PROGRAM fparser !- !$Id: Fparser.f90 2281 2010-10-15 14:21:13Z smasson $ !- ! This software is governed by the CeCILL license ! See IOIPSL/IOIPSL_License_CeCILL.txt USE stringop IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! Parses the code to create the Config.default and ! which are used by the tk shell. ! ! INTEGER nbkeymax, nbhelpmax, nbcasemax, nbsourmax, nbelmax PARAMETER (nbkeymax=100, nbhelpmax=50, nbcasemax=50, nbsourmax=20,nbelmax=nbhelpmax+10) INTEGER nbfilesmax PARAMETER (nbfilesmax=150) ! CHARACTER*120 :: configs(nbkeymax,nbelmax) CHARACTER*120 :: tmp_help, tmp_key, tmp_desc, tmp_def INTEGER :: keylen(nbkeymax), nbkeys INTEGER :: key_pos(nbkeymax), help_pos(nbkeymax,2), def_pos(nbkeymax,2) INTEGER :: des_pos(nbkeymax), IF_pos(nbkeymax) CHARACTER*6 TYPE_op(nbkeymax) ! CHARACTER*120 :: def_out(nbkeymax, nbhelpmax) INTEGER :: nbdef_out(nbkeymax) ! CHARACTER*120 :: tke ! CHARACTER*2 :: nbstr ! CHARACTER*80 :: files(nbfilesmax), source(nbsourmax), filetmp CHARACTER*80 :: tmp, main_name CHARACTER*120 :: keycase(nbcasemax), tmp_CASE INTEGER :: nbcase, ii, find, nbsource LOGICAL :: next_source, next_name, last_or LOGICAL :: is_main, cont CHARACTER*1 :: backslash, simplequote, doublequote INTEGER :: ia, iread, iret, IFF, ih, nb_line, iv, id INTEGER :: ind_space, ind_comma, ind_USE INTEGER :: nbfiles, nb_key, nb_key_file ! INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: iargc, getarg ! ! next_source = .FALSE. next_name = .FALSE. is_main = .FALSE. nbsource = 0 nbfiles = 0 main_name = 'IPSL' ! backslash = ACHAR(92) simplequote = ACHAR(39) doublequote = ACHAR(34) ! ! ! ! Analyse command line ! ! ! Get the number of arguments, that is the options and the ! files to be parsed. ! ! iread = iargc() ! DO ia=1,iread ! iret = getarg(ia,tmp) ! IF (next_source) THEN nbsource = nbsource + 1 IF ( nbsource .GT. nbsourmax) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Too many files to source in the arguments.' WRITE(*,*) 'Increase nbsourmax' STOP ELSE source(nbsource) = tmp(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp)) ENDIF next_source = .FALSE. ELSE IF (next_name) THEN main_name = tmp(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp)) next_name = .FALSE. ELSE ! IF ( INDEX(tmp,'-m') .GT. 0) THEN is_main = .TRUE. ELSE IF ( INDEX(tmp,'-n') .GT. 0) THEN next_name = .TRUE. ELSE IF ( INDEX(tmp,'-s') .GT. 0) THEN next_source = .TRUE. ELSE IF ( INDEX(tmp,'-h') .GT. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'USAGE : Fparse [-name NAME] ' WRITE(*,*) ' [-source file_to_source]' WRITE(*,*) ' [-main] FORTAN_files' ELSE nbfiles = nbfiles + 1 IF ( nbfiles .GT. nbfilesmax) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Too many files to include in & & the arguments.' WRITE(*,*) 'Increase nbfilesmax' STOP ELSE files(nbfiles) = tmp(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp)) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! IF ( nbfiles .LT. 1 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'No files provided' STOP ENDIF ! ! ! 1.0 Read files and extract the lines which we need ! ! nb_key = 0 ! DO IFF=1,nbfiles ! filetmp = files(IFF) CALL READ_from_file(filetmp, nbkeymax, nbelmax, configs, nb_key, keylen) ! ENDDO ! ! 2.0 Scan the information we have extracted from the file for the elements we need ! ! CALL analyse_configs(nbkeymax, nb_key, nbelmax, keylen, configs, key_pos, help_pos, def_pos, des_pos, IF_pos, TYPE_op) ! ! ! 3.0 Prepare the default values to put them in an array ! ! DO ia = 1,nb_key ! ! 