MODULE sol_oce !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE sol_oce *** !! Ocean solver : solver variables defined in memory !!===================================================================== !! !! ** Purpose : Define in memory solver variables !! !! History : !! 9.0 ! 02-11 (G. Madec) F90: Free form and module !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! OPA 9.0 , LODYC-IPSL (2003) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE par_oce ! ocean parameters IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !!----------------------------------- !! elliptic solver: SOR, PCG or FETI !! ---------------------------------- INTEGER , PUBLIC :: & !!: namsol elliptic solver / island / free surface nsolv = 1 , & !: = 1/2/3 type of elliptic solver nsol_arp = 0 , & !: = 0/1 absolute/relative precision convergence test nmin = 300 , & !: minimum of iterations for the SOR solver nmax = 800 , & !: maximum of iterations for the SOR solver nmod = 10 , & !: frequency of test for the SOR solver nmisl = 4000 !: maximum pcg iterations for island REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: & !!: namsol elliptic solver / island / free surface eps = 1.e-6_wp , & !: absolute precision of the solver resmax = 1.e-14_wp , & !: absolute precision for the SOR solver sor = 1.92_wp , & !: optimal coefficient for the SOR solver epsisl = 1.e-10_wp , & !: absolute precision on stream function solver rnu = 1.0_wp !: strength of the additional force used in free surface CHARACTER(len=1), PUBLIC :: & !: c_solver_pt = 'T' !: nature of grid-points T (S) for free surface case ! ! F (G) for rigid-lid case INTEGER , PUBLIC :: & !: ncut, & !: indicator of solver convergence niter !: number of iteration done by the solver REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: & !: epsr, & !: relative precision for SOR & PCG solvers epsilo, & !: precision for the FETI solver rnorme, res, & !: intermediate modulus, solver residu alph, & !: coefficient =(gcr,gcr)/(gcx,gccd) beta, & !: coefficient =(rn+1,rn+1)/(rn,rn) radd, & !: coefficient =(gccd,gcdes) rr !: coefficient =(rn,rn) REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,4) :: & !: gcp !: barotropic matrix extra-diagonal elements REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: & !: gcx, gcxb, & !: now, before solution of the elliptic equation gcdprc, & !: inverse diagonal preconditioning matrix gcdmat, & !: diagonal preconditioning matrix gcb, & !: second member of the barotropic linear system gcr, & !: residu =b-a.x gcdes, & !: vector descente gccd !: vector such that ca.gccd=a.d (ca-1=gcdprc) #if defined key_feti !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_feti' : FETI solver !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! noeuds : total number of nodes for a subdomnain !! ninterf : neighbour subdomain number !! nni : interface point number !! ndvois() : neighbour subdomain list !! maplistin() : node pointer at each interface !! malistin() : concatened list of interface nodes INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nim,nxm, & malxm,malim,malxmax,malimax, & nifmat,njfmat,nelem,npe,matopo, & noeuds,nmorse,maan, & ninterf,ninterfc,nni,nnic,nnih,nnitot,ndir, & mandvois,mandvoisc, & maplistin,maplistih,malistin, & malisdir,npblo,mablo,ndlblo,ndkerep, & malisblo,mansp,ndimax, & miax,may,maz,mapoids, & nmaxd,mjj0,nitmax,ntest, & mabitw,mautilu,malambda,mag,mamg,mapg,mawj,madwj,madwwj, & magh,maw,madw, & mautil,mav,madia,mabufin,mabufout,mawork,maae,magamm, & maxnul,maynul,numit0ete,nitmaxete,maeteg,maeteag, & maeted,maetead,maeteadd,maetegamm,maetev,maetew, & madwork INTEGER, PUBLIC :: mfet(jpi*jpj+2*jpi+2*jpj+51) REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: & !: wfeti(jpj*jpi*jpi+13*jpi*jpj+19*(jpi+jpj) & +4*jpnij+33 & +2*(jpi+jpj)*(jpnij-jpni)*jpi & +2*(jpi+jpj)*(jpnij-jpnj+jperio)*jpj & +3*(jpnij-jpni)*jpi & +3*(jpnij-jpnj+jperio)*jpj) REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: res2, rcompt #endif !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- END MODULE sol_oce