#!/bin/ksh #----------------------------------------------------------------- function OCE_Initialize { IGCM_debug_PushStack "OCE_Initialize" JOB_NAME=${config_UserChoices_JobName} OPA_NDT_DAY=${opa_UserChoices_OPA_NDT_DAY:=15} ##--Variables used by OPA -- # cn_exp experience name for vairmer format # nn_it000 number of the first time step # nn_itend number of the last time step # nn_leapy leap year calendar (0/1) (30 for 360d) # nn_write frequency of OUTPUT file # ln_rstart boolean term for restart (true or false) # nn_stock frequency of restart file # nn_rstctl control of the time step (0, 1 or 2) # nn_date0 initial calendar date aammjj # nn_msh =1 create a mesh file (coordinates, scale factors, masks) # rn_rdt time step in seconds (coming from namelist) # nf_ptr_wri frequency of zonal means and transport output # Local function to find namelists parameters supergrep () { grep "^ *$1 *=" $2 | sed -e "s% *\!.*%%" } PAT_CEXPER=$( supergrep cn_exp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist ) PAT_NIT000=$( supergrep nn_it000 ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist ) PAT_NITEND=$( supergrep nn_itend ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist ) PAT_NLEAPY=$( supergrep nn_leapy ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist ) PAT_RESTAR=$( supergrep ln_rstart ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist ) PAT_NSTOCK=$( supergrep nn_stock ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist ) PAT_NRSTAR=$( supergrep nn_rstctl ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist ) PAT_NDATE0=$( supergrep nn_date0 ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist ) PAT_NMSH=$( supergrep nn_msh ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist ) OPA_RDT=$( supergrep rn_rdt ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist | sed 's/ *rn_rdt *=//' | sed 's/\. *,//' ) # Period Length In Days between DateBegin and first day of calendar 0001 01 01 # /!\ Needed by OPA namelist to compute file names /!\ (( DaysSinceJC = $( IGCM_date_DaysSinceJC ${DateBegin} ) + 1 )) # Definition from opa9.card of List_jobsbc and List_runsbc used to do to interannual and climatological runs IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/opa9.card Interannual List_jobsbc IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/opa9.card Interannual List_runsbc set -A ListFormulationJobsbc -- \${opa9_Interannual_Listjobsc${opa9_Interannual_List_jobsbc}[*]} set -A ListFormulationRunsbc -- \${opa9_Interannual_Listrunsbc${opa9_Interannual_List_runsbc}[*]} ##--Variables used for XMLIO_SERVER configuration file # using_server: .TRUE.(.FALSE.) to use(bypass) the io_server PAT_SERVER=$( supergrep using_server ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/xmlio_server.def ) IGCM_debug_PopStack "OCE_Initialize" } #----------------------------------------------------------------- function OCE_Update { IGCM_debug_PushStack "OCE_Update" # Interannual run # In this case job need to calculate previous and following year and give, and if every run needs to add "_y" before every year if [ X${opa9_UserChoices_Interannual_Run} = Xy ] ; then typeset file fileo eval NbFileInter=${#opa9_Interannual_List_jobsbc[*]} (( i = 0 )) while [ $i -lt ${NbFileInter} ] ; do eval file=${opa9_Interannual_List_jobsbc[$i]} eval jobsbc_file_ym1=${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_OPA_version}/${file}_$(( year - 1 )).nc eval jobsbc_file_y=${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_OPA_version}/${file}_${year}.nc eval jobsbc_file_yp1=${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_OPA_version}/${file}_$(( year + 1 )).nc # Copy of List_jobsbc in List_runsbc if this last one is empty if [ X${opa9_Interannual_List_runsbc[0]} = X${NULL_STR} ] ; then eval fileo=${opa9_Interannual_List_jobsbc[$i]} eval runsbc_file_ym1=${file}_y$(( year - 1 )).nc eval runsbc_file_y=${file}_y${year}.nc eval runsbc_file_yp1=${file}_y$(( year + 1 )).nc else eval fileo=${opa9_Interannual_List_runsbc[$i]} eval runsbc_file_ym1=${fileo}_y$(( year - 1 )).nc eval runsbc_file_y=${fileo}_y${year}.nc eval runsbc_file_yp1=${fileo}_y$(( year + 1 )).nc fi if [ X${Period} = X1 ] ; then if [ ${month} -eq 01 ] ; then IGCM_sys_Get ${jobsbc_file_ym1} ${runsbc_file_ym1} fi if [ ! -f ${runsbc_file_y} ] ; then IGCM_sys_Get ${jobsbc_file_y} ${runsbc_file_y} fi if [ ! -f ${runsbc_file_yp1} ] ; then IGCM_sys_Get ${jobsbc_file_yp1} ${runsbc_file_yp1} fi else if [ ! -f ${runsbc_file_yp1} ] ; then IGCM_sys_Get ${jobsbc_file_yp1} ${runsbc_file_yp1} fi fi (( i = i + 1 )) done # End interannual