3.1 Go to blank delimited lines ! nbdef_out(ia) = 0 ! DO ii=def_pos(ia,1), def_pos(ia,2) ! tmp_help = configs(ia,ii) ind_comma = INDEX(tmp_help(1:len_TRIM(tmp_help)),',') DO WHILE (ind_comma .GT. 0) tmp_help(ind_comma:ind_comma) = ' ' ind_comma = INDEX(tmp_help,',') ENDDO CALL cmpblank(tmp_help) configs(ia,ii) = tmp_help ! ! 3.2 extract the values ! tmp_help = TRIM(ADJUSTL(configs(ia,ii))) ind_space= INDEX(tmp_help(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)),' ') ! Get the first one (there is no space in between) IF ( ind_space .EQ. 0) THEN nbdef_out(ia) = nbdef_out(ia) + 1 def_out(ia, nbdef_out(ia)) = tmp_help(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)) ELSE ! Get all those which are before spaces DO WHILE (ind_space .GT. 0) nbdef_out(ia) = nbdef_out(ia) + 1 def_out(ia, nbdef_out(ia)) = tmp_help(1:ind_space) tmp_help = ADJUSTL(tmp_help(ind_space+1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help))) ind_space= INDEX(tmp_help(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)),' ') ENDDO ! Get the last one which does not have a space behind IF ( LEN_TRIM(tmp_help) .GT. 0) THEN nbdef_out(ia) = nbdef_out(ia) + 1 def_out(ia, nbdef_out(ia)) = tmp_help(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)) ENDIF ! ENDIF ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ! ! ! 4.0 OPEN Defaults and Help files ! ! OPEN (16, FILE='') OPEN (17, FILE='') OPEN (18, FILE='Config.defaults') ! ! Some explantation ! DO IFF=16,18 WRITE(IFF,'(1a)') '# ' WRITE(IFF,'(1a)') '# File created by Fparser, DO NOT EDIT' WRITE(IFF,'(2a)') '# ', main_name(1:LEN_TRIM(main_name)) WRITE(IFF,'(1a)') '# ' WRITE(IFF,'(1a)') '# ' ENDDO ! WRITE(17,'(2a)') '# Format of this file: description', & & ' variablehelptext.' WRITE(17,'(2a)') '# If the question being documented is of', & & ' type "choice", we list' WRITE(17,'(2a)') '# only the first occurring config variable.', & & ' The help texts' WRITE(17,'(2a)') '# must not contain empty lines. No variable', & & ' should occur twice; if it' WRITE(17,'(2a)') '# does, only the first occurrence will be', & & ' used by Configure. The lines' WRITE(17,'(2a)') '# in a help text should be indented two', & & ' positions. Lines starting with' WRITE(17,'(2a)') '# "#" are ignored. To be nice to menuconfig,', & & ' limit your lines to 70' WRITE(17,'(2a)') '# characters. Use emacs" kfill.el to edit', & & ' this file or you lose.' WRITE(17,'(2a)') '#' ! IF ( is_main ) THEN WRITE(16,'(3a)') 'mainmenu_name "Configuration of model ', & & main_name(1:LEN_TRIM(main_name)), '"' WRITE(16,'(1a)') '# ' ENDIF ! WRITE(16,'(1a)') 'mainmenu_option next_comment' WRITE(16,'(3a)') 'comment "', main_name(1:LEN_TRIM(main_name)), '"' WRITE(16,'(1a)') '# ' ! ! 5.0 Loop through the KEYWORDS to prepare the output ! DO IFF =1,nb_key ! ! file ! ! ! Is it a conditional option ? ! IF ( IF_pos(IFF) .GE. 0) THEN tmp_help = configs(IFF,IF_pos(IFF)) ! IF ( (index(tmp_help,'||') .LE. 0) .AND. (index(tmp_help,'&&') .LE. 0) ) THEN IF ( tmp_help(1:1) .EQ. '!') THEN WRITE(16,'(3a)') 'if [ "$', tmp_help(2:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)), '" = "n" ]; then' ELSE WRITE(16,'(3a)') 'if [ "$', tmp_help(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)), '" = "y" ]; then' ENDIF ELSE ! last_or = .TRUE. nbcase = 0 ! DO WHILE( INDEX(tmp_help,'||') .GT. 0) ii = INDEX(tmp_help,'||') nbcase = nbcase + 1 if ( nbcase .EQ. 1 ) THEN IF ( tmp_help(1:1) .EQ. '!') THEN WRITE(16,'(3a)') 'if [ "$', tmp_help(2:ii-1), '" = "n" \\' ELSE WRITE(16,'(3a)') 'if [ "$', tmp_help(1:ii-1), '" = "y" \\' ENDIF ELSE IF ( tmp_help(1:1) .EQ. '!') THEN WRITE(16,'(3a)') '-o "$', tmp_help(2:ii-1), '" = "n" \\' ELSE WRITE(16,'(3a)') '-o "$', tmp_help(1:ii-1), '" = "y" \\' ENDIF ENDIF tmp_help = TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp_help(ii+2:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)))) ENDDO ! DO WHILE( INDEX(tmp_help,'&&') .GT. 0) ii = INDEX(tmp_help,'&&') nbcase = nbcase + 1 if ( nbcase .EQ. 1 ) THEN IF ( tmp_help(1:1) .EQ. '!') THEN WRITE(16,'(3a)') 'if [ "$', tmp_help(2:ii-1), '" = "n" \\' ELSE WRITE(16,'(3a)') 'if [ "$', tmp_help(1:ii-1), '" = "y" \\' ENDIF ELSE IF ( tmp_help(1:1) .EQ. '!') THEN WRITE(16,'(3a)') '-a "$', tmp_help(2:ii-1), '" = "n" \\' ELSE WRITE(16,'(3a)') '-a "$', tmp_help(1:ii-1), '" = "y" \\' ENDIF ENDIF tmp_help = TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp_help(ii+2:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)))) last_or = .FALSE. ENDDO ! IF ( last_or ) THEN IF ( tmp_help(1:1) .EQ. '!') THEN WRITE(16,'(3a)') '-o "$', tmp_help(2:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)), '" = "n" ]; then' ELSE WRITE(16,'(3a)') '-o "$', tmp_help(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)), '" = "y" ]; then' ENDIF ELSE IF ( tmp_help(1:1) .EQ. '!') THEN WRITE(16,'(3a)') '-a "$', tmp_help(2:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)), '" = "n" ]; then' ELSE WRITE(16,'(3a)') '-a "$', tmp_help(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)), '" = "y" ]; then' ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF WRITE(16,'(1a)') ' ' ENDIF ! ! Extract the information from configs ! DO iv = 1,nbdef_out(IFF) IF (nbdef_out(IFF) .EQ. 1) THEN tmp_key = configs(IFF,key_pos(IFF)) tmp_desc = configs(IFF,des_pos(IFF)) tmp_def = def_out(IFF,iv) ELSE tmp_key = configs(IFF,key_pos(IFF)) WRITE(nbstr,'(I2.2)') iv tmp_key = tmp_key(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_key))//'__'//nbstr tmp_desc = configs(IFF,des_pos(IFF)) IF ( iv .EQ. 1) THEN tmp_desc = tmp_desc(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_desc))//' (Vector)' ELSE tmp_desc = 'Cont... '//tmp_key(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_key)) ENDIF tmp_def = def_out(IFF,iv) ENDIF ! ! ! IF (INDEX(TYPE_op(IFF),'bool') .GT. 0) THEN ! WRITE(16,'(4a)') 'bool "', tmp_desc(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_desc)), & & '" ',tmp_key(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_key)) ! ELSE IF (INDEX(TYPE_op(IFF),'hex') .GT. 0) THEN ! WRITE(16,'(6a)') 'hex "', tmp_desc(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_desc)) & & ,'" ',tmp_key(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_key)) & & ,' ',tmp_def(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_def)) ! ELSE IF (INDEX(TYPE_op(IFF),'choice') .GT. 0) THEN ! ! Get number of options ! nbcase = 0 DO WHILE( INDEX(tmp_key,'||') .GT. 0) ii = INDEX(tmp_key,'||') nbcase = nbcase + 1 keycase(nbcase) = tmp_key(1:ii-1) tmp_key=tmp_key(ii+2:LEN_TRIM(tmp_key)) ENDDO nbcase = nbcase + 1 keycase(nbcase) = tmp_key(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_key)) WRITE(16,'(4a)') "choice '", tmp_desc(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_desc))," '",backslash ! ! List options ! tmp_CASE = keycase(1) WRITE(16,'(5a)') ' "', tmp_CASE(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_CASE)), " "& &,tmp_CASE(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_CASE)), backslash ! DO ii=2,nbcase-1 tmp_CASE = keycase(ii) WRITE(16,'(5a)') ' ', tmp_CASE(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_CASE)), ' ',& & tmp_CASE(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_CASE)), backslash ENDDO ! tmp_CASE = keycase(nbcase) WRITE(16,'(6a)') ' ', & & tmp_CASE(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_CASE)), & & ' ', tmp_CASE(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_CASE)), & & '" ',tmp_def(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_def)) ! ELSE