MODULE obs_sstbias !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE obs_readsstbias *** !! Observation diagnostics: Read the bias for SLA data !!====================================================================== !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! obs_rea_sstbias : Driver for reading altimeter bias !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE par_kind, ONLY : & ! Precision variables & wp, & & dp, & & sp USE par_oce, ONLY : & ! Domain parameters & jpi, & & jpj, & & jpim1 USE in_out_manager, ONLY : & ! I/O manager & lwp, & & numout USE obs_surf_def ! Surface observation definitions USE dom_oce, ONLY : & ! Domain variables & tmask, & & tmask_i, & & e1t, & & e2t, & & gphit, & & glamt USE oce, ONLY : & ! Model variables & sshn USE obs_inter_h2d USE obs_utils ! Various observation tools USE obs_inter_sup IMPLICIT NONE !! * Routine accessibility PRIVATE PUBLIC obs_app_sstbias ! Read the altimeter bias CONTAINS SUBROUTINE obs_app_sstbias( ksstno, sstdata, k2dint, knumtypes, & cl_bias_files ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! *** ROUTINE obs_rea_sstbias *** !! !! ** Purpose : Read SST bias data from files and apply correction to !! observations !! !! ** Method : !! !! ** Action : !! !! References : !! !! History : !! ! : 2014-08 (J. While) Bias correction code for SST obs, !! ! based on obs_rea_altbias !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE iom USE netcdf !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ksstno ! Number of SST obs sets TYPE(obs_surf), DIMENSION(ksstno), INTENT(INOUT) :: & & sstdata ! SST data INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k2dint INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: knumtypes !number of bias types to read in CHARACTER(LEN=128), DIMENSION(knumtypes), INTENT(IN) :: & cl_bias_files !List of files to read !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: jslano ! Data set loop variable INTEGER :: jobs ! Obs loop variable INTEGER :: jpisstbias ! Number of grid point in latitude for the bias INTEGER :: jpjsstbias ! Number of grid point in longitude for the bias INTEGER :: iico ! Grid point indices INTEGER :: ijco INTEGER :: jt INTEGER :: i_nx_id ! Index to read the NetCDF file INTEGER :: i_ny_id ! INTEGER :: i_file_id ! INTEGER :: i_var_id INTEGER, DIMENSION(knumtypes) :: & & ibiastypes ! Array of the bias types in each file REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,knumtypes) :: & & z_sstbias ! Array to store the SST bias values REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: & & z_sstbias_2d ! Array to store the SST bias values REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1) :: & & zext, & & zobsmask REAL(wp), DIMENSION(2,2,1) :: & & zweig REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & zmask, & & zglam, & & zgphi REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & zmask_tmp, & & zglam_tmp, & & zgphi_tmp REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: zbias REAL(wp) :: zlam REAL(wp) :: zphi INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & igrdi, & & igrdj INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & igrdi_tmp, & & igrdj_tmp INTEGER :: numsstbias INTEGER(KIND=NF90_INT) :: ifile_source INTEGER :: incfile INTEGER :: jtype INTEGER :: iret INTEGER :: inumtype IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,*) 'obs_rea_sstbias : ' IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,*) '----------------- ' IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,*) 'Read SST bias ' ! Open and read the files z_sstbias(:,:,:)=0.0_wp DO jtype = 1, knumtypes numsstbias=0 IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,*) 