! ! $Id$ ! C AGRIF (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran) C C Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent Debreu (Laurent.Debreu@imag.fr) C Christophe Vouland (Christophe.Vouland@imag.fr) C C This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify C it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by C the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or C (at your option) any later version. C C This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, C but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of C MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the C GNU General Public License for more details. C C You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License C along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software C Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. C C C CCC Module Agrif_Update C Module Agrif_Update C CCC Description: CCC Module to update a parent grid from its child grids C C Modules used: C Use Agrif_Updatebasic c Use Agrif_Boundary Use Agrif_Arrays Use Agrif_CurgridFunctions Use Agrif_Mask #ifdef AGRIF_MPI Use Agrif_mpp #endif C IMPLICIT NONE logical, private :: precomputedone(7) = .FALSE. C CONTAINS C Define procedures contained in this module C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_1d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_1d(TypeUpdate,parent,child,tab,deb,fin, & procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 1D grid variable on the parent grid. C C Declarations: C C C Arguments INTEGER, DIMENSION(6) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: parent ! Variable on the parent grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: child ! Variable on the child grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: childtemp ! Temporary variable on the child INTEGER :: deb,fin ! Positions where interpolations ! are done on the fine grid External :: procname Optional :: procname REAL, DIMENSION(lbound(child%var%array1,1): & ubound(child%var%array1,1)), Target :: tab ! Results C C C Definition of a temporary AGRIF_PVariable data TYPE allocate(childtemp % var) C C Pointer on the root variable childtemp % var % root_var => child % var %root_var C C Number of dimensions of the grid variable childtemp % var % nbdim = 1 C C Values on the current grid used for the update childtemp % var % array1 => tab C childtemp % var % list_update => child%var%list_update C IF (present(procname)) THEN CALL Agrif_UpdateVariable & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin,procname) ELSE CALL Agrif_UpdateVariable & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin) ENDIF C C child % var % list_update => childtemp%var%list_update deallocate(childtemp % var) C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_1D C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_2d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_2d(TypeUpdate,parent,child,tab,deb,fin, & procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 2D grid variable on the parent grid. C C Declarations: C C C Arguments INTEGER, DIMENSION(6) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: parent ! Variable on the parent grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: child ! Variable on the child grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: childtemp ! Temporary variable on the child INTEGER :: deb,fin ! Positions where interpolations ! are done on the fine grid External :: procname Optional :: procname REAL, DIMENSION( & lbound(child%var%array2,1):ubound(child%var%array2,1), & lbound(child%var%array2,2):ubound(child%var%array2,2)), & Target :: tab ! Results C C C Definition of a temporary AGRIF_PVariable data TYPE allocate(childtemp % var) C C Pointer on the root variable childtemp % var % root_var => child % var %root_var C C Number of dimensions of the grid variable childtemp % var % nbdim = 2 C C Values on the current grid used for the update childtemp % var % array2 => tab C childtemp % var % list_update => child%var%list_update C IF (present(procname)) THEN CALL Agrif_UpdateVariable & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin,procname) ELSE CALL Agrif_UpdateVariable & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin) ENDIF C C child % var % list_update => childtemp%var%list_update deallocate(childtemp % var) C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_2D C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_3d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_3d(TypeUpdate,parent,child,tab,deb,fin, & procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 3D grid variable on the parent grid. C C Declarations: C C C Arguments INTEGER, DIMENSION(6) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: parent ! Variable on the parent grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: child ! Variable on the child grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: childtemp ! Temporary variable on the child INTEGER :: deb,fin ! Positions where interpolations ! are done on the fine grid External :: procname Optional :: procname REAL, DIMENSION( & lbound(child%var%array3,1):ubound(child%var%array3,1), & lbound(child%var%array3,2):ubound(child%var%array3,2), & lbound(child%var%array3,3):ubound(child%var%array3,3)), & Target :: tab ! Results C C C Definition of a temporary AGRIF_PVariable data TYPE allocate(childtemp % var) C C Pointer on the root variable childtemp % var % root_var => child % var %root_var C C Number of dimensions of the grid variable childtemp % var % nbdim = 3 C C Values on the current grid used for the update childtemp % var % array3 => tab C childtemp % var % list_update => child%var%list_update C IF (present(procname)) THEN CALL Agrif_UpdateVariable & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin,procname) ELSE CALL Agrif_UpdateVariable & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin) ENDIF C C child % var % list_update => childtemp%var%list_update DEALLOCATE(childtemp % var) C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_3D C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_4d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_4d(TypeUpdate,parent,child,tab,deb,fin, & procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 4D grid variable on the parent grid. C C Declarations: C C C Arguments INTEGER, DIMENSION(6) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: parent ! Variable on the parent grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: child ! Variable on the child grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: childtemp ! Temporary variable on the child INTEGER :: deb,fin ! Positions where interpolations ! are done on the fine grid External :: procname Optional :: procname REAL, DIMENSION( & lbound(child%var%array4,1):ubound(child%var%array4,1), & lbound(child%var%array4,2):ubound(child%var%array4,2), & lbound(child%var%array4,3):ubound(child%var%array4,3), & lbound(child%var%array4,4):ubound(child%var%array4,4)), & Target :: tab ! Results C C C Definition of a temporary AGRIF_PVariable data TYPE allocate(childtemp % var) C C Pointer on the root variable childtemp % var % root_var => child % var %root_var C C Number of dimensions of the grid variable childtemp % var % nbdim = 4 C C Values on the current grid used for the update childtemp % var % array4 => tab C childtemp % var % list_update => child%var%list_update C IF (present(procname)) THEN CALL Agrif_UpdateVariable & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin,procname) ELSE CALL Agrif_UpdateVariable & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin) ENDIF C child % var % list_update => childtemp%var%list_update C deallocate(childtemp % var) C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_4D C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_5d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_5d(TypeUpdate,parent,child,tab,deb,fin, & procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 5D grid variable on the parent grid. C C Declarations: C C C Arguments INTEGER, DIMENSION(6) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: parent ! Variable on the parent grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: child ! Variable on the child grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: childtemp ! Temporary variable on the child INTEGER :: deb,fin ! Positions where interpolations ! are done on the fine grid External :: procname Optional :: procname REAL, DIMENSION( & lbound(child%var%array5,1):ubound(child%var%array5,1), & lbound(child%var%array5,2):ubound(child%var%array5,2), & lbound(child%var%array5,3):ubound(child%var%array5,3), & lbound(child%var%array5,4):ubound(child%var%array5,4), & lbound(child%var%array5,5):ubound(child%var%array5,5)), & Target :: tab ! Results C C C Definition of a temporary AGRIF_PVariable data TYPE allocate(childtemp % var) C C Pointer on the root variable childtemp % var % root_var => child % var %root_var C C