WRITE(*,'(2a)') 'Uniplemented operation : ', TYPE_op(IFF) STOP ENDIF ! ! file ! tmp_key = configs(IFF,key_pos(IFF)) IF (INDEX(TYPE_op(IFF),'choice') .GT. 0) THEN ii = INDEX(tmp_key,'||')-1 ELSE ii = LEN_TRIM(tmp_key) ENDIF IF ( nbdef_out(IFF) .GT. 1) THEN WRITE(17,'(1a)') tmp_desc(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_desc)) WRITE(nbstr,'(I2.2)') iv tke = tmp_key(1:ii)//'__'//nbstr WRITE(17,'(1a)') tke(1:LEN_TRIM(tke)) WRITE(17,'(1a)') ' (Vector)' ELSE WRITE(17,'(1a)') tmp_desc(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_desc)) WRITE(17,'(1a)') tmp_key(1:ii) ENDIF ! DO ih=help_pos(IFF,1),help_pos(IFF,2) tmp_help = configs(IFF,ih) WRITE(17,'(" ",1a)') tmp_help(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_help)) ENDDO ! ! Config.default file ! IF (INDEX(TYPE_op(IFF),'choice') .GT. 0) THEN WRITE(18,'(2a)') tmp_def(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_def)),'=y' ELSE WRITE(18,'(3a)') tmp_key(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_key)),'=', & & tmp_def(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_def)) ENDIF ! ! Add some empty line to all files ! WRITE(16,'(1a)') ' ' WRITE(17,'(1a)') ' ' WRITE(17,'(1a)') ' ' ENDDO ! ! ! Close the IF if needed ! IF ( IF_pos(IFF) .GT. 0) THEN WRITE(16,'(1a)') 'fi' WRITE(16,'(1a)') ' ' ENDIF ! ENDDO ! WRITE(16,'(1a)') 'endmenu' WRITE(16,'(1a)') ' ' IF ( nbsource .GT. 0) THEN DO ih=1,nbsource tmp = source(ih) WRITE(16,'(1a)') ' ' WRITE(16,'(3a)') 'source ',tmp(1:LEN_TRIM(tmp)), & & '/' ENDDO ENDIF ! ! CLOSE(16) CLOSE(17) CLOSE(18) ! ! ! STOP END PROGRAM fparser ! ! !========================================================== ! ! SUBROUTINE READ_from_file(file, nbkeymax, nbelmax, configs, nbitems, itemlen) ! USE stringop ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! This routine reads the file and adds the config info it finds to the configs array. ! Thus the nbitems is an imput variable as it can be increased as we go through the files. ! ! CHARACTER*(*) :: file INTEGER :: nbkeymax, nbelmax CHARACTER*120 :: configs(nbkeymax, nbelmax) INTEGER :: nbitems, itemlen(nbkeymax) ! INTEGER :: conf_pos, ip CHARACTER*250 line LOGICAL :: cont, conf_END ! cont = .TRUE. conf_END = .TRUE. ! OPEN (12, file=file) ! ! 1.0 Loop over all the lines of a given file to extract all the configuration line ! DO WHILE (cont) READ(12,'(a)',END=9999) line ! ! 1.0 A configuration line is detected by the line below. ! IF ( INDEX(line,'Config') .EQ. 1 .OR. INDEX(line,'!'//'Config') .GE. 1 ) THEN ! IF ( conf_END ) THEN nbitems = nbitems + 1 IF ( nbitems .GT. nbkeymax) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'read_from_file : The number of keys in the input array is too small for this file' STOP ENDIF itemlen(nbitems) = 0 conf_END = .FALSE. ENDIF ! itemlen(nbitems) = itemlen(nbitems) + 1 IF ( itemlen(nbitems) .GT. nbelmax ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'read_from_file : The number of elements per key in the input array is too small' STOP ENDIF ! ! The detected line is shaved ! ! IF ( INDEX(line,'Config') .EQ. 1) THEN conf_pos = 7 ELSE conf_pos = INDEX(line,'!'//'Config') +7 ENDIF line = line(conf_pos:LEN_TRIM(line)) line = TRIM(ADJUSTL(line)) CALL cmpblank(line) ! configs(nbitems,itemlen(nbitems)) = line ! ELSE ! ! Look for the end of a configuration structure. ! It is determined by a call to the getin subroutine ! CALL strlowercase(line) CALL cmpblank(line) ip = INDEX(line,' (') DO WHILE (ip .GT. 0) line = line(1:ip-1)//line(ip+1:LEN_TRIM(line)) ip = INDEX(line,' (') ENDDO IF ( INDEX(line, 'call getin(') .GT. 0 .OR. INDEX(line, 'call setvar(') .GT. 0) THEN conf_END = .TRUE. ENDIF ! ENDIF ! cont = .TRUE. GOTO 8888 9999 cont = .FALSE. 