% ================================================================ % Chapter 1 Ñ Ocean Tracers (TRA) % ================================================================ \chapter{Ocean Tracers (TRA)} \label{TRA} \minitoc % missing/update % traqsr: need to coordinate with SBC module % trabbl : advective case to be discussed % diffusive case : add : only the bottom ocean cell is concerned % ==> addfigure on bbl %STEVEN : is the use of the word "positive" to describe a scheme enough, or should it be "positive definite"? I added a comment to this effect on some instances of this below %\newpage \vspace{2.cm} %$\ $\newline % force a new ligne Using the representation described in Chap.~\ref{DOM}, several semi-discrete space forms of the tracer equations are available depending on the vertical coordinate used and on the physics used. In all the equations presented here, the masking has been omitted for simplicity. One must be aware that all the quantities are masked fields and that each time a mean or difference operator is used, the resulting field is multiplied by a mask. The two active tracers are potential temperature and salinity. Their prognostic equations can be summarized as follows: \begin{equation*} \text{NXT} = \text{ADV}+\text{LDF}+\text{ZDF}+\text{SBC} \ (+\text{QSR})\ (+\text{BBC})\ (+\text{BBL})\ (+\text{DMP}) \end{equation*} NXT stands for next, referring to the time-stepping. From left to right, the terms on the rhs of the tracer equations are the advection (ADV), the lateral diffusion (LDF), the vertical diffusion (ZDF), the contributions from the external forcings (SBC: Surface Boundary Condition, QSR: penetrative Solar Radiation, and BBC: Bottom Boundary Condition), the contribution from the bottom boundary Layer (BBL) parametrisation, and an internal damping (DMP) term. The terms QSR, BBC, BBL and DMP are optional. The external forcings and parameterisations require complex inputs and complex calculations (e.g. bulk formulae, estimation of mixing coefficients) that are carried out in the SBC, LDF and ZDF modules and described in chapters \S\ref{SBC}, \S\ref{LDF} and \S\ref{ZDF}, respectively. Note that \mdl{tranpc}, the non-penetrative convection module, although (temporarily) located in the NEMO/OPA/TRA directory, is described with the model vertical physics (ZDF). %%% \gmcomment{change the position of eosbn2 in the reference code} %%% In the present chapter we also describe the diagnostic equations used to compute the sea-water properties (density, Brunt-Vais\"{a}l\"{a} frequency, specific heat and freezing point) although the associated modules ($i.e.$ \mdl{eosbn2}, \mdl{ocfzpt} and \mdl{phycst}) are (temporarily) located in the NEMO/OPA directory. The different options available to the user are managed by namelist logical or CPP keys. For each equation term \textit{ttt}, the namelist logicals are \textit{ln\_trattt\_xxx}, where \textit{xxx} is a 3 or 4 letter acronym accounting for each optional scheme. The CPP key (when it exists) is \textbf{key\_trattt}. The corresponding code can be found in the \textit{trattt} or \textit{trattt\_xxx} module, in the NEMO/OPA/TRA directory. The user has the option of extracting each tendency term on the rhs of the tracer equation for output (\key{trdtra} is defined), as described in Chap.~\ref{MISC}. $\ $\newline % force a new ligne % ================================================================ % Tracer Advection % ================================================================ \section [Tracer Advection (\textit{traadv})] {Tracer Advection (\mdl{traadv})} \label{TRA_adv} %------------------------------------------nam_traadv----------------------------------------------------- \namdisplay{nam_traadv} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The advection tendency of a tracer in flux form is the divergence of the advective fluxes. Its discrete expression is given by : \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_adv} ADV_\tau =-\frac{1}{b_T} \left( \;\delta _i \left[ e_{2u}\,e_{3u} \; u\; \tau _u \right] +\delta _j \left[ e_{1v}\,e_{3v} \; v\; \tau _v \right] \; \right) -\frac{1}{e_{3T}} \;\delta _k \left[ w\; \tau _w \right] \end{equation} where $\tau$ is either T or S, and $b_T= e_{1T}\,e_{2T}\,e_{3T}$ is the volume of $T$-cells. In pure $z$-coordinate (\key{zco} is defined), it reduces to : \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_adv_zco} ADV_\tau =-\frac{1}{e_{1T} {\kern 1pt}e_{2T} {\kern 1pt}}\left( {\;\delta _i \left[ {e_{2u} {\kern 1pt}{\kern 1pt}\;u\;\tau _u } \right]+\delta _j \left[ {e_{1v} {\kern 1pt}v\;\tau _v } \right]\;} \right)-\frac{1}{\mathop e\nolimits_{3T} }\delta _k \left[ {w\;\tau _w } \right] \end{equation} since the vertical scale factors are functions of $k$ only, and thus $e_{3u} =e_{3v} =e_{3T} $. The flux form in \eqref{Eq_tra_adv} requires implicitly the use of the continuity equation. Indeed, it is obtained by using the following equality : $\nabla \cdot \left( \vect{U}\,T \right)=\vect{U} \cdot \nabla T$ which results from the use of the continuity equation, $\nabla \cdot \vect{U}=0$ or $\partial _t e_3 + e_3\;\nabla \cdot \vect{U}=0$ in constant (default option) or variable (\key{vvl} defined) volume case, respectively. Therefore it is of paramount importance to design the discrete analogue of the advection tendency so that it is consistent with the continuity equation in order to enforce the conservation properties of the continuous equations. In other words, by substituting $\tau$ by 1 in (\ref{Eq_tra_adv}) we recover the discrete form of the continuity equation which is used to calculate the vertical velocity. %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \begin{figure}[!t] \label{Fig_adv_scheme} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_adv_scheme.pdf} \caption{Schematic representation of some ways used to evaluate the tracer value at $u$-point and the amount of tracer exchanged between two neighbouring grid points. Upsteam biased scheme (ups): the upstream value is used and the black area is exchanged. Piecewise parabolic method (ppm): a parabolic interpolation is used and the black and dark grey areas are exchanged. Monotonic upstream scheme for conservative laws (muscl): a parabolic interpolation is used and black, dark grey and grey areas are exchanged. Second order scheme (cen2): the mean value is used and black, dark grey, grey and light grey areas are exchanged. Note that this illustration does not include the flux limiter used in ppm and muscl schemes.} \end{center} \end{figure} %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The key difference between the advection schemes used in \NEMO is the choice made in space and time interpolation to define the value of the tracer at the velocity points (Fig.~\ref{Fig_adv_scheme}). Along solid lateral and bottom boundaries a zero tracer flux is naturally specified, since the normal velocity is zero there. At the sea surface the boundary condition depends on the type of sea surface chosen: \begin{description} \item [rigid-lid formulation:] $w=0$ at the surface, so the advective fluxes through the surface are zero. \item [linear free surface:] the first level thickness is constant in time: the vertical boundary condition is applied at the fixed surface $z=0$ rather than on the moving surface $z=\eta$. There is a non-zero advective flux which is set for all advection schemes as the product of surface velocity (at $z=0$) by the first level tracer value: $\left. {\tau _w } \right|_{k=1/2} =T_{k=1} $. \item [non-linear free surface:] (\key{vvl} is defined) convergence/divergence in the first ocean level moves the free surface up/down. There is no tracer advection through it so that the advective fluxes through the surface are also zero \end{description} In all cases, this boundary condition retains local conservation of tracer. Global conservation is obtained in both rigid-lid and non-linear free surface cases, but not in the linear free surface case. Nevertheless, in the latter case, it is achieved to a good approximation since the non-conservative term is the product of the time derivative of the tracer and the free surface height, two quantities that are not correlated (see \S\ref{PE_free_surface}, and also \citet{Roullet2000,Griffies2001,Campin2004}). The velocity field that appears in (\ref{Eq_tra_adv}) and (\ref{Eq_tra_adv_zco}) is the centred (\textit{now}) \textit{eulerian} ocean velocity (see Chap.~\ref{DYN}). When advective bottom boundary layer (\textit{bbl}) and/or eddy induced velocity (\textit{eiv}) parameterisations are used it is the \textit{now} \textit{effective} velocity ($i.e.