Number of dimensions of the grid variable childtemp % var % nbdim = 5 C C Values on the current grid used for the update childtemp % var % array5 => tab C childtemp % var % list_update => child%var%list_update C IF (present(procname)) THEN CALL Agrif_UpdateVariable & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin,procname) ELSE CALL Agrif_UpdateVariable & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin) ENDIF C child % var % list_update => childtemp%var%list_update C deallocate(childtemp % var) C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_5D C C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_6d C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_6d(TypeUpdate,parent,child,tab,deb,fin) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 6D grid variable on the parent grid. C C Declarations: C C C Arguments INTEGER, DIMENSION(6) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: parent ! Variable on the parent grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: child ! Variable on the child grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: childtemp ! Temporary variable on the child INTEGER :: deb,fin ! Positions where interpolations ! are done on the fine grid REAL, DIMENSION( & lbound(child%var%array6,1):ubound(child%var%array6,1), & lbound(child%var%array6,2):ubound(child%var%array6,2), & lbound(child%var%array6,3):ubound(child%var%array6,3), & lbound(child%var%array6,4):ubound(child%var%array6,4), & lbound(child%var%array6,5):ubound(child%var%array6,5), & lbound(child%var%array6,6):ubound(child%var%array6,6)), & Target :: tab ! Results C C C Definition of a temporary AGRIF_PVariable data TYPE allocate(childtemp % var) C C Pointer on the root variable childtemp % var % root_var => child % var %root_var C C Number of dimensions of the grid variable childtemp % var % nbdim = 6 C C Values on the current grid used for the update childtemp % var % array6 => tab C childtemp % var % list_update => child%var%list_update C Call Agrif_UpdateVariable & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin) C child % var % list_update => childtemp%var%list_update C deallocate(childtemp % var) C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_6D C C C C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_UpdateVariable C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_UpdateVariable(TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin, & procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to set arguments of Agrif_UpdatenD, n being the number of C dimensions of the grid variable. C CC Declarations: C c C C Scalar argument INTEGER, DIMENSION(6) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) C Data TYPE arguments TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: parent ! Variable on the parent grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: child ! Variable on the child grid INTEGER :: deb,fin ! Positions where boundary conditions ! are calculated External :: procname Optional :: procname C C Local scalars INTEGER :: nbdim ! Number of dimensions of the current ! grid INTEGER ,DIMENSION(6) :: pttab_child INTEGER ,DIMENSION(6) :: petab_child INTEGER ,DIMENSION(6) :: pttab_parent REAL ,DIMENSION(6) :: s_child,s_parent REAL ,DIMENSION(6) :: ds_child,ds_parent INTEGER,DIMENSION(6) :: loctab_Child ! Indicates if the child ! grid has a common border with ! the root grid TYPE(AGRIF_Variable), Pointer :: root ! Variable on the root grid INTEGER,DIMENSION(6) :: posvartab_Child ! Position of the ! variable on the cell INTEGER,DIMENSION(6) :: nbtab_Child ! Number of the cells INTEGER :: n LOGICAL :: wholeupdate C C loctab_child(:) = 0 C root => child % var % root_var nbdim = root % nbdim C do n = 1,nbdim posvartab_child(n) = root % posvar(n) enddo C Call PreProcessToInterpOrUpdate(parent,child, & petab_Child(1:nbdim), & pttab_Child(1:nbdim),pttab_Parent(1:nbdim), & s_Child(1:nbdim),s_Parent(1:nbdim), & ds_Child(1:nbdim),ds_Parent(1:nbdim), & nbdim) C C do n = 1,nbdim C Select case(root % interptab(n)) C case('x') ! x DIMENSION C nbtab_Child(n) = Agrif_Curgrid % nb(1) C case('y') ! y DIMENSION C nbtab_Child(n) = Agrif_Curgrid % nb(2) C case('z') ! z DIMENSION C nbtab_Child(n) = Agrif_Curgrid % nb(3) C case('N') ! No space DIMENSION C select case (nbdim) C case(1) nbtab_Child(n) = SIZE(child % var % array1,n) - 1 case(2) nbtab_Child(n) = SIZE(child % var % array2,n) - 1 case(3) nbtab_Child(n) = SIZE(child % var % array3,n) - 1 case(4) nbtab_Child(n) = SIZE(child % var % array4,n) - 1 case(5) nbtab_Child(n) = SIZE(child % var % array5,n) - 1 case(6) nbtab_Child(n) = SIZE(child % var % array6,n) - 1 C end select C C No interpolation but only a copy of the values of the grid variable C posvartab_child(n) = 1 loctab_child(n) = -3 C End select C enddo C Call to a procedure of update according to the number of dimensions of C the grid variable wholeupdate = .FALSE. IF ((deb == -99) .AND. (deb == fin)) THEN wholeupdate = .TRUE. ENDIF IF ((deb > fin)) THEN wholeupdate = .TRUE. ENDIF IF (present(procname)) THEN IF (wholeupdate) THEN Call AGRIF_UpdateWhole & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin, & pttab_Child(1:nbdim),pttab_Parent(1:nbdim), & nbtab_Child(1:nbdim),posvartab_Child(1:nbdim), & loctab_Child(1:nbdim), & s_Child(1:nbdim),s_Parent(1:nbdim), & ds_Child(1:nbdim),ds_Parent(1:nbdim),nbdim,procname) ELSE Call AGRIF_UpdateBcnD & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin, & pttab_Child(1:nbdim),pttab_Parent(1:nbdim), & nbtab_Child(1:nbdim),posvartab_Child(1:nbdim), & loctab_Child(1:nbdim), & s_Child(1:nbdim),s_Parent(1:nbdim), & ds_Child(1:nbdim),ds_Parent(1:nbdim),nbdim,procname) ENDIF ELSE IF (wholeupdate) THEN Call AGRIF_UpdateWhole & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin, & pttab_Child(1:nbdim),pttab_Parent(1:nbdim), & nbtab_Child(1:nbdim),posvartab_Child(1:nbdim), & loctab_Child(1:nbdim), & s_Child(1:nbdim),s_Parent(1:nbdim), & ds_Child(1:nbdim),ds_Parent(1:nbdim),nbdim) ELSE Call AGRIF_UpdateBcnD & (TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin, & pttab_Child(1:nbdim),pttab_Parent(1:nbdim), & nbtab_Child(1:nbdim),posvartab_Child(1:nbdim), & loctab_Child(1:nbdim), & s_Child(1:nbdim),s_Parent(1:nbdim), & ds_Child(1:nbdim),ds_Parent(1:nbdim),nbdim) ENDIF ENDIF C Return C C End subroutine Agrif_UpdateVariable C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_UpdateWhole C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine AGRIF_UpdateWhole(TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin, & pttab_child,pttab_Parent, & nbtab_Child,posvartab_Child, & loctab_Child, & s_Child,s_Parent, & ds_Child,ds_Parent,nbdim,procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to calculate the boundary conditions for a nD grid variable on CCC a fine grid by using a space and time interpolations; it is called by the CCC Agrif_CorrectVariable procedure. C C C Declarations: C C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI C #include "mpif.h" C #endif C C Arguments INTEGER, DIMENSION(6) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or ! average) TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: parent ! Variable on the parent ! grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: child ! Variable on the child ! grid INTEGER :: deb, fin INTEGER :: nbdim ! Number of dimensions of ! the grid variable INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_child ! Index of the first point ! inside the domain for ! the parent grid ! variable INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_Parent ! Index of the first point ! inside the domain for ! the child grid ! variable INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: nbtab_Child ! Number of cells of the ! child grid INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: posvartab_Child ! Position of the grid ! variable (1 or 2) INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: loctab_Child ! Indicates if the child ! grid has a common ! border with the root ! grid REAL ,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_Child,s_Parent ! Positions of the parent ! and child grids REAL ,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: ds_Child,ds_Parent ! Space steps of the parent ! and child grids External :: procname Optional :: procname C C Local variables INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,2) :: lubglob INTEGER :: i INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,2,2) :: indtab ! Arrays indicating the ! limits of the child INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,2,2) :: indtruetab ! grid variable where ! boundary conditions are integer :: coeffraf INTEGER :: debloc, finloc C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI C INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: lb,ub INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,2) :: iminmaxg INTEGER :: code C #endif C C C indtab contains the limits for the fine grid points that will be used C in the update scheme DO i = 1, nbdim coeffraf = nint(ds_Parent(i)/ds_Child(i)) debloc = 0 finloc = nbtab_Child(i)/coeffraf - 1 IF (posvartab_child(i) == 1) THEN finloc = finloc - 1 ENDIF IF (deb > fin) THEN debloc = deb finloc = finloc - deb ENDIF indtab(i,1,1) = pttab_child(i) + (debloc + 1) * coeffraf indtab(i,1,2) = pttab_child(i) + (finloc + 1) * coeffraf IF (posvartab_child(i) == 1) THEN IF (TypeUpdate(i) .EQ. Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) THEN indtab(i,1,1) = indtab(i,1,1) - (coeffraf - 1) indtab(i,1,2) = indtab(i,1,2) + (coeffraf - 1) ELSE IF (TypeUpdate(i) .NE. Agrif_Update_Copy) THEN indtab(i,1,1) = indtab(i,1,1) - coeffraf / 2 indtab(i,1,2) = indtab(i,1,2) + coeffraf / 2 ENDIF ELSE indtab(i,1,1) = indtab(i,1,1) - coeffraf indtab(i,1,2) = indtab(i,1,2) - 1 IF ((TypeUpdate(i) .EQ. Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) & .AND.(mod(coeffraf,2) == 1)) THEN indtab(i,1,1) = indtab(i,1,1) - 1 indtab(i,1,2) = indtab(i,1,2) + 1 ENDIF ENDIF IF (loctab_child(i) == -3) THEN indtab(i,1,1) = pttab_child(i) C if (posvartab_child(i) == 1) then C indtab(i,1,2) = pttab_child(i) + nbtab_child(i) C else C indtab(i,1,2) = pttab_child(i) + nbtab_child(i) - 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO C lubglob contains the global lbound and ubound of the child array C lubglob(:,1) : global lbound for each dimension C lubglob(:,2) : global lbound for each dimension #if !defined AGRIF_MPI Call Agrif_nbdim_Get_bound_dimension(child % var,lubglob(:,1), & lubglob(:,2),nbdim) C #else C Call Agrif_nbdim_Get_bound_dimension(child % var,lb,ub,nbdim) DO i = 1,nbdim C Call Agrif_Invloc(lb(i),Agrif_Procrank,i,iminmaxg(i,1)) Call Agrif_Invloc(ub(i),Agrif_Procrank,i,iminmaxg(i,2)) C ENDDO C iminmaxg(1:nbdim,2) = - iminmaxg(1:nbdim,2) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE(iminmaxg,lubglob,2*nbdim,MPI_INTEGER,MPI_MIN, & MPI_COMM_WORLD,code) lubglob(1:nbdim,2) = - lubglob(1:nbdim,2) C #endif C indtruetab(1:nbdim,1,1) = max(indtab(1:nbdim,1,1), & lubglob(1:nbdim,1)) indtruetab(1:nbdim,1,2) = min(indtab(1:nbdim,1,2), & lubglob(1:nbdim,2)) C C IF (present(procname)) THEN Call Agrif_UpdatenD & (TypeUpdate,parent,child, & indtruetab(1:nbdim,1,1),indtruetab(1:nbdim,1,2), & pttab_child(1:nbdim),pttab_Parent(1:nbdim), & s_Child(1:nbdim),s_Parent(1:nbdim), & ds_Child(1:nbdim),ds_Parent(1:nbdim), & posvartab_child,loctab_Child, & nbdim,procname) ELSE Call Agrif_UpdatenD & (TypeUpdate,parent,child, & indtruetab(1:nbdim,1,1),indtruetab(1:nbdim,1,2), & pttab_child(1:nbdim),pttab_Parent(1:nbdim), & s_Child(1:nbdim),s_Parent(1:nbdim), & ds_Child(1:nbdim),ds_Parent(1:nbdim), & posvartab_child,loctab_Child, & nbdim) ENDIF C C C End Subroutine Agrif_UpdateWhole C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_UpdateBcnd C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine AGRIF_UpdateBcnd(TypeUpdate,parent,child,deb,fin, & pttab_child,pttab_Parent, & nbtab_Child,posvartab_Child, & loctab_Child, & s_Child,s_Parent, & ds_Child,ds_Parent,nbdim,procname) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to calculate the boundary conditions for a nD grid variable on CCC a fine grid by using a space and time interpolations; it is called by the CCC Agrif_CorrectVariable procedure. C C C Declarations: C C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI C #include "mpif.h" C #endif C C Arguments INTEGER, DIMENSION(6) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update ! (copy or average) TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: parent ! Variable on the parent ! grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVariable) :: child ! Variable on the child ! grid INTEGER :: deb,fin ! Positions where ! interpolations are done INTEGER :: nbdim ! Number of dimensions of ! the grid variable INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_child ! Index of the first point ! inside the domain for ! the parent grid ! variable INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_Parent ! Index of the first point ! inside the domain for ! the child grid variable INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: nbtab_Child ! Number of cells of the ! child grid INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: posvartab_Child ! Position of the grid ! variable (1 or 2) INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: loctab_Child ! Indicates if the child ! grid has a common ! border with the root ! grid REAL ,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_Child,s_Parent ! Positions of the parent ! and child grids REAL ,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: ds_Child,ds_Parent ! Space steps of the parent ! and child grids External :: procname Optional :: procname C C Local variables INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,2) :: lubglob INTEGER :: i INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,2,2) :: indtab ! Arrays indicating the ! limits of the child INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,2,2) :: indtruetab ! grid variable where ! boundary conditions are INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,2,2,nbdim) :: ptres ! calculated INTEGER :: nb,ndir,n integer :: coeffraf C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI C INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: lb,ub INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,2) :: iminmaxg INTEGER :: code C #endif C C DO i = 1, nbdim coeffraf = nint(ds_Parent(i)/ds_Child(i)) indtab(i,1,1) = pttab_child(i) + (deb + 1) * coeffraf indtab(i,1,2) = pttab_child(i) + (fin + 1) * coeffraf indtab(i,2,1) = pttab_child(i) + nbtab_child(i) & - (fin + 1) * coeffraf indtab(i,2,2) = pttab_child(i) + nbtab_child(i) & - (deb + 1) * coeffraf IF (posvartab_child(i) == 1) THEN IF (TypeUpdate(i) .EQ. Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) THEN indtab(i,:,1) = indtab(i,:,1) - (coeffraf - 1) indtab(i,:,2) = indtab(i,:,2) + (coeffraf - 1) ELSE IF (TypeUpdate(i) .NE. Agrif_Update_Copy) THEN indtab(i,:,1) = indtab(i,:,1) - coeffraf / 2 indtab(i,:,2) = indtab(i,:,2) + coeffraf / 2 ENDIF ELSE indtab(i,1,1) = indtab(i,1,1) - coeffraf indtab(i,1,2) = indtab(i,1,2) - 1 indtab(i,2,2) = indtab(i,2,2) + coeffraf - 1 IF (TypeUpdate(i) .EQ. Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) THEN indtab(i,1,1) = indtab(i,1,1) - 1 indtab(i,1,2) = indtab(i,1,2) + 1 indtab(i,2,1) = indtab(i,2,1) - 1 indtab(i,2,2) = indtab(i,2,2) + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO #if !defined AGRIF_MPI Call Agrif_nbdim_Get_bound_dimension(child % var,lubglob(:,1), & lubglob(:,2),nbdim) C #else C Call Agrif_nbdim_Get_bound_dimension(child % var,lb,ub,nbdim) DO i = 1,nbdim C Call Agrif_Invloc(lb(i),Agrif_Procrank,i,iminmaxg(i,1)) Call Agrif_Invloc(ub(i),Agrif_Procrank,i,iminmaxg(i,2)) C ENDDO C iminmaxg(1:nbdim,2) = - iminmaxg(1:nbdim,2) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE(iminmaxg,lubglob,2*nbdim,MPI_INTEGER,MPI_MIN, & MPI_COMM_WORLD,code) lubglob(1:nbdim,2) = - lubglob(1:nbdim,2) C #endif C indtruetab(1:nbdim,1,1) = max(indtab(1:nbdim,1,1), & lubglob(1:nbdim,1)) indtruetab(1:nbdim,1,2) = max(indtab(1:nbdim,1,2), & lubglob(1:nbdim,1)) indtruetab(1:nbdim,2,1) = min(indtab(1:nbdim,2,1), & lubglob(1:nbdim,2)) indtruetab(1:nbdim,2,2) = min(indtab(1:nbdim,2,2), & lubglob(1:nbdim,2)) C C do nb = 1,nbdim C do ndir = 1,2 C if (loctab_child(nb) /= -3) then C do n = 1,2 C ptres(nb,n,ndir,nb) = indtruetab(nb,ndir,n) C enddo C do i = 1,nbdim C if (i .NE. nb) then C if (loctab_child(i) == -3) then C ptres(i,1,ndir,nb) = pttab_child(i) C else C ptres(i,1,ndir,nb) = indtruetab(i,1,1) C endif C if (loctab_child(i) == -3) then C if (posvartab_child(i) == 1) then C ptres(i,2,ndir,nb) = pttab_child(i) & + nbtab_child(i) C else C ptres(i,2,ndir,nb) = pttab_child(i) & + nbtab_child(i) - 1 C endif C else C ptres(i,2,ndir,nb) = indtruetab(i,2,2) C endif C endif C enddo C endif enddo enddo C C do nb = 1,nbdim C do ndir = 1,2 C if (loctab_child(nb) /= -3) then C IF (present(procname)) THEN Call Agrif_UpdatenD & (TypeUpdate,parent,child, & ptres(1:nbdim,1,ndir,nb),ptres(1:nbdim,2,ndir,nb), & pttab_child(1:nbdim),pttab_Parent(1:nbdim), & s_Child(1:nbdim),s_Parent(1:nbdim), & ds_Child(1:nbdim),ds_Parent(1:nbdim), & posvartab_Child,loctab_Child, & nbdim,procname,nb,ndir) ELSE Call Agrif_UpdatenD & (TypeUpdate,parent,child, & ptres(1:nbdim,1,ndir,nb),ptres(1:nbdim,2,ndir,nb), & pttab_child(1:nbdim),pttab_Parent(1:nbdim), & s_Child(1:nbdim),s_Parent(1:nbdim), & ds_Child(1:nbdim),ds_Parent(1:nbdim), & posvartab_Child,loctab_Child, & nbdim) ENDIF C endif C enddo C enddo C C C End Subroutine Agrif_UpdateBcnd C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_UpdatenD C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_UpdatenD(TypeUpdate,parent,child, & pttab,petab, & pttab_Child,pttab_Parent, & s_Child,s_Parent, & ds_Child,ds_Parent, & posvartab_Child,loctab_Child, & nbdim,procname,nb,ndir) C C Description: C Subroutine to update a 2D grid