! ! $Id$ ! C AGRIF (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) C C Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) C Christophe Vouland (Christophe.Vouland@imag.fr) C C This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify C it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by C the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or C (at your option) any later version. C C This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, C but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of C MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the C GNU General Public License for more details. C C You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License C along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software C Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. C C C CCC Module Agrif_Interpbasic C Module Agrif_Interpbasic C CCC Description: CCC Module containing different procedures of interpolation (linear,lagrange, CCC spline,...) used in the Agrif_Interpolation module. C C Modules used: USE Agrif_types C IMPLICIT NONE C Real,Dimension(Agrif_MaxRaff) :: tabdiff2, tabdiff3 Real,Dimension(:),Allocatable::tabtest4 CONTAINS C Define procedures contained in this module C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Linear1d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Linear1d(x,y,np,nc, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to do a linear 1D interpolation on a child grid (vector y) from CCC its parent grid (vector x). C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C C Arguments INTEGER :: np,nc REAL,INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(np) :: x REAL,INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(nc) :: y REAL :: s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child C C Local scalars INTEGER :: i,coeffraf,locind_parent_left REAL :: ypos,globind_parent_left,globind_parent_right REAL :: invds, invds2 REAL :: ypos2,diff C C coeffraf = nint(ds_parent/ds_child) C if (coeffraf == 1) then C locind_parent_left = 1 + nint((s_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) C y(1:nc) = x(locind_parent_left:locind_parent_left+nc-1) C return C endif C ypos = s_child locind_parent_left = 1 + agrif_int((ypos - s_parent)/ds_parent) globind_parent_left = s_parent & + (locind_parent_left - 1)*ds_parent globind_parent_right = globind_parent_left + ds_parent C invds = 1./ds_parent invds2 = ds_child/ds_parent ypos2 = ypos*invds globind_parent_right=globind_parent_right*invds do i = 1,nc-1 C if (ypos2 > globind_parent_right) then locind_parent_left = locind_parent_left + 1. globind_parent_right = globind_parent_right + 1. endif diff=(globind_parent_right - ypos2) y(i) = (diff*x(locind_parent_left) & + (1.-diff)*x(locind_parent_left+1)) C ypos2 = ypos2 + invds2 C enddo C ypos = s_child + (nc-1)*ds_child locind_parent_left = 1 + agrif_int((ypos - s_parent)/ds_parent) C if (locind_parent_left == np) then C y(nc) = x(np) C else C globind_parent_left = s_parent & + (locind_parent_left - 1)*ds_parent C y(nc) = ((globind_parent_left + ds_parent - ypos) & *x(locind_parent_left) & + (ypos - globind_parent_left) & *x(locind_parent_left+1))*invds C endif C Return C C End Subroutine Linear1d C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Lagrange1d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Lagrange1d(x,y,np,nc, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to do a lagrange 1D interpolation on a child grid (vector y) CCC from its parent grid (vector x). C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C C Arguments INTEGER :: np,nc REAL,INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(np) :: x REAL,INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(nc) :: y REAL :: s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child C C Local scalars INTEGER :: i,coeffraf,locind_parent_left REAL :: ypos,globind_parent_left REAL :: X1,X2,X3 real :: deltax,invdsparent