$ the sum of the eulerian, the bbl and/or the eiv velocities) which is used. The choice of an advection scheme is made in the \np{nam\_traadv} namelist, by setting to \textit{true} one and only one of the logicals \textit{ln\_traadv\_xxx}. The corresponding code can be found in the \textit{traadv\_xxx.F90} module, where \textit{xxx} is a 3 or 4 letter acronym corresponding to each scheme. Details of the advection schemes are given below. The choice of an advection scheme is a complex matter which depends on the model physics, model resolution, type of tracer, as well as the issue of numerical cost. Note that (1) cen2, cen4 and TVD schemes require an explicit diffusion operator while the other schemes are diffusive enough so that they do not require additional diffusion ; (2) cen2, cen4, MUSCL2, and UBS are not \textit{positive} schemes \footnote{negative values can appear in an initially strictly positive tracer field which is advected} , implying that false extrema are permitted. Their use is not recommended on passive tracers ; (3) It is highly recommended that the same advection-diffusion scheme is used on both active and passive tracers. Indeed, if a source or sink of a passive tracer depends on an active one, the difference of treatment of active and passive tracers can create very nice-looking frontal structures that are pure numerical artefacts. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 2nd order centred scheme % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [$2^{nd}$ order centred scheme (cen2) (\np{ln\_traadv\_cen2})] {$2^{nd}$ order centred scheme (cen2) (\np{ln\_traadv\_cen2}=.true.)} \label{TRA_adv_cen2} In the centred second order formulation, the tracer at velocity points is evaluated as the mean of the two neighbouring $T$-point values. For example, in the $i$-direction : \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_adv_cen2} \tau _u^{cen2} =\overline T ^{i+1/2} \end{equation} The scheme is non diffusive ($i.e.$ it conserves the tracer variance, $\tau^2)$ but dispersive ($i.e.$ it may create false extrema). It is therefore notoriously noisy and must be used in conjunction with an explicit diffusion operator to produce a sensible solution. The associated time-stepping is performed using a leapfrog scheme in conjunction with an Asselin time-filter, so $T$ in (\ref{Eq_tra_adv_cen2}) is the \textit{now} tracer value. The centered second order advection is computed in the \mdl{traadv\_cen2} module. In this module, it is also proposed to combine the \textit{cen2} scheme with an upstream scheme in specific areas which requires a strong diffusion in order to avoid the generation of false extrema. These areas are the vicinity of large river mouths, some straits with coarse resolution, and the vicinity of ice cover area ($i.e.$ when the ocean temperature is close to the freezing point). Note that using the cen2 scheme, the overall tracer advection is of second order accuracy since both (\ref{Eq_tra_adv}) and (\ref{Eq_tra_adv_cen2}) have this order of accuracy. Note also that % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % 4nd order centred scheme % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [$4^{nd}$ order centred scheme (cen4) (\np{ln\_traadv\_cen4})] {$4^{nd}$ order centred scheme (cen4) (\np{ln\_traadv\_cen4}=.true.)} \label{TRA_adv_cen4} In the $4^{th}$ order formulation (to be implemented), tracer values are evaluated at velocity points as a $4^{th}$ order interpolation, and thus uses the four neighbouring $T$-points. For example, in the $i$-direction: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_adv_cen4} \tau _u^{cen4} =\overline{ T - \frac{1}{6}\,\delta _i \left[ \delta_{i+1/2}[T] \,\right] }^{\,i+1/2} \end{equation} Strictly speaking, the cen4 scheme is not a $4^{th}$ order advection scheme but a $4^{th}$ order evaluation of advective fluxes, since the divergence of advective fluxes \eqref{Eq_tra_adv} is kept at $2^{nd}$ order. The phrase ``$4^{th}$ order scheme'' used in oceanographic literature is usually associated with the scheme presented here. Introducing a \textit{true} $4^{th}$ order advection scheme is feasible but, for consistency reasons, it requires changes in the discretisation of the tracer advection together with changes in both the continuity equation and the momentum advection terms. A direct consequence of the pseudo-fourth order nature of the scheme is that it is not non-diffusive, i.e. the global variance of a tracer is not preserved using \textit{cen4}. Furthermore, it must be used in conjunction with an explicit diffusion operator to produce a sensible solution. The time-stepping is also performed using a leapfrog scheme in conjunction with an Asselin time-filter, so $T$ in (\ref{Eq_tra_adv_cen4}) is the \textit{now} tracer. At a $T$-grid cell adjacent to a boundary (coastline, bottom and surface), an additional hypothesis must be made to evaluate $\tau _u^{cen4}$. This hypothesis usually reduces the order of the scheme. Here we choose to set the gradient of $T$ across the boundary to zero. Alternative conditions can be specified, such as a reduction to a second order scheme for these near boundary grid points. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TVD scheme % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Total Variance Dissipation scheme (TVD) (\np{ln\_traadv\_tvd})] {Total Variance Dissipation scheme (TVD) (\np{ln\_traadv\_tvd}=.true.)} \label{TRA_adv_tvd} In the Total Variance Dissipation (TVD) formulation, the tracer at velocity points is evaluated using a combination of an upstream and a centred scheme. For example, in the $i$-direction : \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_adv_tvd} \begin{split} \tau _u^{ups}&= \begin{cases} T_{i+1} & \text{if $\ u_{i+1/2} < 0$} \hfill \\ T_i & \text{if $\ u_{i+1/2} \geq 0$} \hfill \\ \end{cases} \\ \\ \tau _u^{tvd}&=\tau _u^{ups} +c_u \;\left( {\tau _u^{cen2} -\tau _u^{ups} } \right) \end{split} \end{equation} where $c_u$ is a flux limiter function taking values between 0 and 1. There exist many ways to define $c_u$, each correcponding to a different total variance decreasing scheme. The one chosen in \NEMO is described in \citet{Zalesak1979}. $c_u$ only departs from $1$ when the advective term produces a local extremum in the tracer field. The resulting scheme is quite expensive but \emph{positive}. It can be used on both active and passive tracers. This scheme is tested and compared with MUSCL and the MPDATA scheme in \citet{Levy2001}; note that in this paper it is referred to as "FCT" (Flux corrected transport) rather than TVD. The TVD scheme is computed in the \mdl{traadv\_tvd} module. For stability reasons (see \S\ref{DOM_nxt}), in (\ref{Eq_tra_adv_tvd}) $\tau _u^{cen2}$ is evaluated using the \textit{now} tracer while $\tau _u^{ups}$ is evaluated using the \textit{before} tracer. In other words, the advective part of the scheme is time stepped with a leap-frog scheme while a forward scheme is used for the diffusive part. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % MUSCL scheme % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection[MUSCL scheme (\np{ln\_traadv\_muscl})] {Monotone Upstream Scheme for Conservative Laws (MUSCL) (\np{ln\_traadv\_muscl}=T)} \label{TRA_adv_muscl} The Monotone Upstream Scheme for Conservative Laws (MUSCL) has been implemented by \citet{Levy2001}. In its formulation, the tracer at velocity points is evaluated assuming a linear tracer variation between two $T$-points (Fig.\ref{Fig_adv_scheme}). For example, in the $i$-direction : \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_adv_muscl} \tau _u^{mus} = \left\{ \begin{aligned} &\tau _i &+ \frac{1}{2} \;\left( 1-\frac{u_{i+1/2} \;\Delta t}{e_{1u}} \right) &\ \widetilde{\partial _i \tau} & \quad \text{if }\;u_{i+1/2} \geqslant 0 \\ &\tau _{i+1/2} &+\frac{1}{2}\;\left( 1+\frac{u_{i+1/2} \;\Delta t}{e_{1u} } \right) &\ \widetilde{\partial_{i+1/2} \tau } & \text{if }\;u_{i+1/2} <0 \end{aligned} \right. \end{equation} where $\widetilde{\partial _i \tau}$ is the slope of the tracer on which a limitation is imposed to ensure the \textit{positive} character of the scheme. The time stepping is performed using a forward scheme, that is the \textit{before} tracer field is used to evaluate $\tau _u^{mus}$. For an ocean grid point adjacent to land and where the ocean velocity is directed toward land, two choices are available: an upstream flux (\np{ln\_traadv\_muscl}=.true.) or a second order flux (\np{ln\_traadv\_muscl2}=.true.). Note that the latter choice does not ensure the \textit{positive} character of the scheme. Only the former can be used on both active and passive tracers. The two MUSCL schemes are computed in the \mdl{traadv\_tvd} and \mdl{traadv\_tvd2} modules. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % UBS scheme % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Upstream-Biased Scheme (UBS) (\np{ln\_traadv\_ubs})] {Upstream-Biased Scheme (UBS) (\np{ln\_traadv\_ubs}=.true.)} \label{TRA_adv_ubs} The UBS advection scheme is an upstream-biased third order scheme based on an upstream-biased parabolic interpolation. It is also known as the Cell Averaged QUICK scheme (Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Convective Kinematics). For example, in the $i$-direction : \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_adv_ubs} \tau _u^{ubs} =\overline T ^{i+1/2}-\;\frac{1}{6} \left\{ \begin{aligned} &\tau"_i & \quad \text{if }\ u_{i+1/2} \geqslant 0 \\ &\tau"_{i+1} & \quad \text{if }\ u_{i+1/2} < 0 \end{aligned} \right. \end{equation} where $\tau "_i =\delta _i \left[ {\delta _{i+1/2} \left[ \tau \right]} \right]$. This results in a dissipatively dominant (i.e. hyper-diffusive) truncation error \citep{Sacha2005}. The overall performance of the advection scheme is similar to that reported in \cite{Farrow1995}. It is a relatively good compromise between accuracy and smoothness. It is not a \emph{positive} scheme, meaning that false extrema are permitted, but the amplitude of such are significantly reduced over the centred second order method. Nevertheless it is not recommended that it should be applied to a passive tracer that requires positivity. The intrinsic diffusion of UBS makes its use risky in the vertical direction where the control of artificial diapycnal fluxes is of paramount importance. Therefore the vertical flux is evaluated using the TVD scheme when \np{ln\_traadv\_ubs}=.true.. For stability reasons (see \S\ref{DOM_nxt}), in \eqref{Eq_tra_adv_ubs}, the first term (which corresponds to a second order centred scheme) is evaluated using the \textit{now} tracer (centred in time) while the second term (which is the diffusive part of the scheme), is evaluated using the \textit{before} tracer (forward in time). This choice is discussed by \citet{Webb1998} in the context of the QUICK advection scheme. UBS and QUICK schemes only differ by one coefficient. Replacing 1/6 with 1/8 in \eqref{Eq_tra_adv_ubs} leads to the QUICK advection scheme \citep{Webb1998}. This option is not available through a namelist parameter, since the 1/6 coefficient is hard coded. Nevertheless it is quite easy to make the substitution in the \mdl{traadv\_ubs} module and obtain a QUICK scheme. Note that : (1) When a high vertical resolution $O(1m)$ is used, the model stability can be controlled by vertical advection (not vertical diffusion which is usually solved using an implicit scheme). Computer time can be saved by using a time-splitting technique on vertical advection. Such a technique has been implemented and validated in ORCA05 with 301 levels. It is not available in the current reference version. (2) In a forthcoming release four options will be available for the vertical component used in the UBS scheme. $\tau _w^{ubs}$ will be evaluated using either \textit{(a)} a centred $2^{nd}$ order scheme, or \textit{(b)} a TVD scheme, or \textit{(c)} an interpolation based on conservative parabolic splines following the \citet{Sacha2005} implementation of UBS in ROMS, or \textit{(d)} a UBS. The $3^{rd}$ case has dispersion properties similar to an eighth-order accurate conventional scheme. (3) It is straightforward to rewrite \eqref{Eq_tra_adv_ubs} as follows: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_traadv_ubs2} \tau _u^{ubs} = \tau _u^{cen4} + \frac{1}{12} \left\{ \begin{aligned} & + \tau"_i & \quad \text{if }\ u_{i+1/2} \geqslant 0 \\ & - \tau"_{i+1} & \quad \text{if }\ u_{i+1/2} < 0 \end{aligned} \right. \end{equation} or equivalently \begin{equation} \label{Eq_traadv_ubs2b} u_{i+1/2} \ \tau _u^{ubs} =u_{i+1/2} \ \overline{ T - \frac{1}{6}\,\delta _i\left[ \delta_{i+1/2}[T] \,\right] }^{\,i+1/2} - \frac{1}{2} |u|_{i+1/2} \;\frac{1}{6} \;\delta_{i+1/2}[\tau"_i] \end{equation} \eqref{Eq_traadv_ubs2} has several advantages. Firstly, it clearly reveals that the UBS scheme is based on the fourth order scheme to which an upstream-biased diffusion term is added. Secondly, this emphasises that the $4^{th}$ order part (as well as the $2^{nd}$ order part as stated above) has to be evaluated at the \emph{now} time step using \eqref{Eq_tra_adv_ubs}. Thirdly, the diffusion term is in fact a biharmonic operator with an eddy coefficient which is simply proportional to the velocity: $A_u^{lm}= - \frac{1}{12}\,{e_{1u}}^3\,|u|$. Note that NEMO v2.3 still uses \eqref{Eq_tra_adv_ubs}, not \eqref{Eq_traadv_ubs2}. This should be changed in forthcoming release. %%% \gmcomment{the change in UBS scheme has to be done} %%% % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % QCK scheme % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [QUICKEST scheme (QCK) (\np{ln\_traadv\_qck})] {QUICKEST scheme (QCK) (\np{ln\_traadv\_qck}=.true.)} \label{TRA_adv_qck} The Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Convective Kinematics with Estimated Streaming Terms (QUICKEST) scheme proposed by \citet{Leonard1979} is the third order Godunov scheme. It is associated with the ULTIMATE QUICKEST limiter \citep{Leonard1991}. It has been implemented in NEMO by G. Reffray (MERCATOR-ocean) and can be found in the \mdl{traadv\_qck} module. The resulting scheme is quite expensive but \emph{positive}. It can be used on both active and passive tracers. Nevertheless, the intrinsic diffusion of QCK makes its use risky in the vertical direction where the control of artificial diapycnal fluxes is of paramount importance. Therefore the vertical flux is evaluated using the CEN2 scheme. This no more ensure the positivity of the scheme. The use of TVD in the vertical direction as for the UBS case should be implemented to maintain the property. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PPM scheme % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Piecewise Parabolic Method (PPM) (\np{ln\_traadv\_ppm})] {Piecewise Parabolic Method (PPM) (\np{ln\_traadv\_ppm}=.true.)} \label{TRA_adv_ppm} The Piecewise Parabolic Method (PPM) proposed by Colella and Woodward (1984) is based on a quadradic piecewise rebuilding. Like the QCK scheme, it is associated with the ULTIMATE QUICKEST limiter \citep{Leonard1991}. It has been implemented in \NEMO by G. Reffray (MERCATOR-ocean) but is not yet offered in the reference version 3.0. % ================================================================ % Tracer Lateral Diffusion % ================================================================ \section [Tracer Lateral Diffusion (\textit{traldf})] {Tracer Lateral Diffusion (\mdl{traldf})} \label{TRA_ldf} %-----------------------------------------nam_traldf------------------------------------------------------ \namdisplay{nam_traldf} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The options available for lateral diffusion are a laplacian (rotated or not) or a biharmonic operator, the latter being more scale-selective (more diffusive at small scales). The specification of eddy diffusivity coefficients (either constant or variable in space and time) as well as the computation of the slope along which the operators act, are performed in the \mdl{ldftra} and \mdl{ldfslp} modules, respectively. This is described in Chap.~\ref{LDF}. The lateral diffusion of tracers is evaluated using a forward scheme, $i.e.$ the tracers appearing in its expression are the \textit{before} tracers in time, except for the pure vertical component that appears when a rotation tensor is used. This latter term is solved implicitly together with the vertical diffusion term (see \S\ref{DOM_nxt}). % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Iso-level laplacian operator % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Iso-level laplacian operator (lap) (\np{ln\_traldf\_lap})] {Iso-level laplacian operator (lap) (\np{ln\_traldf\_lap}=.true.) } \label{TRA_ldf_lap} A laplacian diffusion operator ($i.e.$ a harmonic operator) acting along the model surfaces is given by: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_ldf_lap} D_T^{lT} =\frac{1}{b_T} \left( \; \delta _{i}\left[ A_u^{lT} \; \frac{e_{2u}\,e_{3u}}{e_{1u}} \;\delta _{i+1/2} [T] \right] + \delta _{j}\left[ A_v^{lT} \; \frac{e_{1v}\,e_{3v}}{e_{2v}} \;\delta _{j+1/2} [T] \right] \;\right) \end{equation} where $b_T= e_{1T}\,e_{2T}\,e_{3T}$ is the volume of $T$-cells. It can be found in the \mdl{traadv\_lap} module. This lateral operator is computed in \mdl{traldf\_lap}. It is a \emph{horizontal} operator ($i.e.