MODULE obcdta !!============================================================================== !! *** MODULE obcdta *** !! Open boundary data : read the data for the open boundaries. !!============================================================================== #if defined key_obc !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! 'key_obc' : Open Boundary Conditions !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! obc_dta : read u, v, t, s data along each open boundary !! obc_dta_psi : read psi data along each open boundary (rigid lid only) !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! * Modules used USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE lbclnk ! ocean lateral boundary conditions (or mpp link) USE phycst ! physical constants USE obc_oce ! ocean open boundary conditions USE daymod ! calendar USE in_out_manager ! I/O logical units USE lib_mpp ! distributed memory computing USE dynspg_oce USE ioipsl ! now only for ymds2ju function USE iom ! USE obccli ! used when dynspg_rl IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! * Accessibility PUBLIC obc_dta ! routines called by step.F90 PUBLIC obc_dta_bt ! routines called by dynspg_ts.F90 !! * Shared module variables REAL(wp), DIMENSION(2) :: zjcnes_obc ! REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ztcobc REAL(wp) :: rdt_obc REAL(wp) :: zjcnes INTEGER :: imm0, iyy0, idd0, iyy, imm, idd INTEGER :: nt_a=2, nt_b=1, itobc, ndate0_cnes, nday_year0 INTEGER :: itobce, itobcw, itobcs, itobcn, itobc_b ! number of time steps in OBC files REAL(wp) :: zraaj=365. INTEGER :: & ntobc , & !: where we are in the obc file ntobc_b , & !: first record used ntobc_a !: second record used CHARACTER (len=40) :: & ! name of data files cl_obc_eTS , cl_obc_eU, & cl_obc_wTS , cl_obc_wU, & cl_obc_nTS , cl_obc_nV, & cl_obc_sTS , cl_obc_sV ! arrays used for interpolating time dependent data on the boundaries REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk,jptobc) :: uedta, vedta, tedta, sedta ! East REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk,jptobc) :: uwdta, vwdta, twdta, swdta ! West REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk,jptobc) :: undta, vndta, tndta, sndta ! North REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk,jptobc) :: usdta, vsdta, tsdta, ssdta ! South LOGICAL, DIMENSION (jpj,jpk ) :: ltemsk=.TRUE., luemsk=.TRUE., lvemsk=.TRUE. ! boolean msks LOGICAL, DIMENSION (jpj,jpk ) :: ltwmsk=.TRUE., luwmsk=.TRUE., lvwmsk=.TRUE. ! used for outliers LOGICAL, DIMENSION (jpi,jpk ) :: ltnmsk=.TRUE., lunmsk=.TRUE., lvnmsk=.TRUE. ! checks LOGICAL, DIMENSION (jpi,jpk ) :: ltsmsk=.TRUE., lusmsk=.TRUE., lvsmsk=.TRUE. !! * Substitutions # include "obc_vectopt_loop_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! OPA 9.0 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2006) !! $Id$ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE obc_dta( kt ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE obc_dta *** !! !! ** Purpose : Find the climatological boundary arrays for the specified date, !! The boundary arrays are netcdf files. Three possible cases: !! - one time frame only in the file (time dimension = 1). !! in that case the boundary data does not change in time. !! - many time frames. In that case, if we have 12 frames !! we assume monthly fields. !! Else, we assume that time_counter is in seconds !! since the beginning of either the current year or a reference !! year given in the namelist. !! (no check is done so far but one would have to check the "unit" !! attribute of variable time_counter). !! !! !! History : !! ! 98-05 (J.M. Molines) Original code !! 8.5 ! 02-10 (C. Talandier, A-M. Treguier) Free surface, F90 !! !! 9.0 ! 04-06 (F. Durand, A-M. Treguier) Netcdf BC files on input !! ! 2007-2008 (C. Langlais, P. Mathiot, J.M. Molines) high frequency boundaries data !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, ii, ij ,it ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: ikprint ! frequency for printouts. INTEGER, SAVE :: immfile, iyyfile ! INTEGER :: nt ! record indices (incrementation) INTEGER :: istop ! local error check REAL(wp) :: zxy, znum, zden ! time interpolation weight ! variables for the julian day calculation INTEGER :: iyear, imonth, iday REAL(wp) :: zsec , zjulian, zjuliancnes ! IOM STUFF INTEGER :: idvar, id_e, id_w, id_n, id_s, id_x ! file identifiers INTEGER, DIMENSION(1) :: itmp CHARACTER(LEN=25) :: cl_vname !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( lk_dynspg_rl ) THEN CALL obc_dta_psi( kt ) ! update bsf data at open boundaries IF ( nobc_dta == 1 .AND. kt == nit000 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'obcdta : time-variable psi boundary data not allowed yet' ) ENDIF ! 0. initialisation : ! -------------------- IF ( kt == nit000 ) CALL obc_dta_ini ( kt ) IF ( nobc_dta == 0 ) RETURN ! already done in obc_dta_ini IF ( itobc == 1 ) RETURN ! case of only one time frame in file done in obc_dta_ini ! in the following code, we assume that obc data are read from files, with more than 1 time frame in it iyyfile=iyy ; immfile = 00 ! set component of the current file name IF ( cffile /= 'annual') immfile = imm ! IF ( ln_obc_clim ) iyyfile = 0000 ! assume that climatological files are labeled y0000 ! 1. Synchronize time of run with time of data files !--------------------------------------------------- ! nday_year is the day number in the current year ( 1 for 01/01 ) zsec=MOD( (kt-nit000)*rdt - (nday_year - nday_year0 )*rday, rday ) ! number of seconds in the current day IF (ln_obc_clim) THEN zjcnes = nday_year - 1 + zsec/rday ELSE zjcnes = zjcnes + rdt/rday ENDIF ! look for 'before' record number in the current file ntobc = nrecbef () ! this function return the record number for 'before', relative to zjcnes IF (MOD(kt-1,10)==0) THEN IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'kt= ',kt,' zjcnes =', zjcnes,' ndastp =',ndastp, 'mm =',imm END IF ! 2. read a new data if necessary !-------------------------------- IF ( ntobc /= ntobc_b ) THEN ! we need to read the 'after' record ! swap working index: nt=nt_b ; nt_b=nt_a ; nt_a=nt ntobc_b = ntobc ! new record number : ntobc_a = ntobc_a + 1 ! all tricky things related to record number, changing files etc... are managed by obc_read CALL obc_read (kt, nt_a, ntobc_a, iyyfile, immfile ) ! update zjcnes_obc zjcnes_obc(nt_b)= ztcobc(ntobc_b) zjcnes_obc(nt_a)= ztcobc(ntobc_a) ENDIF ! 