PROGRAM rebuild_nemo !!========================================================================= !! *** rebuild_nemo *** !!========================================================================= !! !! A routine to rebuild NEMO files from multiple processors into one file. !! This routine is designed to be much quicker than the old IOIPSL rebuild !! but at the cost of an increased memory usage. !! !! NEMO rebuild has the following features: !! * dynamically works out what variables require rebuilding !! * does not copy subdomain halo regions !! * works for 1,2,3 and 4d arrays or types for all valid NetCDF types !! * utilises OMP shared memory parallelisation where applicable !! * time 'chunking' for lower memory use !! (only for 4D vars with unlimited dimension) !! !! Ed Blockley - August 2011 !! (based on original code by Matt Martin) !! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! The code reads the filestem and number of subdomains from the namelist file nam_rebuild. !! !! The 1st subdomain file is used to determine the dimensions and variables in all the input files. !! It is also used to find which dimensions (and hence which variables) require rebuilding !! as well as information about the global domain. !! !! It then opens all the input files (unbuffered) and creates an array of netcdf identifiers !! before looping through all the variables and updating the rebuilt output file (either by direct !! copying or looping over the number of domains and rebuilding as appropriate). !! !! The code looks more complicated than it is because it has lots of case statements to deal with all !! the various NetCDF data types and with various data dimensions (up to 4d). !! !! Diagnostic output is written to numout (default 6 - stdout) !! and errors are written to numerr (default 0 - stderr). !! !! If time chunking is specified the code will use less memory but take a little longer. !! It does this by breaking down the 4D input variables over their 4th dimension !! (generally time) by way of a while loop. !! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE netcdf !$ USE omp_lib ! Note OpenMP sentinel IMPLICIT NONE ! kind specifications INTEGER,PARAMETER :: i1=SELECTED_INT_KIND(2) ! NF90_BYTE INTEGER,PARAMETER :: i2=SELECTED_INT_KIND(4) ! NF90_SHORT INTEGER,PARAMETER :: i4=SELECTED_INT_KIND(9) ! NF90_INT INTEGER,PARAMETER :: sp=SELECTED_REAL_KIND(6,37) ! NF90_FLOAT INTEGER,PARAMETER :: dp=SELECTED_REAL_KIND(12,307) ! NF90_DOUBLE INTEGER,PARAMETER :: numnam = 11 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: numout = 6 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: numerr = 0 LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: l_verbose = .true. CHARACTER(LEN=nf90_max_name) :: filebase, suffix, attname, dimname, varname, time, date, zone, timestamp CHARACTER(LEN=nf90_max_name), ALLOCATABLE :: filenames(:), indimnames(:) CHARACTER(LEN=nf90_max_name), DIMENSION(2) :: dims INTEGER :: ndomain, ifile, ndomain_file, nchunksize INTEGER :: ncid, outid, idim, istop INTEGER :: natts, attid, xtype, varid, rbdims INTEGER :: jv, ndims, nvars, dimlen, dimids(4) INTEGER :: dimid, unlimitedDimId, di, dj, dr INTEGER :: nmax_unlimited, nt, ntchunk INTEGER :: chunksize = 32000000 INTEGER :: nthreads = 1 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: outdimids(:), outdimlens(:), indimlens(:), inncids(:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: global_sizes(:), rebuild_dims(:) INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: halo_start, halo_end, local_sizes INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: idomain, jdomain, rdomain, start_pos INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, jl, jr REAL(sp) :: ValMin, ValMax, InMin, InMax ! NF90_BYTE local data arrays INTEGER(i1), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) :: localdata_1d_i1 INTEGER(i1), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: localdata_2d_i1 INTEGER(i1), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: localdata_3d_i1 INTEGER(i1), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: localdata_4d_i1 ! NF90_SHORT local data arrays INTEGER(i2), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) :: localdata_1d_i2 INTEGER(i2), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: localdata_2d_i2 INTEGER(i2), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: localdata_3d_i2 INTEGER(i2), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: localdata_4d_i2 ! NF90_INT local data arrays INTEGER(i4), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) :: localdata_1d_i4 INTEGER(i4), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: localdata_2d_i4 INTEGER(i4), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: localdata_3d_i4 INTEGER(i4), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: localdata_4d_i4 ! NF90_FLOAT local data arrays REAL(sp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) :: localdata_1d_sp REAL(sp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: localdata_2d_sp REAL(sp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: localdata_3d_sp REAL(sp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: localdata_4d_sp ! NF90_DOUBLE local data arrays REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) :: localdata_1d_dp REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: localdata_2d_dp REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: localdata_3d_dp REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: localdata_4d_dp ! NF90_BYTE global data arrays INTEGER(i1) :: globaldata_0d_i1 INTEGER(i1), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: globaldata_1d_i1 INTEGER(i1), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: globaldata_2d_i1 INTEGER(i1), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: globaldata_3d_i1 INTEGER(i1), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: globaldata_4d_i1 ! NF90_SHORT global data arrays INTEGER(i2) :: globaldata_0d_i2 INTEGER(i2), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: globaldata_1d_i2 INTEGER(i2), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: globaldata_2d_i2 INTEGER(i2), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: globaldata_3d_i2 INTEGER(i2), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: globaldata_4d_i2 ! NF90_INT global data arrays INTEGER(i4) :: globaldata_0d_i4 INTEGER(i4), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: globaldata_1d_i4 INTEGER(i4), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: globaldata_2d_i4 INTEGER(i4), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: globaldata_3d_i4 INTEGER(i4), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: globaldata_4d_i4 ! NF90_FLOAT global data arrays REAL(sp) :: globaldata_0d_sp REAL(sp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: globaldata_1d_sp REAL(sp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: globaldata_2d_sp REAL(sp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: globaldata_3d_sp REAL(sp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: globaldata_4d_sp ! NF90_DOUBLE global data arrays REAL(dp) :: globaldata_0d_dp REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: globaldata_1d_dp REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: globaldata_2d_dp REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: globaldata_3d_dp REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: globaldata_4d_dp LOGICAL :: l_valid = .false. LOGICAL :: l_noRebuild = .false. LOGICAL :: l_findDims = .true. NAMELIST/nam_rebuild/ filebase, ndomain, dims, nchunksize !End of definitions !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !0. OMP setup !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) SHARED(nthreads) !$OMP MASTER !$ nthreads = omp_get_num_threads() !$ WRITE(numout,*) 'Running OMP with ',nthreads,' thread(s).' !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP END PARALLEL !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !1. Read in the namelist dims(:) = "" nchunksize = 0 OPEN( UNIT=numnam, FILE='nam_rebuild', FORM='FORMATTED', STATUS='OLD' ) READ( numnam, nam_rebuild ) CLOSE( numnam ) IF( .NOT. ALL(dims(:) == "") ) l_findDims = .false. !1.1 Set up the filenames and fileids ALLOCATE(filenames(ndomain)) IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Rebuilding the following files:' DO ifile = 1, ndomain WRITE(suffix,'(i4.4)') ifile-1 filenames(ifile) = TRIM(filebase)//'_'//TRIM(suffix)//'.nc' IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) TRIM(filenames(ifile)) END DO ALLOCATE(inncids(ndomain)) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !2. Read in the global dimensions from the first input file and set up the output file CALL check_nf90( nf90_open( TRIM(filenames(1)), nf90_share, ncid ) ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_inquire( ncid, ndims, nvars, natts ) ) !2.0 Read in the total number of processors the file is expecting and check its correct CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_att( ncid, nf90_global, 'DOMAIN_number_total', ndomain_file ) ) IF( ndomain /= ndomain_file ) THEN WRITE(numerr,*) 'ERROR! : number of files to rebuild in file does not agree with namelist' WRITE(numerr,*) 'Attribute DOMAIN_number_total is : ', ndomain_file WRITE(numerr,*) 'Number of files specified in namelist is: ', ndomain STOP 9 ENDIF !2.1 Set up the output file CALL check_nf90( nf90_create( TRIM(filebase)//'.nc', nf90_64bit_offset, outid, chunksize=chunksize ) ) !2.2 Set up dimensions in output file !2.2.0 Find out how many dimensions are required to be rebuilt and which ones they are CALL check_nf90( nf90_inquire_attribute( ncid, nf90_global, 'DOMAIN_dimensions_ids', xtype, rbdims, attid ) ) ALLOCATE(rebuild_dims(rbdims)) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_att( ncid, nf90_global, 'DOMAIN_dimensions_ids', rebuild_dims ) ) ALLOCATE(global_sizes(rbdims)) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_att( ncid, nf90_global, 'DOMAIN_size_global', global_sizes ) ) IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Size of global arrays: ', global_sizes !2.2.1 Copy the dimensions into the output file apart from rebuild_dims() which are dimensioned globally ALLOCATE(indimlens(ndims), indimnames(ndims), outdimlens(ndims)) CALL check_nf90( nf90_inquire( ncid, unlimitedDimId = unlimitedDimId ) ) istop = 0 DO idim = 1, ndims CALL check_nf90( nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid, idim, dimname, dimlen ) ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_att( ncid, nf90_global, 'DOMAIN_size_local', local_sizes ) ) indimlens(idim) = dimlen indimnames(idim) = dimname IF (l_findDims) THEN IF( idim == rebuild_dims(1) ) THEN IF( dimlen == local_sizes(1) ) THEN dimlen = global_sizes(1) ELSE istop = 1 ENDIF ENDIF IF( rbdims > 1 .AND. idim == rebuild_dims(2) ) THEN IF( dimlen == local_sizes(2) ) THEN dimlen = global_sizes(2) ELSE istop = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE ! l_findDims = false IF( TRIM(dimname) == TRIM(dims(1))) THEN dimlen = global_sizes(1) rebuild_dims(1) = idim ENDIF IF( rbdims > 1 .AND. TRIM(dimname) == TRIM(dims(2))) THEN dimlen = global_sizes(2) rebuild_dims(2) = idim ENDIF ENDIF IF( idim == unlimitedDimId ) THEN CALL check_nf90( nf90_def_dim( outid, dimname, nf90_unlimited, dimid) ) nmax_unlimited = dimlen ELSE CALL check_nf90( nf90_def_dim( outid, dimname, dimlen, dimid) ) ENDIF outdimlens(idim) = dimlen END DO