variable on the parent grid of C the current grid. C C Declarations: C C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI C #include "mpif.h" C #endif C C Arguments INTEGER :: nbdim INTEGER, DIMENSION(6) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update ! (copy or average) TYPE(AGRIF_PVARIABLE) :: parent ! Variable of the parent ! grid TYPE(AGRIF_PVARIABLE) :: child ! Variable of the child ! grid INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab ! Index of the first ! point inside the ! domain INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: petab ! Index of the first ! point inside the ! domain INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_Child ! Index of the first ! point inside the ! domain for the child ! grid variable INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_Parent ! Index of the first ! point inside the ! domain for the parent ! grid variable REAL,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_Child,s_Parent ! Positions of the parent ! and child grids REAL,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: ds_Child,ds_Parent ! Space steps of the ! parent and child ! grids External :: procname Optional :: procname Integer :: nb,ndir Optional :: nb,ndir C C Local pointers TYPE(AGRIF_PVARIABLE), SAVE :: tempP ! Temporary parent grid variable TYPE(AGRIF_PVARIABLE), SAVE :: tempC ! Temporary child grid variable C C Local scalars INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttruetab,cetruetab INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: posvartab_Child,loctab_Child INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: indmin,indmax INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: indminglob,indmaxglob REAL ,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_Child_temp,s_Parent_temp cccccccc LOGICAL,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: noraftab INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: lowerbound,upperbound LOGICAL :: memberin, member INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttruetabwhole,cetruetabwhole INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,2,2) :: childarray INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,2,2) :: parentarray TYPE(AGRIF_PVARIABLE), SAVE :: tempCextend,tempPextend ! Temporary child INTEGER :: nbin, ndirin C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI C INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: indminglob2,indmaxglob2 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) :: sendtoproc1,recvfromproc1 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) :: sendtoproc2,recvfromproc2 INTEGER :: code INTEGER :: i,j,k INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,4) :: tab3 INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,4,0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) :: tab4 INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1,8) :: tab4t INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1,8) :: tab5t LOGICAL :: find_list_update LOGICAL, DIMENSION(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) :: memberinall, memberinall2 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(1) :: memberin1 C #endif C C C local lbound and ubound of the child array Call Agrif_nbdim_Get_bound_dimension(child%var, & lowerbound,upperbound,nbdim) C here pttab and petab corresponds to the (global) indices of the points needed C in the update C pttruetab and cetruetab contains only indices that are present C on the local processor Call Agrif_Childbounds(nbdim, & lowerbound,upperbound, & pttab,petab, & pttruetab,cetruetab,memberin) Call Agrif_Prtbounds(nbdim,indminglob,indmaxglob,s_Parent_temp, & s_Child_temp,s_Child,ds_Child, & s_Parent,ds_Parent, & pttab,petab,pttab_Child, & pttab_Parent, & posvartab_Child,TypeUpdate,loctab_Child #ifdef AGRIF_MPI & ,pttruetabwhole,cetruetabwhole #endif & ) #ifdef AGRIF_MPI IF (memberin) THEN Call Agrif_GlobtoLocInd2(childarray, & lowerbound,upperbound, & pttruetab,cetruetab, & nbdim,Agrif_Procrank, & member) ENDIF Call Agrif_Prtbounds(nbdim,indmin,indmax,s_Parent_temp, & s_Child_temp,s_Child,ds_Child, & s_Parent,ds_Parent, & pttruetab,cetruetab,pttab_Child, & pttab_Parent, & posvartab_Child,TypeUpdate,loctab_Child & ,pttruetabwhole,cetruetabwhole & ) #else indmin = indminglob indmax = indmaxglob pttruetabwhole = pttruetab cetruetabwhole = cetruetab childarray(:,1,2) = pttruetab childarray(:,2,2) = cetruetab #endif IF (present(procname)) THEN IF (.Not.present(nb)) THEN nbin=0 ndirin=0 ELSE nbin = nb ndirin = ndir ENDIF ENDIF IF (memberin) THEN IF (.not.associated(tempC%var)) allocate(tempC%var) C Call Agrif_nbdim_allocation(tempC%var, & pttruetab,cetruetab,nbdim) Call Agrif_nbdim_Full_VarEQreal(tempC%var,0.,nbdim) IF (present(procname)) THEN SELECT CASE (nbdim) CASE(1) CALL procname(tempC%var%array1, & childarray(1,1,2),childarray(1,2,2), & .TRUE.,nbin,ndirin) CASE(2) CALL procname(tempC%var%array2, & childarray(1,1,2),childarray(1,2,2), & childarray(2,1,2),childarray(2,2,2), & .TRUE.,nbin,ndirin) CASE(3) CALL procname(tempC%var%array3, & childarray(1,1,2),childarray(1,2,2), & childarray(2,1,2),childarray(2,2,2), & childarray(3,1,2),childarray(3,2,2), & .TRUE.,nbin,ndirin) CASE(4) CALL procname(tempC%var%array4, & childarray(1,1,2),childarray(1,2,2), & childarray(2,1,2),childarray(2,2,2), & childarray(3,1,2),childarray(3,2,2), & childarray(4,1,2),childarray(4,2,2), & .TRUE.,nbin,ndirin) CASE(5) CALL procname(tempC%var%array5, & childarray(1,1,2),childarray(1,2,2), & childarray(2,1,2),childarray(2,2,2), & childarray(3,1,2),childarray(3,2,2), & childarray(4,1,2),childarray(4,2,2), & childarray(5,1,2),childarray(5,2,2), & .TRUE.,nbin,ndirin) CASE(6) CALL procname(tempC%var%array6, & childarray(1,1,2),childarray(1,2,2), & childarray(2,1,2),childarray(2,2,2), & childarray(3,1,2),childarray(3,2,2), & childarray(4,1,2),childarray(4,2,2), & childarray(5,1,2),childarray(5,2,2), & childarray(6,1,2),childarray(6,2,2), & .TRUE.,nbin,ndirin) END SELECT ELSE Call Agrif_nbdim_VarEQvar(tempC%var,pttruetab,cetruetab, & child%var,childarray(:,1,2),childarray(:,2,2), & nbdim) ENDIF ENDIF C C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI C C tab2 contains the necessary limits of the parent grid for each processor IF (Associated(child%var%list_update)) THEN Call Agrif_Find_list_update(child%var%list_update,pttab,petab, & pttab_Child,pttab_Parent,nbdim, & find_list_update,tab4t,tab5t,memberinall,memberinall2, & sendtoproc1,recvfromproc1,sendtoproc2,recvfromproc2) ELSE find_list_update = .FALSE. ENDIF if (.not.find_list_update) then tab3(:,1) = pttruetab(:) tab3(:,2) = cetruetab(:) tab3(:,3) = pttruetabwhole(:) tab3(:,4) = cetruetabwhole(:) C C Call MPI_ALLGATHER(tab3,4*nbdim,MPI_INTEGER,tab4,4*nbdim, & MPI_INTEGER,MPI_COMM_WORLD,code) IF (.not.associated(tempCextend%var)) Allocate(tempCextend%var) DO k=0,Agrif_Nbprocs-1 do j=1,4 do i=1,nbdim tab4t(i,k,j) = tab4(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo memberin1(1) = memberin CALL MPI_ALLGATHER(memberin1,1,MPI_LOGICAL,memberinall, & 1,MPI_LOGICAL,MPI_COMM_WORLD,code) Call Get_External_Data_first(tab4t(:,:,1), & tab4t(:,:,2), & tab4t(:,:,3),tab4t(:,:,4),nbdim,memberin,memberin, & memberinall,sendtoproc1,recvfromproc1,tab4t(:,:,5), & tab4t(:,:,6),tab4t(:,:,7),tab4t(:,:,8)) endif Call ExchangeSameLevel2(sendtoproc1,recvfromproc1,nbdim, & tab4t(:,:,3),tab4t(:,:,4),tab4t(:,:,5),tab4t(:,:,6), & tab4t(:,:,7),tab4t(:,:,8),memberin,tempC, & tempCextend) ! Call Get_External_Data(tempC,tempCextend,tab4t(:,:,1), ! & tab4t(:,:,2), ! & tab4t(:,:,3),tab4t(:,:,4),nbdim,memberin,memberin, ! & memberinall) #else tempCextend%var => tempC%var #endif C C C Update of the parent grid (tempP) from the child grid (tempC) IF (memberin) THEN IF (.not.associated(tempP%var)) allocate(tempP%var) Call Agrif_nbdim_allocation(tempP%var, & indmin,indmax,nbdim) if ( nbdim .EQ. 1 ) then tempP%var%array1 = 0. Call Agrif_Update_1D_recursive(TypeUpdate, & tempP%var%array1,tempCextend%var%array1, & indmin,indmax, & pttruetabwhole,cetruetabwhole, & s_Child_temp,s_Parent_temp, & ds_Child,ds_Parent,nbdim) endif if ( nbdim .EQ. 2 ) then Call Agrif_Update_2D_recursive(TypeUpdate, & tempP%var%array2,tempCextend%var%array2, & indmin,indmax, & pttruetabwhole,cetruetabwhole, & s_Child_temp,s_Parent_temp, & ds_Child,ds_Parent,nbdim) endif if ( nbdim .EQ. 3 ) then Call Agrif_Update_3D_recursive(TypeUpdate, & tempP%var%array3,tempCextend%var%array3, & indmin,indmax, & pttruetabwhole,cetruetabwhole, & s_Child_temp,s_Parent_temp, & ds_Child,ds_Parent,nbdim) endif if ( nbdim .EQ. 4 ) then Call Agrif_Update_4D_recursive(TypeUpdate, & tempP%var%array4,tempCextend%var%array4, & indmin,indmax, & pttruetabwhole,cetruetabwhole, & s_Child_temp,s_Parent_temp, & ds_Child,ds_Parent,nbdim) endif if ( nbdim .EQ. 5 ) then Call Agrif_Update_5D_recursive(TypeUpdate, & tempP%var%array5,tempCextend%var%array5, & indmin,indmax, & pttruetabwhole,cetruetabwhole, & s_Child_temp,s_Parent_temp, & ds_Child,ds_Parent,nbdim) endif