MODULE solsor_e !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE solsor *** !! Ocean solver : Successive Over-Relaxation solver !!===================================================================== !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! sol_sor : Red-Black Successive Over-Relaxation solver !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers variables USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain variables USE zdf_oce ! ocean vertical physics variables USE sol_oce ! solver variables USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE lib_mpp ! distributed memory computing USE lbclnk ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link) IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! * Routine accessibility PUBLIC sol_sor_e ! ??? !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! OPA 9.0 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2005) !! $Header$ !! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE sol_sor_e( kindic ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE sol_sor *** !! !! ** Purpose : Solve the ellipic equation for the barotropic stream !! function system (lk_dynspg_rl=T) or the transport divergence !! system (lk_dynspg_flt=T) using a red-black successive-over- !! relaxation method. !! In the former case, the barotropic stream function trend has a !! zero boundary condition along all coastlines (i.e. continent !! as well as islands) while in the latter the boundary condition !! specification is not required. !! This routine provides a MPI optimization to the existing solsor !! by reducing the number of call to lbc. !! !! ** Method : Successive-over-relaxation method using the red-black !! technique. The former technique used was not compatible with !! the north-fold boundary condition used in orca configurations. !! Compared to the classical sol_sor, this routine provides a !! mpp optimization by reducing the number of calls to lnc_lnk !! The solution is computed on a larger area and the boudary !! conditions only when the inside domain is reached. !! !! References : !! Madec et al. 1988, Ocean Modelling, issue 78, 1-6. !! Beare and Stevens 1997 Ann. Geophysicae 15, 1369-1377 !! !! History : !! ! 90-10 (G. Madec) Original code !! ! 91-11 (G. Madec) !! 7.1 ! 93-04 (G. Madec) time filter !! ! 96-05 (G. Madec) merge sor and pcg formulations !! ! 96-11 (A. Weaver) correction to preconditioning !! 9.0 ! 03-04 (C. Deltel, G. Madec) Red-Black SOR in free form !! 9.0 ! 05-09 (R. Benshila, G. Madec) MPI optimization !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT( inout ) :: kindic ! solver indicator, < 0 if the conver- ! ! gence is not reached: the model is ! ! stopped in step ! ! set to zero before the call of solsor !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: ji, jj, jn ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: ishift, icount REAL(wp) :: ztmp, zres, zres2 INTEGER :: ijmppodd, ijmppeven INTEGER :: ijpr2d !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ijmppeven = MOD(nimpp+njmpp+jpr2di+jpr2dj,2) ijmppodd = MOD(nimpp+njmpp+jpr2di+jpr2dj+1,2) ijpr2d = MAX(jpr2di,jpr2dj) icount = 0 ! ! ============== DO jn = 1, nmax ! Iterative loop ! ! ============== ! applied the lateral boundary conditions IF( MOD(icount,ijpr2d+1) == 0 ) CALL lbc_lnk_e( gcx, c_solver_pt, 1. ) ! Residus ! ------- ! Guess black update DO jj = 2-jpr2dj, nlcj-1+jpr2dj ishift = MOD( jj-ijmppodd-jpr2dj, 2 ) DO ji = 2-jpr2di+ishift, nlci-1+jpr2di, 2 ztmp = gcb(ji ,jj ) & & - gcp(ji,jj,1) * gcx(ji ,jj-1) & & - gcp(ji,jj,2) * gcx(ji-1,jj ) & & - gcp(ji,jj,3) * gcx(ji+1,jj ) & & - gcp(ji,jj,4) * gcx(ji ,jj+1) ! Estimate of the residual zres = ztmp - gcx(ji,jj) gcr(ji,jj) = zres * gcdmat(ji,jj) * zres ! Guess update gcx(ji,jj) = sor * ztmp + (1-sor) * gcx(ji,jj) END DO END DO icount = icount + 1 ! applied the lateral boundary conditions IF( MOD(icount,ijpr2d+1) == 0 ) CALL lbc_lnk_e( gcx, c_solver_pt, 1. ) ! Guess red update DO jj = 2-jpr2dj, nlcj-1+jpr2dj ishift = MOD( jj-ijmppeven-jpr2dj, 2 ) DO ji = 2-jpr2di+ishift, nlci-1+jpr2di, 2 ztmp = gcb(ji ,jj ) & & - gcp(ji,jj,1) * gcx(ji ,jj-1) & & - gcp(ji,jj,2) * gcx(ji-1,jj ) & & - gcp(ji,jj,3) * gcx(ji+1,jj ) & & - gcp(ji,jj,4) * gcx(ji ,jj+1) ! Estimate of the residual zres = ztmp - gcx(ji,jj) gcr(ji,jj) = zres * gcdmat(ji,jj) * zres ! Guess update gcx(ji,jj) = sor * ztmp + (1-sor) * gcx(ji,jj) END DO END DO icount = icount + 1 ! test of convergence IF ( jn > nmin .AND. MOD( jn-nmin, nmod ) == 0 ) then SELECT CASE ( nsol_arp ) CASE ( 0 ) ! absolute precision (maximum value of the residual) zres2 = MAXVAL( gcr(2:nlci-1,2:nlcj-1) ) IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_max( zres2 ) ! max over the global domain ! test of convergence IF( zres2 < resmax .OR. jn == nmax ) THEN res = SQRT( zres2 ) niter = jn ncut = 999 ENDIF CASE ( 1 ) ! relative precision rnorme = SUM( gcr(2:nlci-1,2:nlcj-1) ) IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_sum( rnorme ) ! sum over the global domain ! test of convergence IF( rnorme < epsr .OR. jn == nmax ) THEN res = SQRT( rnorme ) niter = jn ncut = 999 ENDIF END SELECT !**** ! IF(lwp)WRITE(numsol,9300) jn, res, sqrt( epsr ) / eps 9300 FORMAT(' niter :',i4,' res :',e20.10,' b :',e20.10) !**** ENDIF ! indicator of non-convergence or explosion IF( jn == nmax .OR. SQRT(epsr)/eps > 1.e+20 ) kindic = -2 IF( ncut == 999 ) GOTO 999 ! ! ===================== END DO ! END of iterative loop ! ! ===================== 999 CONTINUE ! Output in gcx ! ------------- CALL lbc_lnk_e( gcx, c_solver_pt, 1. ) ! boundary conditions END SUBROUTINE sol_sor_e !!===================================================================== END MODULE solsor_e