IF( istop == 1 ) THEN WRITE(numerr,*) 'ERROR! : DOMAIN_local_sizes attribute does not match rebuild dimension lengths in the first file' WRITE(numerr,*) 'Attribute DOMAIN_local_sizes is : ', local_sizes WRITE(numerr,*) 'Dimensions to be rebuilt are of size : ', outdimlens(rebuild_dims(1)), outdimlens(rebuild_dims(2)) STOP 9 ENDIF IF (l_findDims) THEN IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Finding rebuild dimensions from the first file...' ELSE IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Using rebuild dimensions given in namelist...' ENDIF IF( rbdims > 1 ) THEN IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Rebuilding across dimensions '//TRIM(indimnames(rebuild_dims(1)))// & & ' and '//TRIM(indimnames(rebuild_dims(2))) ELSE IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Rebuilding across dimension '//TRIM(indimnames(rebuild_dims(1))) ENDIF !2.2.2 Copy the global attributes into the output file, apart from those beginning with DOMAIN_ ! Also need to change the file_name attribute and the TimeStamp attribute. DO attid = 1, natts CALL check_nf90( nf90_inq_attname( ncid, nf90_global, attid, attname ) ) IF( INDEX( attname, "DOMAIN_" ) == 1 ) CYCLE IF( INDEX( attname, "file_name") == 1 ) CYCLE IF( INDEX( attname, "associate_file") == 1 ) CYCLE IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Copying attribute '//TRIM(attname)//' into destination file...' CALL check_nf90( nf90_copy_att( ncid, nf90_global, attname, outid, nf90_global ) ) END DO CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_att( outid, nf90_global, "file_name", TRIM(filebase)//'.nc') ) IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Writing new file_name attribute' CALL DATE_AND_TIME ( date=date, time=time, zone=zone ) timestamp = date(7:8) // "/" // date(5:6) // "/" // date(1:4) // " " // & time(1:2) // ":" // time(3:4) // ":" // time(5:6) // " " // & zone CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_att( outid, nf90_global, "TimeStamp", timestamp ) ) IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Writing new TimeStamp attribute' !2.2.3 Copy the variable definitions and attributes into the output file. DO jv = 1, nvars CALL check_nf90( nf90_inquire_variable( ncid, jv, varname, xtype, ndims, dimids, natts ) ) ALLOCATE(outdimids(ndims)) DO idim = 1, ndims outdimids(idim) = dimids(idim) END DO CALL check_nf90( nf90_def_var( outid, varname, xtype, outdimids, varid ) ) DEALLOCATE(outdimids) IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Defining variable '//TRIM(varname)//'...' IF( natts > 0 ) THEN DO attid = 1, natts CALL check_nf90( nf90_inq_attname( ncid, varid, attid, attname ) ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_copy_att( ncid, varid, attname, outid, varid ) ) END DO ENDIF END DO !2.3 End definitions in output file and copy 1st file ncid to the inncids array CALL check_nf90( nf90_enddef( outid ) ) inncids(1) = ncid IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Finished defining output file.' !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !3. Read in data from each file for each variable !3.1 Open each file and store the ncid in inncids array IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Opening input files...' DO ifile = 2, ndomain CALL check_nf90( nf90_open( TRIM(filenames(ifile)), nf90_share, ncid, chunksize=chunksize ) ) inncids(ifile) = ncid END DO IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'All input files open.' DO jv = 1, nvars ValMin = 1.e10 ValMax = -1.e10 l_valid = .false. istop = nf90_noerr nt = 1 ntchunk = nmax_unlimited IF( nchunksize == 0 ) nchunksize = nmax_unlimited !3.2 Inquire variable to find out name and how many dimensions it has ! and importantly whether it contains the dimensions in rebuild_dims() ncid = inncids(1) CALL check_nf90( nf90_inquire_variable( ncid, jv, varname, xtype, ndims, dimids, natts ) ) l_noRebuild = .true. IF( ANY( dimids(1:ndims) == rebuild_dims(1) )) l_noRebuild = .false. IF( rbdims > 1 ) THEN IF( ANY( dimids(1:ndims) == rebuild_dims(2) )) l_noRebuild = .false. ENDIF !3.2.0 start while loop for time chunking DO WHILE( nt <= nmax_unlimited ) IF( ndims > 3 ) THEN ntchunk = MIN( nchunksize, nmax_unlimited + 1 - nt ) ENDIF IF (l_noRebuild) THEN IF( nchunksize == nmax_unlimited .OR. ndims <= 3 ) THEN IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Copying data from variable '//TRIM(varname)//'...' ELSE IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,'(A,I3,A,I3,A)') ' Copying data from variable ' & & //TRIM(varname)//' for chunks ',nt,' to ',nt+ntchunk-1,' ...' ENDIF !3.2.1 If rebuilding not required then just need to read in variable ! for copying direct into output file after the OMP (files) loop. IF( ndims == 0 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) globaldata_0d_i1 = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_0d_i1 ) ) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) globaldata_0d_i2 = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_0d_i2 ) ) CASE( NF90_INT ) globaldata_0d_i4 = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_0d_i4 ) ) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) globaldata_0d_sp = 0. CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_0d_sp ) ) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) globaldata_0d_dp = 0. CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_0d_dp ) ) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 1 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_i1(indimlens(dimids(1)))) globaldata_1d_i1(:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_1d_i1 ) ) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_i2(indimlens(dimids(1)))) globaldata_1d_i2(:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_1d_i2 ) ) CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_i4(indimlens(dimids(1)))) globaldata_1d_i4(:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_1d_i4 ) ) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_sp(indimlens(dimids(1)))) globaldata_1d_sp(:) = 0. CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_1d_sp ) ) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_dp(indimlens(dimids(1)))) globaldata_1d_dp(:) = 0. CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_1d_dp ) ) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 2 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_i1(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)))) globaldata_2d_i1(:,:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_2d_i1 ) ) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_i2(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)))) globaldata_2d_i2(:,:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_2d_i2 ) ) CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_i4(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)))) globaldata_2d_i4(:,:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_2d_i4 ) ) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_sp(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)))) globaldata_2d_sp(:,:) = 0. CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_2d_sp ) ) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_dp(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)))) globaldata_2d_dp(:,:) = 0. CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_2d_dp ) ) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 3 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_i1(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)), & & indimlens(dimids(3)))) globaldata_3d_i1(:,:,:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_3d_i1 ) ) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_i2(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)), & & indimlens(dimids(3)))) globaldata_3d_i2(:,:,:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_3d_i2 ) ) CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_i4(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)), & & indimlens(dimids(3)))) globaldata_3d_i4(:,:,:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_3d_i4 ) ) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_sp(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)), & & indimlens(dimids(3)))) globaldata_3d_sp(:,:,:) = 0. CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_3d_sp ) ) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_dp(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)), & & indimlens(dimids(3)))) globaldata_3d_dp(:,:,:) = 0. CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_3d_dp ) ) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 4 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_i1(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)), & & indimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) globaldata_4d_i1(:,:,:,:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_4d_i1, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ) ) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_i2(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)), & & indimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) globaldata_4d_i2(:,:,:,:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_4d_i2, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ) ) CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_i4(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)), & & indimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) globaldata_4d_i4(:,:,:,:) = 0 CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_4d_i4, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ) ) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_sp(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)), & & indimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) globaldata_4d_sp(:,:,:,:) = 0. CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_4d_sp, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ) ) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_dp(indimlens(dimids(1)),indimlens(dimids(2)), & & indimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) globaldata_4d_dp(:,:,:,:) = 0. CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, globaldata_4d_dp, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ) ) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ENDIF ELSE ! l_noRebuild = .false. !3.2.2 For variables that require rebuilding we need to read in from all ndomain files ! Here we allocate global variables ahead of looping over files IF( nchunksize == nmax_unlimited .OR. ndims <= 3 ) THEN IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Rebuilding data from variable '//TRIM(varname)//'...' ELSE IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,'(A,I3,A,I3,A)') ' Rebuilding data from variable ' & & //TRIM(varname)//' for chunks ',nt,' to ',nt+ntchunk-1,' ...' ENDIF IF( ndims == 1 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_i1(outdimlens(dimids(1)))) globaldata_1d_i1(:) = 0 CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_i2(outdimlens(dimids(1)))) globaldata_1d_i2(:) = 0 CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_i4(outdimlens(dimids(1)))) globaldata_1d_i4(:) = 0 CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_sp(outdimlens(dimids(1)))) globaldata_1d_sp(:) = 0. CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_dp(outdimlens(dimids(1)))) globaldata_1d_dp(:) = 0. CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 2 