3. interpolation at each time step ! ------------------------------------ IF ( ln_obc_clim) THEN znum= MOD(zjcnes - zjcnes_obc(nt_b), zraaj ) ; IF ( znum < 0 ) znum = znum + zraaj zden= MOD(zjcnes_obc(nt_a) - zjcnes_obc(nt_b), zraaj ) ; IF ( zden < 0 ) zden = zden + zraaj ELSE znum= zjcnes - zjcnes_obc(nt_b) zden= zjcnes_obc(nt_a) - zjcnes_obc(nt_b) ENDIF zxy = znum / zden IF( lp_obc_east ) THEN ! fills sfoe, tfoe, ufoe ,vfoe sfoe(:,:) = zxy * sedta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*sedta(:,:,nt_b) tfoe(:,:) = zxy * tedta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*tedta(:,:,nt_b) ufoe(:,:) = zxy * uedta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*uedta(:,:,nt_b) vfoe(:,:) = zxy * vedta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*vedta(:,:,nt_b) ENDIF IF( lp_obc_west) THEN ! fills sfow, tfow, ufow ,vfow sfow(:,:) = zxy * swdta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*swdta(:,:,nt_b) tfow(:,:) = zxy * twdta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*twdta(:,:,nt_b) ufow(:,:) = zxy * uwdta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*uwdta(:,:,nt_b) vfow(:,:) = zxy * vwdta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*vwdta(:,:,nt_b) ENDIF IF( lp_obc_north) THEN ! fills sfon, tfon, ufon ,vfon sfon(:,:) = zxy * sndta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*sndta(:,:,nt_b) tfon(:,:) = zxy * tndta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*tndta(:,:,nt_b) ufon(:,:) = zxy * undta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*undta(:,:,nt_b) vfon(:,:) = zxy * vndta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*vndta(:,:,nt_b) ENDIF IF( lp_obc_south) THEN ! fills sfos, tfos, ufos ,vfos sfos(:,:) = zxy * ssdta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*ssdta(:,:,nt_b) tfos(:,:) = zxy * tsdta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*tsdta(:,:,nt_b) ufos(:,:) = zxy * usdta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*usdta(:,:,nt_b) vfos(:,:) = zxy * vsdta (:,:,nt_a) + (1. - zxy)*vsdta(:,:,nt_b) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE obc_dta SUBROUTINE obc_dta_ini (kt) !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE obc_dta_ini *** !! !! ** Purpose : !! When obc_dta first call, realize some data initialization !! !! ** Method : !! !! History : !! 9.0 ! 07-10 (J.M. Molines ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Argument INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step index !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: ji,jj, it ! dummy loop indices REAL(wp) :: zxy ! time interpolation weight INTEGER :: ikprint ! frequency for printouts. INTEGER, SAVE :: immfile, iyyfile ! INTEGER :: nt ! record indices (incrementation) INTEGER :: istop ! local error check ! variables for the julian day calculation INTEGER :: iyear, imonth, iday REAL(wp) :: zsec , zjulian, zjuliancnes ! IOM STUFF INTEGER :: idvar, id_e, id_w, id_n, id_s, id_x ! file identifiers INTEGER, DIMENSION(1) :: itmp CHARACTER(LEN=25) :: cl_vname IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'obc_dta : find boundary data' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~' IF (lwp) THEN IF ( nobc_dta == 0 ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' OBC data taken from initial conditions.' ELSE WRITE(numout,*) ' OBC data taken from netcdf files.' ENDIF ENDIF nday_year0 = nday_year ! to remember the day when kt=nit000 SELECT CASE (nleapy) CASE ( 0 ) ; zraaj = 365.e0 CASE ( 1 ) ; zraaj = 366.e0 !! ERROR TO CORRECT: NOT EVERY YEAR IS LEAP YEAR !! JMM CASE DEFAULT; zraaj = 12.* nleapy END SELECT sedta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; tedta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; uedta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; vedta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! East swdta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; twdta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; uwdta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; vwdta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! West sndta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; tndta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; undta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; vndta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! North ssdta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; tsdta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; usdta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ; vsdta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 ! South sfoe(:,:) = 0.e0 ; tfoe(:,:) = 0.e0 ; ufoe(:,:) = 0.e0 ; vfoe(:,:) = 0.e0 ! East sfow(:,:) = 0.e0 ; tfow(:,:) = 0.e0 ; ufow(:,:) = 0.e0 ; vfow(:,:) = 0.e0 ! West sfon(:,:) = 0.e0 ; tfon(:,:) = 0.e0 ; ufon(:,:) = 0.e0 ; vfon(:,:) = 0.e0 ! North sfos(:,:) = 0.e0 ; tfos(:,:) = 0.e0 ; ufos(:,:) = 0.e0 ; vfos(:,:) = 0.e0 ! South IF (nobc_dta == 0 ) THEN ! boundary data are the initial data of this run (set only at nit000) IF (lp_obc_east) THEN ! East DO ji = nie0 , nie1 sfoe(nje0p1:nje1m1,:) = temsk(nje0p1:nje1m1,:) * sn (ji+1 , nje0p1:nje1m1 , :) tfoe(nje0p1:nje1m1,:) = temsk(nje0p1:nje1m1,:) * tn (ji+1 , nje0p1:nje1m1 , :) ufoe(nje0p1:nje1m1,:) = uemsk(nje0p1:nje1m1,:) * un (ji , nje0p1:nje1m1 , :) vfoe(nje0p1:nje1m1,:) = vemsk(nje0p1:nje1m1,:) * vn (ji+1 , nje0p1:nje1m1 , :) END DO ENDIF IF (lp_obc_west) THEN ! West DO ji = niw0 , niw1 sfow(njw0p1:njw1m1,:) = twmsk(njw0p1:njw1m1,:) * sn (ji , njw0p1:njw1m1 , :) tfow(njw0p1:njw1m1,:) = twmsk(njw0p1:njw1m1,:) * tn (ji , njw0p1:njw1m1 , :) ufow(njw0p1:njw1m1,:) = uwmsk(njw0p1:njw1m1,:) * un (ji , njw0p1:njw1m1 , :) vfow(njw0p1:njw1m1,:) = vwmsk(njw0p1:njw1m1,:) * vn (ji , njw0p1:njw1m1 , :) END DO ENDIF IF (lp_obc_north) THEN ! North DO jj = njn0 , njn1 sfon(nin0p1:nin1m1,:) = tnmsk(nin0p1:nin1m1,:) * sn (nin0p1:nin1m1 , jj+1 , :) tfon(nin0p1:nin1m1,:) = tnmsk(nin0p1:nin1m1,:) * tn (nin0p1:nin1m1 , jj+1 , :) ufon(nin0p1:nin1m1,:) = unmsk(nin0p1:nin1m1,:) * un (nin0p1:nin1m1 , jj+1 , :) vfon(nin0p1:nin1m1,:) = vnmsk(nin0p1:nin1m1,:) * vn (nin0p1:nin1m1 , jj , :) END DO ENDIF IF (lp_obc_south) THEN ! South DO jj = njs0 , njs1 sfos(nis0p1:nis1m1,:) = tsmsk(nis0p1:nis1m1,:) * sn (nis0p1:nis1m1 , jj , :) tfos(nis0p1:nis1m1,:) = tsmsk(nis0p1:nis1m1,:) * tn (nis0p1:nis1m1 , jj , :) ufos(nis0p1:nis1m1,:) = usmsk(nis0p1:nis1m1,:) * un (nis0p1:nis1m1 , jj , :) vfos(nis0p1:nis1m1,:) = vsmsk(nis0p1:nis1m1,:) * vn (nis0p1:nis1m1 , jj , :) END DO ENDIF RETURN ! exit the routine all is done ENDIF ! nobc_dta = 0 !!!! In the following OBC data are read from files. ! all logical-mask are initialzed to true when declared WHERE ( temsk == 0 ) ltemsk=.FALSE. WHERE ( uemsk == 0 ) luemsk=.FALSE. WHERE ( vemsk == 0 ) lvemsk=.FALSE. WHERE ( twmsk == 0 ) ltwmsk=.FALSE. WHERE ( uwmsk == 0 ) luwmsk=.FALSE. WHERE ( vwmsk == 0 ) lvwmsk=.FALSE. WHERE ( tnmsk == 0 ) ltnmsk=.FALSE. WHERE ( unmsk == 0 ) lunmsk=.FALSE. WHERE ( vnmsk == 0 ) lvnmsk=.FALSE. WHERE ( tsmsk == 0 ) ltsmsk=.FALSE. WHERE ( usmsk == 0 ) lusmsk=.FALSE. WHERE ( vsmsk == 0 ) lvsmsk=.FALSE. iyear=1950; imonth=01; iday=01; zsec=0. ! zjuliancnes : julian day corresonding to 01/01/1950 CALL ymds2ju(iyear, imonth, iday,zsec , zjuliancnes) !current year and curent month iyy=INT(ndastp/10000) ; imm=INT((ndastp -iyy*10000)/100) ; idd=(ndastp-iyy*10000-imm*100) IF (iyy < 1900) iyy = iyy+1900 ! always assume that years are on 4 digits. CALL ymds2ju(iyy, imm, idd ,zsec , zjulian) ndate0_cnes = zjulian - zjuliancnes ! jcnes day when call to obc_dta_ini iyyfile=iyy ; immfile=0 ! set component of the current file name IF ( cffile /= 'annual') immfile=imm IF ( ln_obc_clim) iyyfile = 