#!/bin/bash #set -x set -o posix #set -u #set -e #+ # # ================== # Fcheck_archfile.sh # ================== # # -------------------------- # Check the compilation file # -------------------------- # # SYNOPSIS # ======== # # :: # # $ Fcheck_archfile.sh # # # DESCRIPTION # =========== # # # Check the choice of the compiler. # Three cases : # # - There was a previous choice # - A new one has be specified, we use this one # - No information, exit # # We use TOOLS/COMPILE/arch.fcm to see if something was chosen. # # EXAMPLES # ======== # # :: # # $ ./Fcheck_archfile.sh ARCHFILE CPPFILE COMPILER # # # TODO # ==== # # option debug # # # EVOLUTIONS # ========== # # $Id$ # # # # * creation # #- cpeval () { cat > $2 << EOF #========================================================== # Automatically generated by Fcheck_archfile.sh from # $1 #========================================================== EOF while read line do eval "echo \"$line\" >> $2" done < $1 } # cleaning related to the old version rm -f $( find ${COMPIL_DIR} -type l -name $1 -print ) # if [ ${#3} -eq 0 ]; then # arch not specified if [ ! -f ${COMPIL_DIR}/arch.history ]; then echo "Warning !!!" echo "NO compiler chosen" echo "Try makenemo -h for help" echo "EXITING..." exit 1 else # use the arch file defined in arch.history myarch=$( cat ${COMPIL_DIR}/arch.history ) if [ ! -f $myarch ]; then echo "Warning !!!" echo "previously used arch file no more found:" echo $myarch echo "EXITING..." exit 1 else if [ -f ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 ]; then if [ "$2" != "nocpp" ] then # has the cpp keys file been changed since we copied the arch file in ${COMPIL_DIR}? mycpp=$( ls -l ${COMPIL_DIR}/$2 | sed -e "s/.* -> //" ) if [ "$mycpp" != "$( cat ${COMPIL_DIR}/cpp.history )" ]; then echo $mycpp > ${COMPIL_DIR}/cpp.history cpeval ${myarch} ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 fi # has the cpp keys file been updated since we copied the arch file in ${COMPIL_DIR}? mycpp=$( find -L ${COMPIL_DIR} -cnewer ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 -name $2 -print ) [ ${#mycpp} -ne 0 ] && cpeval ${myarch} ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 fi # has myarch file been updated since we copied it in ${COMPIL_DIR}? myarchdir=$( dirname ${myarch} ) myarchname=$( basename ${myarch} ) myarch=$( find -L $myarchdir -cnewer ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 -name $myarchname -print ) [ ${#myarch} -ne 0 ] && cpeval ${myarch} ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 else cpeval ${myarch} ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 fi fi fi else nb=$( find ${MAIN_DIR}/ARCH -name arch-${3}.fcm -print | wc -l ) if [ $nb -eq 0 ]; then # no arch file found echo "Warning !!!" echo "Compiler not existing" echo "Try makenemo -h for help" echo "EXITING..." exit 1 fi if [ $nb -gt 1 ]; then # more than 1 arch file found echo "Warning !!!" echo "more than 1 arch file for the same compiler have been found" find ${MAIN_DIR}/ARCH -name arch-${3}.fcm -print echo "keep only 1" echo "EXITING..." exit 1 fi myarch=$( find ${MAIN_DIR}/ARCH -name arch-${3}.fcm -print ) # we were already using this arch file ? if [ "$myarch" == "$( cat ${COMPIL_DIR}/arch.history )" ]; then if [ -f ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 ]; then if [ "$2" != "nocpp" ] then # has the cpp keys file been changed since we copied the arch file in ${COMPIL_DIR}? mycpp=$( ls -l ${COMPIL_DIR}/$2 | sed -e "s/.* -> //" ) if [ "$mycpp" != "$( cat ${COMPIL_DIR}/cpp.history )" ]; then echo $mycpp > ${COMPIL_DIR}/cpp.history cpeval ${myarch} ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 fi # has the cpp keys file been updated since we copied the arch file in ${COMPIL_DIR}? mycpp=$( find -L ${COMPIL_DIR} -cnewer ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 -name $2 -print ) [ ${#mycpp} -ne 0 ] && cpeval ${myarch} ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 fi # has myarch file been updated since we copied it in ${COMPIL_DIR}? myarch=$( find -L ${MAIN_DIR}/ARCH -cnewer ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 -name arch-${3}.fcm -print ) [ ${#myarch} -ne 0 ] && cpeval ${myarch} ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 else cpeval ${myarch} ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 fi else if [ "$2" != "nocpp" ] then ls -l ${COMPIL_DIR}/$2 | sed -e "s/.* -> //" > ${COMPIL_DIR}/cpp.history fi echo ${myarch} > ${COMPIL_DIR}/arch.history cpeval ${myarch} ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 fi fi #- do we need xios library? if [ "$2" != "nocpp" ] then use_iom=$( sed -e "s/#.*$//" ${COMPIL_DIR}/$2 | grep -c key_iomput ) else use_iom=0 fi have_lxios=$( sed -e "s/#.*$//" ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 | grep -c "\-lxios" ) if [[ ( $use_iom -eq 0 ) && ( $have_lxios -ge 1 ) ]] then sed -e "s/-lxios//g" ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 > ${COMPIL_DIR}/tmp$$ mv -f ${COMPIL_DIR}/tmp$$ ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 fi #- do we need oasis libraries? # if [ "$2" != "nocpp" ] # then # use_oasis=$( sed -e "s/#.*$//" ${COMPIL_DIR}/$2 | grep -c key_oasis3 ) # else # use_oasis=0 # fi # for liboa in psmile.MPI1 mct mpeu scrip mpp_io # do # have_liboa=$( sed -e "s/#.*$//" ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 | grep -c "\-l${liboa}" ) # if [[ ( $use_oasis -eq 0 ) && ( $have_liboa -ge 1 ) ]] # then # sed -e "s/-l${liboa}//g" ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 > ${COMPIL_DIR}/tmp$$ # mv -f ${COMPIL_DIR}/tmp$$ ${COMPIL_DIR}/$1 # fi # done