!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! This module uses F90 cpu time routines to allowing setting of ! multiple CPU timers. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! CVS:$Id: timers.f,v 1.2 2000/04/19 21:56:26 pwjones Exp $ ! ! Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 the Regents of the University of ! California. ! ! This software and ancillary information (herein called software) ! called SCRIP is made available under the terms described here. ! The software has been approved for release with associated ! LA-CC Number 98-45. ! ! Unless otherwise indicated, this software has been authored ! by an employee or employees of the University of California, ! operator of the Los Alamos National Laboratory under Contract ! No. W-7405-ENG-36 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. ! Government has rights to use, reproduce, and distribute this ! software. The public may copy and use this software without ! charge, provided that this Notice and any statement of authorship ! are reproduced on all copies. Neither the Government nor the ! University makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes ! any liability or responsibility for the use of this software. ! ! If software is modified to produce derivative works, such modified ! software should be clearly marked, so as not to confuse it with ! the version available from Los Alamos National Laboratory. ! !*********************************************************************** module timers !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use kinds_mod implicit none integer (kind=int_kind), parameter :: & max_timers = 99 ! max number of timers allowed integer (kind=int_kind), save :: & cycles_max ! max value of clock allowed by system integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(max_timers), save :: & cycles1, ! cycle number at start for each timer & cycles2 ! cycle number at stop for each timer real (kind=real_kind), save :: & clock_rate ! clock_rate in seconds for each cycle real (kind=real_kind), dimension(max_timers), save :: & cputime ! accumulated cpu time in each timer character (len=8), dimension(max_timers), save :: & status ! timer status string !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** subroutine timer_check(timer) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine checks a given timer. This is primarily used to ! periodically accumulate time in the timer to prevent timer cycles ! from wrapping around max_cycles. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Input Variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer ! timer number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (status(timer) .eq. 'running') then call timer_stop (timer) call timer_start(timer) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine timer_check !*********************************************************************** subroutine timer_clear(timer) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine resets a given timer. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Input Variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer ! timer number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cputime(timer) = 0.0_real_kind ! clear the timer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine timer_clear !*********************************************************************** function timer_get(timer) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine returns the result of a given timer. This can be ! called instead of timer_print so that the calling routine can ! print it in desired format. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Input Variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer ! timer number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Output Variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (kind=real_kind) :: & timer_get ! accumulated cputime in given timer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (status(timer) .eq. 'stopped') then timer_get = cputime(timer) else call timer_stop(timer) timer_get = cputime(timer) call timer_start(timer) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end function timer_get !*********************************************************************** subroutine timer_print(timer) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine prints the accumulated cpu time in given timer. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Input Variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer ! timer number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- !--- print the cputime accumulated for timer !--- make sure timer is stopped !--- if (status(timer) .eq. 'stopped') then write(*,"(' CPU time for timer',i3,':',1p,e16.8)") & timer,cputime(timer) else call timer_stop(timer) write(*,"(' CPU time for timer',i3,':',1p,e16.8)") & timer,cputime(timer) call timer_start(timer) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine timer_print !*********************************************************************** subroutine timer_start(timer) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine starts a given timer. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Input Variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer ! timer number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- !--- Start the timer and change timer status. !--- if (status(timer) .eq. 'stopped') then call system_clock(count=cycles1(timer)) status(timer) = 'running' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine timer_start !*********************************************************************** subroutine timer_stop(timer) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine stops a given timer. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Input Variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: & timer ! timer number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (status(timer) .eq. 'running') then !--- !--- Stop the desired timer. !--- call system_clock(count=cycles2(timer)) !--- !--- check and correct for cycle wrapping !--- if (cycles2(timer) .ge. cycles1(timer)) then cputime(timer) = cputime(timer) + clock_rate* & (cycles2(timer) - cycles1(timer)) else cputime(timer) = cputime(timer) + clock_rate* & (cycles2(timer) - cycles1(timer) + cycles_max) endif !--- !--- Change timer status. !--- status(timer)='stopped' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine timer_stop !*********************************************************************** subroutine timers_init !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This routine initializes some machine parameters necessary for ! computing cpu time from F90 intrinsics. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind) :: cycles ! count rate return by sys_clock !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- !--- Initialize timer arrays and clock_rate. !--- clock_rate = 0.0_real_kind cycles1 = 0 cycles2 = 0 cputime = 0.0_real_kind status = 'stopped' !--- !--- Call F90 intrinsic system_clock to determine clock rate !--- and maximum cycles. If no clock available, print message. !--- call system_clock(count_rate=cycles, count_max=cycles_max) if (cycles /= 0) then clock_rate = 1.0_real_kind/real(cycles) else clock_rate = 0.0_real_kind print *, '--- No system clock available ---' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine timers_init !*********************************************************************** end module timers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!