#!/bin/bash ###################################################### # Author : Simona Flavoni for NEMO # Contact : sflod@locean-ipsl.upmc.fr # # Some functions called from makenemo # Fdel_keys : del keys in cpp.fcm file ###################################################### #set -x set -o posix #set -u #set -e #+ # # ================ # Fdel_keys.sh # ================ # # -------------------------- # Add compilation keys # -------------------------- # # SYNOPSIS # ======== # # :: # # $ Fdel_keys.sh CONFIG_NAME del_key "LIST_KEYS" # # # DESCRIPTION # =========== # # # Add cpp keys when compiling a configuration, key list has to be enclosed with " ". # We perform a 'sed' on the CONFIG_NAME/CPP.fcm file, contianing the list of keys. # # EXAMPLES # ======== # # :: # # $ ./Fdel_keys.sh CONFIG_NAME del_key "key_agrif" # # # TODO # ==== # # option debug # # # EVOLUTIONS # ========== # # $Id: Fdel_keys.sh 2158 2010-10-20 17:30:03Z sflod $ # # # # * creation # #- echo "Removing keys in : ${NEW_CONF}" sed -e "s/${list_del_key}//" ${CONFIG_DIR}/${NEW_CONF}/cpp_${NEW_CONF}.fcm > ${CONFIG_DIR}/${NEW_CONF}/cpp_${NEW_CONF}.fcm.tmp mv ${CONFIG_DIR}/${NEW_CONF}/cpp_${NEW_CONF}.fcm.tmp ${CONFIG_DIR}/${NEW_CONF}/cpp_${NEW_CONF}.fcm echo "removed keys ${list_del_key} in ${NEW_CONF}" unset -v list_del_key