real t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8 C C if (np <= 2) then C Call Linear1D(x,y,np,nc, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C Return C endif C coeffraf = nint(ds_parent/ds_child) C if (coeffraf == 1) then C locind_parent_left = 1 + nint((s_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) C y(1:nc) = x(locind_parent_left:locind_parent_left+nc-1) C return C endif invdsparent=1./ds_parent C ypos = s_child C do i = 1,nc C locind_parent_left = 1 + agrif_int((ypos - s_parent)/ds_parent) C globind_parent_left = s_parent & + (locind_parent_left - 1)*ds_parent deltax = invdsparent*(ypos-globind_parent_left) ypos = ypos + ds_child if (abs(deltax).LE.0.0001) then y(i)=x(locind_parent_left) cycle endif C C t2 = deltax - 2. t3 = deltax - 1. t4 = deltax + 1. t5 = -(1./6.)*deltax*t2*t3 t6 = 0.5*t2*t3*t4 t7 = -0.5*deltax*t2*t4 t8 = (1./6.)*deltax*t3*t4 y(i)=t5*x(locind_parent_left-1)+t6*x(locind_parent_left) & +t7*x(locind_parent_left+1)+t8*x(locind_parent_left+2) C C enddo C return C C End Subroutine Lagrange1d C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Constant1d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine constant1d(x,y,np,nc, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to do a linear 1D interpolation on a child grid (vector y) from CCC its parent grid (vector x). C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C C Arguments INTEGER :: np,nc REAL,INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(np) :: x REAL,INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(nc) :: y REAL :: s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child C C Local scalars INTEGER :: i,coeffraf,locind_parent REAL :: ypos C C coeffraf = nint(ds_parent/ds_child) C if (coeffraf == 1) then C locind_parent = 1 + nint((s_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) C y(1:nc) = x(locind_parent:locind_parent+nc-1) C return C endif C ypos = s_child C do i = 1,nc C locind_parent = 1 + nint((ypos - s_parent)/ds_parent) C y(i) = x(locind_parent) C ypos = ypos + ds_child C enddo C Return C C End Subroutine constant1d C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Linear1dconserv C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Linear1dconserv(x,y,np,nc, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to do a linear 1D interpolation on a child grid (vector y) from CCC its parent grid (vector x). C CC Method: C C Declarations: C Implicit none C C Arguments Integer :: np,nc Real, Dimension(np) :: x Real, Dimension(nc) :: y Real, Dimension(:),Allocatable :: ytemp Real :: s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child C C Local scalars Integer :: i,coeffraf,locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last Real :: ypos integer :: i1,i2,ii real :: xpmin,xpmax,slope INTEGER :: diffmod REAL :: xdiffmod C C coeffraf = nint(ds_parent/ds_child) C If (coeffraf == 1) Then C locind_parent_left = 1 + nint((s_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) C y(1:nc) = x(locind_parent_left:locind_parent_left+nc-1) C return C End If C diffmod = 0 IF (mod(coeffraf,2) == 0) diffmod = 1 xdiffmod = real(diffmod)/2. allocate(ytemp(-2*coeffraf:nc+2*coeffraf)) C ypos = s_child C locind_parent_left = 1 + agrif_int((ypos - s_parent)/ds_parent) locind_parent_last = 1 + & agrif_ceiling((ypos +(nc - 1) *ds_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) xpmin = s_parent + (locind_parent_left-1)*ds_parent xpmax = s_parent + (locind_parent_last-1)*ds_parent i1 = 1+agrif_int((xpmin-s_child)/ds_child) i2 = 1+agrif_int((xpmax-s_child)/ds_child) i = i1 if (locind_parent_left == 1) then slope= & (x(locind_parent_left+1)-x(locind_parent_left))/(coeffraf) else slope= & (x(locind_parent_left+1)-x(locind_parent_left-1))/(2.*coeffraf) endif do ii=i-coeffraf/2+diffmod,i+coeffraf/2 ytemp(ii) = x(locind_parent_left)+(ii-i-xdiffmod/2.)*slope enddo locind_parent_left = locind_parent_left + 1 do i=i1 + coeffraf, i2 - coeffraf,coeffraf slope= & (x(locind_parent_left+1)-x(locind_parent_left-1))/(2.