0 ! assume that climatological files are labeled y0000 CALL obc_dta_chktime ( iyyfile, immfile ) IF ( itobc == 1 ) THEN ! in this case we will provide boundary data only once. nt_a=1 ; ntobc_a=1 CALL obc_read (nit000, nt_a, ntobc_a, iyyfile, immfile) IF( lp_obc_east ) THEN ! fills sfoe, tfoe, ufoe ,vfoe sfoe(:,:) = sedta (:,:,1) ; tfoe(:,:) = tedta (:,:,1) ufoe(:,:) = uedta (:,:,1) ; vfoe(:,:) = vedta (:,:,1) ENDIF IF( lp_obc_west) THEN ! fills sfow, tfow, ufow ,vfow sfow(:,:) = swdta (:,:,1) ; tfow(:,:) = twdta (:,:,1) ufow(:,:) = uwdta (:,:,1) ; vfow(:,:) = vwdta (:,:,1) ENDIF IF( lp_obc_north) THEN ! fills sfon, tfon, ufon ,vfon sfon(:,:) = sndta (:,:,1) ; tfon(:,:) = tndta (:,:,1) ufon(:,:) = undta (:,:,1) ; vfon(:,:) = vndta (:,:,1) ENDIF IF( lp_obc_south) THEN ! fills sfos, tfos, ufos ,vfos sfos(:,:) = ssdta (:,:,1) ; tfos(:,:) = tsdta (:,:,1) ufos(:,:) = usdta (:,:,1) ; vfos(:,:) = vsdta (:,:,1) ENDIF RETURN ! we go out of obc_dta_ini -------------------------------------->>>>> ENDIF ! nday_year is the day number in the current year ( 1 for 01/01 ) ! we suppose that we always start from the begining of a day ! zsec=MOD( (kt-nit000)*rdt - (nday_year - nday_year0 )*rday, rday ) ! number of seconds in the current day zsec=0.e0 ! here, kt=nit000, nday_year = ndat_year0 IF (ln_obc_clim) THEN zjcnes = nday_year - 1 + zsec/rday ! for clim file time is in days in a year ELSE zjcnes = ndate0_cnes + (nday_year - nday_year0 ) + zsec/rday ENDIF ! look for 'before' record number in the current file ntobc = nrecbef () IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'obc files frequency :',cffile IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' zjcnes0 =',zjcnes,' ndastp0 =',ndastp IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' annee0 ',iyy,' month0 ', imm,' day0 ', idd IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'first file open :',cl_obc_nTS ! record initialisation !-------------------- nt_b = 1 ; nt_a = 2 ntobc_a = ntobc + 1 ntobc_b = ntobc CALL obc_read (kt, nt_b, ntobc_b, iyyfile, immfile) ! read 'before' fields CALL obc_read (kt, nt_a, ntobc_a, iyyfile, immfile) ! read 'after' fields zjcnes_obc(nt_b)= ztcobc(ntobc_b) zjcnes_obc(nt_a)= ztcobc(ntobc_a) ! END SUBROUTINE obc_dta_ini SUBROUTINE obc_dta_chktime (kyyfile, kmmfile) ! ! check the number of time steps in the files and read ztcobc ! ! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kyyfile, kmmfile ! * local variables INTEGER :: istop ! error control INTEGER :: ji ! dummy loop index INTEGER :: idvar, id_e, id_w, id_n, id_s, id_x ! file identifiers INTEGER, DIMENSION(1) :: itmp CHARACTER(LEN=25) :: cl_vname ntobc_a = 0; itobce =0 ; itobcw = 0; itobcn = 0; itobcs = 0 ! build file name WRITE(cl_obc_eTS ,'("obc_east_TS_y",i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) kyyfile,kmmfile WRITE(cl_obc_wTS ,'("obc_west_TS_y",i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) kyyfile,kmmfile WRITE(cl_obc_nTS ,'("obc_north_TS_y",i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) kyyfile,kmmfile WRITE(cl_obc_sTS ,'("obc_south_TS_y",i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) kyyfile,kmmfile cl_vname = 'time_counter' IF ( lp_obc_east ) THEN CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_eTS , id_e ) idvar = iom_varid( id_e, cl_vname, kdimsz = itmp ); itobce=itmp(1) ENDIF IF ( lp_obc_west ) THEN CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_wTS , id_w ) idvar = iom_varid( id_w, cl_vname, kdimsz = itmp ) ; itobcw=itmp(1) ENDIF IF ( lp_obc_north ) THEN CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_nTS , id_n ) idvar = iom_varid( id_n, cl_vname, kdimsz = itmp ) ; itobcn=itmp(1) ENDIF IF ( lp_obc_south ) THEN CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_sTS , id_s ) idvar = iom_varid( id_s, cl_vname, kdimsz = itmp ) ; itobcs=itmp(1) ENDIF itobc = MAX( itobce, itobcw, itobcn, itobcs ) istop = 0 IF ( lp_obc_east .AND. itobce /= itobc ) istop = istop+1 IF ( lp_obc_west .AND. itobcw /= itobc ) istop = istop+1 IF ( lp_obc_north .AND. itobcn /= itobc ) istop = istop+1 IF ( lp_obc_south .AND. itobcs /= itobc ) istop = istop+1 nstop = nstop + istop IF ( istop /= 0 ) THEN WRITE(ctmp1,*) ' east, west, north, south: ', itobce, itobcw, itobcn, itobcs CALL ctl_stop( 'obcdta : all files must have the same number of time steps', ctmp1 ) ENDIF IF ( itobc == 1 ) THEN IF (lwp) THEN WRITE(numout,*) ' obcdta found one time step only in the OBC files' IF (ln_obc_clim) THEN ! OK no problem ELSE ln_obc_clim=.true. WRITE(numout,*) ' we force ln_obc_clim to T' ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF ( ALLOCATED(ztcobc) ) DEALLOCATE ( ztcobc ) ALLOCATE (ztcobc(itobc)) DO ji=1,1 ! use a dummy loop to read ztcobc only once IF ( lp_obc_east ) THEN CALL iom_gettime ( id_e, ztcobc, cl_vname ) ; CALL iom_close (id_e) ; EXIT ENDIF IF ( lp_obc_west ) THEN CALL iom_gettime ( id_w, ztcobc, cl_vname ) ; CALL iom_close (id_w) ; EXIT ENDIF IF ( lp_obc_north ) THEN CALL iom_gettime ( id_n, ztcobc, cl_vname ) ; CALL iom_close (id_n) ; EXIT ENDIF IF ( lp_obc_south ) THEN CALL iom_gettime ( id_s, ztcobc, cl_vname ) ; CALL iom_close (id_s) ; EXIT ENDIF END DO rdt_obc = ztcobc(2)-ztcobc(1) ! just an information, not used for any computation IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' obcdta found', itobc,' time steps in the OBC files' IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' time step of obc data :', rdt_obc,' days' ENDIF zjcnes = zjcnes - rdt/rday ! trick : zcnes is always incremented by rdt/rday in obc_dta! END SUBROUTINE obc_dta_chktime # if defined key_dynspg_rl !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Rigid-lid !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE obc_dta_psi ( kt ) !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE obc_dta_psi *** !! !! ** Purpose : !! Update the climatological streamfunction OBC at each time step. !! Depends on the user's configuration. Here data are read only once !! at the beginning of the run. !! !! ** Method : !! 1. initialization !! kbsfstart: number of time steps over which increase bsf !! during initialization. This is provided for a smooth start !! in cases where the transport is large (like on the Antarctic !! continent). also note that when kbfstart=1, the transport !! increases a lot in one time step and the precision usually !! required for the solver may not be enough. !! 2. set the time evolution of the climatological barotropic streamfunction !! along the isolated coastlines ( gcbic(jnic) ). !! 3. set the climatological barotropic streamfunction at the boundary. !! !! The last two steps are done only at first step (nit000) or if kt <= kbfstart !! !! History : !! ! 97-08 (G. Madec, J.M. Molines) !! 8.5 ! 02-10 (C. Talandier, A-M. Treguier) Free surface, F90 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: ji, jj, jnic, jip ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: inum = 11 ! temporary logical unit INTEGER :: ip, ii, ij, iii, ijj INTEGER :: kbsfstart REAL(wp) :: zsver1, zsver2, zsver3, z2dtr, zcoef !