PROGRAM vel2fb USE obs_fbm USE obs_vel_io USE convmerge IMPLICIT NONE ! ! Command line arguments for output file and input files ! #ifndef NOIARGCPROTO INTEGER,EXTERNAL :: iargc #endif INTEGER :: nargs CHARACTER(len=256) :: cdoutfile CHARACTER(len=256),ALLOCATABLE :: cdinfile(:) ! ! Input data ! TYPE(obfbdata), POINTER :: velf(:) INTEGER :: ninfiles,ntotvel,nmaxlev INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: iset(:),inum(:),iindex(:) ! ! Output data ! TYPE(obfbdata) :: fbdata ! ! Loop variables ! INTEGER :: ia,ii,ij ! ! Get number of command line arguments ! nargs=IARGC() IF (nargs < 1) THEN WRITE(*,'(A)')'Usage:' WRITE(*,'(A)')'vel2fb outputfile inputfile1 inputfile2 ...' CALL abort() ENDIF CALL getarg(1,cdoutfile) ! ! Get input data ! ALLOCATE( velf(MAX(nargs-1,1)) ) ALLOCATE( cdinfile(nargs-1) ) ntotvel = 0 ninfiles = nargs - 1 DO ia = 1,ninfiles CALL getarg( ia + 1, cdinfile(ia) ) CALL read_taondbc( TRIM(cdinfile(ia)), velf(ia), 6, .TRUE., .FALSE. ) WRITE(*,'(2A)')'File = ',TRIM(cdinfile(ia)) WRITE(*,'(A,I9,A)')'has',velf(ia)%nobs,' profiles' ntotvel = ntotvel + velf(ia)%nobs nmaxlev = MAX( nmaxlev, velf(ia)%nlev ) ENDDO IF (ninfiles==0) THEN CALL init_obfbdata( velf(1) ) CALL alloc_obfbdata( velf(1), 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, .FALSE. ) velf(1)%cname(1) = 'UVEL' velf(1)%cname(2) = 'VVEL' velf(1)%coblong(1) = 'Zonal current' velf(1)%coblong(2) = 'Meridional current' velf(1)%cobunit(1) = 'Meters per second' velf(1)%cobunit(2) = 'Meters per second' ENDIF WRITE(*,'(A,I8)') 'Total profiles : ',ntotvel ! ! Merge and output the data. ! CALL conv_fbmerge( TRIM(cdoutfile), ninfiles, velf ) END PROGRAM vel2fb