*coeffraf) do ii=i-coeffraf/2+diffmod,i+coeffraf/2 ytemp(ii) = x(locind_parent_left)+(ii-i-xdiffmod/2.)*slope enddo locind_parent_left = locind_parent_left + 1 enddo i = i2 if (locind_parent_left == np) then slope= & (x(locind_parent_left)-x(locind_parent_left-1))/(coeffraf) else slope= & (x(locind_parent_left+1)-x(locind_parent_left-1))/(2.*coeffraf) endif do ii=i-coeffraf/2+diffmod,nc ytemp(ii) = x(locind_parent_left)+(ii-i-xdiffmod/2.)*slope enddo C y(1:nc)=ytemp(1:nc) C deallocate(ytemp) Return C End Subroutine Linear1dconserv C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Linear1dconservlim C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Linear1dconservlim(x,y,np,nc, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to do a linear 1D interpolation on a child grid (vector y) from CCC its parent grid (vector x). C CC Method: C C Declarations: C Implicit none C C Arguments Integer :: np,nc Real, Dimension(np) :: x Real, Dimension(nc) :: y Real, Dimension(:),Allocatable :: ytemp Real :: s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child C C Local scalars Integer :: i,coeffraf,locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last Real :: ypos integer :: i1,i2,ii real :: xpmin,xpmax,slope INTEGER :: diffmod real :: xdiffmod C C coeffraf = nint(ds_parent/ds_child) C If (coeffraf == 1) Then C locind_parent_left = 1 + nint((s_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) C y(1:nc) = x(locind_parent_left:locind_parent_left+nc-1) C return C End If C IF (coeffraf .NE.3) THEN print *,'LINEARCONSERVLIM not ready for refinement ratio = ', & coeffraf stop ENDIF diffmod = 0 IF (mod(coeffraf,2) == 0) diffmod = 1 xdiffmod = real(diffmod)/2. allocate(ytemp(-2*coeffraf:nc+2*coeffraf)) C ypos = s_child C locind_parent_left = 1 + agrif_int((ypos - s_parent)/ds_parent) locind_parent_last = 1 + & agrif_ceiling((ypos +(nc - 1) *ds_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) xpmin = s_parent + (locind_parent_left-1)*ds_parent xpmax = s_parent + (locind_parent_last-1)*ds_parent i1 = 1+agrif_int((xpmin-s_child)/ds_child) i2 = 1+agrif_int((xpmax-s_child)/ds_child) i = i1 if (locind_parent_left == 1) then slope=0. else slope = vanleer(x(locind_parent_left-1:locind_parent_left+1)) slope = slope / coeffraf endif do ii=i-coeffraf/2+diffmod,i+coeffraf/2 ytemp(ii) = x(locind_parent_left)+(ii-i-xdiffmod/2.)*slope enddo locind_parent_left = locind_parent_left + 1 do i=i1 + coeffraf, i2 - coeffraf,coeffraf slope = vanleer(x(locind_parent_left-1:locind_parent_left+1)) slope = slope / coeffraf do ii=i-coeffraf/2+diffmod,i+coeffraf/2 ytemp(ii) = x(locind_parent_left)+(ii-i-xdiffmod/2.)*slope enddo locind_parent_left = locind_parent_left + 1 enddo i = i2 if (locind_parent_left == np) then slope=0. else slope = vanleer(x(locind_parent_left-1:locind_parent_left+1)) slope = slope / coeffraf endif do ii=i-coeffraf/2+diffmod,nc ytemp(ii) = x(locind_parent_left)+(ii-i-xdiffmod/2.)*slope enddo C y(1:nc)=ytemp(1:nc) C deallocate(ytemp) Return C End Subroutine Linear1dconservlim C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine ppm1d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine ppm1d(x,y,np,nc, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to do a 1D interpolation and apply monotonicity constraints CCC using piecewise parabolic method CCC on a child grid (vector y) from its parent grid (vector x). CC Method: C C Declarations: C Implicit none C C Arguments Integer :: np,nc Real, INTENT(IN),Dimension(np) :: x Real, INTENT(OUT),Dimension(nc) :: y C Real, Dimension(:),Allocatable :: ytemp Real :: s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child C C Local scalars Integer :: i,coeffraf,locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last Integer :: iparent,ipos,pos,nmin,nmax Real :: ypos integer :: i1,jj Real :: xpmin,a C Real :: xrmin,xrmax,am3,s2,s1 