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_i1(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)))) globaldata_2d_i1(:,:) = 0 CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_i2(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)))) globaldata_2d_i2(:,:) = 0 CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_i4(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)))) globaldata_2d_i4(:,:) = 0 CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_sp(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)))) globaldata_2d_sp(:,:) = 0. CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_dp(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)))) globaldata_2d_dp(:,:) = 0. CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 3 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_i1(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)), & & outdimlens(dimids(3)))) globaldata_3d_i1(:,:,:) = 0 CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_i2(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)), & & outdimlens(dimids(3)))) globaldata_3d_i2(:,:,:) = 0 CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_i4(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)), & & outdimlens(dimids(3)))) globaldata_3d_i4(:,:,:) = 0 CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_sp(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)), & & outdimlens(dimids(3)))) globaldata_3d_sp(:,:,:) = 0. CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_dp(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)), & & outdimlens(dimids(3)))) globaldata_3d_dp(:,:,:) = 0. CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 4 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_i1(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)), & & outdimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) globaldata_4d_i1(:,:,:,:) = 0 CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_i2(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)), & & outdimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) globaldata_4d_i2(:,:,:,:) = 0 CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_i4(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)), & & outdimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) globaldata_4d_i4(:,:,:,:) = 0 CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_sp(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)), & & outdimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) globaldata_4d_sp(:,:,:,:) = 0. CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_dp(outdimlens(dimids(1)),outdimlens(dimids(2)), & & outdimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) globaldata_4d_dp(:,:,:,:) = 0. CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ELSE WRITE(numerr,*) 'ERROR! : A netcdf variable has more than 4 dimensions which is not taken into account' STOP 9 ENDIF !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(ifile,ncid,xtype,start_pos,local_sizes,InMin,InMax,natts, & !$OMP& ndims,attid,attname,dimids,idim,dimname,dimlen,unlimitedDimId, & !$OMP& halo_start,halo_end,idomain,jdomain,rdomain,di,dj,dr, & !$OMP& localdata_1d_i2,localdata_1d_i4,localdata_1d_sp,localdata_1d_dp, & !$OMP& localdata_2d_i2,localdata_2d_i4,localdata_2d_sp,localdata_2d_dp, & !$OMP& localdata_3d_i2,localdata_3d_i4,localdata_3d_sp,localdata_3d_dp, & !$OMP& localdata_4d_i2,localdata_4d_i4,localdata_4d_sp,localdata_4d_dp, & !$OMP& localdata_1d_i1,localdata_2d_i1,localdata_3d_i1,localdata_4d_i1) & !$OMP& SHARED(jv,nvars,varname,filenames,ValMin,ValMax,indimlens,outdimlens,rbdims, & !$OMP& ndomain,outid,chunksize,istop,l_valid,nthreads,inncids,rebuild_dims, & !$OMP& globaldata_1d_i2,globaldata_1d_i4,globaldata_1d_sp,globaldata_1d_dp, & !$OMP& globaldata_2d_i2,globaldata_2d_i4,globaldata_2d_sp,globaldata_2d_dp, & !$OMP& globaldata_3d_i2,globaldata_3d_i4,globaldata_3d_sp,globaldata_3d_dp, & !$OMP& globaldata_4d_i2,globaldata_4d_i4,globaldata_4d_sp,globaldata_4d_dp, & !$OMP& globaldata_1d_i1,globaldata_2d_i1,globaldata_3d_i1,globaldata_4d_i1, & !$OMP& ntchunk,nt,nmax_unlimited) DO ifile = 1, ndomain ncid = inncids(ifile) !$OMP CRITICAL CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_att( ncid, nf90_global, 'DOMAIN_size_local', local_sizes ), istop ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_att( ncid, nf90_global, 'DOMAIN_position_first', start_pos ), istop ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_att( ncid, nf90_global, 'DOMAIN_halo_size_start', halo_start ), istop ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_att( ncid, nf90_global, 'DOMAIN_halo_size_end', halo_end ), istop ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_inquire_variable( ncid, jv, varname, xtype, ndims, dimids, natts ), istop ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_inquire( ncid, unlimitedDimId = unlimitedDimId ), istop ) !$OMP END CRITICAL ! set defaults for rebuilding so that i is 1st, j 2nd di=1 dj=2 IF( rbdims == 1 ) THEN ! override defaults above and set other variables start_pos(2) = 1 local_sizes(2) = outdimlens(3-dimids(2)) halo_end(2) = 0 halo_start(2) = 0 di=rebuild_dims(1) dj=3-di ENDIF !3.3.1 Generate local domain interior sizes from local_sizes and halo sizes ! idomain defines the 1st and last interior points in the i direction and ! jdomain defines the 1st and last interior points in the j direction idomain(1) = 1 + halo_start(di) idomain(2) = local_sizes(di) - halo_end(di) jdomain(1) = 1 + halo_start(dj) jdomain(2) = local_sizes(dj) - halo_end(dj) !3.3.2 For rbdims or more dimensions put the data array from this input file into the correct ! part of the output data array. Assume the first dimensions are those to be rebuilt. IF( ndims == 1 ) THEN IF( rebuild_dims(1) == 1 ) THEN dr = di rdomain = idomain