MODULE domhgr !!============================================================================== !! *** MODULE domhgr *** !! Ocean initialization : domain initialization !!============================================================================== !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! dom_hgr : initialize the horizontal mesh !! hgr_read : read "coordinate" NetCDF file !! hgr_read_fdir : read "coordinate" direct access file !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE phycst ! physical constants USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! * Module variables REAL(wp) :: glam0, gphi0 ! variables corresponding to parameters ! ! ppglam0 ppgphi0 set in par_oce !! * Routine accessibility PUBLIC dom_hgr ! called by domain.F90 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! OPA 9.0 , LODYC-IPSL (2003) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE dom_hgr !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dom_hgr *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute the geographical position (in degre) of the !! model grid-points, the horizontal scale factors (in meters) and !! the Coriolis factor (in s-1). !! !! ** Method : The geographical position of the model grid-points is !! defined from analytical functions, fslam and fsphi, the deriva- !! tives of which gives the horizontal scale factors e1,e2. !! Defining two function fslam and fsphi and their derivatives in !! the two horizontal directions (fse1 and fse2), the model grid- !! point position and scale factors are given by: !! t-point: !! glamt(i,j) = fslam(i ,j ) e1t(i,j) = fse1(i ,j ) !! gphit(i,j) = fsphi(i ,j ) e2t(i,j) = fse2(i ,j ) !! u-point: !! glamu(i,j) = fslam(i+1/2,j ) e1u(i,j) = fse1(i+1/2,j ) !! gphiu(i,j) = fsphi(i+1/2,j ) e2u(i,j) = fse2(i+1/2,j ) !! v-point: !! glamv(i,j) = fslam(i ,j+1/2) e1v(i,j) = fse1(i ,j+1/2) !! gphiv(i,j) = fsphi(i ,j+1/2) e2v(i,j) = fse2(i ,j+1/2) !! f-point: !! glamf(i,j) = fslam(i+1/2,j+1/2) e1f(i,j) = fse1(i+1/2,j+1/2) !! gphif(i,j) = fsphi(i+1/2,j+1/2) e2f(i,j) = fse2(i+1/2,j+1/2) !! Where fse1 and fse2 are defined by: !! fse1(i,j) = ra * rad * SQRT( (cos(phi) di(fslam))**2 !! + di(fsphi) **2 )(i,j) !! fse2(i,j) = ra * rad * SQRT( (cos(phi) dj(fslam))**2 !! + dj(fsphi) **2 )(i,j) !! !! The coriolis factor is given at z-point by: !! ff = 2.*omega*sin(gphif) (in s-1) !! !! This routine is given as an example, it must be modified !! following the user s desiderata. nevertheless, the output as !! well as the way to compute the model grid-point position and !! horizontal scale factors must be respected in order to insure !! second order accuracy schemes. !! !! N.B. If the domain is periodic, verify that scale factors are also !! periodic, and the coriolis term again. !! !! ** Action : - define glamt, glamu, glamv, glamf: longitude of t-, !! u-, v- and f-points (in degre) !! - define gphit, gphiu, gphiv, gphit: latitude of t-, !! u-, v- and f-points (in degre) !! define e1t, e2t, e1u, e2u, e1v, e2v, e1f, e2f: horizontal !! scale factors (in meters) at t-, u-, v-, and f-points. !! define ff: coriolis factor at f-point !! !! References : !! Marti, Madec and Delecluse, 1992, j. geophys. res., in press. !! !! History : !! ! 88-03 (G. Madec) !! ! 91-11 (G. Madec) !! ! 92-06 (M. Imbard) !! ! 96-01 (G. Madec) terrain following coordinates !! ! 97-02 (G. Madec) print mesh informations !! ! 01-09 (M. Levy) eel config: grid in km, beta-plane !! 8.5 ! 02-08 (G. Madec) F90: Free form and module, namelist !! 9.0 ! 