elif [ X${opa9_UserChoices_Interannual_Run} = Xn ] ; then # Climatological run typeset file fileo eval NbFileInter=${#opa9_Interannual_List_jobsbc[*]} (( i = 0 )) while [ $i -lt ${NbFileInter} ] ; do eval file=${opa9_Interannual_List_jobsbc[$i]} eval jobsbc_file=${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_OPA_version}/${file}.nc if [ X${opa9_Interannual_List_runsbc[0]} = X${NULL_STR} ] ; then eval fileo=${opa9_Interannual_List_jobsbc[$i]} eval runsbc_file=${fileo}.nc else eval fileo=${opa9_Interannual_List_runsbc[$i]} eval runsbc_file=${fileo}.nc fi IGCM_sys_Get ${jobsbc_file} ${runsbc_file} (( i = i + 1 )) done fi # End climatological NbFreq=$( echo ${config_OCE_WriteFrequency} | wc -w ) ##--Write Frequency Purpose .... typeset -Z1 i=1 while [ $i -le ${NbFreq} ]; do frequency=$( echo ${config_OCE_WriteFrequency} | awk -v var="$i" "-F " '{print $var}' ) factor=$( echo ${frequency} | sed -e "s/[yYmMdD]//" ) case ${frequency} in *Y|*y) eval PREFIX_WF${i}=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${factor}y_${DatesPeriod} ; eval R_OUT_OCE_WF${i}=${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y} ; eval WF${i}=${factor}Y ;; *M|*m) eval PREFIX_WF${i}=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${factor}m_${DatesPeriod} ; eval R_OUT_OCE_WF${i}=${R_OUT_OCE_O_M} ; eval WF${i}=${factor}M ;; *D|*d) eval PREFIX_WF${i}=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${factor}d_${DatesPeriod} ; eval R_OUT_OCE_WF${i}=${R_OUT_OCE_O_D} ; eval WF${i}=${factor}D ;; *) esac let i=$i+1 done # Period Length In Days between DateBegin and first day of calendar 0001 01 01 # Needed by OPA namelist to compute correct file names (( PeriodDaysSinceJC = $( IGCM_date_DaysSinceJC ${PeriodDateBegin} ) + 1 )) ## Count of number of time steps from begin of OPA job (( OPA_NIT000 = ( PeriodDaysSinceJC - DaysSinceJC ) * OPA_NDT_DAY + 1 )) (( OPA_NDT = PeriodLengthInDays * OPA_NDT_DAY )) (( OPA_NITEND = OPA_NIT000 + OPA_NDT - 1)) ## Forcing to write one restart file at the end of period OPA_NSTOCK="${OPA_NITEND}" ## Verification of number of time steps per day (( NB_SEC_DAY_MODEL = OPA_NDT_DAY * OPA_RDT )) (( NB_SEC_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24 )) if [ ${NB_SEC_DAY_MODEL} -ne ${NB_SEC_DAY} ] then echo " VERIFY OPA_NDT_DAY in opa9.card " exit fi ##-- Restart configuration if ( [ "${CumulPeriod}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${config_OCE_Restart}" = "n" ] ) ; then #echo "NO OPA RESTART" OPA_LRSTAR=.FALSE. OPA_NRSTDT=0 #Put OPA_NMSH=0 when OPA runnig in parallel mode OPA_NMSH=1 ( [ X${BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT} != X ] && [ "${BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT}" -gt 1 ] ) && OPA_NMSH=0 elif ( [ "${CumulPeriod}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${config_OCE_Restart}" = "y" ] ) ; then #echo "OPA RESTART" OPA_LRSTAR=.TRUE. OPA_NRSTDT=1 OPA_NMSH=0 else #echo "OPA RESTART" OPA_LRSTAR=.TRUE. OPA_NRSTDT=2 OPA_NMSH=0 fi ## nleapy configuration case ${config_UserChoices_CalendarType} in leap) OPA_NLEAPY=1;; noleap) OPA_NLEAPY=0;; 360d) OPA_NLEAPY=30;; esac typeset -r PRECIS=8 NEMO_END=$( echo $( awk "BEGIN { printf \"%0${PRECIS}d\",${OPA_NITEND} }" ) ) sed -e "s%${PAT_CEXPER}% cn_exp=\"${config_UserChoices_JobName}\"%" \ -e "s%${PAT_NIT000}% nn_it000=${OPA_NIT000}%" \ -e "s%${PAT_NITEND}% nn_itend=${OPA_NITEND}%" \ -e "s%${PAT_RESTAR}% ln_rstart=${OPA_LRSTAR}%" \ -e "s%${PAT_NSTOCK}% nn_stock=${OPA_NSTOCK}%" \ -e "s%${PAT_NRSTAR}% nn_rstctl=${OPA_NRSTDT}%" \ -e "s%${PAT_NDATE0}% nn_date0=${PeriodDateBegin}%" \ -e "s%${PAT_NMSH}% nn_msh=${OPA_NMSH}%" \ -e "s%${PAT_NLEAPY}% nn_leapy=${OPA_NLEAPY}%" \ namelist > namelist.tmp IGCM_sys_Mv namelist.tmp namelist # update xmlio_server.def if [ X${opa9_UserChoices_io_server} = Xy ] ; then sed -e "s/${PAT_SERVER}/ using_server = .TRUE./" \ xmlio_server.def > xmlio_server.def.tmp IGCM_sys_Mv xmlio_server.def.tmp xmlio_server.def fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "OCE_Update" } #----------------------------------- function OCE_Finalize { IGCM_debug_PushStack "OCE_Finalize" if [ -f date.file ] ; then # Prefix use in opa.card AND in lim2.card : DATE_OPA=$( cat date.file | \ sed "s/\ ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_[0-9]*[a-z]_\([0-9]*_[0-9]*\)_\ */\1/g" ) ###DATE_OPA=$( $DATE_OPABF | cut -c1-30 ) MainPrefix=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_1d_${DATE_OPA} SecondPrefix=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_5d_${DATE_OPA} fi echo FINALIZE OCE !!! IGCM_debug_PopStack "OCE_Finalize" }