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. initialisation ! ----------------- kbsfstart = 1 zsver1 = bsfic0(1) zsver2 = zsver1 IF( kt <= kbsfstart ) THEN zcoef = float(kt)/float(kbsfstart) ELSE zcoef = 1. END IF bsfic(1) = zsver1*zcoef IF( lwp .AND. ( kt <= kbsfstart ) ) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' ' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'obcdta: spinup phase in obc_dta_psi routine' IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'~~~~~~ it=',kt,' OBC: spinup coef: ', & zcoef, ' and transport: ',bsfic(1) END IF zsver2 = bsfic(1)-bsfic(2) zsver3 = bsfic(2) ! 2. Right hand side of the barotropic elliptic equation (isolated coastlines) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( ( neuler == 0 ) .AND. ( kt == nit000 ) ) THEN z2dtr = 1./rdt ELSE z2dtr = 1./2./rdt END IF ! ... bsfb(ii,ij) should be constant but due to the Asselin filter it ! ... converges asymptotically towards bsfic(jnic) ! ... However, bsfb(ii,ij) is constant along the same coastlines ! ... ---> can be improved using an extra array for storing bsficb (before) IF( nbobc > 1 ) THEN DO jnic = 1,nbobc - 1 gcbic(jnic) = 0. ip=mnic(0,jnic) DO jip = 1,ip ii = miic(jip,0,jnic) ij = mjic(jip,0,jnic) IF( ii >= nldi+ nimpp - 1 .AND. ii <= nlei+ nimpp - 1 .AND. & ij >= nldj+ njmpp - 1 .AND. ij <= nlej+ njmpp - 1 ) THEN iii=ii-nimpp+1 ijj=ij-njmpp+1 gcbic(jnic) = ( bsfic(jnic) - bsfb(iii,ijj) ) * z2dtr END IF END DO END DO END IF IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_isl( gcbic, 3 ) ! 3. Update the climatological barotropic function at the boundary ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- IF( lpeastobc ) THEN IF( kt == nit000 .OR. kt <= kbsfstart ) THEN OPEN(inum,file='obceastbsf.dta') READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) (bfoe(jj),jj=jpjed, jpjef) CLOSE(inum) END IF DO jj=jpjed, jpjefm1 bfoe(jj)=bfoe(jj)*zcoef END DO END IF IF( lpwestobc) THEN IF( kt == nit000 .OR. kt <= kbsfstart ) THEN OPEN(inum,file='obcwestbsf.dta') READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) (bfow(jj),jj=jpjwd, jpjwf) CLOSE(inum) END IF DO jj=jpjwd, jpjwfm1 bfow(jj)=bfow(jj)*zcoef END DO END IF IF( lpsouthobc) THEN IF( kt == nit000.OR.kt <= kbsfstart ) THEN OPEN(inum,file='obcsouthbsf.dta') READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) (bfos(jj),jj=jpisd, jpisf) CLOSE(inum) END IF DO ji=jpisd, jpisfm1 bfos(ji)=bfos(ji)*zcoef END DO END IF IF( lpnorthobc) THEN IF( kt == nit000.OR.kt <= kbsfstart ) THEN OPEN(inum,file='obcnorthbsf.dta') READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) READ(inum,*) (bfon(jj),jj=jpind, jpinf) CLOSE(inum) END IF DO ji=jpind, jpinfm1 bfon(ji)=bfon(ji)*zcoef END DO END IF END SUBROUTINE obc_dta_psi #else !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_dynspg_rl not defined ( dynspg_flt or dynspg_exp or dynspg_ts ) !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE obc_dta_psi ( kt ) ! Empty routine !! * Arguments INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: kt WRITE(*,*) 'obc_dta_psi: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt STOP END SUBROUTINE obc_dta_psi # endif #if defined key_dynspg_ts || defined key_dynspg_exp SUBROUTINE obc_dta_bt( kt, kbt ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE obc_dta *** !! !! ** Purpose : time interpolation of barotropic data for time-splitting scheme !! Data at the boundary must be in m2/s !! !! History : !! 9.0 ! 05-11 (V. garnier) Original code !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kbt ! barotropic ocean time-step index !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, ii, ij ! dummy loop indices INTEGER :: id_e, id_w, id_n, id_s, fid ! file identifiers INTEGER :: itimo, iman, imois, i15 INTEGER :: itobcm, itobcp, itimom, itimop REAL(wp) :: zxy INTEGER :: isrel, ikt ! number of seconds since 1/1/1992 INTEGER :: iprint ! frequency for printouts. !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. First call: check time frames available in files. ! ------------------------------------------------------- IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN ! 1.1 Barotropic tangential velocities set to zero ! ------------------------------------------------- IF( lp_obc_east ) vbtfoe(:) = 0.e0 IF( lp_obc_west ) vbtfow(:) = 0.e0 IF( lp_obc_south ) ubtfos(:) = 0.e0 IF( lp_obc_north ) ubtfon(:) = 0.e0 ! 1.2 Sea surface height and normal barotropic velocities set to zero ! or initial conditions if nobc_dta == 0 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( lp_obc_east ) THEN ! initialisation to zero sshedta(:,:) = 0.e0 ubtedta(:,:) = 0.e0 ! ! ================== ! IF( nobc_dta == 0 ) THEN ! initial state used ! ! ! ================== ! ! Fills sedta, tedta, uedta (global arrays) ! Remark: this works for njzoom = 1. Should the definition of ij include njzoom? DO ji = nie0, nie1 DO jj = nje0p1, nje1m1 ij = jj -1 + njmpp sshedta(ij,1) = sshn(ji+1,jj) * tmask(ji+1,jj,1) END DO END DO ENDIF ENDIF IF( lp_obc_west) THEN ! initialisation to zero sshwdta(:,:) = 0.e0 ubtwdta(:,:) = 0.e0 ! ! ================== ! IF( nobc_dta == 0 ) THEN ! initial state used ! ! ! ================== ! ! Fills swdta, twdta, uwdta (global arrays) ! Remark: this works for njzoom = 1. Should the definition of ij include njzoom? DO ji = niw0, niw1 DO jj = njw0p1, njw1m1 ij = jj -1 + njmpp sshwdta(ij,1) = sshn(ji,jj) * tmask(ji,jj,1) END DO END DO ENDIF ENDIF IF( lp_obc_north) THEN ! initialisation to zero sshndta(:,:) = 0.e0 vbtndta(:,:) = 0.e0 ! ! ================== ! IF( nobc_dta == 0 ) THEN ! initial state used ! ! ! ================== ! ! Fills sndta, tndta, vndta (global arrays) ! Remark: this works for njzoom = 1. Should the definition of ij include njzoom? DO jj = njn0, njn1 DO ji = nin0p1, nin1m1 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ii = ji -1 + nimpp vbtndta(ii,1) = vbtndta(ii,1) + vndta(ii,jk,1)*fse3v(ji,jj,jk) END DO sshndta(ii,1) = sshn(ii,jj+1) * tmask(ji,jj+1,1) END DO END DO ENDIF ENDIF IF( lp_obc_south) THEN ! initialisation to zero ssdta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 tsdta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 vsdta(:,:,:) = 0.e0 sshsdta(:,:) = 0.e0 vbtsdta(:,:) = 0.e0 ! ! ================== ! IF( nobc_dta == 0 ) THEN ! initial state used ! ! ! ================== ! ! Fills ssdta, tsdta, vsdta (global arrays) ! Remark: this works for njzoom = 1. Should the definition of ij include njzoom? DO jj = njs0, njs1 DO ji = nis0p1, nis1m1 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ii = ji -1 + nimpp vbtsdta(ii,1) = vbtsdta(ii,1) + vsdta(ii,jk,1)*fse3v(ji,jj,jk) END DO sshsdta(ii,1) = sshn(ji,jj) * tmask(ii,jj,1) END DO END DO ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! END IF kt == nit000 !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! 