04-01 (A.M. Treguier, J.M. Molines) Case 4 (Mercator mesh) !! use of parameters in par_CONFIG-Rxx.h90, not in namelist !! ! 04-05 (A. Koch-Larrouy) Add Gyre configuration !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * local declarations INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: ii0, ii1, ij0, ij1 ! temporary integers INTEGER :: ijeq ! index of equator T point (used in case 4) REAL(wp) :: & zti, zui, zvi, zfi, & ! temporary scalars ztj, zuj, zvj, zfj, & ! zphi0, zbeta, znorme, & ! zarg, zf0 REAL(wp) :: & zlam1, zcos_alpha, zim1 , zjm1 , ze1, ze1deg, & zphi1, zsin_alpha, zim05, zjm05 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'dom_hgr : define the horizontal mesh from ithe following par_oce parameters ' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~ type of horizontal mesh jphgr_msh = ', jphgr_msh WRITE(numout,*) ' position of the first row and ppglam0 = ', ppglam0 WRITE(numout,*) ' column grid-point (degrees) ppgphi0 = ', ppgphi0 WRITE(numout,*) ' zonal grid-spacing (degrees) ppe1_deg = ', ppe1_deg WRITE(numout,*) ' meridional grid-spacing (degrees) ppe2_deg = ', ppe2_deg WRITE(numout,*) ' zonal grid-spacing (meters) ppe1_m = ', ppe1_m WRITE(numout,*) ' meridional grid-spacing (meters) ppe2_m = ', ppe2_m ENDIF SELECT CASE( jphgr_msh ) ! type of horizontal mesh CASE ( 0 ) ! curvilinear coordinate on the sphere read in file IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' curvilinear coordinate on the sphere read in "coordinate" file' #if defined key_fdir CALL hgr_read_fdir ! 'key_fdir' : direct access file #else CALL hgr_read ! Defaultl option : NetCDF file #endif ! ! ===================== IF( cp_cfg == "orca" .AND. jp_cfg == 2 ) THEN ! ORCA R2 configuration ! ! ===================== IF( n_cla == 0 ) THEN ii0 = 160 ; ii1 = 161 ! Bab el Mandeb (e2u = 18 km) ij0 = 88 ; ij1 = 88 ; e2u( mi0(ii0):mi1(ii1) , mj0(ij0):mj1(ij1) ) = 18.e3 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' orca_r2: Bab el Mandeb: e2u reduced to 18 km' ENDIF ii0 = 145 ; ii1 = 146 ! Sound Strait (e2u = 15 km) ij0 = 116 ; ij1 = 116 ; e2u( mi0(ii0):mi1(ii1) , mj0(ij0):mj1(ij1) ) = 15.e3 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' orca_r2: Reduced e2u at the Sound Strait' ! ENDIF ! ! ====================== IF( cp_cfg == "orca" .AND. jp_cfg == 05 ) THEN ! ORCA R05 configuration ! ! ====================== ii0 = 563 ; ii1 = 564 ! Gibraltar Strait (e2u = 20 km) ij0 = 327 ; ij1 = 327 ; e2u( mi0(ii0):mi1(ii1) , mj0(ij0):mj1(ij1) ) = 20.e3 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' orca_r05: Reduced e2u at the Gibraltar Strait' ! ENDIF ! N.B. : General case, lat and long function of both i and j indices: ! e1t(ji,jj) = ra * rad * SQRT( ( cos( rad*gphit(ji,jj) ) * fsdila( zti, ztj ) )**2 & ! + ( fsdiph( zti, ztj ) )**2 ) ! e1u(ji,jj) = ra * rad * SQRT( ( cos( rad*gphiu(ji,jj) ) * fsdila( zui, zuj ) )**2 & ! + ( fsdiph( zui, zuj ) )**2 ) ! e1v(ji,jj) = ra * rad * SQRT( ( cos( rad*gphiv(ji,jj) ) * fsdila( zvi, zvj ) )**2 & ! + ( fsdiph( zvi, zvj ) )**2 ) ! e1f(ji,jj) = ra * rad * SQRT( ( cos( rad*gphif(ji,jj) ) * fsdila( zfi, zfj ) )**2 & ! + ( fsdiph( zfi, zfj ) )**2 ) ! ! e2t(ji,jj) = ra * rad * SQRT( ( cos( rad*gphit(ji,jj) ) * fsdjla( zti, ztj ) )**2 & ! + ( fsdjph( zti, ztj ) )**2 ) ! e2u(ji,jj) = ra * rad * SQRT( ( cos( rad*gphiu(ji,jj) ) * fsdjla( zui, zuj ) )**2 & ! + ( fsdjph( zui, zuj ) )**2 ) ! e2v(ji,jj) = ra * rad * SQRT( ( cos( rad*gphiv(ji,jj) ) * fsdjla( zvi, zvj ) )**2 & ! + ( fsdjph( zvi, zvj ) )**2 ) ! e2f(ji,jj) = ra * rad * SQRT( ( cos( rad*gphif(ji,jj) ) * fsdjla( zfi, zfj ) )**2 & ! + ( fsdjph( zfi, zfj ) )**2 ) CASE ( 1 ) ! geographical mesh on the sphere with regular grid-spacing IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' geographical mesh on the sphere with regular grid-spacing' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' given by ppe1_deg and ppe2_deg' DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi zti = FLOAT( ji - 1 + nimpp - 1 ) ; ztj = FLOAT( jj - 1 + njmpp - 1 ) zui = FLOAT( ji - 1 + nimpp - 1 ) + 0.5 ; zuj = FLOAT( jj - 1 + njmpp - 1 ) zvi = FLOAT( ji - 1 + nimpp - 1 ) ; zvj = FLOAT( jj - 1 + njmpp - 1 ) + 0.5 zfi = FLOAT( ji - 1 + nimpp - 1 ) + 0.5 ; zfj = FLOAT( jj - 1 + njmpp - 1 ) + 0.5 ! Longitude glamt(ji,jj) = ppglam0 + ppe1_deg * zti glamu(ji,jj) = ppglam0 + ppe1_deg * zui glamv(ji,jj) = ppglam0 + ppe1_deg * zvi glamf(ji,jj) = ppglam0 + ppe1_deg * zfi ! Latitude gphit(ji,jj) = ppgphi0 + ppe2_deg * ztj gphiu(ji,jj) = ppgphi0 + ppe2_deg * zuj gphiv(ji,jj) = ppgphi0 + ppe2_deg * zvj gphif(ji,jj) = ppgphi0 + ppe2_deg * zfj ! e1 e1t(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphit(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg e1u(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphiu(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg e1v(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphiv(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg e1f(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphif(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg ! e2 e2t(ji,jj) = ra * rad * ppe2_deg e2u(ji,jj) = ra * rad * ppe2_deg e2v(ji,jj) = ra * rad * ppe2_deg e2f(ji,jj) = ra * rad * ppe2_deg END DO END DO CASE ( 2:3 ) ! f- or beta-plane with regular grid-spacing IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' f- or beta-plane with regular grid-spacing' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' given by ppe1_m and ppe2_m' ! Position coordinates (in kilometers) ! ========== glam0 = 0.e0 gphi0 = - ppe2_m * 1.e-3 DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi glamt(ji,jj) = glam0 + ppe1_m * 1.e-3 * ( FLOAT( ji - 1 + nimpp - 1 ) ) glamu(ji,jj) = glam0 + ppe1_m * 1.e-3 * ( FLOAT( ji - 1 + nimpp - 1 ) + 0.5 ) glamv(ji,jj) = glamt(ji,jj) glamf(ji,jj) = glamu(ji,jj) gphit(ji,jj) = gphi0 + ppe2_m * 1.e-3 * ( FLOAT( jj - 1 + njmpp - 1 ) ) gphiu(ji,jj) = gphit(ji,jj) gphiv(ji,jj) = gphi0 + ppe2_m * 1.e-3 * ( FLOAT( jj - 1 + njmpp - 1 ) + 0.5 ) gphif(ji,jj) = gphiv(ji,jj) END DO END DO ! Horizontal scale factors (in meters) ! ====== e1t(:,:) = ppe1_m ; e2t(:,:) = ppe2_m e1u(:,:) = ppe1_m ; e2u(:,:) = ppe2_m e1v(:,:) = ppe1_m ; e2v(:,:) = ppe2_m e1f(:,:) = ppe1_m ; e2f(:,:) = ppe2_m CASE ( 4 ) ! geographical mesh on the sphere, isotropic MERCATOR type IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' geographical mesh on the sphere, MERCATOR type' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' longitudinal/latitudinal spacing given by ppe1_deg' IF ( ppgphi0 == -90 ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Mercator grid cannot start at south pole !!!! ' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' We stop ' STOP ENDIF ! Find index corresponding to the equator, given the grid spacing e1_deg ! and the (approximate) southern latitude ppgphi0. ! This way we ensure that the equator is at a "T / U" point, when in the domain. ! The formula should work even if the equator is outside the domain. zarg = rpi / 4. - rpi / 180. * ppgphi0 / 2. ijeq = ABS( 180./rpi * LOG( COS( zarg ) / SIN( zarg ) ) / ppe1_deg ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Index of the equator on the MERCATOR grid:', ijeq DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi zti = FLOAT( ji - 1 + nimpp - 1 ) ; ztj = FLOAT( jj - ijeq + njmpp - 1 ) zui = FLOAT( ji - 1 + nimpp - 1 ) + 0.5 ; zuj = FLOAT( jj - ijeq + njmpp - 1 ) zvi = FLOAT( ji - 1 + nimpp - 1 ) ; zvj = FLOAT( jj - ijeq + njmpp - 1 ) + 0.5 zfi = FLOAT( ji - 1 + nimpp - 1 ) + 0.5 ; zfj = FLOAT( jj - ijeq + njmpp - 1 ) + 0.5 ! Longitude glamt(ji,jj) = ppglam0 + ppe1_deg * zti glamu(ji,jj) = ppglam0 + ppe1_deg * zui glamv(ji,jj) = ppglam0 + ppe1_deg * zvi glamf(ji,jj) = ppglam0 + ppe1_deg * zfi ! Latitude gphit(ji,jj) = 1./rad * ASIN ( TANH( ppe1_deg *rad* ztj ) ) gphiu(ji,jj) = 1./rad * ASIN ( TANH( ppe1_deg *rad* zuj ) ) gphiv(ji,jj) = 1./rad * ASIN ( TANH( ppe1_deg *rad* zvj ) ) gphif(ji,jj) = 1./rad * ASIN ( TANH( ppe1_deg *rad* zfj ) ) ! e1 e1t(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphit(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg e1u(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphiu(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg e1v(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphiv(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg e1f(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphif(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg ! e2 e2t(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphit(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg e2u(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphiu(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg e2v(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphiv(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg e2f(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * gphif(ji,jj) ) * ppe1_deg END DO END DO CASE ( 5 ) ! beta-plane with regular grid-spacing and rotated domain (GYRE configuration) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' beta-plane with regular grid-spacing and rotated domain (GYRE configuration)' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' given by ppe1_m and ppe2_m' ! Position coordinates (in kilometers) ! ========== ! angle 45° and ze1=106.e+3 / jp_cfg forced -> zlam1 = -85°, zphi1 = 29°N zlam1 = -85 zphi1 = 29 ze1 = 106000. / FLOAT(jp_cfg) ! resolution in meters IF( nbench /= 0 ) ze1 = 106000.e0 ! benchmark: forced the resolution to be about 100 km zsin_alpha = - SQRT( 2. ) / 2. zcos_alpha = SQRT( 2. ) / 2. ze1deg = ze1 / (ra * rad) IF( nbench /= 0 ) ze1deg = ze1deg / FLOAT(jp_cfg) ! benchmark: keep the lat/+lon ! ! at the right jp_cfg resolution glam0 = zlam1 + zcos_alpha * ze1deg * FLOAT( jpjglo-2 ) gphi0 = zphi1 + zsin_alpha * ze1deg * FLOAT( jpjglo-2 ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'ze1', ze1, 'cosalpha', zcos_alpha, 'sinalpha', zsin_alpha IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'ze1deg', ze1deg, 'glam0', glam0, 'gphi0', gphi0 DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi zim1 = FLOAT( ji + nimpp - 1 ) - 1. ; zim05 = FLOAT( ji + nimpp - 1 ) - 1.5 zjm1 = FLOAT( jj + njmpp - 1 ) - 1. ; zjm05 = FLOAT( jj + njmpp - 1 ) - 1.5 glamf(ji,jj) = glam0 + zim1 * ze1deg * zcos_alpha + zjm1 * ze1deg * zsin_alpha gphif(ji,jj) = gphi0 - zim1 * ze1deg * zsin_alpha + zjm1 * ze1deg * zcos_alpha glamt(ji,jj) = glam0 + zim05 * ze1deg * zcos_alpha + zjm05 * ze1deg * zsin_alpha gphit(ji,jj) = gphi0 - zim05 * ze1deg * zsin_alpha + zjm05 * ze1deg * zcos_alpha glamu(ji,jj) = glam0 + zim1 * ze1deg * zcos_alpha + zjm05 * ze1deg * zsin_alpha