$ acting along geopotential surfaces) in the $z$-coordinate with or without partial step, but is simply an iso-level operator in the $s$-coordinate. It is thus used when, in addition to \np{ln\_traldf\_lap}=.true., we have \np{ln\_traldf\_level}=.true., or \np{ln\_traldf\_hor}=\np{ln\_zco}=.true.. In both cases, it significantly contributes to diapycnal mixing. It is therefore not recommended. Note that (a) In pure $z$-coordinate (\key{zco} is defined), $e_{3u}=e_{3v}=e_{3T}$, so that the vertical scale factors disappear from (\ref{Eq_tra_ldf_lap}) ; (b) In partial step $z$-coordinate (\np{ln\_zps}=.true.), tracers in horizontally adjacent cells are located at different depths in the vicinity of the bottom. In this case, horizontal derivatives in (\ref{Eq_tra_ldf_lap}) at the bottom level require a specific treatment. They are calculated in the \mdl{zpshde} module, described in \S\ref{TRA_zpshde}. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rotated laplacian operator % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Rotated laplacian operator (iso) (\np{ln\_traldf\_lap})] {Rotated laplacian operator (iso) (\np{ln\_traldf\_lap}=.true.)} \label{TRA_ldf_iso} The general form of the second order lateral tracer subgrid scale physics (\ref{Eq_PE_zdf}) takes the following semi-discrete space form in $z$- and $s$-coordinates: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_ldf_iso} \begin{split} D_T^{lT} = \frac{1}{b_T} & \left\{ \,\;\delta_i \left[ A_u^{lT} \left( \frac{e_{2u}\;e_{3u}}{e_{1u}} \,\delta_{i+1/2}[T] - e_{2u}\;r_{1u} \,\overline{\overline{ \delta_{k+1/2}[T] }}^{\,i+1/2,k} \right) \right] \right. \\ & +\delta_j \left[ A_v^{lT} \left( \frac{e_{1v}\,e_{3v}}{e_{2v}} \,\delta_{j+1/2} [T] - e_{1v}\,r_{2v} \,\overline{\overline{ \delta_{k+1/2} [T] }}^{\,j+1/2,k} \right) \right] \\ & +\delta_k \left[ A_w^{lT} \left( -\;e_{2w}\,r_{1w} \,\overline{\overline{ \delta_{i+1/2} [T] }}^{\,i,k+1/2} \right. \right. \\ & \qquad \qquad \quad - e_{1w}\,r_{2w} \,\overline{\overline{ \delta_{j+1/2} [T] }}^{\,j,k+1/2} \\ & \left. {\left. { \qquad \qquad \ \ \ \left. { +\;\frac{e_{1w}\,e_{2w}}{e_{3w}} \,\left( r_{1w}^2 + r_{2w}^2 \right) \,\delta_{k+1/2} [T] } \right) } \right] \quad } \right\} \end{split} \end{equation} where $b_T= e_{1T}\,e_{2T}\,e_{3T}$ is the volume of $T$-cells, $r_1$ and $r_2$ are the slopes between the surface of computation ($z$- or $s$-surfaces) and the surface along which the diffusion operator acts ($i.e.$ horizontal or iso-neutral surfaces). It is thus used when, in addition to \np{ln\_traldf\_lap}= .true., we have \np{ln\_traldf\_iso}=.true., or both \np{ln\_traldf\_hor}=.true. and \np{ln\_zco}=.true.. The way these slopes are evaluated is given in \S\ref{LDF_slp}. At the surface, bottom and lateral boundaries, the turbulent fluxes of heat and salt are set to zero using the mask technique (see \S\ref{LBC_coast}). The operator in \eqref{Eq_tra_ldf_iso} involves both lateral and vertical derivatives. For numerical stability, the vertical second derivative must be solved using the same implicit time scheme as that used in the vertical physics (see \S\ref{TRA_zdf}). For computer efficiency reasons, this term is not computed in the \mdl{traldf\_iso} module, but in the \mdl{trazdf} module where, if iso-neutral mixing is used, the vertical mixing coefficient is simply increased by $\frac{e_{1w}\,e_{2w} }{e_{3w} }\ \left( {r_{1w} ^2+r_{2w} ^2} \right)$. This formulation conserves the tracer but does not ensure the decrease of the tracer variance. Nevertheless the treatment performed on the slopes (see \S\ref{LDF}) allows the model to run safely without any additional background horizontal diffusion \citep{Guily2001}. An alternative scheme developed by \cite{Griffies1998} which preserves both tracer and its variance is currently been tested in \NEMO. It should be available in a forthcoming release. Note that in the partial step $z$-coordinate (\np{ln\_zps}=.true.), the horizontal derivatives at the bottom level in \eqref{Eq_tra_ldf_iso} require a specific treatment. They are calculated in module zpshde, described in \S\ref{TRA_zpshde}. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Iso-level bilaplacian operator % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Iso-level bilaplacian operator (bilap) (\np{ln\_traldf\_bilap})] {Iso-level bilaplacian operator (bilap) (\np{ln\_traldf\_bilap}=.true.)} \label{TRA_ldf_bilap} The lateral fourth order bilaplacian operator on tracers is obtained by applying (\ref{Eq_tra_ldf_lap}) twice. It requires an additional assumption on boundary conditions: the first and third derivative terms normal to the coast are set to zero. It is used when, in addition to \np{ln\_traldf\_bilap}=.true., we have \np{ln\_traldf\_level}=.true., or both \np{ln\_traldf\_hor}=.true. and \np{ln\_zco}=.false.. In both cases, it can contribute diapycnal mixing, although less than in the laplacian case. It is therefore not recommended. Note that in the code, the bilaplacian routine does not call the laplacian routine twice but is rather a separate routine that can be found in the \mdl{traldf\_bilap} module. This is due to the fact that we introduce the eddy diffusivity coefficient, A, in the operator as: $\nabla \cdot \nabla \left( {A\nabla \cdot \nabla T} \right)$, instead of $-\nabla \cdot a\nabla \left( {\nabla \cdot a\nabla T} \right)$ where $a=\sqrt{|A|}$ and $A<0$. This was a mistake: both formulations ensure the total variance decrease, but the former requires a larger number of code-lines. It will be corrected in a forthcoming release. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rotated bilaplacian operator % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Rotated bilaplacian operator (bilapg) (\np{ln\_traldf\_bilap})] {Rotated bilaplacian operator (bilapg) (\np{ln\_traldf\_bilap}=.true.)} \label{TRA_ldf_bilapg} The lateral fourth order operator formulation on tracers is obtained by applying (\ref{Eq_tra_ldf_iso}) twice. It requires an additional assumption on boundary conditions: first and third derivative terms normal to the coast, the bottom and the surface are set to zero. It can be found in the \mdl{traldf\_bilapg}. It is used when, in addition to \np{ln\_traldf\_bilap}=.true., we have \np{ln\_traldf\_iso}= .true, or both \np{ln\_traldf\_hor}=.true. and \np{ln\_zco}=.true.. Nevertheless, this rotated bilaplacian operator has never been seriously tested. No warranties that it is neither free of bugs or correctly formulated. Moreover, the stability range of such an operator will be probably quite narrow, requiring a significantly smaller time-step than the one used on unrotated operator. % ================================================================ % Tracer Vertical Diffusion % ================================================================ \section [Tracer Vertical Diffusion (\textit{trazdf})] {Tracer Vertical Diffusion (\mdl{trazdf})} \label{TRA_zdf} %--------------------------------------------namzdf--------------------------------------------------------- \namdisplay{namzdf} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The formulation of the vertical subgrid scale tracer physics is the same for all the vertical coordinates, and is based on a laplacian operator. The vertical diffusion operator given by (\ref{Eq_PE_zdf}) takes the following semi-discrete space form: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_zdf} \begin{split} D^{vT}_T &= \frac{1}{e_{3T}} \; \delta_k \left[ \;\frac{A^{vT}_w}{e_{3w}} \delta_{k+1/2}[T] \;\right] \\ D^{vS}_T &= \frac{1}{e_{3T}} \; \delta_k \left[ \;\frac{A^{vS}_w}{e_{3w}} \delta_{k+1/2}[S] \;\right] \end{split} \end{equation} where $A_w^{vT}$ and $A_w^{vS}$ are the vertical eddy diffusivity coefficients on temperature and salinity, respectively. Generally, $A_w^{vT}=A_w^{vS}$ except when double diffusive mixing is parameterised ($i.e.