2. Initialize the time we are at. Does this every time the routine is called, ! excepted when nobc_dta = 0 ! IF( nobc_dta == 0) THEN itimo = 1 zxy = 0 ELSE IF(ntobc == 1) THEN itimo = 1 ELSE IF (ntobc == 12) THEN ! BC are monthly ! we assume we have climatology in that case iman = 12 i15 = nday / 16 imois = nmonth + i15 - 1 IF( imois == 0 ) imois = iman itimo = imois ELSE IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'data other than constant or monthly',kt iman = ntobc itimo = FLOOR( kt*rdt / tcobc(1)) isrel=kt*rdt ENDIF ENDIF ! 2. Read two records in the file if necessary ! --------------------------------------------- IF( nobc_dta == 1 .AND. nlecto == 1 ) THEN IF( lp_obc_east ) THEN ! ... Read datafile and set sea surface height and barotropic velocity ! ... initialise the sshedta, ubtedta arrays sshedta(:,0) = sshedta(:,1) ubtedta(:,0) = ubtedta(:,1) CALL iom_open ( '', id_e ) CALL iom_get ( id_e, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshedta(:,1), ktime=ntobc1 ) CALL iom_get ( id_e, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshedta(:,2), ktime=ntobc2 ) IF( lk_dynspg_ts ) THEN CALL iom_get (id_e, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshedta(:,3), ktime=ntobc2+1 ) ENDIF CALL iom_close ( id_e ) ! CALL iom_open ( '', id_e ) CALL iom_get ( id_e, jpdom_unknown, 'vozoubt', ubtedta(:,1), ktime=ntobc1 ) CALL iom_get ( id_e, jpdom_unknown, 'vozoubt', ubtedta(:,2), ktime=ntobc2 ) IF( lk_dynspg_ts ) THEN CALL iom_get ( id_e, jpdom_unknown, 'vozoubt', ubtedta(:,3), ktime=ntobc2+1 ) ENDIF CALL iom_close ( id_e ) ! ... Usually printout is done only once at kt = nit000, unless nprint (namelist) > 1 IF( lwp .AND. ( kt == nit000 .OR. nprint /= 0 ) ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Read East OBC barotropic data records ', ntobc1, ntobc2 iprint = (jpjef-jpjed+1)/20 +1 WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Sea surface height record 1' CALL prihre( sshedta(:,1), jpjef-jpjed+1, 1, 1, jpjef-jpjed+1, iprint, 1, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Normal transport (m2/s) record 1',iprint CALL prihre( ubtedta(:,1), jpjef-jpjed+1, 1, 1, jpjef-jpjed+1, iprint, 1, 1, -3, 1., numout ) ENDIF ENDIF IF( lp_obc_west ) THEN ! ... Read datafile and set temperature, salinity and normal velocity ! ... initialise the swdta, twdta, uwdta arrays sshwdta(:,0) = sshwdta(:,1) ubtwdta(:,0) = ubtwdta(:,1) CALL iom_open ( '', id_w ) CALL iom_get ( id_w, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshwdta(:,1), ktime=ntobc1 ) CALL iom_get ( id_w, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshwdta(:,2), ktime=ntobc2 ) IF( lk_dynspg_ts ) THEN CALL ( id_w, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshwdta(:,3), ktime=ntobc2+1 ) ENDIF CALL iom_close ( id_w ) ! CALL iom_open ( '', id_w ) CALL iom_get ( id_w, jpdom_unknown, 'vozoubt', ubtwdta(:,1), ktime=ntobc1 ) CALL iom_get ( id_w, jpdom_unknown, 'vozoubt', ubtwdta(:,2), ktime=ntobc2 ) IF( lk_dynspg_ts ) THEN CALL iom_get ( id_w, jpdom_unknown, 'vozoubt', ubtwdta(:,3), ktime=ntobc2+1 ) ENDIF CALL iom_close ( id_w ) ! ... Usually printout is done only once at kt = nit000, unless nprint (namelist) > 1 IF( lwp .AND. ( kt == nit000 .OR. nprint /= 0 ) ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Read West OBC barotropic data records ', ntobc1, ntobc2 iprint = (jpjwf-jpjwd+1)/20 +1 WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Sea surface height record 1 - printout surface level' CALL prihre( sshwdta(:,1), jpjwf-jpjwd+1, 1, 1, jpjwf-jpjwd+1, iprint, 1, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Normal transport (m2/s) record 1' CALL prihre( ubtwdta(:,1), jpjwf-jpjwd+1, 1, 1, jpjwf-jpjwd+1, iprint, 1, 1, -3, 1., numout ) ENDIF ENDIF IF( lp_obc_north) THEN ! ... Read datafile and set sea surface height and barotropic velocity ! ... initialise the sshndta, ubtndta arrays sshndta(:,0) = sshndta(:,1) vbtndta(:,0) = vbtndta(:,1) CALL iom_open ( '', id_n ) CALL iom_get (id_n, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshndta(:,1), ktime=ntobc1 ) CALL iom_get (id_n, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshndta(:,2), ktime=ntobc2 ) IF( lk_dynspg_ts ) THEN CALL iom_get (id_n, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshndta(:,3), ktime=ntobc2+1 ) ENDIF CALL iom_close ( id_n ) CALL iom_open ( '', id_n ) CALL iom_get (id_n, jpdom_unknown, 'vomevbt', vbtndta(:,1), ktime=ntobc1 ) CALL iom_get (id_n, jpdom_unknown, 'vomevbt', vbtndta(:,2), ktime=ntobc2 ) IF( lk_dynspg_ts ) THEN CALL iom_get (id_n, jpdom_unknown, 'vomevbt', vbtndta(:,3), ktime=ntobc2+1 ) ENDIF CALL iom_close ( id_n ) ! ... Usually printout is done only once at kt = nit000, unless nprint (namelist) > 1 IF( lwp .AND. ( kt == nit000 .OR. nprint /= 0 ) ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Read North OBC barotropic data records ', ntobc1, ntobc2 iprint = (jpinf-jpind+1)/20 +1 WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Sea surface height record 1 - printout surface level' CALL prihre( sshndta(:,1), jpinf-jpind+1, 1, 1, jpinf-jpind+1, iprint, 1, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Normal transport (m2/s) record 1' CALL prihre( vbtndta(:,1), jpinf-jpind+1, 1, 1, jpinf-jpind+1, iprint, 1, 1, -3, 1., numout ) ENDIF ENDIF IF( lp_obc_south) THEN ! ... Read datafile and set sea surface height and barotropic velocity ! ... initialise the sshsdta, ubtsdta arrays sshsdta(:,0) = sshsdta(:,1) vbtsdta(:,0) = vbtsdta(:,1) CALL iom_open ( '', id_s ) CALL iom_get ( id_s, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshsdta(:,1), ktime=ntobc1 ) CALL iom_get ( id_s, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshsdta(:,2), ktime=ntobc2 ) IF( lk_dynspg_ts ) THEN CALL iom_get ( id_s, jpdom_unknown, 'vossurfh', sshsdta(:,3), ktime=ntobc2+1 ) ENDIF CALL iom_close ( id_s ) CALL iom_open ( '', id_s ) CALL iom_get ( id_s, jpdom_unknown, 'vomevbt', vbtsdta(:,1), ktime=ntobc1 ) CALL iom_get ( id_s, jpdom_unknown, 'vomevbt', vbtsdta(:,2), ktime=ntobc2 ) IF( lk_dynspg_ts ) THEN CALL iom_get ( id_s, jpdom_unknown, 'vomevbt', vbtsdta(:,3), ktime=ntobc2+1 ) ENDIF CALL iom_close ( id_s ) ! ... Usually printout is done only once at kt = nit000, unless nprint (namelist) > 1 IF( lwp .AND. ( kt == nit000 .OR. nprint /= 0 ) ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Read South OBC barotropic data records ', ntobc1, ntobc2 iprint = (jpisf-jpisd+1)/20 +1 WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Sea surface height record 1 - printout surface level' CALL prihre( sshsdta(:,1), jpisf-jpisd+1, 1, 1, jpisf-jpisd+1, iprint, 1, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Normal transport (m2/s) record 1' CALL prihre( vbtsdta(:,1), jpisf-jpisd+1, 1, 1, jpisf-jpisd+1, iprint, 1, 1, -3, 1., numout ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! end of the test on the condition to read or not the files ! 