if ( nbdim .EQ. 6 ) then Call Agrif_Update_6D_recursive(TypeUpdate, & tempP%var%array6,tempCextend%var%array6, & indmin,indmax, & pttruetabwhole,cetruetabwhole, & s_Child_temp,s_Parent_temp, & ds_Child,ds_Parent,nbdim) endif Call Agrif_nbdim_deallocation(tempCextend%var,nbdim) C Deallocate(tempCextend%var) ENDIF #ifdef AGRIF_MPI Call Agrif_nbdim_Get_bound_dimension(parent%var, & lowerbound,upperbound,nbdim) Call Agrif_ChildGrid_to_ParentGrid() C Call Agrif_Childbounds(nbdim, & lowerbound,upperbound, & indminglob,indmaxglob, & indminglob2,indmaxglob2,member) C IF (member) THEN Call Agrif_GlobtoLocInd2(parentarray, & lowerbound,upperbound, & indminglob2,indmaxglob2, & nbdim,Agrif_Procrank, & member) ENDIF Call Agrif_ParentGrid_to_ChildGrid() if (.not.find_list_update) then tab3(:,1) = indmin(:) tab3(:,2) = indmax(:) tab3(:,3) = indminglob2(:) tab3(:,4) = indmaxglob2(:) C Call MPI_ALLGATHER(tab3,4*nbdim,MPI_INTEGER,tab4,4*nbdim, & MPI_INTEGER,MPI_COMM_WORLD,code) IF (.not.associated(tempPextend%var)) Allocate(tempPextend%var) DO k=0,Agrif_Nbprocs-1 do j=1,4 do i=1,nbdim tab5t(i,k,j) = tab4(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo memberin1(1) = member CALL MPI_ALLGATHER(memberin1,1,MPI_LOGICAL,memberinall2, & 1,MPI_LOGICAL,MPI_COMM_WORLD,code) Call Get_External_Data_first(tab5t(:,:,1), & tab5t(:,:,2), & tab5t(:,:,3),tab5t(:,:,4),nbdim,memberin,member, & memberinall2,sendtoproc2,recvfromproc2,tab5t(:,:,5), & tab5t(:,:,6),tab5t(:,:,7),tab5t(:,:,8)) Call Agrif_Addto_list_update(child%var%list_update,pttab,petab, & pttab_Child,pttab_Parent,nbdim & ,tab4t,tab5t,memberinall,memberinall2, & sendtoproc1,recvfromproc1,sendtoproc2,recvfromproc2) endif c Call Get_External_Data(tempP,tempPextend,tab5t(:,:,1), c & tab5t(:,:,2), c & tab5t(:,:,3),tab5t(:,:,4),nbdim,memberin,member, c & memberinall2) Call ExchangeSameLevel2(sendtoproc2,recvfromproc2,nbdim, & tab5t(:,:,3),tab5t(:,:,4),tab5t(:,:,5),tab5t(:,:,6), & tab5t(:,:,7),tab5t(:,:,8),member,tempP, & tempPextend) #else tempPextend%var => tempP%var parentarray(:,1,1) = indmin parentarray(:,2,1) = indmax parentarray(:,1,2) = indmin parentarray(:,2,2) = indmax member = .TRUE. #endif C C C C Special values on the child grid if (Agrif_UseSpecialValueFineGrid) then C ccc noraftab(1:nbdim) = ccc & child % var % root_var % interptab(1:nbdim) .EQ. 'N' C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI C c Allocate(childvalues% var) C c Call Agrif_nbdim_allocation(childvalues%var, c & pttruetab,cetruetab,nbdim) c Call Agrif_nbdim_Full_VarEQvar(childvalues% var, c & tempC% var, c & nbdim) c Call Agrif_CheckMasknD(tempC,childvalues, c & pttruetab(1:nbdim),cetruetab(1:nbdim), c & pttruetab(1:nbdim),cetruetab(1:nbdim), c & noraftab(1:nbdim),nbdim) c Call Agrif_nbdim_deallocation(childvalues% var,nbdim) c Deallocate(childvalues % var) C #else C c Call Agrif_nbdim_Get_bound_dimension(child%var, c & lowerbound,upperbound,nbdim) c Call Agrif_CheckMasknD(tempC,child, c & pttruetab(1:nbdim),cetruetab(1:nbdim), c & lowerbound, c & upperbound, c & noraftab(1:nbdim),nbdim) C #endif C endif C C C C C Special values on the parent grid if (Agrif_UseSpecialValue) then C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI C c Call GiveAgrif_SpecialValueToTab_mpi(parent%var,tempP%var, c & parentarray, c & indmin,indmax, c & Agrif_SpecialValue,nbdim) C C #else C c Call GiveAgrif_SpecialValueToTab(parent%var,tempP%var, c & indmin,indmax, c & Agrif_SpecialValue,nbdim) C #endif C C endif C C IF (member) THEN IF (present(procname)) THEN CALL Agrif_ChildGrid_to_ParentGrid() SELECT CASE(nbdim) CASE(1) CALL procname( & tempPextend%var%array1( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1)), & parentarray(1,1,2),parentarray(1,2,2), & .FALSE.,nbin,ndirin & ) CASE(2) CALL procname( & tempPextend%var%array2( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1), & parentarray(2,1,1):parentarray(2,2,1)), & parentarray(1,1,2),parentarray(1,2,2), & parentarray(2,1,2),parentarray(2,2,2), & .FALSE.,nbin,ndirin & ) CASE(3) CALL procname( & tempPextend%var%array3( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1), & parentarray(2,1,1):parentarray(2,2,1), & parentarray(3,1,1):parentarray(3,2,1)), & parentarray(1,1,2),parentarray(1,2,2), & parentarray(2,1,2),parentarray(2,2,2), & parentarray(3,1,2),parentarray(3,2,2), & .FALSE.,nbin,ndirin & ) CASE(4) CALL procname( & tempPextend%var%array4( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1), & parentarray(2,1,1):parentarray(2,2,1), & parentarray(3,1,1):parentarray(3,2,1), & parentarray(4,1,1):parentarray(4,2,1)), & parentarray(1,1,2),parentarray(1,2,2), & parentarray(2,1,2),parentarray(2,2,2), & parentarray(3,1,2),parentarray(3,2,2), & parentarray(4,1,2),parentarray(4,2,2), & .FALSE.,nbin,ndirin & ) CASE(5) CALL procname( & tempPextend%var%array5( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1), & parentarray(2,1,1):parentarray(2,2,1), & parentarray(3,1,1):parentarray(3,2,1), & parentarray(4,1,1):parentarray(4,2,1), & parentarray(5,1,1):parentarray(5,2,1)), & parentarray(1,1,2),parentarray(1,2,2), & parentarray(2,1,2),parentarray(2,2,2), & parentarray(3,1,2),parentarray(3,2,2), & parentarray(4,1,2),parentarray(4,2,2), & parentarray(5,1,2),parentarray(5,2,2), & .FALSE.,nbin,ndirin & ) CASE(6) CALL procname( & tempPextend%var%array6( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1), & parentarray(2,1,1):parentarray(2,2,1), & parentarray(3,1,1):parentarray(3,2,1), & parentarray(4,1,1):parentarray(4,2,1), & parentarray(5,1,1):parentarray(5,2,1), & parentarray(6,1,1):parentarray(6,2,1)), & parentarray(1,1,2),parentarray(1,2,2), & parentarray(2,1,2),parentarray(2,2,2), & parentarray(3,1,2),parentarray(3,2,2), & parentarray(4,1,2),parentarray(4,2,2), & parentarray(5,1,2),parentarray(5,2,2), & parentarray(6,1,2),parentarray(6,2,2), & .FALSE.,nbin,ndirin & ) END SELECT CALL Agrif_ParentGrid_to_ChildGrid() ELSE SELECT CASE(nbdim) CASE(1) parent%var%array1(parentarray(1,1,2):parentarray(1,2,2)) = & tempPextend%var%array1( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1)) CASE(2) parent%var%array2(parentarray(1,1,2):parentarray(1,2,2), & parentarray(2,1,2):parentarray(2,2,2)) = & tempPextend%var%array2( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1), & parentarray(2,1,1):parentarray(2,2,1)) CASE(3) parent%var%array3(parentarray(1,1,2):parentarray(1,2,2), & parentarray(2,1,2):parentarray(2,2,2), & parentarray(3,1,2):parentarray(3,2,2)) = & tempPextend%var%array3( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1), & parentarray(2,1,1):parentarray(2,2,1), & parentarray(3,1,1):parentarray(3,2,1)) CASE(4) parent%var%array4(parentarray(1,1,2):parentarray(1,2,2), & parentarray(2,1,2):parentarray(2,2,2), & parentarray(3,1,2):parentarray(3,2,2), & parentarray(4,1,2):parentarray(4,2,2)) = & tempPextend%var%array4( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1), & parentarray(2,1,1):parentarray(2,2,1), & parentarray(3,1,1):parentarray(3,2,1), & parentarray(4,1,1):parentarray(4,2,1)) CASE(5) parent%var%array5(parentarray(1,1,2):parentarray(1,2,2), & parentarray(2,1,2):parentarray(2,2,2), & parentarray(3,1,2):parentarray(3,2,2), & parentarray(4,1,2):parentarray(4,2,2), & parentarray(5,1,2):parentarray(5,2,2)) = & tempPextend%var%array5( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1), & parentarray(2,1,1):parentarray(2,2,1), & parentarray(3,1,1):parentarray(3,2,1), & parentarray(4,1,1):parentarray(4,2,1), & parentarray(5,1,1):parentarray(5,2,1)) CASE(6) parent%var%array6(parentarray(1,1,2):parentarray(1,2,2), & parentarray(2,1,2):parentarray(2,2,2), & parentarray(3,1,2):parentarray(3,2,2), & parentarray(4,1,2):parentarray(4,2,2), & parentarray(5,1,2):parentarray(5,2,2), & parentarray(6,1,2):parentarray(6,2,2)) = & tempPextend%var%array6( & parentarray(1,1,1):parentarray(1,2,1), & parentarray(2,1,1):parentarray(2,2,1), & parentarray(3,1,1):parentarray(3,2,1), & parentarray(4,1,1):parentarray(4,2,1), & parentarray(5,1,1):parentarray(5,2,1), & parentarray(6,1,1):parentarray(6,2,1)) END SELECT ENDIF Call Agrif_nbdim_deallocation(tempPextend%var,nbdim) ENDIF C C C Deallocations IF (memberin) THEN #ifdef AGRIF_MPI Call Agrif_nbdim_deallocation(tempP%var,nbdim) Call Agrif_nbdim_deallocation(tempC%var,nbdim) ! Deallocate(tempC % var) #endif ! Deallocate(tempP % var) ENDIF #ifdef AGRIF_MPI ! Deallocate(tempPextend%var) ! IF (.Not.memberin) Deallocate(tempCextend%var) #endif C C End Subroutine Agrif_UpdatenD C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Prtbounds C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Prtbounds(nbdim,indmin,indmax,s_Parent_temp, & s_Child_temp,s_Child,ds_Child, & s_Parent,ds_Parent, & pttruetab,cetruetab,pttab_Child, & pttab_Parent, & posvartab_child,TypeUpdate, & loctab_Child #ifdef AGRIF_MPI & ,pttruetabwhole,cetruetabwhole #endif & ) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine calculating the bounds of the parent grid to be updated CCC by the child grid C C C