$ \key{zdfddm} is defined). The way these coefficients are evaluated is given in \S\ref{ZDF} (ZDF). Furthermore, when iso-neutral mixing is used, both mixing coefficients are increased by $\frac{e_{1w}\,e_{2w} }{e_{3w} }\ \left( {r_{1w} ^2+r_{2w} ^2} \right)$ to account for the vertical second derivative of \eqref{Eq_tra_ldf_iso}. At the surface and bottom boundaries, the turbulent fluxes of heat and salt must be specified. At the surface they are prescribed from the surface forcing and added in a dedicated routine (see \S\ref{TRA_sbc}), whilst at the bottom they are set to zero for heat and salt unless a geothermal flux forcing is prescribed as a bottom boundary condition (see \S\ref{TRA_bbc}). The large eddy coefficient found in the mixed layer together with high vertical resolution implies that in the case of explicit time stepping (\np{ln\_zdfexp}=.true.) there would be too restrictive a constraint on the time step. Therefore, the default implicit time stepping is preferred for the vertical diffusion since it overcomes the stability constraint. A forward time differencing scheme (\np{ln\_zdfexp}=.true.) using a time splitting technique (\np{n\_zdfexp} $> 1$) is provided as an alternative. Namelist variables \np{ln\_zdfexp} and \np{n\_zdfexp} apply to both tracers and dynamics. % ================================================================ % External Forcing % ================================================================ \section{External Forcing} \label{TRA_sbc_qsr_bbc} % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % surface boundary condition % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Surface boundary condition (\textit{trasbc})] {Surface boundary condition (\mdl{trasbc})} \label{TRA_sbc} The surface boundary condition for tracers is implemented in a separate module (\mdl{trasbc}) instead of entering as a boundary condition on the vertical diffusion operator (as in the case of momentum). This has been found to enhance readability of the code. The two formulations are completely equivalent; the forcing terms in trasbc are the surface fluxes divided by the thickness of the top model layer. Following \citet{Roullet2000} the forcing on an ocean tracer, $c$, can be split into two parts: $F_{ext}$, the flux of tracer crossing the sea surface and not linked with the water exchange with the atmosphere, $F_{wf}^d$, and $F_{wf}^i$ the forcing on the tracer concentration associated with this water exchange. The latter forcing has two components: a direct effect of change in concentration associated with the tracer carried by the water flux, and an indirect concentration/dilution effect : \begin{equation*} \begin{split} F^C &= F_{ext} + F_{wf}^d +F_{wf}^i \\ &= F_{ext} - \left( c_E \, E - c_p \,P - c_R \,R \right) +c\left( E-P-R \right) \end{split} \end{equation*} \gmcomment{add here a description of the variable names used in the above equation} Two cases must be distinguished, the nonlinear free surface case (\key{vvl} is defined) and the linear free surface case. The first case is simpler, because the indirect concentration/dilution effect is naturally taken into account by letting the vertical scale factors vary in time. The salinity of water exchanged at the surface is assumed to be zero, so there is no salt flux at the free surface, except in the presence of sea ice. The heat flux at the free surface is the sum of $F_{ext}$, the direct heating/cooling (by the total non-penetrative heat flux) and $F_{wf}^e$ the heat carried by the water exchanged through the surface (evaporation, precipitation, runoff). The temperature of precipitation is not well known. In the model we assume that this water has the same temperature as the sea surface temperature. The resulting forcing terms for temperature T and salinity S are: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_forcing} \begin{aligned} &F^T =\frac{Q_{ns} }{\rho _o \;C_p \,e_{3T} }-\frac{\text{EMP}\;\left. T \right|_{k=1} }{e_{3T} } & \\ \\ & F^S =\frac{\text{EMP}_S\;\left. S \right|_{k=1} }{e_{3T} } & \end{aligned} \end{equation} where EMP is the freshwater budget (evaporation minus precipitation minus river runoff) which forces the ocean volume, $Q_{ns}$ is the non-penetrative part of the net surface heat flux (difference between the total surface heat flux and the fraction of the short wave flux that penetrates into the water column), the product EMP$_S\;.\left. S \right|_{k=1}$ is the ice-ocean salt flux, and $\left. S\right|_{k=1}$ is the sea surface salinity (\textit{SSS}). The total salt content is conserved in this formulation (except for the effect of the Asselin filter). %AMT note: the ice-ocean flux had been forgotten in the first release of the key_vvl option, has this been corrected in the code? ===> gm : NO to be added at NOCS In the second case (linear free surface), the vertical scale factors are fixed in time so that the concentration/dilution effect must be added in the \mdl{trasbc} module. Because of the hypothesis made for the temperature of precipitation and runoffs, $F_{wf}^e +F_{wf}^i =0$ for temperature. The resulting forcing term for temperature is: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_forcing_q} F^T=\frac{Q_{ns} }{\rho _o \;C_p \,e_{3T} } \end{equation} The salinity forcing is still given by \eqref{Eq_tra_forcing} but the definition of EMP$_S$ is different: it is the total surface freshwater budget (evaporation minus precipitation minus river runoff plus the rate of change of the sea ice thickness). The total salt content is not exactly conserved (\citet{Roullet2000}. See also \S\ref{PE_free_surface}). In the case of the rigid lid approximation, the surface salinity forcing $F^s$ is also expressed by \eqref{Eq_tra_forcing}, but now the global integral of the product of EMP and S, is not compensated by the advection of fluid through the top level: this is because in the rigid lid case \textit{w(k=1) = 0} (in contrast to the linear free surface case). As a result, even if the budget of \textit{EMP} is zero on average over the whole ocean domain, the associated salt flux is not, since sea-surface salinity and \textit{EMP} are intrinsically correlated (high \textit{SSS} are found where evaporation is strong whilst low \textit{SSS} is usually associated with high precipitation or river runoff). The $Q_{ns} $ and \textit{EMP} fields are defined and updated in the \mdl{sbcmod} module (see \S\ref{SBC}). % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Solar Radiation Penetration % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Solar Radiation Penetration (\textit{traqsr})] {Solar Radiation Penetration (\mdl{traqsr})} \label{TRA_qsr} %--------------------------------------------namqsr-------------------------------------------------------- \namdisplay{namqsr} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the penetrative solar radiation option is used (\np{ln\_flxqsr}=.true.), the solar radiation penetrates the top few meters of the ocean, otherwise all the heat flux is absorbed in the first ocean level (\np{ln\_flxqsr}=.false.). Thus, in the former case a term is added to the time evolution equation of temperature \eqref{Eq_PE_tra_T} whilst the surface boundary condition is modified to take into account only the non-penetrative part of the surface heat flux: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_PE_qsr} \begin{split} \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} &= {\ldots} + \frac{1}{\rho_o\, C_p \,e_3} \; \frac{\partial I}{\partial k} \\ Q_{ns} &= Q_\text{Total} - Q_{sr} \end{split} \end{equation} where $I$ is the downward irradiance. The additional term in \eqref{Eq_PE_qsr} is discretized as follows: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_qsr} \frac{1}{\rho_o\, C_p \,e_3} \; \frac{\partial I}{\partial k} \equiv \frac{1}{\rho_o\, C_p\, e_{3T}} \delta_k \left[ I_w \right] \end{equation} A formulation involving two extinction coefficients is assumed for the downward irradiance $I$ \citep{Paulson1977}: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_traqsr_iradiance} I(z) = Q_{sr} \left[Re^{-z / \xi_1} + \left( 1-R\right) e^{-z / \xi_2} \right] \end{equation} where $Q_{sr}$ is the penetrative part of the surface heat flux, $\xi_1$ and $\xi_2$ are two extinction length scales and $R$ determines the relative contribution of the two terms. The default values used correspond to a Type I water in Jerlov's [1968] % \gmcomment : Jerlov reference to be added % classification: $\xi_1 = 0.35~m$, $\xi_2 = 23~m$ and $R = 0.58$ (corresponding to \np{xsi1}, \np{xsi2} and \np{rabs} namelist parameters, respectively). $I$ is masked (no flux through the ocean bottom), so all the solar radiation that reaches the last ocean level is absorbed in that level. The trend in \eqref{Eq_tra_qsr} associated with the penetration of the solar radiation is added to the temperature trend, and the surface heat flux is modified in routine \mdl{traqsr}. Note that in the $z$-coordinate, the depth of $T-$levels depends on the single variable $k$. A one dimensional array of the coefficients $gdsr(k) = Re^{-z_w (k)/\xi_1} + (1-R)e^{-z_w (k)/\xi_2}$ can then be computed once and saved in memory. Moreover \textit{nksr}, the level at which $gdrs$ becomes negligible (less than the computer precision) is computed once, and the trend associated with the penetration of the solar radiation is only added until that level. Finally, note that when the ocean is shallow (< 200~m), part of the solar radiation can reach the ocean floor. In this case, we have chosen that all remaining radiation is absorbed in the last ocean level ($i.e.