ELSE dr = dj rdomain = jdomain ENDIF SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(localdata_1d_i1(local_sizes(dr))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_1d_i1 ), istop ) DO jr = rdomain(1), rdomain(2) globaldata_1d_i1(start_pos(dr) + jr - 1) = localdata_1d_i1(jr) END DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_1d_i1) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_1d_i2(local_sizes(dr))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_1d_i2 ), istop ) DO jr = rdomain(1), rdomain(2) globaldata_1d_i2(start_pos(dr) + jr - 1) = localdata_1d_i2(jr) END DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_1d_i2) CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_1d_i4(local_sizes(dr))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_1d_i4 ), istop ) DO jr = rdomain(1), rdomain(2) globaldata_1d_i4(start_pos(dr) + jr - 1) = localdata_1d_i4(jr) END DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_1d_i4) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_1d_sp(local_sizes(dr))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_1d_sp ), istop ) DO jr = rdomain(1), rdomain(2) globaldata_1d_sp(start_pos(dr) + jr - 1) = localdata_1d_sp(jr) END DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_1d_sp) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(localdata_1d_dp(local_sizes(dr))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_1d_dp ), istop ) DO jr = rdomain(1), rdomain(2) globaldata_1d_dp(start_pos(dr) + jr - 1) = localdata_1d_dp(jr) END DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_1d_dp) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype istop = istop + 1 END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 2 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(localdata_2d_i1(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_2d_i1 ), istop ) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_2d_i1(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1) = localdata_2d_i1(ji,jj) END DO END DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_2d_i1) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_2d_i2(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_2d_i2 ), istop ) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_2d_i2(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1) = localdata_2d_i2(ji,jj) END DO END DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_2d_i2) CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_2d_i4(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_2d_i4 ), istop ) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_2d_i4(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1) = localdata_2d_i4(ji,jj) END DO END DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_2d_i4) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_2d_sp(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_2d_sp ), istop ) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_2d_sp(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1) = localdata_2d_sp(ji,jj) END DO END DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_2d_sp) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(localdata_2d_dp(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_2d_dp ), istop ) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_2d_dp(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1) = localdata_2d_dp(ji,jj) END DO END DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_2d_dp) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype istop = istop + 1 END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 3 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(localdata_3d_i1(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj),indimlens(dimids(3)))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_3d_i1 ), istop ) !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) PRIVATE(ji,jj,jk) & !$OMP& SHARED(idomain,jdomain,indimlens,dimids,start_pos,globaldata_3d_i1,localdata_3d_i1,di,dj) DO jk = 1, indimlens(dimids(3)) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_3d_i1(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1, jk) = localdata_3d_i1(ji,jj,jk) END DO END DO END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_3d_i1) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_3d_i2(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj),indimlens(dimids(3)))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_3d_i2 ), istop ) !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) PRIVATE(ji,jj,jk) & !$OMP& SHARED(idomain,jdomain,indimlens,dimids,start_pos,globaldata_3d_i2,localdata_3d_i2,di,dj) DO jk = 1, indimlens(dimids(3)) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_3d_i2(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1, jk) = localdata_3d_i2(ji,jj,jk) END DO END DO END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_3d_i2) CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_3d_i4(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj),indimlens(dimids(3)))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_3d_i4 ), istop ) !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) PRIVATE(ji,jj,jk) & !$OMP& SHARED(idomain,jdomain,indimlens,dimids,start_pos,globaldata_3d_i4,localdata_3d_i4,di,dj) DO jk = 1, indimlens(dimids(3)) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_3d_i4(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1, jk) = localdata_3d_i4(ji,jj,jk) END DO END DO END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_3d_i4) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_3d_sp(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj),indimlens(dimids(3)))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_3d_sp ), istop ) !