Declarations: C C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI cccccccccccccccccccccccccc#include "mpif.h" #endif C C Arguments INTEGER :: nbdim INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: indmin,indmax REAL,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_Parent_temp,s_child_temp REAL,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_Child,ds_child REAL,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_Parent,ds_Parent INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttruetab,cetruetab INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: posvartab_child,TypeUpdate INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: loctab_Child INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_Child,pttab_Parent C C Local variables INTEGER :: i REAL,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: dim_newmin,dim_newmax #ifdef AGRIF_MPI INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttruetabwhole,cetruetabwhole REAL :: positionmin,positionmax INTEGER :: imin,imax #endif C C do i = 1,nbdim C dim_newmin(i) = s_Child(i) + (pttruetab(i) - & pttab_Child(i)) * ds_Child(i) C dim_newmax(i) = s_Child(i) + (cetruetab(i) - & pttab_Child(i)) * ds_Child(i) C indmin(i) = pttab_Parent(i) + & agrif_ceiling((dim_newmin(i)-s_Parent(i))/ds_Parent(i)) C indmax(i) = pttab_Parent(i) + & agrif_int((dim_newmax(i)-s_Parent(i))/ds_Parent(i)) C #ifdef AGRIF_MPI positionmin = s_Parent(i) + (indmin(i)- & pttab_Parent(i))*ds_Parent(i) IF (loctab_Child(i) .NE. -3) THEN IF (posvartab_child(i) == 1) THEN IF (TypeUpdate(i) .EQ. Agrif_Update_Average) THEN positionmin = positionmin - ds_Parent(i)/2. ELSE IF (TypeUpdate(i) .EQ. Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) THEN positionmin = positionmin - (ds_Parent(i)-ds_Child(i)) ENDIF ELSE positionmin = positionmin - ds_Parent(i)/2. IF (TypeUpdate(i) .EQ. Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) THEN positionmin = positionmin - ds_Child(i) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF imin = pttab_Child(i) + & agrif_ceiling((positionmin-s_Child(i))/ds_Child(i)) positionmin = s_Child(i) + (imin - & pttab_Child(i)) * ds_Child(i) pttruetabwhole(i) = imin positionmax = s_Parent(i) + (indmax(i)- & pttab_Parent(i))*ds_Parent(i) IF (loctab_Child(i) .NE. -3) THEN IF (posvartab_child(i) == 1) THEN IF (TypeUpdate(i) .EQ. Agrif_Update_Average) THEN positionmax = positionmax + ds_Parent(i)/2. ELSE IF (TypeUpdate(i) .EQ. Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) THEN positionmax = positionmax + (ds_Parent(i)-ds_Child(i)) ENDIF ELSE positionmax = positionmax + ds_Parent(i)/2. IF (TypeUpdate(i) .EQ. Agrif_Update_Full_Weighting) THEN positionmax = positionmax + ds_Child(i) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF imax = pttab_Child(i) + & agrif_int((positionmax-s_Child(i))/ds_Child(i)) positionmax = s_Child(i) + (imax - & pttab_Child(i)) * ds_Child(i) cetruetabwhole(i) = imax #endif C s_Parent_temp(i) = s_Parent(i) + & (indmin(i) - pttab_Parent(i)) * & ds_Parent(i) C s_Child_temp(i) = dim_newmin(i) #ifdef AGRIF_MPI s_Child_temp(i) = positionmin #endif C enddo C Return C C End Subroutine Agrif_Prtbounds C C C C C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_2D_Recursive C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_2D_recursive(TypeUpdate,tempP,tempC, & indmin,indmax, & pttab_child,petab_child, & s_child,s_parent, & ds_child,ds_parent,nbdim) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 2D grid variable on the parent grid. CCC It calls Agrif_Update_1D_Recursive and Agrif_UpdateBase. C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C INTEGER :: nbdim INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: indmin,indmax INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_child,petab_child REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_child,s_parent REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: ds_child,ds_parent REAL, DIMENSION(indmin(1):indmax(1), & indmin(2):indmax(2)) :: tempP C REAL, DIMENSION(pttab_child(1):petab_child(1), C & pttab_child(2):petab_child(2)) :: tempC REAL, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tempC C C Local variables REAL, DIMENSION(indmin(1):indmax(1), & pttab_child(2):petab_child(2)) :: tabtemp REAL, DIMENSION(indmin(2):indmax(2), & indmin(1):indmax(1)) :: tempP_trsp REAL, DIMENSION(pttab_child(2):petab_child(2), & indmin(1):indmax(1)) :: tabtemp_trsp INTEGER :: i,j INTEGER :: coeffraf,locind_child_left C tabtemp = 0. coeffraf = nint ( ds_parent(1) / ds_child(1) ) IF((TypeUpdate(1) == AGRIF_Update_average) & .AND. (coeffraf /= 1 ))THEN !---CDIR NEXPAND IF(.NOT. precomputedone(1) ) Call average1Dprecompute2D & (petab_child(2)-pttab_child(2)+1, & indmax(1)-indmin(1)+1, & petab_child(1)-pttab_child(1)+1, & s_parent(1),s_child(1),ds_parent(1),ds_child(1),1) !---CDIR NEXPAND Call average1Daftercompute & ( tabtemp, tempC, & size(tabtemp), size(tempC), & s_parent(1),s_child(1),ds_parent(1),ds_child(1),1) ELSEIF((TypeUpdate(1) == AGRIF_Update_copy) & .AND. (coeffraf /= 1 ))THEN !---CDIR NEXPAND IF(.NOT. precomputedone(1) ) Call copy1Dprecompute2D & (petab_child(2)-pttab_child(2)+1, & indmax(1)-indmin(1)+1, & petab_child(1)-pttab_child(1)+1, & s_parent(1),s_child(1),ds_parent(1),ds_child(1),1) !---CDIR NEXPAND Call copy1Daftercompute & ( tabtemp, tempC, & size(tabtemp), size(tempC), & s_parent(1),s_child(1),ds_parent(1),ds_child(1),1) ELSE do j = pttab_child(nbdim),petab_child(nbdim) C !---CDIR NEXPAND Call Agrif_Update_1D_recursive(TypeUpdate(1:nbdim-1), & tabtemp(:,j), & tempC(:,j-pttab_child(nbdim)+1), & indmin(1:nbdim-1),indmax(1:nbdim-1), & pttab_child(1:nbdim-1),petab_child(1:nbdim-1), & s_child(1:nbdim-1),s_parent(1:nbdim-1), & ds_child(1:nbdim-1),ds_parent(1:nbdim-1),nbdim-1) C enddo ENDIF tabtemp_trsp = TRANSPOSE(tabtemp) coeffraf = nint(ds_parent(nbdim)/ds_child(nbdim)) !---CDIR NEXPAND Call Agrif_Compute_nbdim_update(s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim),coeffraf,locind_child_left) C tempP_trsp = 0. IF((TypeUpdate(2) == AGRIF_Update_average) & .AND. (coeffraf /= 1 ))THEN !---CDIR NEXPAND IF(.NOT. precomputedone(2) ) Call average1Dprecompute2D & ( indmax(1)-indmin(1)+1, & indmax(2)-indmin(2)+1, & petab_child(2)-pttab_child(2)+1, & s_parent(2),s_child(2),ds_parent(2),ds_child(2),2) !---CDIR NEXPAND Call average1Daftercompute & ( tempP_trsp, tabtemp_trsp, & size(tempP_trsp), size(tabtemp_trsp), & s_parent(2),s_child(2),ds_parent(2),ds_child(2),2) ELSEIF((TypeUpdate(2) == AGRIF_Update_copy) & .AND. (coeffraf /= 1 ))THEN !---CDIR NEXPAND IF(.NOT. precomputedone(2) ) Call copy1Dprecompute2D & ( indmax(1)-indmin(1)+1, & indmax(2)-indmin(2)+1, & petab_child(2)-pttab_child(2)+1, & s_parent(2),s_child(2),ds_parent(2),ds_child(2),2) !---CDIR NEXPAND Call copy1Daftercompute & ( tempP_trsp, tabtemp_trsp, & size(tempP_trsp), size(tabtemp_trsp), & s_parent(2),s_child(2),ds_parent(2),ds_child(2),2) ELSE do i = indmin(1),indmax(1) C !---CDIR NEXPAND Call Agrif_UpdateBase(TypeUpdate(2), & tempP_trsp(indmin(nbdim):indmax(nbdim),i), & tabtemp_trsp(pttab_child(nbdim):petab_child(nbdim),i), & indmin(nbdim),indmax(nbdim), & pttab_child(nbdim),petab_child(nbdim), & s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim), & coeffraf,locind_child_left) C enddo ENDIF tempP = TRANSPOSE(tempP_trsp) C Return C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_2D_recursive C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_3D_Recursive C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_3D_recursive(TypeUpdate,tempP,tempC, & indmin,indmax, & pttab_child,petab_child, & s_child,s_parent, & ds_child,ds_parent,nbdim) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 3D grid variable on the parent grid. CCC It calls Agrif_Update_2D_Recursive and Agrif_UpdateBase. C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C INTEGER :: nbdim INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: indmin,indmax INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_child,petab_child REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_child,s_parent REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: ds_child,ds_parent REAL, DIMENSION(indmin(1):indmax(1), & indmin(2):indmax(2), & indmin(3):indmax(3)) :: tempP REAL, DIMENSION(pttab_child(1):petab_child(1), & pttab_child(2):petab_child(2), & pttab_child(3):petab_child(3)) :: tempC C C Local variables REAL, DIMENSION(indmin(1):indmax(1), & indmin(2):indmax(2), & pttab_child(3):petab_child(3)) :: tabtemp INTEGER :: i,j,k INTEGER :: coeffraf,locind_child_left INTEGER :: kdeb C C coeffraf = nint ( ds_parent(1) / ds_child(1) ) IF((TypeUpdate(1) == AGRIF_Update_average) & .AND. (coeffraf /= 1 ))THEN !---CDIR NEXPAND Call average1Dprecompute2D & (petab_child(2)-pttab_child(2)+1, & indmax(1)-indmin(1)+1, & petab_child(1)-pttab_child(1)+1, & s_parent(1),s_child(1),ds_parent(1),ds_child(1),1) precomputedone(1) = .TRUE. ELSEIF((TypeUpdate(1) == AGRIF_Update_copy) & .AND. (coeffraf /= 1 ))THEN !