C $Id$ CDIR$ LIST SUBROUTINE trcage(kt) CCC--------------------------------------------------------------------- CCC CCC ROUTINE trcage CCC ******************* CCC CCC PURPOSE : CCC --------- CCC Compute the source for the age tracer CCC CCC CC METHOD : CC ------- CC CC multitasked on vertical slab (jj-loop) CC surface concentration is restored to 0 with a CC time constant set to 7 days CC CC CC INPUT : CC ----- CC argument CC ktask : task identificator CC kt : time step CC COMMON CC /comcoo/ : orthogonal curvilinear coordinates CC and scale factors CC depths CC /comtsk/ : multitasking CC CC OUTPUT : CC ------ CC CC WORKSPACE : CC --------- CC COMMON CC CC EXTERNAL : no CC -------- CC CC REFERENCES : no CC ---------- CC CC MODIFICATIONS: CC -------------- CC original : 02-05 (K. Rodgers and O. Aumont) CC---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce_trc USE trp_trc USE sms IMPLICIT NONE CCC--------------------------------------------------------------------- CCC OPA8, LODYC (11/96) CCC--------------------------------------------------------------------- CC---------------------------------------------------------------------- CC local declarations CC ================== INTEGER kt #if defined key_passivetrc # if defined key_trc_age C INTEGER ji,jj,jk CC---------------------------------------------------------------------- CCC--------------------------------------------------------------------- CCC OPA8, LODYC (15/11/96) CCC--------------------------------------------------------------------- C C C 1. Restore surface concentrations to 0 for age concentration C and 1 for component concentration C ------------------------------------------------------------ C DO jj = 1,jpj DO ji = 1,jpi tra(ji,jj,1,2)=-trn(ji,jj,1,2)/(tauage1*rjjss) tra(ji,jj,1,1)=(1.-trn(ji,jj,1,1))/(tauage1*rjjss) END DO END DO C C 2. Increase sub-surface age concentrations so that the C concentration is increased by 1 after tauage years C -------------------------------------------------- C DO jk = 2,jpk DO jj = 1,jpj DO ji = 1,jpi tra(ji,jj,jk,2)=tra(ji,jj,jk,2)+trn(ji,jj,jk,1) & /(tauage2*raass) END DO END DO END DO C # else C C No optical model C # endif #else C C no passive tracers C #endif C RETURN END