8888 CONTINUE ENDDO ! CLOSE(12) ! END SUBROUTINE READ_from_file ! !========================================================== ! ! SUBROUTINE analyse_configs(nbkmax, nb_key, nbelmax, keylen, configs, key_pos, help_pos, def_pos, des_pos, IF_pos, TYPE_op) ! USE stringop ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! This subroutine will localize the KEYWORDS in the configs array ! and extract all their arguments. For the moment 5 arguments are recognized : ! KEY : The keyword by which the all is identified ! HELP : This identifies the help text ! DEF : The default value of for this KEYWORD ! DESC : A short description, not more than one line ! IF : Specifies the other Keyword it depend on. This is a nice features for the menus as it can hide ! things we do not need ! ! The DEF and HELP keywords can be multi line ! INTEGER :: nbkmax, nb_key, nbelmax INTEGER :: keylen(nbkmax) INTEGER :: key_pos(nbkmax), help_pos(nbkmax,2), def_pos(nbkmax,2), des_pos(nbkmax), IF_pos(nbkmax) CHARACTER*120 :: configs(nbkmax,nbelmax) CHARACTER*6 :: TYPE_op(nbkmax) ! ! This is the number of arguments we need to find an end for and the total number of arguments we can have. ! Thus these parameters needs to be updated when the list of arguments to the routine is changed ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: toendlen=2, indexlen=5 ! INTEGER :: toend(toendlen), foundend(toendlen), kindex(indexlen) INTEGER :: ik, il, ieq CHARACTER*120 :: tmp_str, tmp_str2 ! ! key_pos(1:nb_key)=-1 help_pos(1:nb_key,1:2)=-1 def_pos(1:nb_key,1:2)=-1 des_pos(1:nb_key)=-1 IF_pos(1:nb_key)=-1 TYPE_op(1:nb_key)='hex' ! DO ik=1,nb_key ! ! DO il=1,keylen(ik) ! ieq = INDEX(configs(ik,il),'=') tmp_str = configs(ik,il) tmp_str = tmp_str(1:ieq) CALL struppercase(tmp_str) ! ! Decide if this is a reserved name and where it fits ! ! At the same time we clean up the configs array ! IF ( INDEX(tmp_str,'KEY') .GT. 0) THEN IF ( key_pos(ik) .GT. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'analyse_config : Already have a KEYWORD, check that you have a call to getin' WRITE(*,*) 'analyse_config : ', configs(ik,il) STOP ENDIF key_pos(ik) = il tmp_str2 = configs(ik,il) tmp_str2 = tmp_str2(ieq+1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2)) configs(ik,il) = TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp_str2)) ! ! Here we have to check that we are not in an 'choice' case ! IF ( INDEX(tmp_str2,'||') .GT. 0) THEN TYPE_op(ik) = 'choice' ENDIF ! ENDIF ! IF ( INDEX(tmp_str,'DEF') .GT. 0) THEN IF ( def_pos(ik,1) .GT. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'analyse_config : Already have a DEF, check that you have a call to getin' WRITE(*,*) 'analyse_config : ', configs(ik,il) STOP ENDIF def_pos(ik,1) = il tmp_str2 = configs(ik,il) tmp_str2 = tmp_str2(ieq+1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2)) tmp_str2 = TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp_str2)) configs(ik,il) = tmp_str2 ! ! Here we can check if we have a boolean operation ! We also wish to standardise the value of booleans ! CALL struppercase(tmp_str2) IF (INDEX(tmp_str2,'Y') .EQ. 1 .AND. LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2) .EQ. 1 .OR.& & INDEX(tmp_str2,'T') .EQ. 1 .AND. LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2) .EQ. 1 .OR.& & INDEX(tmp_str2,'YES') .EQ. 1 .AND. LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2) .EQ. 3 .OR.& & INDEX(tmp_str2,'TRUE') .EQ. 1 .AND. LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2) .EQ. 4 .OR.& & INDEX(tmp_str2,'.TRUE.') .EQ. 1) THEN configs(ik,il) = 'y' TYPE_op(ik) = 'bool' ENDIF ! IF (INDEX(tmp_str2,'N') .EQ. 1 .AND. LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2) .EQ. 1 .OR.