---CDIR NEXPAND Call copy1Dprecompute2D & (petab_child(2)-pttab_child(2)+1, & indmax(1)-indmin(1)+1, & petab_child(1)-pttab_child(1)+1, & s_parent(1),s_child(1),ds_parent(1),ds_child(1),1) precomputedone(1) = .TRUE. ENDIF coeffraf = nint ( ds_parent(2) / ds_child(2) ) IF((TypeUpdate(2) == AGRIF_Update_average) & .AND. (coeffraf /= 1 ))THEN !---CDIR NEXPAND Call average1Dprecompute2D & ( indmax(1)-indmin(1)+1, & indmax(2)-indmin(2)+1, & petab_child(2)-pttab_child(2)+1, & s_parent(2),s_child(2),ds_parent(2),ds_child(2),2) precomputedone(2) = .TRUE. ELSEIF((TypeUpdate(2) == AGRIF_Update_copy) & .AND. (coeffraf /= 1 ))THEN !---CDIR NEXPAND Call copy1Dprecompute2D & ( indmax(1)-indmin(1)+1, & indmax(2)-indmin(2)+1, & petab_child(2)-pttab_child(2)+1, & s_parent(2),s_child(2),ds_parent(2),ds_child(2),2) precomputedone(2) = .TRUE. ENDIF do k = pttab_child(nbdim),petab_child(nbdim) C Call Agrif_Update_2D_recursive(TypeUpdate(1:nbdim-1), & tabtemp(:,:,k), & tempC(:,:,k), & indmin(1:nbdim-1),indmax(1:nbdim-1), & pttab_child(1:nbdim-1),petab_child(1:nbdim-1), & s_child(1:nbdim-1),s_parent(1:nbdim-1), & ds_child(1:nbdim-1),ds_parent(1:nbdim-1),nbdim-1) C enddo C precomputedone(1) = .FALSE. precomputedone(2) = .FALSE. coeffraf = nint ( ds_parent(3) / ds_child(3) ) Call Agrif_Compute_nbdim_update(s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim),coeffraf,locind_child_left) IF (coeffraf == 1) THEN kdeb = pttab_child(3)+locind_child_left-2 do k=indmin(3),indmax(3) kdeb = kdeb + 1 do j = indmin(2),indmax(2) do i = indmin(1),indmax(1) tempP(i,j,k) = tabtemp(i,j,kdeb) enddo enddo enddo ELSE tempP = 0. C do j = indmin(2),indmax(2) C do i = indmin(1),indmax(1) C Call Agrif_UpdateBase(TypeUpdate(3), & tempP(i,j,:), & tabtemp(i,j,:), & indmin(nbdim),indmax(nbdim), & pttab_child(nbdim),petab_child(nbdim), & s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim), & coeffraf,locind_child_left) C enddo C enddo ENDIF C Return C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_3D_recursive C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_4D_Recursive C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_4D_recursive(TypeUpdate,tempP,tempC, & indmin,indmax, & pttab_child,petab_child, & s_child,s_parent, & ds_child,ds_parent,nbdim) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 4D grid variable on the parent grid. CCC It calls Agrif_Update_3D_Recursive and Agrif_UpdateBase. C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C INTEGER :: nbdim INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: indmin,indmax INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_child,petab_child REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_child,s_parent REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: ds_child,ds_parent REAL, DIMENSION(indmin(1):indmax(1), & indmin(2):indmax(2), & indmin(3):indmax(3), & indmin(4):indmax(4)) :: tempP REAL, DIMENSION(pttab_child(1):petab_child(1), & pttab_child(2):petab_child(2), & pttab_child(3):petab_child(3), & pttab_child(4):petab_child(4)) :: tempC C C Local variables REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), Allocatable :: tabtemp INTEGER :: i,j,k,l INTEGER :: coeffraf,locind_child_left C C Allocate(tabtemp(indmin(1):indmax(1), & indmin(2):indmax(2), & indmin(3):indmax(3), & pttab_child(4):petab_child(4))) C do l = pttab_child(nbdim),petab_child(nbdim) C Call Agrif_Update_3D_recursive(TypeUpdate(1:nbdim-1), & tabtemp(indmin(nbdim-3):indmax(nbdim-3), & indmin(nbdim-2):indmax(nbdim-2), & indmin(nbdim-1):indmax(nbdim-1),l), & tempC(pttab_child(nbdim-3):petab_child(nbdim-3), & pttab_child(nbdim-2):petab_child(nbdim-2), & pttab_child(nbdim-1):petab_child(nbdim-1),l), & indmin(1:nbdim-1),indmax(1:nbdim-1), & pttab_child(1:nbdim-1),petab_child(1:nbdim-1), & s_child(1:nbdim-1),s_parent(1:nbdim-1), & ds_child(1:nbdim-1),ds_parent(1:nbdim-1),nbdim-1) C enddo Call Agrif_Compute_nbdim_update(s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim),coeffraf,locind_child_left) C tempP = 0. do k = indmin(3),indmax(3) C do j = indmin(2),indmax(2) C do i = indmin(1),indmax(1) C Call Agrif_UpdateBase(TypeUpdate(4), & tempP(i,j,k,indmin(nbdim):indmax(nbdim)), & tabtemp(i,j,k,pttab_child(nbdim):petab_child(nbdim)), & indmin(nbdim),indmax(nbdim), & pttab_child(nbdim),petab_child(nbdim), & s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim), & coeffraf,locind_child_left) C enddo C enddo C enddo C Deallocate(tabtemp) C Return C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_4D_recursive C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_5D_Recursive C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_5D_recursive(TypeUpdate,tempP,tempC, & indmin,indmax, & pttab_child,petab_child, & s_child,s_parent, & ds_child,ds_parent,nbdim) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 5D grid variable on the parent grid. CCC It calls Agrif_Update_4D_Recursive and Agrif_UpdateBase. C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C INTEGER :: nbdim INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: indmin,indmax INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_child,petab_child REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_child,s_parent REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: ds_child,ds_parent REAL, DIMENSION(indmin(1):indmax(1), & indmin(2):indmax(2), & indmin(3):indmax(3), & indmin(4):indmax(4), & indmin(5):indmax(5)) :: tempP REAL, DIMENSION(pttab_child(1):petab_child(1), & pttab_child(2):petab_child(2), & pttab_child(3):petab_child(3), & pttab_child(4):petab_child(4), & pttab_child(5):petab_child(5)) :: tempC C C Local variables REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), Allocatable :: tabtemp INTEGER :: i,j,k,l,m INTEGER :: coeffraf,locind_child_left C C Allocate(tabtemp(indmin(1):indmax(1), & indmin(2):indmax(2), & indmin(3):indmax(3), & indmin(4):indmax(4), & pttab_child(5):petab_child(5))) C do m = pttab_child(nbdim),petab_child(nbdim) C Call Agrif_Update_4D_recursive(TypeUpdate(1:nbdim-1), & tabtemp(indmin(nbdim-4):indmax(nbdim-4), & indmin(nbdim-3):indmax(nbdim-3), & indmin(nbdim-2):indmax(nbdim-2), & indmin(nbdim-1):indmax(nbdim-1),m), & tempC(pttab_child(nbdim-4):petab_child(nbdim-4), & pttab_child(nbdim-3):petab_child(nbdim-3), & pttab_child(nbdim-2):petab_child(nbdim-2), & pttab_child(nbdim-1):petab_child(nbdim-1),m), & indmin(1:nbdim-1),indmax(1:nbdim-1), & pttab_child(1:nbdim-1),petab_child(1:nbdim-1), & s_child(1:nbdim-1),s_parent(1:nbdim-1), & ds_child(1:nbdim-1),ds_parent(1:nbdim-1),nbdim-1) C enddo Call Agrif_Compute_nbdim_update(s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim),coeffraf,locind_child_left) tempP = 0. C do l = indmin(4),indmax(4) C do k = indmin(3),indmax(3) C do j = indmin(2),indmax(2) C do i = indmin(1),indmax(1) C Call Agrif_UpdateBase(TypeUpdate(5), & tempP(i,j,k,l,indmin(nbdim):indmax(nbdim)), & tabtemp(i,j,k,l, & pttab_child(nbdim):petab_child(nbdim)), & indmin(nbdim),indmax(nbdim), & pttab_child(nbdim),petab_child(nbdim), & s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim), & coeffraf,locind_child_left) C enddo C enddo C enddo C enddo C Deallocate(tabtemp) C Return C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_5D_recursive C C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_6D_Recursive C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_6D_recursive(TypeUpdate,tempP,tempC, & indmin,indmax, & pttab_child,petab_child, & s_child,s_parent, & ds_child,ds_parent,nbdim) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 6D grid variable on the parent grid. CCC It calls Agrif_Update_5D_Recursive and Agrif_UpdateBase. C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C INTEGER :: nbdim INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: indmin,indmax INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_child,petab_child REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_child,s_parent REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: ds_child,ds_parent REAL, DIMENSION(indmin(1):indmax(1), & indmin(2):indmax(2), & indmin(3):indmax(3), & indmin(4):indmax(4), & indmin(5):indmax(5), & indmin(6):indmax(6)) :: tempP REAL, DIMENSION(pttab_child(1):petab_child(1), & pttab_child(2):petab_child(2), & pttab_child(3):petab_child(3), & pttab_child(4):petab_child(4), & pttab_child(5):petab_child(5), & pttab_child(6):petab_child(6)) :: tempC C C Local variables REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:,:), Allocatable :: tabtemp INTEGER :: i,j,k,l,m,n INTEGER :: coeffraf,locind_child_left C C Allocate(tabtemp(indmin(1):indmax(1), & indmin(2):indmax(2), & indmin(3):indmax(3), & indmin(4):indmax(4), & indmin(5):indmax(5), & pttab_child(6):petab_child(6))) C do n = pttab_child(nbdim),petab_child(nbdim) C Call