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) PRIVATE(ji,jj,jk) & !$OMP& SHARED(idomain,jdomain,indimlens,dimids,start_pos,globaldata_3d_sp,localdata_3d_sp,di,dj) DO jk = 1, indimlens(dimids(3)) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_3d_sp(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1, jk) = localdata_3d_sp(ji,jj,jk) END DO END DO END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_3d_sp) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(localdata_3d_dp(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj),indimlens(dimids(3)))) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_3d_dp ), istop ) !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) PRIVATE(ji,jj,jk) & !$OMP& SHARED(idomain,jdomain,indimlens,dimids,start_pos,globaldata_3d_dp,localdata_3d_dp,di,dj) DO jk = 1, indimlens(dimids(3)) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_3d_dp(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1, jk) = localdata_3d_dp(ji,jj,jk) END DO END DO END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO DEALLOCATE(localdata_3d_dp) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype istop = istop + 1 END SELECT ELSEIF (ndims == 4) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) ALLOCATE(localdata_4d_i1(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj), & & indimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_4d_i1, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ), istop ) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) PRIVATE(ji,jj,jk,jl) & !$OMP& SHARED(idomain,jdomain,indimlens,dimids,start_pos,globaldata_4d_i1,localdata_4d_i1,di,dj,nt,ntchunk) DO jl = 1, ntchunk !$OMP DO DO jk = 1, indimlens(dimids(3)) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_4d_i1(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1, jk, jl) = localdata_4d_i1(ji,jj,jk,jl) END DO END DO END DO !$OMP END DO nowait END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DEALLOCATE(localdata_4d_i1) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_4d_i2(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj), & & indimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_4d_i2, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ), istop ) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) PRIVATE(ji,jj,jk,jl) & !$OMP& SHARED(idomain,jdomain,indimlens,dimids,start_pos,globaldata_4d_i2,localdata_4d_i2,di,dj,nt,ntchunk) DO jl = 1, ntchunk !$OMP DO DO jk = 1, indimlens(dimids(3)) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_4d_i2(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1, jk, jl) = localdata_4d_i2(ji,jj,jk,jl) END DO END DO END DO !$OMP END DO nowait END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DEALLOCATE(localdata_4d_i2) CASE( NF90_INT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_4d_i4(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj), & & indimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_4d_i4, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ), istop ) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) PRIVATE(ji,jj,jk,jl) & !$OMP& SHARED(idomain,jdomain,indimlens,dimids,start_pos,globaldata_4d_i4,localdata_4d_i4,di,dj,nt,ntchunk) DO jl = 1, ntchunk !$OMP DO DO jk = 1, indimlens(dimids(3)) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_4d_i4(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1, jk, jl) = localdata_4d_i4(ji,jj,jk,jl) END DO END DO END DO !$OMP END DO nowait END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DEALLOCATE(localdata_4d_i4) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) ALLOCATE(localdata_4d_sp(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj), & & indimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_4d_sp, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ), istop ) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) PRIVATE(ji,jj,jk,jl) & !$OMP& SHARED(idomain,jdomain,indimlens,dimids,start_pos,globaldata_4d_sp,localdata_4d_sp,di,dj,nt,ntchunk) DO jl = 1, ntchunk !$OMP DO DO jk = 1, indimlens(dimids(3)) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_4d_sp(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1, jk, jl) = localdata_4d_sp(ji,jj,jk,jl) END DO END DO END DO !$OMP END DO nowait END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DEALLOCATE(localdata_4d_sp) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) ALLOCATE(localdata_4d_dp(local_sizes(di),local_sizes(dj), & & indimlens(dimids(3)),ntchunk)) CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_var( ncid, jv, localdata_4d_dp, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ), istop ) !$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(NONE) PRIVATE(ji,jj,jk,jl) & !$OMP& SHARED(idomain,jdomain,indimlens,dimids,start_pos,globaldata_4d_dp,localdata_4d_dp,di,dj,nt,ntchunk) DO jl = 1, ntchunk !$OMP DO DO jk = 1, indimlens(dimids(3)) DO jj = jdomain(1), jdomain(2) DO ji = idomain(1), idomain(2) globaldata_4d_dp(start_pos(di) + ji - 1, start_pos(dj) + jj - 1, jk, jl) = localdata_4d_dp(ji,jj,jk,jl) END DO END DO END DO !$OMP END DO nowait END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DEALLOCATE(localdata_4d_dp) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype istop = istop + 1 END SELECT ENDIF ! l_noRebuild false !3.4 Work out if the valid_min and valid_max attributes exist for this variable. ! If they do then calculate the extrema over all input files. DO attid = 1, natts CALL check_nf90( nf90_inq_attname( ncid, jv, attid, attname ), istop ) IF( INDEX( attname, "valid_min" ) == 1 ) THEN CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_att( ncid, jv, attname, InMin), istop ) l_valid = .true. ENDIF IF( INDEX( attname, "valid_max" ) == 1 ) THEN CALL check_nf90( nf90_get_att( ncid, jv, attname, InMax ), istop ) l_valid = .true. ENDIF END DO IF (l_valid) THEN !