$ $I_w$ is masked). When coupling with a biological model (for example PISCES or LOBSTER), it is possible to calculate the light attenuation using information from the biology model. Without biological model, it is still possible to introduce a horizontal variation of the light attenuation by using the observed ocean surface color. At the time of writing, the latter has not been implemented in the reference version. % \gmcomment{ {yellow}{case 4 bands and bio-coupling to add !!!} } % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Bottom Boundary Condition % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Bottom Boundary Condition (\textit{trabbc} - \key{bbc})] {Bottom Boundary Condition (\mdl{trabbc} - \key{bbc})} \label{TRA_bbc} %--------------------------------------------nambbc-------------------------------------------------------- \namdisplay{nambbc} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \begin{figure}[!t] \label{Fig_geothermal} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_TRA_geoth.pdf} \caption{Geothermal Heat flux (in $mW.m^{-2}$) used by \cite{Emile-Geay_Madec_OSD08}. It is inferred from the age of the sea floor and the formulae of \citet{Stein1992}.} \end{center} \end{figure} %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usually it is assumed that there is no exchange of heat or salt through the ocean bottom, $i.e.$ a no flux boundary condition is applied on active tracers at the bottom. This is the default option in \NEMO, and it is implemented using the masking technique. However, there is a non-zero heat flux across the seafloor that is associated with solid earth cooling. This flux is weak compared to surface fluxes (a mean global value of $\sim0.1\;W/m^2$ \citep{Stein1992}), but it is systematically positive and acts on the densest water masses. Taking this flux into account in a global ocean model increases the deepest overturning cell ($i.e.$ the one associated with the Antarctic Bottom Water) by a few Sverdrups \citep{Emile-Geay_Madec_OSD08}. The presence or not of geothermal heating is controlled by the namelist parameter \np{ngeo\_flux}. If this parameter is set to 1, a constant geothermal heating is introduced whose value is given by the \np{ngeo\_flux\_const}, which is also a namelist parameter. If it is set to 2, a spatially varying geothermal heat flux is introduced which is provided in the geothermal\_heating.nc NetCDF file (Fig.\ref{Fig_geothermal}). % ================================================================ % Bottom Boundary Layer % ================================================================ \section [Bottom Boundary Layer (\textit{trabbl}, \textit{trabbl\_adv} )] {Bottom Boundary Layer (\mdl{trabbl}, \mdl{trabbl\_adv})} \label{TRA_bbl} %--------------------------------------------nambbl--------------------------------------------------------- \namdisplay{nambbl} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a $z$-coordinate configuration, the bottom topography is represented by a series of discrete steps. This is not adequate to represent gravity driven downslope flows. Such flows arise downstream of sills such as the Strait of Gibraltar, Bab El Mandeb, or Denmark Strait, where dense water formed in marginal seas flows into a basin filled with less dense water. The amount of entrainment that occurs in these gravity plumes is critical in determining the density and volume flux of the densest waters of the ocean, such as Antarctic Bottom Water, or North Atlantic Deep Water. $z$-coordinate models tend to overestimate the entrainment, because the gravity flow is mixed down vertically by convection as it goes ``downstairs'' following the step topography, sometimes over a thickness much larger than the thickness of the observed gravity plume. A similar problem occurs in the $s$-coordinate when the thickness of the bottom level varies in large proportions downstream of a sill \citep{Willebrand2001}, and the thickness of the plume is not resolved. The idea of the bottom boundary layer (BBL) parameterisation first introduced by \citet{BeckDos1998} is to allow a direct communication between two adjacent bottom cells at different levels, whenever the densest water is located above the less dense water. The communication can be by a diffusive (diffusive BBL), advective fluxes (advective BBL), or both. In the current implementation of the BBL, only the tracers are modified, not the velocities. Furthermore, it only connects ocean bottom cells, and therefore does not include the improvment proposed by \citet{Campin_Goosse_Tel99}. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Diffusive BBL % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Diffusive Bottom Boundary layer (\key{bbl\_diff})} \label{TRA_bbl_diff} When applying sigma-diffusion (\key{trabbl} is defined), the diffusive flux between two adjacent cells living at the ocean bottom is given by \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_bbl_diff} {\rm {\bf F}}_\sigma=A_l^\sigma \; \nabla_\sigma T \end{equation} with $\nabla_\sigma$ the lateral gradient operator taken between bottom cells, and $A_l^\sigma $ the lateral diffusivity in the BBL. Following \citet{BeckDos1998}, the latter is prescribed with a spatial dependence, $e.g.$ in the conditional form \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_bbl_coef} A_l^\sigma (i,j,t)=\left\{ {\begin{array}{l} A_{bbl} \quad \quad \mbox{if} \quad \nabla_\sigma \rho \cdot \nabla H<0 \\ \\ 0\quad \quad \;\,\mbox{otherwise} \\ \end{array}} \right. \end{equation} where $A_{bbl}$ is the BBL diffusivity coefficient, given by the namelist parameter \np{atrbbl}. $A_{bbl}$ is usually set to a value much larger than the one used on lateral mixing in open ocean. Note that in practice, \eqref{Eq_tra_bbl_coef} constraint is applied separately in the two horizontal directions, and the density gradient in \eqref{Eq_tra_bbl_coef} is evaluated at $\overline{H}^i$ ($\overline{H}^j$) using the along bottom mean temperature and salinity. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Advective BBL % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection {Advective Bottom Boundary Layer (\key{bbl\_adv})} \label{TRA_bbl_adv} %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \begin{figure}[!t] \label{Fig_bbl} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_BBL_adv.pdf} \caption{Advective Bottom Boundary Layer.} \end{center} \end{figure} %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %%%gmcomment : this section has to be really written The advective BBL is in fact not only an advective one but include a diffusive component as we chose an upstream scheme to perform the advection within the BBL. The associated diffusion only act in the stream direction and is proportional to the velocity. When applying sigma-advection (\key{trabbl\_adv} defined), the advective flux between two adjacent cells living at the ocean bottom is given by \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_bbl_fadv} {\rm {\bf F}}_\sigma={\rm {\bf U}}_h^\sigma \; \overline{T}^\sigma \end{equation} with $\nabla_\sigma$ the lateral gradient operator taken between bottom cells, and $A_l^\sigma$ the lateral diffusivity in the BBL. Following \citet{BeckDos1998}, the latter is prescribed with a spatial dependence, $e.g.$ in the conditional form \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_bbl_Aadv} A_l^\sigma (i,j,t)=\left\{ {\begin{array}{l} A_{bbl} \quad \quad \mbox{if} \quad \nabla_\sigma \rho \cdot \nabla H<0 \quad \quad \mbox{and} \quad {\rm {\bf U}}_h \cdot \nabla H<0 \\ \\ 0\quad \quad \;\,\mbox{otherwise} \\ \end{array}} \right. \end{equation} % ================================================================ % Tracer damping % ================================================================ \section [Tracer damping (\textit{tradmp})] {Tracer damping (\mdl{tradmp})} \label{TRA_dmp} %--------------------------------------------namtdp----------------------------------------------------- \namdisplay{namtdp} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In some applications it can be useful to add a Newtonian damping term into the temperature and salinity equations: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_dmp} \begin{split} \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}=\;\cdots \;-\gamma \,\left( {T-T_o } \right) \\ \\ \frac{\partial S}{\partial t}=\;\cdots \;-\gamma \,\left( {S-S_o } \right) \end{split} \end{equation} where $\gamma$ is the inverse of a time scale, and $T_o$ and $S_o$ are given temperature and salinity fields (usually a climatology). The restoring term is added when \key{tradmp} is defined. It also requires that both \key{temdta} and \key{saldta} are defined ($i.e.