MODULE domain !!============================================================================== !! *** MODULE domain *** !! Ocean initialization : domain initialization !!============================================================================== !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! dom_init : initialize the space and time domain !! dom_nam : read and contral domain namelists !! dom_ctl : control print for the ocean domain !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE oce ! USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE phycst ! physical constants USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE daymod ! calendar USE lib_mpp ! distributed memory computing library USE flxrnf ! runoffs USE domstp ! domain: set the time-step USE domrea ! domain: write the meshmask file USE dommsk ! domain : mask IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! * Routine accessibility PUBLIC dom_init ! called by opa.F90 !! * Module variables REAL(wp) :: & !!: Namelist nam_zgr_sco sbot_min = 300. , & !: minimum depth of s-bottom surface (>0) (m) sbot_max = 5250. , & !: maximum depth of s-bottom surface (= ocean depth) (>0) (m) theta = 6.0 , & !: surface control parameter (0<=theta<=20) thetb = 0.75, & !: bottom control parameter (0<=thetb<= 1) r_max = 0.15 !: maximum cut-off r-value allowed (0 jpiglo ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,cform_war) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' - nictls must be 1<=nictls>=jpiglo, it is forced to 1' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) nwarn = nwarn + 1 nictls = 1 ENDIF IF( nictle < 1 .OR. nictle > jpiglo ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,cform_war) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' - nictle must be 1<=nictle>=jpiglo, it is forced to jpiglo' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) nwarn = nwarn + 1 nictle = jpjglo ENDIF IF( njctls < 1 .OR. njctls > jpjglo ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,cform_war) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' - njctls must be 1<=njctls>=jpjglo, it is forced to 1' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) nwarn = nwarn + 1 njctls = 1 ENDIF IF( njctle < 1 .OR. njctle > jpjglo ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,cform_war) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' - njctle must be 1<=njctle>= jpjglo, it is forced to jpjglo' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) nwarn = nwarn + 1 njctle = jpjglo ENDIF ENDIF ! IF( nictls+nictle+njctls+njctle == 0 ) ENDIF ! IF(ln_ctl) ! ... Control of output frequency IF ( nstock == 0 ) THEN IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,cform_war) IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,*) ' nstock = ', nstock, ' it is forced to ', nitend nstock = nitend nwarn = nwarn + 1 ENDIF IF ( nwrite == 0 ) THEN IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,cform_war) IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,*) ' nwrite = ', nwrite, ' it is forced to ', nitend nwrite = nitend nwarn = nwarn + 1 ENDIF SELECT CASE ( nleapy ) ! Choose calendar for IOIPSL CASE ( 1 ) CALL ioconf_calendar('gregorian') IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' The IOIPSL calendar is "gregorian", i.e. leap year' CASE ( 0 ) CALL ioconf_calendar('noleap') IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' The IOIPSL calendar is "noleap", i.e. no leap year' CASE ( 30 ) CALL ioconf_calendar('360d') IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' The IOIPSL calendar is "360d", i.e. 360 days in a year' END SELECT SELECT CASE ( nleapy ) ! year=raajj*days day=rjjhh*hours hour=rhhmm*minutes etc ... CASE ( 1 ) raajj = 365.25 raass = raajj * rjjss rmoss = raass/raamo CASE ( 0 ) raajj = 365. raass = raajj * rjjss rmoss = raass/raamo CASE DEFAULT raajj = FLOAT( nleapy ) * raamo raass = raajj * rjjss rmoss = FLOAT( nleapy ) * rjjss END SELECT IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' nb of days per year raajj = ', raajj,' days' WRITE(numout,*) ' nb of seconds per year raass = ', raass, ' s' WRITE(numout,*) ' nb of seconds per month rmoss = ', rmoss, ' s' ENDIF ! Read Namelist nam_zgr : vertical coordinate' ! --------------------- REWIND ( numnam ) READ ( numnam, nam_zgr ) ! Parameter control and print ! --------------------------- ! Control print IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) 'Namelist namzgr : vertical coordinate' WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist nam_zgr : set vertical coordinate' WRITE(numout,*) ' z-coordinate - full steps ln_zco = ', ln_zco WRITE(numout,*) ' z-coordinate - partial steps ln_zps = ', ln_zps WRITE(numout,*) ' s- or hybrid z-s-coordinate ln_sco = ', ln_sco ENDIF ! Check Vertical coordinate options ioptio = 0 IF( ln_zco ) ioptio = ioptio + 1 IF( ln_zps ) ioptio = ioptio + 1 IF( ln_sco ) ioptio = ioptio + 1 IF ( ioptio /= 1 ) CALL ctl_stop( ' none or several vertical coordinate options used' ) IF( ln_zco ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' z-coordinate with reduced incore memory requirement' IF( ln_zps .OR. ln_sco ) CALL ctl_stop( ' reduced memory with zps or sco option is impossible' ) ENDIF ! Namelist namdom : space/time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) REWIND( numnam ) READ ( numnam, nam_dom ) IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist namdom' WRITE(numout,*) ' minimum thickness of partial e3zps_min = ', e3zps_min, ' (m)' WRITE(numout,*) ' step level e3zps_rat = ', e3zps_rat WRITE(numout,*) ' flag write mesh/mask file(s) nmsh = ', nmsh WRITE(numout,*) ' = 0 no file created ' WRITE(numout,*) ' = 1 mesh_mask ' WRITE(numout,*) ' = 2 mesh and mask ' WRITE(numout,*) ' = 3 mesh_hgr, msh_zgr and mask ' WRITE(numout,*) ' acceleration of converge nacc = ', nacc WRITE(numout,*) ' asselin time filter parameter atfp = ', atfp WRITE(numout,*) ' time step rdt = ', rdt WRITE(numout,*) ' minimum time step on tracers rdtmin = ', rdtmin WRITE(numout,*) ' maximum time step on tracers rdtmax = ', rdtmax WRITE(numout,*) ' depth variation tracer step rdth = ', rdth ENDIF ! Default values n_cla = 0 ! Namelist cross land advection REWIND( numnam ) READ ( numnam, nam_cla ) IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Namelist namcla' WRITE(numout,*) ' cross land advection n_cla = ',n_cla ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom_nam SUBROUTINE dom_ctl !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dom_ctl *** !! !! ** Purpose : Domain control. !! !! ** Method : compute and print extrema of masked scale factors !! !! History : !! 8.5 ! 02-08 (G. Madec) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: iimi1, ijmi1, iimi2, ijmi2, iima1, ijma1, iima2, ijma2 INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: iloc ! REAL(wp) :: ze1min, ze1max, ze2min, ze2max !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Extrema of the scale factors IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,*) 'dom_ctl : extrema of the masked scale factors' IF(lwp)WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~' IF (lk_mpp) THEN CALL mpp_minloc( e1t(:,:), tmask(:,:,1), ze1min, iimi1,ijmi1 ) CALL mpp_minloc( e2t(:,:), tmask(:,:,1), ze2min, iimi2,ijmi2 ) CALL mpp_maxloc( e1t(:,:), tmask(:,:,1), ze1max, iima1,ijma1 ) CALL mpp_maxloc( e2t(:,:), tmask(:,:,1), ze2max, iima2,ijma2 ) ELSE ze1min = MINVAL( e1t(:,:), mask = tmask(:,:,1) == 1.e0 ) ze2min = MINVAL( e2t(:,:), mask = tmask(:,:,1) == 1.e0 ) ze1max = MAXVAL( e1t(:,:), mask = tmask(:,:,1) == 1.e0 ) ze2max = MAXVAL( e2t(:,:), mask = tmask(:,:,1) == 1.e0 ) iloc = MINLOC( e1t(:,:), mask = tmask(:,:,1) == 1.e0 ) iimi1 = iloc(1) + nimpp - 1 ijmi1 = iloc(2) + njmpp - 1 iloc = MINLOC( e2t(:,:), mask = tmask(:,:,1) == 1.e0 ) iimi2 = iloc(1) + nimpp - 1 ijmi2 = iloc(2) + njmpp - 1 iloc = MAXLOC( e1t(:,:), mask = tmask(:,:,1) == 1.e0 ) iima1 = iloc(1) + nimpp - 1 ijma1 = iloc(2) + njmpp - 1 iloc = MAXLOC( e2t(:,:), mask = tmask(:,:,1) == 1.e0 ) iima2 = iloc(1) + nimpp - 1 ijma2 = iloc(2) + njmpp - 1 ENDIF IF(lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,"(14x,'e1t maxi: ',1f10.2,' at i = ',i5,' j= ',i5)") ze1max, iima1, ijma1 WRITE(numout,"(14x,'e1t mini: ',1f10.2,' at i = ',i5,' j= ',i5)") ze1min, iimi1, ijmi1 WRITE(numout,"(14x,'e2t maxi: ',1f10.2,' at i = ',i5,' j= ',i5)") ze2max, iima2, ijma2 WRITE(numout,"(14x,'e2t mini: ',1f10.2,' at i = ',i5,' j= ',i5)") ze2min, iimi2, ijmi2 ENDIF END SUBROUTINE dom_ctl !!====================================================================== END MODULE domain