$OMP CRITICAL IF( InMin < ValMin ) ValMin = InMin IF( InMax > ValMax ) ValMax = InMax !$OMP END CRITICAL ENDIF !3.5 Abort if failure and only 1 thread IF( nthreads == 1 .AND. istop /= nf90_noerr ) THEN WRITE(numerr,*) '*** NEMO rebuild failed! ***' STOP 9 ENDIF END DO ! loop over files !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !3.6 Abort if any of the OMP threads failed IF( istop /= nf90_noerr ) THEN WRITE(numerr,*) '*** NEMO rebuild failed! ***' STOP 9 ENDIF ENDIF ! ndims > 2 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !4. Write data to output file IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Writing variable '//TRIM(varname)//'...' !4.1 If the valid min and max attributes exist then update them in the file IF( l_valid ) THEN CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_att( outid, jv, "valid_min", ValMin ) ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_att( outid, jv, "valid_max", ValMax ) ) ENDIF !4.2 Write the data to the output file depending on how many dimensions it has IF( ndims == 0 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_0d_i1 ) ) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_0d_i2 ) ) CASE( NF90_INT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_0d_i4 ) ) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_0d_sp ) ) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_0d_dp ) ) END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 1 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_1d_i1 ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_i1) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_1d_i2 ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_i2) CASE( NF90_INT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_1d_i4 ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_i4) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_1d_sp ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_sp) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_1d_dp ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_1d_dp) END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 2 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_2d_i1 ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_i1) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_2d_i2 ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_i2) CASE( NF90_INT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_2d_i4 ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_i4) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_2d_sp ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_sp) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_2d_dp ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_2d_dp) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 3 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_3d_i1 ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_i1) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_3d_i2 ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_i2) CASE( NF90_INT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_3d_i4 ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_i4) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_3d_sp ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_sp) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_3d_dp ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_3d_dp) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ELSEIF( ndims == 4 ) THEN SELECT CASE( xtype ) CASE( NF90_BYTE ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_4d_i1, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_i1) CASE( NF90_SHORT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_4d_i2, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_i2) CASE( NF90_INT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_4d_i4, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_i4) CASE( NF90_FLOAT ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_4d_sp, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_sp) CASE( NF90_DOUBLE ) CALL check_nf90( nf90_put_var( outid, jv, globaldata_4d_dp, start=(/1,1,1,nt/) ) ) DEALLOCATE(globaldata_4d_dp) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numerr,*) 'Unknown nf90 type: ', xtype STOP 9 END SELECT ENDIF nt = nt + ntchunk END DO ! WHILE loop END DO ! loop over variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !5. Close files !5.1 Close input files IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Closing input files...' DO ifile = 1, ndomain ncid = inncids(ifile) CALL check_nf90( nf90_close( ncid ) ) END DO !5.2 Close output file IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'Closing output file...' CALL check_nf90( nf90_close( outid ) ) IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) 'NEMO rebuild completed successfully' IF (l_verbose) WRITE(numout,*) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE check_nf90(status, errorFlag) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Checks return code from nf90 library calls and warns if needed ! If errorFlag is present then it just increments this flag (OMP use) ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: status INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT), OPTIONAL :: errorFlag !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( status /= nf90_noerr ) THEN WRITE(numerr,*) 'ERROR! : '//TRIM(nf90_strerror(status)) IF( PRESENT( errorFlag ) ) THEN errorFlag = errorFlag + status ELSE WRITE(numerr,*) "*** NEMO rebuild failed ***" WRITE(numerr,*) STOP 9 ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE check_nf90 END PROGRAM rebuild_nemo