Real, Dimension(np) :: xl,delta,a6,slope C Real, Dimension(:),Allocatable :: diff,diff2,diff3 INTEGER :: diffmod REAL :: invcoeffraf C coeffraf = nint(ds_parent/ds_child) C If (coeffraf == 1) Then locind_parent_left = 1 + nint((s_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) y(1:nc) = x(locind_parent_left:locind_parent_left+nc-1) return End If invcoeffraf = ds_child/ds_parent C IF( .NOT. allocated(tabtest4) ) THEN Allocate(tabtest4(-2*coeffraf:nc+2*coeffraf)) ELSE IF (size(tabtest4) .LT. nc+4*coeffraf+1)THEN deallocate( tabtest4 ) Allocate(tabtest4(-2*coeffraf:nc+2*coeffraf)) ENDIF ENDIF ypos = s_child C locind_parent_left = 1 + agrif_int((ypos - s_parent)/ds_parent) locind_parent_last = 1 + & agrif_ceiling((ypos +(nc - 1) & *ds_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) C xpmin = s_parent + (locind_parent_left-1)*ds_parent i1 = 1+agrif_int((xpmin-s_child)/ds_child) C C Do i=1,coeffraf tabdiff2(i)=(real(i)-0.5)*invcoeffraf EndDo a = invcoeffraf**2 tabdiff3(1) = (1./3.)*a a=2.*a Do i=2,coeffraf tabdiff3(i) = tabdiff3(i-1)+(real(i)-1)*a EndDo C if( locind_parent_last+2 <= np ) then nmax = locind_parent_last+2 else if( locind_parent_last+1 <= np ) then nmax = locind_parent_last+1 else nmax = locind_parent_last endif C if(locind_parent_left-1 >= 1) then nmin = locind_parent_left-1 else nmin = locind_parent_left endif C C Do i = nmin,nmax slope(i) = x(i) - x(i-1) Enddo Do i = nmin+1,nmax-1 xl(i)= 0.5*(x(i-1)+x(i)) & -0.08333333333333*(slope(i+1)-slope(i-1)) Enddo C C apply parabolic monotonicity Do i = locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last delta(i) = xl(i+1) - xl(i) a6(i) = 6.*x(i)-3.*(xl(i) +xl(i+1)) C End do C diffmod = 0 IF (mod(coeffraf,2) == 0) diffmod = 1 C ipos = i1 C Do iparent = locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last pos=1 Do jj = ipos - coeffraf/2+diffmod,ipos + coeffraf/2 C tabtest4(jj) = xl(iparent) & + tabdiff2(pos) * (delta(iparent)+a6(iparent)) & - tabdiff3(pos) * a6(iparent) pos = pos+1 End do ipos = ipos + coeffraf C End do C C y(1:nc)=tabtest4(1:nc) Return End Subroutine ppm1d C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine weno1d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine weno1dnew(x,y,np,nc, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to do a 1D interpolation and apply monotonicity constraints CCC using piecewise parabolic method CCC on a child grid (vector y) from its parent grid (vector x). CC Method: C C Declarations: C Implicit none C C Arguments Integer :: np,nc Real, Dimension(np) :: x Real, Dimension(nc) :: y Real, Dimension(:),Allocatable :: ytemp Real :: s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child C C Local scalars Integer :: i,coeffraf,locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last Integer :: iparent,ipos,pos,nmin,nmax Real :: ypos integer :: i1,jj Real :: xpmin,cavg,a,b C Real :: xrmin,xrmax,am3,s2,s1 Real, Dimension(np) :: xr,xl,delta,a6,slope,slope2,smooth Real, Dimension(:),Allocatable :: diff,diff2,diff3 INTEGER :: diffmod REAL :: invcoeffraf integer :: s,l,k integer :: etan, etap real :: delta0, delta1, delta2 real :: epsilon parameter (epsilon = 1.D-8) real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ak, ck C coeffraf = nint(ds_parent/ds_child) C If (coeffraf == 1) Then locind_parent_left = 1 + nint((s_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) y(1:nc) = x(locind_parent_left:locind_parent_left+nc-1) return End If invcoeffraf = ds_child/ds_parent Allocate(ak(0:1,coeffraf)) Allocate(ck(0:1,coeffraf)) C Allocate(ytemp(-2*coeffraf:nc+2*coeffraf)) ypos = s_child C locind_parent_left = 1 + agrif_int((ypos - s_parent)/ds_parent) locind_parent_last = 1 + & agrif_ceiling((ypos +(nc - 1) & *ds_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) C xpmin = s_parent + (locind_parent_left-1)*ds_parent i1 = 1+agrif_int((xpmin-s_child)/ds_child) C Allocate( diff(coeffraf),diff2(coeffraf),diff3(coeffraf) ) C diff(1)=0.5*invcoeffraf do i=2,coeffraf diff(i) = diff(i-1)+invcoeffraf enddo ak = 0. ck = 0. do i=1,coeffraf do k=0,1 do s=0,2 do l=0,2 if (l /= s) then ak(k,i) = ak(k,i)+(diff(i)-(k-l+1.)) endif enddo enddo enddo etap = 0 etan = 0 do k=0,1 if (ak(k,i) > 0) then etap = etap+1 else if (ak(k,i) < 0) then etan = etan + 1 endif enddo do k=0,1 if (ak(k,i) == 0) then Ck(k,i) = 1. else if (ak(k,i) > 0) then Ck(k,i) = 1./(etap * ak(k,i)) else Ck(k,i) = -1./(etan * ak(k,i)) endif enddo enddo C a = 0. b = invcoeffraf Do i=1,coeffraf diff2(i) = 0.5*(b*b - a*a) diff3(i) = (1./3.)