Agrif_Update_5D_recursive(TypeUpdate(1:nbdim-1), & tabtemp(indmin(nbdim-5):indmax(nbdim-5), & indmin(nbdim-4):indmax(nbdim-4), & indmin(nbdim-3):indmax(nbdim-3), & indmin(nbdim-2):indmax(nbdim-2), & indmin(nbdim-1):indmax(nbdim-1),n), & tempC(pttab_child(nbdim-5):petab_child(nbdim-5), & pttab_child(nbdim-4):petab_child(nbdim-4), & pttab_child(nbdim-3):petab_child(nbdim-3), & pttab_child(nbdim-2):petab_child(nbdim-2), & pttab_child(nbdim-1):petab_child(nbdim-1),n), & indmin(1:nbdim-1),indmax(1:nbdim-1), & pttab_child(1:nbdim-1),petab_child(1:nbdim-1), & s_child(1:nbdim-1),s_parent(1:nbdim-1), & ds_child(1:nbdim-1),ds_parent(1:nbdim-1),nbdim-1) C enddo Call Agrif_Compute_nbdim_update(s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim),coeffraf,locind_child_left) C tempP = 0. do m = indmin(5),indmax(5) do l = indmin(4),indmax(4) C do k = indmin(3),indmax(3) C do j = indmin(2),indmax(2) C do i = indmin(1),indmax(1) C Call Agrif_UpdateBase(TypeUpdate(6), & tempP(i,j,k,l,m,indmin(nbdim):indmax(nbdim)), & tabtemp(i,j,k,l,m, & pttab_child(nbdim):petab_child(nbdim)), & indmin(nbdim),indmax(nbdim), & pttab_child(nbdim),petab_child(nbdim), & s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim), & coeffraf,locind_child_left) C enddo C enddo C enddo C enddo enddo C Deallocate(tabtemp) C Return C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_6D_recursive C C C C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_UpdateBase C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_UpdateBase(TypeUpdate, & parenttab,childtab, & indmin,indmax,pttab_child,petab_child, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child, & coeffraf,locind_child_left) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine calling the updating method chosen by the user (copy, average CCC or full-weighting). C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C INTEGER :: TypeUpdate INTEGER :: indmin,indmax INTEGER :: pttab_child,petab_child REAL,DIMENSION(indmin:indmax) :: parenttab REAL,DIMENSION(pttab_child:petab_child) :: childtab REAL :: s_parent,s_child REAL :: ds_parent,ds_child INTEGER :: coeffraf,locind_child_left C C if (TypeUpdate == AGRIF_Update_copy) then C Call agrif_copy1D & (parenttab,childtab, & indmax-indmin+1,petab_child-pttab_child+1, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C elseif (TypeUpdate == AGRIF_Update_average) then C Call average1D & (parenttab,childtab, & indmax-indmin+1,petab_child-pttab_child+1, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child) C elseif (TypeUpdate == AGRIF_Update_full_weighting) then C Call full_weighting1D & (parenttab,childtab, & indmax-indmin+1,petab_child-pttab_child+1, & s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child, & coeffraf,locind_child_left) C endif C Return C C End Subroutine Agrif_UpdateBase C C Subroutine Agrif_Compute_nbdim_update(s_parent,s_child, & ds_parent,ds_child,coeffraf,locind_child_left) real :: s_parent,s_child,ds_parent,ds_child integer :: coeffraf,locind_child_left coeffraf = nint(ds_parent/ds_child) locind_child_left = 1 + agrif_int((s_parent-s_child)/ds_child) End Subroutine Agrif_Compute_nbdim_update #if defined AGRIF_MPI Subroutine Agrif_Find_list_update(list_update,pttab,petab, & pttab_Child,pttab_Parent,nbdim, & find_list_update,tab4t,tab5t,memberinall,memberinall2, & sendtoproc1,recvfromproc1,sendtoproc2,recvfromproc2) TYPE(Agrif_List_Interp_Loc), Pointer :: list_update INTEGER :: nbdim INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab,petab,pttab_Child,pttab_Parent LOGICAL :: find_list_update Type(Agrif_List_Interp_loc), Pointer :: parcours INTEGER :: i C INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1,8) :: tab4t INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1,8) :: tab5t LOGICAL, DIMENSION(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) :: memberinall,memberinall2 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) :: sendtoproc1,recvfromproc1 LOGICAL, DIMENSION(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) :: sendtoproc2,recvfromproc2 find_list_update = .FALSE. parcours => list_update Find_loop : Do While (associated(parcours)) Do i=1,nbdim IF ((pttab(i) /= parcours%interp_loc%pttab(i)).OR. & (petab(i) /= parcours%interp_loc%petab(i)).OR. & (pttab_child(i) /= parcours%interp_loc%pttab_child(i)).OR. & (pttab_parent(i) /= parcours%interp_loc%pttab_parent(i))) & THEN parcours=>parcours%suiv Cycle Find_loop ENDIF EndDo tab4t = parcours%interp_loc%tab4t(1:nbdim,0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1,1:8) memberinall = parcours%interp_loc%memberinall(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) tab5t = parcours%interp_loc%tab5t(1:nbdim,0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1,1:8) memberinall2 = & parcours%interp_loc%memberinall2(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) sendtoproc1 = & parcours%interp_loc%sendtoproc1(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) recvfromproc1 = & parcours%interp_loc%recvfromproc1(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) sendtoproc2 = & parcours%interp_loc%sendtoproc2(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) recvfromproc2 = & parcours%interp_loc%recvfromproc2(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) find_list_update = .TRUE. Exit Find_loop End Do Find_loop End Subroutine Agrif_Find_list_update Subroutine Agrif_AddTo_list_update(list_update,pttab,petab, & pttab_Child,pttab_Parent,nbdim & ,tab4t,tab5t,memberinall,memberinall2, & sendtoproc1,recvfromproc1,sendtoproc2,recvfromproc2) TYPE(Agrif_List_Interp_Loc), Pointer :: list_update INTEGER :: nbdim INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab,petab,pttab_Child,pttab_Parent INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1,8) :: tab4t INTEGER,DIMENSION(nbdim,0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1,8) :: tab5t LOGICAL,DIMENSION(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) :: memberinall, memberinall2 LOGICAL,DIMENSION(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) :: sendtoproc1, recvfromproc1 LOGICAL,DIMENSION(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1) :: sendtoproc2, recvfromproc2 Type(Agrif_List_Interp_loc), Pointer :: parcours Allocate(parcours) Allocate(parcours%interp_loc) parcours%interp_loc%pttab(1:nbdim) = pttab(1:nbdim) parcours%interp_loc%petab(1:nbdim) = petab(1:nbdim) parcours%interp_loc%pttab_child(1:nbdim) = pttab_child(1:nbdim) parcours%interp_loc%pttab_parent(1:nbdim) = pttab_parent(1:nbdim) Allocate(parcours%interp_loc%tab4t(nbdim,0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1,8)) Allocate(parcours%interp_loc%memberinall(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1)) Allocate(parcours%interp_loc%tab5t(nbdim,0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1,8)) Allocate(parcours%interp_loc%memberinall2(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1)) Allocate(parcours%interp_loc%sendtoproc1(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1)) Allocate(parcours%interp_loc%recvfromproc1(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1)) Allocate(parcours%interp_loc%sendtoproc2(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1)) Allocate(parcours%interp_loc%recvfromproc2(0:Agrif_Nbprocs-1)) parcours%interp_loc%tab4t=tab4t parcours%interp_loc%memberinall=memberinall parcours%interp_loc%tab5t=tab5t parcours%interp_loc%memberinall2=memberinall2 parcours%interp_loc%sendtoproc1=sendtoproc1 parcours%interp_loc%recvfromproc1=recvfromproc1 parcours%interp_loc%sendtoproc2=sendtoproc2 parcours%interp_loc%recvfromproc2=recvfromproc2 parcours%suiv => list_update list_update => parcours End Subroutine Agrif_Addto_list_update #endif C ************************************************************************** CCC Subroutine Agrif_Update_1D_Recursive C ************************************************************************** C Subroutine Agrif_Update_1D_recursive(TypeUpdate,tempP,tempC, & indmin,indmax, & pttab_child,petab_child, & s_child,s_parent, & ds_child,ds_parent,nbdim) C CCC Description: CCC Subroutine to update a 1D grid variable on the parent grid. C CC Method: C C Declarations: C C C Arguments INTEGER :: nbdim INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: TypeUpdate ! TYPE of update (copy or average) INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: indmin,indmax INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: pttab_child,petab_child REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: s_child,s_parent REAL, DIMENSION(nbdim) :: ds_child,ds_parent REAL, DIMENSION(indmin(nbdim):indmax(nbdim)) :: tempP REAL, DIMENSION(pttab_child(nbdim):petab_child(nbdim)) :: tempC INTEGER :: coeffraf,locind_child_left C C Call Agrif_Compute_nbdim_update(s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim),coeffraf,locind_child_left) Call Agrif_UpdateBase(TypeUpdate(1), & tempP(indmin(nbdim):indmax(nbdim)), & tempC(pttab_child(nbdim):petab_child(nbdim)), & indmin(nbdim),indmax(nbdim), & pttab_child(nbdim),petab_child(nbdim), & s_parent(nbdim),s_child(nbdim), & ds_parent(nbdim),ds_child(nbdim), & coeffraf,locind_child_left) C Return C C End Subroutine Agrif_Update_1D_recursive End Module Agrif_Update