'Opening ',cl_bias_files(jtype) CALL iom_open( cl_bias_files(jtype), numsstbias, ldstop=.FALSE. ) IF (numsstbias .GT. 0) THEN !Read the bias type from the file !No IOM get attribute command at time of writing, !so have to use NETCDF !routines directly - should be upgraded in the future iret=NF90_OPEN(TRIM(cl_bias_files(jtype)), NF90_NOWRITE, incfile) iret=NF90_GET_ATT( incfile, NF90_GLOBAL, "SST_source", & ifile_source ) ibiastypes(jtype) = ifile_source iret=NF90_CLOSE(incfile) IF ( iret /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( & 'obs_rea_sstbias : Cannot read bias type from file '// & cl_bias_files(jtype) ) ! Get the SST bias data CALL iom_get( numsstbias, jpdom_data, 'tn', z_sstbias_2d(:,:), 1 ) z_sstbias(:,:,jtype) = z_sstbias_2d(:,:) ! Close the file CALL iom_close(numsstbias) ELSE CALL ctl_stop('obs_read_sstbias: File '// & TRIM( cl_bias_files(jtype) )//' Not found') ENDIF END DO ! Interpolate the bias already on the model grid at the observation point DO jslano = 1, ksstno ALLOCATE( & & igrdi(2,2,sstdata(jslano)%nsurf), & & igrdj(2,2,sstdata(jslano)%nsurf), & & zglam(2,2,sstdata(jslano)%nsurf), & & zgphi(2,2,sstdata(jslano)%nsurf), & & zmask(2,2,sstdata(jslano)%nsurf) ) DO jobs = 1, sstdata(jslano)%nsurf igrdi(1,1,jobs) = sstdata(jslano)%mi(jobs)-1 igrdj(1,1,jobs) = sstdata(jslano)%mj(jobs)-1 igrdi(1,2,jobs) = sstdata(jslano)%mi(jobs)-1 igrdj(1,2,jobs) = sstdata(jslano)%mj(jobs) igrdi(2,1,jobs) = sstdata(jslano)%mi(jobs) igrdj(2,1,jobs) = sstdata(jslano)%mj(jobs)-1 igrdi(2,2,jobs) = sstdata(jslano)%mi(jobs) igrdj(2,2,jobs) = sstdata(jslano)%mj(jobs) END DO CALL obs_int_comm_2d( 2, 2, sstdata(jslano)%nsurf, & & igrdi, igrdj, glamt, zglam ) CALL obs_int_comm_2d( 2, 2, sstdata(jslano)%nsurf, & & igrdi, igrdj, gphit, zgphi ) CALL obs_int_comm_2d( 2, 2, sstdata(jslano)%nsurf, & & igrdi, igrdj, tmask(:,:,1), zmask ) DO jtype = 1, knumtypes !Find the number observations of type !and alllocate tempory arrays inumtype = COUNT( sstdata(jslano)%ntyp(:) == ibiastypes(jtype) ) ALLOCATE( & & igrdi_tmp(2,2,inumtype), & & igrdj_tmp(2,2,inumtype), & & zglam_tmp(2,2,inumtype), & & zgphi_tmp(2,2,inumtype), & & zmask_tmp(2,2,inumtype), & & zbias( 2,2,inumtype ) ) jt=1 DO jobs = 1, sstdata(jslano)%nsurf IF ( sstdata(jslano)%ntyp(jobs) == ibiastypes(jtype) ) THEN igrdi_tmp(:,:,jt) = igrdi(:,:,jobs) igrdj_tmp(:,:,jt) = igrdj(:,:,jobs) zglam_tmp(:,:,jt) = zglam(:,:,jobs) zgphi_tmp(:,:,jt) = zgphi(:,:,jobs) zgphi_tmp(:,:,jt) = zgphi(:,:,jobs) zmask_tmp(:,:,jt) = zmask(:,:,jobs) jt = jt +1 ENDIF END DO CALL obs_int_comm_2d( 2, 2, inumtype, & & igrdi_tmp(:,:,:), igrdj_tmp(:,:,:), & & z_sstbias(:,:,jtype), zbias(:,:,:) ) jt=1 DO jobs = 1, sstdata(jslano)%nsurf IF ( sstdata(jslano)%ntyp(jobs) == ibiastypes(jtype) ) THEN zlam = sstdata(jslano)%rlam(jobs) zphi = sstdata(jslano)%rphi(jobs) iico = sstdata(jslano)%mi(jobs) ijco = sstdata(jslano)%mj(jobs) CALL obs_int_h2d_init( 1, 1, k2dint, zlam, zphi, & & zglam_tmp(:,:,jt), & & zgphi_tmp(:,:,jt), & & zmask_tmp(:,:,jt), zweig, zobsmask ) CALL obs_int_h2d( 1, 1, & & zweig, zbias(:,:,jt), zext ) ! adjust sst with bias field sstdata(jslano)%robs(jobs,1) = & sstdata(jslano)%robs(jobs,1) - zext(1) jt=jt+1 ENDIF END DO !Deallocate arrays DEALLOCATE( & & igrdi_tmp, & & igrdj_tmp, & & zglam_tmp, & & zgphi_tmp, & & zmask_tmp, & & zbias ) END DO DEALLOCATE( & & igrdi, & & igrdj, & & zglam, & & zgphi, & & zmask ) END DO IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) " " WRITE(numout,*) "SST bias correction applied successfully" WRITE(numout,*) "Obs types: ",ibiastypes(:), & " Have all been bias corrected\n" ENDIF END SUBROUTINE obs_app_sstbias END MODULE obs_sstbias