2 igrdi(2,1,jobs) = 2 igrdj(2,1,jobs) = 1 igrdi(2,2,jobs) = 2 igrdj(2,2,jobs) = 2 ELSE igrdi(1,1,jobs) = kobsi(jobs)-1 igrdj(1,1,jobs) = kobsj(jobs)-1 igrdi(1,2,jobs) = kobsi(jobs)-1 igrdj(1,2,jobs) = kobsj(jobs) igrdi(2,1,jobs) = kobsi(jobs) igrdj(2,1,jobs) = kobsj(jobs)-1 igrdi(2,2,jobs) = kobsi(jobs) igrdj(2,2,jobs) = kobsj(jobs) ENDIF END DO CALL obs_int_comm_2d( 2, 2, kobsno, igrdi, igrdj, pmask, zgmsk ) CALL obs_int_comm_2d( 2, 2, kobsno, igrdi, igrdj, plam, zglam ) CALL obs_int_comm_2d( 2, 2, kobsno, igrdi, igrdj, pphi, zgphi ) DO jobs = 1, kobsno ! Skip bad observations IF ( kobsqc(jobs) >= 10 ) CYCLE ! Flag if the observation falls outside the model spatial domain IF ( ( pobslam(jobs) < -180. ) & & .OR. ( pobslam(jobs) > 180. ) & & .OR. ( pobsphi(jobs) < -90. ) & & .OR. ( pobsphi(jobs) > 90. ) ) THEN kobsqc(jobs) = kobsqc(jobs) + 11 kosdobs = kosdobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF ! Flag if the observation falls with a model land cell IF ( SUM( zgmsk(1:2,1:2,jobs) ) == 0.0_wp ) THEN kobsqc(jobs) = kobsqc(jobs) + 12 klanobs = klanobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF ! Check if this observation is on a grid point lgridobs = .FALSE. iig = -1 ijg = -1 DO jj = 1, 2 DO ji = 1, 2 IF ( ( ABS( zgphi(ji,jj,jobs) - pobsphi(jobs) ) < 1.0e-6_wp ) & & .AND. & & ( ABS( zglam(ji,jj,jobs) - pobslam(jobs) ) < 1.0e-6_wp ) & & ) THEN lgridobs = .TRUE. iig = ji ijg = jj ENDIF END DO END DO ! For observations on the grid reject them if their are at ! a masked point IF (lgridobs) THEN IF (zgmsk(iig,ijg,jobs) == 0.0_wp ) THEN kobsqc(jobs) = kobsqc(jobs) + 12 klanobs = klanobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF ENDIF ! Flag if the observation falls is close to land IF ( MINVAL( zgmsk(1:2,1:2,jobs) ) == 0.0_wp) THEN IF (ld_nea) kobsqc(jobs) = kobsqc(jobs) + 14 knlaobs = knlaobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF END DO END SUBROUTINE obs_coo_spc_2d SUBROUTINE obs_coo_spc_3d( kprofno, kobsno, kpstart, kpend, & & kpi, kpj, kpk, & & kobsi, kobsj, kobsk, & & pobslam, pobsphi, pobsdep, & & plam, pphi, pdep, pmask, & & kpobsqc, kobsqc, kosdobs, & & klanobs, knlaobs, ld_nea ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_coo_spc_3d *** !! !! ** Purpose : Check for points outside the domain and land points !! Reset depth of observation above highest model level !! to the value of highest model level !! !! ** Method : Remove the observations that are outside the model space !! and time domain or located within model land cells. !! !! NB. T and S profile observations lying between the ocean !! surface and the depth of the first model T point are !! assigned a depth equal to that of the first model T pt. !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 2007-01 (K. Mogensen) Rewrite of parts of obs_scr !! ! 2007-06 (K. Mogensen et al) Reject obs. near land. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE dom_oce, ONLY : & ! Geographical information & gdepw_1d, & & gdepw_0, & #if defined key_vvl & gdepw_n, & & gdept_n, & #endif & ln_zco, & & ln_zps, & & lk_vvl !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kprofno ! Number of profiles INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kobsno ! Total number of observations INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kpi ! Number of grid points in (i,j,k) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kpj INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kpk INTEGER, DIMENSION(kprofno), INTENT(IN) :: & & kpstart, & ! Start of individual profiles & kpend ! End of individual profiles INTEGER, DIMENSION(kprofno), INTENT(IN) :: & & kobsi, & ! Observation (i,j) coordinates & kobsj INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(IN) :: & & kobsk ! Observation k coordinate REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kprofno), INTENT(IN) :: & & pobslam, & ! Observation (lon,lat) coordinates & pobsphi REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & pobsdep ! Observation depths REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kpi,kpj), INTENT(IN) :: & & plam, pphi ! Model (lon,lat) coordinates REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kpk), INTENT(IN) :: & & pdep ! Model depth coordinates REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kpi,kpj,kpk), INTENT(IN) :: & & pmask ! Land mask array INTEGER, DIMENSION(kprofno), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & kpobsqc ! Profile quality control INTEGER, DIMENSION(kobsno), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & kobsqc ! Observation quality control INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: kosdobs ! Observations outside space domain INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: klanobs ! Observations within a model land cell INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: knlaobs ! Observations near land LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ld_nea ! Flag observations near land !! * Local declarations REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(2,2,kpk,kprofno) :: & & zgmsk ! Grid mask REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(2,2,kpk,kprofno) :: & & zgdepw REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(2,2,kprofno) :: & & zglam, & ! Model longitude at grid points & zgphi ! Model latitude at grid points INTEGER, DIMENSION(2,2,kprofno) :: & & igrdi, & ! Grid i,j & igrdj LOGICAL :: lgridobs ! Is observation on a model grid point. LOGICAL :: ll_next_to_land ! Is a profile next to land INTEGER :: iig, ijg ! i,j of observation on model grid point. INTEGER :: jobs, jobsp, jk, ji, jj ! Get grid point indices DO jobs = 1, kprofno ! For invalid points use 2,2 IF ( kpobsqc(jobs) >= 10 ) THEN igrdi(1,1,jobs) = 1 igrdj(1,1,jobs) = 1 igrdi(1,2,jobs) = 1 igrdj(1,2,jobs) = 2 igrdi(2,1,jobs) = 2 igrdj(2,1,jobs) = 1 igrdi(2,2,jobs) = 2 igrdj(2,2,jobs) = 2 ELSE igrdi(1,1,jobs) = kobsi(jobs)-1 igrdj(1,1,jobs) = kobsj(jobs)-1 igrdi(1,2,jobs) = kobsi(jobs)-1 igrdj(1,2,jobs) = kobsj(jobs) igrdi(2,1,jobs) = kobsi(jobs) igrdj(2,1,jobs) = kobsj(jobs)-1 igrdi(2,2,jobs) = kobsi(jobs) igrdj(2,2,jobs) = kobsj(jobs) ENDIF END DO CALL obs_int_comm_3d( 2, 2, kprofno, kpk, igrdi, igrdj, pmask, zgmsk ) CALL obs_int_comm_2d( 2, 2, kprofno, igrdi, igrdj, plam, zglam ) CALL obs_int_comm_2d( 2, 2, kprofno, igrdi, igrdj, pphi, zgphi ) ! Need to know the bathy depth for each observation for sco CALL obs_int_comm_3d( 2, 2, kprofno, kpk, igrdi, igrdj, fsdepw(:,:,:), & & zgdepw ) DO jobs = 1, kprofno ! Skip bad profiles IF ( kpobsqc(jobs) >= 10 ) CYCLE ! Check if this observation is on a grid point lgridobs = .FALSE. iig = -1 ijg = -1 DO jj = 1, 2 DO ji = 1, 2 IF ( ( ABS( zgphi(ji,jj,jobs) - pobsphi(jobs) ) < 1.0e-6_wp ) & & .AND. & & ( ABS( zglam(ji,jj,jobs) - pobslam(jobs) ) < 1.0e-6_wp ) & & ) THEN lgridobs = .TRUE. iig = ji ijg = jj ENDIF END DO END DO ! Check if next to land IF ( ANY( zgmsk(1:2,1:2,1,jobs) == 0.0_wp ) ) THEN ll_next_to_land=.TRUE. ELSE ll_next_to_land=.FALSE. ENDIF ! Reject observations DO jobsp = kpstart(jobs), kpend(jobs) ! Flag if the observation falls outside the model spatial domain IF ( ( pobslam(jobs) < -180. ) & & .OR. ( pobslam(jobs) > 180. ) & & .OR. ( pobsphi(jobs) < -90. ) & & .OR. ( pobsphi(jobs) > 90. ) & & .OR. ( pobsdep(jobsp) < 0.0 ) & & .OR. ( pobsdep(jobsp) > gdepw_1d(kpk)) ) THEN kobsqc(jobsp) = kobsqc(jobsp) + 11 kosdobs = kosdobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF ! To check if an observations falls within land there are two cases: ! 1: z-coordibnates, where the check uses the mask ! 2: terrain following (eg s-coordinates), ! where we use the depth of the bottom cell to mask observations IF( (.NOT. lk_vvl) .AND. ( ln_zps .OR. ln_zco ) ) THEN !