*(b*b*b - a*a*a) a = a + invcoeffraf b = b + invcoeffraf End do C if( locind_parent_last+2 <= np ) then nmax = locind_parent_last+2 elseif( locind_parent_last+1 <= np ) then nmax = locind_parent_last+1 else nmax = locind_parent_last endif C if(locind_parent_left-2 >= 1) then nmin = locind_parent_left-2 elseif(locind_parent_left-1 >= 1) then nmin = locind_parent_left-1 else nmin = locind_parent_left endif C Do i = nmin+1,nmax slope(i) = (x(i) - x(i-1)) Enddo DO i=nmin+2,nmax smooth(i) = 0.5*(slope(i)**2+slope(i-1)**2) & +(slope(i)-slope(i-1))**2 enddo C diffmod = 0 IF (mod(coeffraf,2) == 0) diffmod = 1 C ipos = i1 C Do iparent = locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last pos=1 delta0=1./(epsilon+smooth(iparent ))**3 delta1=1./(epsilon+smooth(iparent+1))**3 delta2=1./(epsilon+smooth(iparent+2))**3 Do jj = ipos - coeffraf/2+diffmod,ipos + coeffraf/2 C pos = pos+1 End do ipos = ipos + coeffraf C End do C C y(1:nc)=ytemp(1:nc) deallocate(ytemp) deallocate(diff, diff2, diff3) deallocate(ak,ck) Return End Subroutine weno1dnew C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine weno1d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine weno1d(x,y,np,nc, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to do a 1D interpolation and apply monotonicity constraints CCC using piecewise parabolic method CCC on a child grid (vector y) from its parent grid (vector x). CC Method: C C Declarations: C Implicit none C C Arguments Integer :: np,nc Real, Dimension(np) :: x Real, Dimension(nc) :: y Real, Dimension(:),Allocatable :: ytemp Real :: s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child C C Local scalars Integer :: i,coeffraf,locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last Integer :: iparent,ipos,pos,nmin,nmax Real :: ypos integer :: i1,jj Real :: xpmin,cavg,a,b C Real :: xrmin,xrmax,am3,s2,s1 Real, Dimension(np) :: xr,xl,delta,a6,slope,slope2 Real, Dimension(:),Allocatable :: diff,diff2,diff3 INTEGER :: diffmod REAL :: invcoeffraf integer :: s,l,k integer :: etan, etap real :: delta0, delta1,sumdelta real :: epsilon parameter (epsilon = 1.D-8) C coeffraf = nint(ds_parent/ds_child) C If (coeffraf == 1) Then locind_parent_left = 1 + nint((s_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) y(1:nc) = x(locind_parent_left:locind_parent_left+nc-1) return End If invcoeffraf = ds_child/ds_parent C Allocate(ytemp(-2*coeffraf:nc+2*coeffraf)) ypos = s_child C locind_parent_left = 1 + agrif_int((ypos - s_parent)/ds_parent) locind_parent_last = 1 + & agrif_ceiling((ypos +(nc - 1) & *ds_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) C xpmin = s_parent + (locind_parent_left-1)*ds_parent i1 = 1+agrif_int((xpmin-s_child)/ds_child) C Allocate( diff(coeffraf)) C diff(1)=0.5*invcoeffraf do i=2,coeffraf diff(i) = diff(i-1)+invcoeffraf enddo C if( locind_parent_last+2 <= np ) then nmax = locind_parent_last+2 else if( locind_parent_last+1 <= np ) then nmax = locind_parent_last+1 else nmax = locind_parent_last endif C if(locind_parent_left-1 >= 1) then nmin = locind_parent_left-1 else nmin = locind_parent_left endif C Do i = nmin+1,nmax slope(i) = (x(i) - x(i-1)) Enddo C diffmod = 0 IF (mod(coeffraf,2) == 0) diffmod = 1 C ipos = i1 C Do iparent = locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last pos=1 delta0=1./(epsilon+slope(iparent )**2)**2 delta1=1./(epsilon+slope(iparent+1)**2)**2 sumdelta = 1./(delta0+delta1) Do