gphiu(ji,jj) = gphi0 - zim1 * ze1deg * zsin_alpha + zjm05 * ze1deg * zcos_alpha glamv(ji,jj) = glam0 + zim05 * ze1deg * zcos_alpha + zjm1 * ze1deg * zsin_alpha gphiv(ji,jj) = gphi0 - zim05 * ze1deg * zsin_alpha + zjm1 * ze1deg * zcos_alpha END DO END DO ! Horizontal scale factors (in meters) ! ====== e1t(:,:) = ze1 ; e2t(:,:) = ze1 e1u(:,:) = ze1 ; e2u(:,:) = ze1 e1v(:,:) = ze1 ; e2v(:,:) = ze1 e1f(:,:) = ze1 ; e2f(:,:) = ze1 CASE DEFAULT IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,cform_err) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' bad flag value for jphgr_msh = ', jphgr_msh nstop = nstop + 1 END SELECT ! Control printing : Grid informations (if not restart) ! ---------------- IF(lwp .AND. .NOT.ln_rstart ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' longitude and e1 scale factors' WRITE(numout,*) ' ------------------------------' WRITE(numout,9300) ( ji, glamt(ji,1), glamu(ji,1), & glamv(ji,1), glamf(ji,1), & e1t(ji,1), e1u(ji,1), & e1v(ji,1), e1f(ji,1), ji = 1, jpi,10) 9300 FORMAT( 1x, i4, f8.2,1x, f8.2,1x, f8.2,1x, f8.2, 1x, & f19.10, 1x, f19.10, 1x, f19.10, 1x, f19.10 ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' latitude and e2 scale factors' WRITE(numout,*) ' -----------------------------' WRITE(numout,9300) ( jj, gphit(1,jj), gphiu(1,jj), & & gphiv(1,jj), gphif(1,jj), & & e2t (1,jj), e2u (1,jj), & & e2v (1,jj), e2f (1,jj), jj = 1, jpj, 10 ) ENDIF IF( nprint == 1 .AND. lwp ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' e1u e2u ' CALL prihre( e1u,jpi,jpj,jpi-5,jpi,1,jpj-5,jpj,1,0.,numout ) CALL prihre( e2u,jpi,jpj,jpi-5,jpi,1,jpj-5,jpj,1,0.,numout ) WRITE(numout,*) ' e1v e2v ' CALL prihre( e1v,jpi,jpj,jpi-5,jpi,1,jpj-5,jpj,1,0.,numout ) CALL prihre( e2v,jpi,jpj,jpi-5,jpi,1,jpj-5,jpj,1,0.,numout ) WRITE(numout,*) ' e1f e2f ' CALL prihre( e1f,jpi,jpj,jpi-5,jpi,1,jpj-5,jpj,1,0.,numout ) CALL prihre( e2f,jpi,jpj,jpi-5,jpi,1,jpj-5,jpj,1,0.,numout ) ENDIF ! ================= ! ! Coriolis factor ! ! ================= ! SELECT CASE( jphgr_msh ) ! type of horizontal mesh CASE ( 0, 1, 4 ) ! mesh on the sphere ff(:,:) = 2. * omega * SIN( rad * gphif(:,:) ) CASE ( 2 ) ! f-plane at ppgphi0 ff(:,:) = 2. * omega * SIN( rad * ppgphi0 ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' f-plane: Coriolis parameter = constant = ', ff(1,1) CASE ( 3 ) ! beta-plane zbeta = 2. * omega * COS( rad * ppgphi0 ) / ra ! beta at latitude ppgphi0 zphi0 = ppgphi0 - FLOAT( jpjglo/2) * ppe2_m *1.e-3 / ( ra * rad ) ! latitude of the first row F-points zf0 = 2. * omega * SIN( rad * zphi0 ) ! compute f0 1st point south ff(:,:) = ( zf0 + zbeta * gphif(:,:) * 1.e+3 ) ! f = f0 +beta* y ( y=0 at south) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Beta-plane: Beta parameter = constant = ', ff(1,1) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Coriolis parameter varies from ', ff(1,1),' to ', ff(1,jpj) CASE ( 5 ) ! beta-plane and rotated domain zbeta = 2. * omega * COS( rad * ppgphi0 ) / ra ! beta at latitude ppgphi0 zphi0 = 15.e0 ! latitude of the first row F-points zf0 = 2. * omega * SIN( rad * zphi0 ) ! compute f0 1st point south ff(:,:) = ( zf0 + zbeta * ABS( gphif(:,:) - zphi0 ) * rad * ra ) ! f = f0 +beta* y ( y=0 at south) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Beta-plane: Beta parameter = constant = ', ff(1,1) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Coriolis parameter varies from ', ff(1,1),' to ', ff(1,jpj) END SELECT ! Control of domain for symetrical condition ! ------------------------------------------ ! The equator line must be the latitude coordinate axe IF( nperio == 2 ) THEN znorme = SQRT( SUM( gphiu(:,2) * gphiu(:,2) ) ) / FLOAT( jpi ) IF( znorme > 1.e-13 ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,cform_err) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ===>>>> : symmetrical condition: rerun with good equator line' nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom_hgr SUBROUTINE hgr_read !