MODULE oce_trc !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE oce_trc *** !! Ocean passive tracer : share ocean-passive tracers variables !!====================================================================== !! History : !! 9.0 ! 04-03 (C. Ethe) F90: Free form and module !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! TOP 1.0, LOCEAN-IPSL (2005) !! $Header$ !! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used !! Domain characteristics USE par_oce , ONLY : & cp_cfg => cp_cfg, & !: name of the configuration jp_cfg => jp_cfg, & !: resolution of the configuration jpiglo => jpiglo, & !: first dimension of global domain --> i jpjglo => jpjglo, & !: second dimension of global domain --> j jpi => jpi , & !: first dimension of grid --> i jpj => jpj , & !: second dimension of grid --> j jpk => jpk , & !: number of levels jpim1 => jpim1 , & !: jpi - 1 jpjm1 => jpjm1 , & !: jpj - 1 jpkm1 => jpkm1 , & !: jpk - 1 jpij => jpij , & !: jpi x jpj jpidta => jpidta, & !: first horizontal dimension > or = jpi jpjdta => jpjdta, & !: second horizontal dimension > or = jpj jpkdta => jpkdta, & !: number of levels > or = jpk lk_esopa => lk_esopa !: flag to activate the all option !! namelist parameters USE in_out_manager , ONLY : & cexper => cexper, & !: experience name for vairmer format no => no , & !: job number nrstdt => nrstdt, & !: control of the time step (0, & 1 or 2) nit000 => nit000, & !: number of the first time step nitend => nitend, & !: number of the last time step nleapy => nleapy, & !: Leap year calendar (0/1) nwrite => nwrite, & !: frequency of OUTPUT file nstock => nstock, & !: frequency of restart file lwp => lwp , & !: boolean term for mpp output ln_ctl => ln_ctl , & !: = ln_ctl.AND.lwp (print control on the 1st proc) nictle => nictle , & !: = max i indice to make the control SUM njctle => njctle , & !: = max j indice to make the control SUM numout => numout !: logical unit for output print !! run controm USE in_out_manager , ONLY : & nstop => nstop , & !: e r r o r flag (=number of reason for a ! ! prematurely stop the run) nwarn => nwarn , & !: w a r n i n g flag (=number of warning ! ! found during the run) cform_err => cform_err, & !: cform_war => cform_war !: USE dom_oce , ONLY : & lzoom => lzoom , & !: zoom flag lzoom_e => lzoom_e , & !: East zoom type flag lzoom_w => lzoom_w , & !: West zoom type flag lzoom_s => lzoom_s , & !: South zoom type flag lzoom_n => lzoom_n , & !: North zoom type flag lzoom_arct => lzoom_arct, & !: ORCA arctic zoom flag lzoom_anta => lzoom_anta !: ORCA antarctic zoom flag USE dom_oce , ONLY : & nperio => nperio, & !: type of lateral boundary condition nlci => nlci , & !: index i for the sub domain left bottom nlcj => nlcj , & !: index j for the sub domain left bottom nimpp => nimpp , & !: i index for mpp-subdomain left bottom njmpp => njmpp , & !: j index for mpp-subdomain left bottom mig => mig , & !: local ==> global domain i-indice mjg => mjg , & !: local ==> global domain i-indice mi0 => mi0 , & !: global ==> local domain i-indice mi1 => mi1 , & !: (mi0=1 and mi1=0 if the global indice is not in the local domain) mj0 => mj0 , & !: global ==> local domain j-indice mj1 => mj1 !: (mj0=1 and mj1=0 if the global indice is not in the local domain) !! horizontal curvilinear coordinate and scale factors USE dom_oce , ONLY : & glamt => glamt , & !: longitude of t-point (degre) glamu => glamu , & !: longitude of t-point (degre) glamv => glamv , & !: longitude of t-point (degre) glamf => glamf , & !: longitude of t-point (degre) gphit => gphit , & !: latitude of t-point (degre) gphiu => gphiu , & !: latitude of t-point (degre) gphiv => gphiv , & !: latitude of t-point (degre) gphif => gphif , & !: latitude of t-point (degre) e1t => e1t , & !: horizontal scale factors at t-point (m) e2t => e2t , & !: horizontal scale factors at t-point (m) e1u => e1u , & !: horizontal scale factors at u-point (m) e2u => e2u , & !: horizontal scale factors at u-point (m) e1v => e1v , & !: horizontal scale factors at v-point (m) e2v => e2v !: horizontal scale factors at v-point (m) !! vertical coordinate and scale factors USE dom_oce , ONLY : & gdept => gdept , & !: reference depth of t-points (m) e3t => e3t , & !: reference depth of t-points (m) e3w => e3w , & !: reference depth of w-points (m) gdepw => gdepw !: reference depth of w-points (m) USE dom_oce , ONLY : & lk_zps => lk_zps , & !: partial steps flag lk_sco => lk_sco , & !: s-coordinate flag lk_zco => lk_zco !: z-coordinate flag USE lib_mpp , ONLY : & lk_mpp => lk_mpp !: Mpp flag USE dynspg_fsc , ONLY : & lk_dynspg_fsc => lk_dynspg_fsc !: free surface constant volume flag USE dynspg_fsc_atsk , ONLY : & lk_dynspg_fsc_tsk => lk_dynspg_fsc_tsk !: free surface constant volume flag USE zdf_oce, ONLY : & ln_zdfnpc => ln_zdfnpc !: convection: non-penetrative convection flag #if defined key_partial_steps !! Partial steps ('key_partial_steps') !! ----------------------------------- USE dom_oce , ONLY : & gdep3w => gdep3w , & !: ??? gdept_ps => gdept_ps, & !: depth of t-points (m) gdepw_ps => gdepw_ps, & !: depth of t-points (m) e3t_ps => e3t_ps , & !: vertical scale factors at t- e3u_ps => e3u_ps , & !: vertical scale factors at u- e3v_ps => e3v_ps , & !: vertical scale factors v- e3w_ps => e3w_ps , & !: w-points (m) e3f_ps => e3f_ps , & !: f-points (m) e3uw_ps => e3uw_ps , & !: uw-points (m) e3vw_ps => e3vw_ps !: vw-points (m) USE oce , ONLY : & gtu => gtu , & !: t- horizontal gradient at u- gtv => gtv !: and v-points at bottom ocean level #endif #if defined key_s_coord USE dom_oce , ONLY : & hbatt => hbatt , & !: ocean depth at the vertical of t-point (m) hbatu => hbatu , & !: ocean depth at the vertical of u-point (m) hbatv => hbatv , & !: ocean depth at the vertical of w-point (m) gsigt => gsigt , & !: model level depth coefficient at t-, & w-levelsvertical scale factors at u- gsigw => gsigw , & !: model level depth coefficient at t-, & w-levelsvertical scale factors v- gsi3w => gsi3w , & !: model level depth coef at w-levels (defined as the sum of e3w) esigt => esigt , & !: vertical scale factor coef. at t-levels esigw => esigw !: vertical scale factor coef. at w-levels #endif !! masks, bathymetry USE dom_oce , ONLY : & mbathy => mbathy, & !: number of ocean level (=0, & 1, ... , jpk-1) tmask_i => tmask_i, & !: Interior mask at t-points tmask => tmask , & !: land/ocean mask at t-points umask => umask , & !: land/ocean mask at u-points vmask => vmask , & !: land/ocean mask at v-points fmask => fmask !: land/ocean mask at f-points USE dom_oce , ONLY : & n_cla => n_cla !: flag (0/1) for cross land advection !! time domain USE dom_oce , ONLY : & neuler => neuler, & !: restart euler forward option (0=Euler) rdt => rdt , & !: time step for the dynamics atfp => atfp , & !: asselin time filter parameter atfp1 => atfp1 , & !: asselin time filter coeff. (atfp1= 1-2*atfp) rdttra => rdttra !: vertical profile of tracer time step USE daymod , ONLY : & ndastp => ndastp, & !: time step date in year/month/day aammjj nday_year => nday_year, & !: curent day counted from jan 1st of the current year nyear => nyear, & !: Current year nmonth => nmonth, & !: Current month nday => nday !: Current day !! physical constants USE phycst , ONLY : & ra => ra , & !: earth radius rpi => rpi , & !: pi rday => rday , & !: day rauw => rauw , & !: density of pure water kg/m3 ro0cpr => ro0cpr, & !: = 1. / ( rau0 * rcp ) rad => rad , & !: conversion coeff. from degre into radian raass => raass , & !: number of seconds in one year rmoss => rmoss , & !: number of seconds in one month rjjss => rjjss !: number of seconds in one day !! present fields (now) USE oce , ONLY : & ua => ua , & !: i-horizontal velocity (m s-1) va => va , & !: j-horizontal velocity (m s-1) un => un , & !: i-horizontal velocity (m s-1) vn => vn , & !: j-horizontal velocity (m s-1) wn => wn , & !: vertical velocity (m s-1) tn => tn , & !: pot. temperature (celsius) sn => sn , & !: salinity (psu) rhop => rhop !: potential volumic mass (kg m-3) #if defined key_flx_bulk_monthly || defined key_flx_bulk_daily !! wind speed USE blk_oce , ONLY : & vatm => vatm !: wind speed at sea surface (m s-1) #endif !! wind speed USE taumod , ONLY : & taux => taux , & !: i-surface stress component tauy => tauy !: j-surface stress component #if defined key_trabbl_dif || defined key_trabbl_adv USE trabbl , ONLY : & atrbbl => atrbbl !: lateral coeff. for bottom boundary layer scheme (m2/s) #endif !! lateral diffusivity (tracers) USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : & aht0 => aht0 , & !: horizontal eddy diffusivity for tracers (m2/s) ahtb0 => ahtb0 , & !: background eddy diffusivity for isopycnal diff. (m2/s) ahtu => ahtu , & !: lateral diffusivity coef. at u-points ahtv => ahtv , & !: lateral diffusivity coef. at v-points ahtw => ahtw , & !: lateral diffusivity coef. at w-points ahtt => ahtt , & !: lateral diffusivity coef. at t-points aeiv0 => aeiv0 , & !: eddy induced velocity coefficient (m2/s) aeiu => aeiu , & !: eddy induced velocity coef. at u-points (m2/s) aeiv => aeiv , & !: eddy induced velocity coef. at v-points (m2/s) aeiw => aeiw !: eddy induced velocity coef. at w-points (m2/s) !! vertical diffusion USE zdf_oce , ONLY : & avt => avt , & !: vert. diffusivity coef. at w-point for temp avt0 => avt0 !: vertical eddy diffusivity for tracers (m2/s) #if defined key_zdfddm USE zdfddm , ONLY : & avs => avs !: salinity vertical diffusivity coeff. at w-point #endif !! penetrative solar radiation USE traqsr , ONLY : & xsi1 => xsi1 !: first depth of extinction !! surface fluxes USE ocesbc , ONLY : & qt => qt , & !: total surface heat flux (w m-2) qsr => qsr , & !: penetrative solar radiation (w m-2) emp => emp , & !: evaporation minus precipitation (kg m-2 s-2) emps => emps !: evaporation minus precipitation (kg m-2 s-2) !! freezing area USE ocfzpt , ONLY : & freeze => freeze, & !: ice mask (0 or 1) fzptn => fzptn !: now freezing temperature at ocean surface !! mixing layer depth (turbocline) USE zdfmxl , ONLY : & hmld => hmld , & !: mixing layer depth (turbocline) hmlp => hmlp !: mixed layer depth (rho=rho0+zdcrit) (m) USE ldfslp , ONLY : & lk_ldfslp => lk_ldfslp !: slopes flag #if defined key_ldfslp !! direction of lateral diffusion (momentum tracers) USE ldfslp , ONLY : & uslp => uslp , & !: i-direction slope at u-, w-points vslp => vslp , & !: j-direction slope at v-, w-points wslpi => wslpi , & !: i-direction slope at u-, w-points wslpj => wslpj !: j-direction slope at v-, w-points #endif !! ocean forcings runoff USE flxrnf , ONLY : & upsrnfh => upsrnfh , & !: mixed adv scheme in runoffs vicinity (hori.) upsrnfz => upsrnfz , & !: mixed adv scheme in runoffs vicinity (vert.) upsadv => upsadv !: mixed adv scheme in straits vicinity (hori.) END MODULE oce_trc