& & INDEX(tmp_str2,'F') .EQ. 1 .AND. LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2) .EQ. 1 .OR.& & INDEX(tmp_str2,'NO') .EQ. 1 .AND. LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2) .EQ. 2 .OR.& & INDEX(tmp_str2,'FALSE') .EQ. 1 .AND. LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2) .EQ. 5 .OR.& & INDEX(tmp_str2,'.FALSE.') .EQ. 1) THEN configs(ik,il) = 'n' TYPE_op(ik) = 'bool' ENDIF ! ! Here we check if we have a default behavior and put a standard name ! IF (INDEX(tmp_str2,'DEF') .EQ. 1 .OR. INDEX(tmp_str2,'NONE') .EQ. 1) THEN configs(ik,il) = 'default' ENDIF ! ENDIF ! IF ( INDEX(tmp_str,'DESC') .GT. 0) THEN IF ( des_pos(ik) .GT. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'analyse_config : Already have a DESC, check that you have a call to getin' WRITE(*,*) 'analyse_config : ', configs(ik,il) STOP ENDIF des_pos(ik) = il tmp_str2 = configs(ik,il) tmp_str2 = tmp_str2(ieq+1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2)) configs(ik,il) = TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp_str2)) ENDIF ! IF ( INDEX(tmp_str,'IF') .GT. 0) THEN IF ( IF_pos(ik) .GT. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'analyse_config : Already have a IF, check that you have a call to getin' WRITE(*,*) 'analyse_config : ', configs(ik,il) STOP ENDIF IF_pos(ik) = il tmp_str2 = configs(ik,il) tmp_str2 = tmp_str2(ieq+1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2)) configs(ik,il) = TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp_str2)) ENDIF ! IF ( INDEX(tmp_str,'HELP') .GT. 0) THEN help_pos(ik,1) = il tmp_str2 = configs(ik,il) tmp_str2 = tmp_str2(ieq+1:LEN_TRIM(tmp_str2)) configs(ik,il) = TRIM(ADJUSTL(tmp_str2)) ENDIF ! ENDDO ! ! Check if we not missing some important informations as for instance ! ! THE KEYWORD ! IF ( key_pos(ik) .LT. 1) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'analyse_configs : Could not find a keyword in the following entry :' DO il=1,keylen(ik) WRITE(*,'(a70)') configs(ik,il) ENDDO STOP ENDIF ! ! THE DEFAULT VALUE ! IF ( def_pos(ik,1) .LT. 1) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'analyse_configs : Could not find a default value in the following entry :' DO il=1,keylen(ik) WRITE(*,'(a70)') configs(ik,il) ENDDO STOP ENDIF ! ! Get the end of all the multi line arguments ! toend(1) = MAX(def_pos(ik,1),1) toend(2) = MAX(help_pos(ik,1),1) foundend(:) = keylen(ik) kindex(1) = MAX(key_pos(ik),1) kindex(2) = MAX(des_pos(ik),1) kindex(3) = MAX(def_pos(ik,1),1) kindex(4) = MAX(IF_pos(ik),1) kindex(5) = MAX(help_pos(ik,1),1) CALL find_ends(toendlen, toend, indexlen, kindex, foundend) def_pos(ik,2) = foundend(1) help_pos(ik,2) = foundend(2) ! ENDDO ! END SUBROUTINE analyse_configs ! SUBROUTINE find_ends(toendlen, toend, indexlen, kindex, foundend) ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! ! We find the end of the text for all the elements in the key which are multi line ! This subroutine aims at providing a flexible way to determine this so that other ! elements in the Keyword can be multi line. For the moment it is only the Help and Ded ! which are allowed to be multi line. ! ! Foundend need to be initialized to the maximum value of the elements ! ! INTEGER :: toendlen, toend(toendlen), indexlen, kindex(indexlen), foundend(toendlen) ! INTEGER :: whmin(1), ie, ii ! DO ie=1,toendlen ! whmin = MINLOC(toend(1:toendlen)) ! DO ii=1,indexlen IF ( kindex(ii) .GT. toend(whmin(1)) .AND. foundend(whmin(1)) .GE. kindex(ii)) THEN foundend(whmin(1)) = kindex(ii)-1 toend(whmin(1)) = 100000 ENDIF ENDDO ! ENDDO ! END SUBROUTINE find_ends