(CASE 1) ! Flag if the observation falls with a model land cell IF ( SUM( zgmsk(1:2,1:2,kobsk(jobsp)-1:kobsk(jobsp),jobs) ) & & == 0.0_wp ) THEN kobsqc(jobsp) = kobsqc(jobsp) + 12 klanobs = klanobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF ! Flag if the observation is close to land IF ( MINVAL( zgmsk(1:2,1:2,kobsk(jobsp)-1:kobsk(jobsp),jobs) ) == & & 0.0_wp) THEN knlaobs = knlaobs + 1 IF (ld_nea) THEN kobsqc(jobsp) = kobsqc(jobsp) + 14 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE ! Case 2 ! Flag if the observation is deeper than the bathymetry ! Or if it is within the mask IF ( ANY( zgdepw(1:2,1:2,kpk,jobs) < pobsdep(jobsp) ) & & .OR. & & ( SUM( zgmsk(1:2,1:2,kobsk(jobsp)-1:kobsk(jobsp),jobs) ) & & == 0.0_wp) ) THEN kobsqc(jobsp) = kobsqc(jobsp) + 12 klanobs = klanobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF ! Flag if the observation is close to land IF ( ll_next_to_land ) THEN knlaobs = knlaobs + 1 IF (ld_nea) THEN kobsqc(jobsp) = kobsqc(jobsp) + 14 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! For observations on the grid reject them if their are at ! a masked point IF (lgridobs) THEN IF (zgmsk(iig,ijg,kobsk(jobsp)-1,jobs) == 0.0_wp ) THEN kobsqc(jobsp) = kobsqc(jobsp) + 12 klanobs = klanobs + 1 CYCLE ENDIF ENDIF ! Flag if the observation falls is close to land IF ( MINVAL( zgmsk(1:2,1:2,kobsk(jobsp)-1:kobsk(jobsp),jobs) ) == & & 0.0_wp) THEN IF (ld_nea) kobsqc(jobsp) = kobsqc(jobsp) + 14 knlaobs = knlaobs + 1 ENDIF ! Set observation depth equal to that of the first model depth IF ( pobsdep(jobsp) <= pdep(1) ) THEN pobsdep(jobsp) = pdep(1) ENDIF END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE obs_coo_spc_3d SUBROUTINE obs_pro_rej( profdata ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_pro_rej *** !! !! ** Purpose : Reject all data within a rejected profile !! !! ** Method : !! !! ** Action : !! !! References : !! !! History : !! ! 2007-10 (K. Mogensen) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(INOUT) :: profdata ! Profile data !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: jprof INTEGER :: jvar INTEGER :: jobs ! Loop over profiles DO jprof = 1, profdata%nprof IF ( profdata%nqc(jprof) > 10 ) THEN DO jvar = 1, profdata%nvar DO jobs = profdata%npvsta(jprof,jvar), & & profdata%npvend(jprof,jvar) profdata%var(jvar)%nvqc(jobs) = & & profdata%var(jvar)%nvqc(jobs) + 26 END DO END DO ENDIF END DO END SUBROUTINE obs_pro_rej SUBROUTINE obs_uv_rej( profdata, knumu, knumv ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_uv_rej *** !! !! ** Purpose : Reject u if v is rejected and vice versa !! !! ** Method : !! !! ** Action : !! !! References : !! !! History : !! ! 2009-2 (K. Mogensen) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used !! * Arguments TYPE(obs_prof), INTENT(INOUT) :: profdata ! Profile data INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: knumu ! Number of u rejected INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: knumv ! Number of v rejected !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: jprof INTEGER :: jvar INTEGER :: jobs ! Loop over profiles DO jprof = 1, profdata%nprof IF ( ( profdata%npvsta(jprof,1) /= profdata%npvsta(jprof,2) ) .OR. & & ( profdata%npvend(jprof,1) /= profdata%npvend(jprof,2) ) ) THEN CALL ctl_stop('U,V profiles inconsistent in obs_uv_rej') RETURN ENDIF DO jobs = profdata%npvsta(jprof,1), profdata%npvend(jprof,1) IF ( ( profdata%var(1)%nvqc(jobs) > 10 ) .AND. & & ( profdata%var(2)%nvqc(jobs) <= 10) ) THEN profdata%var(2)%nvqc(jobs) = profdata%var(2)%nvqc(jobs) + 42 knumv = knumv + 1 ENDIF IF ( ( profdata%var(2)%nvqc(jobs) > 10 ) .AND. & & ( profdata%var(1)%nvqc(jobs) <= 10) ) THEN profdata%var(1)%nvqc(jobs) = profdata%var(1)%nvqc(jobs) + 42 knumu = knumu + 1 ENDIF END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE obs_uv_rej END MODULE obs_prep