$ that $T_o$ and $S_o$ are read). The restoring coefficient $S_o$ is a three-dimensional array initialized by the user in routine \rou{dtacof} also located in module \mdl{tradmp}. The two main cases in which \eqref{Eq_tra_dmp} is used are \textit{(a)} the specification of the boundary conditions along artificial walls of a limited domain basin and \textit{(b)} the computation of the velocity field associated with a given $T$-$S$ field (for example to build the initial state of a prognostic simulation, or to use the resulting velocity field for a passive tracer study). The first case applies to regional models that have artificial walls instead of open boundaries. In the vicinity of these walls, $S_o$ takes large values (equivalent to a time scale of a few days) whereas it is zero in the interior of the model domain. The second case corresponds to the use of the robust diagnostic method \citep{Sarmiento1982}. It allows us to find the velocity field consistent with the model dynamics whilst having a $T$-$S$ field close to a given climatological field ($T_o -S_o$). The time scale associated with $S_o$ is generally not a constant but spatially varying in order to respect other properties. For example, it is usually set to zero in the mixed layer (defined either on a density or $S_o$ criterion) \citep{Madec1996} and in the equatorial region \citep{Reverdin1991, Fujio1991, MartiTh1992} since these two regions have a short time scale of adjustment; while smaller $S_o$ are used in the deep ocean where the typical time scale is long \citep{Sarmiento1982}. In addition the time scale is reduced (even to zero) along the western boundary to allow the model to reconstruct its own western boundary structure in equilibrium with its physics. The choice of a Newtonian damping acting in the mixed layer or not is controlled by namelist parameter \np{nmldmp}. The robust diagnostic method is very efficient in preventing temperature drift in intermediate waters but it produces artificial sources of heat and salt within the ocean. It also has undesirable effects on the ocean convection. It tends to prevent deep convection and subsequent deep-water formation, by stabilising the water column too much. An example of the computation of $S_o$ for robust diagnostic experiments with the ORCA2 model is provided in the \mdl{tradmp} module (subroutines \rou{dtacof} and \rou{cofdis} which compute the coefficient and the distance to the bathymetry, respectively). These routines are provided as examples and can be customised by the user. % ================================================================ % Tracer time evolution % ================================================================ \section [Tracer time evolution (\textit{tranxt})] {Tracer time evolution (\mdl{tranxt})} \label{TRA_nxt} %--------------------------------------------namdom----------------------------------------------------- \namdisplay{namdom} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The general framework for tracer time stepping is a leap-frog scheme, $i.e.$ a three level centred time scheme associated with a Asselin time filter (cf. \S\ref{DOM_nxt}): \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_nxt} \begin{split} T^{t+\Delta t} &= T^{t-\Delta t} + 2 \, \Delta t \ \text{RHS}_T^t \\ \\ T_f^t \;\ \quad &= T^t \;\quad +\gamma \,\left[ {T_f^{t-\Delta t} -2T^t+T^{t+\Delta t}} \right] \end{split} \end{equation} where $\text{RHS}_T$ is the right hand side of the temperature equation, the subscript $f$ denotes filtered values and $\gamma$ is the Asselin coefficient. $\gamma$ is initialized as \np{atfp} (\textbf{namelist} parameter). Its default value is \np{atfp=0.1}. When the vertical mixing is solved implicitly, the update of the \textit{next} tracer fields is done in module \mdl{trazdf}. In this case only the swapping of arrays and the Asselin filtering is done in the \mdl{tranxt} module. In order to prepare for the computation of the \textit{next} time step, a swap of tracer arrays is performed: $T^{t-\Delta t} = T^t$ and $T^t = T_f$. % ================================================================ % Equation of State (eosbn2) % ================================================================ \section [Equation of State (\textit{eosbn2}) ] {Equation of State (\mdl{eosbn2}) } \label{TRA_eosbn2} %--------------------------------------------nameos----------------------------------------------------- \namdisplay{nameos} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Equation of State % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Equation of State (\np{neos} = 0, 1 or 2)} \label{TRA_eos} It is necessary to know the equation of state for the ocean very accurately to determine stability properties (especially the Brunt-Vais\"{a}l\"{a} frequency), particularly in the deep ocean. The ocean density is a non linear empirical function of \textit{in situ }temperature, salinity and pressure. The reference equation of state is that defined by the Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards \citep{UNESCO1983}. It was the standard equation of state used in early releases of OPA. However, even though this computation is fully vectorised, it is quite time consuming ($15$ to $20${\%} of the total CPU time) since it requires the prior computation of the \textit{in situ} temperature from the model \textit{potential} temperature using the \citep{Bryden1973} polynomial for adiabatic lapse rate and a $4^th$ order Runge-Kutta integration scheme. Since OPA6, we have used the \citet{JackMcD1995} equation of state for seawater instead. It allows the computation of the \textit{in situ} ocean density directly as a function of \textit{potential} temperature relative to the surface (an \NEMO variable), the practical salinity (another \NEMO variable) and the pressure (assuming no pressure variation along geopotential surfaces, i.e. the pressure in decibars is approximated by the depth in meters). Both the \citet{UNESCO1983} and \citet{JackMcD1995} equations of state have exactly the same except that the values of the various coefficients have been adjusted by \citet{JackMcD1995} in order to directly use the \textit{potential} temperature instead of the \textit{in situ} one. This reduces the CPU time of the in situ density computation to about $3${\%} of the total CPU time, while maintaining a quite accurate equation of state. In the computer code, a \textit{true} density $d$ is computed, $i.e.$ the ratio of seawater volumic mass to $\rho_o$, a reference volumic mass (\textit{rau0} defined in \mdl{phycst}, usually $rau0= 1,020~Kg/m^3$). The default option (namelist prameter \np{neos}=0) is the \citet{JackMcD1995} equation of state. Its use is highly recommended. However, for process studies, it is often convenient to use a linear approximation of the density$^{\ast}$ \footnote{$^{\ast }$ With the linear equation of state there is no longer a distinction between \textit{in situ} and \textit{potential} density. Cabling and thermobaric effects are also removed.}. Two linear formulations are available: a function of $T$ only (\np{neos}=1) and a function of both $T$ and $S$ (\np{neos}=2): \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_eos_linear} \begin{aligned} d(T) &= {\rho (T)} / {\rho _0 } &&= 1.028 - \alpha \;T \\ d(T,S) &= {\rho (T,S)} &&= \ \ \ \beta \;S - \alpha \;T \end{aligned} \end{equation} where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are the thermal and haline expansion coefficients, and $\rho_o$, the reference volumic mass, $rau0$. ($\alpha$ and $\beta$ can be modified through the \np{ralpha} and \np{rbeta} namelist parameters). Note that when $d$ is a function of $T$ only (\np{neos}=1), the salinity is a passive tracer and can be used as such. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Brunt-Vais\"{a}l\"{a} Frequency % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Brunt-Vais\"{a}l\"{a} Frequency (\np{neos} = 0, 1 or 2)} \label{TRA_bn2} An accurate computation of the ocean stability (i.e. of $N$, the brunt-Vais\"{a}l\"{a} frequency) is of paramount importance as it is used in several ocean parameterisations (namely TKE, KPP, Richardson number dependent vertical diffusion, enhanced vertical diffusion, non-penetrative convection, iso-neutral diffusion). In particular, one must be aware that $N^2$ has to be computed with an \textit{in situ} reference. The expression for $N^2$ depends on the type of equation of state used (\np{neos} namelist parameter). For \np{neos}=0 (\citet{JackMcD1995} equation of state), the \citet{McDougall1987} polynomial expression is used (with the pressure in decibar approximated by the depth in meters): \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_bn2} N^2 = \frac{g}{e_{3w}} \; \beta \ \left( \alpha / \beta \ \delta_{k+1/2}[T] - \delta_{k+1/2}[S] \right) \end{equation} where $\alpha$ ($\beta$) is the thermal (haline) expansion coefficient. They are a function of $\overline{T}^{\,k+1/2},\widetilde{S}=\overline{S}^{\,k+1/2} - 35.$, and $z_w$, with $T$ the \textit{potential} temperature and $\widetilde{S}$ a salinity anomaly. Note that both $\alpha$ and $\beta$ depend on \textit{potential} temperature and salinity which are averaged at $w$-points prior to the computation instead of being computed at $T$-points and then averaged to $w$-points. When a linear equation of state is used (\np{neos}=1 or 2, \eqref{Eq_tra_bn2} reduces to: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_bn2_linear} N^2 = \frac{g}{e_{3w}} \left( \beta \;\delta_{k+1/2}[S] - \alpha \;\delta_{k+1/2}[T] \right) \end{equation} where $\alpha$ and $\beta $ are the constant coefficients used to defined the linear equation of state \eqref{Eq_tra_eos_linear}. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Specific Heat % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Specific Heat (\textit{phycst})] {Specific Heat (\mdl{phycst})} \label{TRA_adv_ldf} The specific heat of sea water, $C_p$, is a function of temperature, salinity and pressure \citep{UNESCO1983}. It is only used in the model to convert surface heat fluxes into surface temperature increase and so the pressure dependence is neglected. The dependence on $T$ and $S$ is weak. For example, with $S=35~psu$, $C_p$ increases from $3989$ to $4002$ when $T$ varies from -2~\degres C to 31~\degres C. Therefore, $C_p$ has been chosen as a constant: $C_p=4.10^3~J\,Kg^{-1}\,\degres K^{-1}$. Its value is set in \mdl{phycst} module. %%% \gmcomment{ STEVEN: consistency, no other computer variable names are supplied, so why this one} %%% % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Freezing Point of Seawater % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection [Freezing Point of Seawater (\textit{ocfzpt})] {Freezing Point of Seawater (\mdl{ocfzpt})} \label{TRA_fzp} The freezing point of seawater is a function of salinity and pressure \citep{UNESCO1983}: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_tra_eos_fzp} \begin{split} T_f (S,p) = \left( -0.0575 + 1.710523 \;10^{-3} \, \sqrt{S} - 2.154996 \;10^{-4} \,S \right) \ S \\ - 7.53\,10^{-3} \ \ p \end{split} \end{equation} \eqref{Eq_tra_eos_fzp} is only used to compute the potential freezing point of sea water ($i.e.$ referenced to the surface $p=0$), thus the pressure dependent terms in \eqref{Eq_tra_eos_fzp} (last term) have been dropped. The \textit{before} and \textit{now} surface freezing point is introduced in the code as $fzptb$ and $fzptn$ 2D arrays together with a \textit{now} mask (\textit{freezn}) which takes the value 0 or 1 depending on whether the ocean temperature is above or at the freezing point. Caution: do not confuse \textit{freezn} with the fraction of lead (\textit{frld}) defined in LIM. %%% \gmcomment{STEVEN: consistency, not many computer variable names are supplied, so why these ===> gm I agree this should evolve both here and in the code itself} %%% % ================================================================ % Horizontal Derivative in zps-coordinate % ================================================================ \section [Horizontal Derivative in \textit{zps}-coordinate (\textit{zpshde})] {Horizontal Derivative in \textit{zps}-coordinate (\mdl{zpshde})} \label{TRA_zpshde} \gmcomment{STEVEN: to be consistent with earlier discussion of differencing and averaging operators, I've changed "derivative" to "difference" and "mean" to "average"} With partial bottom cells (\np{ln\_zps}=.true.), in general, tracers in horizontally adjacent cells live at different depths. Horizontal gradients of tracers are needed for horizontal diffusion (\mdl{traldf} module) and for the hydrostatic pressure gradient (\mdl{dynhpg} module) to be active. \gmcomment{STEVEN from gm : question: not sure of what -to be active- means} Before taking horizontal gradients between the tracers next to the bottom, a linear interpolation in the vertical is used to approximate the deeper tracer as if it actually lived at the depth of the shallower tracer point (Fig.~\ref{Fig_Partial_step_scheme}). For example, for temperature in the $i$-direction the needed interpolated temperature, $\widetilde{T}$, is: %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \begin{figure}[!p] \label{Fig_Partial_step_scheme} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{./TexFiles/Figures/Partial_step_scheme.pdf} \caption{ Discretisation of the horizontal difference and average of tracers in the $z$-partial step coordinate (\np{ln\_zps}=.true.) in the case $( e3w_k^{i+1} - e3w_k^i )>0$. A linear interpolation is used to estimate $\widetilde{T}_k^{i+1}$, the tracer value at the depth of the shallower tracer point of the two adjacent bottom $T$-points. The horizontal difference is then given by: $\delta _{i+1/2} T_k= \widetilde{T}_k^{\,i+1} -T_k^{\,i}$ and the average by: $\overline{T}_k^{\,i+1/2}= ( \widetilde{T}_k^{\,i+1/2} - T_k^{\,i} ) / 2$. } \end{center} \end{figure} %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \begin{equation*} \widetilde{T}= \left\{ \begin{aligned} &T^{\,i+1} -\frac{ \left( e_{3w}^{i+1} -e_{3w}^i \right)}{ e_{3w}^{i+1} }\;\delta _k T^{i+1} && \quad\text{if $\ e_{3w}^{i+1} \geq e_{3w}^i$ } \\ \\ &T^{\,i} \ \ \ \,+\frac{ \left( e_{3w}^{i+1} -e_{3w}^i \right) }{e_{3w}^i }\;\delta _k T^{i+1} && \quad\text{if $\ e_{3w}^{i+1} < e_{3w}^i$ } \end{aligned} \right. \end{equation*} and the resulting forms for the horizontal difference and the horizontal average value of $T$ at a $U$-point are: \begin{equation} \label{Eq_zps_hde} \begin{aligned} \delta _{i+1/2} T= \begin{cases} \ \ \ \widetilde {T}\quad\ -T^i & \ \ \quad\quad\text{if $\ e_{3w}^{i+1} \geq e_{3w}^i$ } \\ \\ \ \ \ T^{\,i+1}-\widetilde{T} & \ \ \quad\quad\text{if $\ e_{3w}^{i+1} < e_{3w}^i$ } \end{cases} \\ \\ \overline {T}^{\,i+1/2} \ = \begin{cases} ( \widetilde {T}\ \ \;\,-T^{\,i}) / 2 & \;\ \ \quad\text{if $\ e_{3w}^{i+1} \geq e_{3w}^i$ } \\ \\ ( T^{\,i+1}-\widetilde{T} ) / 2 & \;\ \ \quad\text{if $\ e_{3w}^{i+1} < e_{3w}^i$ } \end{cases} \end{aligned} \end{equation} The computation of horizontal derivative of tracers as well as of density is performed once for all at each time step in \mdl{zpshde} module and stored in shared arrays to be used when needed. It has to be emphasized that the procedure used to compute the interpolated density, $\widetilde{\rho}$, is not the same as that used for $T$ and $S$. Instead of forming a linear approximation of density, we compute $\widetilde{\rho }$ from the interpolated values of $T$ and $S$, and the pressure at a $u$-point (in the equation of state pressure is approximated by depth, see \S\ref{TRA_eos} ) : \begin{equation} \label{Eq_zps_hde_rho} \widetilde{\rho } = \rho ( {\widetilde{T},\widetilde {S},z_u }) \quad \text{where }\ z_u = \min \left( {z_T^{i+1} ,z_T^i } \right) \end{equation} This is a much better approximation as the variation of $\rho$ with depth (and thus pressure) is highly non-linear with a true equation of state and thus is badly approximated with a linear interpolation. This approximation is used to compute both the horizontal pressure gradient (\S\ref{DYN_hpg}) and the slopes of neutral surfaces (\S\ref{LDF_slp}) Note that in almost all the advection schemes presented in this Chapter, both averaging and differencing operators appear. Yet \eqref{Eq_zps_hde} has not been used in these schemes: in contrast to diffusion and pressure gradient computations, no correction for partial steps is applied for advection. The main motivation is to preserve the domain averaged mean variance of the advected field when using the $2^{nd}$ order centred scheme. Sensitivity of the advection schemes to the way horizontal averages are performed in the vicinity of partial cells should be further investigated in the near future. %%% \gmcomment{gm : this last remark has to be done} %%%