jj = ipos - coeffraf/2+diffmod,ipos + coeffraf/2 C ytemp(jj) = x(iparent)+(diff(pos)-0.5)*( & delta0*slope(iparent)+ & delta1*slope(iparent+1))*sumdelta pos = pos+1 End do ipos = ipos + coeffraf C End do C C y(1:nc)=ytemp(1:nc) deallocate(ytemp) deallocate(diff) Return End Subroutine weno1d C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine eno1d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine eno1d(x,y,np,nc, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C CCC Description: CCC ---- p 163-164 Computational gasdynamics ---- CCC Subroutine to do a 1D interpolation CCC using piecewise polynomial ENO reconstruction technique CCC on a child grid (vector y) from its parent grid (vector x). CC Method: C C Declarations: C Implicit none C C Arguments Integer :: np,nc Real, Dimension(np) :: x Real, Dimension(nc) :: y Real, Dimension(:),Allocatable :: ytemp Real :: s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child C C Local scalars Integer :: i,coeffraf,locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last Integer :: ipos,pos Real :: ypos,xi integer :: i1,jj Real :: xpmin,cavg C Real, Dimension(3,np) :: dd,c Integer :: left C Real, DImension(1:np+1) :: xhalf Real, Dimension(:,:),Allocatable :: Xbar INTEGER :: diffmod C coeffraf = nint(ds_parent/ds_child) C If (coeffraf == 1) Then locind_parent_left = 1 + nint((s_child - s_parent)/ds_parent) y(1:nc) = x(locind_parent_left:locind_parent_left+nc-1) return End If diffmod = 0 IF (mod(coeffraf,2) == 0) diffmod = 1 C Allocate(ytemp(-2*coeffraf:nc+2*coeffraf)) ypos = s_child locind_parent_left = 1 + agrif_int((ypos - s_parent)/ds_parent) locind_parent_last = 1 + & agrif_ceiling((ypos +(nc - 1) *ds_child - & s_parent)/ds_parent) xpmin = s_parent + (locind_parent_left-1)*ds_parent i1 = 1+agrif_int((xpmin-s_child)/ds_child) C xhalf(np+1) = np + 0.5 Do i = 1,np xhalf(i) = i - 0.5 Enddo C C compute divided differences C dd(1,1:np) = x(1:np) dd(2,1:np-1) = 0.5*( dd(1,2:np) - dd(1,1:np-1) ) dd(3,1:np-2) = (1./3.)*( dd(2,2:np-1) - dd(2,1:np-2) ) C Allocate( Xbar( coeffraf,2 ) ) xi = 0.5 Do i = 1,coeffraf Xbar(i,1) = (i-1)*ds_child/ds_parent - xi Xbar(i,2) = i*ds_child/ds_parent - xi Enddo C ipos = i1 C DO i = locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last left = i do jj = 2,3 If(abs(dd(jj,left)) .gt. abs(dd(jj,left-1))) & left = left-1 enddo C C convert to Taylor series form C Call Taylor(i,xhalf(left:left+2),dd(1:3,left),c(1:3,i)) ENDDO C C evaluate the reconstruction on each cell C DO i = locind_parent_left,locind_parent_last C cavg = 0. pos = 1. C Do jj = ipos - coeffraf/2+diffmod,ipos + coeffraf/2 ytemp(jj) =(c(1,i)*(Xbar(pos,2)-Xbar(pos,1)) & +c(2,i)*(Xbar(pos,2)*Xbar(pos,2)- & Xbar(pos,1)*Xbar(pos,1)) & +c(3,i)*(Xbar(pos,2)*Xbar(pos,2)*Xbar(pos,2)- & Xbar(pos,1)*Xbar(pos,1)*Xbar(pos,1))) & *coeffraf cavg = cavg + ytemp(jj) pos = pos+1 Enddo ipos = ipos + coeffraf ENDDO C y(1:nc)=ytemp(1:nc) deallocate(ytemp,Xbar) C Return End Subroutine eno1d C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine taylor C ************************************************************************** C subroutine taylor(ind,xhalf,dd,c) C Integer :: ind real,dimension(3) :: dd,c real,dimension(0:3,0:3) :: d real,dimension(3) :: xhalf integer ::i,j C C d(0,0:3)=1. do i = 1,3 d(i,0)=(ind-xhalf(i))*d(i-1,0) enddo C do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3-i d(i,j) = d(i,j-1) + (ind-xhalf(i+j))*d(i-1,j) enddo enddo C do j = 1,3 c(j) = 0. do i=0,3-j c(j) = c(j) + d(i,j)*dd(i+j) enddo enddo C end subroutine taylor REAL FUNCTION vanleer(tab) REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: tab real res1 real p1,p2,p3 p1=(tab(3)-tab(1))/2. p2=2.*(tab(2)-tab(1)) p3=2.*(tab(3)-tab(2)) if ((p1>0.).AND.(p2>0.).AND.(p3>0)) then res1=minval((/p1,p2,p3/)) elseif ((p1<0.).AND.(p2<0.).AND.(p3<0)) then res1=maxval((/p1,p2,p3/)) else res1=0. endif vanleer = res1 END FUNCTION vanleer C End Module Agrif_Interpbasic