3. Call at every time step : Linear interpolation of BCs to current time step ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( lk_dynspg_ts ) THEN isrel = (kt-1)*rdt + kbt*(rdt/REAL(nn_baro,wp)) IF( nobc_dta == 1 ) THEN isrel = (kt-1)*rdt + kbt*(rdt/REAL(nn_baro,wp)) itimo = FLOOR( kt*rdt / (tcobc(2)-tcobc(1)) ) itimom = FLOOR( (kt-1)*rdt / (tcobc(2)-tcobc(1)) ) itimop = FLOOR( (kt+1)*rdt / (tcobc(2)-tcobc(1)) ) IF( itimom == itimo .AND. itimop == itimo ) THEN itobcm = ntobc1 itobcp = ntobc2 ELSEIF ( itimom <= itimo .AND. itimop == itimo ) THEN IF( FLOOR( isrel / (tcobc(2)-tcobc(1)) ) < itimo ) THEN itobcm = ntobc1-1 itobcp = ntobc2-1 ELSE itobcm = ntobc1 itobcp = ntobc2 ENDIF ELSEIF ( itimom == itimo .AND. itimop >= itimo ) THEN IF( FLOOR( isrel / (tcobc(2)-tcobc(1)) ) < itimop ) THEN itobcm = ntobc1 itobcp = ntobc2 ELSE itobcm = ntobc1+1 itobcp = ntobc2+1 ENDIF ELSEIF ( itimom == itimo-1 .AND. itimop == itimo+1 ) THEN IF( FLOOR( isrel / (tcobc(2)-tcobc(1)) ) < itimo ) THEN itobcm = ntobc1-1 itobcp = ntobc2-1 ELSEIF ( FLOOR( isrel / (tcobc(2)-tcobc(1)) ) < itimop ) THEN itobcm = ntobc1 itobcp = ntobc2 ELSEIF ( FLOOR( isrel / (tcobc(2)-tcobc(1)) ) == itimop ) THEN itobcm = ntobc1+1 itobcp = ntobc2+2 ELSE IF(lwp) WRITE(numout, *) 'obc_dta_bt: You should not have seen this print! error 1?' ENDIF ELSE IF(lwp) WRITE(numout, *) 'obc_dta_bt: You should not have seen this print! error 2?' ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF( lk_dynspg_exp ) THEN isrel=kt*rdt itobcm = ntobc1 itobcp = ntobc2 ENDIF IF( ntobc == 1 .OR. nobc_dta == 0 ) THEN zxy = 0.e0 ELSE IF( ntobc == 12 ) THEN zxy = FLOAT( nday + 15 - 30 * i15 ) / 30. ELSE zxy = (tcobc(itobcm)-FLOAT(isrel)) / (tcobc(itobcm)-tcobc(itobcp)) ENDIF IF( lp_obc_east ) THEN ! fills sshfoe, ubtfoe (local to each processor) DO jj = nje0p1, nje1m1 ij = jj -1 + njmpp sshfoe(jj) = ( zxy * sshedta(ij,2) + (1.-zxy) * sshedta(ij,1) ) * temsk(jj,1) ubtfoe(jj) = ( zxy * ubtedta(ij,2) + (1.-zxy) * ubtedta(ij,1) ) * uemsk(jj,1) END DO ENDIF IF( lp_obc_west) THEN ! fills sshfow, ubtfow (local to each processor) DO jj = njw0p1, njw1m1 ij = jj -1 + njmpp sshfow(jj) = ( zxy * sshwdta(ij,2) + (1.-zxy) * sshwdta(ij,1) ) * twmsk(jj,1) ubtfow(jj) = ( zxy * ubtwdta(ij,2) + (1.-zxy) * ubtwdta(ij,1) ) * uwmsk(jj,1) END DO ENDIF IF( lp_obc_north) THEN ! fills sshfon, vbtfon (local to each processor) DO ji = nin0p1, nin1m1 ii = ji -1 + nimpp sshfon(ji) = ( zxy * sshndta(ii,2) + (1.-zxy) * sshndta(ii,1) ) * tnmsk(ji,1) vbtfon(ji) = ( zxy * vbtndta(ii,2) + (1.-zxy) * vbtndta(ii,1) ) * vnmsk(ji,1) END DO ENDIF IF( lp_obc_south) THEN ! fills sshfos, vbtfos (local to each processor) DO ji = nis0p1, nis1m1 ii = ji -1 + nimpp sshfos(ji) = ( zxy * sshsdta(ii,2) + (1.-zxy) * sshsdta(ii,1) ) * tsmsk(ji,1) vbtfos(ji) = ( zxy * vbtsdta(ii,2) + (1.-zxy) * vbtsdta(ii,1) ) * vsmsk(ji,1) END DO ENDIF END SUBROUTINE obc_dta_bt #else !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Default option !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE obc_dta_bt ( kt, kbt ) ! Empty routine !! * Arguments INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: kt INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kbt ! barotropic ocean time-step index WRITE(*,*) 'obc_dta_bt: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt WRITE(*,*) 'obc_dta_bt: You should not have seen this print! error?', kbt END SUBROUTINE obc_dta_bt #endif !!============================================================================== SUBROUTINE obc_read (kt, nt_x, ntobc_x, iyy, imm) !!------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obc_read *** !! !! ** Purpose : Read the boundary data in files identified by iyy and imm !! According to the validated open boundaries, return the !! following arrays : !! sedta, tedta : East OBC salinity and temperature !! uedta, vedta : " " u and v velocity component !! !! swdta, twdta : West OBC salinity and temperature !! uwdta, vwdta : " " u and v velocity component !! !! sndta, tndta : North OBC salinity and temperature !! undta, vndta : " " u and v velocity component !! !! ssdta, tsdta : South OBC salinity and temperature !! usdta, vsdta : " " u and v velocity component !! !! ** Method : These fields are read in the record ntobc_x of the files. !! The number of records is already known. If ntobc_x is greater !! than the number of record, this routine will look for next file, !! updating the indices (case of inter-annual obcs) or loop at the !! begining in case of climatological file (ln_obc_clim = true ). !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! History: ! 2005 ( P. Mathiot, C. Langlais ) Original code !! ! 2008 ( J,M, Molines ) Use IOM and cleaning !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt, nt_x INTEGER, INTENT( inout ) :: ntobc_x , iyy, imm ! yes ! inout ! ! * Local variables CHARACTER (len=40) :: & ! file names cl_obc_eTS , cl_obc_eU, cl_obc_eV,& cl_obc_wTS , cl_obc_wU, cl_obc_wV,& cl_obc_nTS , cl_obc_nU, cl_obc_nV,& cl_obc_sTS , cl_obc_sU, cl_obc_sV INTEGER :: ikprint REAL(wp) :: zmin, zmax ! control of boundary values !IOM stuff INTEGER :: id_e, id_w, id_n, id_s, ji, jj INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: istart, icount !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( ntobc_x > itobc ) THEN IF (ln_obc_clim) THEN ! just loop on the same file ntobc_x = 1 ELSE ! need to change file : it is always for an 'after' data IF ( cffile == 'annual' ) THEN ! go to next year file iyy = iyy + 1 ELSE IF ( cffile =='monthly' ) THEN ! go to next month file imm = imm + 1 IF ( imm == 13 ) THEN imm = 1 ; iyy = iyy + 1 ENDIF ELSE ctmp1='obcread : this type of obc file is not supported :( ' ctmp2=TRIM(cffile) CALL ctl_stop (ctmp1, ctmp2) ! cffile should be either annual or monthly ... ENDIF ! as the file is changed, need to update itobc etc ... CALL obc_dta_chktime (iyy,imm) ntobc_x = nrecbef() + 1 ! remember : this case occur for an after data ENDIF ENDIF IF ( lp_obc_east ) THEN ! ... Read datafile and set temperature, salinity and normal velocity ! ... initialise the sedta, tedta, uedta arrays WRITE(cl_obc_eTS ,'("obc_east_TS_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm WRITE(cl_obc_eU ,'("obc_east_U_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm WRITE(cl_obc_eV ,'("obc_east_V_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm ! JMM this may change depending on the obc data format ... istart(:)=(/nje0+njmpp-1,1/) ; icount(:)=(/nje1-nje0 +1,jpk/) IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'read data in :', TRIM(cl_obc_eTS) IF (nje1 >= nje0 ) THEN CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_eTS , id_e ) CALL iom_get ( id_e, jpdom_unknown, 'votemper', tedta(nje0:nje1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_get ( id_e, jpdom_unknown, 'vosaline', sedta(nje0:nje1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_close (id_e) ! CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_eU , id_e ) CALL iom_get ( id_e, jpdom_unknown, 'vozocrtx', uedta(nje0:nje1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_close ( id_e ) ! CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_eV , id_e ) CALL iom_get ( id_e, jpdom_unknown, 'vomecrty', vedta(nje0:nje1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_close ( id_e ) ! mask the boundary values tedta(:,:,nt_x) = tedta(:,:,nt_x)*temsk(:,:) ; sedta(:,:,nt_x) = sedta(:,:,nt_x)*temsk(:,:) uedta(:,:,nt_x) = uedta(:,:,nt_x)*uemsk(:,:) ; vedta(:,:,nt_x) = vedta(:,:,nt_x)*vemsk(:,:) ! check any outliers zmin=MINVAL( sedta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltemsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(sedta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltemsk) IF ( zmin < 5 .OR. zmax > 50) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in sedta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( tedta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltemsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(tedta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltemsk) IF ( zmin < -10. .OR. zmax > 40) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in tedta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( uedta(:,:,nt_x), mask=luemsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(uedta(:,:,nt_x), mask=luemsk) IF ( zmin < -5. .OR. zmax > 5.) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in uedta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( vedta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lvemsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(vedta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lvemsk) IF ( zmin < -5. .OR. zmax > 5.) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in vedta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF ! Usually printout is done only once at kt = nit000, unless nprint (namelist) > 1 IF ( lwp .AND. ( kt == nit000 .OR. nprint /= 0 ) ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Read East OBC data records ', ntobc_x ikprint = jpj/20 +1 WRITE(numout,*) ' Temperature record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( tedta(:,:,nt_x), jpj, jpk, 1, jpj, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Salinity record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( sedta(:,:,nt_x), jpj, jpk, 1, jpj, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Normal velocity U record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( uedta(:,:,nt_x), jpj, jpk, 1, jpj, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Tangential velocity V record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( vedta(:,:,nt_x), jpj, jpk, 1, jpj, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF ( lp_obc_west ) THEN ! ... Read datafile and set temperature, salinity and normal velocity ! ... initialise the swdta, twdta, uwdta arrays WRITE(cl_obc_wTS ,'("obc_west_TS_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm WRITE(cl_obc_wU ,'("obc_west_U_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm WRITE(cl_obc_wV ,'("obc_west_V_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm istart(:)=(/njw0+njmpp-1,1/) ; icount(:)=(/njw1-njw0 +1,jpk/) IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'read data in :', TRIM(cl_obc_wTS) IF ( njw1 >= njw0 ) THEN CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_wTS , id_w ) CALL iom_get ( id_w, jpdom_unknown, 'votemper', twdta(njw0:njw1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_get ( id_w, jpdom_unknown, 'vosaline', swdta(njw0:njw1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount) CALL iom_close (id_w) ! CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_wU , id_w ) CALL iom_get ( id_w, jpdom_unknown, 'vozocrtx', uwdta(njw0:njw1,:,nt_x),& & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_close ( id_w ) ! CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_wV , id_w ) CALL iom_get ( id_w, jpdom_unknown, 'vomecrty', vwdta(njw0:njw1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_close ( id_w ) ! mask the boundary values twdta(:,:,nt_x) = twdta(:,:,nt_x)*twmsk(:,:) ; swdta(:,:,nt_x) = swdta(:,:,nt_x)*twmsk(:,:) uwdta(:,:,nt_x) = uwdta(:,:,nt_x)*uwmsk(:,:) ; vwdta(:,:,nt_x) = vwdta(:,:,nt_x)*vwmsk(:,:) ! check any outliers zmin=MINVAL( swdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltwmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(swdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltwmsk) IF ( zmin < 5 .OR. zmax > 50) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in swdta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( twdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltwmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(twdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltwmsk) IF ( zmin < -10. .OR. zmax > 40) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in twdta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( uwdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=luwmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(uwdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=luwmsk) IF ( zmin < -5. .OR. zmax > 5.) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in uwdta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( vwdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lvwmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(vwdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lvwmsk) IF ( zmin < -5. .OR. zmax > 5.) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in vwdta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF IF ( lwp .AND. ( kt == nit000 .OR. nprint /= 0 ) ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Read West OBC data records ', ntobc_x ikprint = jpj/20 +1 WRITE(numout,*) ' Temperature record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( twdta(:,:,nt_x), jpj, jpk, 1, jpj, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Salinity record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( swdta(:,:,nt_x),jpj,jpk, 1, jpj, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Normal velocity U record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( uwdta(:,:,nt_x), jpj, jpk, 1, jpj, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Tangential velocity V record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( vwdta(:,:,nt_x), jpj, jpk, 1, jpj, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) ENDIF END IF ENDIF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF( lp_obc_north) THEN WRITE(cl_obc_nTS ,'("obc_north_TS_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm WRITE(cl_obc_nV ,'("obc_north_V_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm WRITE(cl_obc_nU ,'("obc_north_U_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm istart(:)=(/nin0+nimpp-1,1/) ; icount(:)=(/nin1-nin0 +1,jpk/) IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'read data in :', TRIM(cl_obc_nTS) IF ( nin1 >= nin0 ) THEN CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_nTS , id_n ) CALL iom_get ( id_n, jpdom_unknown, 'votemper', tndta(nin0:nin1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_get ( id_n, jpdom_unknown, 'vosaline', sndta(nin0:nin1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_close (id_n) ! CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_nU , id_n ) CALL iom_get ( id_n, jpdom_unknown, 'vozocrtx', undta(nin0:nin1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_close ( id_n ) ! CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_nV , id_n ) CALL iom_get ( id_n, jpdom_unknown, 'vomecrty', vndta(nin0:nin1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_close ( id_n ) ! mask the boundary values tndta(:,:,nt_x) = tndta(:,:,nt_x)*tnmsk(:,:) ; sndta(:,:,nt_x) = sndta(:,:,nt_x)*tnmsk(:,:) undta(:,:,nt_x) = undta(:,:,nt_x)*unmsk(:,:) ; vndta(:,:,nt_x) = vndta(:,:,nt_x)*vnmsk(:,:) ! check any outliers zmin=MINVAL( sndta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltnmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(sndta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltnmsk) IF ( zmin < 5 .OR. zmax > 50) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in sndta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( tndta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltnmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(tndta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltnmsk) IF ( zmin < -10. .OR. zmax > 40) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in tndta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( undta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lunmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(undta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lunmsk) IF ( zmin < -5. .OR. zmax > 5.) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in undta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( vndta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lvnmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(vndta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lvnmsk) IF ( zmin < -5. .OR. zmax > 5.) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in vndta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF IF ( lwp .AND. ( kt == nit000 .OR. nprint /= 0 ) ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Read North OBC data records ', ntobc_x ikprint = jpi/20 +1 WRITE(numout,*) ' Temperature record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( tndta(:,:,nt_x), jpi, jpk, 1, jpi, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Salinity record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( sndta(:,:,nt_x), jpi, jpk, 1, jpi, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Normal velocity V record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( vndta(:,:,nt_x), jpi, jpk, 1, jpi, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Tangential velocity U record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( undta(:,:,nt_x), jpi, jpk, 1, jpi, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF( lp_obc_south) THEN WRITE(cl_obc_sTS ,'("obc_south_TS_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm WRITE(cl_obc_sV ,'("obc_south_V_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm WRITE(cl_obc_sU ,'("obc_south_U_y" ,i4.4,"m",i2.2,".nc")' ) iyy,imm istart(:)=(/nis0+nimpp-1,1/) ; icount(:)=(/nis1-nis0 +1,jpk/) IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'read data in :', TRIM(cl_obc_sTS) IF ( nis1 >= nis0 ) THEN CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_sTS , id_s ) CALL iom_get ( id_s, jpdom_unknown, 'votemper', tsdta(nis0:nis1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_get ( id_s, jpdom_unknown, 'vosaline', ssdta(nis0:nis1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_close (id_s) ! CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_sU , id_s ) CALL iom_get ( id_s, jpdom_unknown, 'vozocrtx', usdta(nis0:nis1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_close ( id_s ) ! CALL iom_open ( cl_obc_sV , id_s ) CALL iom_get ( id_s, jpdom_unknown, 'vomecrty', vsdta(nis0:nis1,:,nt_x), & & ktime=ntobc_x , kstart=istart, kcount= icount ) CALL iom_close ( id_s ) ! mask the boundary values tsdta(:,:,nt_x) = tsdta(:,:,nt_x)*tsmsk(:,:) ; ssdta(:,:,nt_x) = ssdta(:,:,nt_x)*tsmsk(:,:) usdta(:,:,nt_x) = usdta(:,:,nt_x)*usmsk(:,:) ; vsdta(:,:,nt_x) = vsdta(:,:,nt_x)*vsmsk(:,:) ! check any outliers zmin=MINVAL( ssdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltsmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(ssdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltsmsk) IF ( zmin < 5 .OR. zmax > 50) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in ssdta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( tsdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltsmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(tsdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=ltsmsk) IF ( zmin < -10. .OR. zmax > 40) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in tsdta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( usdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lusmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(usdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lusmsk) IF ( zmin < -5. .OR. zmax > 5.) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in usdta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF zmin=MINVAL( vsdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lvsmsk ) ; zmax=MAXVAL(vsdta(:,:,nt_x), mask=lvsmsk) IF ( zmin < -5. .OR. zmax > 5.) THEN CALL ctl_stop('Error in vsdta',' routine obcdta') ENDIF IF ( lwp .AND. ( kt == nit000 .OR. nprint /= 0 ) ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Read South OBC data records ', ntobc_x ikprint = jpi/20 +1 WRITE(numout,*) ' Temperature record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( tsdta(:,:,nt_x), jpi, jpk, 1, jpi, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Salinity record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( ssdta(:,:,nt_x), jpi, jpk, 1, jpi, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Normal velocity V record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( vsdta(:,:,nt_x), jpi, jpk, 1, jpi, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) WRITE(numout,*) WRITE(numout,*) ' Tangential velocity U record 1 - printout every 3 level' CALL prihre( usdta(:,:,nt_x), jpi, jpk, 1, jpi, ikprint, jpk, 1, -3, 1., numout ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! END SUBROUTINE obc_read INTEGER FUNCTION nrecbef() !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION nrecbef *** !! !! Purpose : - provide the before record number in files, with respect to zjcnes !! !! History : 2008-04 : ( J.M. Molines ) Original code !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: it , idum idum = itobc DO it =1, itobc IF ( ztcobc(it) > zjcnes ) THEN ; idum = it - 1 ; EXIT ; ENDIF ENDDO ! idum can be 0 (climato, before first record) IF ( idum == 0 ) THEN IF ( ln_obc_clim ) THEN idum = itobc ELSE ctmp1='obc_dta: find ntobc == 0 for non climatological file ' ctmp2='consider adding a first record in your data file ' CALL ctl_stop(ctmp1, ctmp2) ENDIF ENDIF ! idum can be itobc ( zjcnes > ztcobc (itobc) ) ! This is not a problem ... nrecbef = idum END FUNCTION nrecbef #else !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! default option: Dummy module NO Open Boundary Conditions !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTAINS SUBROUTINE obc_dta( kt ) ! Dummy routine INTEGER, INTENT (in) :: kt WRITE(*,*) 'obc_dta: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt END SUBROUTINE obc_dta #endif END MODULE obcdta