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE hgr_read *** !! !! ** Purpose : Read a coordinate file in NetCDF format !! !! ** Method : The mesh file has been defined trough a analytical !! or semi-analytical method. It is read in a NetCDF file. !! !! References : !! Marti, Madec and Delecluse, 1992, JGR, 97, 12,763-12,766. !! Madec, Imbard, 1996, Clim. Dyn., 12, 381-388. !! !! History : !! ! (O. Marti) Original code !! ! 91-03 (G. Madec) !! ! 92-07 (M. Imbard) !! ! 99-11 (M. Imbard) NetCDF format with IOIPSL !! ! 00-08 (D. Ludicone) Reduced section at Bab el Mandeb !! 8.5 ! 02-06 (G. Madec) F90: Free form !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE ioipsl !! * Local declarations LOGICAL :: llog = .FALSE. CHARACTER(len=21) :: clname = 'coordinates' INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: inum ! temporary logical unit INTEGER :: ilev, itime ! temporary integers REAL(wp) :: zdt, zdate0 ! temporary scalars REAL(wp) :: zdept(1) ! temporary workspace REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpidta,jpjdta) :: & zlamt, zphit, zdta ! temporary workspace (NetCDF read) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Read of the grid coordinates and scale factors ! ------------------------------------------------- IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgr_read : read the horizontal coordinates' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~ jpiglo = ', jpiglo, ' jpjglo = ', jpjglo, ' jpk = ', jpk ENDIF ! read the file itime = 0 ilev = 1 zlamt(:,:) = 0.e0 zphit(:,:) = 0.e0 CALL restini( clname, jpidta, jpjdta, zlamt , zphit, & & ilev , zdept , clname, & & itime , zdate0, zdt , inum ) CALL restget( inum, 'glamt', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci glamt(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'glamu', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci glamu(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'glamv', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci glamv(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'glamf', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci glamf(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'gphit', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci gphit(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'gphiu', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci gphiu(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'gphiv', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci gphiv(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'gphif', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci gphif(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'e1t', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e1t (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'e1u', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e1u (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'e1v', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e1v (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'e1f', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e1f (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'e2t', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e2t (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'e2u', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e2u (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'e2v', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e2v (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restget( inum, 'e2f', jpidta, jpjdta, 1, 0, llog, zdta ) DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e2f (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CALL restclo( inum ) ! set extra rows add in mpp to none zero values DO jj = nlcj+1, jpj DO ji = 1, nlci glamt(ji,jj) = glamt(ji,1) ; gphit(ji,jj) = gphit(ji,1) glamu(ji,jj) = glamu(ji,1) ; gphiu(ji,jj) = gphiu(ji,1) glamv(ji,jj) = glamv(ji,1) ; gphiv(ji,jj) = gphiv(ji,1) glamf(ji,jj) = glamf(ji,1) ; gphif(ji,jj) = gphif(ji,1) e1t (ji,jj) = e1t (ji,1) ; e2t (ji,jj) = e2t (ji,1) e1u (ji,jj) = e1u (ji,1) ; e2u (ji,jj) = e2u (ji,1) e1v (ji,jj) = e1v (ji,1) ; e2v (ji,jj) = e2v (ji,1) e1f (ji,jj) = e1f (ji,1) ; e2f (ji,jj) = e2f (ji,1) END DO END DO ! set extra columns add in mpp to none zero values DO ji = nlci+1, jpi glamt(ji,:) = glamt(1,:) ; gphit(ji,:) = gphit(1,:) glamu(ji,:) = glamu(1,:) ; gphiu(ji,:) = gphiu(1,:) glamv(ji,:) = glamv(1,:) ; gphiv(ji,:) = gphiv(1,:) glamf(ji,:) = glamf(1,:) ; gphif(ji,:) = gphif(1,:) e1t (ji,:) = e1t (1,:) ; e2t (ji,:) = e2t (1,:) e1u (ji,:) = e1u (1,:) ; e2u (ji,:) = e2u (1,:) e1v (ji,:) = e1v (1,:) ; e2v (ji,:) = e2v (1,:) e1f (ji,:) = e1f (1,:) ; e2f (ji,:) = e2f (1,:) END DO END SUBROUTINE hgr_read SUBROUTINE hgr_read_fdir !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE hgr_read_fdir *** !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Local declarations CHARACTER (len=5) :: clfield CHARACTER(len=21) :: clname = 'coordinates' INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: inumcoo = 11 ! logical unit for coordinate file INTEGER :: ijpi, ijpj ! temporary integers REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zdta ! temporary workspace !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Read of the grid coordinates and scale factors ! ------------------------------------------------- IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo : read the horizontal coordinates' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) ' jpiglo jpjglo jpk : ', jpiglo, jpjglo, jpk ENDIF ! open the file CALL ctlopn( inumcoo, clname, 'OLD', 'UNFORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', & 1 , numout , lwp , 1 ) ! read the file READ(inumcoo) ijpi,ijpj IF( (ijpi /= jpidta) .OR. (ijpj /= jpjdta) ) THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' inconsitency in reading coordinate file, unit=',inumcoo WRITE(numout,*) ' jpidta = ',jpidta ,' jpi read = ',ijpi WRITE(numout,*) ' jpjdta = ',jpjdta ,' jpj read = ',ijpj WRITE(numout,*) ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF( clfield /= 'GLAMT' ) THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' GLAMT' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci glamt(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'GLAMU') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' GLAMU' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci glamu(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'GLAMV') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' GLAMV' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci glamv(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'GLAMF') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' GLAMF' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci glamf(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'GPHIT') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' GPHIT' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci gphit(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'GPHIU') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' GPHIU' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci gphiu(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'GPHIV') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' GPHIV' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci gphiv(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'GPHIF') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' GPHIF' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci gphif(ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'E1T ') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' E1T ' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e1t (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'E1U ') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' E1U ' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e1u (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'E1V ') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' E1V ' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e1v (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'E1F ') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' E1F ' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e1f (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'E2T ') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' E2T ' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e2t (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'E2U ') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' E2U ' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e2u (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'E2V ') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' E2V ' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e2v (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO READ(inumcoo) clfield, zdta IF(clfield /= 'E2F ') THEN IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,cform_err) WRITE(numout,*) 'hgrcoo: bad read',clfield,' E2F ' ENDIF nstop = nstop + 1 ENDIF DO jj = 1, nlcj DO ji = 1, nlci e2f (ji,jj) = zdta(mig(ji),mjg(jj)) END DO END DO CLOSE( inumcoo ) ! set extra rows add in mpp to none zero values DO jj = nlcj+1, jpj DO ji = 1, nlci glamt(ji,jj) = glamt(ji,1) ; gphit(ji,jj) = gphit(ji,1) glamu(ji,jj) = glamu(ji,1) ; gphiu(ji,jj) = gphiu(ji,1) glamv(ji,jj) = glamv(ji,1) ; gphiv(ji,jj) = gphiv(ji,1) glamf(ji,jj) = glamf(ji,1) ; gphif(ji,jj) = gphif(ji,1) e1t (ji,jj) = e1t (ji,1) ; e2t (ji,jj) = e2t (ji,1) e1u (ji,jj) = e1u (ji,1) ; e2u (ji,jj) = e2u (ji,1) e1v (ji,jj) = e1v (ji,1) ; e2v (ji,jj) = e2v (ji,1) e1f (ji,jj) = e1f (ji,1) ; e2f (ji,jj) = e2f (ji,1) END DO END DO ! set extra columns add in mpp to none zero values DO ji = nlci+1, jpi glamt(ji,:) = glamt(1,:) ; gphit(ji,:) = gphit(1,:) glamu(ji,:) = glamu(1,:) ; gphiu(ji,:) = gphiu(1,:) glamv(ji,:) = glamv(1,:) ; gphiv(ji,:) = gphiv(1,:) glamf(ji,:) = glamf(1,:) ; gphif(ji,:) = gphif(1,:) e1t (ji,:) = e1t (1,:) ; e2t (ji,:) = e2t (1,:) e1u (ji,:) = e1u (1,:) ; e2u (ji,:) = e2u (1,:) e1v (ji,:) = e1v (1,:) ; e2v (ji,:) = e2v (1,:) e1f (ji,:) = e1f (1,:) ; e2f (ji,:) = e2f (1,:) END DO END SUBROUTINE hgr_read_fdir !!====================================================================== END MODULE domhgr